Line for the production of cinder blocks. General information about a business such as the production of cinder blocks

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:


Net profit:

Payback period:

The production of cinder blocks is a cost-effective business that can bring significant profits. Cinder block production equipment is quite affordable, technology and raw materials are available in every region, which provides a low threshold for entering this business.

The main advantage of cinder block, in comparison with other types of wall blocks used in construction, is its low price which, against the background of declining incomes of the population, provides it with a significant competitive advantage.

Composition, types and brands of cinder block

Cinder block is a building stone, which is obtained by vibrocompression or natural shrinkage in special forms. The main raw material for the production of cinder blocks is slag, crushed granite, expanded clay and other fillers, for the connection of which cement is used. Cinder block is a versatile material, the properties of which are largely determined by its main filler.

With the use of sand, pebbles or crushed stone, the most durable cinder blocks are made, but they also have maximum thermal conductivity.

The main types of cinder blocks include:

    solid blocks with solid filler for laying plinths and foundations;

    solid blocks for masonry walls, which have less weight and strength;

    cinder blocks for laying partitions, which are lighter than bricks;

    colored decorative cinder blocks, which are used for cladding walls, fences.

The main characteristic of the cinder block is its strength grade, which ranges from 35 to 125 kg / cm2. Cinder block is considered a low thermal conductivity material. Its thermal conductivity depends on the filler and varies within 0.3 - 0.65 W / m * k. For comparison, ceramic brick has a thermal conductivity of 0.8 W / m * k, and silicate - about 0.9 W / m * k.

The standard service life of a cinder block is approaching 100 years. It is very convenient for construction that the cinder block practically does not shrink, however, it has a high level of water absorption, and therefore buildings made of cinder block must be finished with some kind of insulating material.

Cinder blocks are standardized according to GOST 6133-99 “Concrete wall stones. Specifications". The environmental friendliness of the cinder block is determined by its filler.

Scope of cinder block

The main area of ​​​​use of cinder block is the construction of buildings and structures. First of all, it is used for the construction of low-rise buildings, the construction of utility buildings, ventilation ducts and in landscape design.

The main competitor as a building material for cinder block is brick. Both the material has its pros and cons, in terms of using it for the construction of buildings. The main advantage of using a cinder block is its lower cost per square meter of the building being erected, as well as a smaller amount of cement mixture required for masonry.

Technology and equipment for the production of cinder block

The production technology of cinder block is quite simple. At the first stage, mixtures are made of cement, selected filler and water. Plasticizers are added to the prepared mixture, which increase the strength and waterproof properties of the product.

Also, special chemical additives are used to save cement, accelerate hardening processes, increase frost resistance (that is, increase the number of freeze / thaw cycles without damaging the block), and ensure hardening at low temperatures. These chemical additives can be divided into: plasticizing, air-entraining, hardening accelerators, anti-corrosion and others.

To prepare a cinder block with your own hands, without the use of equipment, you can use many recipes. We will not dwell on them in detail, since the production of cinder blocks by hand, without the use of equipment, is rather not a business, but a way to save money on your own construction. The simplest and most versatile recipe is the following: 2 parts sand, 2 parts crushed stone, 7 parts slag, 2 parts M400 Portland cement. Water is added in a ratio of about 0.5 parts plus the necessary plasticizers. However, each specialist in the production of cinder blocks has his own production recipe.

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The complete set of the basic technological line for the production of cinder block consists of a vibropress, a concrete mixer, a rack for a concrete mixer and a control panel. Additionally, the line can be equipped with various dispensers that simplify the process of loading the mixture. This line can be equipped with various dies, which allow the production of cinder blocks with various void configurations.

This semi-automatic line can work both indoors and outdoors. open area. Such equipment does not require special skills and complex training of personnel. The area of ​​the production facility for the production of cinder blocks will be about 40-50 m2. A 380 V electrical connection is required. The number of workers to service such a line is 2-3 people. The pressing time is about 30 seconds.

The principle of operation of a vibropress is quite simple. A molding pallet is placed on the vibrating table, then the automatic download molding sand into a matrix. The vibrocompression process begins. At the end of molding, the worker raises the matrix until the product is completely released from the matrix. Next, the pallet with the product leaves and is removed from the roll-out cart, and another pallet is installed in its place. Such a press costs about 360 thousand rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For the production of cinder block, it is necessary to use a forced-type concrete mixer designed for the preparation of semi-dry rigid mixtures. The convenience of this equipment is that, as a rule, load cells are provided for weighing raw materials, thereby achieving the accuracy of dosing raw materials according to a given recipe. The cost of such a concrete mixer Russian production is about 240 thousand rubles.

The cost of additional equipment can be about 300 thousand rubles. Thus, the base line for the production of cinder block will be about 900 thousand rubles.

How to set up a cinder block business

Registration of a business is necessary to be able to connect to power grids, conclude contracts with customers and ensure the security of the business itself from the point of view of tax authorities’ audits. Do not forget about the responsibility for illegal business activities.

However, the cinder block business does not require any serious specialized premises and does not involve large customers among legal entities. Most of your clients will be private customers.

Therefore, at the first stage, you can focus on setting up production and selecting customers, and only then be puzzled legal registration business.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The organizational and legal form of opening a cinder block production business can be any, both a limited liability company and in the form individual entrepreneur. In our case, we recommend choosing the IP form, as this will simplify the registration procedure, as well as the provision of regular tax reporting.

A simplified taxation system will be optimal for this type of business. Additionally, you need to decide on the choice of object of taxation. For the simplified tax system, you can choose two types of objects: the object of taxation "income" or "income minus expenses".

As a rule, the criterion for choosing between these two objects is rather simple. If the percentage of expenses in revenue is more than 60-70%, then it is more profitable to choose the object of taxation "income minus expenses". If the percentage of expenses is less, then it is more profitable to pay from income. It should be noted that accounting for the object of taxation "income" is simpler.

When organizing a cinder block production business, taking into account the scale of the business, we recommend that you involve financial statements and submission of declarations to a specialized accounting outsourcing company.

After registration, you can get a certificate for your products. Certification is not mandatory, but is voluntary. This certificate will positively characterize your products in the face of the customer. The cost of certification, depending on the region, will be 7-10 thousand rubles.

The OKVED code to be used in the cinder block business will be 23.61.1 "Production of finished building products from concrete, cement and artificial stone."

Competition and demand in the wall block market

Speaking about the business for the production of cinder blocks, it must be taken into account that there are a large number of varieties of wall blocks on the market and they all compete with each other for the customer. The most common types of wall blocks include: foam concrete blocks, sand blocks made by volumetric vibrocompression, heat blocks, polystyrene concrete blocks, expanded clay concrete, wood concrete, ceramic block, Balaev's heat-efficient blocks.

In addition to this, there are several effective technologies for the construction of buildings and structures, such as wooden construction, frame construction and others.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There is fierce competition in this market, the choice of material for construction is not easy for the customer. We will not consider comparative characteristic of all these materials in terms of effectiveness, similar studies can be found without difficulty.

However, with all the variety of choices, according to all studies, it turns out that there is no cheaper material for construction. Some experts question environmental characteristics cinder block for the construction of residential buildings, but for the construction of outbuildings, the cinder block looks very profitable.

Let us first assess how competitive the cinder block is among comparable building materials. To estimate the demand for cinder block, we will use statistics keywords Yandex. There is a special service for this. We will analyze the number of requests for the following search phrases: “buy a cinder block”; “buy aerated concrete blocks” and “buy bricks”. Such requests, as a rule, are carried out by small construction companies and private individuals who carry out construction, that is, direct consumers.

For the query “buy a cinder block”, Yandex statistics speak of about 14 thousand requests per month. This statistics also includes relevant queries, for example, "buy cinder block price" or "where to buy cinder blocks." By region, the leader in requests is the Ural Federal District, the Central Federal District and the Siberian Federal District. Yandex statistics, to assess demand, provides another indicator - "Regional popularity". The indicator of the regional popularity of the request above 100% characterizes the increased interest of users this region to the request. According to the “Regional popularity” indicator, the request to “buy a cinder block” in the Urals Federal District is 216%. That is, the interest in this product is increased.

For comparison, Moscow carries out three times less requests for this keyword, and regional popularity is only 35%. This suggests that the main competitive advantage of the cinder block - the price - is most in demand in regions with a lower standard of living.

Let's consider similar statistics for the key query "buy aerated concrete blocks". For this request, as well as for relevant ones, for example, “aerated concrete block price”, the number of requests is about 14 thousand per month. Moscow and the Central Federal District are confidently leading in terms of the number of requests.

At the request "buy a brick", Yandex statistics show more than 200 thousand requests per month. The query “buy facing brick” is also popular in this block, with a share of almost 10% of all queries in this category. Such a ratio in requests is natural, since, after all, it is brick that is the most common building material.

We conclude that the demand for cinder block, of course, is an order of magnitude lower than for brick, but it exists. Peak values ​​of demand fall on March, April May, that is, at the beginning of the construction season. During these months, the number of requests is more than 20 thousand requests per month. Statistics show that in the Russian Federation there is a strong demand for cinder block. However, before making a decision to start production, we recommend that you independently check the keyword statistics for your region. We remind you once again that the cinder block is sold near the places of its production. This is done in order to reduce shipping costs. Check the number of requests for your city and region separately, this will help paint a more accurate picture of demand.

A similar service for analyzing keyword statistics is also available from the Google search engine. It will be optimal to estimate the number of queries in both search engines.

Profit, profitability and financial performance of the cinder block business

The production capacity of the cinder block production line described above is about 1,000 blocks per shift. The market price of such a block is about 35 rubles.

Thus, the revenue will be about 1.05 million rubles per month, subject to work in one shift. The cost of production depends on the availability, cost and type of cinder block filler. Taking into account the average prices for raw materials, wages and taxes, the cost of production will be about 40-50% of the selling price.

Thus, with sufficient loading, such a line for the production of cinder block can provide revenue of about 12.6 million rubles a year. Net profit with such revenue will be about 6.3 million rubles a year. The payback period at the specified investment costs of 900 thousand rubles will be less than two months.

Risks arising from the opening of the cinder block production

The main risk when starting a cinder block production is that you will not be able to find enough customers and, accordingly, will not ensure sufficient production load to ensure profitable operation. Let's see how to overcome this risk.

The cheapest and effective method to promote the cinder block business is the Internet. First of all, you should focus on message boards, they have a significant audience and good conversion. First of all, you need to place an ad on the avito website, which is the most visited bulletin board in Russia.

It is also desirable for you to have your own website. Currently, if you use special website builders to create a website, you can do everything yourself. If you are not ready for this, then involve a specialist in the creation of the site. The cost of developing such a site with the help of a website builder will cost you about 10 thousand rubles. The annual maintenance fee is about 3 thousand rubles. On the site you can place quality certificates, price lists, photos of product samples and other important information for the client.

Summing up, we conclude that the production of cinder blocks is a profitable business with low payback periods and a low entry threshold. The cinder block production technology is simple, the raw materials are available, the equipment does not require complex expensive maintenance. Cinder block is mainly in demand in regions with a low standard of living, as it is the cheapest building material. The main risk in the cinder block business is the high competition in the building block market and the difficulty in finding customers.

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IN Lately more and more new materials and technologies for the construction of buildings appear on the construction market. And, it should be noted, the modern consumer mainly makes a choice in favor of affordability and ease of installation. And block products just do meet these requirements.

It turns out that the cinder block and foam block production business is very profitable, since there will always be demand for these products. Therefore, within the framework of this article, we decided to introduce you to this low-cost, but reliable and profitable source of income.

Note! On hand here is the fact that the above building materials do not need mandatory certification (just like the equipment for their manufacture).

Cinder block - basics of production and cost calculation

Exploring the construction market, you probably noticed that over the past 5 years, the cinder block has gained wild popularity. Garages, dachas, workshops, estates, workshops, and large industrial and residential buildings are built from it. This is due to the positive properties of this material - affordable price, easy laying process due to the size and weight of the blocks, good heat and sound insulation, durability.

However, we will not describe in detail the advantages of a cinder block, but will go directly to our main question: how to make cinder blocks with our own hands, and is this a profitable occupation?

What is required for the manufacture

  • Vibrating machine;
  • raw material;
  • Technology;
  • Relatively flat ground
  • Household electrical network at 220 V.

Let's look at each point in more detail:

  1. Do-it-yourself vibrating machines for the manufacture of cinder blocks come in a variety of designs, but in small-scale production, the small-sized, manual, electric device M330 has proven itself most confidently. No wonder people called him "builder's dream".

  1. The production technology and composition of cinder blocks suggest the presence of the following raw materials:
  • Cement brand 400. You can use another, but in this case you need to carefully select the proportions.
  • Filler. This component can be: slag, sand, sawdust, crushed stone, expanded clay, brick scrap, etc. natural and industrial materials.
  • Water.
  • Plasticizing additive(desirable, but not required). It provides fast hardening of blocks, improves their quality, improves frost resistance and water resistance of products.
  1. Manufacturing technology is divided into three stages:
  • Concrete preparation. That is, a concrete solution is prepared: all the necessary components are poured and mixed in the required proportions. For convenient and faster mixing of the components, you can purchase a concrete mixer.
  • Block production. The ready-made solution is poured into the vibrating machine, then the vibrator is turned on for a couple of seconds - the concrete settles, and the worker, with the help of a trowel, levels its surface. Next, you need to install the clamp and lightly press on it, turning on the vibrator. The vibration time depends on the type of block being manufactured. It remains only to raise the machine without turning off the vibration - the finished block will remain on the site.

  • Drying and storage of products. It takes about two days to dry the cinder blocks, only then they can be removed from the production site and stored.

Attention! The instruction for plasticizing additives (UPD) states that when they are added, finished cinder blocks can be stored after 6 hours.

Advice! It is useful to set the date and time of manufacture of the last block on such pyramids. This will definitely come in handy when selling products.

  1. As for the production site, the main conditions are that it should have the most even floor, good ventilation and heating in the cold season.

The cost of cinder block and production in general

So, let's calculate the starting investment for the manufacture of this building material by hand. Price necessary equipment:

  1. Vibrating machine M330 - 12 thousand rubles;
  2. Concrete mixer - 22.5 thousand rubles;
  3. Additional equipment - 900 rubles;

In total, it turned out 35.4 thousand rubles.

The retail price of one block today is 24 rubles, and the cost of one block is 7.25 rubles. It turns out that the profit from the sale of one product is 16.75 rubles. If you produce 400 pieces per day, then the daily profit will be 6.7 thousand. Production will pay off somewhere in six months (electricity costs are taken into account). Pretty profitable business, right?

Important! The cost of a cinder block can be either lower or higher than the specified figure. It all depends on the components used, the accuracy of their dosing and the quality of the technological process.

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Foam block - calculation of the cost of production

Foam concrete blocks are also lightweight and affordable building materials. Of course, their cost is slightly higher than the cost of cinder blocks, but this does not make them less popular. Foam blocks have a lot of advantages: from ease of installation and environmental friendliness, to water resistance and excellent thermal insulation.

Due to the properties of this material, there is always a demand for it both from construction companies and individuals, because the cost of building a house from foam blocks is quite low.

But we are not talking about the construction of houses, but specifically about the production of foam blocks. Another, so to speak, small business idea. Its opening will require no more than 300 thousand rubles.

What is included in this amount? Let's see.

  • Components - cement, sand, foaming agent and water.
  • Either a bar setting or a foam generator. What is the difference? In the first case, the manufacturing technology is cheaper and simpler due to the low cost of equipment. However, the quality of products is also lame - the strength and environmental friendliness of foam blocks suffer significantly due to inaccurate dosage of components and the use of synthetic foam concentrates.

The foam generator also allows you to knead all the ingredients in the correct proportions, which positively affects the strength and environmental friendliness of products. But the cost of the foam block increases due to the high cost of equipment and high-quality components.

  • Either metal cassette molds, or a cutting complex for forming blocks. The first device, again, is the simplest and cheapest. The concrete mixture is simply poured into various forms and remains there until it dries completely. Then finished products are pulled out of these molds and stored.

What are the disadvantages of this method? Divergence of blocks in geometry, the likelihood of chips during their extraction from molds, the need to buy different forms to be able to produce a large number of foam blocks of various sizes.

But the cutting complex allows you to produce many blocks of any size at once, with excellent geometry and no damage to the surface of the products. The whole essence of molding comes down to the fact that concrete is poured into a large mold. Then one large block is cut into foam blocks of the required size by adjusting the pitch of the saw strings. Very convenient, although such a device is quite expensive.

In general, there are several business options for the manufacture of foam blocks. We will focus on the simplest of them, using a bar setting and forms.

In this case, the cost of foam block production, as mentioned earlier, will not exceed 300 thousand rubles. And since the foam block is a sought-after material in the construction market, all costs will pay off in 3-4 months.


A simple technology for the production of block building materials, based on the use of inexpensive domestic equipment and local raw materials, as well as a high demand for cinder blocks and foam blocks, make such a business very profitable and cost-effective. And in the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Good luck and prosperity to your ideas!

More and more new technologies appear on the construction market every day. Also, in modern construction markets, a lot of different materials for building houses appear daily. For the most part, a person stops his attention on the more affordable technological processes necessary for construction purposes. Affordable building materials are also popular. And such material as cinder block just plays this role. It turns out that this material for construction is just the most cost-effective building material.
It is worth saying that the houses built from cinder blocks have excellent sound and heat insulation. Based on this, the organization for the manufacture of cinder blocks can become a profitable business, since the purchasing power for this product is quite large. Therefore, in this publication we will talk about what benefits the production of cinder blocks as a business can bring. But before talking in detail about such a business, it must be said that the great advantage in doing this business is the lack of mandatory passage certification.

Cinder block production technology

The production of cinder blocks is a special case. It should be noted that this technological process consists of three stages.
STAGE 1. The production of this building material must begin with the manufacture of a semi-dry mixture of concrete, which will include water, screenings and cement. This manufacturing process allows you to economically spend cement, therefore it will not be necessary to add a lot of water to it. You can also add a plasticizing additive to a similar composition (approximately 6 grams per block), which will allow you to provide:

  • The fast process of gaining strength in blocks.
  • An increase in the quality indicators of the finished block (due to this, less cracks are formed on the product).
  • Improving the quality of cinder blocks - their better resistance to low temperatures, and good water resistance.

Thanks to the use of this process, the productivity of manufactured products increases. In order to obtain a sufficiently rigid mixture, it is necessary to use a concrete mixer for these purposes. Without her help, the work will not be easy. If the production has a small volume of products, then it is quite possible to do without a concrete mixer.

STAGE 2. At this stage, the newly made mixture is placed in special forms of a vibropress (their size is 400 * 200 * 190). The forms used are either empty or solid. Rigid solution in the process of vibration and the use of force clamp becomes more dense in structure. After the process is completed, the matrix begins to rise, and a manufactured wall block is formed on the pallet. The duration of this work is from 15 to 80 minutes. It all depends on what kind of clamp the machine creates (either conventional or reinforced). The manufactured block must be strong. It should not lose its shape, and after drying it should not crumble. These qualities are acquired through the process of kneading a hard mixture, so it is imperative to strictly observe all the proportions of the components used. In this case, the solution should not be very liquid and not dry.

3 ETPAP. The third stage is the last in the manufacture of blocks. At this stage, the finished product begins to solidify. This process can take from 40 to 90 hours. Manufactured products acquire rigidity and strength for their further storage. This procedure can be reduced in time if special additives (such as relaxol or fleuron) are used during mixing. With the help of mechanisms for lifting loads designed for warehousing and steaming finished products, you can use multi-tiered racks. This action increases the durability finished products and significantly reduces the curing process. And most importantly, the area on which the production of products takes place will be used more efficiently. The process of the final hardening of the blocks will take approximately 25-30 days, when they are in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees. If the humidity in a given storage location is high, then it will make it possible to avoid drying out the finished product.

ADDITIONAL STAGE. This stage is not the main one in the process of manufacturing cinder blocks due to the fact that during construction a conventional block is used with its further finishing, but if possible, you can easily calculate your costs for finishing materials in order to find out for yourself exactly how much it will cost to produce blocks in color.

Maybe you will pay attention to reading the article of the site:

Cinder block production: business project

Business idea for the production of cinder blocks- this is a great deal that will appeal to every businessman. But in order for this business to be profitable, it should be treated with great responsibility. It must be said that such a business is difficult to imagine without high-quality equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to list the necessary equipment that must be purchased to be able to manufacture cinder blocks in a small factory.

So, for your small production you will need:

  • Concrete mixer - 6500 rubles.
  • Vibrating machine - 95,000 rubles.
  • Construction wheelbarrow - 1900 rubles.
  • Shovel - 600 rub.

The total cost of the necessary equipment will be 104,000 rubles. The vibrating machine in this case is equipped with a large number of functions. With it, you can produce tiles for sidewalks and curbs. Having such equipment, at any time you can start manufacturing these products and not spend extra money. But it is also possible to buy a mobile vibratory unit for the production of only cinder blocks. The cost of such an installation is 50,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses for initial materials will amount to 34,000 rubles. In order to produce cinder blocks at home, you should buy:

  • Cement in the amount of 12 bags - 33000 rubles.
  • Screening - 12 cubic meters - 2900 rubles.

Thanks to the use of this equipment, more than 550 pieces of finished products can be produced in just a day.
If we talk about personnel for such a business, then at first it will be possible to get by with two employees. One worker will perform the function of making mortar with a concrete mixer, delivering it to the machine, and the other will produce blocks. With an increase in the number of employees, productivity will also increase. Every new employee in just one shift will increase the production of cinder blocks by 350 pieces.

Moreover, it will be necessary to purchase or rent a premises for production purposes, which has a construction site and a place to store finished products. For these purposes, you can use a garage or land. Rent of the site for a month is 12,000 rubles, for a year - 144,000 rubles.

Now we will try to determine the cost of one cinder block
The approximate weight of one finished cinder block is 19 kg. One of the most popular ways to produce blocks is to use 5 parts screenings and one part water and cement. We add all the parts together, we get 7. And we divide 19kg by 7 and we get 2.85 - this is the resulting weight of one part.

  • The cost of 1 kg of screenings will be 0.30 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 kg of cement is 5 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 m3 of water will be - 25 rubles, and one liter - 0.25 rubles.

Now we calculate the consumption of the material used per 1 unit. manufactured product:

  • Multiply 5 parts of the dropout by 2.85 and by 0.30. We get 0.85 rubles.
  • Cement - 1 times 2.85. we get 17.10 rubles.
  • The water consumption will be: 0.25 times 2.85. We get 0.74 rubles.
  • Electricity consumption: 9 hours multiplied by 2.6 kilowatts per hour and 0.5 kW. We get 11.7. / 600. We get 0.01 rubles.
  • Staff salary - 1 ruble.

Thus, the cost of the 1st finished cinder block will be around 27 rubles. And the average price of this product on the market is 40-42 rubles.

Monthly wages for 2 employees will be 30,000 rubles.
Now we calculate the amount of annual earnings in the case of the sale of all products.

  • The volume of finished cinder blocks: 600 * 23 working days = 13800 pieces per month * 12 months = 165600 pieces * 40 = 6,624,000 rubles.
  • Annual earnings will be: 6,624,000 minus the cost of 3,777,840 rubles. It turns out 2,846,160 rubles.
  • Expenses for capital and working expenses - 980,200 rubles.
  • Total annual profit before payment of a single tax = 1,865,960 rubles. Net annual earnings, excluding tax on a single income of 15%, will be = 1,586,066 rubles.

You will probably agree that the production of cinder blocks as a business is not a bad thing. Moreover, the reviews of businessmen about this case can be seen only positive.

Sales of finished products

The main factor influencing the implementation of the cinder block is its low cost and the affordable possibility of acquiring the necessary components. Based on this, the price of this material will be significantly lower than the cost of brick or foam concrete. In any case, at the beginning of your activity, you will need to learn how to find options for selling your products, using various methods. You should advertise your products. For such a case, we recommend making leaflets and sticking them in places where construction is planned. It is also worth using the Internet by placing your ad on popular advertising sites.

The development of technology has not bypassed the sphere of production of building materials. IN last years when erecting walls or facing buildings, they began to use familiar materials (concrete, brick, etc.), but with various additives. One such hybrid product is cinder blocks. Therefore, this article will discuss some issues related to the compilation business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations.

These blocks have a wide range of applications. They are used in the construction of residential buildings, office buildings, shopping malls etc. The demand for cinder blocks is due to their relatively low cost along with high performance. But create new business(in particular, for the manufacture of cinder blocks) is sometimes not easy. To facilitate this process, it is necessary to start with planning future activities.

Key features of the business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

New business planning

When deciding to launch a new enterprise, you should carefully analyze all aspects of this case. Before moving on to real production, you first need to do development business plan for cinder block companies.

It is important to assess the presence of competitors in the regional market. Competitors will be manufacturers of cinder blocks, and manufacturers of other building materials. An analysis of consumer preferences and construction volumes should also be carried out.

In the business plan, any valuation conclusions should be accompanied by appropriate calculations. . All collected information must be structured into sections.



The main activity within the production of cinder blocks

Within the framework of the project under consideration, the main activity will be the production of cinder blocks, which are made by introducing certain substances into the cement slurry. It can be completely different additives - sawdust, sand, gypsum, crushed stone, expanded clay, ash or brick scrap. The filling of cinder blocks depends on the purpose of the final product, the climatic features of the use of blocks, etc.

Simplified, all processes within the framework of the considered business plan for the production of cinder blocks will look like this:

  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Block production;
  • Sales of products.

This technological solution (the use of additives) makes the final product stronger and lighter than conventional concrete blocks. And the use of recycled materials in the composition reduces the cost of production.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments to launch the production of cinder blocks

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Cinder block production development sales plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of cinder block production

7 - Conclusions

The business plan for the production of cinder blocks is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


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Feedback on the business plan for the production of paving slabs

The goal of planning was, on the one hand, to attract funding, and on the other hand, we also wanted to have a clear picture of how we would develop. In the end, I liked the plan. In the business plan of the paving slab production workshop, I liked the financial model, I liked that it was convenient to use, it was easy to adjust it for myself, there were no questions about it in the bank either. So far, a loan of 19 million has been received. rubles. Thanks! This result was obtained, including with your help. Good luck!

Maksimov K.O., Moscow Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the development business plan sand pit sand mining

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had our own investor, but in order to work with him, we needed a business plan. Representatives of the site provided us with invaluable assistance in compiling this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments in the amount of 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

Egor Valerievich, Kostroma, CEO

Feedback on a business plan for a concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan of the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and in finished model you can make any changes. In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be user-friendly and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, financial director, JSC "World of construction"

Drawing up a business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

Market analysis of cinder blocks

The relatively stable economic situation caused a positive trend in the development of the construction industry, which led to the demand for building materials. The production of concrete blocks with various additives is one of the fastest growing sectors in the construction market.

When compiling business plan for release cinder blocks it will be necessary to estimate the share of demand for cinder blocks in the total sales of building materials. Therefore, not only direct, but also indirect competitors are subject to evaluation. It is necessary to trace the prospect of demand for similar materials - aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks.

Speaking of competitive advantages cinder blocks in comparison with other building materials, we note its characteristics such as:

  • Versatility of application;
  • Good thermal conductivity;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • Lower price compared to other building materials.

Expanded clay blocks also have similar characteristics. Their production can also become very profitable. Evaluate all the prospects and this business will help you. It reflects the main features of this business and the calculations of the financial model.

Company registration

The first step in setting up a business is registering it. You will need to choose the legal form - register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

IN business plan manufacturing companies cinder blocks it will also be necessary to take into account the costs associated with submitting all documents to the tax authorities, to state off-budget funds, open bank accounts, obtain other permits.

Cinder block production planning

A number of sections of the business plan will need to be devoted to choosing a location for production, listing the characteristics of equipment and personnel requirements. Production areas are best placed outside the city or in an industrial area. So it will be possible to save on rent and not cause inconvenience to others (production may be accompanied by noise, dust, etc.). The main criterion will be the availability of sufficient space, which should accommodate:

  • Workshop (possibly several workshops);
  • Warehouse of raw materials;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Garage;
  • administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

IN business plan for each specific production cinder blocks it is necessary to give the characteristics and cost of the equipment used, which will vary depending on production program. Let's imagine the approximate categories of equipment:

  • dispensers;
  • concrete mixer;
  • Forms;
  • foam generator;
  • Compressor, etc.

When planning production, it is necessary to draw up staffing with an indication of all categories of personnel, their official duties and wages.

On the initial stage Looking for the following professionals:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • Handymen;
  • movers;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (if necessary).

Investment planning for the production of cinder blocks

Investment planning is the most important and responsible part of any business plan. At the same time, it is rather difficult to name the exact figures for investments in the launch of the production of cinder blocks. This is due to the fact that the calculation results depend on technological solutions and the production program of a particular enterprise. But there is a sample on our website business plan for the production and sale of cinder blocks. The calculation methodology given in this business plan will allow you to calculate all required indicators depending on the specifics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) — xxx r.
  • Working capital - xxx r.
  • Marketing - xxx p.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx p.

ABOUT the total investment will be in the range of 50-150 million rubles. The range of investments is quite large, since the final figures are influenced by many factors, among which, first of all, the scale of activity and the concept of business development.

Operating expenses in the business plan for the production of cinder blocks

In addition to investment investments, a significant part of the costs associated with operating costs. Them exemplary structure for a cinder block manufacturing company is as follows:

  • Rent - xxx r.
  • Salary - xxx p.
  • Raw materials - xxx r.
  • Utility payments - xxx r.
  • Depreciation - xxx p.
  • Taxes - xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) - xxx r.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx p.

The total costs will be made up of investment and operating costs. We have listed only the main areas of investment, while the business planning of a particular enterprise will have to prescribe a large list of expense items.

Income in the business plan of the project

The income of the enterprise will also have a different value depending on the specifics of a particular business. For example, the amount of income is affected by: the method of selling products (wholesale or retail), the volume of construction in the region (determines the demand and scale of production), unit costs, etc. We only note that the peak of sales of cinder blocks occurs in the spring and summer months, when construction is underway.

Sales of products are possible through different distribution channels - retail sales from the warehouse of the enterprise, conclusion of contracts with construction companies, supplies to construction markets and etc.

Items of income in cinder block manufacturing companies can be formed by receiving income from the sale of the following assortment items:

  • solid cinder blocks;
  • hollow cinder blocks;
  • decorative facing;
  • foundation cinder blocks.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue is calculated, which for the xxx period should amount to xxx thousand rubles. Given value is calculated based on the average prices for cinder blocks in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The payback of such a project is expected within about 3-5 years. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

Traffic report Money - the most important document any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Why you need a professional development of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks

Starting a business in the construction industry is associated with large investments and requires careful market analysis. Drawing up a business plan is necessary not only for your own assessment of the feasibility of the project, but also for presenting your idea to an investor or bank. To save your time and effort, we suggest you download a sample of the finished business plan for the production of cinder blocks. The financial model presented in this sample will allow you to calculate all the investment indicators for your project. A clear structure of all the necessary sections will help to present a business idea to an investor or a bank. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

The organization of an enterprise for the manufacture of cinder blocks is characterized by profitability and a high level of profit. But in order to avoid possible risks, it is necessary first of all to do business planning.

In this material:

Cinder block is a popular building material in the CIS countries, which is associated with its low cost and excellent performance, such as strength, low thermal conductivity and durability. It is made from cheap raw materials - slag and cement, as a result of which it is a profitable solution for entrepreneurial activity. The business plan for the production of cinder blocks contains important organizational points, it also elaborates financial issues and other important nuances related to organizing a business.

Business features, advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturing process of cinder blocks is simple, which allows you to organize production in small businesses and even at home. slag concrete , from which the blocks are made, belongs to the category of lightweight concrete. To obtain it, cement, sand, as well as slag, ash or waste from metallurgical enterprises are used. Therefore, this business is most profitable in areas where there are metallurgical plants nearby.

The main advantages of production include the following:

  • high demand due to the low cost of the material;
  • low cost of raw materials;
  • simplicity of technology;
  • low cost of equipment;
  • the possibility of organizing production in "artisanal conditions";
  • in the manufacture it is easy to achieve quality stability, in contrast to the production of foam blocks;
  • opportunity to compete with large manufacturers.

There are also negative sides:

  • cinder block has been treated as a second-rate material, so it is more often used for outbuildings, garages or budget construction, such as country houses;
  • it is necessary to prepare a warehouse of impressive size for drying and storing finished products, especially if production volumes are large;
  • low level of environmental friendliness, since the composition of the slag contains acid and sulfur;
  • in some regions there is serious competition.

Scopes of cinder blocks

The cinder block is used for the construction of the following types of buildings:

  • low-rise buildings - solid blocks are used;
  • frame structures - blocks with 40% voids are used, which have good thermal insulation properties;
  • garages - blocks with 30% voids or full-bodied are suitable;
  • outbuildings - the type of blocks is selected taking into account the characteristics of the building;
  • change houses and utility rooms - it is allowed to use any type of cinder blocks;
  • warehouses, etc. - solid blocks are used or with voids of 30%, depending on the size of the building.

In addition, cinder blocks are used in the construction of fences. Due to their low weight and good soundproofing qualities, they are suitable for the construction of interior partitions.

Attention! Cinder blocks with square holes have higher strength than analogues with cylindrical voids.

Production technology

The production process of cinder block includes several stages:

  1. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. To prepare the mixture, a conventional concrete mixer is used.
  2. The mixture is poured into molds that are placed on a vibrating table. The latter ensures the compaction of cinder concrete and thereby eliminates the formation of air pockets. The vibrating table works for 15-30 seconds.
  3. After gaining the required strength (as a rule, after 1.5-2 days), the blocks are removed from the molds and stacked on pallets. To avoid cracking, the first few days they are sprayed with water. This measure is especially necessary if the temperature environment exceeds 20 degrees. After that, the blocks are covered plastic wrap. The drying process takes four weeks.

Solution recipes

There is no universal recipe for making cinder blocks. For example, the volume of water depends largely on the moisture content of the slag and sand, and the amount of filler depends on its type. Therefore, the ideal composition is selected empirically. Nevertheless, there is an optimal recipe that you can build on when making cinder blocks:

  • blast furnace slag - 7 parts;
  • large quarry sand- 2 parts;
  • gravel - 2 parts;
  • Portland cement M400 - 1.5 parts;
  • plasticizer - about 5 grams per block;
  • water - 1.5-3 parts.

When using cement grade M500, its amount should be reduced by 15%. Instead of blast-furnace slag, coal combustion products, granite screenings, broken bricks and other similar materials can be used. The only thing to keep in mind is that blast-furnace slag has some advantages: high strength and low weight.

A plasticizer is, although not mandatory, but for a number of reasons an extremely desirable ingredient:

  • increases the fluidity of the solution, as a result of which it prevents the occurrence of defects and ensures the accuracy of the geometry;
  • increases frost resistance and moisture resistance of the material;
  • increases the setting speed, as a result of which it allows you to remove blocks from molds after 6-7 hours, and not after two days.

achieve best quality it is possible by slightly adjusting the recipe - the amount of water, cement and plasticizer. If you greatly reduce the amount of slag, you get a sand block. Its recipe is as follows:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 3 parts;
  • slag - 5 parts;
  • water - 0.5 parts of the amount of cement.

organizational plan

The plan for organizing the production of cinder block includes several stages:

  • registration of production activities;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase or manufacture of equipment;
  • preparation of raw materials;
  • hiring workers.

Each of the stages has its own specifics, so they should be considered separately.

Registration of production activities

The production of cinder blocks, like any other type of activity, requires mandatory legal registration. In most cases, the optimal solution is IP as a substantive form of activity and one system taxation.

This type of activity does not require a license, so immediately after obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur, you can start working.

Room selection

The room for the production of cinder block must have an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. For the production of products in large quantities, you will need a room with a size of at least 150-200 square meters. In addition, it must meet the following requirements:

  • sealed roof;
  • smooth concrete screed on the floor;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • effective ventilation;
  • the presence of a source of water supply;
  • availability of heating.

Near the room there should be enough space for storing raw materials - slag and sand. Moreover, it is desirable that the raw materials are kept under a canopy. In addition, it is necessary to have additional space or a separate room for drying and storing finished products. The main requirement for sweetness is the absence of dampness and the presence of heating.

Important! To connect a powerful industrial concrete mixer or vibrating machine, you will need a 380 V power supply.


For the manufacture of cinder blocks, you need a fairly simple set of equipment:

  • vibrating sieve;
  • cinder block vibrating machine or vibrating table.

In addition, you will need forms that you can purchase or make yourself from wood or metal. The main requirements for them are ease of disassembly and assembly, as well as the standard cell size - 390x190x188 mm.

Note! To replace the above equipment allows a special vibrating press "laying hen". Its cost is about 1,500,000 rubles, so it makes sense to purchase this equipment for the production of cinder blocks in large quantities.

Raw material preparation

To make a cinder block, you will need the following raw materials:

  • Cement M400.
  • Coarse sand.
  • plasticizer.
  • Blast furnace slag or other filler.

It is necessary to find regular suppliers of raw materials in advance in order to exclude the possibility of stopping production.

Hiring workers

Staffing depends on the size of the business. For the production of cinder block in small batches in semi-handicraft conditions, 2-3 people will be needed. If the production will work in two shifts, accordingly, up to 6 handymen will be required. Special knowledge is not required from workers, the main thing is that they know how to handle equipment - a concrete mixer and a vibrating table, and also carefully disassemble the forms.

If you plan to set up large-scale production, you will need the following staff:

  • Head of the production area.
  • Warehouse Manager.
  • Handymen - 4 people for one shift.

The salary depends on the region in which it is planned to open a business.

Marketing and product promotion

The most effective are the following methods of product promotion:

  • Ads in local newspapers and online sites like Avito or OLX.
  • Announcements in social networks.
  • Phone calls or personal visits to all nearby hardware stores.
  • Outdoor advertising in areas with heavy traffic.
  • Launching the company's website.

Financial part of the business plan

Consider the financial part of the business plan using the example of a small workshop, the opening of which requires a minimum of costs.

Investment in production

To start production, you will need the following investments:

  • IP registration - 5,000;
  • vibrating table - 25,000;
  • concrete mixer - 100,000;
  • forms - 20,000.

Total: 125,000 rubles. The vibrating table and molds can be replaced by a vibrating machine for the production of cinder block. The cost of a machine with a capacity of 100 pcs. per hour is 37,000 rubles.

Current expenses

The monthly production costs are:

  • room rent - 8,000;
  • raw materials - 180,000;
  • salary - 75,000;
  • electricity - 5,000;
  • marketing expenses - about 10,000;
  • other expenses - about 4,000.

Total: 282,000 rubles.

Advice! A failed batch of cinder blocks can be crushed and used as filler for a new mixture.


The calculations are made taking into account the production of 15,000 cinder blocks per month. The cost of one block is about 30 rubles. As a result, income at such a production capacity is 452,000 rubles.

Profit calculation

Monthly expenses - 282,000 rubles, while the income is 452,000 rubles. Thus, net income two months after the opening of the workshop can amount to 170,000 rubles.

Business profitability and payback period

Business profitability - 170,000/420,000*100%=37.6%

The production of cinder block is very cost-effective, but provided that there is a metallurgical enterprise nearby that provides slag at a low price, or it is possible to purchase other raw materials profitably. In this case, you can pay back budget equipment after two months.

Since it is not always possible to immediately sell the entire batch of goods, the payback of the business takes 4-6 months. But keep in mind that during the winter months, sales are greatly reduced.

The cinder block production business has been quite profitable and in demand for many years. Moreover, its main advantage is the low cost of equipment and quick payback. However, much depends on competition in the region. If there are a large number of small and large enterprises for the production of cinder blocks, there may be problems with the sale of products.

Order a business plan

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