Bakery stall. How to open a bread booth? What you need to work

“The main mistake of those who open their own bakery is that they often adhere to the emotional component. We have a special mathematical model that does not fail 90% of the time. "

The first bakery "Khlebnichnaya" was opened in January 2016 on the street. Blucher. Today the chain consists of 14 retail outlets that operate in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. The company plans to launch a bakery in Perm by the end of January.

Good deed

Before, together with a partner to develop the network of bakeries "", supplied equipment to retail chains all around Russia. However, due to changes in the market, the business had to be abandoned. “The retail market was changing, retailers were getting smaller, local chains were slowly leaving the market,” says Mr. Kazakov. In fact, there is still an opportunity to work with only two well-known networks, and it is practically impossible to make money on such a market. "

As a result, it was decided to leave the trade in equipment and choose a new direction. As Ilya Kazakov says, one of the main criteria for the future business was that it should not correspond to the B2B model, but to the B2C model, that is, it was consumer-oriented:

“The essence of my past business was that at first the owner bears all the costs, supplies and installs the equipment, and the receipt of the settlement under the contract is postponed to later, this is a normal practice of working with networks.

Making bread is a good thing. It’s not selling vodka, not lending money at 1000%. From a moral point of view, this is one of the nicest businesses. In addition, almost everyone eats baked goods: grandmothers, the middle class, and rich people, which means that the sales market is large. In general, the bread market is now in a very interesting state: we are moving away from centralized supplies of bread, as it was in Soviet times, and we come to the market for fresh, hot consumption ”.

Ilya Kazakov admits that one cannot become rich selling bread, but it is a business that can slowly make a profit every day, regardless of the weather in the yard and various crises that are so popular with us now.

In fact, making money on buns that cost 20 rubles is difficult. At the same time, the feeling that many have now decided to open bakeries does not leave, for people this business seems simple and easy. But this is not so, I think most of them work to zero.

Pure mathematics

When the business first started, the founders of the bakery chain proceeded from pure mathematics, they calculated everything. Even now, when opening new points, the owners in no way rely on their own feelings, but are guided exclusively by mathematical modeling.

The main mistake of those who open their own bakery is that they often adhere to the emotional component. That is, people see that there are bakeries everywhere, they think that flour is cheap, that they will bake a loaf and get rich. In fact, it’s not like that. This hard work which starts from the moment when you don't have any bakery. Thanks to our mathematical model, we can calculate how much we will sell, even before we open. In this case, in about 90% of cases, we are right, - says Mr. Kazakov.

The operational director of the Khlebnichnaya chain of bakeries says that it has become especially popular to open bakeries since about 2014. Today, on request, the “bakery” DublGIS issues 441 organizations. In the first place is the federal chain Khlebnitsa from Izhevsk, which has 16 outlets in Yekaterinburg, in the second - Khlebnichnaya with 14 bakeries, and European Bakery closes the top three with eight branches in the city.

There is competition in our market, as elsewhere. Nowadays there is really a certain fashion for bakeries, plus people have a need to buy not only traditional bread, which is on the shelves in supermarkets, but also fresh baked goods. There are large network players on the Yekaterinburg market that are actively launching franchised bakeries. Do not forget that some supermarkets also sell fresh baked goods, although some of them use semi-finished products.

The business model, when the bakery operates on semi-finished products, requires less costs, in which case you need to purchase less equipment. This system is how "" works. ... Ilya Kazakov believes that now it is more difficult for bakeries that operate on semi-finished products to compete in the market, since supermarkets use the same model:

We had a Pekara chain from Omsk in our city, they used freezing, and eventually closed. Many discounters and gas station network, the departments "Fresh bread" appear there. And here, I must say, they are not lying, the product is really fresh, the only question is in the production technology and composition. And, if a bakery operates on semi-finished products, how can it compete with a supermarket?

That is why Khlebnichnaya immediately decided that they would knead the dough, bake the rolls and bread themselves, right on the spot.

To develop a recipe, it was necessary to change six technologists: one "put" the bread, the other - the dough for the pies. Today, some breads in the bakery are prepared for days:

There are leavens that should be infused for 24 hours. For example, a sourdough for a French baguette is grown for 24 hours. And we follow this technology, this is our advantage. The same goes for fillings. If we have a lingonberry pie, then we buy frozen lingonberries and put berries in the filling, not jam. In a puff with an apple, we have slices of real apple, and not a cheap Chinese jam, and in a tangerine pie (it is seasonal) - tangerines. Quality is essential for bakeries, as well as good location.

Bakery economics

There are a lot of franchises on the bakery market, and it is easy to find information on the Internet about how much it costs to start a given business. Some say that it is enough to invest 1.5 million rubles. in the opening of one point, others say that two, and still others argue that it will take at least 3 million rubles.

Ilya Kazakov says that, as in any business, when opening a bakery, you can go to two extremes: arrange everything as economically as possible, buy cheap equipment, but then this will affect the quality of baked goods. The second option is to install the most expensive and high-quality equipment, invest millions in renovating the premises, but burn out due to insufficient profit:

We needed 2.5 million rubles to open the first store, today we spend about that much on launching the next point of sale... The payback period is a year and a half, - says Ilya Kazakov. - Our colleagues in the shop say that they can open a sales outlet for 1.5 million rubles, but, as you understand, there are very few miracles in our world. Of course, you can supply a oven for 50 thousand rubles, or you can supply a convection oven for 200-300 thousand rubles.

According to Peter Schneider, about a million is required for the purchase of equipment - this is the largest part of the cost, another 700-800 thousand need to be allocated for the renovation of the premises, plus the purchase of raw materials, inventory and the formation of a staff. At the same time, it makes no sense to stop at the opening of one shop: as for any business, the rule of scale applies to bakeries: the more points, the higher the profit.

The cheapest bread at Khlebnichnaya costs 22 rubles. for a loaf of 300 g, medium bread price category- 30 rubles. for 300 g, special bread - 40-50 rubles. for a roll. The main profit in the bakery is formed by rolls, pies and pies with filling. Ilya Kazakov's partner Peter Schneider says:

Bread has always been a social product, and this is a position where you can't make much money, the price is low and the profitability is low. The business is built on pies, pies and other baked goods. Easter cakes became the most profitable product last year. The bakers baked them all night, and by 11 am the shelves were already empty, ”he adds.

Franchise is not for everyone

After a year and a half of work, Khlebnichnaya became ready for franchise development; in December 2017, the chain owners began to process applications. However, entrepreneurs have a non-standard approach to selling a franchise, for example, they are not ready to share outlets in Yekaterinburg:

We have about 40 requests for a franchise from different cities of Russia, as well as from Belarus and Kazakhstan. We are ready to share our experience, but not in Yekaterinburg. We have to be honest: if a person is going to open Khlebnichnaya in our city, then we will compete with him, which means that we will inevitably face a conflict of interests. Unfortunately, even in Yekaterinburg, there are many companies that agree on places for their franchisees that are doomed to failure in advance. It is enough to look at the street on March 8. And we want people to earn money.

In order to understand how to open a bread kiosk or store, you need to carefully plan all subsequent actions. With the right goals and objectives, the stall will consistently bring good profit.

After all, bread is a product that is always in demand.

Before, you need to study the future product, get acquainted with possible suppliers and competitors, find out the list of required documents. Perhaps, when planning this business, associates or assistants will be needed.

Choosing the right place to trade

As a rule, a bakery stall should be located in a crowded place. Usually, there is more than one such kiosk in every residential area. Therefore, for these purposes, it is recommended to contact the city or market administration to inquire about the possibility of putting up your own stall. Places in the markets, close to bus stops, are the best for such a business.

The opinions of entrepreneurs on whether to buy or rent a tent differ significantly. Some believe that it is more profitable to buy out the stall, and then equip it at will. Others think that it is better to rent premises for sale.

In any case, the store must comply with all sanitary standards and regulations. After all, the sale food products, to which bread belongs, obliges entrepreneurs to follow all the rules.

The advantage of the stall will be a bright sign that will attract customers. Also appearance the kiosk must instill confidence in consumers.

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Cooperation with suppliers

It is necessary to collect all data on bread producers or wholesalers. It is recommended to work directly with the manufacturer. After all, the mark-up on the goods in this case can be done more than when working with resellers.

The supplier must have a good reputation. This also applies to reviews of work with other stores. But first of all, profitable cooperation in the sale of bread distinguishes good quality goods. No wonder you can find in the vicinity whole line shops selling bread. But there is a long line in one tent, and no one in the other.

So high quality bread, its pleasant taste sometimes play a decisive role in the development of business. Having bought a product once at a kiosk, the buyer will either come back and bring his acquaintances with him, or he will go to competitors.

It is profitable to work with bakeries and large factories, because They will arrange the delivery of the goods themselves. The task of the store is to order the desired assortment.

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Store organization

Store registration takes a special position in business development. It is required to collect a lot of papers, documents for. Registration of your individual entrepreneur, documentary permission from Rospotrebnadzor, conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, medical clearance staff - this is the basic documentation that is required in order to open your tent.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the assortment of goods. It is recommended to conduct monitoring of the products sold once every 1-2 months. You need to buy a variety of goods - from classic bread to various buns, baguettes, pies, lavash, etc.

Shop sellers should be friendly. Employees need to study the assortment well. To quickly navigate the product and offer something new.

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Financial component

The main financial expenses for a bread shop are spent on purchasing a kiosk. Buying a stall will cost an entrepreneur from 150 thousand rubles. If the store is rented, then the prices will also depend on the region or locality.

Equipment for a tent costs about 20 thousand rubles. Bread display cases, cash register equipment and much more are needed for a thriving store.

Buying bread is also worth it financial expenses... In a month it can be about 25 thousand rubles. It should be remembered that the mark-up on grain products in Russia is not large, no more than 30%, since the state maintains strict control over pricing.

Registration of all documents and coordination with higher services requires some costs. You also need to consider the cost of the store for the salaries of employees.

Bread is the main food product of the population of our country. That is why the bakery business is always profitable and strives for development. The question of how to open a bread kiosk or a small shop selling bread will not present any particular difficulty. The success of this idea will bring a thorough preparation and consideration of all the positive and negative stages and nuances of this business.

Activity plan

From the very beginning entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a bread kiosk.

For this you need:

  1. by registering, obtain the status of an entrepreneur;
  2. obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. issue a lease agreement for the land where the kiosk will be installed;
  4. buy and register cash register.

The assortment of bakery products and the appearance of the bakery are important details when opening a retail outlet, which must be thought out in advance. In order to open a kiosk for the sale of bread, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment for use. Showcases should be open, ventilated, because bread is perishable.

Own equipment

If you want to open a kiosk, and not just sell bread, but also bake yourself, then it is advisable to immediately purchase a small-sized oven and scales. It is advisable to create a life support system and connect an alarm. It is advisable to purchase and sell bakery products in sealed sealed packaging. It protects the product from premature deterioration. Before buying a stall, you should make sure that it complies with the SES standards.

Be prepared that it can take a lot of time to set up and open a bread kiosk. The administration issues a permit in the presence of photographs of the site, a topographic map, with the obligatory indication of the exact location of the land plot (it can be done independently in some cases), give strong arguments to explain the purpose of using the territory. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will not be allowed to open the kiosk.

Dealing with suppliers and personnel

Due to the short terms of sale of bakery products, it is desirable that the supplier is local. To facilitate the adjustment of the assortment of purchased goods, it is worth keeping records of the products sold. Over time, this will help eliminate the least profitable baked goods.
Related products are needed at any point of sale. In the case of a bread stall, these can be various buns with and without burgers, muffins, bagels, cookies, pita bread, etc.

It is necessary to establish a daily delivery of goods, because bread and bakery products quickly lose marketable condition... Regular deliveries will significantly refresh the assortment and attract customers.

Ideally, it is best to partner with major manufacturers... They have regular daily deliveries of fresh produce, different systems discounts and payment deferrals, which can be useful for a novice entrepreneur who decided to open a kiosk selling bakery products.

Qualified personnel, meeting the requirements, who know how to work with people - this is also one of the steps to a successful business. It is important to remember that food products are sold at the outlet, therefore the availability sanitary book from the seller - a must!

Pros and cons of the grain business

Having decided to open a bread kiosk, an entrepreneur must also foresee the negative aspects of this type of activity. This is very high competition and government regulation prices for this type of product. It is necessary to count only on the maximum turnover.

Having prepared Required documents Having decided on the location of the kiosk, finding suppliers and sellers, you can safely go to the financial cost of the issue.

Let's make calculations before opening a point of sale:

  • the cost of the kiosk will be approximately 200 thousand rubles;
  • registration of land for rent will cost 500 rubles. for each month;
  • equipping a retail outlet with equipment will cost about 20 thousand rubles;
  • the seller's salary will be at least 7 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - from 30,000 for 1000 pieces;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurship from 20 thousand rubles:
  • licensing - from 20 thousand rubles.

To summarize our calculations: for the implementation of the bakery business, it is necessary to spend from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

Difference: 2016-03-22 17:10:02 and 2018-06-05 13:27:20 = 2 + 13

March 22, 2016 5:10 p.m. Is it profitable to bake and sell bread today? This is the new issue of the program "Vesti. Agribusiness "dated March 20, 2016.

6.728 million tons of bread and bakery products are produced in Russia annually. Volume retail market is estimated at 570 billion rubles.

However, today the commercial fervor of bakers is increasingly cooling retail.

Nikolay Chubenko, Chief Technologist, FGBNU Research Institute bakery industry: “They set conditions for the bakery:“ If you want to supply us bread, give us two types of bread at reduced prices: the sliced ​​loaf and the Darnitskiy bread, the recipe for which I once invented, by the way, and the rest as you want. ” And they are forced to do this. "

This is a golden loaf "Nareznaya" that is familiar to Russian consumers. Its price on the counter includes: bakers' costs, logistics and trade margins. And the purchase prices are much lower than the cost price. The production cost is 11.14 rubles, purchase prices are 8.35 rubles. Unprofitable bakery production - 2.79 rubles from each loaf.

Here is the cost structure. Almost half (45%) are engaged in raw materials: flour, sugar, butter, yeast. The next item of expenses is depreciation of equipment and logistics costs (35%). 15% is the salary of the personnel serving the bakery, and only 5% is the salary of bakers, the cost of labor of those who bake bread every day.
It is possible to reduce costs only by changing technology and logistics, but not quality. The margin on bad bread will quickly turn sour.

Sergei Kosyak, director of the bakery (Zelenograd): “If you take bad flour, good flour, i.e. not stable quality, then the line cannot be debugged, it can work well for an hour, then everything will collapse, turn sour, the loaf will go spots, and the quality will be simply disgusting. The line will have to be stopped. "

Meanwhile, they started talking about the quality of flour at the beginning of 2016. A draft change to the GOST of bakery products was proposed, in which the use of feed grains in the production of flour would be permissible. Today the bakery industry of the country uses grade 3 grain with an allowable addition of 20% of grade 4 grain raw materials. The objectives of the initiative are to reduce the cost of bread and expand the market. However, not all experts believe that a profitable dough can be kneaded with this solution.

Valery Cheshinsky, President of the Russian Union of the Bakery Industry: “Feed wheat is unacceptable for baking! Such things can be performed by some mini mills that are not controlled by anyone. "

It is possible to “nahimichit” delicious bread from low-quality flour only with the help of imported, so-called bread improvers: gluten additives, enzymes, bleaches, preservatives. Legalized samples of bread with a complex chemical structure are already on store shelves. However, the import business is unlikely to rise today. The price hikes in the grain market have already severely shaken the profitability of the bakery industry a year and a half ago, but today the price growth has stabilized.

At the Zelenogradsk bakery plant, 200 grain tons leave the conveyor every day, 20% of them will be highly profitable. There is a secret business ingredient.

Sergey Kosyak, director of the bakery (Zelenograd): “We have reoriented ourselves to the production of complex bakery products. We bought lines and equipment that allow us to produce small-piece products in a mechanized way. "

Experienced manufacturers also know that in the bakery business there is a permanent formula: to save money, you have to spend. And so they did at the large Voronezh bakery: they installed a new production line, worth 1 million €.

Thus, we have increased the range of products. 40 tons of bakery products are baked here a day. Due to the large volumes, bread goes to shelves with a profit for bakers, low, but stable, 3-4%.

Oleg Omelchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the grain company: “We have the opportunity to balance the cost, increase profitability due to the cyclical nature of the process, since this cycle includes a full cycle of grain storage and grain processing”.

Stabilization and effective development bakery industry begin in a difficult era: the production balance is constantly changing. Food wheat prices did not change significantly over the year. So, in March 2015, the average price of 3 grade wheat grain amounted to 10,791 rubles, in September 2015 - 9,870 rubles, in January 2016 the average price of 3 grade wheat grain was 10,378 rubles.
But for rye - the basis of bakery, and the so-called black bread - in the past year prices have risen by almost 30%. So, in March 2015, the average price for rye grain amounted to 7200 rubles, in September 2015 - 7206 rubles, in January 2016 the average price for rye grain was already 9305 rubles.

However, the reaction of both small and large producers is the same: to leave high-quality Russian bread on the market at any cost.

Bread is the main food product of the population of our country.

That is why the bakery business is always profitable and strives for development. The question of how to open a bread kiosk or a small shop selling bread will not present any particular difficulty. The success of this idea will bring a thorough preparation and consideration of all the positive and negative stages and nuances of this business.

Activity plan

From the very beginning of a business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a bread kiosk.

For this you need:

  1. by registering, obtain the status of an entrepreneur;
  2. obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. issue a lease agreement for the land where the kiosk will be installed;
  4. buy and register a cash register.

The assortment of bakery products and the appearance of the bakery are important details when opening a retail outlet, which must be thought out in advance. In order to open a kiosk for the sale of bread, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment for use. Showcases should be open, ventilated, because bread is perishable.

Own equipment

If you want to open a kiosk, and not just sell bread, but also bake yourself, then it is advisable to immediately purchase a small-sized oven and scales. It is advisable to create a life support system and connect an alarm. It is advisable to purchase and sell bakery products in sealed sealed packaging. It protects the product from premature deterioration. Before buying a stall, you should make sure that it complies with the SES standards.

Be prepared that it can take a lot of time to set up and open a bread kiosk. The administration issues a permit in the presence of photographs of the site, a topographic map, with the obligatory indication of the exact location of the land plot (it can be done independently in some cases), give strong arguments to explain the purpose of using the territory.

Otherwise, the entrepreneur will not be allowed to open the kiosk.

Dealing with suppliers and personnel

Due to the short terms of sale of bakery products, it is desirable that the supplier is local. To facilitate the adjustment of the assortment of purchased goods, it is worth keeping records of the products sold. Over time, this will help eliminate the least profitable baked goods.
Related products are needed at any point of sale. In the case of a bread stall, these can be various buns with and without burgers, muffins, bagels, cookies, pita bread, etc.

It is necessary to establish a daily delivery of goods, because bread and bakery products quickly lose their presentation. Regular deliveries will significantly refresh the assortment and attract customers.

Ideally, it is best to partner with large manufacturers. They have streamlined daily deliveries of fresh produce, different systems of discounts and payment deferrals, which can be useful to a novice entrepreneur who decides to open a kiosk selling bakery products.

Qualified personnel, meeting the requirements, who know how to work with people - this is also one of the steps to a successful business. It is important to remember that food products are sold at the outlet, so the seller must have a health book!

Pros and cons of the grain business

Having decided to open a bread kiosk, an entrepreneur must also foresee the negative aspects of this type of activity. This is very high competition and state regulation of prices for this type of product. It is necessary to count only on the maximum turnover.

Having prepared the necessary documents, having decided on the location of the kiosk, finding suppliers and sellers, you can safely move on to the financial cost of the issue.

Let's make calculations before opening a point of sale:

  • the cost of the kiosk will be approximately 200 thousand rubles;
  • registration of land for rent will cost 500 rubles. for each month;
  • equipping a retail outlet with equipment will cost about 20 thousand rubles;
  • the seller's salary will be at least 7 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - from 30,000 for 1000 pieces;
  • registration of individual entrepreneurship from 20 thousand rubles:
  • licensing - from 20 thousand rubles.

To summarize our calculations: for the implementation of the bakery business, it is necessary to spend from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

So what does it take to open a small bread kiosk?

First, it is necessary to register as an entrepreneur and obtain a document from Rospotrebnadzor certifying that the kiosk meets the sanitary requirements. You should also conclude an agreement for the lease of a kiosk or for lease of land for it. After that, you should purchase a cash register, which will need to be registered in the future.

After receiving all the documentation, you should start purchasing the equipment. The most important thing is to purchase ventilated showcases, because baked goods are perishable. If you plan to engage not only in sales, but also in baking, then at least you will also need a scale and a small oven.

To keep the product fresh for a longer time, it should be sold in sealed packaging.

The next step is to hire qualified personnel who meet all the requirements. The main one is that your future employee has a health book. he will have to work with food products.

As for the range of products, you can sell not only bread and loaves, but also various pies, burgers, muffins, pita breads, bagels, pretzels and so on.

You should also conclude an agreement with suppliers that the products will be delivered to your kiosk every day, since bread and bakery products lose their presentation the next day, which means that deliveries must be regular.

In the first months of work, you should pay attention to what products are in the greatest demand, and thus abandon those types of products that bring the least profit.

But, in order for the success of your business to be justified, you should draw up a competent business plan for a bread kiosk.

Below are some examples ready plans that you can download and study to eventually compose your own.

An example of organizing a stationary (non-mobile) stall - in this example, you can glean information on how to analyze the current market, what documents need to be drawn up for this business, what equipment should be purchased for the effective operation of a bread stall. Also in the example there is financial plan, which substantiates the main items of expenditure and sources of income.

An example of opening a kiosk for aspiring entrepreneurs - a distinctive feature of this example is that all its sections are described and explained in detail. A business is organized as a partnership of several people. Like many other examples, this contains the rationale for production and trade, the financial part with simple calculations, the narrative and marketing parts.

Bakery products Are some of the most desirable types of food that will be in demand. Baking - has always been and remains - one of the most profitable and stable types of business.

The profitability, depending on the baked goods, can be 10%, and sometimes more than 50 percent.

Download bakery business plan

The main advantage of the bakery is its freshness and delivery in small portions. On freshly baked bagels and morning coffee, a businessman can make a profit equal to 3,000 conventional units per month.

The tendencies and traditions of making bread over the past 5 years have changed significantly, if earlier the usual, classic type of bakery products were produced in bakeries, now, more and more often, bakers come to new solutions and varieties.

Stage 1. Premises

A well-chosen room and location must comply with the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological service. An important nuance is the distinction between the so-called dirty and clean technological processes.

So, for example, if you build a bakery in full compliance with the rules and regulations, then a bakery with a capacity of 4 tons of products per shift, then its area will be 900 square meters. Although it is reasonable to assume that its placement could take much less space and money.

According to experts, with a production capacity of 1 ton of products, a space of only 200 square meters will be enough for a bakery.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to buy or build the area, or, if you pay rent for it, discuss possible options to buy it out.

The cost of an arena of 200 square meters is between 500 and 3,000 conventional units. The cost becomes higher if the bakery is located in the city center, therefore, based on the lease, it is better to locate the bakery outside the city.

Stage 2. Agreements

The main documents permitting to engage in baking will be the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service for production. After receiving the coveted permission, you can proceed to the trial baking process, and obtain a sales permit - the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service for the products.

The next document you need is a certificate of conformity. It is obtained from the federal agency for technical regulation and metrology. Then we receive certificates from the fire inspectorate and the environmental service.

After carrying out all the necessary examinations, receiving all permits you can deal directly with the manufacture of products and their sale to the population.

Stage 3. Equipment

In most cases, in the absence of large financial resources, bakeries begin their work with domestic equipment. However, if there is Money you can buy imported.

As some bakery equipment salespeople say: "Oftentimes, their owners deliberately resort to manual labor, which helps to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment."

Equipment you need for a mini-bakery:

  • Bake;
  • Dough machine (dough mixer);
  • Proofing cabinet;

The purchase of all equipment will amount to 25,000 conventional units.

In addition to the main equipment, it is necessary vehicle, for the delivery of products. If the production volumes are not large, then you can hire an employee with your own car, or you can conclude a contract with a trucking company, or buy a new car of your own.

Stage 4. Raw materials and assortment

Baking 1 ton of bakery products during one shift will require approximately 650 kilograms of flour. With the price of flour at 9 rubles per 1 kilogram, we get what we need for baking - 5850 rubles.

Newly opened bakeries have a small assortment, usually 4-5 types of products. However, it is worth thinking about the assortment at the early stages in order to successfully take your place in the market.

Download bakery business plan

Stage 5. Personnel

As a rule, specialists are engaged in the installation of equipment. And they, for a certain fee, are able to make the first test baking, as well as give several lessons to employees and even teach them how to bake.

The recruitment of personnel should be conditioned by the production schedule, depending on the number of shifts, there should be a certain number of employees. If the bakery will bake in 2 shifts, then 4 people will be needed, 2 in each shift.

For the stable operation of the bakery, the following personnel will be needed:

  • Driver (courier);
  • Accounting officer (s);
  • Managers;
  • Bakers;
  • Other;

Most of the population prefers fresh bread!

A bakery as a business is an opportunity to realize its most daring ideas, so the question arises, how to open your own production, is it profitable or not to bake and sell bread yourself?

The production of bread and bakery products is a process that will always find its consumer. How many famous sayings are devoted to this very hearty and tasty product! People living in the space of the former Soviet Union, they eat absolutely everything with bread - it is both tastier and more satisfying.

Fresh bread in big city today it is quite difficult to find. Most people are used to purchasing this product in supermarkets, where its quality does not always match necessary requirements... There is no need to talk about the variety of pastries in such stores - you are unlikely to find a fresh, still warm bun that you can please your family with.

The bakery can be found in almost every large city and even a small village. Large enterprises cover a vast territory, therefore it is much more difficult for them to comply with all the preferences of their consumers - here the emphasis is on mass production and providing all categories of citizens with bread that is in demand.

At the same time, the profitability is obvious - private production and reaching a smaller number of people will help satisfy the needs of almost everyone, while providing the consumer with the right to choose from enough large assortment... Your own bakery can be a real gift for both a small village and a large city, where people have long missed fresh baked goods.

Relevance and prospects

A bakery is a multifaceted process that requires detailed market research and good advertising. If the quality of your product is high, and the location of the store is convenient, the consumer himself will make good advertising- information will be passed by word of mouth, and a casual passer-by will not be able to pass by.

Mini-production is profitable because it is much easier for it to adapt to the immediate wishes of customers and to rebuild its equipment. Baking bread can be just the beginning for a big business - a store should not be limited to just this product.

Assortment will become the key to successful trade. Each person wants to pamper himself not only with simple bread, suitable for any dish, but also with original pastries, dietary products and confectionery... In this case, the amount of baked product will depend on the demand.

The bread business will be successful if you have chosen the right room not only for cooking, but also for the sale of the product, provided it necessary equipment and raw materials, and, of course, found a baker who can be considered a master of his craft.

A creative approach does not hurt - experiment, add something of your own to production, and very soon your brand will become recognizable, and the production of products will reach a new level.

You can download it for free as a sample.

Start-up capital and documents

The bread baking business requires initial investment- you will have to fork out for rent of premises, purchase of equipment, salaries of employees. All costs will depend on what scale of production you plan. For a small bakery, three hundred thousand rubles can often be enough, but with increased volumes, the amount can grow several times.

On the initial stage it is important to understand the calculations related to the opening of production. Home-based business will require a much lower amount than a full-fledged bakery. The costs for the year will be divided into the following categories:

You can register as individual entrepreneur and open your business on simplified terms, or you can expand your opportunities and create a limited liability company. Planning and spending are not much different, but each type has its own characteristics:

  1. An individual entrepreneur is legally responsible for the activities of the enterprise, and in the case of high costs and low profitability, the bakery business will suffer serious financial losses. If the business is profitable, the project pays off.
  2. Registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur takes place without the intervention of lawyers in a short time, and a limited liability company assumes the services of a lawyer.
  3. as an individual entrepreneur is much cheaper at the stage of registration and registration of a legal entity.
  4. It is much easier to bake yeast-free bread and any other products and sell it with registration as an LLC. So you can easily change the field of activity, practically without limiting your possibilities.
  5. Bakery products produced under the registration of LLC will receive more interest from partners.

So it is much easier for a businessman to deal with the design and, if desired, liquidate the business.


It is important to collect the following papers:

  • Documents confirming the passage of the examination and establishing compliance with sanitary standards.
  • A certificate of conformity allowing the sale of home-made bakery products.
  • Documents received from the fire inspectorate on the fire safety of premises.
  • Permits for the supply and sale of raw materials, products, bread machines, large production equipment.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents immediately after paying the rent, as this will reduce the time before the opening of the project and will allow you to implement your ideas as soon as possible.

Choice of direction

In order to determine the type of activity and correctly calculate your strength, you need to take care of the direction in which your company will operate in advance.

Today a mini-bakery - the best option if only because large enterprises have long occupied the niche of such trade. If you have low costs, you can take the business to a larger scale, but for this you need to develop a project in detail.

If there is a large-scale production of a product in the city, and your plans include analog baking, you are unlikely to quickly make a good profit and be able to take a client away. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the project, reduce the cost of goods and salaries employees.

One of the most popular destinations is a mini-bakery, which produces unique products that are very different from those produced by a large brand. For example, baked goods do not have to be sweet - many people use cheese, garlic, and even meat products.

The best option would be to combine a bakery with a cafe or restaurant. fast food where customers can not only buy fresh buns, but also enjoy them in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the menu should include a full lunch for all categories of consumers, including for small children. Don't forget about dietary products.


It's quite difficult to start even a mini-bakery from scratch, since absolutely everything will have to be done from scratch - to look for a suitable room in size, make repairs in it, carry out the necessary communications and connect equipment.

It is not profitable to set up a small production in a large room - if you have a lot of unused space, you will simply spend additional money for rent. The room must be suitable in size and type.

At the same time, it is worth thinking about household places where employees can spend personal time at lunch, as well as a locker room and a bathroom, in which all communications for washing hands and hair cleaning will be carried out.

From a small room, you can make a sale through a small window or a mini-hallway - this way you will save space, but you will be able to perform all the functions of the organization, comfortably serving customers. The small oven project does not require a lot of space, but the Russian oven bread and the tandoor bread provide separate production rooms.

High-quality equipment, just like a good room, is the key to the success of your organization. You can buy it gradually as needed and possible, or you can buy everything at once. The small bakery project assumes the following positions:

Item name approximate cost
1. Bake 800,000 rubles
2. Dough mixer 280,000 rubles
3. Flour sifter 20,000 rubles
4. Pastry table 4000 rubles
5. Electromixer 4000 rubles
6. Proofing equipment 55,000 rubles
7. Dough rolling machine 40,000 rubles
8. Hood 20,000 rubles
9. Blender 3000 rubles
10. Electric stove 20,000 rubles
Total: 1,246,000 rubles

It is not recommended to purchase equipment of low quality, as it endangers not only the product, but also fire safety... In addition to the above, you will have to purchase additional furniture, showcases and cash registers for the sale of products.

Video: how to open a bakery - step by step instructions.


The employees of the bakery and the adjacent store are people who will provide the consumer with a tasty and high-quality product, as well as politely serve at the time of purchase. At the same time, each employee should know his business well so that there will be no misunderstandings in the future. Pay attention to education, work experience and the presence of a health book.

Note! Specialists are not allowed to work without a valid health book.

Among key employees, which should be in every bakery, the following positions should be present:

  1. Production technologist.
  2. Cleaning woman.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Bakers.
  5. Loader.
  6. Packer (optional).
  7. Driver.
  8. Salesman.

The payback directly depends on both the production technology and the type of products manufactured by a particular enterprise. At the same time, you should not save on advertising and equipment - these are the factors that guarantee you a profit in a short time. The calculation of the payback must be done in advance so as not to lose money, for this it is recommended to hire a qualified specialist.