Development manager: requirements and job description. Profession development manager Job description of a strategic development manager

Job description sales manager is main document defining the order and mechanism of its work. It reveals the existing requirements for candidates for the position, contains a list of the immediate job responsibilities of the employee, the functions performed. In addition, the rights of employees, the knowledge assessment system and the basic working conditions are determined.

The general provisions of the job description define following:

In addition, there is scroll what the specialist should be guided by in the performance of his duties:

  1. The procedure for organizing sales and marketing of the organization's products.
  2. Separate orders of the management, as well as general provisions enterprises related to the management of the sale of goods.
  3. Existing labor protection rules that are common to all organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. Directly in the paragraphs of his job description.

An applicant who is accepted for a position must have such information:

  1. The list and content of laws and regulations relating to the regulation of the sale and sale of goods and services.
  2. Various materials that contain the rules and basic principles of marketing and increasing sales.
  3. The main methods of work carried out both personally by the manager and employees of his department.
  4. The principles of organizing office work, taking into account the characteristics of the direction of the company.
  5. Up-to-date information, including information obtained from foreign sources, on sales experience, analysis of activities and improvement of labor efficiency.
  6. Performance appraisal system.
  7. The procedure and form of reporting, the procedure for interaction in the course of the activities of the unit.
  8. The rules of the labor schedule of the organization.

Functions and job responsibilities

Main Functions that the sales manager must fulfill, as well as his official duties, according to the instructions, are:

  1. Development of methods and technologies for the implementation of sales of goods.
  2. Development and improvement of the main schemes for marketing products within the framework of the organization's activities.
  3. Organization of various events aimed at pre-sales activities, the main purpose of which is preparation for the start of sales of a new product or cooperation with a new counterparty.
  4. Creation of certain conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the current demand for certain products.
  5. Monitoring compliance with the existing items of business plans that are used in the process of conducting work activities.
  6. Compliance with the main conditions of contracts and agreements signed with customers and counterparties, if necessary, making changes on a bilateral basis, which are registered additional agreement to an already existing one.
  7. The study of the market of goods, the sale of which the manager is engaged in. Such a function applies not only to the region in which the manager works - in his work he must necessarily use the results of neighboring regions and cities in order to be able to apply any methods and technologies in his activities.
  8. Anticipate growth and decline in sales depending on third-party factors and respond accordingly to such changes.
  9. Conduct an analysis of the activities of the company's competitors, especially specializing in the sale of similar products and goods.
  10. Collect and summarize information that indicates the volume of sales of products for a certain period of time, fluctuations both up and down, the reasons for such changes. In this regard, making proposals to higher management or taking actions within their competence.
  11. Analysis of the main trends in the commodity market, obtaining basic information regarding the demand forecast, as well as planned releases of goods and products by competing firms.
  12. Analysis of the basic needs of buyers, the study of the main factors affecting it, the division of statistics by major regions and zones.
  13. Development of schemes of actions aimed at carrying out various activities to increase the sales of a particular product. Such a function is performed both to increase sales overall and to prevent the planned decline in interest in the product.
  14. Development of measures to increase sales by using the most effective materials and methods, while using the best practices of competitors and other companies whose specific activity is also related to sales.
  15. Emphasis in work on building strong relationships with major trading networks. Constant maintenance of relationships, holding promotions for regular counterparties, from which both the client and the organization in which he conducts his business benefit labor activity manager.
  16. Building relationships with various wholesale companies, analysis of cooperation opportunities, study, together with other departments, of the possible benefits from signing contracts with such counterparties.
  17. Identification among existing legal and individuals potential customers and establishing business contacts with them.
  18. Negotiating with clients of any level, since even small retail in a certain amount brings companies their share of income.
  19. Active participation in the development of pricing for clients different levels. Negotiating with clients in such a way as to extract the maximum benefit for your company in terms of the price of the goods, but, at the same time, provide the possibility of cooperation on more favorable terms for the client than competitors can offer.
  20. Conducting direct negotiations on cooperation. During negotiations, a step-by-step discussion of such issues should take place: reporting to the client general information for a product or a group of products that the organization wants to offer for sale, providing information about the main advantages of such products, possibly mentioning existing shortcomings, but in such a way that they are truthful, but at the same time do not scare the counterparty from cooperation. If the client has any doubts about the need to cooperate with the manager's organization, the skillful management of truthful information in order to convince the client of the opposite. Communicating to the consumer the main positive aspects of cooperation in general, what the client can expect in the future.
  21. Determination of the form of payment that will be used when paying for the delivered goods. In this case, both the wishes of the client and the capabilities of the company itself, of which the sales manager is an employee, are taken into account. In this case, a cash form of payment, non-cash, by checks, by open account using bank transfers. Determination of the possibility of granting a deferred payment and the main conditions for repaying the debt (after a certain time, upon subsequent delivery, etc.).
  22. Development, both within its competence and together with other departments, of a system of discounts that are beneficial, first of all, to your company and those that can attract customers to cooperation.
  23. Organization of the main work and actions performed that precede the direct signing of the contract with the client. This may include working out the basic rights and obligations of one and the other parties, determining the ways and forms of fulfilling obligations, reconciling existing disagreements on the main points of the agreements. Analysis of documentation provided by counterparties for compliance with its main company standards, if necessary, request for additional papers.
  24. Participation in the direct conclusion of contracts with the possibility of subsequent management of the client and control over compliance by both parties with the points specified in the agreement.
  25. Control of counterparties entrusted to the manager for timely payment for the delivered goods. In the event that for some reason the counterparty does not pay for the delivery on time, taking appropriate measures to eliminate such a fact.
  26. Organization of the collection of information on data from the sale of goods both from customers with whom a cooperation agreement has only been concluded, and from those who have been supplied with goods for quite a long time.
  27. If necessary, support for the shipment of goods to customers, such activities are possible both on initial stage cooperation, and throughout the entire period of work.
  28. Analysis of data on the quality of the supplied products, collection and generalization of information, if necessary, sending a claim to the manufacturer. It is possible to organize the return of goods that, for any reason, cannot be sold and used for their intended purpose.
  29. In the event of any claims regarding the quality of goods, timely response to information in order to resolve the conflict as much as possible.
  30. Analysis and response to those events that impede the increase in demand for products.
  31. Control of all existing quality indicators for product packaging, rules of use.
  32. Reporting information to the client on the terms of sale of products, their storage and the main conditions of sale.
  33. Maintaining constant contact with existing clients in order to avoid the outflow of counterparties.
  34. Creation of various information bases existing clients of the company. Such data may be presented in tabular form and contain information about the address of the counterparty, basic details, including those that may be contained in payment documents, telephone numbers of managers and employees of counterparties who can be contacted regarding the resolution of various issues, the name of the head, leading experts. In addition, shipments of products made to a specific client, statistics on returns, the history of current payments, etc. are entered here.
  35. Renegotiation of contracts with contractors when it is impossible to prolong the current ones and the desire to continue cooperation.
  36. Ensuring participation in ongoing events (exhibitions, fairs) to increase the number of customers and increase sales.
  37. Participation in the conduct of advertising campaigns and, if necessary, coordination of the actions performed.

The sales manager is entitled to following:

  1. Obtaining information about internal changes in the work of the company that relate directly to the employee.
  2. Obtaining information about the availability of documents necessary for the work of the manager.
  3. Making suggestions to higher management on improving the principles of the company, as well as improving the sales scheme.
  4. Requesting, personally or through the manager, reporting information regarding counterparties maintained by the sales manager.
  5. The requirement to provide assistance in the performance of work duties.

The manager may be responsible for following:

  1. For the consequences of decisions made that were made within their own competence without additional approval by management.
  2. For failure to fulfill their official duties, determined by this instruction.
  3. For violating any laws and regulations in the course of their work, even if they were carried out to bring more profit to their company.
  4. For causing material damage to your organization by your actions in the performance of official duties.
  5. For the deterioration of the company's reputation, which led to a decrease in sales or an outflow of counterparties.

Reporting system

The applied system of reports on the work done by managers is aimed at monitoring their activities, which can be expressed in direct benefit, and exclusively in the work done. In particular, the reports may contain such information:

  1. Number of days worked.
  2. Late.
  3. The number of calls made by the manager. Specified as total score, and those that led to a certain result.
  4. Meetings held with existing and potential customers that led to the conclusion of new contracts or an increase in sales volumes.
  5. The number of products delivered to counterparties, which are managed by a specific manager.


Consider the main features of positions that also relate to the process of selling goods - senior manager And sales development specialist.

The main feature of the performance of labor duties will be overall control of all activities performed by middle managers.

Perhaps a senior manager will independently oversee some projects and manage large clients.

In general, the order of work in such a position is determined in accordance with the internal procedures of the company, the size of the sales department, as well as the overall structure of both the entire company and the individual division.

A senior manager may be held responsible for the mistakes of his subordinates, which arose due to an insufficient degree of control on his part.

Sales Development Specialist

Job Responsibilities sales specialist can be narrower than a sales manager and concern not certain clients of the company, but any aspects of the company's work.

On the other hand, the organization also has the right to independently determine their job responsibilities. These may include both a separate analytical study, and the collection of certain information, generalization of data, etc.

This video provides additional information on compiling a job description for a sales manager.


development manager

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job duties, rights and responsibilities of the development manager of the Infocommunication Technologies unit (hereinafter referred to as the Development Manager) of the All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following requirements for education and training is appointed to the position of development manager:

  • Additional professional education- advanced training programs, programs professional retraining in the field of marketing, management, economics, new infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists;
  • Higher education - bachelor's degree;
  • with practical experience:

  • At least six months of work in the field of sales of high-tech products with secondary vocational education;
  • 1.3. The development manager must know:

  • Industry and local regulations in force in the organization;
  • Instructions for the preparation, processing and storage of reporting materials;
  • Primary accounting documentation and rules for its preparation and execution;
  • Methods for searching for information about potential needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for working in the relevant computer programs and databases, their purpose;
  • Purpose and rules for the use of computer and office equipment;
  • Industry and local regulations in force in the organization;
  • Regulations governing the rules for the sale of goods to organizations various forms property;
  • Methods system analysis to substantiate a commercial offer for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Composition of the tender documentation;
  • Technical characteristics of the infocommunication systems and/or their components being sold;
  • Rules of business correspondence;
  • Main tender sites;
  • Main specifications, advantages and disadvantages of world and Russian manufacturers infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for the preparation of primary accounting documentation;
  • Fundamentals of office work;
  • Search computer programs;
  • Main technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of products of global and Russian manufacturers of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for conducting business negotiations;
  • Business Etiquette;
  • Purpose and rules for the use of computer and office equipment;
  • Sales models of infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Rules for working in the relevant computer programs and databases, their purpose;
  • Rules for conducting business correspondence;
  • Fundamentals of organization management;
  • Instructions for the preparation, processing and storage of reporting materials;
  • Fundamentals of psychology;
  • 1.4. The development manager must be able to:

  • Prepare reports on the complete set of sold infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare reports on the needs of clients in infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Organize and conduct meetings with clients and partners;
  • Identify the needs of customers in infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • News business negotiations with clients about their needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare customer database materials for discussion of customer needs in infocommunication systems and/or their components;
  • Prepare primary accounting documentation using accounting programs;
  • Work with a database of standard solutions for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Compile and execute primary accounting documentation;
  • Prepare tender documents;
  • Work with accounting software
  • Work on tender sites;
  • Work with a database of standard offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components;
  • Work with computer and office equipment;
  • Conduct business negotiations with potential clients;
  • Establish and maintain long-term relationships with clients;
  • Conduct presentations of information and communication systems for sale and / or their components for potential customers;
  • Work with a large amount of information;
  • Work with customer databases / customer relationship management system;
  • 1.5. The Development Manager is appointed to and removed from office by order of the Executive Vice President of the Institution in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

    1.6. The Development Manager reports to the Executive Vice President of the Institution and the Head of the Infocommunication Technologies Division.

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Control of the complete set of infocommunication systems and / or their components during the sale and documentary support.
  • 2.2. Establishing and maintaining contacts with existing clients to discuss their needs for infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 2.4. Search for potential customers for the purchase of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Checking the completeness of the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.2. Verification of compliance of the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components with the declared specification.
  • 3.3. Formation of shipping documents for the sold infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.4. Control of shipment (delivery) of goods under concluded contracts for the sale of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.5. Forecasting sales of infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.6. Analysis of the client base.
  • 3.7. Informing customers about current marketing promotions, new products and special offers.
  • 3.8. Conducting conferences and seminars for existing and potential clients.
  • 3.9. Formation commercial offers for partners and customers selling infocommunication systems and/or their components.
  • 3.10. Preparation of a contract for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.11. Selection of equipment according to the terms of reference.
  • 3.12. Coordination of the terms of the contract for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.13. Preparation of commercial offers for the sale of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.14. Preparation of necessary financial documents (bank guarantee, certificates).
  • 3.17. Informing customers about new products.
  • 3.18. Development of relationships with clients for the conclusion of new contracts for the sale and maintenance of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.19. Maintaining a database of clients.
  • 3.20. Conclusion of contracts for the sale and maintenance of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 3.21. Search for new customers for the purchase of infocommunication systems and / or their components.
  • 4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues that are part of his functional duties.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on the improvement of activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant authorities local government or to the court to resolve disputes arising in the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The development manager is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of their functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Executive Vice President of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the execution of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the Establishment.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that became known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the development manager can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), professional standard"Sales Manager of Information and Communication Systems" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2015 No. 687n and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

    Every organization that loses prospects will be doomed to failure. Because of this, everything large companies allocate resources for development. The choice of the path that the enterprise will take will depend on its type of activity. In any case, you will need a specialist - a business development manager. He can find new markets for products, negotiate with potential customers, etc.

    Each specialist working at the enterprise has his own job description, the business development manager is no exception.

    What is the job description of a manager and director of business development

    Essence and purpose

    "Movement is life" this rule especially true for companies. After all, if things often go well at the initial stage, over time you will need to go to a higher level. If this is not done, then the activity of the organization will be reduced over time. Just for such a case, business development managers are hired in the company.

    Its main activities include establishing a good atmosphere within the team, working with clients, including the search for new markets. His work helps to establish the right communication between management and subordinates.

    To do this, the development manager will need access to information about the state of affairs within the organization and in the industry market. He must always operate only with the most up-to-date statistics. Also, the development manager can represent the company in negotiations with customers and suppliers.

    What regulations govern

    The job description is regulated by article 68 part 3 labor code RF.


    Sales Development Specialization

    The employer who hired such a specialist first of all wants to increase sales and enter new markets. An experienced company employee who has already proven himself to be very effective can often be appointed to such a post.

    • One of the duties of such a manager is to make forecasts of the organization's sales indicators for a specified period of time.
    • Besides, good specialist establishes the constant work of the sales department, with the help of proper planning. This is possible thanks to a carefully drawn up action plan for each employee individually and for the department as a whole.
    • Also, such a specialist must train and prepare new employees for work.

    The main task for the manager is to manage the organization's customer service process:

    • Negotiations and preparation of necessary documentation;
    • Customer service (order processing);
    • Accompany the entire document flow of the order;
    • Track the shipment of deliveries for customers, as a result of which interact with the logistics department.

    Specialization in network development

    The activity of this employee is related to the development and establishment of the effective operation of the network outlets. The manager is required to appoint and remove managers for each outlet. He can also choose a location for opening a new store and negotiate with the owners of the premises.

    The immediate task for a specialist is to maintain competent advertising campaigns that are aimed at popularizing the chain of stores. You also need to constantly monitor the activities of competitors.

    The manager must constantly work with the store staff, including resolving conflicts and considering their proposals regarding the optimization of activities. He can also develop a system of remuneration, bonuses, etc. that stimulates employees.

    Specialization in company development

    • This specialist must have a higher education and significant knowledge in marketing and psychology.
    • Such a manager is obliged to analyze the market, competitors and implement projects of varying complexity. In addition, he will be looking for new customers, negotiating with them, concluding contracts.
    • The specialist must also be familiar with sales planning and forecasting for a certain period of time. It is desirable that he be familiar with the current legislation and the economy.
    • His activity also concerns the organization of trainings for employees of the enterprise.
    • The duties of the manager include additionally maintaining data about each employee and planning based on their personal data and the results of possible career growth.

    Specialization in employee development

    The activity of this specialist is devoted to the development and training of professional skills among the company's employees. He is responsible for organizing trainings and training seminars. Therefore, the manager is responsible for how professional the employees are and how their work meets the requirements of the enterprise.

    His responsibilities include assessing the current level of knowledge and training of employees. Based on the data received, a training plan will be drawn up. It can include both the training of an entire department and several employees. In addition, the manager may involve third-party specialists to conduct training.

    Specialization in regional development

    The direct responsibility of this manager is permanent job with company representatives. He must also conduct a constant analysis of their activities and take measures to improve labor efficiency.

    Specialization in Organizational Development

    This specialist is required for companies that have reached certain heights of development and in order to continue growth they need to reorganize the management structure. In other words, you need a specialist who will help solve organizational issues.

    Such a specialist must have higher education, have knowledge about marketing and psychology. The manager is also responsible for staff retraining (training, trainings, seminars, etc.).

    Who makes up and where it is used

    Compiled this instruction. Due to the fact that there are many types of development manager services, the requirements in the document are prescribed individually for the current needs of the company.

    A detailed display of the requirements for a specialist in the instructions is also important so that there are no disputes regarding rights, powers and responsibilities. The job description is used when hiring. The applicant must familiarize himself with its provisions in writing, after which an employment contract will be signed.


    As a rule, 4 sections should be displayed in the job description.

    A sample instruction sheet can be downloaded.

    Development Director's CI (sample)

    General provisions

    Displayed here:

    • The title of the position itself;
    • To whom does the specialist report?
    • Requirements for education and qualifications;
    • Who will report to the specialist;
    • The order of his replacement.

    The rights

    To perform effective work, the manager will need to have the following rights:

    • Request data and documentation from all departments of the company to solve certain problems;
    • Acquainted with ;
    • Offer management plans to improve the efficiency of the organization or team;
    • Require management assistance;
    • Issue orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation;
    • Negotiate with clients;
    • Search for new clients for the company;
    • Negotiate contracts (if applicable).

    How to hire an employee for the position of director or business development manager in the field of B2B:

    Job Responsibilities

    This item is individual for each company, as it depends on its needs. Here are the main provisions:

    • Organization of the development plan for the development of the company;
    • Develop a long-term strategy for the development of the organization;
    • Prepare plans for the restructuring of the enterprise;
    • Propose development plans to management new activity for the organization;
    • Search for new customers and markets;
    • Organize training sessions for company employees;
    • Establish communication between departments within the organization;
    • Analyze the results of development programs;
    • Prepare reports based on statistics and analysis of development programs.


    This specialist is held accountable for the consequences of his decisions and actions. She may be:

    • Disciplinary. If the specialist does not fulfill his duties;
    • administrative or criminal. Everything will depend on the severity of the offense;
    • Material. If a specialist, due to his activities, has caused severe damage to the company.

    A business development manager is a valuable specialist who becomes very important when a company reaches a certain level of growth. Upon reaching which she will need to further development taking a number of reorganization measures. If this is not done, then while maintaining the old management structure, the company simply will not master the new prospects and will lose customers.

    The job description of a development manager is a document useful for an organization that describes in detail the labor functions and establishes a qualification qualification for applicants. We understand how to develop and implement it.

    From the article you will learn:

    The profession of a manager or director of business development is in demand both in manufacturing enterprises as well as in the service sector. A specialist of this profile is entrusted with market analysis, development of marketing programs and strategies, work on increasing the profitability of production.

    Promoting new products and developing new business directions is also the responsibility of the development manager. This is a position with broad powers and a high level of responsibility, because the success of the company directly depends on the qualifications and work experience of the employee holding it.

    Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

    A complete reference book of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

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    Job Responsibilities of a Development Manager

    Business Development Manager: job description-2018

    If the company has a development director or development manager, the job description is drawn up taking into account the real tasks solved by the employee. In the proposed template, the functional position map is written in the second section. The general structure of the document is as follows:

    • general provisions;
    • official duties;
    • the rights;
    • responsibility;
    • revision instructions.

    The first section contains basic information about the position. Here its full name is indicated (director or development manager), the procedure for appointment and dismissal, the replacement scheme for an employee in case of illness, business trip, etc. Details - in the article "How , business trips, decrees.

    In this section, you can list the key documents that the specialist is guided by in the process of performing his duties, as well as the knowledge and skills he needs. The development manager must know:

    • basics of marketing, economic theory, advertising organization;
    • norms labor law and labor protection;
    • business plan and main goals pursued by the company;
    • structure of the company, its profile and features of the products;
    • methods of economic modeling and management;
    • theory and practice of management;
    • finance and business administration.

    The list can be expanded and modified. Along with the requirements for theoretical knowledge, a minimum practical experience necessary for the effective completion of assigned work. As a rule, a specialist with at least two or three years of experience in this field is accepted for the position of development manager.

    specialists from other structural divisions recruited with management permission. Display everything without errors the necessary conditions in DI will help the article “What , and what is better to exclude.

    Download in.doc

    Download in.doc

    After agreement, the director of the organization puts the finished instruction into effect - by a separate order or with the help of the “I approve” stamp. The document is dated, registered, certified by signatures and from that moment it acquires legal force. Don't forget to share it with your development manager by giving one copy to keep at your workplace.