Letter from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz. Fraudulent activity warning

You yourself have not read the JSC Law. Meanwhile, the question is not very difficult.
The procedure for holding a general meeting is as follows.
Shareholders are notified that on such and such date a general meeting of shareholders with such and such an agenda will be held. If they have at least 2 percent of voting shares, they have the right to add their issues to the agenda of the general meeting. In accordance with the Law on Joint-Stock Companies and the Articles of Association, a notification may not be sent to each shareholder personally, but may be published in some edition, say, in Rossiyskaya Gazeta (or other all-Russian media).
The JSC Law does not provide for the right of the board of directors to make recommendations to the general meeting of shareholders on the amount of remuneration to a member of the board of directors. But the Law on Joint-Stock Companies states that, in addition to issues directly provided for by the Law, the charter of a company may refer other issues to the competence of the board of directors. That is, Gazprom's charter may provide for the right of the board of directors to make a decision on recommending a certain remuneration.
Further. In this case, the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors refers to the documents and materials that must be presented to shareholders for review prior to the general meeting. But how this familiarization is carried out is not regulated by the Law on JSC. Accordingly, in the announcement of the general meeting (which was published, for example, in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", which the shareholder in question, most likely, does not even know or even know about), the procedure for acquainting shareholders with these documents ( materials), including with the minutes of the board of directors, which determined the amount of remuneration recommended to the general meeting. For example, it may be written there that a shareholder has the right to come before the general meeting at such and such address and get acquainted with the minutes. And even make copies. And the bulletin is sent already within the framework of the general meeting of shareholders, and not preparation for it, the final agenda is already fixed there. And it does not follow directly from the law that the amount of remuneration to a member of the board of directors should be indicated there.
And what will the shareholder prove in court? The judge asks him: Did you know that on such and such a date the announcement of the general meeting was published in such and such a newspaper? - No, I didn't. - And who prevented you from demanding a copy of the charter, which says about the procedure for notifying shareholders of the meeting? - Nobody interfered. - In the announcement of the general meeting it was written that you can familiarize yourself with the minutes of the meeting of the board of directors, which determined the recommended amount of remuneration for the members of this body? - Let us suppose. - Who prevented you from familiarizing yourself with it and what is the violation of your rights? - And I think that the amount of remuneration should be indicated in the ballot. - And where did you get this, where is it written in the Law on JSC?
Such are our laws. Unfair towards minority shareholders, maybe. But you still need not to click your beak yourself.

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

The Gazprom company in the Rostov region has sent warnings to its subscribers about upcoming gas outages. Consumers of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-na-Donu were warned that the absence of a gas equipment maintenance agreement could be a reason for stopping gas supply. However, the employees of the "Post of Russia" threw the correspondence into a landfill.

The scandal erupted after photos of a dump of letters with the Gazprom logo appeared on social networks. A few days later, the data received official confirmation.

“The letters found at the dump of the Zapadny microdistrict of Rostov-on-Don are notifications of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don, LLC about the termination of gas supplies to subscribers due to the absence of a contract for maintenance of in-house gas equipment (TO VDGO),” the official says. the message of the Rostov gas company.

The press release specifies that subscribers are required to conclude an agreement for servicing VDGO - otherwise Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don has the right to stop gas supplies to subscribers even during the heating season.

Gas workers reported that Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don and Russian Post conducted an official investigation into the thrown out notifications. The scattered letter post has already been collected and will be delivered to the addressees.

Subscribers who have not entered into a maintenance contract will be disconnected

The gas company informs that according to the "Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens" approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549, the subscriber is obliged to conclude an agreement for maintenance of the VDGO with a specialized (gas distribution) organization and provide a copy of the agreement for the territorial site of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don.

In the absence of such an agreement, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don has the right to unilaterally terminate gas supplies.

After the New Year holidays, many residents of the region received registered letters with notification. Without any "hello, dear client", the letters were hit in the forehead: these documents were called "notifications of the upcoming suspension of gas supply." Many, especially the elderly and especially excitable people, clutched at their hearts: how can it be, we pay regularly, but here it is!


However, we hope that none of the residents of Vladimir has caught a heart attack after opening the boorish letters. But we must admit that it is necessary to be able to raise the level of irritation with the work of the gas company, which, in general, was solving an ordinary technical problem.

The fact is that after several explosions of domestic gas in Russia, associated with human casualties, the gas workers decided to put things in order with contracts for the maintenance and repair of domestic gas equipment.

In contrast to the court, where the burden of proof lies on the side of the prosecution, the gas companies accused the subscribers in advance of the absence of such agreements. And even if subscribers have such agreements, they must prove it themselves by coming to the office of the company. So there is a contract, there is none - it was impossible to avoid walking in the cold, first to the post office, and then to stand in line at the gas station. There is a story in the annals of the editorial office, when the head of the department for work with the population of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir LLC, Alexander Kazakov, signed a “letter of misfortune” on December 20, it was sent from Vladimir to the addressee in the village of Melekhovo, Kovrovsky District, on December 23, where it was sent to the post office on December 31 ... The notification was brought to two old men (84 and 81 years old) on January 11, but they were able to receive it only on January 14. Opened, and then bam - we will turn off the gas, if you do not conclude a contract (or prove that you have it) before January 10. Plus, the "national treasure" scares not only by cutting off gas in the middle of winter - gas workers threaten subscribers (regular payers!) With a considerable fine.

What happened?

The gas workers themselves refer to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 - that is, if they wanted to, they could carry out this work calmly and without rush jobs for seven years. In 2013, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued (dated May 14, 2013 No. 410 as amended on September 4, 2015) "On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment", where this norm already exists as the main one. In any case, there was time for systematic work with subscribers. The gas workers themselves say that they were driving it. They say that 80 percent of the population had such agreements by the beginning of 2017. But the remaining 20 percent is a lot!

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir constantly promotes safety when using gas equipment. These are reminders on receipts for gas, and announcements on stands in the company's subscriber services, information in the media, explanations for the personal reception of subscribers, and so on, - says the author of the "letter of misfortune" Alexander Kazakov.

Someone was offered to conclude a contract during the rounds of the specialists who check the equipment. But it is also true that many have not been offered contracts over the years, although it would have been much more convenient than running through offices and queues in shock. Further - do gas workers seriously think that most people read something on receipts other than the amount to be paid?

Then (this applies to residents of apartment buildings) - inspectors go around the apartments. So there is some kind of agreement ...

By the way, he was. But earlier this contract on behalf of the tenants was concluded by the management company. But that agreement did not give the gas services an impeccable legal basis to get into the apartment if the owners did not want to let them in. And no one could give a guarantee that everything was in order with the equipment in this apartment. And in order to turn off the gas to consumers who were legally connected, but did not allow regular technical inspections, there were not enough reasons either.

According to the legislation, unilateral suspension of gas supply due to the absence of a contract for equipment maintenance is a right, not an obligation, of the gas supplier. The SSS exercised this right in December 2016, when the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Ensuring the Fire Safety of the Air Defense Forces recommended to intensify work on the prevention of emergencies when using natural gas in everyday life, Kazakov explained.

OK, we admit - the gas workers had reasons for active actions. But not so in the forehead! ..

And not so stupid ...

Tales of 16 Windows and Wasted TimeBut even a crunch can be organized in a civilized manner.

Recently, the general director of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Vladimir, Yuri Dubrov, said that only in the Customer Service Center on Krasnoznamennaya Street the number of operators has been increased from 8 to 16, and the average waiting time has been reduced to 20-25 minutes. It is unlikely that Dubrov checked this himself; he probably hoped for information from specialists. And they misled the chief - and set him up ...

The personal experience of none of the editorial staff (some monitored the situation, and some themselves tried to draw up contracts) did not coincide with the figures named by Dubrov. Personally, I took the ticket number T388 at 17:49. I was invited to the operator of the Center exactly 50 minutes later (there were 25 people in the queue before me). Plus time to complete the contract. Everything about everything took over an hour. Instead of the promised 16, only four operators worked. Then the electronic queue system broke down altogether. There was a girl in line behind me who had already arrived in the afternoon. There were even more people. She said that no more than 4 windows were open during the day. People call the editorial office saying that they could not get to the coveted window, having stood for 1.5 hours ... What kind of 25 minutes is there ...

By the way, there are no complaints about the operators themselves: they are polite, helpful, which is not easy when customers are annoyed. By and large, there are few complaints about the Center itself - they also have a rush: work has been extended until 19:00, Saturdays have become workers. All families, children, plans that went downhill.

And because of what? Sorry to be blunt - because of the leadership of the gas services. The first question has already been voiced: why didn’t work start earlier? The second complaint is about the text of the notification. It is unacceptable to talk in such a language with your clients who regularly pay you money.

The notifications have been prepared in full accordance with the current version of the RF Government Decree of 21.07.2008 No. 549, clause 46 of which reads: “Prior to the suspension of the contract, the gas supplier is obliged to send a notification to the subscriber by registered mail (with notification of delivery) of the upcoming suspension of gas supply and its reasons no later than 20 calendar days prior to the day of gas supply suspension ”, - Kazakov, head of the department for work with the population of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir LLC, disagrees.

Maybe. But was it really impossible to start the letter with the words "Dear Subscriber"?

Will they be fined or not?

And the main question of those who have not yet had time, but are planning to conclude a maintenance contract: will they turn it off or not, will they be fined or not? And if so, how much?

- Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir is not authorized to fine consumers. The date specified in the notification is not the exact number of the shutdown work, but only determines the beginning of the period of time during which measures for the forced suspension of the gas supply can be applied to the subscriber, - comments Kazakov. - Nevertheless, we draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to conclude a maintenance contract as soon as possible. The safety of people depends on it. In the future, the company reserves the right to take measures for the forced suspension of the gas supply.

Ekaterina NOSOVA.


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A pretty "gift" during the New Year holidays was given to many residents of the regional center by gas workers of the Vladimir region. As we learned, several thousand residents of Vladimir received letters of happiness from the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir organization about the upcoming disconnection of apartments from gas from ... January 10, 2017!

We can only judge the exact number of notifications. In any case, the press service of Mezhregiongaz confirmed to us that their number is very significant. For example, every second employee of our editorial office received an angry notification, although none of us has debts for gas.

So, in "letters of happiness" residents are accused of not complying with the RF government decree No. 549 of 21.07.2008, in connection with which subscribers are warned of a possible suspension of gas supply from January 10th. The people were told that they allegedly did not have valid contracts for the maintenance and repair of gas equipment, concluded with specialized organizations.

Most of the subscribers who regularly pay gas bills were outraged that citizens were given only one (!) Working day to correct the situation - January 9, during which people need to not only conclude an agreement (the letter contains a list of 4 "potential" companies, engaged in maintenance), but also bring this contract to the office of "Mezhregiongaz" at the address: Mira street, 34.

Otherwise, the gas workers promise to massively turn off the gas supply to the apartments as early as January 10, and they promise to shift all the costs associated with disconnecting and reconnecting devices to the apartment owners.

For communication, the letters contain a contact phone number, but it is not possible to call it today. However, this is not surprising, given the massive distribution of "letters of happiness"!

We managed to contact the head of the press service of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir LLC Roman Kazanevich, who confirmed that this mailing was indeed massive.

Of course, no one will go to their apartments tomorrow with the aim of a massive gas cutoff., - Kazanevich explained. - But subscribers still have to conclude contracts - no one canceled the government decree!

So why scare the residents of Vladimir with a possible disconnection from a vital utility service in the event of non-fulfillment of Gazprom's conditions for just one day? And do people really have to visit the offices of structures affiliated with Gazprom in order to conclude standard contracts? Isn't it easier to send them to subscribers by mail?

Kazanevich could not answer these questions on the fly, the head of the press service promised to understand the situation and distribute an official press release to the media within 2 hours. Follow our publications, this news will be updated in the near future!