I want to be a supplier. New Suppliers

Hello ladies and gentlemen, with you again Dimka

And, as I promised, this is my new article on making money on YouTube. Today we will consider a fairly profitable, but not a permanent way to earn money. Although, if you have a wish And head on shoulders then I think you have the brains to make money out of nothing on an ongoing basis. In this way I have earned 35000 per week and I receive 100 - 500 rubles per day. Full profit at the end.

I should note that all the methods described by me are absolutely legal and do not violate the laws / conditions of the partner media network

In my articles, as always, there will be a lot BUCKAFOK__0)))000" And " water"

Same way I ask moderators do not change the article , but leave it as it is at the time of writing, to save author's thought And convey it to readers. I hope for your understanding. Thanks.

And whoever uses my signature chips, know that a separate cauldron has been prepared for you in Hell

All the most important things to focus on are highlighted in bold

We begin!

I want you to make the most of your own opportunities. I want you to back yourself into a corner. Leave yourself no other choice - only success. Let the mere thought of failure seem so disgusting to you that you have no other options but success.

k / f "The Wolf of Wall Street"

For profit we need:

Affiliate from AIR(Below I will explain why exactly it is and how to get more than you could)
- New Youtube channel
- A wish earn
- Ability to monitor world events


Stage 1. Preparation

At this stage we create a new channel for yourself and start it little by little unwind. Pour something sane, and do not associate the channel's theme with games, since the cost per 1000 impressions will be lower.

Quote: TupoyShkolnik99

Dimka, but I can’t shoot anything except letsplays

Quote: SexyDimka19cm

Good, but the profit will be less than three times

1. Upload videos. The better they are, the greater the chances of success and further development channel. (I mean not the quality of the picture, but the quality of the content). Upload, for example, a video a day

2. We wind up views and subscribers. 10 subscribers per day will be enough. And so on up to 150-300 subscribers. 2000 views, I think, is also enough. Just do not make it so that one video has 2000, and the rest have 2-3 views. For example, upload 20 videos and get 100 views for each. And you don’t have to turn all the subscribers on the same day. In the early days, do not twist at all, then 1-2 per day, then 5, and then 10.

3. We connect the affiliate program AIR. I know their site doesn't look as colorful as the WSP affiliate, but AIR is way better than the others for our method. First, AIR enters in the top 20 affiliate programs in the world! And secondly, they pay $1 to $25 depending on the topic of the channel and traffic. In my case they pay $7-15 per 1000 impressions. Others partnership programs, at least with whom I worked, the iron pay $ 1-3. But you can use whichever you want, but I recommend this one!

Why this particular partner?

If your video is copied (And it is 100% copied), then you will still receive money, even though the video is on the channel of another person. I know it's not entirely clear now, but after reading to the end you will understand everything.

About the connection

All channels will be checked and statistics will be viewed! So turn carefully! How to do this described above

Stage 2. Monitor events in the world

The main thing here patience. We follow the news, read, watch TV, listen to the radio. A little something happened - run to the computer and start rummaging the Internet. Search everything: photos, latest news, video recordings.

Let me tell you my story to make it clearer:

Dimka's story!

It happened a few weeks ago. (The article was written in early August, but published only now) During the 2014 World Cup. It was the last match of Russia. They played, if I'm not mistaken, with Algeria. I was well aware that Russia was unlikely to be able to drag it in and therefore I didn’t watch the broadcast at all, I only occasionally glanced at the Yandex account and read the text broadcast (Yes, yes, there are such). The last minutes passed. I finally realized that Russia would go home and closed all tabs related to football. I open VK and start updating the news feed. She was full of pictures like "And an unusual plane pilot is flying to Moscow" and a photo-toad where the coach of the Russian team and Akinfeev are sitting.

And then I notice a very unusual post, which contained something like this: "Did you notice that Akinfeev was blinded by a laser pointer?" I was very interested in this news and I began to read the comments. The majority agreed with the author and angry comments began to pour in the direction of the opposing team. "Interesting" - I thought. I started looking for videos. To my surprise, I couldn't find the video anywhere. Not on YouTube, not on VK, not on Yandex. I read the comments on that post. And here are the photos! I remember that I have an affiliate program on my channel, there is no video on YouTube yet, which means that since I upload the record first, it is mine. Realizing that you can make a lot of money on this, I begin to monitor the comments. Opened 20 tabs. And lo! HERE IS THE FISH OF MY DREAMS, HERE IT IS! Akinfeev was dazzled with a laser pointer during the 2014 World Cup! POINT! YEEES! I download the video and immediately upload it to my channel. Filled. I drive in the search for YouTube, iiii yeah! I uploaded the video first, so it's mine, beechez! So I get money! In less than five minutes, such videos began to appear! And they were all downloaded from my channel! And these videos also began to receive views. Well, bitches, I won't give up on you without a fight! I opened addmefast and began to spin likes. My video has hit the top. It was the first. Views flew at the speed of light. I refreshed the page every 5 seconds and each time 20-40 views were added and this is in 5 seconds! There were already 300 views for a minute and YouTube did not update further because it began to check for "black cheat" methods. It was already night and I decided to go to bed. I woke up, the video already has 50,000 views. And it's about $100

Remember I said that AIR is needed?

They immediately sent me emails stating that my video was copied and offered 2 solutions:

First way: Delete all videos (And there were a lot of them, on pages 10 in the first day!)

Second way: Don't delete any videos, but all income from other channels will go to me.

I weighed everything, analyzed it and came to the conclusion that there are already views on other videos! Yes, and other sites 100% posted the video on their own, so I chose the second path and for good reason. In total, there were about 1,000,000 commercial reproductions

Stage 3. Getting a profit

This is izi. Choose a payment method, fill in the details. We order payments. They send us a contract. We print out pieces of paper, put our clumsy signature in the form of a tick or a cross, scan to electronic form, send back. Everything. Money is being transferred to us, we confirm that we have received it and Donate to Warface . Profit!

Tips and Conclusions

Quote: TupoyShkolnik99

Nuuuu, Dimka, it's necessary to follow the events on the Internet, nuuuu. I do not want and I will not!

Quote: SexyDimka19cm

Do you want money?

Quote: TupoyShkolnik99

I want money, but I don't want to do anything for it!

So here are examples of events that happened recently and on which you could make some money:

Boeing that was shot down in Ukraine
- Tourists fight in the hotel
- Events in Ukraine

As you can see, making money is easy, there is a desire - you will be the first, and you will be the first - you will get a profit.

Even if you are late and many have copied the video - download and mirror horizontally in the editor, slow down, speed up, overlay transitions, cut, and a unique video will also come out of this, which will also bring profit. Just do not post the events of a week ago - it will not work, because there will already be a lot of such videos.

How much I got on the way:

Total earned: approx. 73,000 rubles + passive income
Passive income 3 weeks ago: 500-300 rubles per day
Current passive income: 100-200 rubles per day

Why are there no proofs?

As you understand, everything turned out spontaneously and I did not prepare a special channel, so the video is posted on a personal channel. But I'm not going to shoot him. Yes, and you will not find it, because this video has already been copied hundreds of times on different channels MUHAHAHAHA. Therefore, in order to remain incognito, there will be no statistics or screenshots, otherwise everyone will burn out that I am filming Dotka 2 guides. Personal Area AIR was made recently, after I uploaded a video. The only thing I can provide as evidence is the transfer report. Money, but here the whole problem is that I did not transfer to VM or other payment systems, but to a Sberbank card. So I don’t know if this transfer will be reflected in my personal account. In any case, follow the comments - if it works, I will definitely post the screenshots in the comments.

UPD from 02/09/14: The personal account has been fixed, so here are the proofs for you

And finally:

Thanks to everyone who read my article from beginning to end, respect and respect, health, happiness and good luck to you

If you liked the article, then put " Thumbs up"If you want to see more articles like this. A " + "to a reputation in general makes me beat for hours in euphoria. Therefore, I hope you will do right choice

And now a bun for everyone who will be my referral: I promise to tell personal way earnings on the same affiliate program on a liability. Profit per day reaches 500 rubles. I will not merge the method into the public, since at the moment this method is the main source of income. It's completely legal, don't worry.

If you have any questions regarding the method - write in the comments - I will try to answer everything.

I tried and wrote an article for you Dimka good luck to all and Have a good mood!
Ask all questions in the forum thread. -

Rusbase CEO Maria Podlesnova. The editors of the site endured for a long time, but still decided to collect stories Russian entrepreneurs and representatives of the IT industry, who spoke about their first earnings.

Roman SidorenkoPure

Sevastopol, 1991, I am 13 years old, best friend somewhere I got hold of negatives with pornographic photos, I printed them at home, but I undertook to distribute them. At school, another friend, a couple of years younger, carried printed photos with him, and I arranged to exchange them for valuable artifacts - cigarettes, Turbo inserts, chains, The A-Team stickers, and, well, money. After I received payment, the buyer received photos from a younger friend. multilevel security.

Business flourished, I became the most powerful person in the school. A few weeks later, one of the losers, who did not have artifacts to exchange, complained about me, an almost excellent student and favorite of the teaching staff, a Russian language teacher. Upon learning of this, I immediately went to my mother to confess in order to reduce the degree of scandal that could erupt right in the teacher's room, because my mother worked at the same school as a music teacher.

Parents immediately demanded a supply of photographs. Having bought time by getting them from a hiding place outside the apartment, I was able to sort: oral play and group scenes were ruthlessly thrown away so as not to shock parents, leaving only hairy pussy - there were no others in those days.

The younger friend got burned on stupidity, hiding a small part of the collection. A few months later, on another family holiday, his parents decided to show the guests a diplomat that was intended as a gift for his son for a successful graduation. school year. A friend, of course, did not find anything better than to hide photos in it.

He did not come to school for another week after this incident, and he never admitted to me what exactly his punishment was.

German KlimenkoMediametrics and Liveinternet, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation

From the fifth grade I solved math tests for 15 kopecks.

In the eighth grade, for several months (then the applicants ran out) I earned dimensionless tic-tac-toe. The occupied cells were considered, and this was a win in kopecks.

Evgeny GordeevRussian Ventures

I earned my first money by creating an advertisement for plastic windows in the Extra-M newspaper. After spending about two months, I received $350 for a 10x15 cm model, although we initially agreed on $500. It was 1996, and a year later I was already into websites.

Mikhail Vinogradov"Taxilet"

My brother and I drew a poster "No smoking, a fine of 100 rubles", hung it in the country, at the entrance to the site. After about forty minutes, a neighbor fell into the trap - Uncle Valera. He was a good man, and he reacted to the administrative penalty with enthusiasm.

100 rubles was quite a significant loot. Then there was not much to spend on, and it seems to me that it was the same banknote that I had preserved. Grandfather was the second to run into a fine, but he was released in peace because of the administrative resource - dad stood up for him and heaped on us for illegal business activities.

Sergei BaryshnikovBigpicture.com

He earned his first money on Novy Arbat in a tent near Melodiya, selling cassettes with Mirage and Shufutinsky. I worked for three days and thought that I was fabulously rich, until the owner of the tent came and did an inventory, after which I worked for another month for free.

Daniil PavlyuchkovMailburn

I made my first money selling caps and Magic: The Gathering cards at school that I won in tournaments.

There is also the first adult work, in Casa Spb, I began to buy an Internet separate from my parents. In those days, these were still modem cards, as I remember now, Russia OnLine, 50 hours from free internet from two in the morning to eight in the morning.

And then there is the first IT salary, I bought a bed at Ikea with it. It was one of my best purchases ever.

Andrey GrigorievGetShopApp

I earned my first money at about 6-8 years old (I don’t remember how long ago). There was a fire hydrant next to the house. Now for some reason they were dismantled everywhere in Moscow. Around this hydrant, all the children of our one-entrance house organized a car wash.

When the driver drove up, we all the kids attacked the car. I washed wheels and rims because I was the smallest and earned the least. But somehow he persuaded a passing cyclist to wash his bike and even sneakers in one person.

I don’t remember what the price was for the sink, but in two days of work I earned a block of Turbo chewing gum. In principle, only the purchase of the coveted block motivated me to work then.

Maria PodlesnovaRusbase

I received my first money as a grant from the city EARLY (or what they used to be called?) for the fact that in the 9th grade (not without the help of a teacher) I wrote and defended a work in English about the causes of tolerance (attention!) of the Belarusian people. Won first place.

The meaning of the work was that on the territory of modern Belarus in its entire history it was known maximum amount various religions accepted by the people, and as a "result" - the people got used to it and became the most tolerant in the world.

Now it sounds both funny and naive, and I definitely won’t be able to repeat the same thing in English. As a result, I received at that time (as I remember now) 18 thousand Belarusian rubles and spent them on the Venus razor (well, I really wanted it for myself). True, at home I disappointed my parents by the fact that with the first money I “did not even buy a chocolate bar for the family.” I was ashamed. But I was with a razor.

Alexey ByrdinCEO of the Internet Video Association

I was 14 years old. At the entrance to the Pushkin Museum (GMII) I sold deluxe editions of the collected works of A. S. Pushkin - as I remember now, 55 (thousand?) Rubles, of which 5 (thousand?) were mine.

Mostly foreigners bought, so English from the special school greatly contributed.

Stanislav Sazhin"Doctor at work"

He delivered mail, and with the proceeds he bought chewing gum Love is.

Vitaly RyzhkovPICR

I earned my first money at the age of 13. At that time I lived in Baku and studied in the seventh grade. Studying was easy for me, but I hated school as much as I could. Perhaps partly from the fact that he was one of the oldest in the class, and constantly blamed my mother for sending me to study a year later, justifying this by saying that she wanted me to rest more.

From about the age of eight, every summer I went for a whole day with my father to the carpentry shop, where he worked with his brothers. There I enjoyed spending time, helping in any way I could, and also played with puppies and kittens. The next summer, when I was 13 years old, I used to spend time in the workshop, where I was very interested in woodcarving, which was very popular in Azerbaijan. Everything that is made of wood must be covered with carvings, otherwise nothing.

A local guy in his 30s, named Eldar, agreed to take me as a student for the whole summer, and from the beginning of the summer he began to exploit child labor, forcing me to do dirty work instead of teaching something. He explained this to me by the fact that in the beginning I must learn to “skin”, and everything else later.

Almost all summer I "skinned" and peeped at how it works. At the end of the summer, an acquaintance of our family, Andrei, who also did carpentry, asked me if I wanted to try my hand as a carver for one of his orders and suggested that I come to check it out.

Surprisingly, I passed the test, although I had zero experience. Received an order worth $300 and set to work. It was 95 years old. I finished the order pretty quickly, in less than three weeks. I earned money, but I did not have time to see them. Andrei carefully handed them over to my father, who "unfastened" me $20. I wanted more, but even $20 was a lot of money at the time.

Konstantin Sinyushinthe untitled venture company

Since about 1980, my classmate and I “repeatedly, as part of an organized group, bought up and then sold for profit” second-hand books.

You will laugh, but it was especially good to make money if you bought the complete works of V. I. Lenin for 10 rubles in some orthodox family of indigenous communists and handed it over to the store for 100 rubles.

Danil KhasanshinDigital Director at Hearst Shkulev Media

In 2000, I entered the institute, learned how to search for information on the Internet. I learned about the classifieds market in the “From hand to hand” format. We thought with friends how to combine it, and began to serve paid ads in the newspaper: "Search for information on the Internet."

The market turned out to be so good that it made it possible to maintain (experiment) your own web design studio (rent and paid and quite expensive Internet at that time).

What we did. We drove into the search the query that customers requested from us, and printed the landing pages from the search results.

Yaroslav AndreevElfStore

I was 5-6 years old. We lived in a hostel. Then the ultimate dream of any child was the game of Tetris. So my parents gave me this toy for some holiday. When I myself played enough of it, I began to rent out Tetris to the neighborhood kids. The payment was sweets, batteries (there were no batteries then, and everything worked on batteries), and, of course, money.

Later, at the age of 8, the guys and I were washing cars at garages, and at the age of 9 I was selling newspapers near the subway. A tray with newspapers stood at the exit of the metro, but I bought several newspapers and began to sell them a little more expensive, but at the entrance to the metro. For trade in newspapers, by the way, got me and my parents. Then it was called "speculation". Therefore, the newspaper "business" did not last very long, but it was very profitable.

I spent the first money on imported chocolates: Mars, Snickers and M&M's.

Yuri FedoseevDaOffice

Approximately in the 6th-7th grade, I bought round plastic badges with Cheburashka for 15 kopecks at the Soyuzpechat kiosk, took out Cheburashka from there and inserted pictures of Modern Talking, sold it to girls at school for 3 rubles. Margin 1900%.

Evgeny Cheskidov

If you do not take into account all sorts of one-time earnings “I dug up a plot for a neighbor - I got money for a chocolate bar”, then I earned the first serious money at the age of 14.

At that time I strongly dreamed about my computer (I was already tired of begging for computer time from friends), even an average Pentium III configuration cost about three average salaries in the city, so, of course, I could only dream.

At school, before going on vacation, they said that those who are 14 years old can go to the local house management, there are vacancies for schoolchildren, they will be issued part-time according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. I was the only one from the entire school.

They gave me a brand new gas trimmer and said "you will be a lawn mower." In the morning they gave out 10 liters of gasoline and named the streets where the grass needed to be cut. Salary 1720 rubles, as I remember now. Not so chocolatey. But the buzz was that they controlled only the execution of the work, and no one demanded to hand over the trimmer at the end of the day to the warehouse. At the same time, KPIs were set sparingly, you can do everything in half a day.

On the first day, I came to the store manager at noon to say that I had done everything. He’s like this to me: “What are you doing, go shack somewhere, just don’t ***** [steal] gasoline from the warehouse.” Then, in one minute, an epiphany came and a business model was born.

I had “almost my own” trimmer and a lot of free time. I bought a fishing line, a can of gasoline, oil for my own money. I pasted several ads around the city "mowing grass inexpensively." And he began to wait.

The demand for the service exceeded all my expectations. It turned out that in our poor provincial town a lot of uncles wanted to have a beautiful and trimmed lawn in their richly furnished dachas. At the same time, they paid without skimping on money, left for a tip, many started heartfelt conversations, said something like “well done, kid, I also plowed at school, there wasn’t enough for grub, and now I’ve risen” (this was the motivation for 80 level).

Almost every evening I had somewhere to go with my petrol friend. And almost every evening, going home late at night with a trimmer at the ready and with a five-pointer in my pocket, I felt like an oligarch who could afford everything.

At the end of the summer, I bought an almost top-end Pentium IV configuration. He quit, handed over his gold-bearing trimmer to the warehouse manager and thanked him with cigarettes and cognac. And in work book now flaunts the first entry "accepted to the position of cleaner of the territory."

Dmitry Gordeev

I earned my first money when I was about 10-12 years old, I don’t remember exactly - my father hired me for his production, where I worked on the manufacture of plaster moldings. I did this intermittently until the age of 17, until I entered the university.

The last similar project I worked on was stucco molding for the restored Kazan City Hall. All stucco on the facade and in the interiors, including the most difficult to manufacture fluted columns with entasis and the coat of arms, is our work. I'm still very proud of her!

I spent the money on a HP hx4700 PDA, a Canon DSLR, lenses and a monthly trip Kazan-Prague-Barcelona-Paris-Kazan in a Niva car.

Pyotr TatishchevEcamb

It seems to me that I earned the first money by lessons. in English. In the 9th grade. And, even before that, we created a company that developed programs for BC computers, printed 10 shares and sold them to relatives. So I made an IPO even before I earned the first money. In my opinion, now any startup dreams of it.

Alexey AmetovLook At Media

I earned my first money at the age of 12-13, delivering invitations to some elections in 1996. Then I tried to hand over waste paper and non-ferrous metal, unload trucks, wash cars and much more of varying degrees of legality. But most of all I liked getting royalties from the newspaper. For the first time it happened in 98, I was 14 years old.

Dmitry KhomakLurkmore

I received my first money, as it is now fashionable to write, at the age of 17, for helping to open a gaming (not gambling!) club on Yugo-Zapadnaya and for participating in organizing a Quake championship dedicated to the opening of this very club.

The club was either the fourth or the fifth place in Moscow where you could go in and cut yourself into - no, not Contra, but Quake. First and second. There were "Orks", there was this one, like him, on Kursk. There was also some kind of “Pervoklub”, quite legendary, which I did not get to. Nirvana and everything else was strong later.

In the meantime - a club on the South-West. 1998 August. I was paid some money that turned to dust at default. We spent them on beer, which we drank with my classmates from Lyubertsy, on Panka's platform, among the garages. Everything has risen in price, but the booze has not yet. With other money I was lucky and lucky about the same.

Nikolai Kononov"Company's secret"

I made my first money selling popsicles - with a hell of a margin, on the sidewalk, insolently, next to the kiosk where we bought a box of this ice cream, at 68 Prospekt Mira. The ideologists were Russian scouts Nikolai Epple and Roman Kuzmin.

Kirill Zabelin stood on the nix and during the invasion of the bandits after the replica "Call the thug!" I had to rush to the subway and call the police. And I yelled "delicious ice cream" and pestered passers-by. We bought everything in an hour - obviously out of sympathy.

We threw out the box, got into a trolley bus and went to the sports store on Alekseevskaya for the most fashionable backpacks. Some Soviet factory was rebuilt under capitalism and produced hybrids with straps, like an army duffel bag, while the backpacks themselves were concisely black, had one chrome buckle. I pinned a Nirvana patch on mine, a rare one from Germany, then fought an urla with it, and one day I accidentally knocked the perfume inside. 1994 Russian scouts punked.

Askar Rakhimberdiev"My Warehouse"

Despite the fact that at school I was a nerd and a geek, I earned my first money quite early. In 1989, a fair format appeared in Moscow - during the event, you could come to a special site and sell any garbage for free in any free stall (you didn’t have to pay any taxes).

At that time, a lot of extra guppies divorced in my aquarium. I planted them in a liter jar and went to the fair in southern Medvedkovo. In my opinion, I sold everyone and at the age of 13 earned about two rubles.

As a normal geek, I bought something like the “Ham Radio Handbook” and the most fashionable field-effect transistors on them (then it was still quite far from computers). There will be no conclusions - the next first money I earned only at the age of 18 in the editorial office of Kommersant, but that was a completely different story.

Yuri SynodovRoem.ru

I earned my first money on the production of high-tech products with a huge added value - soldering RCA cables from a kit. How much the kit cost, I guessed (it was sold by weight), how much I got - I knew how much the cable cost - I saw in tents.

Mikhail LisnyakZenRus

Everyone writes, and I will write. I earned my first money (as much as 10 rubles) in the 90th year, acting in the extras of Yeralash. Somewhere here at the beginning - he was sitting on the fence. A piece with a falling grid with eggs was filmed in five takes. The eggs were not changed.