Crocuses in a pot and outdoors - complete instructions for growing and care. Crocus potted and open field - complete instructions for growing and care Crocus Vanguard description

Buy Vanguard crocus bulbs with courier delivery or Russian Post.
The cost of crocus bulbs is indicated per pack (20 pcs).
Packaging: perforated bag, variety label, 20 bulbs.


Shipping and payment

We are located in Moscow, but we deliver flower bulbs all over Russia!

GIFT in every order!

Courier company CDEK

  • Cost from 150 rubles to the pick-up point and from 280 rubles to the door.
  • Delivery time from 2 days, depending on the distance of your city from Moscow.
  • Cash on delivery (up to 1,000 km. From Moscow). You can open the parcel and inspect the bulbs before paying!

Post office

  • Cost from 300 rubles.
  • Delivery time from 5 days, depending on the distance of your city from Moscow.
  • Sending after payment.

Gift in every order

We will add a pleasant surprise to every order.

Quality assurance

We carefully monitor the quality of all supplied flower bulbs. We will refund the cost of the goods if you are not satisfied with the quality and sent a photo of the rejection and an application for return within 7 days after receiving. You risk nothing! Why do we give such guarantees? Because you are sure of high quality of our products and offer you the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio!

Large-flowered crocus Vanguard (Vanguard) with flowers of unusual color, which you just want to admire every minute. These miniature flowers have an eye-catching magnetism.

Flowering occurs in March-April, forming magnificent goblet flowers, the outer petals are delicate white, and the inner petals are lilac-lilac, which gives it a bright contrasting look. The aroma is charmingly delicate, the leaves are basal, green with a longitudinal white stripe, at the base they are wrapped in transparent scaly leaves, the height of the peduncle is 5-15 cm. They are good in groups in borders, ridges, on rocky hills. They can be planted between shrubs and trees. Large-flowered crocuses are ideal as a potted plant, they are an excellent living gift for women on March 8th.

Crocuses prefer sunny, sheltered from the wind, loose, drained soil. Crocuses are dug in June after the leaves have dried. The recommended planting time for crocuses is August-September, when the bulbs are dormant. When crocus bulbs are planted in pots, they are transferred to a dry, well-ventilated room with a temperature of 18-20C. Planting depth is 5-15 cm, depending on the size of the bulb, the distance between crocuses is 7-10 cm from each other. Reproduction of crocuses occurs by children - daughter corms, which are formed from the buds sitting in the sinuses of the scales. Most crocuses are winter-hardy, but in the fall it is better to cover the planting of bulbs with leaves, which are removed with the arrival of spring.

Crocus delivery Vanguard (Vanguard) carried out using the services of the Russian post and transport companies, delivery by air mail and courier is possible.

In order to order and buy crocuses Vanguard (Vanguard) in our online store of seedlings and flowers, use the "Add to cart" button, after filling which, click "Place an order".

On sale only professional series of planting material, which will be guaranteed the variety you need, excellent quality and high viability. Crocus prices are per pack.

Delivery terms:

Sending orders with flower bulbs: from September 1 in autumn (shipping restrictions in accordance with the climatic zone of the customer).


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Crocuses or saffron are a low-growing plant, the flowers of which are driven out on a short peduncle, without leaves. The plant blooms for about 2-3 weeks a year, usually in spring. There are more than 15 groups of crocus cultivars, which differ in flower size and color.

Outwardly, crocuses are somewhat similar to tulips, only more miniature. The bulbs are edible, and the stamens are used to make spices such as saffron.


Spring crocuses:

Crocus vernus
Description: the leaves are narrow, the flower is a typical plant shade - lilac or white. High, over 17 cm.
Crocus biflorus
Description: translated from Latin - two-flowered, white - lilac glasses, with a yellow or white spot in the throat.
Crocus chrysanthus


  • Blue Bonnet;
  • Nannet;
  • I. Gee. Bowels.

Description: narrow leaves, flowers of a cheerful golden color, accentuated by orange anthers.

Crocus tommasinianus


  • Laylek Beauty;
  • Whitwell Purple.

Description: pinkish leaves with a white border, flowers in the form of a star, white-gray. The flowers are only 6 cm long, but more than three flowers are expelled from one bulb.

In the climatic conditions of the middle lane, they feel best spring dutch hybrids , such as the:

  • Albion(white flowers with purple strokes);
  • Vanguard(bluish flowers, alternation of light and dark petals, in group plantings creating the effect of stripes);
  • Jubilee(blue flowers, with a slight purple tint);
  • Blue Pearl(very light, translucent iridescent with thickening blue shadows);
  • Kathleen Parlow(clear white fragile flowers with barely noticeable lilac strokes).

Crocus Vanguard

Blue Pearl variety

You should also pay attention to hybrids of the type Chrysanthus ... Especially popular are spring hybrids such as

  • Gypsy Girl(yellowish cream flowers);
  • Marietta(dark lilac with creamy stripes);
  • Lady Keeler(white - purple flowers);
  • Saturnus(yellow flowers).

Autumn crocuses :

Crocus speciosus


  • Albus;
  • Artabir;
  • Oksinan.

Description: pale green leaves, pale purple flowers with numerous stripes of a darker color, orange anther.

Crocus pulchellus

Description: light green leaves, purple flowers with dark stripes. The flowers are low, but 5-10 flowers are expelled from each bulb.

Crocus banaticus

Description: silvery leaves, light lilac flowers, yellow anthers. The flower is high - 15 cm.

Buying bulbs

It is better to buy crocus bulbs either in special nurseries or in online stores, where they are cheaper. It is better to find out in advance how much a particular varietal bulb costs. The average price is about 110-130 rubles. for five onions. Sales start in autumn.

Currently, it is possible to order varieties such as

  • Kim Beauty (white flowers with a delicate, yellowish center);
  • Flower Record (classic purple crocus);
  • Crocus Jeanne Dark (white crocus with a yellow heart);
  • Crocus Pickwick (pale gray crocus, with white veins);
  • Prince Claus (very beautiful white and purple crocus);
  • Yellow Mammos (yellow crocus).

In online stores you can buy not only bulbs, but also crocus sowing. True, growing from seeds is much more difficult (flowering only in the 4th year).

Part 1. Crocuses in the open field

Crocuses, which should open and bloom in spring, are usually planted in the fall (in September-October; they will sprout in late April - early May, and bloom in late May under favorable climatic conditions) in open ground, and those that should bloom in autumn are planted in summer (late June - early July).

The land should be light. You can mix sand into the soil, which will act as drainage. The soil must also be mixed with peat, standing manure. Remember that flowers do not like acidic soils. Ash can be added to clay soil.

For different types it is necessary to form different beds. For those who do not like moisture, the beds should be high, it is better to use gravel as the first layer.

The question of where to plant crocus is easy to answer. It is better to choose a sunny site for planting, although many flower growers say that flowers feel good in partial shade.

Before planting, you must carefully check the planting material. The bulbs should be elastic, the scales are not damaged, the root lobe is well developed.

Planting depth of the bulb must match its double size. But it makes sense to focus on your feelings. If the soil is heavy and dense, it can be planted to a depth exceeding one bulb size.

Distance between bulbs should not exceed 7-10 centimeters. This will be quite enough for the flower to feel comfortable and develop normally (remember that the crocus bulb quickly grows overgrown with "children", gradually the whole bed will be one continuous flowering carpet). After planting, the bed must be thoroughly shed.

Crocuses usually grow in one place for about 5 years, then they need to be transplanted.

Taking care of flowers is quite simple, they are not whimsical and do not need any special events. Watering is necessary if the winter was little snow, and the spring and summer were dry. Periodically, the bed must be loosened, cleaned of weeds. From mineral fertilizers preference should be given to potassium or phosphorus, crocus does not like nitrogenous combinations. They can provoke fungal diseases... The first feeding should be done immediately after the appearance of the first leaves, the second - during flowering.

Crocuses are quite resistant to various diseases, especially when proper care... But rodents love to feast on bulbs. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the garden from these pests.

Often grows in the bulbs wireworm... For these insects, it is best to prepare traps, which are damp boards placed on hay or straw (traps are best done at a time when leaves have not yet appeared or they have already fallen off).

Sometimes, during the flowering period, slugs appear on the crocuses. They will have to be collected by hand.

If unopened rotten plants are found, then they must be removed from the garden. This is a sign of a viral disease. Such plants can infect the entire garden and the bulbs will be destroyed. The soil on which such flowers grew is best treated with a strong infusion of potassium permanganate, preferably hot.

In order to avoid contamination of plants with various fungal diseases, it is necessary to keep the bulbs in a fungicide solution for some time.

Crocuses are planted once every three to five years.(if the crocuses are still early, just treat the garden bed immediately after the leaves begin to turn yellow and cover it for the winter, for example, with sawdust). It all depends on the specific variety. The bulbs are dug up immediately after the leaves begin to turn yellow and die off. The “daughters” are separated from the main bulbs, rotten bulbs are discarded, the damaged ones are treated with ash, dried in the open air and sent for storage. Consider a ventilation system at the storage area so that the bulbs do not rot or dry out.

Spring crocuses dug in early July.

Autumn crocuses dug in early August.

Digging is undoubtedly associated with the breeding of crocuses. It is better to propagate these flowers in a vegetative way, that is, with the help of bulbs - "daughters". They will not bloom immediately, but in the third year. You can, of course, use the seed method. But plants grown from seeds bloom in the fifth year. In addition, the seed method is suitable only for spring-flowering plants, autumn-flowering plants under our conditions do not have time to ripen from seeds.

Crocuses are often used for decoration. Crocuses are planted in lawns among trees and shrubs, they are planted in the form of a "live" green border when decorating. They also look great among those that accentuate the tenderness of the flower.

Crocuses look great on, they can also be planted next to

  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • lilies of the valley.

Part 2. Growing in an apartment

Some growers grow crocuses in the apartment. To distill a good plant, you must use large-flowered Dutch varieties... It is best to take shallow, but wide pots, use special soil, which is already enriched with all the necessary minerals. 5 to 7 bulbs are planted in one pot, densely enough.

After flowering, the bulbs are not removed from the ground, they continue to water (about once a week) and feed. When the leaves fall off, the bulbs must be removed from the ground, peeled from the ground, wrapped in clean paper napkins, put in a box and stored in a dark, dark place.

Crocus for distillation

Large-flowered varieties are best suited for forcing at home (they feel best at home):

  • Joan of Arc,
  • Stripe Beauty,
  • Grand Leela,
  • Pickwick.

Zhanna D'Arc variety.

Several large bulbs are planted in one container (you can buy a mix of bulbs and end up with a small but very bright clearing), which are pre-prepared: kept in a cool place for about three months... Landing is better at the end of October.

The soil for distillation is prepared as follows:

  • the bottom of the pot is lined with expanded clay;
  • then put the substrate (woody earth, leafy earth);

The bulb is placed so that it does not come into contact with either its walls or other bulbs. Then it is completely covered with a substrate, watered abundantly and kept in a cool room, again, about three months.

The forcing process begins if:

  • the height of the shoots is more than 5 cm;
  • seedlings do not feel empty to the touch;
  • roots emerged from the drainage holes of the landing container.

If all these signs are there, move the crocus to a relatively warm room, to the light(it is best to keep the crocus on the windowsill). For indoor crocuses to bloom longer, take them back to a cool room overnight. They usually bloom for about three weeks after distillation.

How to water flowering crocuses

Water them a little bit once or twice a week, as the flower is quite susceptible to excess moisture.

Breeding crocuses at home is not difficult if you follow all the rules.

If you have presented a blooming crocus in a pot, you must perform the following 7 simple steps:

  1. wait until the crocus fades;
  2. water until the leaves wither and die;
  3. keep the onion in the pot for about 8 weeks;
  4. take out the onion, peel from the earth;
  5. if there are "daughters", carefully separate them from the main bulb;
  6. treat wounds or sores with ash;
  7. wrap in a napkin;
  8. send to a dark, cool place.

Forcing crocus should start in October. Act according to the instructions presented in the article above and then the question of how to preserve the crocus will disappear by itself.

Crocuses after flowering

What to do with a purchased crocus after flowering? You can throw it away, or you can save it and not spend money on buying planting material in the future. More details - in the material of the video blog "About Plants".