Sales consultant resume sample. Responsibilities of a sales assistant: job description, sample resume

A sales assistant resume sample is only at first glance one of the simplest. From a superficial point of view, this is not the most meaningful work that does not require special skills and competencies. But you can abandon this approach, reveal all the nuances of the profession and prepare a brilliant self-presentation.

Job Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant for a Resume

What does this employee do other than sell? In fact, the sales process includes several components:

  • advising customers on the range;
  • assistance in choosing goods;
  • their presentation;
  • documenting sales;
  • informing about promotions, opportunities to receive bonuses;
  • incentive for additional purchases.

Often, the seller's duties for a resume increase due to working with cash registers, displaying goods, receiving from a warehouse. The training of new employees should also be mentioned.

Responsibilities, functions, achievements in the resume of a sales consultant

They can be listed separately, or they can be linked to each other. Then the HR specialist will find out that the applicant did not just do what he was told, but worked for the result. After all, it is these employees who are valued the most.

How to bring the achievements of the sales assistant in the resume

It is important to mention the victories in industry competitions, if any.

Key Skills in a Resume: Examples for a Salesperson

And what should a representative of this profession be able to successfully perform the above? First of all, it is good to know the assortment of your store. He will also need:

  • knowledge of sales techniques;
  • knowledge of the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", trade ethics;
  • ability to manage paperwork in trade;
  • ability to get along with different types people;
  • understanding of the basics of cash discipline.

Big pluses will be experience with a specialized software(for example, "1C. Trade and Warehouse"), knowledge in the field of psychology, marketing.

But the skills of a sales assistant for a resume should be related to professional activity. Therefore, the possession of graphic editors or culinary talents is not worth mentioning.

Resume for work: sample 2019, sales assistant

Let's summarize the structure of the document. It is basically the same as for any other job. But it is better not to forget about the design rules:

  1. Personal data (full name, age, city of residence, contacts).
  2. Desired vacancy.
  3. Experience.
  4. Achievements (if they could not be included in the previous paragraph).
  5. Education (including additional).
  6. Professional skills.
  7. Personal qualities.

An example resume of a sales assistant proves that in any field of activity, specialists differ, first of all, in their understanding of what they do. And the clearer the applicant's idea of ​​this, the higher his chances of getting a good job.

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

The seller consultant is primarily a seller, only his duties include, in addition to selling products from shop windows and shops, consulting the buyer.

The essence of the consultant's work: communicate with the client, helping him decide on the purchase, answer his questions, then the seller carefully packs and sells the goods, issuing a warranty coupon.

It is important in such a profession to have the necessary communication skills, to choose the right words, not forgetting that, first of all, it is necessary to sell a service or product, and not just free advice.

The position is in demand in a wide variety of stores, companies and even in the Internet environment! A profession related to sales, namely the sale of a certain product, in which you need to be well versed - be an expert in your field, maybe it's clothes, household or computer equipment, furniture or mobile phones, never mind!

Consultant - you need to get it, and take it responsibly! Each company rewards the best sellers with bonuses, holidays and privileges. But all this must be earned and shown what you are capable of.

If you don't have experience, don't worry! Everyone once started from scratch, but soon acquired an invaluable one and gradually became the best experts.

Personal qualities of a good seller

In order to effectively do their job, the seller needs certain ones that can be developed if you do not initially possess them. There are quite a few qualities that come to mind that can be listed on a resume, but the most important ones are:

  • purposefulness- in a way, even stubbornness. After all, to achieve your goal, you need to be stubborn, right?
  • Learnability- in most cases you will have to learn new information in large quantities. You should prepare for the job by learning about the products that the company sells and indicate your knowledge in your resume.
  • Ability to work for results– this will be required by most companies, because The result is a very important part of the work!
  • Skill to work in team- it is understood that you need to help those who lag behind and equal those who win and learn from them, respectively!
  • diligence- before you are trusted to make decisions, you will need to follow the instructions of your superiors with diligence!
  • Presentability- you must maintain your reputation at a high level and have a pleasant appearance, this can be achieved in different ways.
  • Punctuality- To be in good standing with your superiors, come on time, being late is a bad form that is not inherent in a successful person.
  • Optimism A positive attitude has a big impact on people, both in hiring and in sales.
  • Resourcefulness– you must be able to determine what the client needs and give it to him! At least partially.
  • A responsibility– in order to be responsible for your actions to the management, you need to have a strong character, and this skill is highly valued!
  • Stress resistance- take everything with ease, be cool and reasonable, draw conclusions from life situations
  • Grammatically correct speech- Communication is your occupation, and the money you will earn depends largely on how you speak. The main thing is not to overdo it!
  • Decency- Be humble.

Consultant Responsibilities

The work of the seller is almost always the same:

  1. counseling clients,
  2. receiving and distributing goods,
  3. sale of products.
  4. regular reporting,
  5. maintaining the cleanliness of the establishment.

A related profession is a sales assistant-cashier, whose duties can sometimes be shifted to a consultant, so their knowledge is also necessary, and this:

  • working with a cash register
  • cash register reporting and cash transfer to the collector,
  • taking part in the inventory.

The furniture sales consultant should be well versed in the topic, answering any questions potential buyer. These are just a few of the possible questions:

  • manufacturer country,
  • work material,
  • used fabric,
  • warranty period etc.

With technology, things are much more complicated. It is not at all necessary to be an expert and know all the components of ovens or refrigerators, but it is important to remember and communicate the basic, important information for the buyer.

When applying for a job, the applicant puts forward the following requirements:

  • secondary education,
  • Work experience is preferred but not required
  • ability and understanding of the features of the goods sold.

Rarely, such conditions can be presented: to have a category “B” driver's license, confirmed citizenship and basic knowledge of English.

Sample resume

As a sales consultant

Full Name

  • Date of Birth:
  • Family status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact number:
  • Email Mail:

Purpose: to get a job as a salesperson
  • 10 years of experience in large shopping centers.
  • Understanding the mission of the seller (to facilitate the purchase of goods).
  • Excellent stress-resistance and communication skills.
  • Attractive appearance.

Achievements and skills

  1. Knowledge of the rules of the commodity neighborhood, merchandising (layout of goods).
  2. Ability to design shop windows and showrooms.


2001-2005 University of Food and Trade. Trading business. Bachelor's degree with honors.

Did an internship at mall"Olimp" as a salesman in the sporting goods department.

Additional education

2011 Training course “Visual merchandising” of the Fashion Center. Kiev

2013 Training “10 steps to successful sale". Training company "Unison", Moscow


2011-2015 Center for fashionable clothes and shoes "Svetlana". Clothing Sales Consultant.

  • Buyer consulting.
  • Registration of the ordered goods, show-windows.
  • Research of consumer demand.
  • Receiving and distributing goods.
  • Accounting for balances.
  • Sale of goods.

2006-2010 Shop "Sirius". Salesman in the toy department.

  • Arrangement of goods according to corporate standards and standards of manufacturing companies.
  • Reception and accounting of goods.
  • Decoration of the trading floor.
  • Sale of goods.

Personal qualities and character traits

  • Stress resistance (attending trainings, playing sports),
  • Communication skills (team work)
  • Sociability (work with clients),
  • Purposefulness (work for the result),
  • Desire to develop (I improve my skills every year).

Additional Information

  • Confident PC user;
  • I know how to work with a cash register;
  • I know office equipment.

Knowledge of foreign languages: I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

CV examples

In this article, you will learn not only about how to write a resume for a salesperson. You will learn much more, namely how to write such a punchy resume that help you quickly find a well-paid job in a good company.

We will take the basis for our summary from here:. This bestselling article is one of the most popular on my site, and for good reason. Let me remind you that thanks to the knowledge and experience outlined in that article, I always quickly found a well-paid job.

For example, already at the age of 26 I worked as the head of the lending department in a large commercial bank, one of the top 100 Russian banks. By itself, this fact is not so significant. The important thing is that I got a job in a bank without higher education (!), without any acquaintances and connections, without bribes and even without work experience in banking.

And so that you understand that this was not accidental, then immediately after working at the bank, where I worked for a little over a year, I got a job as the head of the sales department in a large wholesale company.

In general, I am writing all this so that you understand that information presented in this article will be radically different from everything that you previously heard and knew about how to write a resume competently and correctly.

I'll give you a two-way experience:

  • First, I myself worked as an employee and sent my resume to hundreds various companies. Therefore, you will get a look at writing a resume from the point of view of an employee.
  • Secondly, I worked for several years at leadership positions at the bank and wholesale company, where he himself was engaged in the search and selection of the employees I needed. And for the last four and a half years I have been doing business, I have several projects, where I also periodically hire various people. Hundreds, if not thousands of the most diverse resumes have passed through my hands. Therefore, you will also get a look at writing a resume from the employer's point of view..

Since we will be compiling a resume for the position of a salesperson or a sales consultant, which is essentially the same thing, a special approach is required here.

The seller is needed in order to sell goods and services. So if you can't sell yourself and your services as through a resume, and subsequently at the interview, then you are unlikely to be taken on Good work.

And as you noticed, in the order of employment, it is always the resume that comes first. You begin your acquaintance with a potential employer, or rather, you begin to sell yourself with a resume.

This is the very first step and how it will depend on all subsequent contacts with the employer. If he is interested in your resume, he will invite you for an interview. If you are interested in him at the interview, he will take you to work.

Why am I explaining all this to you in such detail?

The point is that many people job seekers, very careless approach to the issue of writing a resume. They simply do not understand how responsibly this should be approached. As a result, they send nonsense to their potential employers.

A resume is not just a listing of your biography, places of work, duties you perform. Nobody needs this information.

The employer needs a person who can solve the problems of this employer

If we are talking about the position of a seller, then, accordingly, a potential employer needs a person who can:

  • Properly present his product. To do this, it is important that you understand what you are selling. If you get a job in a company that sells products with which you have not worked before, then the approach here will be somewhat different, read about it below.
  • Will be neat and clean. For example, as a buyer, and even more so as an employer, I am killed by sellers with dirty hair, unwashed, stinking armpits, bad breath, etc.
  • Pleasant in communication. Sometimes there are such sellers, in communication with which it is immediately clear that they do not care about you. It also means boorish and embittered individuals who simply exude negativity. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who is open, smiles at you and look into your eyes, and does not go about his own business.
  • Attentive. This implies care when placing an order, issuing invoices, entering a request for delivery, etc. After all, from one small mistake, your employer can suffer losses, lose a client and reputation.
  • Interested in making as many sales as possible. In essence, this means that you need to treat work like your own business. For example, recently one of the sellers who worked in my online store lost the same customer twice. First, he lost it when a client came to the office to pay for his order, and this employee was not in place. When the client called this employee and began to express his dissatisfaction with the absence of the seller on the spot, then instead of somehow reassuring him, resolving the conflict and offering the best solution, the seller said that if you don’t like something, then go to another place . Having said this, he lost the client for the second time, and with him his job.

When an employer looks at your resume, he will first of all look for information there that will confirm that you are the person who can solve his problems.

Therefore, you need to be creative in writing a resume. No need to sparingly list the facts of your biography. It is necessary to make not a resume, but a real commercial offer in which you outline the benefits of working with you.

Well, let's get on with this!

So, in any case, we will stick to the basics of writing a resume, but add our own flavor to it. First, let's take a look at the resume above.

Pay attention to how everything is structured and neat. Now take a look at your version of the resume. How accurate is she?

To make it clearer what I'm talking about, look below at examples of those resumes that were sent to me:

The difference is obvious. What do you think is the best resume for the HR department to work with? With the first sample it is definitely easier and more convenient.

How to start writing a sales resume?

It is customary to start a resume of a seller, like any other specialist, with a name, or rather with a full name.

Please note that this part of the resume is not large. Some candidates manage to fit this essentially brief information on half an A4 sheet:

It is impossible to “squander” the resources of our commercial offer. When compiling my resumes, I adhere to the following plan:

Notice that I've highlighted in green the “most important” part of the resume. We need this part in order to hook a potential employer from the first seconds.

Your resume should not be just another resume that fell into the hands of a recruiter. Your resume should stand out from the rest.

Stand out not in the sense that you decorate it with ruffles, flowers and patterns. It should be distinguished by the form of presentation of the material, a non-standard approach to compilation, interesting and attractive facts.

What is the most important part of a resume?

I named the most important part of the summary of the area of ​​your commercial offer, which is viewed by recruiters most often. How do I know this? Watch the video below:

What to write to the seller in the most important part of the resume?

Here you need to write what sets you apart from your competitors. These may be some life achievements that can be skillfully beaten with the position for which you are applying.

Please note that you do not need to write about your achievements in previous jobs here. For this, we have a separate place, which we will analyze in more detail below.

An exception can only be very outstanding facts, which can be the main hook. As an example, I'll tell you about one American, whose name is Joe Girard. He got into the Guinness Book of Records as the person who sold the most cars in the world.

If Joe were to ask me now what to write in the most important part of the resume, I think you have already guessed what I would advise him.

What do I write in the most viewed area of ​​the resume?

To make it clearer what to write about in the most important part of the resume, I will give my examples. When I got a job in a bank, I tried to play with some of my life situations that are in contact with banking.

For example, I wrote about took third place in the competition "Banker of the Future", held by the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank in June 2007. Prepared three topics for participation in the project:

  • "Analysis of the market and proposals for enhancing the attraction of funds from the population in bank deposits",
  • "Concept advertising campaign banking service or the bank as a whole,
  • "Effective measures to organize the bank's work on credit services individuals».

By the way, a few words about the contest itself. I mentioned above that I got a job in a bank as a manager with no banking experience and no managerial experience.

How then could I take part in some banking competition if I had never worked in banks before?

The fact is that a few years before these events, I began to actively study the topic of personal finance and investment. It all started with his book "".

For several years, I became quite well versed not only in banking services, but also in other financial instruments. Therefore, it was not difficult for me to write something about banking services.

But in fact, I wrote not even about banks as such, but about how to sell banking services. Pay attention to the title of the works that I prepared as part of the competition:

  • Market analysis and proposals for enhancing fundraising population in bank deposits,
  • « Advertising campaign concept banking service or the bank as a whole,
  • « Effective measures to organize the work of the bank for lending services to individuals.

Your humble servant himself has worked a lot in sales and marketing. I don't really care what to sell. Therefore, in this competition I described how I would sell banking services.

I entered this competition to win a prize. I don’t remember exactly what was played out there, either a laptop or a phone ...

To be honest, I did not have a goal to participate in this competition in order to write about it in my resume.

But now I want to specifically draw your attention to this. If you want to compose correctly competent resume seller, then spend time looking for something that could stand out from the competition.

You need to do something that you can later write about in this most important part of the resume. This something will be your bait with which you will catch large fish.

How can you stand out from the crowd?

Let's take a look at a few examples of how you can stand out from the competition. If you look at my example, then one of the items in my summary is the following:

“... Took part in the district competition “The Golden Future of Yugra”, held under the patronage of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in which he took third place in the nomination “Manager of the 21st century”. Project theme: “Business School”…”

Or here's another example:

  • Maybe you have been selling since the age of 7? Maybe you sold chewing gum inserts or some kind of badges at school?
  • Maybe you managed to sell your old grandmother's closet through Avito for fabulous money?
  • Do you have any personal record when you managed to make a sales turnover of 1 million dollars in a month?
  • Maybe you are the author of some book on sales?

In fact, any of your life situations that can be played in an interesting way and in which to show your talent as a salesperson are suitable here.

What to do if there is nothing to write in the most important block?

In this case, you need to set yourself a task to do something in the very near future. Now I'll give you a chip with which you will be able to fill this section with interesting and catchy information in the very near future.

The easiest option is to start a blog on one of the free platforms like livejournal and write some sales articles there. And so that you have food for articles - read some quality book on sales. Highlight a few in this book interesting ideas and in your own words, write the vision and how these ideas could be applied to either one of your past jobs or where you would like to work.

Next, in the most important part of the resume, you write about what you are author of several articles on sales and you can specify the titles of articles and links to them. Believe me, after that you will already be head and shoulders above all your other competitors.

Writing articles is not that hard.. Moreover, writing for your blog is not at all the same as writing for a newspaper or magazine. You may make spelling mistakes. You can write the article the way you want. Please note that I also write with errors, but this does not prevent me from writing articles for my blog, in particular the article that you are currently reading.

By the way, about the magazine. If you do decide to write a few articles, I recommend sending them to various magazines on the topic of sales. If one of your articles is liked by the editors of some magazine and places it on their pages, then this can also be mentioned in the summary.

Placing your article in a magazine will emphasize your authority and professionalism.

In the most important block, you can also add interesting events and facts from your life that will emphasize your dedication, diligence, responsibility, etc.

  • Perhaps you have climbed Elbrus or any other mountain peak? Write about it, indicate that you always achieve your goals.
  • Perhaps you participated in a marathon race for 40 kilometers? This will emphasize your fortitude, perseverance in overcoming difficulties.
  • Were you the captain of the football team at school? Point out that you are a strong person who can bring people together and lead them.

note that the above examples cannot be directly linked to the position of a salesperson. But we don't need it. You should emphasize other strengths that will help you in your work.

If you are a goal oriented person, won't this help you achieve your sales plan? If you are a strong-willed person, wouldn't this help you initially in learning new products and services from your employer?

As you can see, all this can be beautifully beaten and this will stand out from your competitors who are applying for the same position.

Well, I think that now you will find what to write in the most viewed part of the resume, and if not, then at least now you know in which direction you should “dig” in order to find worthy facts to include them in your resume.

Describing previous work experience

Indicate from what date and to what date you worked for last place work. Then indicate in which position and in which company. Additionally, you can add the scope of the enterprise, because if you simply indicate Nemesis LLC or IP Burlakov A.A., then from the name it will not be entirely clear what it does this company.

Then list your responsibilities and accomplishments. Pay attention to this point, as it is very important. In fact it's the second most important place on your resume.

If above, in the most readable zone, we wrote about your key life achievements, where any event from your life could fall, then in this section we write about achievements in a particular place of work.

While the Responsibilities section can be filled out in dry, formal language (“administrative and functional leadership”, “interaction with partners”, etc.), then the Achievements section is best filled out in your own words, understandable to other people.

Here you need specifics, so it's best to give facts. For example, I specified the following:

  • “…In the second month of work, I increased the number of accepted applications for lending to individuals by 40%…”
  • “... Brought the Nizhnevartovsky Subsidiary Office, from April to September 2008, to the first place in terms of the volume of loans issued and the number of attracted clients among other additional offices of the bank branch, such as Surgutsky, Tyumensky, Noyabrsky, Nefteyugansky ”, “Tobolsk”…”
  • “…I have a client base of 5000 people…”

And these are not events invented by me, but quite specific facts that can be verified by referring to my former leadership. As you can see this information is very convincing and it “sells”.

Believe it or not, I still get calls from various places and offers a job, although I have been working for myself for four years now. The last time I received a call was in September 2013 and was invited to work at VUZ-Bank as an additional office manager, although I had worked at the bank since 2007. to 2008 I mean, it's been 5 years!

The next paragraph of your stunning resume

After you have reflected the previous places of work, proceed to education. Many point education at the very top. In my opinion, it is appropriate to do this only when you have graduated from a prestigious university or received an MBA.

I never had a higher education, but I was constantly studying. In general, I left the fourth year of the institute, approximately at the same time when I began to work for myself. I just realized that I don’t want to be employed in the future and it’s better to give up my higher education now so that there is no desire to return to employment.

This is a completely different story. You can find out more about my thoughts on this subject. In no case do I urge you to refuse higher education, but as an employer I can say the following: I am not at all interested in whether a potential employee has a diploma or not.

The quality of education in our country leaves much to be desired. Yes, and students now practically do not study. Either order term papers and diplomas, or download from the Internet and slightly correct it.

Therefore, other qualities are important to me. Yes, and sellers, if you figure it out, don’t need a tower at all. It is believed that the seller is a “rough” job. There are no educational programs for this profession, except for trainings.

Therefore, it would be best if you write more in your resume about what courses and trainings you took in terms of sales:

If you have not yet completed any courses and trainings on this topic, then I recommend you order some training on DVD. Or study its digital version, which can be downloaded from the Internet.

Personally, I did just that. Do not forget that I live in a province where there are very few live trainings on this topic. Therefore, I ordered courses by mail, studied them in my spare time and indicated the courses studied in the “Education” column.

It looks much better and more attractive than if you don't specify anything at all.

Foreign languages ​​and computer skills

This is the next item on your resume. True, if you want to get a job where you won't need it It's better not to write about it. If you want to get a job in a grocery store that does not stock foreigners, then why do you need to write about language proficiency on your resume?

The same goes for computer skills. If you sit in a boutique and sell youth clothes, then a computer is unlikely to be useful to you. True, there may be exceptions. For example, the promotion of offline stores via the Internet is now actively developing.

If you find out how to create a Vkontakte group, attract people there and establish sales via the Internet, then you should definitely say this. True, I would do it higher, for example, at the top in the most readable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resume. This is a strong skill that should be trumped up as early as possible. to hook the employer.

After all, it’s not a fact that a recruiter will reach the end of the page, and computer skills are usually indicated at the very bottom. In general, look at the circumstances. If this is important information that sets you apart from your competitors, then it is better to say about it earlier, and send the most boring and not interesting information.

But it's best if your resume does not contain boring and uninteresting information at all. Any information about you can be interesting to beat if you approach this process creatively.

Additional Information

Finally, provide additional information about yourself. Here you can enter the names of those people who are ready to give recommendations, for example, your previous employers.

You can also indicate the presence of a car and a driver's license in case you need to move around at work. For example, for sales representative it is very important.

Write what you do in your free time (hobbies, sports, etc.)

This section is another opportunity to stand out from the competition. Usually people write here standard template phrases like: sociable, responsible, easy to learn, etc.

Well, in conclusion, duplicate your contact details again and write call to action for the recruiter: Call me right now!

Such words sound like a command, and the person reading this phrase will automatically reach for the phone on a subconscious level. Remember that the purpose of a resume is to hook a potential employer and get him to invite you for an interview.

But how to behave in an interview is the topic of the next conversation. Subscribe to the latest articles of my blog, click "like" if you liked this article, I also recommend that you study my free book.

The profession of a sales assistant does not require specialized education or highly specialized skills. However, a number of requirements for the identity of the applicant applying for this position still exist. Most often, these include general wishes related to the lifestyle and character of the applicant:

  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • restraint;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • courtesy and knowledge of etiquette.

Moreover, Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant, as a rule, provide for the need for a long stay on your feet without the possibility of rest during the working day. Therefore, the requirements of endurance and excellent health can be considered quite fair.

No less fair is the desire of the employer to get an experienced employee who is able to quickly make decisions in the event of emergency situations.

Depending on the direction of activity of the enterprise, inviting a sales consultant to work, may be nominated Additional requirements. For example, freehold foreign language, knowledge of the characteristics of the product being sold, etc. Sometimes the gender of the employee also matters (for example, in a women's underwear store, a woman seller would be more appropriate).

Don't know your rights?

Key skills of a sales consultant, skills and abilities

A Sales Consultant is a sales consultant. Unlike transactional sales, when the buyer independently takes the initiative to buy and chooses a product, consulting sales involve information support, the use of methods of persuasion, and sometimes overcoming objections. All this is included in duties of a sales consultant.

That is, he must master the basic methods and techniques of psychological and verbal interaction with customers, as well as have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existing sales technologies. Of course, in the absence of work experience, it is almost impossible to acquire such skills, which is why many companies practice preliminary training for employees: theoretical courses, seminars, trainings, etc.

Another professional skills of a sales assistant necessary for successful work, is the ability to work with documents and programs for accounting for products (for example, "1C: Trade and Warehouse"). Otherwise, the seller runs the risk of providing the customer with incorrect information regarding the availability of the desired item in the store.

The main responsibilities of a sales consultant: for a resume and successful work

As a rule, in official duties sales assistant includes the following functionality:

  • negotiating with clients of all levels;
  • customer service in accordance with sales technologies;
  • providing consulting assistance to buyers regarding the properties, characteristics of goods, rules for their use, pre- and post-sales service, care;
  • calculation of the total cost of the purchase;
  • packaging of goods;
  • work with complaints;
  • acceptance and exchange of goods;
  • checking the serviceability of the goods, compliance with its name printed on the package, visual inspection, etc. (that is, pre-sale preparation).

This list is by no means exhaustive – it all depends on the trading policy of the company, the direction of its activities and many other factors. For example, often official sales assistant instructions contains a clause on monitoring consumer demand, although this is more within the competence of a marketer.

Content and example of a sales assistant resume

Main Responsibilities of a Sales Consultant is the provision of complete and reliable information about the product to the buyer, the provision of practical and consulting assistance in choosing it, and ultimately the completion of the sales cycle, that is, the sale of the product.

Therefore, in order to potential employer showed interest sales consultant resume should contain information about the possession of the subject of sale, that is, knowledge of its characteristics, purpose, main target audience etc. If you have experience in a similar or related field, you should dwell on this in more detail and describe your own achievements in the same place.

In addition, the image of the company (store), and hence the level of customer loyalty to it, directly depends on the sales assistant. Thus, in the summary it is worth pointing out the compliance with the requirements for employees whose work involves interaction with customers: lack of conflict, friendliness, etc.

Sometimes a little trick helps to increase the chances of getting the desired position: usually, when placing a vacancy announcement, the employer quite fully indicates the requirements for the applicant in it; when compiling a summary, it is enough to paraphrase a little specified qualities- and here it is, matching! But this is permissible only if it does not contradict the truth too much - otherwise you can get into an awkward situation.

Overcoming difficulties with the wording and description of previous merits will easily help sales assistant resume sample. Finding him on the Internet is easy, but it’s better to specify the request and indicate the sales area in which employment is planned: for example, “ sales consultant resume sample home appliances store.

The demand for sellers in the labor market does not decrease, but only grows from year to year. A competent consultant can help the buyer choose a product, advise interesting offers from the store, or answer interesting products about promotions. Sellers are needed in small stores and large retail chains. Even the lack of experience in this profession is not a minus, many businessmen prefer young, enterprising young people and girls to increase sales. In order for the job applicant to be guaranteed to pass competitive selection, he will need a well-written resume.

Sample resume for sales assistant position

A compellingly written self-presentation is the key to success in any position. A sales assistant resume sample contains a number of sections that an applicant for a position must complete:

  • The title is a summary, then - whom, that is, who submits. For example, Ivanova Svetlana Igorevna.
  • Information about the position for which the job seeker is applying.
  • Desired amount of monetary compensation for their work.
  • Some nuances: willingness to work after hours, with a flexible schedule, for business trips, etc.
  • Contact information for feedback: phone numbers, address Email;
  • personal data of a person: citizenship, registration address, marital status, number of children.
  • Experience with listing employers, duration employment contract in each organization and briefly about the responsibilities.

Job functions of the sales consultant include the following responsibilities:

  • informing the consumer about the goods/services offered to him;
  • direct sale of the goods chosen by the buyer;
  • acceptance of products and placing them on shelves, racks;
  • maintenance of current documentation;
  • monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in commercial premises(cleanliness, lack of expired products, etc.).

The terms of reference of the seller-cashier are slightly different, and include the following functions:

  • packing goods, issuing them to customers;
  • observance of cash discipline;
  • maintaining documentation for your area of ​​work;
  • delivery of cash to the collector or shift supervisor;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the store;
  • participation in audits of inventory items.

Description of the achievements of the specialist in previous jobs. As options: stable implementation of the sales plan, awarding the title of "best sales assistant" of the year, no cash shortages, etc.

Educational level. Here the job seeker indicates all his schools with a note of how long training program and what specialty.

Additional information about education: successfully mastered courses, internships in related trade sectors.

An enumeration of personal characteristics that help the sales assistant to effectively perform their functions.

Attaching a photo to a resume significantly increases the chance of getting a job, because the appearance of a vacancy applicant is as important for the employer as his qualifications.

Key Skills and Abilities for a Sales Consultant Resume

A ready-made resume template is a great opportunity to save time. Professionals have already collected all the necessary information on the design of this document, the visitor of the resource only needs to enter information about himself.

To convince the employer of his competence, the applicant for the position of a sales assistant, when filling out the section on personal qualities, must mention the following character traits:

  • honesty,
  • non-conflict,
  • discipline,
  • sense of responsibility,
  • the ability to smooth out sharp corners in dealing with capricious customers,
  • a desire to work.

After all, a consultant cannot stand still for the entire shift; sales volume depends on his activity and sociability. The professional should mention having the following skills:

  • computer skills;
  • knowledge of cash discipline;
  • support of transactions of any complexity;
  • the ability to prepare reports for their position;
  • competent, polite speech;
  • diplomacy when dealing with conflicting visitors;
  • organizational skills trading process and so on.

If you have no time to write a resume yourself, you can download it from our website. An example of design is also on the resource pages.