Nice commentary on a photo. Comments on photos on Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki! Alternative Approach: Merciless Provocation

Today I present to you new selection, which will contain cool comments to photos in contact. Oddly enough, but some users of the social network Vkontakte also need such information, and since my blog is designed to help the inhabitants of Vkontakte, :) I selected the most normal, adequate and funny comments. Which can be placed under the photo you like or leave a sarcastic review under the photo of a friend. Everyone will find a comment for themselves. :)

Photo Comments

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, and it seems that your soul is beautiful!

My dear, if half the globe looked like you, then the entire male gender would become pederasts!

Ah ah ah! Have you decided to seduce the entire male half of the contact))?

Expressive eyes...sensual lips...curly general, extremely attractive!

Well ... again I dripped Claudia with saliva!

Parents should erect a monument during their lifetime for your such beauty!

Nice photo, but ... the topic of SISEKS is not disclosed!

I'll tell you straight - wow! Sorry for being rude, but it's hard to control yourself!

Do you have such an intellectual look after yesterday?)

Beauty will save the world!!! And looking at you, I'm sure it's true!

Angelina Jolie Nervously Smokes Away From Start!

If you found this article helpful or enjoyable, don't forget to put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Even if you got rid of the bad habit of starting correspondence with “hello, how are you” and deftly knows how to scribble openers in private, use every opportunity to shoot a girl with charm, intelligence and charisma. Commenting on photos is one way to pump up the muscles of the brain and personal pickup skills. The right comment can move you towards your intended goal faster than the most virtuoso correspondence. So…

Dating site selection

Eternal classic: a comment in the form of a compliment

“I will praise my enemies and they will become my friends, I will praise my friends and they will become my brothers,” said Og Mandino, an American writer and sales guru. The fact is that people like to be praised, and complimenting always evokes pleasant emotions. Such is human nature.

Nature is kind, and the girls are now picky. Unless you're Javier Bardem or someone like him, don't even try to leave a mark on the history of her photos with the usual "sexy", "beauty", "cute", "cute", "cute", "space" and "fly away". Approach commenting on photos of beautiful girls on a dating site with the diligence of an applicant preparing a dissertation. However, nothing extraordinary needs to be done. Just find a couple of minutes of time and move the convolutions. And, yes, study the comments of competitors in order, firstly, not to repeat yourself and, secondly, to stand out from the crowd.

A graceful wrist, an attractive ankle, an unusual manicure or good taste in choosing a dress can become a subject of frantic admiration. If you can’t find a nuance in the photo, write a compliment, as they say, in general. In order not to come out corny, use “strong” words: “You look very sexy”, “What a cheeky look”, “Sincere and deep girl”.

As for copy-paste, a clumsy but honestly thought-up comment always outperforms even beautiful, but hackneyed templates. Nevertheless, I would venture to offer a couple of elegant blanks - not for the sake of copy-paste, but for inspiration.

  • “I have to call the police. You stole my heart."
  • "Excuse me, what modeling agency do you represent?"
  • “Looking at you, I am convinced that nature is the best artist and sculptor.”
  • "It's so nice to discover naturalness in this artificial world."
  • "There are things you can look at forever - fire, water and your smile."
  • “You seem fragile and defenseless, but at heart you are a strong woman. I'm right?".
  • “It’s good that she wasn’t born in the Middle Ages - they would have been burned at the stake for beauty.”

A compliment is an art that combines sincerity, observation and intelligence. The ability to make compliments betrays an intelligent and well-mannered person. And, they say, this type of men is back in fashion. However, the “growling Neanderthal” trend has not yet come out of it, so…

Alternative Approach: Merciless Provocation

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of the "savage" strategy. Especially if the girl is that little thing that you can’t break through with a beautiful word about real or imaginary virtues. The tactic of outrageous behavior works well with the "invincible" - at least more effective than romantic serenades by moonlight. Her, batting her curled eyelashes, sipping pina colada, and browsing through a thousand posts with black and white photographs and thoughtful quotations, can be penetrated by merciless nonconformism. Here are examples.

  • “They say it’s not boobs that make a girl beautiful… But no, boobs, that’s right.”
  • "Why so tense? I know a good way to relax."
  • “With such luxurious forms, you can do without content.”
  • "The perfect combination of impeccable appearance and depraved nature."
  • “The waist, of course, is aspen, but the chest is a hundred pounds fake. Or does it seem to me?
  • “You speak English and Italian, but what about the language in French?”.
  • “Pretty woman, we bet for a hundred, I will invite you to spend the night, and you will refuse.”

And here she is sitting all so cool, reading snotty breaths, cultivating her self-esteem, and here you are. You descend from heaven to earth. You put it in the knee-elbow position. And instead of the nightingale trills “you can move mountains for the sake of such a girl”, you give a weighty slap on a delicious ass. Modern woman We need a brutal man, not a hipster. However, it doesn't work with everyone. There are subtle and spiritual natures, who do not think about the knee-elbow position, but read the classics.

Through the lips of the great: when in the head - roll a ball

It happens that in the head - peace and quiet, and the girl needs to be picked up so that they are not taken away. Nothing better than a capacious quote, where beautiful words are burdened with a deep philosophical meaning, has not yet been invented for online seduction. Drop in the comments to the photo one of these (or find another).

  • "Genius of pure beauty" (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).
  • "Strength conquers strength, beauty conquers all" (Lope de Vega).
  • « Beautiful woman cannot have flaws" (Friedrich Schiller).
  • « Beautiful face is a silent recommendation” (Francis Bacon).
  • “This is her custom: beauty is always right” (Babur Zahir ad-din Muhammad).

Thus, in writing comments on photographs, you can go at least three ways - politely give a compliment, cheekily pry, or use the help of the classics. Choose a springboard for training on the page - and improve the epistolary style, with which you can significantly reduce the financial investment in picking up a girl. good word worth nothing, but highly valued. Good luck!

You can learn how to meet girls at.

Under the photo any beautiful girl there are always a lot of enthusiastic comments on social networks. Guys and adult men especially try to convey their admiration. Pleasant words sometimes confuse and surprise, but do not leave indifferent. But what if natural modesty or imagination do not allow you to leave a chic comment under the photo you like?

Our big selection offers a wide variety of comments under the girl's photo for use. None of them will go unnoticed. And some will be able to hook so that they will not let her forget about you for a long time. A successful comment on a photo of a girl is a great chance to continue communicating with her in the future. Then her sweet smile will delight you more often. After all, it is impossible not to smile when flattering words are addressed to you!


You have every photo - a demonstration of model data and a charming smile! Do not take your eyes off, do not take your legs away!

You know how to surprise! On each new photo you get better.

So cute... This look suits you, although everyone else is amazing too!

Gorgeous! A combination of elegance and shocking.

Very good) For the sake of such a smile, I would give a lot.

Charm! Does your mother need a son-in-law? Or are you a fan? I will rate every photo of you as a five.

Just super beautiful! Delight for the eyes, joy for us, an irritant for the envious.

To be so beautiful is dangerous for the health... of men.

To cheer up, just look at your photo.

It's a crime to have such a smile and not show it all the time! Fix each photo.

What eyes! What a figure! Goddesses nervously smoke on Olympus, jealous of your beauty.

I am always excited when I look at your photos. You are perfect!

Girlfriend, if I were a man, I would fall in love with one hundred percent! You are amazing in every way.

From your charms, even photographs are extraordinary, as if they were taken by a brilliant photographer.

You get better with every frame. Do you want to become a photo model?))

It's so nice to see you grow up and get prettier every year. Or rather, with each photo!

You don't have any interesting photo. On each you are special, but everywhere you are stunningly beautiful!

Oceans are spilled in your extraordinary eyes. In this photo, they are raging and beckoning brave swimmers to try their hand at hurdling!

Watching you even from photographs is my most enjoyable pastime. Please me more often))

From your beauty, the heart beats loudly and goes to the heels, and the butterflies in the stomach just arrange ritual flights, going crazy from the signals of my brain))

Do you have at least one photo where you are not so beautiful? If you say yes, I still won't believe it.

It seems to me that you are wonderful no matter what you are wearing and in what environment you are!

It's a beautiful place where you are. Decorate reality. Keep up this good deed.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy your beauty))

God with unheard-of generosity endowed you with all the best external data. Be proud, appreciate yourself))

I saw them shine gems- your radiance is a hundred times brighter!

The magnetism of this photo is so strong that I'm ready to rush and cuddle up to you right now!

Your beauty is hellish and heavenly at the same time. You are a sinful Eve and a passionate devil. In your eyes, fire and ice will not share the leadership.

From such an appetizing crumb, drool drips onto the keyboard, and the monitor sweats with lust))

Beautiful commentary on a photo of a girl

I want to be in the same frame with you. You decorate everything and everyone around you.

Let's take a photo together? So that I can boast later that I have a photo with a future star!

You are so unusual and beautiful in this photo that I want to call you “goddess”.

This photo just begs to be framed and on the wall for daily admiring))

I'll copy your photo, can I?! I want to see your smile from the screen of my monitor all the time ...

Has someone already told you that your photography is art? I'm sure that's the way it is.

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to meet often, but thanks to social networks we can share beautiful and interesting moments of life by photo. Photo comments are very popular and can convey the mood of those in the frame or elevate it to those looking at the photo.
A successful comment is better than any compliment and the most wonderful assessment of the photographer and those who got into the lens. We will help you find the right words for the most impressive shots!

The photo does not convey how amazing you look in real life! But thanks to her I can see you more often))

Your photo cheers me up and gives me the opportunity to admire you when I want to.

You do not change, but you change every photo of yourself for the better! Just super!

A combination of charm and photogenic! This frame is fantastic!

You know how to surprise! Each frame strikes with vitality and charm. Your appearance is a magnet for any lens.

Stop, a moment, you're great! Thank you for delighting the eyes with such a frame!

Such a great moment captured! Well done for trying to keep the best memories in the frames.

Glad to see you. You are changing for the better. Are you getting younger? Will you share a secret?

This photo can decorate exhibitions. Very emotional and impressive.

Here you are all so interesting and real - a frame taken from life for the bright memory of the best moments!

It's nice to see that you live well) The photo managed to convey your good mood and lift it to me.

Ah, what a photo! Athletes will envy your figure, and the best fashion designers will envy your suit!

We do not know you personally, but in these beautiful eyes I managed to see a crystal clear soul and true charm!

Your smile is like a magnet. I want to look at her, not looking up, all day long!

This photo is a work of art... Beautiful background, beautiful surroundings, and you are a real miracle!

What an appearance! You will charm everyone, starting with me!

The more I look at this photo, the more I fall in love... with your beautiful watch!

Take pictures more often, because looking at your profile and full face is so nice!

What a sweet face of an intelligent person! The sparkle of the eyes is visible even in the photo. The nobility of the devil is amazing! You probably act in films?

Your photo evokes in me a real storm of emotions, the main of which is sincere admiration!

When I look at your photo, I remember everything beautiful that is in the world - the shining sun and the restless sea, the sparkle of stars and stormy waterfalls. So you inspire me with your attractive image!

Beautiful photo comments

Post photos and get beautiful comments to strive to be photographed more often and remain unforgettable

Bravo to the photographer! Captured and saved a wonderful shot. I like how everything turned out.

This photo just glows, you can see your energy is as good as your appearance.

A contented appearance is the product of a prosperous life. I rejoice and smile with you)

I look at you and enjoy what I see. You are awesome!

Take pictures more often, you look great in the photo. I want to see you in reality soon))

You don't have a single boring photo. You are just a godsend for a good shot!

You are the most beautiful of all, without exaggeration and filters!

Your photo radiates warmth and looks like it was taken by the best photographer at the most opportune moment.

When you look at this photo, you want to be there and immediately. To experience the wonderful moments of life together.

You radiate light and success. Can't take your eyes off!

Here is the frame! Just a masterpiece of photography! You pose cooler than all the models and look at the level.

* * *

Super. Such moments should not just be photographed, but framed and hung on the wall for everyone to see!

There is nothing more precious than memories. Your staff is the main contribution to them!

You can look at your photo for hours without stopping. It's good that there is an opportunity to see your life at least through the prism of the lens.

A handsome man, radiating success and kindness.

Nice to see you happy and satisfied. You are wonderful together and separately!

The camera definitely loves you)) You always look great in the photo!

You look great in this outfit. Very impressive and unusual!

You obviously have the makings of a photo model)) You look natural and great in any setting!

We are selling original scripts holidays at low prices from 99 rubles. In our online store you will find complete holiday SHOW programs and mini-sketches, or competitions that can diversify a large scenario.

The most popular sections of our store:

  • New Year- scripts for New Year's corporate parties and performances for children, as well as short scenes and musical fairy tales-alterations by roles. We pay special attention to the preparation of scenarios with the symbols of the year according to the Eastern calendar. For example, 2021 will be the year of the White Metal Ox. And we are already preparing a lot and farewell to the Rat - the symbol of the outgoing year. For children, we compose interactive New Year's theatrical performances with the participation of Bulls and Cows. Our materials can be used in the recreation center, at the Christmas tree, cafe, school, at work in the office, at home. A novelty on our site - New Year's quests for an exciting search for gifts.

  • Anniversaries and birthdays - perhaps the largest section of our site. Here we have compiled a collection of detailed celebration scenarios for anniversaries, as well as comic dramatizations in verse and prose for congratulations from guests with and without dressing up. Among the scenes there are from one person and several, from colleagues, relatives, children, friends. Also for the hero of the day we write ditties and congratulations to order.

  • A wedding is a very bright event in life, so the preparation of a wedding celebration should take place according to a beautiful and original plan. We write long entertainment programs with congratulations for the newlyweds, joke scenes from the guests, humorous tales of love by roles, and we also remake the lyrics to the motives you have chosen. Such a program turns out to be original, unique, and if the script is written to order, then it is also very individual.

  • March 8 is the day when men congratulate women with funny scenes and prepare a corporate party according to our scenarios, including various jokes, dressing up, funny parodies, jokes, gentle romantic poems for ladies. Get fresh material from us and surprise your fair sex colleagues! Example:

  • February 23 - a page with scenarios for the strong half of humanity - our dear men, in connection with the Defender of the Fatherland Day. To help the presenters are offered fresh humorous skits, complete programs corporate party with cool numbers. The best:

  • May 9 - soulful concerts for schoolchildren and adults on Victory Day. In connection with the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory, thematic programs for congratulating veterans, performances for adults and children, containing fresh poems by contemporary authors touching to tears, mini-performances, the best and rare songs of the war years. Example:

  • Graduation and last bell is a favorite category of our visitors involved in the preparation of graduation celebrations in schools and kindergartens. We offer not only detailed scenarios, but also comic mini-scenes, cool songs-alterations to modern tunes, for example: Svetlana Loboda (Superstar) and Tim Belorussky (Forget-Me-Not) - breaking all records in popularity.

  • September 1 - a section with festive performances for the day of knowledge, for the opening of the solemn line, with congratulations and parting words for first graders, teachers and children of other classes. The section is filled with comic mini-sketches for school.

  • Mother's Day - a special catalog of scripts for performances, skits and congratulatory programs for our beloved mothers, dear grandmothers, to alleviate the fate of the presenters and save their time.

  • Teacher's Day - scenarios with congratulations and sketches from students, warm words of gratitude to teachers, respect and recognition of the great profession - a teacher!

  • Day of the Elderly - new programs for recreation centers, rural and urban leisure clubs, school theater, performances for preschool educational institutions, with wishes to grandparents for good health, with soulful songs, comic scenes and ditties!
  • We also have scripts for other holidays: Valentine's Day, child protection, professional holidays (builder's day, trade day, doctor's day, driver's day, etc.). A wide variety of activities and plays for the school theater: for summer camp, at KVN, scenarios for sports events, for the day of health, on the topics of traffic rules, healthy lifestyles, environmental protection.
    We did not ignore the preparation for Easter, Maslenitsa, the day of family, love, and fidelity, the day of Russia.

    To help the hosts of the holidays, we develop ready-made scenarios with a selection of music tracks that contain alterations, skits and impromptu fairy tales, comic horoscopes, a variety of contests, games, quizzes with questions and answers. Especially such programs are popular in the New Year, for birthdays and anniversaries, at weddings.

    If you do not find a suitable script or sketch in our store, then do not rush to leave. We will definitely help you and write the material to order in a short time. To contact us, you can use the form feedback website or write to email: ORDER@website.