The profession of a huntsman for children. Profession huntsman

What does a hunter do? Game managers keep records of game animals, plan their capture and resettlement, carry out measures to combat harmful predators, monitor the production of animals that are hunted. They examine hunting grounds, breed hunting dogs, control the work of rangers, catch poachers.

The specifics of the profession of a hunter:
The work is interesting, in the fresh air, however, the official average salary in the hunting area is small.

Where does the Hunter work?
Certified Wildlife Biologist Required:

  • hunting farms
  • nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, experimental bases
  • environmental and public organizations
  • hunting authorities
  • research institutes
  • power structures - the Ministry Agriculture, Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Ukrainian branches environmental organizations Greenpeace and WWF
  • travel companies, tourist clubs, safari parks

Personal qualities:
Conscientiousness, mobility and readiness for irregular working hours are the main requirements (in addition to specialized education) that apply to the applicant.

How much does a hunter earn?
Hunters can work in public organizations, different societies of hunters and fishermen. In such organizations, hunters control and protect hunting grounds, go to hunting farms, conduct raids to protect environment and, of course, doing "paper" work in the office. Salaries, however, are rarely more than $350.


I. General provisions

  1. The hunter belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. Appointment to the position of a hunter and dismissal from the post is carried out by the head of the hunting economy.
  3. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job Responsibilities

  1. Protection, control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world and their habitat.
  2. Protection and control of the reproduction of objects of the animal world.
  3. Fight against poaching.
  4. Drawing up protocols (acts) on detected violations.
  5. Detention in accordance with the established procedure of persons guilty of violations, with the seizure of illegally obtained products.
  6. Signaling about the appearance of fires in the forest.
  7. Carrying out explanatory work among the population on the issues of protection and protection of animals.
  8. _________________________________________________________________.
  9. _________________________________________________________________.

III. The rights

The hunter has the right to carry out:

  1. verification of documents and drawing up protocols in case of detection of offenses;
  2. delivery of persons who have committed offenses to the police or to the premises of settlement, rural administrations in the event that the identity of the offender cannot be established at the site of the violation;
  3. seizure of weapons and fishing gear if the identity of the offender cannot be established at the site of the violation;
  4. carrying personal hunting weapons, and when performing official duties and service (service) weapons in the lands of the respective farms throughout the year.
  5. _________________________________________________________________.
  6. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

The hunter is responsible for:

  1. improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in this job description.
  2. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  4. compliance with current instructions, orders and orders.


sometimes gamekeeper(from German jäger - hunter) - a hunting servant in rifle hunting. The duties of rangers are: 1) supervision of the hunting economy in the areas intended for hunting; 2) preparation and organization of hunts and 3) provision of relevant services to hunters in the course of hunting. Duties of the first kind include: guarding the land, personally and through watchmen, from unauthorized hunting by unauthorized persons; feeding in winter some birds and animals (mainly gray partridges and wild goats); the extermination of predators that are not the object of hunting, such as hawks, cats, and the observation of watchmen, hunting buildings and all hunting equipment in general. Responsibilities of the second kind consist in training and training dogs, in searching for grouse and capercaillie currents (see), convenient places for woodcock and duck traction (see), broods and game falls, in wrapping around bears, elks, wolves and other animals, in hiring beaters (shouting) for round-ups and in the very device of round-ups. E. should assist hunters with excellent knowledge of the case and the terrain and the speedy search for game in conditions convenient for shooting it. Between E. over the past twenty-five years, they have gained loud fame in Russia in a special way of rounding up animals Pskovians or Lukashi, originating from the village of Ostrov, Pskov province, and received their second name from their ancestor, the Old Believer of the priestless consent of Luka - father Izot Lukich, who invented the Pskov method of hunting. The advantages of this method are that the Pskovians, having studied all the skills of animals (mainly wolves and foxes), quickly surround them and three of them, one in the middle, others on the sides, drive them to a predetermined place for a hunter. Pskovians are usually hired by artels of three people, and in winter they each receive up to 100 rubles. per month of salary (for details, see the article by Dmitriev-Mamonov, in the "Journal of Hunting" for 1874 and 1875; a note by V. N. G., in the journal "Nature and Hunting" for June, 1884). On the basis of the rules on hunting approved by the Highest on February 3, 1892, E. is issued free hunting certificates; upon their approval in the rank of hunting guards, they are exempt from corporal punishment and, in relation to the prosecution of violators of hunting laws, enjoy all the rights granted to the guards of state forests.

S. Bezobrazov.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what "Huntsman" is in other dictionaries:

    huntsman- huntsman, I, pl. h. I, her and and, her ... Russian spelling dictionary

    - (German Jager hunter). 1) an infantry soldier lightly armed and intended for action in loose formation and shooting; now they are gone. 2) hunter. 3) traveling lackey with envoys. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Official in the hunting farms of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. The huntsman controls compliance with the rules of nature management and laws on hunting. See also: Hunting economy Finam financial dictionary ... Financial vocabulary

    Forester, hunter, soldier, hunter Dictionary of Russian synonyms. huntsman n., number of synonyms: 11 germanism (176) ... Synonym dictionary

    Law Dictionary

    - (from the German Jager hunter, shooter), specialist hunter, serves amateur hunters; official in the hunting farms of Russia ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from it. Jager hunter) an official in the hunting farms of Russia; specialist hunter serving amateur hunters. Supervises compliance with the rules of nature management and laws on hunting ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Jaeger, huntsmen, pl. huntsmen and huntsmen, huntsmen and huntsmen, husband. (German Jager). 1. Hired hunter (obsolete). 2. A soldier from special rifle (jaeger) regiments (pre-rev.). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Jaeger, I, pl. huntsmen, huntsmen and huntsmen, her husband. 1. Professional hunter (obsolete). 2. A hunter is a specialist in the organization of hunting, protection and reproduction of fauna. 3. In some armies: soldiers of special rifle regiments. | adj. jaeger, oh, oh. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Husband, German hunter, shooter; | a servant in hunting clothes with nobles. | A soldier or other rank of a Jaeger regiment or army. Jaeger, related to the huntsman, huntsmen, belonging. Jägermeister husband. chief of the court rangers; courtier… Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    JAGER, USSR, OPF, 1959, b/w. Novella. According to the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov. Cast: Vitaly Leonov (see LEONOV Vitaly Viktorovich), Olga Khorkova (see KHORKOVA Olga Mikhailovna). Director: Mark Volynets. Screenwriter: G. Livanov ... Cinema Encyclopedia


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The huntsman stubbornly pursued the poachers. He was killed and buried with dogs. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, they were attacked 116 times in 2017. This number also includes cases of vandalism - for example, burned houses and cars. Alas, sometimes the confrontation between rangers and poachers ends in murder.

IN Tambov region in November last year, an employee of the Nizhnevoroninsky reserve went missing.

As it turned out, he was killed by a poacher, who almost convinced the investigators that he shot the huntsman by mistake, confusing him with a wild boar.

Disappeared without a trace

On the morning of November 9, 2017, a freelance employee of the Nizhnevoroninsky reserve, 49-year-old Viktor Pushkov, took his carbine and four dogs, went to the forest in his personal Niva, but did not return home by the agreed time and did not answer calls.

Viktor Pushkov worked for many years as a huntsman in the reserve, but in 2015 the authorities, reducing budget spending, eliminated one of the bets. Victor was formally left without a job, but his friends and colleagues provided him with a part-time job, and he, without receiving an official salary, continued to perform his usual duties.

“Pushkov was involved in any work, often he was appointed senior. And in the surrounding villages, he was still treated as a full-time huntsman,” Lieutenant of Justice Dmitry Ermakov, an investigator of the Uvarov Investigation Department of the Tambov Directorate of the ICR, tells - He knew the forest well, loved it, went around his site almost every day. And be sure to have the phones of different operators to always be in touch. Is there anything…”

The search for the missing man was started by his relatives and colleagues. Very quickly they found a car left on the side of the road, but he himself fell through the ground, which had never happened before. The search continued until late in the evening, but no result was given. Even then, Pushkov's colleagues had no doubt that one of the local poachers was involved in the huntsman's disappearance. The reserve has always been a tasty morsel for them.

The Nizhnevoroninsky biological reserve was organized relatively recently - in 2012. Not everyone knows how the reserve differs from the reserve: absolutely all objects of the animal and plant world are protected in the reserve, and in the reserves - individual, specially listed species.

In Nizhnevoroninsky, among such animals are muskrat, mink, otter, gray crane and deer. Here you can not use snowmobiles and ATVs, chemical fertilizers, carry out noisy work. And of course you can't hunt. That is, as the law interprets, one cannot be in the forest with a weapon, even unloaded and put in a case.

The latter circumstance somewhat disturbed the usual course of things. The reserve was organized in the Chui forest - a long-standing hunting place. Elk, beaver, deer and roe deer have been harvested here since ancient times. Many were sympathetic to the emergence of a new protected natural area, but some considered it a personal insult. And they loudly declared that they would continue to hunt anyway - as their grandfathers did.

Fatal mistake?

One of those who disagreed was 58-year-old Yuri Solopov.

“The huntsmen and inspectors had skirmishes with Solopov more than once,” Vladimir Martyntsev, state inspector of the reserve, said during interrogation. - He ignored the law and regularly appeared in the reserve with weapons. It was not possible to catch him poaching, but preventive conversations with him were held regularly. They did not give a result, but they were always a reason for conflicts. Solopov said that in the forest there are enough animals for everyone.

According to the investigation, on November 8, 2017, on the eve of his disappearance, Pushkov, walking around the forest, again saw Solopov with a weapon. But he was not alone, and the former huntsman postponed the conversation with him. However, apparently, he was determined: in telephone conversation with colleagues, he said that he would go into the forest the next day and look for the poacher in order to catch him red-handed. And in the morning he confirmed again: I went to look for Solopov.

“On November 10, a group of local residents and employees of the reserve went to comb the forest again in the early morning,” says investigator Dmitry Ermakov. “They already knew that the car had been found locked, and that all four of his dogs were missing along with the gamekeeper. Around 15:00 in the forest, searchers came across one of the dogs - she was shot dead. And a few meters away they noticed a section of dug up soil. The paw of another dog was sticking out of the ground.

The huntsmen began to dig a hole - and found three other dogs of Pushkov. All were killed, and by shot - experienced huntsmen determine this no worse than forensic doctors. A little deeper, under a layer of earth, they found the body of the missing Pushkov.

Only after that an official statement was received by the police, and an investigative-operational group left for the place.

While the forensic experts were examining the body, the investigator and operatives interviewed the inspectors of the reserve who found the body and the relatives of the victim - and went to Solopov.

The poacher did not unlock, and immediately wrote a confession: he went out into the forest for illegal hunting, saw a dark mass surrounded by dogs in the bushes, decided that it was a wild boar, fired, came closer - and saw that it was not an animal, but a man.

“Moreover, he was well known to me earlier, since I repeatedly clashed with him,” Solopov admitted. - He was frightened, left, then returned, taking a shovel with him, buried the body, and threw the Los carbine and telephones belonging to him into the Raven River. Yes, the dogs also got shot, I killed them too. Punish for manslaughter."

“On the one hand, the crime can be considered solved: the suspect immediately confessed, and the homemade shot taken from him turned out to be identical to the one found in the bodies of the deceased and the dogs,” recalls investigator Dmitry Ermakov. “But if the fact of the murder was not in doubt, then its circumstances contradicted the situation that was investigated at the scene.

Firstly, the bush, where the trail of dragging the body led, and where traces of a shot and splashes of blood were found, is quite rare, and it is very difficult to confuse a person with a wild boar in it.

Secondly, the experienced huntsman Pushkov could not behave in such a way that he was confused with a wild boar.

And, thirdly, the circumstances clearly contradicted the version of careless murder: several people said at once that Pushkov had specially gone to look for Solopov, who was poaching. Such a coincidence is, of course, possible, but very, very doubtful.

Still a massacre

The version of an accidental murder began to be checked very closely. And did not find its confirmation. The only wound was in the back of the head, and the trajectory of the flight of the shot testified more likely that the victim was standing at the time of the wound, and not squatting down.

A standing man, especially during daylight hours (and the murder was committed between 09:00 and 10:00), is difficult to confuse with a wild boar. The wounds inflicted on the dogs, judging by the results of their autopsy, were produced by other shots.

This, to put it mildly, contradicted the version that by shooting at a wild boar, the poacher also hit the dogs. And the behavior of the accused did not correspond to the picture of the crime he had drawn: he was allegedly frightened of what he had done and left the scene of the murder without informing anyone.

And only at about 2:00 pm, having come to his senses, he returned and buried the man and animals he had shot ... Still not telling anyone anything.

“According to the investigation, Pushkov tracked down Solopov, who was poaching, in the forest, and a conflict occurred between them: the former huntsman tried to shame the violator, a quarrel broke out,” investigator Yermakov believes. - Realizing that he has no legal rights to detain the violator, Pushkov decided to immediately inform the state inspectors about what had happened.

As he turned his back to find a steady job mobile phone, Solopov shot him, and then shot the dogs that rushed to protect the owner. In an attempt to avoid responsibility, he decided to hide the bodies and other evidence."

In his opinion, Solopov is a cunning and reasonable person, but at the same time calm. Last years he worked as a private security guard at a local agricultural enterprise, not as one who patrols the fields, guarding them from robbers, but as one who checks passes at the entrance to the office.

From the first minutes, Solopov adhered to the only version. And he was convinced that the intent could not be proved. Well, the reserve is just stupid, there is a lot of game in the Chui forest, and there will be enough for our lifetime. Until 2012, everyone hunted there, so now it is also possible.

Ignorance of forensic science let Solopov down: the conclusions of experts, forensic doctors and colleagues of the murdered Pushkov in no way confirmed the words of the killer. Neither Solopov himself nor his defenders could convince the court.

The most convincing evidence that refuted the words of the accused was Pushkov's denture. A shot shot that hit the huntsman's neck from behind did a lot of damage, but one of the shots knocked out the dental bridge. He flew a few meters ahead, and was discovered by an expert.

So, according to the conclusion of the ballistics, who took into account the location of the shooter and his victim, it was in this place that the prosthesis could not have ended up in any way if the shot was at a crouched person. And he could get there in one single case: if the shot was fired at a person who was standing with his back.

According to the testimony of the majority of witnesses (practically all, except for the relatives of the accused), Solopov and his family lived by poaching, despite the fact that everyone had a job. He himself regularly hunted in the fields and forests, catching hare, black grouse and roe deer. Rangers and inspectors saw him many times near the reserve with a gun.

In the Nizhnevoroninsky reserve itself, traces of the division of the hunted animal were repeatedly found, and few doubted that it was Solopov who poached, but they could not detain him red-handed, and you can’t go to court or the police with guesses.

Solopov himself was even proud that he was an experienced hunter. At home, a lot of gunpowder, a lot of knives, special devices for making shot and collecting cartridges were confiscated from him. Many animal skins were also found. But neither the hare nor the roe deer have a residence permit, and it is unrealistic to prove that they were obtained by poaching.

It is impossible to find out exactly what happened on November 9, 2017 in the Chui Forest: one of the participants in the meeting is dead, and the second only tells what is beneficial to him. Nevertheless, the court agreed with the version of the investigation and qualified Solopov's actions precisely as a premeditated murder, and not a crime committed through negligence.

Solopov was sentenced to eight years in a strict regime colony. In practice, this is the maximum term that is given for the murder of one person.

Dangerous job

Formally, he died as a private person - indeed, at the time of the murder, there was no worker named Pushkov on the staff of the state inspectorate of the reserve. But all his relatives and colleagues are convinced that he was killed defending the interests of the state in the Nizhnevoroninsky reserve.

In words, the vast majority of citizens love nature, but in reality, many exploit it to the maximum, especially when there is not enough money, and the forest is nearby. Grandparents and great-grandfathers traditionally hunted in it, and today someone dares to forbid wandering through the forest with a gun, although elk and capercaillie are very tasty ... Last year, inspectors compiled more than 54 thousand protocols - and this is only for indisputable cases.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, in 2015 there were 117 threats against officials departments and attacks on them, in 2016 there were 122 such cases, in the past 2017 - 116. It seems to be few, but on average every three days one of the state inspectors becomes a victim of criminal encroachments.

Type and class of profession
The huntsman profession belongs to the "Man-Nature" type, it implies interaction with wildlife. People of this type of profession are united by love for nature.

Profession presentation
There is one amazing profession that only a select few know about. It's called the huntsman. The word "huntsman" is ancient, has German roots and is translated as "shooter or hunter." Once upon a time, hunters and children of hunters were used to create rifle squads that successfully fought against enemies. Today it is quite a peaceful profession.
The huntsman is a person responsible for animals and birds in the territory entrusted to him. He knows everything about his charges - about their movements, health, reproduction, habits and vulnerabilities. Its task is to ensure the balance of the ecosystem, allowing to preserve all animals and birds, to prevent their extinction or overabundance. To do this, the huntsman uses all means available to him.

Activity content
IN functional responsibilities gamekeepers included the following tasks: control over a certain territory and monitoring the animal population.
The huntsman will have to monitor the life of animals, control and ensure the preservation of the ecological balance in the territory entrusted to him.

The profession of a huntsman includes other duties, he also ensures the safety of people, and must also eliminate any threats to their lives. After all, guests and professional hunters who have a hunting license come to the grounds of the huntsman. The huntsman will have to organize hunting and lodging for the night for them. Thus, it is possible to eradicate malicious poaching, the fight against this phenomenon is part of the ranger's duties.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist
Must know:
rules of hunting in the region;
regulations on the huntsman's bypass, wildlife sanctuary, hunting grounds, production site;
instructions, orders, directives and other guidance materials on hunting management in the region and territory;
the boundaries of the ranger bypass, reserve, hunting ground, production site;
habitats and concentrations of game animals;
places of sowing and planting fodder and protective plants;
location of biotechnical facilities;
methods of recording and harvesting wild animals;
safety regulations for hunting, individual and collective hunting;
the procedure for conducting biotechnical and reproductive measures;
ways to deal with harmful animals.

Should be able to:
record and harvest wild animals;
train hunting dogs;
maintain documentation, draw up protocols;
organize and conduct individual and collective hunts.

Requirements to individual characteristics specialist
To become a good huntsman will help:
desire for a solitary life in nature;
a calm attitude to the difficulties and the absence of some significant benefits of civilization;
good knowledge of zoology, biology, environment;
love to the animals;
good health;
physical endurance.

Working conditions
As a rule, a huntsman's place of work is a hunting ground, reserve or forest.

Basic education
The huntsman is engaged, in particular, in feeding wild animals in harsh natural conditions for example, moose and wild boar require additional food in winter. At certain times of the year, starving animals are quite capable of harming plants and crops.
The huntsman is also engaged in hunting. After all, at a certain time it is required to shoot some animals that can get sick or become aggressive under the influence of external circumstances. Excessive reproduction of some animal species can also be observed, which can lead to the destruction of the natural balance: disease, overcrowding and hunger.
The profession of a huntsman includes other duties, it also ensures the safety of people.

Ways to get a profession
In the vast majority of cases, the profession is passed down from generation to generation. There is nothing surprising. If a person from childhood gets used to a certain way of life, is well oriented in the area, observes the duties of his father, most likely he will become a good hunter.
Universities in Russia do not train rangers, so the profession does not provide for special education.

Fields of application of the profession
You can find work in large hunting farms, where there is a change of personnel. As you gain experience, you can claim individual lands.

professional holiday
The first "Forest Legislation" in Russia was adopted back in the Soviet Union on September 18, 1977. This document, in fact, was a recognition that no matter how great the country's natural resources, they are not unlimited, and therefore must be preserved and protected by the state. Three years later, in October 1980, the Day of Forest Workers was established, which was included in the register of memorable and public holidays in our country. So all workers of the forest and the forest industry have acquired their own professional holiday.
September 17 - Day of Forestry and Timber Processing Industry Workers.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

The duties of the huntsman include control over the territories entrusted to him. These are usually hunting grounds. I have to keep an eye on the populations of wild animals, if necessary - to exercise control over them, so that the ecological balance is maintained in the forest.

For example, to feed elks and wild boars in a fierce winter, or in those places where starving animals can harm a person - destroy gardens and crops.

Or vice versa, to carry out the shooting of sick, aggressive or excessively bred animals so that the rest of the animals can avoid infection with diseases, hunger and overcrowding. This saves both livestock and makes life safer for people in countryside. The huntsman also organizes hunting in the areas entrusted to him. I must help in every possible way the guests who have come to hunt, if they have licenses for that - to organize for them the safest possible environment, accommodation for the night; help find, expel and shoot the beast. Included in the duties of the huntsman and the fight against poaching.

3. What education is required to get your position?

It's not about education, it's about skills. Education can be both secondary and incomplete secondary. But the huntsman must live in the countryside and put up with all the inconveniences of such a life. You need to be well versed in the habits and life of animals, to distinguish them well even by a patch of wool on the bushes, not to mention traces, to be a good hunter and to be able to walk for a long time, at a good pace and for long distances over rough terrain.

4. Describe your working day.

There is never a clear schedule, every day there are new things that need to be done at different times.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day outside, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

Comfort is out of the question. This work is mainly in the bosom of nature.

6. What do you like most about your job?

Personally, I love nature more than cities; silence more than noise, and fresh air and freedom mean a lot to me. That's why I work as a huntsman.

7. What do you dislike most about your job?

I don't like it when crowds of noisy tourists or hunters come and break the rules. However, meeting such guests is an inevitable part of the job.

8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied or not)?

The salary is low, but allows you to live normally in the countryside.

9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you?

Several assistants work with me periodically, at a time when there is too much work. These are very nice people.

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

Love for nature, courage.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people before being able to visit different countries).

You get great pleasure to observe nature as it is, take care of it and live side by side with it. In fact, this is a great happiness.

12. Do you have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give?

13. Why did you choose this job?

Since childhood, I was attracted by hunting and fishing, and the biology lesson was my favorite at school.

I think everything is lit.