Where and when was invented. When did the Internet appear and in what year

Where and when was typography invented?

Typography (duplication of texts from matrices) was invented in China in 770 AD.

Under what khans did the Golden Horde reach the apogee of its power and who put an end to its existence?

The Golden Horde reached its maximum power during the reign of Khan Uzbek (1312-1342) and his successor Khan Janibek (1342-1357). The military forces of this feudal state under Uzbek numbered up to 300 thousand people. However, the troubles that began in 1357 with the assassination of Khan Janibek initiated the collapse of the Horde. From 1357 to 1380 more than 25 khans ascended to the Golden Horde throne. In the 1360s – 1370s, temnik Mamai became the de facto ruler. In the early 1360s, Khorezm fell away from the Golden Horde, the lands in the Dnieper River basin were seized by the Polish and Lithuanian kingdoms, and Astrakhan was separated. Mamai also had to face the growing alliance of Russian principalities led by Moscow. An attempt by Mamai in 1380 to weaken Russia again through a predatory campaign led to the defeat of the Mongol-Tatars by the united Russian troops in the Battle of Kulikovo. Under Khan Tokhtamysh (1380-1395), the troubles ceased and the central government began to control the main territory of the Golden Horde. Tokhtamysh in 1380 defeated the army of Mamai on the Kalka River, in 1382 he went to Moscow, which he captured by deception and burned. After strengthening his power, he opposed the Samarkand emir Timur. As a result of several devastating campaigns, Timur defeated Tokhtamysh's troops, captured and destroyed the Volga cities, including the Golden Horde capital Saray-Berke, and robbed the Crimean cities. The Golden Horde was dealt a blow from which it could no longer recover.

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many inventions that completely turned the course of history at one point or another. But a few of them are of planetary significance. The invention of gunpowder refers precisely to such rare discoveries that gave a great impetus to the emergence and development of new branches of science and industry. Therefore, every educated person should know where gunpowder was invented, in which country it was first used for military purposes.

The prehistory of the appearance of gunpowder

For a long time, the controversy about when gunpowder was invented did not subside. Some attributed the recipe for a combustible substance to the Chinese, others believed that the Europeans invented it, and only from there it got to Asia. It is difficult to say with an accuracy of one year when gunpowder was invented, but China must definitely be considered its homeland.

Rare travelers who came to China in the Middle Ages noted the love of local residents for noisy fun, accompanied by unusual and very loud explosions. The Chinese themselves were very amused by this action, but the Europeans inspired fear and horror. In fact, it was not gunpowder yet, but just bamboo shoots thrown into the fire. After heating, the stems burst with a characteristic sound that was very similar to heavenly thunder.

The effect of the exploding shoots gave ground for thought to the Chinese monks, who began to conduct experiments to create a similar substance from natural components.

History of invention

It is difficult to say in what year the Chinese invented gunpowder, but there is evidence that already in the sixth century the Chinese had an idea of ​​a mixture of several components that burns with a bright flame.

The palm in the invention of gunpowder rightfully belongs to the monks of Taoist temples. Among them there were a lot of alchemists who constantly conducted experiments to create. They combined various substances in different proportions, hoping one day to find the right combination. Some Chinese emperors were heavily dependent on these drugs, they dreamed of getting eternal life and did not hesitate to use dangerous mixtures. In the middle of the ninth century, one of the monks wrote a treatise in which he described almost all known elixirs and how they were used. But this was not the most important - in several lines of the treatise, a dangerous elixir was mentioned, which suddenly caught fire in the hands of alchemists, causing them incredible pain. It was not possible to extinguish the flame, and in a few minutes the whole house burned down. It is these data that can put a fat point in the dispute about in what year gunpowder was invented and where.

Although gunpowder was not mass-produced in China until the tenth-eleventh century. By the beginning of the twelfth century, several Chinese scientific treatises had appeared detailing the components of gunpowder and the concentration required for combustion. It is worth clarifying that when gunpowder was invented, it was a flammable substance and could not explode.

Gunpowder composition

After the invention of gunpowder, the monks spent several years determining the ideal ratio of components. After much trial and error, a mixture called "fire potion" was born, consisting of coal, sulfur and saltpeter. It was the last component that became decisive in establishing the homeland of the invention of gunpowder. The fact is that it is rather difficult to find saltpeter in nature, but in China it is found in large excess in the soil. There are cases when it appeared on the surface of the earth with a whitish bloom up to three centimeters thick. Some Chinese chefs have added saltpeter to their food instead of salt for flavor enhancement. They always noticed that the ingestion of saltpeter in the fire caused bright flashes and intensified the combustion.

The Taoists knew about the properties of sulfur for a long time, it was often used for tricks, which the monks called "magic". The last element of gunpowder coal has always been used to generate heat when burning. Therefore, it is not surprising that these three substances became the basis of gunpowder.

Peaceful use of gunpowder in China

At the time when gunpowder was invented, the Chinese had no idea how great a discovery they made. They decided to use the magical properties of the "fire potion" for colorful processions. Gunpowder became the main element of firecrackers and fireworks. Thanks to the right combination of ingredients in the mixture, thousands of lights flew into the air, transforming the street procession into something very special.

But one should not assume that, having such an invention, the Chinese did not understand its importance in military affairs. Despite the fact that China was not an aggressor in the Middle Ages, it was in a state of constant defense of its borders. Neighboring nomadic tribes periodically raided the border provinces of China, and the invention of gunpowder came in handy. With its help, the Chinese have consolidated their positions in the Asian region for a long time.

Gunpowder: the first use by the Chinese for military purposes

Europeans have long believed that the Chinese did not use gunpowder for military purposes. But in fact, this data is erroneous. There is written evidence that as early as the third century, one of the famous Chinese commanders managed to defeat nomadic tribes with gunpowder. He lured the enemies into a narrow gorge, where charges were previously laid. They were narrow earthen pots filled with gunpowder and metal. Bamboo pipes with cords impregnated with gray led to them. When the Chinese set them on fire, thunder burst out, reflected several times by the walls of the gorge. Lumps of earth, stones and metal pieces flew from under the feet of the nomads. The terrible incident forced the aggressors to leave the border provinces of China for a long time.

From the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries, the Chinese improved their military capabilities with gunpowder. They invented all new types of weapons. Enemies were overtaken by shells fired from bamboo tubes and guns fired from a catapult. Thanks to their "fire potion", the Chinese emerged victorious in almost all battles, and the fame of this unusual substance spread throughout the world.

Gunpowder leaves China: Arabs and Mongols begin to make gunpowder

Around the thirteenth century, the recipe for gunpowder fell into the hands of the Arabs and Mongols. According to one legend, the Arabs stole a treatise containing detailed description proportions of coal, sulfur and nitrate required for an ideal mixture. In order to obtain this precious source of information, the Arabs destroyed an entire mountain monastery.

It is not known whether this was so, but already in the same century, the Arabs designed the first cannon with gunpowder shells. She was rather imperfect and often crippled the soldiers themselves, but the effect of the weapon clearly covered the loss of life.

"Greek fire": Byzantine gunpowder

According to historical sources, from the Arabs the recipe for gunpowder came to Byzantium. Local alchemists did a little work on the composition and began to use a combustible mixture called "Greek fire". She successfully proved herself in the defense of the city, when the fire from the pipes burned down almost the entire enemy fleet.

It is not known for certain what was part of the "Greek fire". Its recipe was kept in the strictest confidence, but scientists assume that the Byzantines used sulfur, oil, saltpeter, resin and oils.

Gunpowder in Europe: Who Invented?

For a long time, Roger Bacon was considered the culprit of the appearance of gunpowder in Europe. In the middle of the thirteenth century, he became the first European to describe in a book all the recipes for making gunpowder. But the book was encrypted, and it was not possible to use it. If you want to know who invented gunpowder in Europe, history is the answer to your question.

He was a monk and practiced alchemy for his benefit. In the early fourteenth century, he worked to determine the proportions of a substance from coal, sulfur and saltpeter. After long experiments, he managed to grind the necessary components in a mortar in a proportion sufficient for an explosion. The blast wave almost sent the monk to the next world. But his invention marked the beginning of a new era in Europe - the era of firearms.

The first model of the "shooting mortar" was developed by the same Schwartz, for which he was imprisoned in order to not disclose secrets. But the monk was kidnapped and secretly transported to Germany, where he continued his experiments on improving firearms. How the inquisitive monk ended his life is still unknown. According to one version, he was blown up on a barrel of gunpowder, according to another, he died safely at a very old age. Be that as it may, but gunpowder gave the Europeans great opportunities, which they did not fail to take advantage of.

The appearance of gunpowder in Russia

Unfortunately, no sources have survived that would shed light on the history of the appearance of gunpowder in Russia. The most popular version is considered to be the borrowing of the recipe from the Byzantines. Whether it really was so is unknown, but gunpowder in Russia was called "potion", and it had the consistency of a powder. For the first time, firearms were used at the end of the fourteenth century during the siege of Moscow. It is worth noting that the guns did not have great destructive power. They were used to intimidate the enemy and horses, which lost their orientation in space from the smoke and roar, which sowed panic in the ranks of the attackers.

By the nineteenth century gunpowder had become widespread, but its golden years were still ahead.

Smokeless Powder Recipe: Who Invented?

The end of the nineteenth century was marked by the invention of new modifications of gunpowder. It should be clarified that for decades, inventors have tried to improve the combustible mixture. So in which country was gunpowder invented without smoke? Scientists believe that in France. The inventor Viel managed to obtain a pyroxylin powder that has a solid structure. His tests made a splash, the benefits of the new substance were immediately noted by the military. The so-called smokeless powder had tremendous power, did not leave carbon deposits and burned evenly. In Russia, it was received three years later than in France. Moreover, the inventors worked independently of each other.

A few years later, he proposed using nitroglycerin gunpowder in the manufacture of shells, which has completely new characteristics. Later in the history of gunpowder there were many modifications and improvements, but each of them was designed to sow death over great distances.

Until today, military inventors are doing serious work to create completely new types of gunpowder. Who knows, perhaps with his help in the future they will radically change the history of mankind more than once.

Metro is a view railway transport, the paths of which are laid away from the streets, most often underground.

The first metro line was built in London(Great Britain). It was only 3.6 km long and was launched January 10, 1863... Built by her company Metropolitan Railways("Metropolitan Railways"), which translated into Russian means "Capital Railways"... From this name came the word "metro", which is still used today in many countries.

Who came up with the idea to put trains underground and why was it necessary?

By the middle of the 19th century, a traveler could get from London train stations to almost anywhere in England. But people moved around the city itself, mainly on horse-drawn trams and carriages. The train routes that carried passengers to London did not reach the main business and shopping center cities. Convenient ways getting from one station to another did not exist.

In 1843, under the leadership of Isambard Brunel, a tunnel under the Thames was opened. This discovery proved the convenience and reliability of the underground railroad... And then the legal adviser of London Charles Pearson in 1846 came up with a proposal to lay underground lines connecting the main railway stations of the city. In 1853, the North Metropolitan Railway Co was formed, and in January 1860, the first tunnel was dug in Easton Square.

The first metro line had 7 stations and the journey lasted 33 minutes. The carriages had gas lighting, which the Daily Telegraph reported was so bright that one could read the newspaper without difficulty. On the opening day, 6 locomotives, pulling 4 carriages, departed every 15 minutes and made a total of 120 trips in both directions and transported 30 thousand passengers during this time. The convenience of this type of movement surpassed all expectations, and in the same 1863 it was decided to build a ring line in London with a length of 30 km. It opened on October 1, 1868, and crossed the first line at South Kensington Station. Thus, for the first time, it became possible to change from one underground route to another.

At first, the trains were pulled by steam locomotives that ran on coke (coal). Therefore, trains spat out clouds of sulfur smoke into the tunnel. On November 4, 1890, the steam traction was replaced by an electric one.

At first, people took the subway in elevators, but with the invention of the escalator in 1911, the number of elevators began to decline. One escalator can replace five elevators. Escalators have ended the queues at London Underground stations.

The second subway was opened in New York in 1868. It was aboveground, but the first aboveground sections were not preserved and were replaced by underground ones.

In Russia, the first metro line was inaugurated in Moscow on May 15, 1935. Later on the territory Soviet Union subways were also opened in Leningrad (1955), Kiev (1960), Tbilisi (1966), Baku (1967), Kharkov (1975), Tashkent (1977), Yerevan (1981), Minsk (1984), Gorky (1985), Novosibirsk (1986), Kuibyshev (1987) and Sverdlovsk (1991).

The Internet is, without exaggeration, the main technological breakthrough of recent decades. But by whom and when was it invented? In fact, the invention of the Internet is a rather complicated story, and we will understand it in this post.

First Internet projects

For the first time ideas and projects of the global computer network appear in the early 1960s. In 1962, in the United States, Joseph Licklider, who was then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, released a series of notes in which he described the concept of the "Galactic Network." The name was comic, and Licklider saw the main purpose of this network in the convenient exchange of data and program code, but his concept really described some of the principles of the global computer network, reminiscent of the modern Internet. Soon Lichladier became the head of the department information technologies DARPA, and largely thanks to his efforts, after a while, this agency begins the implementation of a project of one of the first ARPANET computer networks.

V. M. Glushkov

In the same 1962, an article by Academician Kharkevich was published in the Soviet Union, in which he wrote about the need to create a nationwide computer network that would allow all institutions to exchange information and become the basis for planning and management in various industries. Soon Academician Glushkov came up with an even more detailed project, called OGAS (National automated system accounting and processing of information). The project envisaged the creation of a single computer network in the USSR, within the framework of the project it was planned to create 6,000 computer centers and train 300 thousand IT specialists. Khrushchev approved the plan and its implementation began, but after Brezhnev came to power, the Soviet bureaucracy began to openly sabotage the project. Instead of a single network, Soviet ministries began to build their own computing centers that were not connected to each other, and attempts to combine them into a network did not go beyond experiments. So the USSR missed the opportunity to overtake the West in the field of information technology.

OGAS Glushkova


In 1964, two years later than in the USSR, the ARPANET network project was launched in the USA. But, unlike in the USSR, this project was brought to the end there. In 1969, this network began to work, although at first it had only 4 nodes.

ARPANET in 1969

Later, many began to consider this year as the year of the emergence of the Internet. But in reality, the ARPANET network was quite far from the modern Internet. The main problem that they tried to solve with the help of this network was the problem of optimal use of computer power. Computers were still quite expensive, and if someone could remotely connect to another computer and use its power while idle, it would be a big savings. Due to various difficulties, this task was never realized, but ARPANET continued to develop.

Larry Roberts

In 1972, Larry Roberts, one of the developers of ARPANET, who by that time had replaced Licklider as director of the IT department of DARPA, organized international conference on computer communications in Washington. At this conference, an ARPANET demonstration was held, during which those who wished could connect to 20 computers from different US cities and execute different commands on them. At the time, the demonstration made a deep impression on skeptics who did not believe in the reality of computer networks.

In 1972 e-mail appeared in ARPANET. Soon the transmission of messages by e-mail became one of the most popular functions of ARPANET. Some even believe that e-mail "saved" ARPANET, making this network really useful and in demand. Then other ways of using the network began to appear - file transfer, instant messaging, message boards, etc. However, ARPANET was not yet the Internet. And the first obstacle further development network was the lack of a universal protocol that would allow computers to exchange information different types and with different software.

TCP / IP protocol

Variety of hardware and software created enormous difficulties for networking computers. To overcome them, in 1973, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn decided to create a universal information exchange protocol that would allow connecting a wide variety of computers and local networks.

Vinton ("Screw") Cerf

Robert ("Bob") Kahn

The protocol was named TCP (Transmission-Control Protocol, or Transmission Control Protocol). Later the protocol was split into two parts and was called TCP / IP (IP - Internet Protocol). By the way, at the same time, around the mid-70s, the word "Internet" itself appeared.

The development of the protocol took quite a long time. Initially, many doubted that small computers were capable of supporting such a complex protocol at all. It was only in 1977 that the first data transmission using this protocol was demonstrated. And ARPANET switched to a new protocol only in 1983.

And in 1984, the first DNS server was launched, which allowed the use of domain names instead of poorly remembered IP addresses.

Development of computer networks and the end of ARPANET

In the late 70s, the first personal computers intended for home use. In the 80s, more and more such computers began to appear, and computer networks developed at the same time. Along with state and scientific networks, commercial and amateur networks appeared, to which it was possible to connect via a modem through a telephone line. However, the functions of computer networks were still rather limited and were limited mainly to sending e-mail and exchanging messages and files through electronic bulletin boards (BBS). It was still not the Internet we are used to.

ARPANET, which at one time served as an impetus for the development of computer networks, fell into decay, and in 1989 this network was closed. The Pentagon, which funded DARPA, did not really need it, and the military segment of this network from the civilian one was separated in the early 80s. At the same time, the alternative global network NSFNET, created in 1984 by the US National Science Foundation, was actively developing. This network originally united American universities. In the mid-1980s, this network first began to use high-speed data lines with a data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbps instead of 56 Kbps, which was the standard for modems and telephone lines. In the late 80s, the remnants of ARPANET became part of NSFNET, and NSFNET itself in the early 90s will become the core of the world Internet. This will happen, however, not immediately, since the network was initially focused on using only for scientific and educational purposes, but then these restrictions were nevertheless removed. In 1994 NSFNET was effectively privatized and completely open for commercial use.


But for the Internet to become as we know it, in addition to computer networks and a universal protocol, something else had to be invented. That something was site organization technology. It was she who made the Internet really popular and massive.

Tim Berners-Lee

In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee worked on a document viewing system at CERN (the famous international nuclear research center in Switzerland). And then it occurred to him, based on the hypertext markup that he used in the documents, to implement a large-scale project. The project was named the World Wide Web.

For 2 years Tim Berners-Lee worked hard on the project. During this time, he developed the HTML language for creating web pages, a method for specifying page addresses in the form of URLs, the HTTP protocol and the first browser.

On August 6, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee launched the first website on the Internet. It contained basic information about WWW technology, how to view documents, how to download a browser.

This is how the first users saw the first website in the world.

In 1993, the first browser appeared with graphical interface... In the same year, CERN issued a statement in which it notified that WWW technology would not be protected by any copyright and its free use was allowed to everyone. This wise decision led to an explosive growth in the number of sites on the web and to the emergence of the Internet as we know it today. Already in 1995, the WWW service became the most used in comparison with all others (e-mail, file transfer, etc.), and for modern users it is practically synonymous with the Internet.

So who invented the internet? The inventor of the Internet is not one person. But of those who made the greatest personal contribution to its appearance, the following people can be distinguished.

  1. The initiators and developers of ARPANET. Among them, there are people like Joseph Licklider, Larry Roberts, as well as Paul Baran and Bob taylor.
  2. The creators of the TCP / IP protocol: Screw Cerf and Bob kahn.
  3. WWW creator Tim Berners-Lee.

The emergence of Runet

The first computer networks in the USSR appeared long ago, even earlier than in the West. The first experiments in this area date back to 1952, and in 1960 a network was already deployed in the USSR that united computers as part of a missile defense system. Later, specialized civil networks appeared, designed, for example, for accounting for railway and air tickets. Unfortunately, with the development of networks general purpose were big problems because of the pervasive bureaucracy.

In the 1980s, Soviet scientists first began to connect to foreign networks, at first only sporadically, for example, to hold some kind of conferences on scientific topics. In 1990, the first Soviet computer network"Relcom", which united scientific institutions from different cities of the USSR. Its creation was carried out by employees of the Institute of Atomic Energy. Kurchatov. In the same year, the su zone, the domain zone of the Soviet Union, was registered (the ru zone appeared only in 1994). In autumn 1990, Relcom established the first connections with foreign countries... In 1992 "Relcom" implements the TCP / IP protocol and establishes a connection with the European network EUnet. Runet is becoming a full-fledged part of the Internet.

Good afternoon friends. Most homes in our country now have computers. We are so used to them that they become an integral part of the house. Many people without the Internet do not see the meaning of their existence.

People are already used to it, if something is unknown, you need to look on the Internet. How to make a veranda? - look on the internet. What will the weather be like in the near future? Also, the Internet will easily tell you.

And when did the Internet appear, and in what year? Most users find it difficult to answer about this, despite the fact that it has become so firmly established in our lives. But, let's then we, try to deal with this issue?

So what is the Internet, or the global network? I would call it a community of computers interconnected through special cables or wave connections. Computers can range from small size, like pocket PCs, to huge size, with a whole lot of knowledge, processing quite a lot of information.

The history of the emergence of the Internet is quite interesting. But what is it like? When did the worldwide web appear? The history of the emergence of the global network begins with the first computer. I already wrote an article -? But, about the first appearance of the Internet, I have not yet mentioned.

When the internet appeared briefly

The preconditions for the emergence of the worldwide network originate in the 50s of the last century. We can say that the Internet began to emerge with the beginning Cold war... In the 50s, the USSR, in contrast to the United States, began to create its own intercontinental missiles.

These missiles could deliver a nuclear charge to America. This worried the Americans very much. They began to think about lightning-fast data transmission devices if a war broke out.

At the time, ARPA was responsible for creating new technologies for the US Army. It also gave the idea to the US government to use networked computers for this. The nodes of this network were located in special rooms that would not fail if one or more of them were destroyed. Of course, all this was controlled by the Pentagon.

Four companies were entrusted to create such a network: - The University of Utah, the University of Los Angeles, California and a research center from Stanford.

The US Department of Defense monitored these studies and also handled their finances. The basis for the emergence of the Internet was a technology that was created by an engineer from the United States Leonard Clayton in 1961.

Its essence is that information flows were divided into packets (sequence) over a special network, and their chain can be transmitted through the network. Moreover, there are alternate routes between the 2nd nodes. If one refuses, the information will flow differently.

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What year did the Internet appear

The tests began. One of the first took place on October 29, 1969. Two PCs were connected to each other, located 640 km from each other. Moreover, the first computer was at Stanford University, and the second, in California. The communication cables were rented from the telephone company.

creators of the ARPANET

The connection speed was 56 Kbps. The essence of the experiment: - one of Charlie Cline's employees from Los Angeles sent the word LOGIN. The other, Bill Duvall from Stanford, was supposed to see him on his screen and report it over the phone.

At 9pm they made their first attempt, but Charlie Cline managed to send only 3 LOG characters. At half past eleven the experiment was repeated once more. And he succeeded! Bill Duvall saw the word LOGIN perfectly.

The question - when did the Internet appear, can be answered on 10/29/1969! It's like his birthday! This network was named ARPANET. By the end of 1969, all these universities were united into one network.

Hence, in connection with the development of a packet-switching network, a fast and high-quality digital communication was created, which does not rely on telephone lines... ARPANET was the ancestor of not only codes and files for the military, but also became something of a springboard for other networks.

But the history of the global network continued, and in 1971 a certain Ray Tomlison created email and wrote a program thanks to which people could write letters to each other on the Internet. Tomlison created the @ (dog) icon. This sign still remains part of any email address.

Interesting fact! @ Sign in different countries it is called differently - the Greeks call it a little duck, the Germans call it a hanging monkey, the Danes call it an elephant's appendage, and so on.

The first international connection took place in 1972. Computers from Norway and Great Britain were connected. In the same year, a satellite connection with a university in Hawaii was launched. The number of hosts became 100 in 1977.

Internet Protocol TCP / IP

The next major development happened in 1983. In this year, ARPANET changed the transfer of information from NCP to TCP / IP. This protocol transmission and reception of information is still used.

TCP - deals with converting messages into a stream of information on the side that transmits the data. Then he is engaged in collecting packets back into messages, only on the side that receives.

IP - deals with the management of packet addresses. IP sends them in the right directions between different nodes of the global network and allows the interconnection of different networks.

When the Internet Protocol (IP) appeared, the name internet acquired a global status as a concept of a huge combination of many computers for inter-network communication.

Since the mid-eighties, the NSFNET network began its creation, which united a huge number of PCs located in different universities in America. Along with this, other networks began to be created, such as CSNET, BITNET and others. Since about the mid-nineties, the ARPANET was eliminated, and the servers of this network were connected to other networks.

When the Internet appeared in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the Kurchatov Institute (Institute of Atomic Energy) was the first of the institutes to be connected to the global network in the early eighties. Also, in the nineties, the UNIX network was created - RELCOM. This network connected DEMOS and IAE.

DEMOS was created at the end of winter 1989 with the aim of developing software and creating new local networks of computers. This network has been connected to the European UNIX EUnet since August of the same year.

This is the first commercial company Soviet Union, which established data exchange with Western networks.

When did the abbreviation WWW appear?

WWW stands for World Wide Web, which stands for World Wide Web. This is a very important step in the creation of the Internet. It was created in 1991 and is based on the use of hypertext.

Hypertext means text containing a link to another fragment of this text (Web - page) of the same document or to another document. When a person clicks on such a link, the browser or another program takes the user to the piece of text to which it directs him.

Who invented the world wide web

It was invented by Briton Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Kayo. In history, it was Tim who made the first server. He also created the first browser. Tim used hypertext links to better navigate the internet.

Who created the first site

I think you already guessed that the first site was created by the same Tim Berners-Lee. He created it in the ninetieth year. The site had the address http://info.cern.ch/.

What the first browser looked like

The creation of WWW services and browsers that can display Web pages on a PC has led to a real boom in the global network. The GUI browser appeared in 1993. It was the first of its kind and it was called NCSA Mosaic.

All these discoveries and inventions, especially the WWW, created the conditions for connecting to the Internet for a mass user. Nowadays, everyone can travel across the vastness of the world wide web. The number of people using the Internet is growing exponentially.

When the Internet appeared, what year, you now know. I wish you success!

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