Electronic money and its importance. Electronic money

I think that the materials of this section about electronic wallets, electronic money and electronic payment systems are of interest to those who came to the Internet to make money.

Accordingly, on the Internet, we earn exactly electronic (virtual) money, and then, if necessary, we turn it into real money.

And answer the question "Why do we need an electronic wallet and electronic money" can be quite simple - just listing great amount goods and services that can be bought with electronic money.

But the point is not even in specific things that can be bought with electronic money, but in whether you understand enough the importance of electronic money in general.

Either you are learning to master electronic money today, and tomorrow you already own this mechanism, or you quickly and hopelessly lose all the levers of managing your Internet business and miss all the opportunities to direct work with money for your own good.

Electronic money is a business and modern approach.

Whatever you do in e-commerce, it can be creating websites, providing some services, for example, setting up a blog, it can be network business, holding webinars, coaching, online shopping, etc., without electronic wallets and electronic money anywhere.

What is electronic money

Electronic money- this is the same money that is on your bank card or in your purse.

Electronic money- you can easily transfer from electronic wallets to bank card and, of course, cash out and, conversely, you can deposit from a bank card to your e-wallet account.

Electronic money- this is the same money, only it is much easier to manipulate them.

And finally, electronic money is just a tool that allows you to save time and that gives you more opportunities to develop your business on the Internet, and not only on the Internet

Of course, no one will abolish regular money anytime soon. But electronic money is becoming more and more an everyday reality for us every day.

Billions of dollars worth of purchases and exchange transactions are made every day, and the inability to use and manage electronic money means missing out on a huge advantage and the huge opportunities that they bring with them.

Until recently, for many people, a bank plastic card was something unusual, and now many commercial resources on the Internet provide the opportunity to pay for purchases with electronic money.

Today, many firms, even in real life also started the practice of e-money settlement. A lot of both online and offline services have appeared that provide opportunities for exchanging various electronic money at a favorable rate.

Even yesterday, if someone even heard about the existence of electronic money, then they were clearly afraid of them. Well, young people grasp everything on the fly and, of course, they immediately picked up convenient way payment for purchases and services with electronic money.

And at the same time, many mature people who have taken place, perhaps out of necessity, even somewhere through force, begin to master the computer from the very beginning. entry level. Why?

Yes, because today, if you do not follow profitable opportunities modern technologies, which, in particular, include electronic money, then tomorrow you will generally fall out of the life stream.

Let's analyze the 7 main reasons why we need electronic money

Electronic money is speed

Payment by electronic money occurs almost instantly. You have logged in to the payment system, pressed the pay button in your e-wallet, entered your password or security code, and that's it... the transfer of electronic money has been completed.

Immediacy and speed in the modern world play a big role. You can't argue with that. For example, you want to buy some kind of training course, and there is a digital version of it. If you make a payment with electronic money, then you immediately get access to it.

Agree that it is very convenient.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is accessibility.

Electronic money is accessibility

The electronic money system with your electronic wallet works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can pay and transfer electronic money at any time of the day or night.

It is also important that you can get access to your electronic wallet wherever there is Internet - whether you are at home or at a party, in a cafe or at work, anywhere. If you have a laptop or mobile phone, which has access to the Internet, then there will be no problems with paying with electronic money at all.

That is, you can manage your electronic money from anywhere in the world.

The next reason to have e-money is that it's a big choice.

Electronic money is a great choice

To date, electronic payment systems are simply a huge number. The absolute leaders in Runet are three payment systems:

  • webmoney,
  • RBK Money and
  • Yandex money.

But in fact electronic payment systems are really a great choice. For example, here are only those payment systems that are officially registered in Central Bank RF as an electronic money transfer operator, i.e. legitimate:

  • Coin.Ru,
  • rbk money,
  • Yandex money
  • Money @ Mail.Ru,
  • single wallet,
  • delta cay,
  • telepay,
  • paypal,
  • payu,
  • money and others

WebMoney still does not have such a status, and QIWI is not a payment NBCO (because it is a bank), therefore it fell out of this list.

And every day there are more and more electronic payment systems. Each electronic payment system, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. You just need to decide which electronic payment system you work with and what is beneficial and convenient for you and your customers.

The next reason for the need to have electronic money is savings.

Electronic money is saving

That is, by using electronic money in your Internet business, you save not only your time but also the money itself. This is due to the fact that the commission for maintaining an electronic wallet, for example, is not taken.

The commission for paying for goods and services, as well as for transfers between electronic payment systems and for withdrawing electronic money, is quite small. Try to make a transfer of ordinary non-electronic money, for example, if you live in Russia, and your client or partner lives in another country. It will be both difficult and expensive.

With the help of electronic money, you will make this transfer not only instantly, but also for minimal commissions. That is a clear saving of both time and your money.

The next reason to have electronic money is security.

Electronic money is security

Electronic money has such a degree of protection that it is impossible to fake it even theoretically, since it is digital money. You can't touch them, you can't put them in your pocket.

Each electronic payment system has its own security system that guarantees the safety of your electronic money. Of course, you will have to take care of the security of your electronic wallets, simply by going through some of the protection procedures that electronic payment systems themselves offer.

In some of the electronic payment systems, this can be linking your wallet to an IP address, somewhere, any operations with electronic money can only be performed using CMS confirmations on your mobile phone. In different electronic payment systems in different ways. And you just have to take advantage of the protection measures built into electronic payment systems.

The next reason to have electronic money is convertibility.

Electronic money is convertibility

That is, you can easily convert one e-money currency to another. Again, savings on fees.

Take, for example, WebMoney. You can create different electronic wallets with different currencies in your WebMoney electronic payment system, which are easy to convert between them.

Let's say you need dollars to pay for a service or product, but you only have rubles. You can instantly make a currency exchange using the WebMoney electronic payment system itself, or use any electronic money exchanger.

At the same time, the commission for conversion will be only about 0.8% - this is the commission of the Webmoney electronic payment system itself. But also try to instantly and profitably exchange currency in any bank ... I doubt that you will succeed as quickly and also economically.

And the last reason for the need to have electronic money is popularity.

Electronic money is popular

It is very rare to find a store on the Internet today that would not accept electronic money for payment.

It is also worth noting that the software for opening an electronic wallet is completely free. In addition, it is adapted for a wide range of people with different levels of training. They are very clear and you can even understand them intuitively.

All you need to open an e-wallet is internet access and some free time.

So, I hope I've convinced you that:

    you must have an electronic wallet and electronic money if you do not already have them, and

    that electronic money is a very fast, very profitable and safe way to pay both on the Internet and in everyday life.

The development of e-commerce and Internet earnings has led to the rapid development of electronic payment systems (EPS), which offer each user " world wide web"use electronic money for certain purposes.

At the moment, there are already several dozen payment systems in Russia alone, and even more in the world. Of course, not all of them are heard. Of course, it will not be possible to cover all EPS, but we will consider the most popular ones.

Payment systems in Russia

There are several leading payment systems in Russia. In every separate case you have to choose according to your needs.
For example, Qiwi is truly a "popular" system and everyone who knows what payment acceptance terminals work with it.
At the same time, WebMoney is used by almost everyone who earns in the Russian-speaking part of the Runet.
Yandex Money and other electronic wallets have their own audience.

You can withdraw electronic money from Qiwi different ways(through instant payment systems, on Bank details or to payment cards), but in most of them you will be charged a certain percentage (commission).
But still there is a way of interest-free and quite convenient withdrawal Money- order a QIWI Visa Plastic plastic card from them, with which it will be possible to pay for purchases both on the Internet and in regular stores, and no commission will be charged for this.

This electronic money does not have such popularity outside the Internet (like Qiwi). Not so many users pay with the help of a communal apartment, but the main part of the money earned in Runet is received and withdrawn from this Internet payment system.

This system attracts by the fact that you can attach a plastic card to your wallet, so that later you can use it to pay in the store and in all other places where MasterCard is accepted. At the same time, the account on the electronic wallet is equated to the balance on the card and no interest is charged for such use of it (the commission is charged only when withdrawing money through an ATM).
A very convenient way to withdraw money earned on the Internet.

The main purpose of electronic money from mail.ru is to make Internet payments, for which the tariffs were optimized - you will not be charged interest for entering and paying for goods in online stores. But for an internal transfer, and even more so for a withdrawal, a commission is provided (withdrawing money into real money through Mail.ru generally turns out to be very unprofitable, compared to other payment systems).

In general, they are ideal for those who use them to pay for games on Mail.ru or any other services, and also receive transfers within the system.

Most recently, Money Mail.ru was swallowed up by the insatiable QIWI.

International payment systems

PayPal is fiat electronic money, unlike many other payment systems. The purpose of creating this system was to ensure the security of payments with a card linked to the account. In this case, you do not burn the card details, and also receive some guarantee from the system regarding the delivery of goods paid through Paypal.

If the product was not delivered or it turned out to be of poor quality, then there is a very real chance of returning the money by opening a dispute (within one and a half months after payment). How to read more on our website.

This system also has its drawbacks, of course. In my opinion, there are very high interest rates for replenishing the wallet (compared to the giants of Runet payments we are used to), but in many cases it still turns out to be more profitable than using some other payment systems or schemes for withdrawing money from the Internet.
How to start, read on our website.

Verification in the system is not required, and you can completely receive, deposit and withdraw money from Perfect Money anonymously. But ... In case of suspicion from the side of the system that you are doing fraudulent activities, your wallet may be blocked.

Read more about on our website.

OKPay, like Payeer or Perfect Money, allows operations to withdraw money from "pyramids" or gambling. True, the limit of payments passing through an unverified account (without verifying your identity) is limited. Just like in Perfect Money, here you are paid as much as 3% for finding money in your account, which is a bit unusual for electronic wallets.

The main use of Payza in Russia and Runet may be to receive Internet money earned abroad, withdraw it or transfer it to another user of this system.

How to start, read on our website.

Everything in this world is constantly changing, and of course money is changing. People are gradually moving to electronic currency. But not everyone knows what electronic money is and how to use it. Many people think that electronic money is ordinary paper money, which is simply used to pay for Internet services. In fact, electronic money is virtual, conditionally invented banknotes that have the power of real paper money.

Where does electronic money come from?
Like any money, electronic money needs to be earned. The Internet is an unlimited source of earning electronic real money. Everyone earns their money in their own way, someone writes articles to order, someone plays poker, someone who sells shampoo or candles, someone plays on the stock exchange.

What can be bought with electronic money?
Almost everything. On the Internet, you can buy a house, an apartment, a car, or just a pack of pasta with home delivery. If we talk about the Russian-language Internet, then we mainly use electronic money to buy electronic equipment, Cell Phones, books, bijouterie and cosmetics. In the west, many people have stopped going to regular shops. Since it is more convenient to buy in virtual stores than in ordinary ones. A person simply goes to the website of the store he needs, looks for required item, compares prices with other stores, and then orders home delivery. Convenience is that, firstly, a person saves his time. For example, a sofa can be chosen in lunch break, after work, by this time, the sofa will have already been delivered to the buyer's home, you can already relax on the new furniture.
Secondly, no one puts pressure on the buyer and does not try to foist goods he does not need. That is, no sales consultant will not get on your nerves with your attempts to sell stale goods. Thirdly, any product, even a handkerchief, can be ordered with home delivery. In the USA, for example, in many electronic stores, delivery within the country is free. In our electronic stores, very expensive. The cost of delivery is made up of the weight of the goods, the commission for work and the distance to the buyer. So, for example, if you buy the cheapest shampoo on OZON.RU for 100 rubles, then its delivery, for example, to Nizhny Novgorod, will cost 250 rubles. That is 2.5 times more expensive than the product itself. Of course, if the owners of online stores do not figure out how to reduce the cost of delivery, then it is unlikely that online shopping will be in great demand in Russia.

How to use electronic money?
There are special computer programs for working with electronic money. The program is very popular in Russia WEB MONEY. The so-called electronic wallet is downloaded from the site of the same name, installed on your home computer, wallets are created in the desired currency (rubles, dollars, euros, etc.), and then you can use your money. The program is easy to use, although it has flaws in terms of money security.

How to convert electronic money into real rubles.
In order to convert electronic currency into paper currency, you need to come to the exchange office with a passport, after sending electronic payment and your secret password to the wallet of the exchange office. At the exchange office, after you show your passport and name your secret password (you come up with this password and only you know it too), the cashier will give you your legal real paper money, only take a commission for services, about 4% of the amount.

Advantages of electronic money.
With electronic money, you can replenish the balance of your cell phone without leaving your home, and without any commission. With electronic money, you can pay for the Internet, utility bills, any goods that are sold in online stores. Electronic money saves time, and sometimes when paying with electronic money, some online stores make discounts.

Economists believe that electronic money is the future. Since they allow you to avoid queues at the bank, at the post office, in the store, and therefore save the most precious thing - our time.

Nowadays, the Internet is a huge world that has unlimited possibilities. With it, you can make purchases without leaving your apartment (workplace). It is more convenient and faster than the traditional method, and often much cheaper. But this requires electronic money.

Electronic money is a virtual monetary unit, through which all kinds of payments are made on the Internet. These are, in fact, the same banknotes that have the same value as real money or funds in bank accounts, with the difference that their entire circulation takes place exclusively on the Internet. Electronic money can be in different currencies, they can be exchanged for real money and vice versa.

Electronic money is a perpetual monetary obligation of a financial and credit institution, expressed in in electronic format certified by electronic digital signature and redeemable at the time of presentation in ordinary money.

Electronic money is a new means of payment that allows you to make payment transactions and does not require access to deposit accounts.

Electronic money - in the broad sense of the word, they are considered as a set of subsystems of cash (issuance is carried out without opening personal accounts) and non-cash money (issuance is carried out with the opening of personal accounts) or as a system of monetary settlements through the use of electronic technology.

Electronic money - in a narrow sense, they represent a subsystem of cash issued into circulation by banks or specialized credit institutions. Here, the main difference is the optional use of a bank account when making a payment, when the operation is carried out from the payer to the recipient without the participation of the bank.

Electronic money is a means of payment that exists exclusively in electronic form, that is, in the form of records in specialized electronic systems. Currently, they are used mainly on the Internet, but can exist outside of it.

Electronic money is issued in the form of rather arbitrary payment units, for example, WMZ or WMR in the WebMoney electronic money system. As a rule, these units are tied to some currency.

Electronic money first appeared in Japan in the late 1980s. At that time, prepaid chip cards of some Japanese telephone, transport and trading companies, they gradually began to be used and accepted by other firms.

In Europe, the first applications of previously paid electronic payment products have been introduced since the early 1990s. They enabled users to store electronic money on cards. New means of payment have attracted attention not only because of their innovative technical qualities, but also because they were not issued by banking institutions. Soon, banks began to implement similar projects.


There are 2 types of electronic money:
1. Electronically issued payment certificates or checks. These certificates have a specific denomination, are stored in encrypted form, and are signed electronic signature issuer. During settlements, certificates are transferred from one system participant to another, while the transfer itself can go beyond the issuer's payment system.
2. Entries on current account member of the system. Settlements are made by writing off a certain number of payment units from one account, and entering them into another account within the payment system of the electronic money issuer. The second type is a fairly accurate analogue of non-cash funds.

From the point of view of the owner of electronic money, both of these types are practically indistinguishable, and are used in approximately the same way. The capabilities of systems built on different principles are also almost identical.


In modern monetary systems, electronic money is fiat money, has a credit basis, performs the functions of a means of payment, circulation, accumulation, and has a guarantee. The basis for issuing electronic money into circulation is cash and non-cash money. Electronic money acts as the issuer's financial obligations when servicing non-cash transactions.

Electronic money is characterized by an internal contradiction: on the one hand, they are a means of payment, on the other hand, the obligation of the issuer, which must be fulfilled in traditional non-electronic money.

Main characteristics of electronic money:
- the monetary value is recorded on an electronic device;
- they can be used for various payments;
- the payment is final.

Unlike conventional non-cash money, electronic money exists only within the issuer's payment system and cannot be transferred to other systems unchanged. This limitation greatly simplifies the creation and maintenance of electronic money systems, which leads to a very large reduction in the cost of transactions, since all transactions occur within the system.


Initially basics legal status and rules for the use of electronic money were enshrined in federal law dated June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "On the national payment system", and later - in regulations Bank of Russia. One of the latest was the Leaflet "On electronic money", approved by the letter of the Bank of Russia dated December 20, 2013 No. 249-T, which was recommended by the mega regulator for study credit organizations and distribution among their customers - individuals.

From a legal point of view, electronic money is an issuer's perpetual monetary obligations to the bearer in electronic form, the issue (issue) of which is carried out by the issuer, both after receiving funds, in an amount not less than the volume of obligations assumed, and in the form of a loan . The circulation of electronic money is carried out by assigning the right of claim to the issuer and gives rise to the obligations of the latter to fulfill monetary obligations in the amount presented by electronic money. Accounting for monetary obligations is carried out in electronic form on a special device.

V economic sense, electronic money is a payment instrument that, depending on the implementation scheme, has the properties of both traditional cash and traditional payment instruments (bank cards, checks, etc.): banking system, with traditional payment instruments - the possibility of making cashless payments through accounts opened with credit institutions.

There is a fundamental difference between electronic money and ordinary non-cash money, it lies in the fact that electronic money is not a substitute for ordinary money, but is a means of payment issued by an organization, while ordinary money (cash or non-cash) is issued by the central government. bank of a particular country. There is no direct relationship between non-cash funds and electronic money.

There is also a fundamental difference between electronic money and credit cards. Electronic money is a completely separate and independent means of payment, and a credit card is just one of the ways to use your bank account, all transactions take place with ordinary money, albeit in a non-cash form.


Just like banks are circulatory system of the economy of any state, electronic payment systems act as a circulatory system and e-commerce is the main, but not the only direction of their use.

Each electronic payment system issues its own electronic money, which can correspond to different real currencies. Different electronic payment systems have different levels of development, different functionality, different coverage networks, different purposes. As a rule, electronic money of one payment system can be exchanged for the currency of another, but not always, in addition, such an operation will require a certain commission. Electronic payment systems earn on commissions that are charged for all transactions with their currency.

As a rule, electronic payment systems issue exactly as much electronic money as there is a need for them, that is, to the extent that users of the system deposit their real money to buy electronic currency. The issuance of electronic money is usually regulated by law, so electronic payment systems that are registered and operate in the territory of a particular country must adhere to these rules. However, often this does not actually happen, since electronic money is very difficult to trace, and the legislation in this area is still imperfect.

There are many electronic payment systems, but when choosing, they are usually guided by two rules: popularity (prevalence) and reliability (degree of protection), and these factors significantly narrow the circle of considered electronic money. It is necessary to choose the most famous payment systems, since it is their currency that is supported by most online stores and sites.

Payment system WebMoney

Webmoney Transfer is the most widespread and reliable Russian electronic payment system for conducting financial transactions in real time, created for users of the Russian-speaking part of the World Wide Web. This is the undisputed leader among payment systems not only in Russia, but also in other CIS countries, and also has a certain circulation around the world. Legally, WebMoney Transfer is not a payment system, since it does not issue electronic money, but the so-called. title units by means of which the transfer of monetary rights of claims is carried out. The company was founded in 1998 and today there are more than 25 million participants in the WebMoney system, while WebMoney wallets are used by more than 35% of Runet users.

Anyone can become a user of the system. The means of payment in the system are title units called WebMoney, or abbreviated as WM. All WM is stored in so-called electronic wallets. In total, the system uses about a dozen electronic currencies (including special credit currencies), among which are the equivalents of the currencies of the CIS countries, world currencies of the dollar and euro, as well as gold.

The most common wallets are of three types:
WMR - ruble wallets;
WMZ - dollar wallets;
WME - euro wallets.

To use the system, a special WebMoney Keeper program is used, which can be downloaded free of charge from the system's website upon registration. The level of protection of transactions is very high, so you can be sure that your money will not disappear anywhere and all transfers will reach their destination. When transferring money, a small commission is charged (0.8% of the transfer amount) in favor of the system.

The WebMoney Transfer payment system allows you to:
- implement financial operations and pay for goods (services) on the Internet;
- pay for services mobile operators, Internet and television providers, pay for a subscription to the media;
- exchange WebMoney title units for other electronic currencies at a favorable rate;
- make payments by e-mail, use a mobile phone as a wallet;
- owners of online stores accept payment for goods on their website.

Payment system Yandex Money

Yandex Money is the second most popular universal payment system on the Russian-speaking Internet. In mid-2002, Paycash entered into an agreement with Yandex, the largest Runet search engine, to launch the Yandex Money project. Currently, the system is not just a combination of reliable PayCash technology and Yandex's multi-million audience, but also a partnership with hundreds of participants. Among the partners are banks, Internet providers, online stores, post office, utility services, other payment systems.

The main features of the Yandex Money payment system:
- pay for services (Internet access, cellular, hosting, apartment, etc.);
- accept payments on your site in more than 20 ways;
- electronic transfers between user accounts;
- buy, sell and exchange electronic currencies;
- transfer funds to a credit or debit card.

The transaction fee is 0.5% for each payment transaction. When withdrawing funds to a bank account or otherwise, the Yandex Money system withholds 3% of the amount of withdrawn funds, in addition, an additional percentage is charged directly by the transfer agent (bank, post office, etc.).

PayPal payment system

PayPal is the most popular electronic money system in the world. More than 110 million users around the world trust PayPal and use its services in thousands of online stores.

Of paramount importance in choosing PayPal is its globality. With the help of this payment system, you can make exciting shopping in online stores in the United States or China, while being a resident of Russia, Belarus or another CIS country. Due to the speed of action, funds will be transferred in a matter of seconds.

Registration in the system is absolutely free, and the time it takes to become a PayPal user is minimal. A PayPal account allows you to conveniently transfer funds from various financial sources for the most various categories recipients (for example, an online store) without disclosing your financial information.

The PayPal electronic payment system makes it possible to link a bank card or bank account to your account and replenish it at any time, transfer money to other accounts, pay for purchases, exchange currency. At the same time, currency exchange is performed automatically: if the sender's account is opened in a different currency than the payee's account, the system converts this payment into the required currency. This payment system works with Visa, MasterCard and American Express cards, and more recently with Maestro.

Online wallet

For operations with electronic money, as a rule, an electronic Wallet is used, which can be considered as an analogue of a regular wallet, or as an analogue of a bank account. From the point of view of the owner of funds, an electronic wallet usually represents a unique identifier, as well as one or more interfaces for interacting with the system, allowing you to control funds and make payments. Sometimes, to work with electronic money, you need to install special software on the user's computer.

To become a member of an electronic payment system, you need to register in it (this must be done only through the official website!) And open one or more electronic wallets, depending on the need.

Electronic money is securely protected by unique details that are used for each transaction. It is impossible to fake the details, which guarantees the safety of the virtual wallet. The lion's share of the theft of electronic money is due to the carelessness of users. The password from the electronic wallet should be complex. And it must be stored either in encrypted form on a computer (there are special programs for data encryption), or on some non-digital medium - for example, in a notebook that is always at home. You can not tell anyone the wallet password. It is also important to follow the rules of computer security: first of all, install a good antivirus. You need to use the services of only trusted online stores. If the store is mentioned on the site of the selected payment system, then you can be sure of it. If on email a letter comes stating that the account is blocked, you should never follow the link provided.


You can replenish your e-wallet account in the following ways:
- in cash through a terminal or ATM that has a section of this payment system in the menu;
- transfer from a bank card;
- from a mobile phone account;
- in the office of the partner company.

When replenishing an account, a commission is usually charged. Its size depends on the chosen method of replenishment. To choose the option with the minimum commission, go to the website of the payment system. As a rule, the site has a section that lists all possible ways payment indicating the amount of the commission.

Withdrawals can also be made in various ways:
- receiving cash at the cash desk of the system operator or at a cash dispensing point;
- postal transfer to the name specified by the owner of the electronic wallet;
- bank transfer to the specified account;
- replenishment of the credit card account;
- conversion into electronic money of other systems.
Usually, a certain commission is taken for the withdrawal of funds. There are also limits on the amount of withdrawn amounts.

To withdraw funds in the Yandex Money payment system, it is enough to indicate the bank card number and confirm the operation with a password. The specified amount will be immediately withdrawn from the wallet account and transferred to the bank card account. This amount is credited to the bank account not instantly, you will need to wait, from one to three business days.

On the website of the electronic payment system, you can order a "branded" bank card, such as a Yandex Money or Webmoney card, and use these cards to pay in stores, withdraw cash from an ATM, and other transactions.

It should be noted that the gold reserve of the state does not support any electronic money system. All responsibility for certain electronic money lies with the specific system in which they are used. Based on this, such systems are best used as payment systems, without accumulating large amounts of money in their electronic wallets.


The most important advantage of using electronic transfers is that almost all financial transactions are carried out virtually, bypassing cash transactions. You buy goods in an online store, or vice versa sell, it is most convenient to use this method of paying for purchases on the Internet.

Mobility is another plus. In any place, and at any time convenient for you, you can perform this or that operation from your electronic wallet. To do this, it is enough to have a mobile phone, computer or other device connected to the Internet. Operations can be performed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Another advantage of electronic money is the speed of transfers between wallets, in almost seconds they come from one wallet to another. There is no need to go to the bank or the post office, "languishing" in line to send a transfer, pay public Utilities etc. In addition to saving time, there is another argument in favor of electronic money - low commissions for money transfer operations, and sometimes their absence at all.

Ease of use is also an important argument in favor of electronic money. Any person, even without special knowledge or experience, can become the owner of an electronic wallet, because. its creation does not cause any difficulties, and work with the account is extremely simplified.

Portability is another advantage. Electronic money does not need packaging, transportation, protection and organization of special storage facilities. No cases or safes. The most important thing is to securely store your data for entering the electronic payment system.

Anonymity is another important plus, since not everyone likes it when outsiders have the opportunity to look into his wallet.


Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:
1. The main disadvantage is that the issue of electronic money is guaranteed exclusively by the issuer, the state does not give any guarantees of maintaining their solvency.
2. Electronic money exists only within the framework of the system in which it is issued. In addition, electronic money is not a generally accepted means of payment that must be accepted.
3. Transferring funds from one electronic money system to another can be a rather inconvenient and expensive operation, such a transfer is much more expensive than a transfer within the system.
4. Interest is not accrued on the balance of electronic funds, and no other remuneration is paid to the client for their use.
5. The operator is not entitled to provide the client with funds to increase the balance of electronic money. Thus, lending through electronic money is excluded.
6. Working with electronic money requires some knowledge and experience. If you are just starting to work with this type of money, I recommend operating with those amounts that you are not afraid to lose.
7. If outsiders have gained access to the wallet and the money has disappeared, there will be nowhere to turn. It will not be possible to return the stolen money, because legal framework this side financial activities on the Internet is not yet fully developed.

The development of money circulation led to the emergence of electronic money. These are finances stored in computer memory on technical devices, which can only be managed using special software. Compared to paper counterparts, electronic money has certain advantages:

  • reduced speed of payment documentation processing;
  • it became easier to work with bank correspondence;
  • the cost of transfers is lower than with conventional non-cash transactions.

Essentially this electronic form monetary obligations of a financial institution. Can be redeemed in cash upon request.

Money to e-wallet

An electronic wallet is nothing more than a few ordinary bank accounts for storing and carrying out cash flow. Only users of one system transfer money to an electronic wallet to each other with a minimum commission. In order to transfer money to another system, you need to use special additional payment services. From an electronic wallet, you can withdraw funds to a bank account connected to the Internet banking system of the issuing bank. This makes it possible to withdraw cash and receive paper banknotes through the cash desk or ATM of your banking system.

Electronic money systems

There are several electronic money systems. The most popular in Russia can be recognized as:

  • WebMoney Transfer;
  • Yandex money;
  • QIWI;
  • Liq Pay;
  • EasyPay.

The following payment systems are widely used in international money circulation:

  • Liberty Reserve;
  • ayza(AlertPay);
  • paypal;
  • moneybookers;
  • moneybookers.

Each of the systems has its own characteristics and rules for performing operations with electronic accounts. The ratio of electronic money to the existing banking rate in the state also differs. Electronic money systems are perpetual bank obligations of the issuer of electronic currency.

Electronic money exchangers

To transfer electronic funds between accounts of different payment systems, including for withdrawal to bank card accounts with the possibility of subsequent receipt of cash, there are electronic money exchangers. They differ in the ways of exchange - automatic, semi-automatic or manual. Each of the exchangers also sets its own exchange rate for each currency and a percentage for making exchange transactions between currency pairs. Each such service is limited by a certain limit - a reserve of electronic money. More than this amount, the exchange is not possible.

Electronic money transfer

Electronic money transfer is the fastest form of settlement transactions from your account in the EPS (electronic payment system) to the recipient's account. The operation is performed almost instantly. You are only required to have a sufficient amount in the currency of payment on the EPS account and indicate the exact details of the recipient of electronic funds. A money transfer can be initiated from any electronic device with the appropriate software (Personal Computer or wearable gadget, payment terminal).