A positive characteristic from the place of work to the engineer. Degree of influence and necessity

Characteristic- this is a document, a kind of review about a person as an employee or student, which contains an assessment of his personal, business qualities, social, labor activity. Characteristics are usually provided with last place work or study. Prepared by her boss structural unit, at school on the pupil - the class teacher.

Characteristics samples

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office

A characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is a document that is a socio-psychological assessment of the personality of a conscript. This characteristic is issued for submission to the draft commission in the military registration and enlistment office from an educational institution or from the place of work of the recruit. How to write a characteristic to the military enlistment office A characteristic to the military registration and enlistment office is written in any form from the third person of the present or past tense. It contains the following information: name of the document; personal data of the conscript (name, ...

Characteristics per employee

A characteristic for an employee is a document that contains an assessment of the employee's business qualities and a description of his work activity. In some cases, it is also called a production characteristic. Characteristics for an employee may be required at the embassy to apply for a visa, when an employee is employed in another organization, etc., as well as in a medical institution, when he passes a medical and social examination, a medical and labor expert commission. How to write...

Characteristics per student

A characteristic for a student is a document that is an assessment of the social, psychological and other personal qualities, character traits of a student. The characteristic of the student is compiled for a new teacher in order to find individual approach to it and establishing work with it or for providing it to another educational institution. If you need to write a testimonial for a student to the draft board, use the advice of the article How to write a testimonial to the military registration and enlistment office. How...

Characteristics from the place of residence

A characteristic from a place of residence is a document, a review of neighbors about a person, an assessment of his character, personal qualities. A characteristic from a place of residence can be issued for submission to an educational institution, when applying for a job, to a court, etc. How to write a characteristic from a place of residence A characteristic from neighbors is written in any form on a sheet of A4 paper. Characteristics from the place of residence usually contains the following information: name of the document; Name, date of birth, address and...

Characteristics from the place of work

A job description is a document that contains an assessment professional activity employee, his business and personal qualities. A characteristic from the place of work is issued for submission to other organizations - to a bank for a loan, to a military registration and enlistment office, a court, a tax office, etc., or for use within a company - when an employee is transferred to another position, to another department, to determine his compliance with the position held, when imposing penalties or encouragement and ...

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice

The characteristics of a student from the place of practice is a document that contains an assessment of the professional knowledge and training of the student, his business and personal qualities during his production or undergraduate practice. The characteristic of the student is compiled by an employee of the personnel department or the head of the department of the organization in which the student had an internship and is provided to the educational institution. How to write a characteristic for a student The characteristic of a student from the place of practice is written ...

How to write a testimonial

How to draw up a characteristic, what data and information to indicate in it?
First comes the name of the document.
This is followed by text that includes the following information:
  • personal data of the person for whom the characteristic is issued (name, date of birth, education);
  • information about labor activity (place and period of work/study, positions held, functional duties);
  • assessment of professional activity (achievements in work/study, rewards, rewards or punishments that were applied during work/study);
  • assessment of personal, business qualities;
  • information about advanced training courses, additional education;
  • for what purposes and where the characteristic is issued;
  • signatures of authorized persons of the institution that issues it, seal;
  • Date of preparation.

Having a good reference increases the value of the applicant and increases the chances of a successful interview and hiring.

The phrase “characteristics from the place of work” will surely make many people remember the Soviet past. In fact, the document is indispensable when applying for a new job, it is often required in the courts and the police, in the guardianship authorities and in banks when granting a loan. Sometimes an employer's assessment decides the fate of a person, so you can't take it formally, according to a template. When compiling such a description, executive should be guided by general principles.

They draw up a document not in the official form, but taking into account. Characteristics are internal (not going beyond the organization), as well as external (provided to different authorities on demand).

In addition to evaluating personal and valuable qualities in work, the paper should contain some data about a person:

  • name, patronymic surname
  • year and date of birth
  • education
  • marital status information
  • military service data
  • honorary titles, the presence of state awards,
  • academic degree

Chief Physician of the Regional Municipal Hospital Sedov Viktor Mikhailovich.

Option II. An example of a characteristic for an employee

Granted to Vera Grigoryevna Levashova, born on November 9, 1985, working as a primary school teacher.
Levashova V.G. has been working at school No. 4 since August 25, 2007. In 2009, she took refresher courses under the program “Peculiarities of Psychology and Development of a Primary School Student”.

Levashova V.G. During her work, she showed herself as a high-class professional, striving for self-development and constantly working on herself.

The employee follows the innovations in pedagogy and successfully implements them in her work. Vera Grigorievna is active in public life, preparation extracurricular activities. Enjoys respect among colleagues, not seen in conflicts.

Principal of School No. 4 Koltunov Evgeny Igorevich.

They are rather conditional, their form and content may vary depending on the situation, since there is no official template for writing a characteristic.

Job Description Template

The structure of the characteristics is simple, you can easily find it on the Internet. It is written according to the following plan:

  • date of the document
  • to whom the characteristic is given
  • name of organization or company, details
  • marital status of the employee, children
  • specialty education
  • business qualities of the employee
  • character traits of the person to whom the characteristic is given
  • where the document is submitted
  • position, full name, signature of the head

The indicated examples and the template should not be followed unquestioningly, since the Labor Code does not have clearly defined requirements for writing such papers. But, as in any other document, when compiling a characteristic, colloquial and jargon expressions should be avoided, adhere to the rules business speech, monitor literacy.

As for the content, the boss who draws up the characterization must remember that sometimes the characterization of an employee is by no means a formal piece of paper in the fate of a person. It is provided upon request to the courts, guardianship authorities, institutions where the fate of a person is decided, therefore, the preparation of such a document must be taken with all seriousness, evaluating professional and personal qualities not according to a template, but by collecting complete information about the employee.

Write your question in the form below

Discussion: 5 comments

    Several times I had to change jobs, a characteristic from the previous one was never required. I think this document is not enough to create a positive impression about the employee, because you can write anything you want. the most best check is a probationary period.


    In America, for example, without a recommendation from a previous job, you are unlikely to be hired. Because they look at the discipline and responsibility of the employee. If you quit and did not work for the required 2 weeks, then this will seriously spoil your career. It is the same with relations with colleagues, superiors, they do not like to conflict. In Russia, serious companies also take this practice, and in provincial cities it is more an exception than a practice.


    I believe that at a new place of work a positive reference will be very useful, and at a new place it is not a fact that the management will believe in its authenticity, so you need to show your qualifications in practice, and not in the form of recommendations.


The characteristic for an employee from the place of work still does not lose its relevance. How to write this document professionally? What moments should be reflected, and what is better to leave "behind the scenes"? Are there any features in this issue that should be paid special attention to?

Finding answers to these and many other questions is easy - just get acquainted with the information below.

In what cases is

The document we are considering is an assessment of the head of the organization of the personal qualities of his subordinate, his professionalism, ability to behave in a business society.

A characteristic for an employee from the place of work is compiled in the following cases:

  1. At the request of the worker.
  2. On the initiative government agencies(for example, the police or the courts).
  3. Independently by the head of the organization (for certification, awarding an employee a bonus, considering the issue of filling a certain position, etc.).

These are the most common situations in which such a document is required.

Their types

The main classification feature of such a document as a characteristic of an employee from the place of work is the place of its application. In accordance with it, one can distinguish:

  • Internal specifications. They are intended for use directly within the company, for example, when an employee is promoted or transferred to another department, in the event of an award or disciplinary action.
  • External. The compilation of such characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee himself, or at the request of state bodies, for example, the police or the military registration and enlistment office.

There are no serious differences between the internal and external characteristics of an employee from the place of work. They are compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules, which will be discussed below.

In addition to the place of destination, the characteristics for employees from the place of work can also be divided according to the purpose of their use:

  • for submission to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • to submit to the court;
  • per student;
  • per student;
  • from the place of internship.

This list is not exhaustive. Such a document is drawn up in other cases.

Basic requirements for the preparation of characteristics for an employee from the place of work

There are no strict rules for compiling such a characteristic: the solution to this issue is entirely within the competence of the head of the company or another responsible person. The document is drawn up in writing in free form, in printed form or by hand.

Despite this, in practice, there are some rules that should be considered in the process of preparing this document:

  1. It is best to use A4 sheets.
  2. The narration should be conducted from the third person, using verbs in the present or past tense, depending on the situation (for example, works, worked, etc.).
  3. At the top of the sheet is the name of the document - "Characteristics". After that, the surname, name and patronymic of the employee, his position or place of work are written. Abbreviations in this block are not recommended.
  4. The direct text of the characteristic should begin with personal information about the employee: date of birth, level of education, place and time of its receipt, direction of training.
  5. In the main part of the document, it is necessary to reflect information about the employee's work path. Many employers limit themselves to describing the career growth of an employee directly in their company: they indicate the time of enrollment in the state, position, promotion. It will be great if you can talk about other achievements of a person.
  6. Be sure to bring the most significant, bright moments of the employee's work. Here you can indicate about the management of serious projects, participation in large events, curation of certain tasks, etc.
  7. If at the time of compiling the characteristics a person received additional education or took courses in professional retraining, then this fact should also be reflected in the document.
  8. Not less than important point is an assessment of the professional and business qualities of an employee. Excellent theoretical knowledge current legislation and the ability to put them into practice, the relationship of the employee with the members of the team, the ability to solve analytical problems, the ability to comply with the deadlines for the performance of their duties - all this, if available, can be indicated in the document in question.
  9. In addition to competence, a characteristic for an employee from the place of work should also contain information about the personal qualities of a person - his ability to establish contact with others, control himself in conflict situations, readiness to help if necessary. In this block, you can also describe the general cultural and moral development of this person.
  10. Do not lose sight of the incentives available to the employee from the management (or disciplinary action).

The document ends with information about the place where it is intended - new job employee, police department or for internal use, etc.

Registration of such a characteristic is allowed both during the labor activity of a person in an organization, and after dismissal from it.

There are cases when the characteristic for an employee is not drawn up on the official letterhead of the organization, in which case the document should be stamped.

Who prepares and signs

In the vast majority of cases, the preparation of characteristics for an employee from the place of work falls on the shoulders immediate supervisor worker. If the organization is very small, and there is only one leader in it, then he deals with this issue.

The document is signed by the same person who created it. If available in the organization, his signature is also put.

How to write a characterization for an employee

Each specific situation (place, purpose of compiling the characteristics) has its own specific features that should be taken into account when preparing the characteristics for an employee from the place of work.

Upon dismissal

If a person plans to move to a new place of work, then when compiling a characteristic, the manager should pay attention to the following points:

  • business qualities of a person;
  • its suitability for the position held;
  • level of development as a professional in their field.

It is also recommended to talk about the most significant personal qualities - for example, the ability to quickly establish contact with people, the ability to quickly eliminate conflicts that arise in the work team, initiative and responsibility.

However, often the employer cannot speak positively about his employee, which is why he, in fact, fires him. In such a situation, the manager has the legal right to tell about all the nuances of a person, including the most unpleasant ones.

In the document, you can indicate any shortcomings - both personal and professional. Conflict, irresponsibility, disruption deadlines performance of work, inconsistency with the position held, violation of the internal regulations of the company - anything, if it's true.

For court

Particular attention should be paid to the situation when such a document is required for submission to the court. When a person commits an administrative or criminal offense, the court has the opportunity to request a reference to him from his place of work.

This information is necessary for the judge so that he can make the most fair judgment. The main problem in such a situation is the lack of specific instructions from the judge. The employer simply does not know what exactly is required to be told. If you do not want to harm your subordinate, seek the help of a lawyer and talk to the employee himself.

It must be indicated that the document is intended to be submitted to the court. In the event that the period of work of a person in the organization is less than 6 months, information from other places of his labor activity may be required.

For the police

In such a situation, the head of the organization should pay increased attention not to the professional and business skills of his subordinate, but to his business and personal qualities.

Tell us about the character of the person, about what kind of relationship he has with the members of the team. Reflect awards and disciplinary actions (if any, of course).

At the same time, do not forget that the statute of limitations for violation of the internal regulations of the company is one calendar year. After this period of time, all misconduct, if any, are deleted from the characteristic.

For awarding

If an employee has achieved success in his work activity and he is entitled to encouragement, then the characteristic, first of all, should reflect those qualities of a person that helped him achieve this goal. For example, firmness of character, diligence, responsibility.

To the military registration and enlistment office

As a rule, such a characteristic is compiled by employees of the educational institution where the conscript was trained - a school, college or university. This document should talk about the relationship that a person has with the team, his ability to resolve conflict situations, adapt to a new environment.

What Not to Do

Despite the fact that the manager has a lot of room for creativity when making a characteristic, some rules should still be followed.

Firstly, in such a document, as in others and in any other, the use of emotionally colored words and insults is not allowed. And it does not matter whether you are satisfied with the work of an employee or not - no one has canceled the need to observe etiquette in the business sphere.

Secondly, it is forbidden to provide false information. The characteristic for an employee from the place of work should reflect only truthful information about the professional qualities of a person. It is not allowed to indicate information that is not related to professional activity (religious and political beliefs, nationality, housing conditions, etc.).

Thirdly, in accordance with the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data", the transfer of personal data to third parties is allowed only with the consent of the employee himself, so make such consent in writing.

In addition, you should control your literacy. If an error is found, it is necessary to correct it - for which it is necessary to rewrite the text of the characteristic again.

If the above requirements are ignored, a person can always appeal the received document.


Thus, when compiling a characteristic for an employee from the place of work, it is necessary to take into account whole line factors: for whom and where it is intended, the person worked well in the organization, or he cannot boast of success in his career, and much more. Following these tips will help you create a truly professional document.

Video - for some, compiling and signing a testimonial for an employee from the place of work turns into a whole problem:

Characteristics from the place of work is not a relic of the past and is in demand in many situations. This special kind documents. However, a single spelling pattern has not been approved, despite its importance. The characteristic is an assessment of the employee of the enterprise by his immediate supervisor in writing. The employee is characterized according to certain criteria of professional and personal qualities, describes the work path and participation in the public life of the company.

The document can be drawn up at the request of an employee of the enterprise or at the request of external sources. The formal attitude of the employer to writing a characteristic deprives it of its individual affiliation and does not useful information for the addressee.

Basic performance requirements

Personnel officers call the characteristic “X-ray” of an employee, since it contains the main qualities of a person (personal and business), professional achievements, thanks and awards.

When compiling a characteristic, its purpose is taken into account. If for further career growth, then professional skills and business qualities, the employee's desire for development should be noted. Law enforcement agencies and the judiciary are more interested in the personal qualities of a person.

The document is always drawn up from a third party in the past or present tense (has, graduated), and the employee's actions should not be commented on. The characteristic should contain a dry statement of factors, without personal conclusions, assessments and judgments. The compiler must present the information as objectively as possible, excluding emotions and personal attitude towards the employee. Detachment will be the best "advisor" when writing a document.

Rules for compiling a document

In the process of writing a characteristic, one should adhere to generally accepted rules:

  • Use an A4 sheet;
  • Do not use abbreviations when writing personal information about the employee and his position.
  • The main part should contain not only information about career growth in the company, but also a variety of human achievements. It is important to highlight the highlights: working on serious projects, supervising tasks, participating in large-scale events.
  • If during work the employee improved his qualifications or took specialized courses, then this should be reflected in the document.
  • It is important to properly assess professional quality: good knowledge of theory, solving analytical problems, relationships with the team, meeting deadlines, etc.
  • Be sure to indicate personal qualities: the ability to communicate with colleagues and clients, to control oneself in conflict situations, to help if necessary. The moral and cultural development of man will not be superfluous.
  • List reward for Good work by the leaders.

Who draws up and signs

Most often, the characteristic is prepared by the immediate supervisor of the employee. In small companies, where one person oversees the affairs of the organization, he is in charge of compiling the characteristics.

The signature must be put by the person who compiled the document. If the company has a personnel department, then its representative also signs the characteristic.

Compilation procedure

The characteristic is drawn up on the letterhead of the company, is a document with an individual serial number and is certified by a seal. However, there are no regulations governing the rules and procedure for its preparation. You can build on GOST R 6.30-2003, which lists the basic rules for filling out and processing working documents.

In the production characteristics, a person is evaluated as a professional, taking into account business and personal qualities.

When writing, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Take letterhead organizations. The document must be on an A4 sheet.
  2. Indicate the date of the document.
  3. Write "Characteristic" in the center.
  4. The words “Issued” are written and the full name of the employee, date of birth and position held are indicated.
  5. The characteristic is written.
  6. The final block indicates who compiled the document and in what position. Next to the full name, the compiler signs. The document is certified by the head of the department or the director of the enterprise.
  7. Put the seal of the organization.
  8. The characteristic is recorded in the documentation log, it is assigned a serial number.
  9. One copy (original) is given to the employee or a third party with written permission. A copy is kept by the organization. A sample form is shown in the figure below.

The characteristic consists of several points:

  • Header, header:
  1. title;
  2. organization;
  3. number when registering a document;
  4. Name, position of the employee.
  • Details of the employee for whom the characteristic is being drawn up. They should be formatted as a single paragraph, which is the first.
  1. Full name, date of birth;
  2. education and the availability of academic degrees, specialty.
  • Employment and career growth:
  1. the beginning of arrival at the enterprise, it is allowed to indicate the period of work in previous places;
  2. briefly about career growth - when and to what position was transferred;
  3. availability of additional education, qualifications, implementation of leading projects and independent work;
  4. significant results of labor activity.
  • The presence of awards or penalties. Describe the achievement of the employee (the availability of certificates, titles, own developments).
  • Personal and business qualities of an employee - communication and psychological skills, level of knowledge and professionalism.
  • The purpose of issuing characteristics. In most cases, "presentation on demand" is indicated.
  • Signatures of the management team of the company.
  • Indicate the date of issue in the lower left corner. The seal of the organization is also affixed there.

Difficulties in compiling a characteristic

The main difficulty in compiling a characteristic is the lack of clear regulations and strict rules. This type of document is drawn up in any form.

When writing a description of an employee of an enterprise, a personnel officer or manager must be diplomatic and be objective in order to get a decent text. Before compiling, it is important to communicate with the employee's colleagues and immediate supervisor.

The characteristic should not consist of template phrases, since an objective assessment of a person is required. Flattering remarks can harm him.

The HR officer should evaluate finished document. In case of difficulties, he has the right to contact a colleague without giving the personal data of the employee.

Evaluation of the qualities of an employee

Allocate business and personal qualities of the employee, his level of knowledge and experience. They can be positive or negative.

Evaluation of business qualities


  • the ability to properly organize the work process;
  • fulfillment of the assigned tasks on time;
  • high quality work;
  • the fruitful work of subordinates is organized, the quality of ongoing projects is controlled;
  • manifestation of initiative;
  • established relationships with colleagues and superiors;
  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • discipline.


  • disorganization labor process;
  • delays in project delivery;
  • poor quality of work;
  • there is no ability to organize the work of the team, control over subordinates is not carried out;
  • lack of initiative;
  • tactlessness in relation to colleagues, official subordination is violated;
  • low level of responsibility or its complete absence;
  • failure to comply with management instructions;
  • violation labor discipline.

Assessment of personal qualities


  • goodwill;
  • sociability;
  • active participation in public life;
  • enjoys authority.


  • conflict;
  • isolation;
  • avoids participating in corporate events;
  • authority is missing.

Experience and level of knowledge


  • sufficient (good, high) level of professional knowledge;
  • extensive work experience in the position or specialty;
  • having certain skills.


  • insufficient level of knowledge;
  • little work experience;
  • professional skills are not developed.

Types of characteristics

According to the type of application, the characteristics are divided:

  • External - compiled and provided to third parties. The document contains personal data of an employee of the enterprise, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the country. To avoid problems in the future, you must obtain the written permission of the employee for whom the characteristic is being drawn up.

When compiling an external characteristic, you can ask the employee what points to pay attention to the addressee.

  • Internal - used within the enterprise. The document is required when transferring an employee, raising or rewarding him, as well as imposing a disciplinary sanction.

There are no significant differences between internal and external characteristics. Both types are compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules.

The moments of drawing up an internal characteristic should be regulated by acts and documents adopted by the heads of the enterprise and signed by the director. The internal characteristic should contain data on the work done, confirmation of the fulfillment of the tasks set within the specified time frame. The presence of the employee at production meetings, despite the high workload, will be a plus. When compiling negative characteristic indicate that the specialist is involved in many projects and spends enough time on their implementation.

But not all work has a positive result expected by management. For example, not enough time was devoted to a number of important cases. Here it is appropriate to list certain tasks ignored by the employee.

Positive and negative characteristics per employee

The characteristic is positive and negative. In the first case, the employee's business skills, his professional potential, and the positive aspects of his personality are indicated. In the second type, the characteristics reflect the failure of the employee as a professional in the field of activity, indicate character traits that impede effective work in the position held.

According to Labor Code Art. 89 the employee has the right to familiarize himself with the characteristics and attach a written statement with his own point of view on important points.

Where do you need a feature?

A positive reference for an employee may be required in the following cases:

  • from a previous job for a new employer;
  • admission to a professional or higher educational institution;
  • at the award;
  • with a planned promotion;
  • translation into new position;
  • category upgrade;
  • payment of remuneration;
  • awarding certificates and diplomas;
  • loan processing.

Negative characteristic is needed:

Example of a positive characteristic

As mentioned above, positive references should include strengths employee: his professionalism, desire for growth and development, quick learning, etc.

“Full name has 20 years of work experience at the enterprise. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist who competently and rationally solves the problems set before him. production tasks. All assigned projects were implemented as efficiently as possible with full dedication, some of which were complex and time-consuming.

The IO has such qualities as high activity, purposefulness, responsibility for assignments, dedication. Separately, it should be noted the talent of training young professionals and the willingness to help colleagues under any circumstances.

The IO has received many awards and commendations: diplomas from the relevant ministry, commendations from the company’s management.”

The second example of a positive characteristic: “Name has been working in the LLC since 2015. During his work, he proved himself to be a conscientious and competent worker.

The high level of culture, the desire for self-development make the IO a valuable employee who finds a common language with colleagues and superiors. Stress resistance, the ability to quickly resolve the conflict, sociability allow him to complete tasks in the shortest possible time. The IO was encouraged several times by the management with certificates and thanks with the entry of information in the work book.

Diligence and a high level of responsibility distinguish the IO in the work team. During the period of work at the enterprise, he had no penalties and reprimands.

“Name worked in the company for 2 years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This was manifested in non-compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of projects, poor quality of work, lack of organization and discipline.

The IO has been disciplined several times and has reprimands in his personal file.

The attitude towards the team is dismissive, there is no ability and desire to establish contact with colleagues. Does not provide assistance to new employees, despite direct responsibilities. Constantly rejects offers to participate in public life.

Another example of a negative characterization of a junior accountant: “Full name was an employee of StroyGarant CJSC from 2015 to 2016. During this period, the Institute did not show any special professional qualities, often refused to perform official work for reasons that were not exculpatory factors.

Despite the desire of the team to get closer to the IO, a common language with him was not found. Numerous cases of rude attitude towards clients and colleagues have been recorded. Severe reprimands did not lead to correction of the worker's behavior. The violations committed were entered into a personal file. Since the attitude towards the work of the Institute has not changed, we parted ways with him by mutual agreement.”

Characteristics for specific situations

The purpose of the characteristic will determine its features, which are important to consider when writing it.

Upon dismissal

If an employee moves to a new place of work, then the previous manager must include the following items:

  • description of the employee's business qualities;
  • compliance of the employee with the position;
  • development of professional qualities.

It would be useful to list personal qualities that are important for a future position: quickly establish contact with others, the ability to eliminate conflict situations, responsibility, initiative, etc.

There are cases when the employer cannot speak positively about the employee, respectively, and fires him. The leader can legitimately tell the nuances of working with a person, even the most impartial ones.

A negative characteristic can negatively affect the leader or the company. How did a professional hire a mediocre employee?

The description indicates any shortcomings of a personal and professional nature: conflict, non-compliance with deadlines, inconsistency with the position, violation of internal regulations, etc.

To the judiciary

The document for the court should be given special attention. A request for a characterization from a place can be sent by robots in case of a criminal or administrative offense.

The referee uses the information to make a fair decision. The main problem for the leader is the lack of specific requirements from the judiciary. It is difficult to determine what information will be useful to the judge and not harm the employee of the enterprise. It is better to contact a lawyer and talk with the employee himself. An example of a specification for a court http://delatdelo.com/files/xar_sud.doc.

Be sure to note that the document is intended for the judiciary. If the employee has been working for less than six months, then you can request information from the previous place of work.

For the police

For law enforcement agencies, a characteristic indicating personal and business qualities is important. Professional skills will not be valuable information for them.

You can talk about relationships with colleagues, list awards and penalties for violations, if any. It is important to remember that the statute of limitations for violations of internal regulations is one calendar year. After him, all offenses should not be included in the characterization.

An example of a characteristic for law enforcement http://delatdelo.com/files/xar_policiya.doc.

For awarding

Rewarding an employee with a distinction requires the preparation of certain documents. Encouragement can be for impeccable work, high performance, exemplary moral character, etc.

The characteristic for the Ministry will be an application for a state award valuable employee. When compiling it, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The leader must indicate participation in various projects, contribution to new technologies and innovative developments, participation in conferences, symposiums.

Features characteristics for awarding:

  • The purpose of the characteristic is to present for an award. It is important to indicate positive personal qualities and achievements in a particular area. If the award is not related to labor activity, then more attention is paid to human qualities: responsiveness, kindness, etc. Information must be objective.
  • Any award is given to people with certain merit, and not just a performer. Legislation establishes a list of these merits.
  • When presented for an award, the characteristic may be part of any document (representation, letter of petition). Before its execution, you need to understand the forms of submitted documents.

To the military registration and enlistment office

In most cases, it is required educational institutions but sometimes from the employer. The characteristics indicate the relationship in the team, behavior in a conflict situation, the ability to adapt to new conditions.

What is not written in the description

The leader is not limited in compiling the characteristics, but it is worth adhering to the basic rules. The following is prohibited:

  1. Emotionally colored words and insults. Business Etiquette does not accept personal relationships.
  2. Invalid information. The characteristic should contain only reliable information from the place of work. Unprofessional qualities are omitted: religiosity, living conditions, political views, nationality, etc.
  3. Violation of the law on the protection of personal data. The transfer of information should be only with written consent worker.
  4. Grammatical, syntactic, morphological errors. If an error is detected, the characteristic is rewritten.

Violation of these requirements makes it possible to appeal the issued document.

When writing a description of an employee, organizations take into account many factors: purpose, merit or reprimands, business and professional qualities. If you follow the above recommendations, then there will be no problems with compiling the characteristics. The size of the characteristic depends on the desire of the management to enumerate the merits or penalties of the employee.

How to write a description of an employee is a question that interests every employer. The characteristic is business document, which describes the professional qualities of the employee and a summary of the essence of it professional duties. In the modern business world, characteristics have somewhat outlived their usefulness. First of all, because of its template. In their place, more and more letters of recommendation come.

The need for paperwork

Despite this, the essence of the characteristic and its purpose should be understood by every person of working age.

You should find out in what cases it is needed:

  • when changing positions or moving to another enterprise;
  • in the conditions of certification of workers;
  • when issuing a large loan;
  • in case of adoption;
  • in litigation;
  • when entering educational institutions.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of work

It is written in a free form, but in compliance with the structural parts.

Questionnaire. Here the personal data of the employee, the availability of education, academic degrees are indicated, educational institutions are listed.

The work activity of the employee. It indicates when and by whom the person worked, from what time and by whom he has been working in the current organization. It should be indicated whether the employee was transferred to other departments. This column indicates the labor "exploits" of the employee, what he did significant for the organization. You can characterize the personal qualities shown at work. In the case when the employee took courses, attended seminars, received additional professional education, it is required to designate in the document.

Information about the human qualities of the employee. This column indicates the professional qualities, knowledge, skills acquired by the employee during his stay in the labor institution. You can focus on the diligence of a person, his desire for personal and professional development.

Separately, you need to write about the communicative qualities of a person, his relationship with members of the team. Does the employee have authority among colleagues, how aggressive can he be, how does he resolve work conflicts. Attention should be focused on psychological qualities, the general level of culture and education. The same section includes possible awards, thanks and encouragement to the employee.

Conclusion. In this column, the purpose and place of the requirement for the characteristic should be indicated. The document is signed by the head. The person who draws up the characteristic is responsible for the information contained in it. The authority to draw up the document belongs either to the inspector of the personnel department or to the head of the enterprise. One copy of the characteristic is taken by the employee, the other by the organization.

There are two types of characteristics: internal and external. Therefore, there are several ways to write a characteristic from the place of work.

An internal characteristic is compiled for use in the organization itself. It may be required in several cases:

  • for the implementation of collections;
  • for reward or gratitude;
  • in the event of a promotion.

External is compiled for sending to other structures and organizations. Before drawing up such a document, the employee is required to take permission, fixed on paper.



to the psychologist of the Emergency Hospital

Sokolova Anna Nikolaevna

Sokolova Anna, born in 1984. In 2006 she graduated with honors from the State Medical Institute. She joined the organization in April 2008.

During the period of work, she carried out psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional, psychoeducational work with colleagues and patients. In my work I used modern technologies psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, carried out advisory work on the assessment of the psychological state of patients, carried out the necessary rehabilitation procedures.

Sokolov A.N. executive and conscientious worker. She complies with the norms of behavior adopted in the work team. Colleagues are friendly and polite. Behave in a friendly and courteous manner. In the event of a conflict, he behaves diplomatically, prefers to search for solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties. In the process of communicating with colleagues and patients, he shows attentiveness and tact. She is distinguished by diligence and high efficiency. In difficult times for the organization, Sokolova A.N. supports the work in every possible way, sometimes staying overtime. The main qualities that distinguish an employee: conscientious attitude to their work, the desire for self-improvement, promotion professional excellence. Regularly attends various courses, seminars, trainings. There are no disciplinary actions.

Head physician N.Ya. Weinstein




on Pyotr Ivanovich Korotkov

bearing factory worker

the city of Tver

Petr Ivanovich has been a foreman for about 1.5 years. He joined the company in 2012. At the workplace, he behaves irresponsibly, negligently treats the performance of duties.

The work is done poorly, half-heartedly. In the work without initiative, requires guardianship and control. Korotkov P.I. he is slow, he remembers the instructions given to him badly.

Relations in the work team are conflicting, may show aggression. Warm, friendly relations are not maintained. Keeps aloof. Does not participate in corporate events.

Has disciplinary sanctions for absenteeism.

Differs in weak intellectual development, concrete thinking.

He was elected brigadier, but with official duties could not cope. Does not participate in the life of the plant. No awards or commendations.

Differs in regular violation of labor discipline, shows a tendency to an antisocial lifestyle.

Among the team and management does not enjoy authority.

The characteristic was issued for submission to vocational school No. 12 of the city of Tver.

Plant director (signature) V.P. Serafimko

How to write

  1. Degree of professionalism: experience, skills, knowledge of professional issues.
  2. Knowledge of professional responsibility.
  3. Knowledge of document management.
  4. Ownership modern methods and technologies.
  5. Ability to plan work, anticipate risks and prospects.
  6. Degree of performance.
  7. Attitude to work.
  8. Discipline and responsibility.
  9. Ability to support initiatives.
  10. The opportunity to spend personal time on troubleshooting.
  11. Punctuality.
  12. Organization, initiative, independence in the execution of instructions.
  13. Persistence.
  14. Modesty.
  15. Communicative qualities.
  16. Ability to resolve conflicts.
  17. Relationships in the team.
  18. Objectivity, exactingness.

The information provided in the reference is extremely important for the applicant, because it gives the employer an idea of ​​the competitiveness of a person, his personal and professional qualities.

How to write a characterization for an employee

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