Operational information of the Hungarian special services regarding Mogilevich.

  1. Date of: 16.01.2012
    GRNIP: 312774601601313
    Tax authority:
    Reason for the change: State registration natural person as an individual entrepreneur
    The documents:
    - P21001 Application for registration of a sole trader as an individual entrepreneur
    - An identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. Date of: 16.01.2012
    GRNIP: 412774601601841
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 46 in Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:
  3. Date of: 19.01.2012
    GRNIP: 412774601902423
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:
  4. Date of: 13.06.2013
    GRNIP: 413774616403114
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Termination by an individual of activity as an individual entrepreneur
    The documents:
    - R26001 Application for termination of IP activities
    - Document confirming the payment of the state fee
    - Another document. in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  5. Date of: 13.06.2013
    GRNIP: 413774616403125
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on accounting with the tax authority
  6. Date of: 18.06.2013
    GRNIP: 413774616900840
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information on registration as an insurer in the territorial body pension fund Russian Federation

In whose interests is the bankruptcy of the leading bank in the Noginsk region?

Municipal elections in Russia after the abolition of gubernatorial elections have become a real field for experiments for various kinds of dirty technologies. Ordinary voters have already met with most of them. But in the upcoming elections in October 2010 of the head of Noginsky municipal district Know-how will be applied to the Moscow region - a financial default with political consequences. Namely, in order to compromise the current head of the district, Vladimir Laptev, his competitors intend to bring down the former municipal bank they bought

Bogorodsk Municipal Bank (BMB) is well known to all residents of the Noginsk region. It used to belong to a local municipal administration, was highly trusted by customers. Professional experts and rating agencies considered BMB one of the most successful municipal banks in Russia. The bank also enjoyed the trust of the local authorities. Therefore, there was a joke among the clients of the Bogorodsky municipal that the BMB deposits were personally guaranteed by the head of the district, Vladimir Laptev. For the locals, this was the best recommendation. And it is no coincidence that this particular bank, by the evil will of others, has become a lever with which Laptev's opponents are trying to thwart his re-election.

Score to political heavyweight

It must be understood that Laptev is his own person for the district. He is a native of Noginsk, was born, grew up and worked at the enterprises of the region, having gone from a turner at the Noginsk fuel fittings plant to the director of the Noginsk food trade. In 1989, he became chairman of the executive committee of the Noginsk City Council of People's Deputies, and in 1991 he was appointed head of the district administration. Then he was re-elected several times, and during the last elections in 2005, more than 60 percent of the participants in the elections voted for him. It is difficult to force voters to change their attitude towards Laptev. So far, his opponents' electoral moves have not had much success. Laptev's opponents made a "knight's move" only now, having bought out the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank. According to one version, the former was behind the deal. CEO vodka company GK "Ost" (managed the assets of CJSC "Group of enterprises OST" businessman Vladimir Pekarev) and deputy of the Noginsk Council of Deputies from "Fair Russia" Andrey Kobal. To be quite precise, the bank was bought by the wife of one of the State Duma deputies from the Just Russia party, close to Kobal.

Purchase of credit financial institution in the context of the election race - a non-standard move. It would seem, who needs a municipal bank near Moscow after the collapse of the entire financial system Moscow region in 2008, arranged by stealing officials of the regional government? However, let's not forget: in the opinion of voters, BMB is still a municipal bank, for which the local administration is responsible. And if investors have any problems, then a wave of negativity and irritation is guaranteed to bury the hopes of the current head of the Noginsk district, Vladimir Laptev, for re-election. That is why the newly-minted owners of the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank began by preparing the withdrawal of assets from the financial institution. In our opinion, the logic of their actions is simple: they care little about the future of the BMB, the main thing is to have time to “recapture” the money, and also in passing deal a serious image blow to Laptev, who will have to explain himself to the population one way or another.

The head of the Noginsk district, of course, can tell voters that the BMB has not even partially belonged to the municipal administration for two years now. And that the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank was bought by the Moscow Mortgage Bank, which is closely associated with the former Minister of Finance of the region, and now on the federal wanted list, Alexei Kuznetsov. Even the information that it was thanks to the local administration, which did not allow a scandal to flare up at that time, that BMB continued to accept deposits and pay interest on them, is unlikely to reassure local residents. You can understand the voters: now the deposits of hundreds and thousands of individuals who are accustomed to trust the Bogorodsk municipal bank as well as the head of the district administration.

We are not local

Not everyone could risk the well-being of a systemically important bank for the sake of political dividends. But Andrei Kobal, unlike Vladimir Laptev, is considered a stranger in the Noginsk region, and therefore may not care about the sympathies of local residents. His wide popularity among the people is hindered by some features of his personal biography. Kobal was born in Novosibirsk, studied there as a doctor, but for some reason received a diploma from Uzhgorod University, in Western Ukraine. Transcarpathia, a well-known hotbed of Ukrainian nationalism, and one of the centers of the international transit mafia. The name Kobal is well known there. For example, recently a certain Vladislav Kobal, the “right hand” of the “authoritative businessman” Semyon Mogilevich, was seen in a number of big deals for the sale of weapons. It is difficult to say whether "Noginsk" Andrey Kobal is directly related to this business. But it is known that before joining the Ost group in 2007, Kobal owned his own wine business in Moldova, and even earlier he was engaged in the import of medical equipment, often visiting Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and some republics of the North Caucasus “on business”.

In our opinion, Andrey Kobal has a special relationship with alcohol, flowing from the field of professional interest to personal passion. Such a hobby always leaves traces, both on the face and in the police file, with a train of numerous fines for driving while intoxicated. In the case of Kobal, the list of his collisions with traffic police was opened by an incident that happened at the very end of 1999, when he was deprived of a driver's license for a year for driving while intoxicated. Four months later, in April 2000, Kobal is fined again for drunk driving. In October 2001, a traffic police patrol again stopped an Audi A8 car with a drunk Kobal at the wheel. Further relations between the businessman and the police seem to have been based on commercial basis. And therefore, the data on his detentions are now available only to the competent authorities.

But another hobby of Kobal brought him tangible benefits. Arriving in the Noginsky district, the entrepreneur made a rapid political career. First of all, he joined the ranks of the Just Russia party. Then he became a deputy of the council of deputies of the Noginsk municipal district. And after the final collapse of the Ost group, whose assets were sold to the Rial alcohol company of the Kabardian businessman Khadis Abazekhov, he and his “support group” decided to take power in the entire Noginsk region. Opportunities to openly outplay Laptev, who has great influence in the region and is well known to voters, are practically impossible for the newcomer "Varangian". But in the time remaining before the start of the elections, Kobal and his party bosses from A Just Russia are quite capable of inflicting a blow on public opinion, creating the appearance of a force majeure situation in the region. And the best reason for a wave of protest voting will be a man-made financial cataclysm caused by the default of a single bank that is backbone for the region. That's when, contrary to the common formula, and it turns out that whoever does not pay, he orders political music. Saving reputation and business can be dealt with later. And the costs, as is usually the case with this kind of “forced” bankruptcies, will be paid by unlucky investors.

Ordinary voters have already met with most of them. But at the forthcoming elections in October 2010 for the head of the Noginsk municipal district of the Moscow region, a know-how will be applied - a financial default with political consequences. Namely, in order to compromise the current head of the district, Vladimir Laptev, his competitors intend to bring down the former municipal bank they bought. The Bogorodsk Municipal Bank (BMB) is well known to all residents of the Noginsk district. It used to belong to the local municipal administration and was highly trusted by customers. Professional experts and rating agencies considered BMB one of the most successful municipal banks in Russia. The bank also enjoyed the trust of the local authorities. Therefore, there was a joke among the clients of the Bogorodsky municipal that the BMB deposits were personally guaranteed by the head of the district, Vladimir Laptev. For the locals, this was the best recommendation. And it is no coincidence that this particular bank, by the evil will of others, has become a lever with which Laptev's opponents are trying to thwart his re-election.

Score to political heavyweight

It must be understood that Laptev is his own person for the district. He is a native of Noginsk, was born, grew up and worked at the enterprises of the region, having gone from a turner at the Noginsk fuel fittings plant to the director of the Noginsk food trade. In 1989, he became chairman of the executive committee of the Noginsk City Council of People's Deputies, and in 1991 he was appointed head of the district administration. Then he was re-elected several times, and during the last elections in 2005, more than 60 percent of the participants in the elections voted for him. It is difficult to force voters to change their attitude towards Laptev. So far, his opponents' electoral moves have not had much success. Laptev's opponents made a "knight's move" only now, having bought out the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank. According to some reports, one of the versions behind the deal is the former general director of the vodka company GK Ost (which managed the assets of CJSC OST Group of Enterprises, businessman Vladimir Pekarev) and Andrey Kobal, a deputy of the Noginsk Council of Deputies from A Just Russia. To be quite precise, the bank was bought by the wife of one of the State Duma deputies from the Just Russia party, close to Kobal.

Buying a financial institution in the context of an election race is a non-standard move. It would seem, who needs a municipal bank near Moscow after the collapse of the entire financial system of the Moscow region in 2008, arranged by stealing officials of the regional government? However, let's not forget: in the opinion of voters, BMB is still a municipal bank, for which the local administration is responsible. And if investors have any problems, then a wave of negativity and irritation is guaranteed to bury the hopes of the current head of the Noginsk district, Vladimir Laptev, for re-election. That is why the newly-minted owners of the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank began by preparing the withdrawal of assets from the financial institution. In our opinion, the logic of their actions is simple: they care little about the future of the BMB, the main thing is to have time to “recapture” the money, and also in passing deal a serious image blow to Laptev, who will have to explain himself to the population one way or another.

The head of the Noginsk district, of course, can tell voters that the BMB has not even partially belonged to the municipal administration for two years now. And that the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank was bought by the Moscow Mortgage Bank, which is closely associated with the former Minister of Finance of the region, and now on the federal wanted list, Alexei Kuznetsov. Even the information that it was thanks to the local administration, which did not allow a scandal to flare up at that time, that BMB continued to accept deposits and pay interest on them, is unlikely to reassure local residents. You can understand the voters: now the deposits of hundreds and thousands of individuals who are accustomed to trusting the Bogorodsk Municipal Bank as well as the head of the district administration are under threat.

We are not local

Not everyone could risk the well-being of a systemically important bank for the sake of political dividends. But Andrei Kobal, unlike Vladimir Laptev, is considered a stranger in the Noginsk region, and therefore may not care about the sympathies of local residents. His wide popularity among the people is hindered by some features of his personal biography. Kobal was born in Novosibirsk, studied there as a doctor, but for some reason received a diploma from Uzhgorod University, in Western Ukraine. Transcarpathia, a well-known hotbed of Ukrainian nationalism and one of the centers of the international transit mafia, has remained his second home. The name Kobal is well known there. For example, recently a certain Vladislav Kobal, the "right hand" of the "authoritative businessman" Semyon Mogilevich, was seen in a number of large arms deals. It is difficult to say whether "Noginsk" Andrey Kobal is directly related to this business. But it is known that before joining the Ost group in 2007, Kobal owned his own wine business in Moldova, and even earlier he was engaged in the import of medical equipment, often visiting Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and some republics of the North Caucasus “on business”.

In general, as we believe, Andrey Kobal has a special relationship with alcohol, flowing from the field of professional interest into a personal hobby. Such a hobby always leaves traces, both on the face and in the police file, with a train of numerous fines for driving while intoxicated. In the case of Kobal, the list of his collisions with traffic police was opened by an incident that happened at the very end of 1999, when he was deprived of a driver's license for a year for driving while intoxicated. Four months later, in April 2000, Kobal is fined again for drunk driving. In October 2001, a traffic police patrol again stopped an Audi A8 car with a drunk Kobal at the wheel. Further relations between the businessman and the police seem to have been built on a commercial basis. And therefore, the data on his detentions are now available only to the competent authorities.

But another hobby of Kobal brought him tangible benefits. Arriving in the Noginsky district, the entrepreneur made a rapid political career. First of all, he joined the ranks of the Just Russia party. Then he became a deputy of the council of deputies of the Noginsk municipal district. And after the final collapse of the Ost group, whose assets were sold to the Rial alcohol company of the Kabardian businessman Khadis Abazekhov, he and his “support group” decided to take power in the entire Noginsk region. Opportunities to openly outplay Laptev, who has great influence in the region and is well known to voters, are practically impossible for the newcomer "Varangian". But in the time remaining before the start of the elections, Kobal and his party bosses from A Just Russia are quite capable of inflicting a blow on public opinion, creating the appearance of a force majeure situation in the region. And the best reason for a wave of protest voting will be a man-made financial cataclysm caused by the default of a single bank that is backbone for the region. That's when, contrary to the common formula, and it turns out that whoever does not pay, he orders political music. Saving reputation and business can be dealt with later. And the costs, as is usually the case with this kind of “forced” bankruptcies, will be paid by unlucky investors.

© From the "Database of the Security Service of the Most Group"

Operational information of the Hungarian special services regarding Mogilevich

About Semyon Yudkovich Mogilevich and his group, we inform you that Semyon Yudkovich Mogilevich (June 30, 1946, Kiev, Shepelskaya Genya Tevevna) and his close associates are in the field of view of our Office.

You also know that Mogilevich, on the basis of a family connection - he married a Hungarian Katalin Papp - arrived in BP in 1990. Wife died December 10, 1994.

Mogilevich remarried in December 1995, according to our data to a Russian-Israeli citizen, Telesh Galina Alekseevna Dzhambulskaya, 31.08.1964.). According to our data, Mogilevich and Telesh had a son on September 6, 1990, who has the surname of his ex-wife Telesh.

Currently, the three of them live at Budapest, 12 district st. Matthias Kiraly 54C

According to our information, Mogilevich had children in a previous marriage:
Mila Semenova Mogilevich (22. 11. 1972.)
Grigoriev Yuliy (21. 06. 1983.).

Mogilevich is engaged in an extremely widespread international economic and trading activity, he has firms and property in many countries.

According to our information, he is a co-owner of many enterprises and firms Arigon OOO - the company is registered on one of the English Channel Islands. In all likelihood, its cash turnover exceeds the level trading activities which comes from the "laundering" of dirty money. The company except Budapest has branches in Prague and Moscow. Prague address Arigon C Prague I Stefanykoa 7-9.

The firm Arigon OOO is not registered in BP, but appears as the owner in the following registered firms: Magnex AO. (1214 Budapest, 2 district Rakoczi St. F. 289-295 1062 Budapest, 44 Bencur St.). 99 percent of the shares are owned by ARIGON LLC.

In Arashi-Koop LLC. (Sentendre, St. Laszlo St. 160.) Arigon owns 95 percent of the capital, which in June 1994 he donated to Trinity Sales Corporation. This firm, as an international and trading company, was registered on April 30, 1993 in the State Union of the Bahama Islands. I.M.B.O.L. - Auna A0 (1214 Budapest, 2nd district Rakoczi F. 289-295) was established on August 30, 1993.

Arigon OOO appears among the owners of shares with 25.7 percent. The center of the “Mogilevich organization” is located at the address Budapest, 6. district of 44 Bentsur street. At the indicated address, there are many - in all likelihood engaged in fictitious transactions - their business, such as:
Arwo Trade and Household LLC.
Dapeks LLC.
Elek VO

According to our data, it has many companies in the USA (for example: IBM Magnex, IBM Technologies), in Russia (for example: Arbat International), in Ukraine (for example: Ukralznitsa, Vakhdatyr), in England (for example: Arigon), in the Channel (for example: IBM~), in the Czech Republic, Austria. Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland.

Their range of activities includes:
- trade and smuggling of cars;
- falsification and trade in vodka;
- trade in grain;
- production and sale of canned meat;
- purchase and sale of real estate;
- racket;
- forgery of documents;
- tax and customs abuse;
- illegal oil trade.

Based on international experience, it is difficult to identify illegal activities, since these organizations operate in an extremely secretive manner.

According to our estimates, the Mogilevich group commits many criminal offenses, but the Republican and Budapest Police Departments are involved in their identification.
According to our data, the following conspiratorial connections provide assistance in Mogilevich's activities: Igor Fisherman (USSR, 30.06.1952 American Israeli citizen. Passport number: 6002302 Deputy Chairman Arigon Criminal Code.

Bodoni Shandorne (urzh: Irina Rybakova) is Hungarian.
Director for Economic Affairs Magneks A.O.
Nikolaev Stanislav (Doneik, 19.01.1951) a citizen of Russia, who also has a passport with a Greek surname and given name Ntzemik Afisidis.

According to our information, the following persons maintain good relations with Mogilevich:
Elek Jozsef (13.03.19Ab., Subotica)
Kovalsky Sergey (04. 12 1963, Ukraine)
Guberman Vladimir (August 18, 1947, Moldova)
Benkovich Alexander (03. 08. 1949., Russia)
Rabiniovich Lev (04. 08 1944, Russia)
Tereshchenko G. Alexey (2b. 06. 1975., Ukraine)
Shatilov Alexander (09/13/1959, Ukraine)
Trunov Vladimir (March 29, 1954, Russia)
Karat Konstantin (October 27, 1959, Russia)
Khromov Sergey (01. 09. 1959., Russia)
Katrich Anatoly (03. 08. 1952, Russia)
Bilunov Leonid (12 0b 1949, Russia)
Mikhailov Sergey (07. 02 1958.r., Russia)
Averin Victor (May 31, 1957, Russia).

According to our Office, Mogilevich plays an important role in the management of the Russian-Ukrainian criminal group, as well as in the coordination of Hungarian and Russian-Ukrainian organized crime in VR, but he always strives to remain in the background.

According to our data, in the BP countries, where he has his own firms, interests and businesses, Mogilevich tries to make contact with law enforcement officers, authorities and border guards.

According to our initial operational data, Mogilevich in Russia and Ukraine has connections close to governments, through which he tries to increase his commercial influence, as well as avoid punishment.

From the point of view of national security, our Office considers it especially important to combat organized crime - 72A-and Russian-Ukrainian - in BP. In this regard, we would be grateful for your assessments, information on this topic, as well as for your specific data regarding the above firms and Mogilevich's grouping.

The information transmitted by us can only be used in the course of our bilateral cooperation. Their transfer to any third party is possible only with the consent of our Office. We ask you to inform our service about the use of the information transmitted to you.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Settlement, operational environment and some experiences regarding proliferation, illegal trafficking in weapons and strategic radioactive materials, as well as the activities of organized foreign criminal groups that encroach on national security.

So far, based on materials that give rise to suspicion of illegal arms trade, we have come to our attention:

Dr. RAC Tamas, citizen of the Verkhovna Rada. as well as
- Vladislav Kobal (Moscow, January 24, 1962) Russian citizen. living in VR.


at your request, number 96/46, regarding the Georgian criminal group Our bodies have checked the Georgian criminal group. It was established that the Russian citizen Kvinikhidze Zarub Georgievich (1961, Tbilisi) did not come into the view of our authorities.
By the phone numbers you listed, we inform you about the following:

36-76-412-620 Hotel Apollo, Kecskemét, st. Tatai 1/B.
36-76-329-633 Hotel Sauna, Kecskemét, ave. Chabai G.2
З6- 76-485-287 Margiev Peimuraz Ilyich (09.05.1950., Rustany)
Z6-Ob-30-434-052 Kecskemét, pack. Doja D. 25.
36-Ob-30-518-172 Gabriella Kovacs, Budapest, Hungarian
Zb-46-367-822 Sheresh Zoltan, Miskolc, Hungarian
36-06-20-267-722 not registered
Zb-7b-492-206 does not pass the records.

The subscribers of these numbers have not yet come to the attention of our authorities. In the event of additional data regarding subscribers and criminal connections of Kvinikhidze Zurab, we inform you out of turn.


The activities of organized foreign criminal groups encroaching on national security, drug trafficking, money laundering.

From our experience in the activities of organized international criminal groups on the territory of Hungary, until 1990, from the category of organized crime, one could observe illegal currency exchange and smuggling of goods, people and antiques. These activities were primarily led by people of Yugoslav and Polish origin living in Vienna.

After that, the process of influx of criminals from neighboring countries and Far Eastern regions began. In contrast to the Hungarian criminal circles, the criminal layer that came from foreign countries is more organized in its methods, more aggressive, as a result, in a short time they began to play a leading role in this "area". Of these, the international organized group under the leadership of Semyon Yudkovich Mogilevich can be considered the most significant.

Behind last years in BP, the activities of Chinese organized crime groups became more and more significant, and a Hungarian organization of the Chinese mafia was created.

Their groupings are made up of people coming from the Fuying and Zheyyang regions of Southeast China.

At present, approximately 6,000 Chinese citizens are legally in BP, of which there are many more who are illegally in our country. Their activities are manifested in legal and illegal trade, as well as in the service sector (Chinese restaurants).

An important place in the activities of Chinese organized crime in BP is blackmail, armed robbery and massacres (murders), but their activities in corruption, money laundering, and illegal currency exchange cannot be ignored.

Separate groups of legally operating Chinese entrepreneurs United for self-defense against the actions and attacks of organized criminals from Chinese citizens.

According to some reports, the Chinese Embassy in Budapest is involved in protecting legal entrepreneurs from mafia groups. Taken together, it can be established that Chinese organized crime groups that commit crimes in our Country do not yet threaten national security, but if current trends continue, this may become real in the future. According to our data, international organized criminal groups in VR are engaged in various activities, during which their legal and illegal activities are often mixed. To cover up their illegal activities, they often use legal ones (trade in food, vodka, oil, oil products, timber and lumber).

The most important circle of their illegal activities:
A. blackmail, racketeering;
B. prostitution, pimping,
B. illegal circulation of weapons and strategic substances,
D. drug trafficking,
D. smuggling, forgery,
E. human smuggling, illegal transportation of people abroad,
G. money laundering.
In addition to the above criminal acts, money laundering is of great importance.
The money laundering activities carried out by international organized criminal groups are as follows:
A. After exchanging black income on the illegal currency market, they transfer it to the accounts of fictitious firms.
B. different amounts in bank accounts - through banking systems a number of countries - are transferred to developed countries - to the USA, England, Canada, Israel, France;
B. Dirty money is legalized by issuing fictitious accounts, as well as invoices for an amount that does not match the real value (higher or lower) and through contracts between fictitious, offshore firms.