Mobile operator in Cuba. Internet in Cuba: how it all began? Mobile communications work

Now all the hopes of the Cubans are directed to Venezuela, which finances the construction of an optical cable between its territory and Cuba. It is believed that this will lead to the acceleration and cheapening of the Cuban Internet.

In addition, Barack Obama recently signed a law that allows Cuba to connect to US optical cables that run close to its coast. True, the reaction of the Cuban government to this permission is still unknown.

A few months ago, Cubans were allowed free entry to cybercafes on hotel grounds. However, this news is unlikely to make them happier, since the Internet is sold in Cuba at the price of gold. One hour of connection to the global network here costs an average of 6-10 CUC (convertible pesos), or $ 8-12, which is equivalent to the salary of an average worker for 15 days. Thus, 30 hours a month will cost one Cuban 180 CUC - the amount of his earnings for a year and a half. This is why, despite official permission, few people in Cuba can actually access the internet today. Unless on the "black" market, where 1 hour on the world wide web costs 2 convertible pesos, or in some post offices, where there are computers, at a rate of $ 1.5 / hour.

In addition to sky-high prices, there is constant censorship and site filtering by the government in Cuba, as well as restrictions and strict surveillance of users.

Internet in Havana, Varadero and other cities

Most Havana residents connect to the Internet once a week at the United States Mission (SINA), whose office is located next to the Havana waterfront. Its employees provide the public with free and censorship-free navigation of the global web.
Other information-hungry Havanese are served by the embassies of the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Republic, which offer 2 free internet hours per week. Capitol of Havana, hosting the Ministry of Science, Technology and environment, provides a connection to the network, though not free, but still cheaper than in hotels or a cyber cafe: 5 CUC per hour.

Many hotels in Havana have access to the Internet and Wi-Fi. So, in Hotel Saratoga one hour online costs 10 CUC ($12), two hours - 15 CUC. Here you will also find 24-hour Wi-Fi. In total, the hotel has 3 computers available to tourists from 8 am to 5 pm. Although if you have your own laptop and a card purchased in advance at the hotel, you can connect to the Internet at any time.

At the Central Park Hotel, the cost of 1 hour on the network is 8 CUC ($ 10), 5 hours - 35 CUC ($ 40). Navigation speed ranges from 60 to 80 kilobytes.

The fastest internet can be found at the Meliá Cohiba. Its speed reaches 120 kilobytes. Using a state-owned computer costs 10 CUC / hour, and you will have to pay 12 CUC ($ 15) to work on your own laptop with a Wi-Fi connection.

In almost all hotels in Havana, prices for one hour of internet fluctuate between 8 and 10 CUC. Even though the navigation speed has improved a little in the last year, it is still not enough for downloading large files and videos. There are hotels in Old Havana where Internet access cards cost 6 CUC per hour, but the connection is very poor. In addition, they use software called Avila, which is rumored to be a spyware that copies user accounts or blog passwords.

Other hotels with internet connection and Wi-Fi in Havana - Chateau (Miramar), Montehabana (Miramar), Panorama (Miramar), Occidental Miramar, Sevilla Hotel (Old Havana), National (Vedado), Hotel Habana Libre (Vedado), Hotel Inglaterra (Old Havana), Hotel Nacional (Vedado).
In Varadero - Sandal Royal Hicacos and Barcelo Solymar, in Santiago - Melia Santiago, in Guardalavaca - Paradisus Rio de Oro, in Trinidad - Grand Hotel.
Internet access in Cuba is also possible in the offices of the telecommunications companies Etecsa and Citmatel, in the business centers of the Palco and Neptuno hotels, in the Gallery of Cities of the World in Havana (Galería Ciudades del Mundo).

Mobile 3G

Mobile phones with 3G generally work well in Cuba, except for the internet captcha, which sometimes gets caught and sometimes doesn't. Moreover, no one knows what it depends on. The best telecom operator is Cubacel. The only problem is the cost of calls and SMS.
Sending one message will cost you about 1 euro, and a minute telephone conversation- from 3 euros (depending on the Russian operator). As for roaming, it is better to turn it off altogether due to too high prices and a future invoice, which, upon returning home, can be much larger than usual ...

When abroad, it is important to have access to mobile communications and the Internet. They may be necessary for business or personal communication, will allow you to share new experiences. Before the trip, you need to connect and activate MTS roaming abroad and one of the profitable services for savings.

How to activate roaming abroad MTS

Access to mobile communications when traveling abroad will be provided by MTS after adding 2 services to its tariff:

  • "International and national roaming";
  • "International access".

When adding the 1st service, the 2nd one is automatically connected. You can connect them separately only in MTS stores or when contacting a call center.

Only if you have 2 options, while abroad, you can make outgoing calls and send SMS, including to Russia.

There are 3 ways to activate roaming services:

  • USSD command *111*2192# ;
  • in a mobile application;
  • through a call center;
  • at the MTS office.

When connecting, the following conditions must be met:

  • The subscriber must be an MTS client for at least six months. The amount of accruals for this period should be more than 650 rubles.
  • The subscriber is a client of MTS for more than a year, the amount of accruals for none of the 12 months of the last year should be equal to 0.

When adding international roaming services, the mobile number must be active and have a positive balance. Both options are connected for free and no money is charged for their maintenance.

If none of the above conditions is met, then it is recommended to activate the "Easy roaming" service.

MTS tariff for calls and Internet abroad. Smart Zabugorishche

Tariff "Smart Zabugorishche" is currently not possible to connect! Tariff archive. Use Zabugorishche service instead of this tariff.

MTS options for calls and Internet abroad

To establish mobile communications abroad, the subscriber must determine what to connect while in roaming, which MTS option will be most beneficial.

Option for roaming abroad "Zabugorishche" MTS

Option price from 320 rub/per day of use.

When connecting the Zabugorishche service to the tariffs Tariffishche, Smart Unlimited, My Unlimited, Our Smart, Smart, Smart+, Smart NonStop, X, Smart Top, "Ultra" MTS subscriber will be able to use roaming abroad at home rates. Within this service, one should distinguish between the “Popular countries” and “Other countries” options.

Popular countries: USA, Armenia, Abkhazia, Australia, Great Britain, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Israel, India, Spain, Canada, Qatar, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, UAE, Portugal, Romania, Turkey , Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, South Korea

  • Incoming calls.
  • Outgoing calls.
  • Internet.

The "Zabugorishche" option is connected by the number *111*771*1#. It is not necessary to turn it off when returning home. The fee for it is charged only when you are abroad.

Option "Zero without borders" MTS

A similar option to "Zabugorishche" is the service "Zero without Borders".

The cost of using the service is 125 rubles per day.

You can connect it:

  • on the territory of Russia by the number *444#;
  • MTS offers roaming abroad in 2018 by command *111*4444#

Option "Free travel" MTS

When using the "Free travel" option for all calls, communication during the first hour will be free, then a tariff of 10 rubles per minute is set. You should pay 190 rubles per day when using the "Free travel" option.

It is no longer possible to activate the service, it has become archived.

Outgoing calls from 19.9 rubles. abroad MTS

The cost of a call while abroad will be 19.9 rubles per minute if the subscriber enters *137* before dialing the number. This tariff is set only for the CIS countries, Europe and popular places visited by tourists. All other states are paid at the rate of 79 rubles per minute.

Options for MTS Internet abroad

It is important to have access to the Internet abroad. This will be of particular interest to the younger generation.

Internet option "Zabugorishche" MTS

When activating the Zabugorishche service, the subscriber will be able to use the Internet as part of a home package in countries that are popular with tourists.

Option price from 320 rub/per day of use.

Internet option "Bit Abroad" MTS

If a subscriber, going abroad, intends to actively use the Internet there, then for him MTS recommends connecting one of the following options to the main tariff:

  • "BIT Abroad" is designed for social networks and Email. 100 Mb per day is provided at maximum speed and then unlimited at a speed of 128 kbps. The cost is 450 rubles per day. You can connect or disconnect *111*2222#
  • "Maxi BIT", in addition to the services included in the "BIT Abroad", it is possible to use maps and navigation. 200 Mb per day is provided at maximum speed and then unlimited at a speed of 128 kbps. The cost is 700 rubles per day. You can connect or disconnect *111*2223#

Internet option "SuperBit Abroad" MTS

Tropical climate, warm weather all year round, and warm water even in winter - this is just a small list of what attracts tourists to Cuba. The flight from Moscow to Liberty Island takes about thirteen hours, and you do not need to apply for a visa if you are planning a tourist trip for up to thirty days.

But what you should definitely take care of before a trip to Cuba is a cellular connection. Firstly, communication on the island is quite expensive, and secondly, foreigners cannot purchase local SIM cards, but only rent them.

Given the tariff policy of the only local state-owned telecom operator, the ideal option is to use international roaming on your cell phone. Today we will tell you everything about the tariffs for using Russian SIM cards in roaming in Cuba, and which SIM card is better to take on a long journey.

How much will it cost

Saying “Roaming, goodbye” in Cuba will not help even “Zabugorishche”, and to save money in this country, operators have separate options available. Standard tariffs for using communications while traveling are high, MegaFon is the most expensive, MTS and Beeline are a little cheaper, and Tele2 is the most profitable.

If you have the opportunity to use the Tele2 number in Cuba, then this will be the best option, because even without additional options, services at the best possible price.

However, they can be made even more accessible if you use additional options. So, for five rubles a day, it will be possible to reduce the cost of a minute of incoming calls to five rubles. To do this, just activate "Conversations without borders".

To use data transmission in Cuba, Tele2 has the option “Internet Abroad” with a package of ten megabytes for three hundred rubles. After using the included volume, the tariff will be thirty rubles per megabyte.

But if you need to use the number of the “big three” operator in Cuba, and the option with Tele2 is not considered, then you will need to pay more. So, Beeline does not offer optimizing options for Liberty Island at all.

Roaming from MTS and MegaFon in Cuba allows you to choose additional options for your trip for your tariff. You can reduce the cost both for calls (available only on a megaphone number), and for SMS and the Internet (available only from MTS).

Voice communication in Cuba with MegaFon can be cheaper both for incoming calls and for receiving and making calls. For 99 rubles per day, you can get forty free minutes for incoming calls with the “All World” service, after using which the standard tariff will apply.

If you need to not only receive, but also make calls, you will need to connect package minutes. You can choose one of the service options for roaming in Cuba - 25 or 50 minutes. Minutes will be available for thirty days, and several can be ordered at the same time. The cost of the packages is 829 and 1429 rubles. Thus, the cost of a minute will drop to 28-33 rubles.

To save on sending SMS, the two largest operators offer almost identical options. The difference is only in the cost, which is five rubles lower on MegaFon.

SMS packages abroad

Package size

Connected packages will be available for use for thirty days from connection.

name especially favorable conditions on the MTS Internet options to save money in Cuba is difficult, but if they are offered by the operator, then this is in demand among users. There are two options for the “BIT Abroad” service. A package of five megabytes per day will cost 1,300 rubles with the “BIT” option, and ten megabytes with the “Maxi BIT” option will cost 2,400 rubles.


Despite the fact that the tariffs of operators seem high, the only alternative is to use a local SIM card, which will not cost much less.

So, a local SIM card can be rented for three dollars a day, and a call to Russia will cost an average of 120-140 rubles per minute from Liberty Island, which depends on the current exchange rate. You will not be able to use the Internet on it, since GPRS is available only on foreign SIM cards.

But there is an alternative to the Internet from your cell phone, and you can use the time payment in your hotel. On average, an hour will cost eight US dollars. You can use it not immediately, but stretch it at least for the whole vacation.

However, it must be remembered that not only mobile, but also wired Internet in Cuba is not express. Therefore, you should be patient when using data transfer.

When you go on vacation to Liberty Island, don't forget to get a charger adapter as well. American standard plugs are used here, and the mains voltage is half that of the Russian one.

On the territory of Cuba, there are radio communications, fixed-line telephone communications, television, cellular networks and the Internet. At the same time, communications in Cuba, in particular the Internet and the use of mobile phones, are quite expensive, which, moreover, do not always work stably. That is why roaming service from a foreign operator should be considered as a fallback option.

Internet access in Cuba

Residents of the island were able to use the Internet for the first time in 2011. A high-speed cable was pulled into the country from Venezuela. However, access to the global cyberspace at first was limited to government officials. It should be noted that the Internet and mobile communications in Cuba in 2019 are run by a single operator - the company ETECSA (Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. - Telecommunications Company of Cuba).

Services wireless internet at the end of 2012, many Cuban hotels began to offer. However, to access the signal, you need to purchase a prepaid NAUTA card at the hotel reception. If you don't have your own tablet or phone with you, computers can be used in the lobby area. This decision has pleased many tourists who are interested in whether there is Internet in Cuba in Varadero hotels in 2019. With the NAUTA card you can use the Internet services for 30 minutes or 1 hour. To connect to the network, you must enter the data indicated on the card: usario (login) and contresena (password). They are indicated in the scratch zone of the map (a zone with an erasable coating). The cost of the service is $12 for 1 hour and $5-6 for 30 minutes.

In 2013, 118 Internet cafes appeared in the country, providing Internet access for everyone. And in 2014, residents and guests of the country were offered a Cuban Mobile Internet, also available with cards and only in the territory of special zones. Also in 2014, ETECSA announced the possibility of connecting home internet. The cost of the service is $60 for 220 hours. For every extra hour$0.3 is charged. Of course, not everyone can afford such a luxury.

As for organizations, the monthly tariff for a dedicated line with a speed of up to 1 Mb / s is $ 150-250.

Cuban wifi networks

On the territory of the country, paid access to a Wi-Fi signal is provided on the territory of parks, hotels and the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment of Cuba. The cost of access varies between $ 0.2-0.4, and a card is required.

The cost of wireless Internet services from ETECSA is $1.5 per hour.

Often, in order to avoid queues at ETECSA offices, residents use the services of resellers. And this is despite the fact that they sell cards twice as expensive - $ 3 each.

The Internet in Cuba is not cheap. However, even with positive monetary balance tourists often have a question about why there is no Internet in Cuba. This is due to technical issues, due to which the signal is often interrupted. That is why the opportunity to use Internet access for free in the following places with a stable signal is so appreciated:

Where can I connect to free wireless internet in Cuba
Name of the organizationConnection conditions and restrictions
State Cultural Center in Havana, on behalf and at the initiative of its director and artist KchoNo time limit. All interested citizens and guests of the country
SINA (US Representative Office)1 time per week. All interested citizens and guests of the country
Embassies of Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic2 hours per week. All interested citizens and guests of the country

Internet cafe services in Cuba

Internet cafes in Cuba are small cozy establishments with tables where you can connect to the Internet by purchasing the appropriate card. Service cost for last years was reduced from $4.50 to $2, but it is still very high for most people in the country, average earnings which is about $20 per month.

One of the conditions for the provision of services, as with the purchase of a card for wireless Internet, is the signing of an agreement, which states that the user undertakes not to perform actions that may be regarded as harmful or posing a threat to the public security of the country.

Despite the many restrictions and high costs, progressive Cubans have already learned how to use the power of e-mail to provide services and run small businesses, such as ordering goods at home or calling a taxi.

Telephone operators in Cuba

In Cuba, only one company provides fixed and mobile telephone services, as well as the Internet - ETECSA (Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. - Cuban Telecommunications Company). This state monopoly has been maintained for many years.

The organization began its work in 1996 and is currently 27% owned by Rafin SA and the rest by the Cuban Ministry of Information and Communication.

Under the jurisdiction of the company is the local mobile telephone system Cubacel and Internet access under the Nauta brand. Internet and telephone communications in Cuba are paid in convertible Cuban pesos.

The operator provides two types of tariffs: prepaid (prepago) for individuals and legal entities and with payment by invoice (pospago) only for legal entities.

Comparative analysis of the work of cellular operators in Cuba

When traveling to Cuba, you should keep in mind that there is only one public telephone operator in the country and only persons with Cuban citizenship can purchase its cards. True, foreign citizens can rent local cards, but we will talk about this below.

However, in Cuba, the signals of other mobile operators are available in roaming mode. What cellular communication is cheaper in Cuba in Varadero and other regions largely depends on the user's service package.

Upon arrival in Cuba, it is urgent to turn off the automatic updating of programs and applications on your phone - otherwise, the update processes will cause a serious blow to your account balance due to the high cost of roaming.

Many tourists have a question about which connection is better in Cuba. Mobile devices with 3G and 4G are more stable than others in the country. However, interruptions in access are possible for everyone and always.

The most reliable is the mobile connection provided by the local operator ETECSA under the Cubacel brand. Its coverage area is almost the entire territory of the country. The communication standards provided are GSM (850/900 MHz) and TDMA (800 MHz). As mentioned above, at the moment all available mobile operators Cubes are exclusively Cubacel.

International communication services in Cuba

To make an international call from Cuba, you do not need to connect Additional services– for this purpose, it is enough to dial a phone number in the international format: +<код страны> <код города> <номер телефона>.

3G-4G networks are stably available almost everywhere in the country.

Now that the internet has arrived in Cuba, it is possible to communicate internationally via Skype. In this case, you will need to pay only for Internet traffic. The volume of traffic for voice communication is 0.5 Mb/min., the amount of traffic for video calls is 5 Mb/min. In addition, communication is available via Viber, WhatsUp or SIP-telephony. However, many social networks will be inaccessible due to blocking access to them in the country. You can chat without restrictions in social networks from the territory of foreign embassies.

Features of local communications in Cuba

To make a call to Cuba, dial a number in the following format: +53<код города> <номер телефона>.

Fixed and mobile telephony services are provided by the state company ETECSA.

As of 2019, the rates for calls from a local operator are as follows:

  • the normal rate is $0.35;
  • the reduced rate is $0.10.

The rate depends on the time of the call:

  • normal: from 7.00 to 22.59;
  • reduced: from 23.00 to 6.59.

SMS rates are as follows:

  • the territory of the country - $ 0.09;
  • abroad - $ 1;
  • premium access by short numbers - $0.16.

International rates per minute: $1.60 (USA, Canada, Venezuela, Mexico, South and Central America, Caribbean) and $1.80 (other regions).

To take over the cost of incoming calls, dial *88 before the number, then your relatives will not have to pay for calls with you.

SIM cards and their maintenance in Cuba

Local SIM cards can only be purchased by Cuban citizens. However, for foreign citizens such a service as room rental is available. At the same time, two types of telephone line activation are provided for foreigners:

  1. Temporary - $ 3 per day;
  2. Permanent - $30 + $10 for the first recharge.

To rent a room, you will need to visit the operator's office and present your passport. Many tourists, in order not to leave their data in local systems, prefer to negotiate the purchase of a SIM card with local residents. The fee for this service is negotiable.

Electricity, sockets and voltage in Cuba

The standard mains voltage in Cuba is 110 volts. The sockets are adapted to the American standard (flat connector), so it is recommended to stock up on an adapter. Universal adapter can be purchased in stores duty free upon arrival in the country.

Most of the equipment (laptops, tablets or phones) at low voltage demonstrate performance. However, powerful appliances such as a hair dryer or electric shaver may not work.

Communications in Cuba: Video

If you are going to go to this interesting country, then, for sure, you have already thought about what kind of roaming operator Megafon has in Cuba. As a rule, roaming makes you part with a rather large amount, because the fee for all services increases significantly. In addition, you also have to pay for incoming calls. So, on a business trip or vacation, the mobile balance can “melt” very quickly. That is why MegaFon has developed the Whole World tariff option. It is especially useful for those who often travel and visit other countries.

The main advantage of this service is a package of free minutes for calls.

Even in Cuba you can - anywhere in the world you can ask another subscriber to dial you.

MegaFon clients receive 40 minutes per day for communication. That is, by connecting this service, a person can please his loved ones that he will always stay in touch, because. all incoming calls within the daily quota will be free for him.

In which countries does the "Worldwide" option and the proposed Megafon roaming work: Cuba, India, Turkey, France, the USA and many others. It connects to any tariff plans, except for the tariff "Around the World". At the same time, it should be noted that in the tariffication of this service, the calendar day during which the package of free minutes is provided is considered the period from 00:00 to 23:59 Moscow time. You need to remember this when going to Cuba, as it is located in a completely different time zone.

Probably, some people will think about whether it is possible to use other options to reduce the cost of calls in international roaming in conjunction with this service. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. You will not be able to connect other options that reduce, for example, the cost of outgoing calls. However, the Worldwide service will allow you to enjoy free incoming calls. And this is already a significant advantage.

So, you are going to a hot sunny country, how can you connect the "Whole World" option from Megafon. There are several ways to do this. Firstly, you can use the USSD command *131*1#. Secondly, send an SMS with any text to the number 0500978. And, finally, through a megaphone personal account. Thus, it will take about 10-15 minutes to activate the option.

Upon returning from Cuba, you can disable this service

Otherwise, your balance will still be debited daily. subscription fee. Don't forget about it. To disable the option, dial the USSD command *131*0#, send an SMS with the text "STOP" to 0500978 or use personal account.

Before connecting the option, check the cost of all services.