Own music school - the experience of creating a business. How to open your own recording studio Business plan for a vocal school

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    The owner and teacher of the pop vocal school, Larisa Kudryavtseva, told the magazineFoodikaabout her principles of teaching, plans for the future and gave several useful tips budding vocalists.

    Larisa, tell us about how you got involved in vocals?

    I started singing at the age of 12. I found out that my friend goes to a vocal group, and I wanted the same. I just went to an audition with her one day and they accepted me.

    Why did you decide to start teaching, what was your first project?

    Initially, I did not plan to engage in teaching activities, because I wanted to be a singer. But at the age of 15, doctors diagnosed me with knots on the ligaments. I had to reconsider a lot - what to do now, where to move on. Doctors said that I needed to look for other professions, but for a long time I could not decide what I now want from life. This went on until my teacher suggested that I start teaching on my own. I began to lead junior group children in a variety studio. But she set a condition for me: to enter a university and get a musical education. Before applying to the institute, four years after my first diagnosis, I again went to the phoniator. The doctor, having checked me, said that I can safely enter the vocal class. I joyfully called Gnesinka, found out when the audition was there, and arrived at the appointed time. My future teacher Khachaturov Vladimir Khristoforovich listened to me, who was shocked by me in good sense. To celebrate, I sang everything that I could sing at that time: arias from operettas, and jazz, and romances, and hard rock. And some songs of my own. She sang several phrases from different compositions. They took me. Immediately to the second year of Gnesinka.

    How did the idea of ​​creating a vocal school come about? What was the first step?

    At first I worked with children, I gave it 12 years. But at one point I disbanded the team. For a long time I could not find a place for myself, and nine months later I had the idea to start teaching vocals to adults. Initially, I did not plan to physically create a “school”. At the beginning, one class and gave an announcement: "I accept students." The first to come to me were those with whom I had worked before. Then they began to recommend me to their friends. The next step was to create a website and search for your own premises. Then the number of students allowed to pay for it. And of course, I could no longer deal with everyone myself, so I began to look for other teachers.

    Where are you looking for vocal coaches? It seems that there are not enough of them on the market.

    I first looked for teachers through my teacher, who taught me at the university. She recommended her students to me. When the school grew, people who were looking for work began to send me resumes. And I have already looked, studied the applications. And if I saw that a person suits me, I invited me for an interview. But this process is very difficult: there seem to be many vocal teachers, but there are few those who really want to be hired. Finding a good teacher is not easy.

    What principles do you follow in teaching?

    From the time I was diagnosed with knots on ligaments, I have one main principle - do no harm !! And I try to teach singing in such a way that a person rationally uses his data, and the vocal cords do not suffer. It's complicated technical part work. It is very easy to ruin a talented person. Quite often people come to me who have already had training experience, they could sing well, but they do it terribly, because they were not taught correctly. For example, for some reason it is believed that everyone needs to sing high notes.

    Yes, it's good to have a wide range, but it's important that each note sounds easy and beautiful. And this is a long one painstaking work both teacher and student.

    In my work it is important not to spoil the voice. That's why I don't teach online lessons. On Skype, many of the nuances are difficult to explain and hear. When I am next to a student, I immerse myself in him, and at the level of each of my cells I can tell which part of his body is clamped or feel what the problem is. Voice is energy, and you feel it better when you are next to a person, and not through a monitor.

    You can say a lot of beautiful words, but sometimes it’s better to show with your feelings how to do it right. And when a student repeats your exercises, you more clearly understand what he is doing wrong, and accordingly, you can correct it and do it better.

    Did you immediately want to teach ordinary people or did you strive to raise stars?

    When a student grows up, starts singing great, people give compliments, I see how the public accepts him, I feel great pride. I wish all my students to achieve success and realize their creative potential, their vocal talent. Yes, I want the maximum number of my students to become successful, but I work with everyone who is ready to work. It's just that everyone has their own path.

    Tell us about your students, are there famous names among them? How did you meet Kirill Andreev?

    Yes, I have worked with many famous artists: Olesya Zheleznyak, Galina Bob, Andrey Sokolov. My student Daria Pobedonostseva has been a soloist of the Demo group for several years now. Of course, Kirill Andreev. We met him somewhere else in 1996, when Ivanushki just released the first video for the song "Clouds". We met in Gnesinka, in the audience of my teacher Vladimir Khristoforovich, who then also studied with Kirill. I remember Kirill demonstrating how well he can hold his breath. And a few years later, fate brought us together again, and we worked together on a solo album by Kirill Andreev. Basically, he didn’t come to my school, but I went to his studio to record. The disc turned out to be excellent, Kirill has excellent data, and if he had found more time for vocal lessons in his tour schedule, the result would have been even better!

    The school is nine years old this year. Let's try to sum up some results: have you achieved what you were originally striving for?

    Nine years is a long time. And not all schools live so long.

    In this market, we are one of the elders. Basically, have I achieved what I was striving for? Hard to say! I did not set a goal to create a school, it was important for me to teach. It so happened that as soon as I started teaching, so many students reached out to me that the school became a necessity. I alone would not be physically able to accept everyone.

    Now I want to develop further. I see the result: we have produced a lot of good students, many of whom regularly participate in the TV show "Voice" and achieve good positions. And it says that we are doing the right thing. Many people who couldn't sing or had corrupted voices are now performing well, showing off their skills. It is always important to see the result of your work, and I am proud of what we do ...

    What are your plans for the future?

    Plans to actively develop professional direction. My employees have been pushing me to take it to the next level for a long time, and I thought, why not. Life always pushes me and gives me direction to move on. I myself do one thing: I try to work well!

    How is your typical day?

    If it's a work day, I wake up, have a cup of coffee, watch the news, cook my family's meals for the day, and go to work. I return home at 10 pm, and I only have enough strength to go to bed. And in my free days I like to be in nature and try to go to the gym.

    Larisa, you are not only a theoretical teacher, you are a practitioner. Sing yourself. Do you continue to study? If yes, then who?

    I continue to sing, and recently there was a concert in which I performed with my students Gulshat Khamurzina and Daria Letichevskaya. But I'm learning more as a teacher. As a singer, I would love to work out, because the singer, like the athlete, all professional activity need to train. And the best of the best! You do not always hear yourself correctly, you cannot correctly assess what and how you are doing. But the problem is that my beloved teacher Lyudmila Vladislavovna Lvova is now retired and is more engaged in her grandchildren, and I have not yet found a replacement for her.

    Tell us about your idols? And why are they authorities for you?

    I don't have any idols and never have. But I could always appreciate professionals, so there are artists who are interesting to me. Previously loved Ella Fitzgerald, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Norah Jones. Now there are no obvious priorities, I listen to different music, and I find many interesting vocalists. But of our stars, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva remains the brightest for me. She is a brilliant master of vocal art, despite the fact that she has her own mannerisms. But she has a right to it. In any case, Pugacheva brilliantly owns the profession, for which at one time she had to work hard. Which gives me great respect.

    What advice can you give to aspiring vocalists and those who dream of opening their own vocal school in the future? What do you think are the most common mistakes in this area and how to avoid them?

    There are so many schools now that people don't know where to go. Here quantity, unfortunately, does not always translate into quality. And even I myself understand that today, perhaps, I would not open a vocal school, since it requires a lot of strength.

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    Demand for private educational institutions is growing every day, especially in large cities of our country. More recently, private music schools have also begun to open, as many want to send a child there or wish to attend it on their own as a hobby. Choosing this type of business, you should carefully consider and be sure to draw up a business plan for a music school in order to calculate the most important points project. This example will help you write your own business plan.


    Due to the popularity of private schools, courses, sections and musical institutions, sometimes entrepreneurs themselves think about the implementation of projects for small and medium-sized institutions. To increase demand, narrow-profile courses are offered. Examples: training English language, a physics and mathematics school, a programming school or a music school where students play high-quality musical instruments with motivated and highly qualified teachers.

    A private music school is a rather complicated project, it is still a novelty for entrepreneurs. It is important to write a business plan and think through the nuances in order to get profitability. To do this, you definitely need a business plan for a music school with calculations that will take into account all costs, the cost of equipment and renting a room.

    You can open a private music school on the ground floor of a former large store or in public institution(we rent the space). The value of such a school lies in the high level and quality of teaching students to play musical instruments.

    Market analysis and target audience definition

    When developing a marketing plan, it is necessary to analyze the market, determine target audience, its volume and demand for a specific direction of musical disciplines.

    The target audience is, first of all, parents of children from 7 to 14 years old (85-90%), adults, mostly women 28-40 years old (10-15%).

    The most common instruments, learning to play which is in demand:

    • Piano (45%).
    • Violin (25%).
    • Guitar (25%).
    • Bayan (accordion) (5%).

    It is necessary to look at the number of similar schools in the city and identify the most popular musical directions, make a brief SWOT analysis of competitors. The priority is highly qualified teachers and the location of the school.

    Criteria for choosing a private music school:

    • school image.
    • The level of qualification of teachers.
    • Equipment (condition of musical instruments).
    • Proximity to school and home.
    • Lesson price.

    Location and rent of the building (premises)

    The location of a private music school directly affects its attendance. It is advisable to choose a room near schools, kindergartens, lyceums.

    For a music school, it is necessary to consider spacious rooms, at least 200-250 square meters, which will house at least 4 classes + a teacher's room, a bathroom, a utility room, a performance hall with an area of ​​​​at least 50 square meters. m and a small hall (minimum 20 sq. m). The room should have windows that are needed for natural light and a positive atmosphere in the school. It is undesirable to place a school on the 4th-5th floor; it should be convenient for children to climb to the educational institution, as well as to get to it.

    The price of renting premises in large metropolitan areas is within 100 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, in smaller cities (but not less than 1 million inhabitants) the price is about 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. However, such educational institutions have some discounts for a large area, plus you can get benefits and financial assistance from the state. Renting premises in a state institution will be much lower, no more than 7 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.

    Tools and furniture

    The priority for the music school will, of course, be high-quality musical instruments. This equipment should be purchased in excellent condition and good trademark, as parents, bringing children to a private school, often look at this. It is not recommended to buy a used tool due to possible wear and tear and problems with it. If after a year of work you have to re-purchase tools, this will negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise and bring reputational losses. In addition, furniture must be purchased for the music school, namely:

    Name Price Quantity
    Piano 70 000 3
    Violin 5 000 3
    Guitar 5 000 3
    Accordion 25 000 2
    Chairs 600 15
    Sofa (in the hall) 10 000 1
    Teacher's table 5 000 12
    Plumbing 10 000 1
    Household goods 2 000
    Chairs for the hall 500 20
    Total 391 000 60

    The cost of musical instruments is the main cost item, but they affect the return on investment in the project.

    To start a private music school, you need 2 pianos for 2 classes and 1 instrument for the hall, 2 violins for 2 classes and one for performances or for a teacher during classes, 1 button accordion for a student and 1 instrument for a teacher. Next, you should look at the demand for lessons and purchase the necessary tools.

    Before setting up the furniture and immediately inviting students, the tools must be set up for quality work. In addition, this process must be included in the schedule and at least once every six months, reconfigure the instrument, especially sensitive to this piano.


    It is possible to open a private school without a decent level of education, but the investment is unlikely to pay off even in a year. Most likely, no one will come to you. The guarantee of quality education is not only a quality tool, but also highly qualified teachers. Clients place higher demands on their qualifications. In addition, the school must have employees who ensure order and discipline, as well as accounting records.

    Required staff:

    Position RFP Number of units
    Manager 40 000 1
    teacher 30 000 4
    Room cleaner 15 000 2
    Security guard (night) 15 000 2
    Accountant (part-time or remote) 15 000 1
    Total 235 10

    The head and teachers work according to the schedule 6 days a week from 9:00 to 18:00, the cleaner of the premises - from 14:00 to 18:00, the security guard is required in night shift– from 18:00 to 9:00. An accountant will be quite enough for the period of reporting to tax service, this is no more than 10 hours per month.


    When opening a private music school, a business should be registered as an LLC. To do this, it is necessary to submit documents no later than 2 months before the official opening.

    In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection and a license to conduct educational activities. The documentation of teachers is very important, namely the certificate of qualification and work experience.


    When opening a music school, it is necessary to develop an advertising strategy, especially for the payback period of the institution. It is needed both in the case of high competition of similar schools, and in the absence of such. This is explained, in the first case, by the struggle for a place in a niche, in the second case, by attracting students and their parents to art and creativity, because many want to, but are afraid to attend private schools. When creating your brand, you need to locate potential customers and offer them something that they cannot refuse. In any case, required marketing analysis at the beginning of the development of the project, identifying needs, determining the fears of parents, as well as opportunities and threats for the development of the school in a given city and under specific circumstances.

    From the right marketing strategy and identifying the needs of the school's customers depends on its profit and payback period in the process of activity. Therefore, even before the opening of the school, it is necessary to notify the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city in which the school will be located about its existence. For this you need:

    • Conduct a survey of the target audience (parents with children aged 7-14) both during field research and on forums and groups in social networks.
    • To talk with the administration of the schools of the city on the subject of cooperation.
    • Collect information on how many children live in this and nearby areas in order to form an approximate volume of the target audience.

    Decorate the entrance facade of the school with a beautiful large sign, inform people about the opening of the institution. This can be done in the following ways:

    • Flyers in the mailboxes of houses in the area.
    • Distribution of flyers near the school.
    • Leaflets in schools, kindergartens (senior groups).
    • 2 billboards (one in the school area, the other in the neighboring area).
    • Advertising in city newspapers.

    Approximate estimate:

    Variable spending

    Don't forget about utility bills. Despite the fact that musical instruments themselves are not expensive, but it is necessary to cover 200 square meters. m and heat them - it will come out at least 20 thousand rubles. per month You need to spend money on communications (telephone and Internet). This is necessary for the mobility and work of teachers - about 10 thousand rubles.

    Registration of an LLC will require about 2 thousand rubles, and the license depends on the city in which a private music school is opened and the number of open music classes. At the moment, we can conclude that the investments invested in the project of a private music school will amount to at least 712,000 + at least 10 thousand per sq. m. m (20,000) = 732,000 + the cost of the license (at least 5 thousand rubles) and additional costs (100 thousand rubles).


    The business idea of ​​opening a private music school is quite risky, not very profitable. According to experts, the average profit rises to 25%. However, now there is a demand for private schools with good offers, and there is a lot of free space in this niche. It is quite realistic to create your own school and develop it to a strong and competitive scale, to achieve positive image and using marketing tools attract students from all over the city (if it is a metropolis) or from the entire region (if the city is medium in size). Success depends on the quality of education and effective PR of the school.

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    Table of contents

    1. Summary 3
    2. Business plan concept 5
    2.1. Industry description 5
    2.2. Description of the enterprise 6
    3. Marketing plan 9
    3.1. Studying competitors 9
    3.2. Advertising budget calculation 12
    4. Production plan 15
    4.1. Types of services and their cost 15
    4.2. Scope of activity plan 17
    4.3. Calculation of planned revenue 18
    5. Logistics plan 19
    5.1. Characteristics of the room 19
    5.2. Equipment characteristic 20
    5.3. Depreciation calculation 21
    5.4. Low-value and wear items, that is, non-depreciable equipment 22
    6. Organizational plan 23
    6.1. Organizational legal form 23
    6.2. Organizational structure 26
    6.3. Organizational costs 28
    7. Plan for work and wages 30
    8. Financial plan 32
    8.1. Calculation of the initial investment 32
    8.2. Payment net profit 32
    9. Risks 34
    10. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project 35
    References 37

    1. Resume

    The business plan was developed with the aim of creating an enterprise - vocal studio Lucky People LLC. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that the popularity of the music sphere is currently growing. An increasing number of people want to spend their leisure time usefully, improve themselves in various areas of life. Finally, the mentality of our compatriots was replenished with another very attractive point: investing in yourself is the most profitable investment. However, the number of organizations providing such services is not high enough. I would also like to note one more important point: the services of teaching vocal skills in our studio will be provided not only to representatives of preschool and school age, but also to older generations who, due to circumstances, have long wanted to master the skills of owning a voice, but could not realize their plans.
    Organization goals:
    Satisfaction of one's own economic interests through profit, through the satisfaction of social needs;
    · high-quality customer service, with maximum attention to them and the offer of the most high-quality and profitable services;
    · Facilitating the satisfaction of a wide range of cultural and spiritual needs of the client.
    To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
    analyze the market for this service
    determine the organizational and legal form of the enterprise
    increase net income
    Reduce payback period
    The branch of activity of the enterprise is culture and art.
    The date of commencement of the enterprise activity is September 2013. (preparation for the opening - April-August 2013)
    Address - Russia, Moscow, st. Mitinskaya, 49
    The main activity of the vocal studio is additional musical education for beginners and those who already have skills in the vocal field. Classes will be held in several areas: academic vocals, pop vocals, jazz vocals, folk vocals, musical notation, solfeggio. The training will involve professional teachers with relevant musical education.
    The business plan is designed for 1 year of operation of the enterprise. At the end of this period, the activities of the enterprise will be expanded, subject to the achievement of the goals and objectives.
    As a result of business planning this enterprise it was determined that the required amount of initial investment will be 6,238,250 rubles.
    The effectiveness of the project is reflected in the following indicators:
    payback period of investments - 1.3 years
    return on investment ratio - 72%
    sales profitability ratio - 34%
    break-even point - 5,614,039.1 rubles
    margin of financial strength - 61%
    production lever - 1.6
    net present income - 8,113,750 rubles

    2. Business plan concept
    2.1. Industry Description
    The music business is very popular in Russia today. This, in turn, is greatly influenced by the rich cultural heritage of our country with centuries-old traditions. The traditions of Russian musical folklore are absorbed with mother's milk, imprinted at the genetic level in the citizens of our country. It is also impossible not to note the wide popularization of the show business sphere, which also “attracts” people to various music schools and studios. also in Lately there is a tendency to increase the popularity of "useful" leisure in order to obtain various skills and improve skills in various fields, among which one cannot fail to note the training in vocal skills. However, despite such a wide interest among the population, these services are provided mainly in music schools and studios that have a focus on a certain age audience, and it turns out that the adult population seems to be “left out”. And the number of the above schools and studios leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is easy to win in this market with competent marketing and advertising campaign.
    In connection with the popularization of vocal art, the awareness of the population about the services provided and their value is growing, therefore, the illiteracy of potential customers regarding the usefulness of vocal skills as a commodity and the search for information about institutions providing these types of services is decreasing. Therefore, it is especially important to correctly outline the target audience, choose the location of the vocal studio and choose the right teaching staff.

    2.2. Description of the enterprise
    It is planned to create new company in the service sector, which will be engaged in additional education in the field of culture, and specifically - teaching vocal skills. The Lucky People vocal studio will be registered in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the form of a limited liability company, as this form is the most flexible in terms of legal form. market conditions and optimal for creating a vocal studio.
    The vocal studio "Lucky People" will operate in accordance with Article 87 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where a limited liability company is a company established by one or more persons, authorized capital which is divided founding documents into shares of certain sizes; participants in a limited liability company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, to the extent of the value of their contributions.
    The Lucky People vocal studio will be located in the North-West Administrative District of Moscow, Mitino district, a 5-minute walk from the Mitino metro station. The room for the studio was chosen medium in size (for initial stage Suitable for a 200 sq. meters). special technical requirements such as soundproofing is not required because the building is free-standing and therefore noise from activities will not disturb nearby residents. Communications are standard. In the immediate vicinity of the building there is a small area where visitors can leave their personal vehicles for the duration of the classes, which gives us another advantage over our competitors.
    As already mentioned, the vocal studio will provide services in several areas: academic vocals, pop vocals, jazz vocals, folk vocals, musical notation, solfeggio. Classes will be held individually with each student. A separate teacher will be involved in each vocal direction, one teacher will teach musical notation and solfeggio. Vocal lessons will be held twice a week for 45 minutes. Classes in musical notation and solfeggio (the student himself chooses a subject according to the principle of the depth of study of the discipline: musical notation is a more superficial study of the basics of music making, solfeggio is a deeper one) will be held once a week for 1.5 hours. If desired, the student may take extra hours at extra charge.
    The successful location of the vocal studio will help stimulate demand for the provision of services - the vocal studio is located near the metro, in the very center of a residential area and in close proximity to 2 secondary schools, kindergarten and teacher training college. Near the studio there is a parking place for private cars.
    The direct competitor of the vocal studio "Lucky People" is the Children's Art School No. 13 named after I.F. Stravinsky. Main competitive advantage our studio consists in a narrow focus of activity (providing specific services for teaching vocal skills, and not the full range of musical disciplines required to be studied at a music school), as well as the possibility of teaching adults, in contrast to the Children's Art School (children's art school), where only students of school age are taught.
    Thus, the goal of the Lucky People vocal studio is to occupy and ensure a leading position in this market segment in a specific territory. The tasks of the initial stage of the functioning of the vocal studio are: the payback of the project, the return on investment and, of course, earning a good reputation, which will directly put........

    List of used literature

    1. Borisov A.B. Big economic dictionary. - M.: Knizhny Mir, 2003. - 895 p.
    2. Business planning: Textbook / Ed. V.M. Popova, S.I. Lyapunov and S.G. Mlodika. M.: Finance and statistics, 2007
    3. Tulchinsky G.L., Shekova E.L. Cultural marketing: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan"; "Planet of Music Publishing House", 2009. - 496 pp.: ill.
    4. Lectures on the discipline "Planning at the enterprise" prof. Savkina R.V.
    5. Lectures on the discipline "Enterprise Economics" prof. Urumova F.M.
    6. 10900200/25/#20025