Documents related to business correspondence. Business correspondence - the basics, types, features, rules of business correspondence

An integral part of the work of many organizations is business correspondence, which has many rules and characteristics. Not only secretaries, but also other employees should be able to write letters for contact with partners and other employees.

Business correspondence concept

This term refers to the exchange of commercial and business information. There is a certain etiquette business correspondence, which is even taught in special courses. The letter should be composed according to the rules, since it will create and maintain the reputation of the company, and also form a serious attitude towards the organization. From a technical point of view, a business letter is a tool aimed at improving communication between different companies or divisions.

Types of business correspondence

There are several types of documents, and each of them contains its own rules for registration and filing. The basics of business correspondence are also used when communicating via e-mail. Experts identify the following types of business letters: thanks, requests, demands, apologies, refutations, congratulations and condolences. In addition, there are commercial letters, which include claims, refusals, reminders, guarantees, and so on.

How to conduct business correspondence correctly?

It is important to pay attention to all the details when designing your letter. When describing the rules of business correspondence, it is worth paying attention to the following aspects:

  1. If you are writing a letter in which you need to answer certain questions asked by the author, then it would be appropriate to quote each of them separately. To do this, use numbering and break the text into paragraphs.
  2. When composing a letter, you need to briefly comment on all the documents attached either by you or by the interlocutor. This is important for the recipient to immediately understand the essence of the letter.
  3. The head must sign the letter and a seal must be put.

Business Correspondence Rules

Mistakes when composing business letters are unacceptable, so it is important to know the basic rules for composing them:

  1. Do not use words whose meaning is unknown, or check their interpretation using a dictionary.
  2. Conducting business correspondence excludes the use of specific terminology, since some words may not be known to the addressee. If similar terms are used, then let's explain them.
  3. Express your thoughts in short sentences so that the main point is not lost.
  4. If you do not know Russian thoroughly, then it is better to first type the text in an editor or in a document on a computer to check the spelling.
  5. Business correspondence does not allow the use of colloquial words, literary expressions, and so on. Before sending the letter, check it for errors and typos. Better to re-check after a while.

Starting a letter in business correspondence

First, in the structure of the letter there is a "header", which contains the position and full name of the addressee. Features of business correspondence include the standard address "Dear", which in most cases is written in the center of the sheet. If the person is unfamiliar, then they write the word "lord" before the surname. The first paragraph (preamble) includes the purpose and reason for the letter. After reading it, the addressee must understand the main meaning of the appeal.

Request in business correspondence

One of the most popular types of business correspondence is a request letter. It can be a tactful request or a diplomatic demand on a current issue. Business writing skills are important for drafting requests because they should prompt the addressee to take the action the author needs. There are certain rules for composing a letter:

  1. The addressee should be addressed personally, observing the basics business etiquette.
  2. To explain to the addressee, the reason for the appeal, you can give him a compliment, note business or personal qualities and merits.
  3. Give reasons for the request and interest the addressee in its implementation. The problem should be described as succinctly and clearly as possible.
  4. Once the request has been made, it should be modified and repeated, focusing on the potential benefits.

How to remind of yourself in business correspondence?

A reminder letter is used when you need to remind about the fulfillment of obligations, compliance with the law, the approach of an important event, and so on. In most cases, a verbal reminder is used in front of him. As a result, the letter serves as some kind of proof of the action taken. Business email reminders include:

  1. Information about the sender and addressee. The reason for the reminder is then stated.
  2. References are made to laws and regulations that are relevant to the issue being recalled.
  3. Business communication should be clear, but not threatening. It will not be superfluous to remind that the problem can be solved peacefully.
  4. The letter has no standards, so it can be written in free form.

What is the correct way to apologize in business correspondence?

One of the hardest things to write is the apology letter, which allows you to apologize and save the face of the company at the same time. In addition, it is aimed at restoring damaged relationships. Business correspondence indicates the following features of the apology:

  1. The structure of the letter includes an indication of the recipient, the subject of the item and the appeal.
  2. You do not need to specify the executor, since everything will be signed by the management.
  3. Phrases-apologies in business correspondence should not be explicit and the subject line of the letter should be neutral or absent altogether.
  4. The effect to be achieved is a sincere apology and information about what happened, that is, an indication of the cause of the unpleasant situation.

Business Email Policy

All the rules mentioned earlier are also valid for electronic correspondence, but there are still a number of features here:

  1. A work e-mail should be used exclusively for official correspondence, since all letters are stored on the server, and another person can read them.
  2. Business correspondence on e-mail implies using a human readable font and it is best to choose Arial or Times New Roman. The size of the letters should be medium. There should be no Caps Lock, exclamation marks or special characters in the text. Certain phrases can be italicized or bold, but only use this when really needed.
  3. For better readability, use subheadings, but keep in mind that their number should not be large, so, maximum - 3-4 pieces. One paragraph should not be longer than four lines.
  4. Business e-mail ethics do not allow the subject field to be left blank. Write the essence of the letter here, which should be specific, informative and concise.
  5. At the end, be sure to leave a signature and contact information, and this should not take more than six lines. Use this structure: "Best regards", first and last name, company name, e-mail phone number and website address.
  6. In business correspondence, it is appropriate to use a corporate template in your corporate style... Thanks to this, it will be possible to stand out among others and at the same time comply with the rules of business correspondence. It is important not to forget that the letter can be read not only on the computer screen, but also on the phone, so the template must be optimized for the resolution of different screens.

Business Correspondence Books

To better understand all the intricacies of drawing up business letter, you can read useful literature. The following works are considered good:

  1. « The art of business writing. Laws, tricks, tools"S. Karepina. The author explains what a business style of correspondence is, how to properly leave different types letters and reports.
  2. « Business e-mail correspondence. Five rules of success". The author describes the forms of business correspondence and offers tools to help make communication more effective. You can find here useful tips and tricks.

The types of business correspondence and their names (letter, telegram, telex, facsimile (fax), telephone message) are determined by the methods of transferring business information, which are divided into two main types - postal communication and electronic communication.

Correspondence is distinguished by a wide variety of species: from letters and telegrams of state bodies that have a normative character to citizens' appeals and standard applications. The content of the correspondence can be requests, notifications, agreements, claims, agreements, reminders, demands, clarifications, confirmations, requests, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

When conducting correspondence, the following requirements must be observed:

Letters are drawn up on special letterheads - letterheads and signed by the head of the organization or his deputies within the framework of their competence;

Letters should be composed competently, accurately, without rough blots, corrections;

Regardless of the content, the letter should be stated in a calm, restrained, official business language, possess sufficient argumentation, accuracy, completeness and clarity of characteristics, brevity and consistency of presentation;

Information exchange by means of correspondence should be used only when it is difficult or impossible to exchange opinions in another way (telephone conversations, personal meeting, etc.).

An official letter is one of the most important communication channels of an enterprise, organization, institution with the outside world. Pre-contractual negotiations are conducted through letters, relations between enterprises are clarified, claims are stated. Letters accompany material values ​​on the way, etc.

Despite the presence of modern forms of communication: telephone, telegraph, fax, modem communication, etc., the volume of correspondence even in a small enterprise is very large. However, the range of managerial situations that give rise to business letters is far from unlimited and lends itself to a relatively clear classification. A huge number of letters with the same type of managerial situations requiring them to be drawn up, causes an urgent need to unify a business letter. Unfortunately, the analysis of modern business correspondence shows the lack of skills in writing letters for many managers. Meanwhile, the incorrect design of the letter makes it difficult to work with it. Experts agree that a business letter should be no more than a page long. The authors of Simple Letters, published in the United States in the 1970s under the direction of the White House Chancellery, believe that waste of words leads to waste of dollars. One cannot but take into account the fact that business documents are not material for "reading" at all, but information that should induce certain actions.

  1. Kinds and varieties business letters

    Abstract >>

    ... business letters 6 1.1 Design business letters 6 1.2 Requirements for the text business letters 9 Chapter 2 Kinds and varieties business letters 14 2.1 Classification business... etc. The most common view business correspondence - business(service) letters. ...

  2. Business correspondence with foreign partners

    Abstract >> Industry, production

    ... ……………………………………………………………………....3 Business letters and their classification…………………………………...4 Kinds non-profit business letters ……………………………… ... 5 Kinds commercial business letters ... business correspondence with foreign partners. one. Business letters and their classification Business ...

  3. Business correspondence (4)

    Abstract >> Industry, production

    Specially designed for this of the kind documents on forms followed by ... for correspondence... Therefore, classify business letters is to build classification...; information mail. Selected kinds letters are categorized by ...

  4. Business correspondence occupies a significant place in the documentary array of institutions. As a link with outside organizations, she is one of necessary elements conducting any entrepreneurial activity... Correspondence takes up about 80% of incoming and outgoing documents.

    The types of business correspondence and their names (letter, telegram, telex, fax, telephone message) are determined by the methods of transferring business information, which are divided into two main types: postal communication and electronic communication.

    Correspondence is distinguished by a wide variety of species: from letters and telegrams of state bodies having a normative character to citizens' appeals and standard applications. The content of the correspondence can be requests, notifications, agreements, claims, agreements, reminders, demands, clarifications, confirmations, requests, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

    When conducting correspondence, the following requirements must be observed:

    • letters are drawn up on special letterheads - letterheads and signed by the head of the organization or his deputies within the framework of their competence;
    • letters should be composed competently, accurately, without rough blots, corrections;
    • Regardless of the content, the letter should be stated in a calm, consistent, official business language, have sufficient argumentation, accuracy, completeness and clarity of characteristics, brevity and consistency of presentation;
    • contain objective information about the events and facts presented, and, if necessary, have explanatory and supplementary materials.

    Information exchange by means of correspondence should be used only when it is difficult or impossible to exchange opinions in another way (telephone conversations, personal meeting, etc.).

    A business letter as a document of an informational and reference nature, with appropriate registration, acquires legal force from the moment the details are drawn up and the document is signed by an official.

    For electronic documents(Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection"):

    • a document received from an automated information system acquires legal force after it is signed by an official in the manner established by law RF;
    • the legal force of a document stored, processed and transmitted using automated information and telecommunication systems can be confirmed by an electronic digital signature;
    • legal force of electronic digital signature recognized if available in an automated information system software and hardware that ensure signature identification, and subject to the established regime of their use.

    The details of a business letter include:

    • National emblem Russian Federation;
    • coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation;
    • the logo of the organization or trademark(service mark);
    • name of company;
    • reference data about the organization;
    • date of the document;
    • registration number of the document;
    • reference to the registration number and date of the document;
    • destination;
    • heading to the text;
    • the text of the document;
    • application availability mark;
    • signature;
    • print imprint;
    • mark about the artist;
    • a mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case.

    Letters are drawn up in duplicate - the first is prepared on a form (blank sheet of paper) and sent to the addressee, and the second is sent to the case.

    Business correspondence is represented by letters of various purposes. Due to its diversity, this type of documents is the most free and least standardized within the following uniform requirements, that is, letters must contain - clarity, simplicity of presentation, completeness of information, respectful tone of presentation (requirements of business etiquette), literacy.

    Official business correspondence on a thematic basis is divided into business (business letter) and commercial ( commercial letter). Correspondence, with the help of which they formalize economic, legal, commercial and other forms of activity, is called business correspondence. Letters drawn up during the conclusion and execution of commercial transactions on sales and supply issues that have legal force refer to commercial correspondence (for example, a letter of request, a letter of reminder (offer), a letter of claim and responses to them). On the functional basis, letters can be divided into those requiring and not requiring an answer.

    * Letters stating a fait accompli do not require a reply.

    On the basis of the addressee, letters are divided into ordinary and circular (sent from one organization to several addresses, as a rule, subordinate instances).

    According to the peculiarities of the composition, letters are divided into single-aspect (devoted to solving one issue) and multi-aspect, considering several issues.

    * They usually consist of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs. Contain a request, an apology, a guarantee.
    ** Refers to etiquette correspondence.

    Service (business) letter- the generalized name of documents of different content, allocated in connection with a special way of transferring text - sending by mail.

    The letter is drawn up on a special A4 or A5 form, depending on the size of the letter text. Mandatory details of the letter are: name of the organization - the author, postal details of the organization - the author, date, document number, reference to the date and number of the incoming document, addressee, title to the text, signature, mark about the performer, in cover letters - mark on the presence of attachments.

    For a number of reasons, it is advisable to draw up the text of a business letter according to a plan. In the absence of experience and an excess of negative emotions (for example, in conflict situations), this will help to correctly present the question.

    One of the methods of drawing up a message plan is to work in the following sequence:

    1. collection of a database from factual material - documents, illustrations, statistical and other indicators on the topic of the message;
    2. formulation of conclusions based on the database;
    3. using the findings as a blueprint for drafting the text.

    The text of the letter should be logical, consistent, convincing and correct in form. Facts and events should be presented objectively, succinctly, clearly. The text of the letter should not allow for different interpretations.

    Usage standard texts and stencil texts helps to simplify business correspondence.

    Depending on the type of letter and its content, the text of the letter can be simple or complex. Simple letters consist of one or two parts: an introduction and a conclusion. Compositionally complex letters contain an introduction, the main part (proof), and a conclusion.

    The introduction gives the rationale for the question, the reason for the question or its Short story... If any document served as the reason for composing the letter, a link to it is given.

    In the main part (proof) the essence of the issue is stated, evidence or refutation is provided. The main part must be convincing so that there is no doubt about the correctness and validity of the proposed solutions.

    In conclusion, the main purpose of the letter is formulated.

    Depending on the purpose of the letter, on what its author wants to focus on, other construction schemes are used, in which one of the elements may be absent or the order of their arrangement may be different.

    The text of the letter is stated in the first person plural (please, send).

    To simplify the operations of processing letters and speed up their execution, it is not recommended to consider two or more different issues in one letter, the letter should be one-subject in content. The length of the letter should not exceed two pages; in exceptional cases, letters up to five pages of typewritten text are allowed.

    A letter drawn up on an A4 format must have a heading to the text, built according to the "About what?" Scheme, for example:
    "On violation of contractual obligations"
    "On the provision of scientific and technical assistance"

    If the letter is a reply, then the number and date of the letter to which the reply is given are indicated in the form of the letter.

    If the letter is addressed to more than four addresses, then the contractor compiles a mailing list.

    Letters are endorsed by the head of the department who prepared the letter, if necessary - by the heads of the interested structural units, as well as the deputy head of the organization - the curator of the corresponding direction, if the letter is signed by the head of the organization. The letters are signed on the second copy, which remains in the archive of the organization for storage.

    Letters are signed by the head of the organization, his deputies within the scope of their competence, as well as by the heads of independent structural divisions, if they have been granted this right.

    Business correspondence occupies a significant place in the documentary array of institutions. As a liaison with external organizations, it is one of the essential elements of any entrepreneurial activity. Correspondence takes up about 80% of incoming and outgoing documents.

    The types of business correspondence and their names (letter, telegram, telex, fax, telephone message) are determined by the methods of transferring business information, which are divided into two main types: postal communication and electronic communication.

    Correspondence is distinguished by a wide variety of species: from letters and telegrams of state bodies having a normative character to citizens' appeals and standard applications. The content of the correspondence can be requests, notifications, agreements, claims, agreements, reminders, demands, clarifications, confirmations, requests, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

    When conducting correspondence, the following requirements must be observed:

    • - letters are drawn up on special letterheads - letterheads and signed by the head of the organization or his deputies within the framework of their competence;
    • - letters should be composed competently, accurately, without rough blots, corrections;
    • - Regardless of the content, the letter should be stated in a calm, consistent, official business language, possess sufficient argumentation, accuracy, completeness and clarity of characteristics, brevity and consistency of presentation;
    • - contain objective information about the events and facts presented, and, if necessary, have explanatory and supplementary materials.

    Information exchange by means of correspondence should be used only when it is difficult or impossible to exchange opinions in another way (telephone conversations, personal meeting, etc.).

    A business letter as a document of an informational and reference nature, with appropriate registration, acquires legal force from the moment the details are drawn up and the document is signed by an official.

    The details of a business letter include: State emblem of the Russian Federation; coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation; organization logo or trademark (service mark); name of company; reference data about the organization; date of the document; registration number of the document; reference to the registration number and date of the document; destination; heading to the text; the text of the document; application availability mark; signature; print imprint; mark about the artist; a mark on the execution of the document and its direction in the case.

    Letters are drawn up in duplicate - the first is prepared on a form (blank sheet of paper) and sent to the addressee, and the second is sent to the case.

    Business correspondence is represented by letters of various purposes. Due to its diversity, this type of documents is the most free and least standardized within the following uniform requirements, that is, letters must contain - clarity, simplicity of presentation, completeness of information, respectful tone of presentation (requirements of business etiquette), literacy.

    Official business correspondence on a thematic basis is divided into business (business letter) and commercial (commercial letter). Correspondence, with the help of which they formalize economic, legal, commercial and other forms of activity, is called business correspondence. Letters drawn up during the conclusion and execution of commercial transactions on sales and supply issues that have legal force refer to commercial correspondence (for example, a letter of request, a letter of reminder (offer), a letter of claim and responses to them). On the functional basis, letters can be divided into those requiring and not requiring an answer.

    As a result of studying this chapter, the student must:


    • - the purpose and purpose of documents used in the management of organizations;
    • - the main types of messages that make up business correspondence;
    • - the meaning of the terms "workflow" and "office work";
    • - types of documents used in the process of managing the organization;
    • - types of documents used in internal and external official correspondence;
    • - the purpose of document unification;
    • - features of the official business style of presenting information;
    • - types of business letters;
    • - the logic of building a business letter and the requirements for its design;
    • - features of the style of an electronic business letter;

    be able to

    - create text in accordance with the structure of a business letter;


    skills of use in business correspondence official business style of presentation of information.

    Document as the main form of written communication in the management process

    Substantial part business communications carried out in writing. This is due to the large volumes of information circulating in the process of managing organizations. For adoption management decisions in many cases, it is necessary to fix facts, accumulate information, and then analyze and comprehend it.

    In addition, information must be transferred for processing to various officials and departments of the organization. To perform all these actions, the most suitable form is a written presentation of information, which in the management of organizations is in the form of a document.

    A document is an informational message presented in a specific form, drawn up according to specific rules and certified in accordance with the established procedure. The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" contains the following definition of the concept of "document":

    Document- this is information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

    The same definition is given in the state standard for terms and definitions "Office work and archiving".

    Latin word documentum came from doceo - I teach or notify and in the sense meant testimony, proof. In Russia, the term document was translated by Peter the Great precisely as a "written testimony". Throughout the 18th century, in the definition of the concept of "document", its legal purpose was highlighted above all. Meanwhile, the term itself was hardly used for a long time. Instead, other terms were usually used in clerical practice: act, case, paper. WITH over time, the accumulation of knowledge about documents led in the XIX century. to highlight, in addition to the legal, also the managerial aspect of the document.

    Documents allow you to save information, give it an official character and serve as the basis for making management decisions. In addition, documents can be considered as the main form of business messages in the implementation of written communications. Thus, documents in an organization perform information and communication functions.

    The activity for the preparation and execution of documents is called management documentation(office work).

    In management, text documents in paper or electronic form are most often used. It should be noted that there are other possible forms of documents - photographs, sound recording, video recording. However, they are not a means of written communication and are not used very often in management, and therefore we will not consider these types of documents in this chapter.

    Documents that implement the communicative function, by addressee can be subdivided into external and internal.

    External business correspondence conducted between different organizations as well as between individuals and organizations. The messages exchanged between the subjects of communication are of the nature official letters.

    Internal business correspondence conducted between officials and departments of the organization. Such correspondence is usually called service.

    In the activities of managing an organization, a wide variety of text documents... They differ in their purpose and purpose, content, frequency of creation, and they have in common that they contain management information.

    By purpose and purpose documents can be subdivided as follows:

    • organizational and legal - establishing the status of the organization, structure, staffing, disposition, duties and responsibilities of departments, workers, etc. For example, the Charter of the organization, the Regulations on the division, job description;
    • administrative - carrying out the current coordination and regulation of the management process. For example, orders, orders of managers;
    • planned - containing a list, sequence, timing of activities planned for implementation. For example, various kinds of plans, programs;
    • information and reference - intended for use in current work. For example, government standards, technical conditions, instructions of the parent organizations, guidelines ministries and departments, classifiers;
    • information and analytical - resulting from the processing of internal primary information about the production, sale, availability of materials or goods in the warehouse. Necessary for current work and decision-making. For example, analytical reviews, summaries, certificates, acts, memoranda;
    • reporting - containing information about the results of activities for a certain period of time. They allow you to compare the results obtained with the indicators, outlined plans and programs, as well as provide information to higher organizations and statutory government bodies: statistical, tax authorities;
    • personnel documents - including information about the employees of the organization, designed to regulate their activities in accordance with labor legislation. For instance, employment contracts, personal cards of employees, work books and etc.

    By content documents can be conditionally subdivided into technical, technological, financial, commercial, etc. With this division, attention is drawn to the meaning and scope of the document. For example, the "technical" documents include technical specifications, equipment certificates, repair service standards. To technological - technological maps, the rate of output of products from the feedstock. A typical financial document is a balance sheet, income statement, tax return.

    Periodicity the creation of documents is determined by their form and purpose. Organizational and legal documents are accepted "pending cancellation", i.e. until the moment when it becomes necessary to make changes, or cancel their effect altogether. Administrative documents are created but as needed. Planned and, especially, accounting documents, on the contrary, have a strict established frequency of creation and submission to the appropriate authorities.

    The creation and use of various kinds of text documents is a necessary part of management work. They perform whole line useful functions.

    Using documents allows organizations to:

    • - to carry out their activities in an orderly, efficient and responsible manner;
    • - provide information consistently and objectively;
    • - to provide information support when making management decisions;
    • - to do a consistent, continuous and productive business and management activities;
    • - to carry out business continuity in the event emergencies;
    • - comply with the requirements of the regulatory environment, including in the field of archiving, auditing and supervisory activities;
    • - to guarantee protection and support in legal cases, including the risks associated with the presence or absence of documentary evidence containing information about the activities of the organization;
    • - protect the interests of the organization and the rights of employees, as well as all interested parties;
    • - provide and document research and development work, innovation activity as well as historical research;
    • - to ensure business, personal and cultural identity;
    • - to maintain corporate, individual and social memory.

    Some of the documents are created in order to convey information to certain officials and divisions, to exert a managerial influence on them. Such documents include orders, instructions, service and memoranda, methodological recommendations, information letters, letters of proposals, etc. Other documents are created to record facts. For example, reports, acts.

    The entire set of documents circulating in the organization represents its workflow.

    Document flow- a system for creating, interpreting, transmitting, receiving and archiving documents, as well as control over their execution and protection from unauthorized access.

    The workflow is carried out in order to ensure the management of information about the state of affairs in the organization for making informed management decisions and monitoring their implementation. Working with documents is called "office work".

    First of all, let's understand the very term office work. The standard for terms and definitions in the field of office work and archiving (GOST R 51141–98) interprets this term as "a branch of activity that depletes the documentation and organization of work with documents", i.e. the whole process from the moment of creation of a document to its destruction or transfer to the archive for storage.

    In parallel with the term office work, since the 1960s. the term is used documentary management assurance. The appearance of this term is associated with the introduction of computer systems into management, their organizational, software and information support... To approximate the terminology used in computer programs and literature in the field of office work, the term documentation support of management, which, in essence, is synonymous with the term office work.

    The broader term used today is information and documentation support of management - includes in addition to traditional work with documents and information service, creation, maintenance and work with databases.

    Thus, under the documentary support of management, we mean all the same stages of working with documents from creation-receipt to destruction or transfer to the archive.

    Records management is regulated by the regulatory and methodological framework, which is a set of laws, regulatory legal acts and methodological documents governing the creation, processing, storage and use of documents, as well as the functioning of the organization's document support service.

    Regulatory and methodological base of office work make up:

    • legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information and documentation;
    • relevant decrees and orders of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • legal acts federal bodies authorities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulating the issues of documentation support;
    • legal acts of a normative and instructive nature, methodological documents on the office work of enterprises and institutions;
    • state standards for documentation (GOST);
    • unified documentation systems (SDS);
    • all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, etc.

    To streamline work with documents in the field of management, it is widely used unification. In general, the term unification means bringing to uniformity (lat. unus - one, facio - I do, i.e. an association). It aims to create a user-friendly, streamlined management documentation system. The fact is that the economy operates great amount enterprises, organizations, institutions. In order to establish communication between them, it is necessary to somehow reduce the entire possible variety of documents to certain standard forms. A prerequisite for standardization is that there are repetitive types of work and situations in the activities of different organizations. For example, all organizations periodically draw up statistical and accounting statements and submit it to the appropriate authorities; all organizations are hiring and hiring employees; conclude contracts with counterparties, etc.

    The repetition of managerial situations and actions leads to the need for periodic compilation and execution of documents of the same type, which makes it possible to unify their texts, i.e. accept uniform forms of documents for all organizations, rules for their registration and approval. The unification of the texts of management documents allows you to speed up the adoption of management decisions and to simplify and streamline the process of preparing and processing documents.

    The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs of the Federal Archival Service of Russia has developed the state standard "Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation" (USORD).

    Almost all office-work services work with most of the documents provided for by the USORD, regardless of the direction of the organization's activities and its organizational and legal form. So, in accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation class 020000, the USORD includes the following documentation:

    • to create an organization, enterprise;
    • reorganization of an organization, enterprise;
    • liquidation of an organization, enterprise;
    • privatization of state and municipal organizations, enterprises;
    • administrative activities of an organization, enterprise;
    • organizational and normative regulation of the activities of an organization, an enterprise;
    • operational and informational regulation of the activities of an organization, an enterprise.

    USORD includes the state standard, album unified forms documents and instructions for their filling and use.

    Another document that regulates office work in organizations is GOST R 6.30–2003, which contains the basic rules for paperwork, requirements for the content of information in the form, the procedure for addressing, agreeing, signing, and approving documents. The standard defines the rules for formalizing official letters, some requirements for the text of these documents. For the first time, the standard is advisory in nature, due to modern legislation. In addition to unified forms and unified documentation systems, Gosstandart of Russia (now Rosstandart) in different time approved a number of state standards, mandatory for use in working with documents (see Appendix 1).

    To the main stages unification of texts include the following:

    • unification of the text structure, i.e. the choice of the sequence of the arrangement of the semantic components of the text, the most appropriate to the purpose of the document;
    • unification of linguistic means of expressing content in the text of the document;
    • development of unified texts in the form of coherent text, stencil, questionnaire, table.

    The form of presenting information in the form of a coherent text or a stencil is chosen if the main thing in the document is information about the actions of employees (departments, organizations in general) or their relationship to something, i.e. if it is necessary to state any provisions, decisions, facts, events.

    Coherent text - it is a text whose content is invariably repeated in a number of documents. Such texts are relatively rare in management.

    For example, the text of the letter: "We inform you that regarding the supply of products of our production, you should contact the UMTS of your ministry."

    Stencil - a form of presentation of a unified text containing constant information and spaces intended to fill them with variable information characterizing a specific situation.

    Questionnaire and table - it is the result of a certain formalization, during which the text is deprived of its usual grammatical coherence, and the content of the text is conveyed by simplified constructions, numbers or other signs. The form of presentation of the unified text of the document in the form of a questionnaire or a table is chosen if the main information is about the object and its features.

    The main requirements when creating a document are:

    • use of a formal business style;
    • compliance with the requirements of GOST, USD, and other regulatory documents;
    • relevance of the information presented. It consists of the following concepts: targeting, thematic limitation, reliability, objectivity, argumentation, accuracy, exclusion of repetitions, conciseness and thoroughness at the same time;
    • requirements for compliance with the grammatical rules of the language used and stylistic features business speech(terminology, use of abbreviations, linguistic formulas; cases of nouns and adjectives; forms of verbs; types and construction of sentences, forms of address, use of numerals, syntactic features, etc.).

    You should also comply with the requirements for the preparation of documents that form business correspondence. Requirements for registration relate to the composition and registration of the details of the documents.

    • the federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technology and on the protection of information ".
    • T. V. Kuznetsova Organization of office work requires professional knowledge // Office work. 2010. No. 2. P. 12–18.