List of countries prohibited for travel by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Rules for traveling abroad for civil servants and representatives of law enforcement agencies

In connection with the aggravation of the situation in the world and the emergence of problems international level, Ministry of Defence Russian Federation decided to impose certain restrictions on travel abroad by police officers. These innovations caused a wave of bewilderment among law enforcement officers.


Enough discussed topic was insurance for traveling abroad. Immediately, we note that the relevant authorities give recommendations to employees of law enforcement agencies and similar departments. Travel bans are not permanent, they are only temporary. However, there are certain factors that influence this. For example, or rather, the term of the ban depends on how sensitive information this or that employee has.

Traveling abroad by the police

In 2014, to be more specific - in April, a decree was issued according to which all military personnel and civilians who are in the service are prohibited from traveling abroad. The restriction on travel abroad was signed by Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

The department of the Federal Drug Control Service, in turn, emphasized that they did not completely ban travel abroad, but only advised them to temporarily refrain from traveling outside the country. One of the power structures to which the relevant act applies is the police. Traveling abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is highly discouraged.

Thus, as a result of the adopted innovation, employees of the Migration Service, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of the Smuggling Control Service and the military were denied entry into the territory of 150 countries. Despite the large list of countries that are banned, the security forces have the opportunity to relax in countries such as the Maldives, Tunisia and Vietnam. In order to visit them, employees of the internal organs must submit a report to the management for permission.

The legislation of the Russian Federation indicates the main categories of people who fall under the ban on traveling abroad, these are:

  • Employees working in the Federal Security Service.
  • Persons who have information about classified data. This group people must sign an agreement according to which, after access to classified information, they do not have the right to travel abroad for five years. In some cases, this period may be extended up to 10 years.
  • People who are in military service.

In these cases, if the above category of people has a foreign passport, then it is confiscated and stored in a certain state agency.

Official reasons that restrict travel abroad

1. Protection of state secrets. Employees who know important information that is a secret are not allowed to leave the country. There is no direct ban for this category, but only recommendations for temporary travel restrictions. The authorities have the right, depending on the level of secrecy, to allow or prohibit the employee from leaving the country.

According to the degree of secrecy, documents are divided into three categories:

  • Documents of special importance. High-ranking heads of departments and heads of departments have access to them. These documents have 1 form of admission.
  • Documents that are under the mark "Top Secret". Any operational employee has access to this information. These documents have a second form of admission.
  • Documents containing classified information. These documents have a third form of admission.

Recommendations, according to the established restrictions on traveling outside the country, concern people belonging to the 1st and 2nd categories of secrecy. For the 3rd category of secrecy, there were no instructions regarding restrictions on travel abroad.

2. Employee safety. The ban on travel outside the country is due to the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that it was undesirable to travel to those countries in whose territory an extradition treaty with the United States is in force. In other words, all law enforcement officers visiting other countries cannot be protected by Russian law. Over time, the leadership of law enforcement agencies confiscated passports from all employees.

It should be remembered that the leadership of law enforcement agencies only recommends not to travel outside the country.

Restriction on travel abroad and its regulatory regulation

There is an instruction that contains information about the movement of employees of the Federal Security Service and the military. According to it, employees of law enforcement agencies do not have the right to travel abroad during the entire term of the contract or a certain period of time. These rules cover the category of people who have entered into an appropriate contract with the Ministry of Defense.

Documents for traveling abroad

In order to obtain an exit permit, you must go through the following procedure:

1. The military must submit a report, and civilians - an application addressed to the head of the relevant control body.

An exception is severe illness of relatives who need to be treated outside the country. Or serious illnesses of the law enforcement officer himself.

2. Permission to leave can only be given by management. The document must be dated and signed.

Restriction on exit or permission must be issued in the form of a certificate.

3. If the permit is issued, then the employee must apply with this certificate to the personnel department, where he receives a passport.

A foreign passport, which is stored in the personnel department, can be issued only if there is a permit.

List of countries that are banned

The "black list", showing the list of countries to which the travel of law enforcement officers is prohibited, includes the following countries:

  • Jamaica;
  • Japan;
  • Mexico;
  • Finland;
  • France;
  • Iraq;
  • Ireland;
  • Iceland;
  • Cuba;
  • Latvia;
  • Germany;
  • Honduras;
  • Albania;
  • Argentina;
  • Panama;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Sweden;
  • Slovenia;
  • Solomon islands;
  • Turkey;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Great Britain;
  • Egypt;
  • Czech

and others.

The police themselves say that previously, in order to travel outside the country, it was only necessary to obtain permission from the direct management. Now the ban is valid until a special order from the higher authorities.

Information about the travel ban for today

On February 17, 2015, a decree was issued according to which all employees of law enforcement agencies are subject to a ban on traveling abroad. At the moment, travel is allowed to countries such as Abkhazia, South Ossetia and other CIS countries.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not talk about the main reasons for the refusal to travel abroad for the police. They explained this by the fact that all employees of law enforcement agencies are in the service of the state.

It is known that the vice chairman for security has already sent new request, in which he asks Mr. Vladimir Kolokoltsev to explain the reason for the ban on travel abroad for employees of departmental forces.

It is known that the recruitment of new police officers has been suspended since February.

When will employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be able to go abroad?

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the moment does not provide information and forecasts regarding the duration of the ban on leaving the country.

Employees of internal organs will be able to go abroad only after the tense political situation in the world “cools down”.

Law enforcement officers are currently recommended to rest in the country, namely in Gelendzhik, Crimea or Sochi. Despite the fact that at the moment there are severe restrictions on crossing the border, the issue of a ban on traveling abroad has not been finally resolved.


So, in this article we touched on such an important topic as police officers traveling abroad. There is currently great amount information on this matter. Many people say that police officers are not allowed to travel abroad. This is not entirely true. Traveling abroad is not recommended for police officers.

There is a whole list of states that are subject to such a peculiar recommendation coming from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior. Thus, the travel of police officers abroad is prohibited only in cases where the officer concerned is subject to a secrecy treaty. In other words, he has access to secret data constituting a state secret.

A separate topic was insurance for traveling abroad. In fact, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies are not recommended to travel abroad for the reason that the state in which they arrive will not be subject to the rules of law adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, a law enforcement officer may be arrested and not sent back to the country.

Due to the difficult geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine that developed in 2014, many residents of Russia today have restrictions on foreign travel. First of all, this affected officials, with free access to state secrets, classified information and FSB officers. In addition, ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as their close relatives, fell under these “sanctions”. However, these strict measures do not mean that Russian police officers will no longer be able to visit exotic countries during a well-deserved vacation. There is a list of permitted countries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, which the above persons and members of their families can use without jeopardizing their safety and personal peace of mind.

After reports appeared in the media about raising the issue of a ban on vacation abroad for employees of the civil service, the Russians became worried, are all policemen now restricted to travel abroad?

Three years ago, the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was more of a recommendation, but now the scope of the ban threatens to become more massive and serious. The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was approved by the heads of many departments, sometimes with a radical approach, prohibiting travel altogether. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of the degree of admission, were banned from traveling abroad, insisting on rest within the country, thereby supporting domestic tourism.

If the Draft Law restricting the travel of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad is adopted, the “sanctions” will affect almost the entire staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which includes police officers, employees of the migration department, the State Drug Control Service and investigators. These professions, on the duty of their activities, are admitted or may be admitted at any time to secret and classified information, which has three degrees of access.

Since the draft law on the ban on travel abroad by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was not adopted (withdrawn), a strict ban on visiting foreign countries no. However, for employees with access to classified documents of the first and second forms, the order of the Ministry of the Interior remains relevant. An exception is the reason for a valid plan: urgent need for medical treatment abroad and death, serious illness close relative living in another country.

Labeled "Top Secret"

The reason for the travel ban lies in the desire to protect the Russian police from potential provocations by foreign intelligence agencies, as well as in order to preserve state secrets that may be known to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The higher the clearance, the more difficult it is to go abroad.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On State Secrets”, the right of a Russian citizen to leave the country may be limited if the citizen has or had access to information of “special importance” or “top secret information”. This restriction is valid for no more than 5 years from the date of the last acquaintance with classified information, with the possibility of extending the ban up to 10 years.

The first form of admission is granted only to high-ranking heads of departments, such as, for example, heads of departments and heads of operational departments of the prison department. The second form of admission is received by the heads and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are engaged in operational-search work. The admission of the second form is also available to operational officers of the penitentiary system. The third form of access can be available to any employee who has access to documents marked "for official use".

In migration departments, only chiefs have access to classified information regional offices, deputy heads of departments, as well as individual employees working with classified documents, including classified statistics.

Countries forbidden to visit

A categorical ban on traveling abroad is for employees with first and second degree clearance. Persons with a third degree of clearance or without it, but who still work in departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are not recommended to visit the EU countries and those that are connected by contractual agreements with the United States.

The list of foreign countries that you should not visit: Bulgaria, Great Britain, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Turkey, Czech Republic, Japan, as well as island states: Seychelles; Bahamas; Marshall Islands and Micronesian Islands.

List of allowed countries

In the fall of 2015, the Ministry of the Interior of Russia issued the so-called Order 360, which published a list of countries that are not prohibited from visiting by the Interior Ministry. These are such countries as Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia; Brazil, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nicaragua, UAE, Oman, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, South Africa.

The procedure for obtaining permission

The law restricting the movement of Russian police officers has not yet been adopted, however, many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs still face problems obtaining permission to leave. There is the following procedure to help you avoid problems with your guide before or after your trip.

  1. Submitting a report.
  2. Request permission to leave at the headquarters of your unit, detailing the route for the country to which the trip is planned.
  3. Waiting for management decision.
  4. Obtaining a foreign passport in ODiR, if it was handed over there.
  5. Trip report.
  6. Submit your passport back to the appropriate department.

In connection with the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the United States, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were advised to refrain from traveling to countries that have concluded an agreement on mutual extradition with the American side.

The Office fears that its employees may be subject to biased and unfounded claims while in the countries listed below. Accordingly, American law enforcement agencies may demand the extradition of those who were not objectively detained in the United States and convict them on dubious charges, reports Life News.

Employees will be informed about all, in particular political, changes in the situation in countries where it is undesirable to visit. There will also be briefings at which employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be told about precautionary measures during their stay in these countries.

On April 10, the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry published an official warning for Russian citizens about the possibility of being detained or arrested at the request of American law enforcement agencies and special services.

The list of banned countries includes more than a hundred states. Including: Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, UK, Hungary, Germany, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Israel, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein , Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Africa, South Korea, Jamaica, Japan, etc.

Earlier, a similar ban applied to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office. For example, in April Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev signed an inter-departmental order temporarily restricting the travel of heads of all levels on private matters abroad. In accordance with it, restrictions are also imposed on the departure of personnel abroad - "the decision to leave personnel is made in exceptional cases, taking into account all factors." The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared a blacklist of 150 countries that employees will not be able to travel to. In the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following argument is given as a rationale for the decision to restrict travel: “Due to the complication of the international situation caused by the crisis in Ukraine, cases of illegal actions against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become more frequent in a number of foreign countries, the number of provocations and recruiting approaches has increased.”

The same order was signed by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika. There are 173 countries on the list where access to prosecutors is restricted. Among them are Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Finland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Cambodia and Tunisia, etc.

All of the above countries, including Japan, EU countries and others, have concluded agreements with the United States on the extradition of citizens of other states, a source familiar with the situation said. - Fearing provocations, we want to ensure the safety of Russian citizens serving in government agencies.

A few years ago, the right of Russians to freely travel abroad was virtually unlimited. The situation changed markedly in 2014, when certain categories of persons, including civil servants, police officers and security forces, faced a ban on travel to most countries of the world. Is it possible to legally circumvent this ban and what needs to be done to do this?

General grounds for restricting the right of citizens to cross the state border

Today, the possibility of some Russians to travel abroad is regulated by law. Among the citizens who are obliged to endure such a restriction in their rights:

  • suspected or accused of committing a crime;
  • convicted of a crime;
  • evading obligations imposed by the court;
  • knowingly provided false information when issuing travel documents.

The general procedure for a travel ban is established by Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service of November 17, 2008 No. 8722/996/562/350 information exchange Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Migration Service in order to identify the existence of circumstances that may lead to a temporary restriction of the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to leave the Russian Federation and the refusal to issue a passport, diplomatic passport and service passport, which are the main documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.


It turns out that the deprivation of the right to travel abroad can affect not only the guilty Russians, but also those who, on the contrary, conscientiously defend the Motherland and protect its interests.

Reasons for the temporary restriction on leaving the country

Based on the provisions of Art. 2 of the Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ, the right of a citizen to free movement in the Russian Federation and exit from it cannot be limited except on the grounds listed in this document. A careful study of the list of categories of Russians who may be subject to a temporary ban on crossing the state border shows that such measures directly affect persons admitted to information constituting a state secret.

Circumstances preventing travel abroad:

  1. Access to information of particular importance or top secret information classified as a state secret in accordance with the Law on State Secrets, and the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract) that implies a temporary restriction of the right to leave the Russian Federation. The period of limitation may not exceed five years from the date of the last acquaintance of a person with information of particular importance or top secret information. He is registered in employment contract(contract) or established by the legislation on the procedure for exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation.
  2. Conscription for military service or assignment to an alternative civil service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - until the end of military service or alternative civilian service.
  3. Public service (work) in the FSB - until the expiration of the relevant contract (employment contract).

It should be noted that having access to classified information alone is not enough to ban travel. The presence of real awareness of a citizen about data related to state secrets is important.

What you need to know about access to state secrets

Travel restrictions are only possible if the person has a valid security clearance. You can determine whether the admission period has expired based on the following rules:

  • the travel ban period is 5 years from the date of the last acquaintance of the employee with documents containing information of particular importance or top secret information;
  • in relation to individual citizens, the period of travel restrictions may be extended by decision of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets (no more than 10 years in total).

Obviously, after the expiration of the term of secrecy, the citizen is no longer subject to restrictions on this basis. Therefore, he can travel abroad according to the general rules.

Also, the possibility of leaving directly depends on the level of secrecy of information available to the citizen.. In total, there are 3 levels of secrecy:

  • secret;
  • top secret;
  • information of particular importance.

Citizens working with the information of the first level, in the absence of other obstacles, can freely travel abroad. Persons admitted to information of the second and third levels of secrecy do not have such a right.

Issues related to traveling abroad with admission to state secrets are considered in the Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia dated April 14, 2006 No. 4301/264/158/160/22 "On the Interdepartmental Commission on consideration of applications of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with restrictions on their right to leave the Russian Federation.


What restrictions are placed on those on active duty?

From the moment the draft board makes a decision to call for active military service or to perform civil service in an alternative manner, a person is deprived of the right to travel abroad. In other words, if in relation to a citizen there is a decision on conscription that has entered into force, then from the day it is made, he is prohibited from crossing the state border of the Russian Federation.

There are 2 reasonable exceptions to this right;

  • the ban does not apply during the period of deferment from military service or "alternative";
  • the norm does not apply to "contract workers" traveling outside the country on a business trip agreed with the management.

To the attention of those who have just returned from the army: after the end of the service or obtaining an exemption from the draft, restrictions on foreign travel are lifted.

On April 15, 2011, the Order of the Federal Migration Service and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 100/507 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for interaction between the FMS of Russia, territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia and their structural divisions with the Ministry of Defense of Russia, military commissariats and departments of military commissariats when issuing citizens of the Russian Federation subject to conscription for military service or assignment to alternative civilian service, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.


Travel abroad for civil servants

“Why not” and “where is it possible” - these questions are of great concern to Russian officials. To answer them, you have to turn to Art. 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-I "On State Secrets".

It says that government officials who have access to classified information at the appropriate level are prohibited from traveling abroad. From the point of view of ordinary Russians, this is a very fair and useful normative act. Servants of the people should always be available to citizens, so civil servants should rest in Russia or in the CIS countries, but not in the Canary Islands.

There was a heated debate over the legitimacy of the ban on officials traveling abroad. However, no one has been able to question the constitutionality of this norm.

The dispute was put to an end by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of June 7, 2012 No. 14-P “On the case of checking the constitutionality of the provisions of subparagraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation” and Article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State secret” in connection with the complaint of citizen A.N. Ilchenko.


Therefore, the ban continues to operate today. Moreover, many government agencies issue internal regulations limiting foreign trips of their employees. In particular, Roscosmos issued a similar order in January 2017.

Video: civil servants should forget about foreign trips

Is it possible for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to go abroad

The question of whether or not Russian policemen can rest in foreign resorts has been debatable for several years.

The discussions were initiated by the entry into force of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 705 of September 12, 2013 “On certain issues of departures of employees of internal affairs bodies, federal civil servants and employees of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on private matters outside the territory of the Russian Federation”.

Since the document is intended for official use, it has not been officially published. Nevertheless, the text of the order was widely discussed in the media and condemned by individual citizens. However, today the point in this dispute has been put. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Guard belong to the category of civil servants, therefore they are subject to travel restrictions in a number of countries.

Due to the difficult international situation, a list of states has been compiled that Russian security forces are not recommended to visit. The list includes more than 150 countries, not only potentially dangerous, such as Turkey and Egypt, but also quite peaceful. The list, for example, includes the UK, Italy, Japan, the Czech Republic, and Spain.

Why did this or that country appear on the “black” list? The answer is simple: travel restrictions apply to those states with which the United States has an interstate extradition agreement. If the country has not signed such a document, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can safely go there on vacation. Welcome to Abkhazia!

Regarding the validity and constitutionality of such bans, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation issued several explanatory letters. One of them can be found on the official website of the Moscow Police Union.

Summarizing the above: the travel restriction applies to military personnel, they can go to states that are not on the “black list” with the written permission of their leader and under his personal responsibility. "Civilian" specialists can go to foreign resorts without restrictions.

Video: President of the Russian Federation comments on the ban on leaving the country for police officers

How are things in the FPS

Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (Department federal service Execution of Sentences) has officially stated that no internal orders prohibiting service members from traveling abroad have yet been issued. Accordingly, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service can safely engage in booking tours and purchasing tickets abroad.

Why are security officers not allowed to leave the Russian Federation?

For employees of the “authorities”, this issue has long lost its relevance, since each of them was familiarized with the relevant departmental order prohibiting foreign trips against receipt. Moreover, this ban applies not only to military personnel, but also to civilian personnel.

It should be taken into account that all employees of the special services must be properly acquainted with the restriction imposed on them from leaving the country. The corresponding receipt serves as a document confirming the fact of familiarization with this norm.

FSB workers

FSB employees are restricted from traveling abroad by the Order of the FSB of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2012 No. 179 “On Approval of the Instruction on the Departure of Military Personnel and Civilian Personnel of the Federal Security Service from the Russian Federation on Private Matters”.


Secret service employees are not allowed to leave Russia until the end date of their contract. However, if allowed official authorized to resolve such issues, the current FSB officer can travel abroad. This is possible in the following cases:

  • advance travel request (at least 3 months in advance);
  • serious illness or death of a close relative;
  • the need for urgent treatment;
  • visits to the graves of relatives in connection with memorable dates;
  • the need for actions to alienate property located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • accepting an inheritance;
  • there are other circumstances that cannot be postponed.

To go abroad, the employee should write an appropriate report. After the boss gives him a permit visa, you can go on a trip. However, after returning, the employee will have to hand over his passport to the personnel department within five days.

Civil servants, military and intelligence officers planning to travel abroad usually face a number of restrictions. Citizens admitted to information constituting state secrets will not be released abroad. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are forced to obey a departmental order, so they can only go to certain countries. However, there are situations when any “silovik” can go abroad: the ban is lifted in case of emergency that cannot be postponed.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal customs service in the North-Western Federal District it was forbidden to rest abroad, having sent appropriate explanations to a number of regional departments

An EMERCOM employee watches vacationers on the central beach of Alushta. Archive photo (Photo: RIA Novosti)

As an unnamed source in the Ministry of Emergency Situations told the FlashNord agency, all employees of the department have been familiarized with the ban on going on vacation abroad “under signature”. They are ordered to travel to Russian resorts and avoid traveling abroad, "especially to NATO countries." “A ban has been introduced on visiting more than a hundred countries that have an extradition treaty with the United States,” he said.

A source in the FCS told the publication that, unlike the Ministry of Emergency Situations, no one was forced to sign obligations. “It was a letter of recommendation, but it was written in such a way that you understand: it is better to follow the recommendations,” he said.

Officially, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Customs Service did not comment on this information.

In April last year, a warning appeared on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Russian citizens traveling abroad. In connection with US sanctions and the practice of "hunting" for Russian citizens in third countries, citizens were advised to refrain from traveling to countries with which the US has agreements on mutual extradition.

At the end of April, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Federal Drug Control Service sent recommendations not to travel to Western countries to their employees. Several interlocutors in the police told RBC in June that all officers, from the platoon commander and above, handed over their passports to the personnel departments. An Interfax source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that the ban was introduced for employees with the second form of clearance, who receive a bonus "for secrecy."

In December last year, Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Moscow police union, told RBC that before the winter holidays, the police received an unspoken order to continue to focus on the list of countries undesirable for visiting, which was posted by the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to him, the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs independently drew conclusions - without an official ban. Own sources The power department told Pashkin that there was also a kind of encrypted telegram from the First Deputy Minister of the Interior.

In February of this year, there were reports in the media that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were allowed to travel only to the CIS countries, with the exception of Ukraine, as well as to Abkhazia and South Ossetia. After that, deputy Alexander Khinshtein asked the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev to explain the introduction of a ban on travel abroad to employees of the department. The press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs then told Interfax that the employees of the department accepted the decision to restrict travel abroad with understanding. "Ministry of Internal Affairs employees are on public service which, of course, imposes on them a special responsibility, including, in certain circumstances, a number of restrictions, ”said an employee of the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, according to him, the decision to restrict travel abroad was accepted by the employees of the internal affairs bodies with understanding, “especially since there are enough wonderful places to relax on the territory of Russia”

As RBC wrote earlier, now, according to federal law"On State Secrets", the right of a citizen to leave Russia may be temporarily (but not more than five years from the date of the last acquaintance with secret information; with an extension of up to ten years) limited if the citizen has access to information of "special importance or "top secret". To access such information, an employee must have a first or second degree of access to state secrets.