How to get to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Everyone who has set himself the task of getting a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation or in a department controlled by him must be prepared for a serious competitive selection. The presence of excellent physical shape and good health is not a guarantee of success and a guarantee of employment: each applicant must have a number of equally important personal characteristics and qualities.

Applicants must be ready to help the population in the most difficult life situations: during natural disasters, man-made disasters, not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world, therefore, in addition to physical training, it is important psychological characteristics and theoretical knowledge in related industries.

Lifeguards are a highly sought after profession. The ranks of rescuers are constantly replenished with young and promising personnel.

Information about vacancies in the capital and regions is posted on the website of the department and its territorial divisions.

In addition, information about vacancies in the ranks of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are regularly updated in employment services.

Key requirements for employment

Each candidate applying for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations must confirm his professional suitability for work in this department.

Recruitment will be hindered by the following factors:

  • provision of false documents or inaccurate information;
  • lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation (with the exception of a number of cases specified in federal legislative acts);
  • the presence of health problems that may interfere with the performance of professional duties;
  • the presence of administrative penalties or a criminal record (including conditional);
  • the presence of close relatives in related positions.

If there is one or more listed factors Employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be impossible. If we talk about the key requirements that apply to candidates, in addition to the absence of the above circumstances, there are several more factors.

These include:

  • compliance with age criteria (on average - from 18 to 40 years);
  • excellent health, good physical data;
  • the presence of education and specialization corresponding to vacant positions (an advantage will be the education of a driver, fireman, rescuer, diver, etc.);
  • providing a full package of required documents and confirmation of consent to the processing of personal data;
  • successful completion of the test.

Men must have a military ID.

As a rule, employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is allowed after military service - specialists who have undergone such training are willingly hired.

How candidates are screened

If the applicant for employment vacant position corresponds necessary requirements, he is invited for testing.

Service specialists responsible for the employment of newcomers check the applicant's physical and professional readiness to work in the structure. In addition, the psychological stability and behavior of the candidate for a vacancy in a stressful situation is checked.

Psychological testing is given special attention, because during the work, rescuers often face human grief and see what not everyone can endure.

In this regard, the candidate for the vacancy passes the following tests:

  • multifactorial testing (for example, Luscher color testing, Leri's social questionnaire, etc.);
  • narrow-profile testing (performed by psychologists of the service using various methods, for example, according to the developments of B. Bass).

After passing the test, the psychologist of the service conducts an additional individual interview with the candidate. In some cases, the interview is conducted using a polygraph. As a rule, testing of the candidate is carried out within a few hours. One part of the tasks is performed in a group together with other applicants for vacancies, the second part is done individually.

What documents are needed for employment

The package of documents that is submitted when applying for a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is relatively small.

The list of required documents includes:

  • civil passport of the candidate;
  • a document confirming that the candidate has received a secondary special or higher education);
  • military ID (relevant for men);
  • work book (if the candidate has one).

In addition, depending on the position for which the candidate is applying, some other documents may be required (driver's license, certificate confirming the completion of medical courses, and others).

If the applicant has documents that confirm any personal achievements, they can also be included in the general package of documents for submission. These documents may be recommendations or positive characteristics from previous jobs, sports certificates, certificates indicating advanced training or the acquisition of additional skills.

The candidate must be confident in himself and in his abilities, positively different from other applicants. He should try to make a good impression on the selection committee or the specialist responsible for the admission of new personnel.

The procedure for filing documents and employment

There are two ways to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The first involves preliminary training in a specialized college or university, which guarantees subsequent employment. The second method involves an independent search for vacancies, submission of documents and passing the test.

The procedure for this looks like this:

  • search for vacancies on the Internet or by visiting the department in person;
  • preparing a package of documents and submitting it to the personnel department of the organization;
  • verification of documents by specialists responsible for the reception of employees;
  • with all required documents- passing the test;
  • interview with the service psychologist;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • internship and certification with subsequent enrollment in the state.

If there are several applicants for the same position, the candidate who has shown the best results and most closely matches the advertised vacancy is selected.

The decisive factor may be the courage of the candidate, his desire to serve people and save them from disasters - if he has such qualities, he will be very happy at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Note that service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is available not only for men, but also for women. The latter, for example, can get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a psychologist or nurse. If you have a specialized education, this is quite easy to do.

Speaking about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which stands for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, people immediately imagine a rescuer, a person who puts out fires. But the duties of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations include not only extinguishing fires, but also rescuing people from difficult emergencies. For example, floods, road accidents, or a tree has fallen and blocked traffic - all this must be eliminated by the rescuer.

There are even cases when the Ministry of Emergency Situations receives a call for help to remove a helpless kitten from a tree. Often people cannot open the door of the apartment and call the Ministry of Emergency Situations to break the door or the handle.

First, lifeguard at work constantly risking his life. He has to follow the orders of his superior. He puts his life at risk knowing that his wife and children are waiting at home. But who, if not employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will troubleshoot and save many lives?

What should be a real lifeguard?

  1. Decisive.
  2. Purposeful.
  3. Not afraid to risk his life to save another.
  4. Disciplined.
  5. Ability to work in a team, team.
  6. Ability to adapt to uncomfortable conditions.
  7. Excellent physical data.
  8. Ability to respond quickly.
  9. Do not engage in amateur activities, but listen to the orders of the boss.
  10. Excellent health.

Advantages of working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

  • Wage. Since the work of a rescuer is quite difficult, workers receive good wages. This ensures the life of the family and allows you to go on vacation on vacation to take a break from work.
  • MCH is considered federal service, That's why delays wages can not be. It is paid twice a month. There are also benefits, social benefits, early retirement than other jobs.
  • Career. If a person starts from the usual acting duties, then after the time has passed, the experience increases, the length of service becomes longer. The employee rises higher in rank and can reach the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Organization over yourself. Each employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, like the military, must constantly be in the best physical shape. In addition, you need to be collected, clearly know your duties and not panic in emergency situations. A person gets used to this way of life and can no longer live without a schedule and time tracking.
  • saving lives. The rescuer, of course, prevents many not only human, but also animal losses. This is incredible happiness and gratitude from relatives and friends.
  • Service to the Motherland. Only a true patriot who will serve his country can work as a lifeguard. A person is proud that he helps the Fatherland.

Cons of working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

  • Being a lifeguard is, of course, prestigious. But danger is everywhere. You can suffocate from smoke during a fire, or a burnt roof has collapsed and blocked the exit.
  • Secondly, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flexible schedule. That is, they do not have a clear distribution of time, like office workers. You can't go home until you've done the work. And, perhaps, the rescuer himself will not leave the burning house and go home. And did the job - walk boldly. They can also call for an emergency call at night.
  • Influence on the psyche. In fact, it is very difficult to often see the grief and suffering of people. Whether you are a persistent, “iron” person, you still will not remain indifferent.
  • A lot depends on the decisions of the rescuers. There are cases when a false call comes in. But even an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is obliged to respond to it. After all, it is not clear on the phone whether it is a false call or not. And if suddenly the rescuer considers the call false, and he is actually truthful, then people sue, and the employee can be fired.

Features of work

A feature of the work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is that rescuers must work not only within the city, but also outside it. For example, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are looking for a person lost in the forest. Rescuers also go to the places of natural and social disasters. If a misfortune happened, and there are not enough workers in the settlement, then rescuers from other regions and cities leave to help.

Every year you can see on TV or hear on the radio that in the spring, while fishing, an ice floe broke off, on which a large number of fishermen remained. And so, rescuers come to the rescue again. They on inflatable boats they swim to the ice floe and carefully, one by one, take people to the shore.

It may also be that people cannot leave the house because of the flood, because everything around was flooded with water. Then the rescuers, again, sail on boats and evacuate the victims.

In theory, not every man can become a rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies. This requires not only excellent physical fitness, endurance, strong character, determination, but also the mind, quick thinking. You need to be able to quickly get down to business, understand the scope of work and proceed to its implementation. And for a woman, this work is doubly difficult. Or you can even say that it does not suit the female sex, because girls are emotionally and spiritually weaker than the opposite sex.

The mistake of some rescuers is amateur performance. These are, of course, isolated cases, but still. The rescuer, without listening to the order of the chief, proceeds to the task. This can lead to failure, death of people. In this case, the employee will not go unpunished.

Honorary workers and those who deserve praise are awarded state awards. This is done by the president of the country. But the best reward is, without a doubt, saving a life.

Summing up, we can say that work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is very difficult. Every day, unfortunately, accidents happen around the world. And who, if not a lifeguard, comes to the rescue? Despite everything, he goes forward without stopping, because every second is precious. There are cases when it was not possible to save a person, which is very sad. And the rescuer feels, experiences, empathizes. But you can’t give a feeling to emotions, because there is still a question of someone’s life or even society ahead.

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2009 N 626
"On the procedure for selecting citizens for service (work) in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated July 11, 2004 N 868 "Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters", by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2005 N 385 "On the Federal Fire Service" and in order to ensure high-quality selection of citizens of the Russian Federation for admission to the service (work) in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, I order:

2. Heads of structural divisions of the central office of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, divisions of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, educational and research institutions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the heads of organizations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Instruction on the procedure for selecting citizens for service ( work) to the federal fire service of the State Fire Service.

S.K. Shoigu

The procedure for selecting candidates for service (work) in the federal fire service has been established.

The requirements for the age and level of education of candidates coincide with the requirements for employment in the internal affairs bodies. There are also restrictions on recruitment. So, the candidate must not have a criminal record (including canceled or withdrawn).

The organization of work on the selection of candidates is entrusted to the heads of organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and personnel services. Such work includes informing the population about the procedure for admission to the service (work) and its conditions; vocational orientation activities with the population; direct search for candidates; initial explanatory interviews (consultations) with the candidate.

At the initial stage, the candidate submits an application, fills out a questionnaire and writes an autobiography (their forms are given in the appendix). Then he goes to the head structural unit where the job is supposed to be for the initial interview.

In case of passing the interview, the candidate is sent for a medical examination and psychophysiological examination. The information provided by them is being verified. If necessary, access to state secrets is issued.

How to get a job in the fire department?

I have been asking myself this question ever since it was time to decide on future profession. Here I had no doubts - since childhood I dreamed about. I dreamed of something, but getting a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations was not so easy.

There are a lot of problems and nuances, rather strict requirements and not very many vacancies, but everything can be overcome. I will tell you honestly and in detail about how I nevertheless got a job of my dreams, but in which city the business took place, I will not write. I do not think that the order of admission differs in something cardinal, if only in insignificant trifles.

So, me. I have a secondary education (11 classes), I served in the Armed Forces, I have no work experience.

No connections, no acquaintances, he came, as they say, from the street. I decided to start with the part that is closer to home.

I shaved, polished my boots, collected my papers and left. In the unit, the sentry asked me to whom and why I came, wrote it down in a journal, then took me to the head of the unit.

Here the first bummer was waiting for me - there are no vacancies in this part, and the first hope - after a short conversation, the boss advised me to contact the detachment, the personnel department - perhaps there are vacancies in other parts.

He gave me the address, wished me good luck - in general, I was lucky with him. In the detachment, face control is more serious - they demanded documents, issued a pass, and sent me to the personnel department. The personnel officer said that there are vacancies (hooray!), As many as two. The position of a firefighter, but one is certified, and the other is for free employment.

The difference between a certified position and a civilian one in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The main and most important thing is shoulder straps. Well, there, respectively, the salary is different, and social guarantees, and the possibility of retiring on preferential terms. I am still very far away, but of course, I want to be certified. Moreover, if something does not work out, then it is easier to get a civilian position.

The personnel officer glanced at the documents and handed over the forms of the questionnaire and autobiography, which had to be filled out.

The survey was impressive. In addition to the standard data on education, marital status and work experience, a bunch of information is also needed. For example, about family. Parents, brothers, sisters, wives (including former ones), children - all these are close relatives, about whom you need to indicate where and when they were born, where they work, live, whether they changed their surname, and if they changed, then the previous surname must also be indicated. That's when I was really glad that I was single.

The next spread of the questionnaire is information about places of work. Place of work, position, date of admission and dismissal, reason for dismissal. And then I was glad for the second time that I had not worked anywhere yet.

A detailed autobiography is also needed - they even demand to write about hobbies.

Personnel officers carefully read all this, compare it with documents, and ask questions. Rejoiced when they learned that they had finished music school- In the Ministry of Emergency Situations, sufficient attention is paid to amateur performances, therefore they need creative individuals.

Yes, by the way - there is a tricky item in the questionnaire - the attitude to military duty. I thought (or rather, did not think) and wrote "positive". They laughed, explained that it was necessary to write “conscripted” or “non-conscripted”, the questionnaire was advised to rewrite.

Sent for a conversation to the deputy for personnel. There are questions from “Why did you choose the fire department” to “what book are you reading now?” But according to the results of the conversation, the decision was tentatively positive - I was given referrals for the passage of VVK and TsPD.

So, summing up the first day, I will lay out the list.

List of documents for the first interview

  1. Passport
  2. Military ID (or registration certificate)
  3. Education document
  4. Employment record, if any

Passage of VVK and TsPD upon admission to the service

The intended position is indicated on the direction. The destination group depends on it - from 1 to 4. The highest requirements for the first group are those who directly work on the fire. Accordingly, the requirements for 4 are the most loyal, usually office workers - personnel officers, financiers, support service.

VVK is a military medical commission. The thing is serious, doctors check not like in the military registration and enlistment office (“No complaints? Good!”). While I was sitting in queues, I talked to the people - many were hacked to death in connection with what they did not even suspect. Flat feet (some very initial degree, but still), deviated septum, imperfect vision - in general, little things that do not interfere in everyday life, but in extreme conditions can play a fatal role.

I, too, did not go smoothly from the very beginning - height and weight were insufficient. Yes, my height is slightly below average, my weight is corresponding to my height, not a wild boar, but not a dead man either. However, they turned around and advised me to contact the directing organization.

In the personnel department, a very interesting paper was given for such a case - a petition. Of course, I don’t remember the exact wording, but the meaning is this - since there are many objects with difficult places in the area where ordinary people cannot get through, the part needs employees with a non-standard complexion, which is the candidate. Therefore, we ask for further investigation.

As I understand it, this is quite a common practice, because I have seen similar petitions from others.

Otherwise, the passage of the IHC is a rather long procedure, it is unlikely that it will be possible to run around all the doctors in one day.

CPD is a center for psychological diagnostics, where psychological selection. It's also an attraction. First, a bunch of all sorts of tests with some unrealistic number of questions. All sorts of questions, from complex tasks for intelligence, to "do you pay for baggage if there is no conductor in the cabin." In addition to questions - tests for attention, memory, reaction speed, then a conversation with a psychologist. As a result of the conversation, many were sent to take some tests again or were given additional ones.

If you have tattoos, piercings, jewelry, or signs of belonging to a subculture, be prepared for additional questions. The same goes for scars - they will definitely ask where.

The results of passing both the VVK and the CPC are not handed out - personnel officers come for them, and they receive them. My documents were in frames three weeks after the passage.

Special check of the candidate

A special check is the same “breaking through the bases” for criminal records and, in general, any relationship with law enforcement agencies.

Remember, all close relatives were indicated in the questionnaire? So, these data are needed specifically for special verification. If one of the relatives has a criminal record, this may be the basis for refusal (in fact, it all depends on the degree of kinship, on what article the conviction and its prescription).

But you, that is, the candidate himself, are checked more seriously - any administrative violations and arrests matter here. Also, a request is sent at the place of residence, according to which a district police officer should come to your house, make inquiries - he can talk with household members, with neighbors.

This is the longest stage of verification, since the document is classified and is sent by field communications.

The most difficult part is passed - special checks, medical examination, testing. Everything turned out to be without problems for me - the special check, as they said, was “clean”, the conclusions of the VVK and TsPD, too.

Final step and decision

Now to the head of the unit in which I will work - they also need to fill out a whole bunch of documents. What impressed me the most was the guarantee. You need to find a person from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the Ministry of Internal Affairs who can vouch for you in writing. I didn’t have such acquaintances, so the head of the guard wrote such a guarantee for me. We saw each other for the first time, from which I concluded that this was just a formality.

Also - a certificate from the inspection of the ZhBU, that is, living conditions, mine. In theory, my immediate superior comes to my place of residence, checks the conditions in which I live, talks with neighbors (you need to provide the data of three neighbors) and then concludes whether I am worthy to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and whether I need to improve living conditions. The words “the apartment has the necessary set of furniture and household appliances(table, 4 chairs, bed, TV, refrigerator).

In fact, no one came to me, I wrote the certificate myself according to the model, the boss only signed.

Documents left for a personal file - a characteristic from the spot latest work(in my case, an army characteristic), copies of documents (passport, SNILS, TIN, military man, certificate, rights if any).

Fire trucks that go to the call

Well, everything, it remains to wait for the order to appoint an intern by position. The internship lasts from three to six months.

It took me a month and a half from the moment of the first interview to the order, this is not very long, people get settled for half a year.

The dream turned out to be quite feasible, I got a job at. And, to be honest, it’s difficult, sometimes scary and hard, but it’s so cool that I can’t imagine myself by anyone else. I can confidently say that I have chosen my profession.

Additionally, below Blok Read like this the same information about salaries and other social guarantees.

How to get into the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (video)