Equipment for plastic fittings. Business plan for the production of fiberglass reinforcement

Composite rebar in recent times confidently displaces steel. This is due to many reasons, among which the most important are the low cost of products, ease of installation without the use of welding. Equipment for the production of fiberglass reinforcement is a single line with automation elements.

Production of fiberglass reinforcement as an idea for a business

The construction theme has always been and remains attractive for business. Especially when new ones are introduced. Construction Materials. At the moment, this is fiberglass (composite) reinforcement. The advantages of the business idea for the production of this type of product are obvious:

  • equipment for the production of composite reinforcement is much cheaper than for the manufacture of its steel counterpart. It is less metal intensive, has small dimensions and does not require numerous service personnel. A team of two or three people is enough to organize the release of products. And this significantly reduces its cost;
  • it costs 30 percent less than steel, not inferior to the latter in strength characteristics (in some respects, the material even surpasses steel). For large construction organizations this ratio of prices allows you to save huge amounts;
  • heavy vehicles are not required for delivery: two tons of rolled metal corresponds to 160 kilograms of material. And if we take into account that ASP is supplied in coils, then such an amount can be transported in the trunk of a passenger car;
  • potential consumers products are private developers, small construction firms, building materials stores and large construction companies. Such a wide range of buyers will create a stable market during the period of development of the enterprise with the prospect of expanding production through the conclusion of long-term contracts with a large consumer.

Technological process

The main raw material for the production of fiberglass reinforcement is glass roving. It is made by melting aluminoborosilicate glass and then drawing it into a 10 to 20 micron thick filament. Threads impregnated with a special lubricant are collected in a bundle. This beam is called glass roving.

In addition to roving, the production of ASP requires:

  • resins;
  • braided thread (roving, which goes to the reinforcement winding);
  • ethanol;
  • acetone;
  • dicyandiamide.

The production technology of fiberglass reinforcement is as follows:

  • roving threads (in the amount of 60 pieces) from a special device (creel) are fed to the tension mechanism, in which they are arranged in the appropriate order;
  • arranged in the right order, the threads go through the stage of drying and preheating with hot air;
  • heated roving is immersed in an impregnating bath;
  • from the bath, the material is pulled through the dies to obtain a given diameter of the future reinforcement;
  • after the spinnerets, the threads go to the winder, which forms the reinforcement rod with the winding. The thickness of the winding depends on the type of reinforcement: a thicker one is made for a classic product, a thin one - in the manufacture of rods with sand dressing;
  • the rebar prepared on the winder passes through the tunnel oven. At the entrance to the furnace, a unit is installed that distributes sand over the rod. If no topping is provided, this device remains empty. The tunnel oven is designed to accelerate the polymerization process of impregnating resins;
  • the hot tourniquet is sent to the cooling bath, where it is completely cooled under running water;
  • a continuous, cooled bar is passed through a pulling mechanism, at the exit of which the bar is cut to a predetermined size.

Organization of production

The business plan for organizing the production of fiberglass composite reinforcement includes the preparation of the premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment.

Requirements for the premises

Production does not require large production areas. Only along the length of the room there is a certain requirement: it should not be less than 22 meters. The width is not strictly regulated, since according to this parameter, technological equipment does not occupy more than one meter.

Regarding the power consumption, it should be taken into account that during the start-up of a set of equipment (technological line), about 12 kW will be required. During operation, only 4 kW is enough.

Lines for the production of fiberglass reinforcement must be equipped with a forced exhaust ventilation system. Accordingly, you should take care of the influx of fresh air. The supply ventilation system can be either forced or natural (the choice of one or another option must be confirmed by appropriate calculations). The exhaust system is connected to a tunnel oven.

Machines for the production of fiberglass reinforcement

  • creel (designed to accommodate bobbins with roving);
  • tensioning device with a heating unit and an impregnating bath;
  • wrapper (forms the central rod and performs winding);
  • installation for the distribution of sand dressing;
  • tunnel-type furnace for heating the impregnated tow;
  • cooling unit (water);
  • clamping device (roller or caterpillar) with a drive;
  • automatic cutting device.

Equipment manufacturers

There is no shortage of equipment for the production of plastic fittings. Many of the presented lines are designed for large volumes of production, they are expensive and are of no interest to small businesses. But inexpensive low-performance copies are also produced, which are optimal for small production workshops:

PRO-engineering LLC (Novosibirsk)

It produces single and double-flow lines with a capacity of 5000 to 8000 m/shift. The operating power of the equipment is from 9 to 17 kW.

INEO Company (Moscow)

Engaged in the manufacture of equipment for the manufacture of ASP since 2008.

The company bases its production on the latest technologies Russia and foreign countries. Components for the production of lines are supplied from Italian and German factories.

UralArmaProm (Yekaterinburg)

It manufactures lines for the production of ASP of small diameters (from 6 to 8 mm). This company, like the previous one, acquires components abroad:

  • pneumatics- Italian production (CAMOZZ);
  • electronics- from Korea (DELTA electronics, LSis, KIPPRIBOR);
  • bearings- Japanese origin (NSK), etc.

Video: "Line for the production of fiberglass reinforcement"

Estimated price of equipment for the production of fiberglass reinforcement

The average cost of a set of equipment suitable for small businesses is 1.5 - 1.7 million rubles. A more productive line (up to 400 m/h) will cost 3.5 million rubles.

For example, a line from the Mashspetsstroy Group of Companies with a capacity of 8 m / min. (wire diameter 4mm) and 2m/min. (diameter 16mm) will cost the consumer $43,000.

Ivanovo mechanical plant for the production of fiberglass fittings offers its products even cheaper. The manufacturer produces two modifications of the line: one-strand and two-strand. The productivity of the equipment is respectively 10 and 20m/min. The single-strand line costs $29,000, the two-strand line costs $35,000.

When choosing equipment for the production of ASP, it is necessary to take into account that this product has a different appearance. This depends on the dimensions of the line. For example, ribless rebar is produced on a line, the total length of which is about a meter shorter than the set intended for the manufacture of coiled. Accordingly, its cost will be less (by about 100 euros) and power consumption (on average by 0.5 kW).

What is composite fiberglass reinforcement actually made of?

Responsible CEO OOO "Obninsk Plant of Composite Materials" Klimenko Maxim Vladimirovich:

"Good afternoon. Firstly, I want to note right away that the products of Obninsk Composite Materials Plant LLC have been produced for 3 years only from the best binding materials and foreign-made fiberglass.
We prioritize product quality, therefore contracts with world leaders for the production of raw materials for production composite materials. What is composite fiberglass reinforcement actually made of?

This is the main material in the production of composite fiberglass reinforcement. Jushi produces glass rovings based on modified silane lubricants No. 386 and No. 312, which are specially developed and successfully used in the production of composite fiberglass products by pultrusion.
Glass roving manufactured by Jushi is currently the highest quality product on the fiberglass market. It withstands huge breaking loads, surpassing competitors by several times. Obninsk Plant of Composite Materials is the main consumer of Jushi fiberglass in Russia and we have a contract for the supply of glass roving.

Epoxy resin is the main polymer used in the production of fiberglass reinforcement. For the production of fiberglass by pultrusion, including the production of composite fiberglass reinforcement, supports - peg for plants and other products, we use high-quality CYD 128 epoxy resins, manufactured by Sinopec (China) and KER 828 epoxy resins, produced by the South Korean brand Kumho. The Obninsk Plant of Composite Materials also has long-term contracts with these companies for the supply of epoxy resins.

IMTHFA (Isomethyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride) is the main hardener in the production of fiberglass reinforcement. IMTGFA is ideal for high temperature curing of epoxy resins. The production of fiberglass reinforcement takes place at high temperatures in special ovens, the temperature reaches 340C. Therefore, when using IMTHFA, composite products acquire excellent physical and mechanical properties and high strength characteristics.

Catalyst is a special compound that combines the properties of Diethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether (DEG-1) and Alcofen (DMP). When these components are used, the final product acquires high chemical resistance properties."

Reinforcement made of fiberglass or other composites successfully replaces steel counterparts.

The demand for the material in the market is due to the cheapness of raw materials and ease of installation.

Products have a low cost due to the production on automated lines from inexpensive raw materials, in particular recycled glass. This reduces the cost final product and conserve natural resources.

Demand for non-metallic fiberglass rebar for reinforced concrete structures, the foundations are constantly growing. It is used in construction and for household needs. Read on to find out how it's made.

Non-metallic fittings have been produced since the middle of the 20th century.

It attracts builders by the fact that during installation the operation of welding is excluded - reinforcing elements connected with clamps.

Often, the material goes into production after processing, which reduces the cost of production.

The basis for the manufacture of the product is glass roving. It is obtained from aluminoborosilicate glass by melting and drawing into filaments.

Roving- this is a bundle of threads impregnated with a lubricant.

As additional consumables are used:

  • epoxy resin;
  • special braided thread for winding reinforcement;
  • ethyl alcohol, acetone;
  • dicyandiamide.

In Russia there is normative base for the production of such fittings.

The document sets out the requirements for the material, in additions - test rules; all standards for the manufacture of composite polymer reinforcement are regulated by GOST 31938-2012.

Regulatory acts contain test methods for determining performance properties:

  • 32486-2013 - durability;
  • 32487-2013 - resistance to aggressive environments;
  • 32492-2013 - mechanical characteristics (ultimate compressive-tensile loads, bending), adhesion strength with concrete.

Comparison of metal and composite

The table shows Comparative characteristics fiberglass and steel fittings:

Polymer products cheaper steel. Unlike the latter, she:

  • does not corrode in sea water;
  • not afraid of exposure to acids;
  • does not conduct electricity and heat.


Many valve factories mastered the production of products from composite materials.

They produce rods according to GOST and according to their own specifications.

Products differ in the thickness of the trunks.

Serious enterprises warn buyers about this and provide reliable information about the product.

Factories in the territory of the Russian Federation

  1. NCCT, Nizhny Novgorod. It produces fiberglass (and basalt) reinforcement with a diameter of 3-36 mm. Production is carried out on own equipment. Sells production lines for the manufacture of reinforcement and mesh. Monthly performance the enterprise is 1 million m. The products were used in the construction of metro lines in Moscow. Estimated price of 1 m: 6.3 rubles. (4-22 mm); 158 rub. (24-40 mm).
  2. VZKM, Voronezh. Products comply with GOST R 31938-2012. The raw material is Advantex fiberglass. Size range: 4-10 mm in 1 mm increments; 10, 12, 14 mm. Goods are released in bays 50 and 100 m. Productivity - 800,000 m per month. Approximate prices for 1 meter: 0.9 rubles. (4-8 mm); 26-46 rub. (10-14 mm).
  3. AlYur Plant, Kaluga. The cost of 1 linear meter: 7-10 rubles. (4-6 mm); 14-30 rub. (8-12 mm).

At the request of the customer, the company produces bar of non-standard diameter.

Fiberglass production lines

The technological cycle of production is carried out on specialized lines.

Standard set of equipment for the production of composite reinforcement:

  • a creel on which bobbins with glass roving are installed;
  • the tension device includes a raw material heating unit and an impregnation bath;
  • the wrapper is intended for the formation and winding (coiling) of the rod;
  • sand spreading machine;
  • a tunnel oven is used to heat the bundle of threads after impregnation with epoxy resin;
  • bath for water cooling of the bundle after the furnace;
  • driven clamping device, automatic cutter.

The length of the room for the installation of the line must be at least 22 meters. Each of the machines is about a meter wide. Average starting power - 12 kW, working - 4 kW.

Technology makes two demands for workshop equipment:

  1. A forced draft is supplied to the furnace.
  2. Supply (forced or natural) ventilation must be installed in the workshop.

There are equipment of different companies on the market, designed for different performance and volumes of fiberglass products, therefore, different in price.

Some examples of inexpensive low-power lines for small workshops

Estimated price

A set of units will cost a small business 1.5-1.8 million rubles, a line average performance- more than 3 million

Thus, Mashspetsstroy sells lines and machines for the production of composite fiberglass reinforcement, designed to produce 8 m / min of a rod with a diameter of 12 mm, at a price of $43,000.

Ivanovo Mechanical Plant offers two modifications of lines:

  • single-strand for 10 m/min at a price of $29,000;
  • two-strand 20 m / min at a price of $ 35 thousand.

Two types of reinforcement can be produced on the units: ribless and coiled. The dimensions, cost and energy consumption of the line for the manufacture of the first type are less.

Unit characteristics

Here are two samples of inexpensive lines.

  1. "TLKA-2" Armatura-Sila company. The length of the technological chain is up to 18 m, the length of the rod is up to 12 m, the width is 2 m. The line with a capacity of 5-10 km/shift is served by 2-3 people. The cost is 1.2 million rubles. (with an automatic twister in two threads - 1.75 million). Produces rebar with a diameter of 4-20 mm. The total power of the machines is 12-14 kW.
  2. PLPSA-20 PlastOsnova LLC. The two-strand line with a length of 16 m is designed for the manufacture of rebar with a diameter of 4-16 mm. The manufacturer recommends installation in a room with a length of 22, a height of 2.5 m and an air temperature of at least 16⁰С. The cost is 1 million rubles.

Manufacturing technology

A brief technical process for the preparation of glass roving:

  • preparation of feedstock - to give the material ductility, it is melted;
  • drawing threads up to 20 microns thick;
  • applying an oiling agent to the threads;
  • the formation of bundles from a plurality of threads, i.e. in fact, glass roving.

Roving is the basis of future fittings.

Its strength and other technical characteristics depend on it.

Therefore, for the manufacture of composite reinforcement, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials.

To reduce the cost of products, it is permissible to add glass, recycled.

The process of heating and separating the threads is carried out on the line units.

The equipment is configured for products of a certain length and diameter.

  1. The threads tucked into the creel go to the tension device, which performs several functions. The machine evenly distributes the internal stresses that have arisen in the threads and arranges them in the form of a bundle.
  2. Ligaments with applied oil composition are dried and heated with heated air.
  3. Prepared bundles of threads are lowered into baths filled with a heated binder.
  4. The calibration mechanism forms a rod of a given diameter. In the case of manufacturing reinforcing bars with ribs, braided threads are wound onto the base.
  5. The billets enter the tunnel kiln. Preliminarily, fine sand is distributed over the surface of products without winding.

To exit the finished product, it remains only to cool the rods with running water, cut or wind them into coils.

Useful video

This video clearly shows the production technology of fiberglass composite reinforcement from fiberglass on the TLKA-2 line:


Making a technological product with high demand is an attractive idea for organizing an enterprise.

For and fittings from it there are all the prerequisites:

  1. Available raw materials and equipment.
  2. 2-3 people are enough to service the line.
  3. With the same characteristics, the cost of fiberglass reinforcement is lower than steel reinforcement by about 30%.
  4. The material is much lighter than the metal counterpart, which reduces transportation costs. So, 2 tons of rolled steel cost the same as 160 kg of composite.

The company has good prospects development, as fiberglass reinforcement is increasingly used by small construction companies.

In contact with

The technology for the production of reinforcement for the foundation provides for the use in the production process of the main consumable material - glass roving. This is the main raw material for the manufacture of composite reinforcement. It is obtained by melting aluminoborosilicate glass, which is drawn into a glass fiber thread with a cross section of 10 to 20 microns.

1.2 Equipment for the production of composite fiberglass reinforcement (video)

2 Enterprise from scratch

For the creation and further operation of the enterprise, only two of its components are required:

  • industrial premises (rented or own);
  • appropriate equipment (production line for the production of composite reinforcement)

2.1 Premises

Large areas for installation of equipment are not required. But due to the fact that all components of the production line are lined up in a straight line in a certain sequence, the length of the room must be at least 22 meters. There are no requirements for width. since each individual working area does not exceed 2 meters in this dimension.

To provide electricity, a power source with a capacity of 12 kW is required at the beginning (during start-up and debugging) and 4 kW in the future (with the smooth operation of all equipment).

The room in which the production line will be installed must be equipped with an exhaust system without fail.

The best option is forced ventilation, but options with natural (independent) air movement are possible with the correct location of the ventilation ducts.

A tunnel oven will require a separate hood, which can be connected to a common system.

2.2 Equipment

The whole line consists of the following separate parts:

  • creel (bobbins with roving are installed on it);
  • tensioner (has a heating unit and an impregnating bath);
  • wrapper (assembles the rod and winds it);
  • sand powder distributor;
  • furnace (tunnel) for heating the beam impregnated with resin;
  • bathroom (water cooling after the oven);
  • cutter (cuts finished products at a given length in automatic mode).

2.3 Equipment suppliers

For a small private business, the acquisition of lines producing a large volume of products is not of interest. At the same time, there are several manufacturers who are ready to supply (including on a turnkey basis) inexpensive, but high-quality production lines for the production of composite reinforcement.

At the same time, production volumes, in the future, will fully correspond to the status of a small enterprise.

PRO-engineering LLC (Novosibirsk) supplies one and two production lines with a capacity of 5,000 to 8,000 meters of products per shift.

The INEO company (Moscow) has been on the market of suppliers of this type of equipment since 2008. It has own production, which uses components from leading profile companies from Italy and Germany.

Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, Irkutsk, self employed

I have been working with Armplast since 2014. We ordered 2 lines of reinforcing equipment and 1 line for the production of ASP fiberglass mesh, they delivered it just in time, installed and configured the equipment, trained the staff to work on the lines and shared the technology. They told all the subtleties and secrets of the production of fiberglass composites, thanks to which the products are obtained at a higher quality level than those of competitors. We entered the market with ease and paid off very quickly. We also buy raw materials from Armplast, so we do not experience problems with raw materials and we always have something to make fiberglass reinforcement or mesh from. The market in Russia for composite materials is practically unlimited and builders are so conservative that they don’t even know about such a magnificent invention as fiberglass reinforcement and mesh, but everyone is satisfied and, as a result, low-rise construction almost completely abandon the metal. There have never been any complaints about the work of the lines. Thanks to the specialists of Armplast for the quality work done.

Nikolay, Moscow, construction company

We purchased the line from Armplast equipment manufacturers in 2015. We chose a supplier for a long time, compared various companies, visited their own production workshops, compared the products, namely the quality of the composite materials produced, and as a result, the choice fell on the Armplast company. We quickly completed the installation of reinforcing equipment, within 2 weeks, which is 2 times faster than the specified delivery time. All prices were called “honestly”, which I can’t say about other manufacturers, where various additional markups popped up in order for the line to finally work. We launched and produced a trial batch of products, the quality turned out to be on top. Ensure timely delivery of raw materials. I am satisfied with everything, I hope we will continue to work in the same rhythm.

Mikhail Alexandrovich, Moscow, director construction company

I would like to express my gratitude to the Armplast team for the high-quality equipment that they supplied to us. We bought 3 lines at once and did not even hope for such a short payback period, but it is really real. I can add that the lines are indeed very economical in terms of consumption of both electricity and raw materials and labor. The line can serve only 1 person. Really very highly profitable business and a very good equipment supplier. The valves produced are very good quality, which allowed us to quickly "move" competitors in our region. We are now planning to develop production in neighboring regions and again we plan to contact the Armplast plant, because there are no complaints about the work of this team, the guys are really professionals in their field and have trained our employees, who are now also top-class professionals. Thank you for a job well done.