A colossal experience. Viktor Korochkin: Spartakiad is a colossal experience

How did you start your career in the company?

I came to MEGAPOLIS in 2003 as a credit controller, and before that I worked as a client relations manager in financial institution... What attracted me to the company was that it was major distributor with a good reputation and opportunities for professional and career growth. The credit department in "MEGAPOLIS" was just being created then, and I had a lot to learn. And so it happened: after a year and a half I became a senior credit controller, and five years later - deputy head of a department. In my opinion, the management appreciated my initiative, the generation of ideas and their implementation, as well as my readiness to replace colleagues in the work, if the need arose.

What achievements are you proud of?

During my tenure as head of the credit department of the Treasury, the volume of clients' overdue debt to the company has significantly decreased, which made it possible to improve the indicators of accounts receivable turnover and reduce the amount of involved working capital. Together with the sales department, we automated work with key counterparties, analyzed the quality of payment discipline, refined and automated systems for assessing the solvency and verification of counterparties.

How did the company assess your services?

I was awarded a gold badge "For contribution to the development of the company." At that time, this award was received by only 20 managers of the company with a staff of 14.5 thousand employees. It was a great honor for me to be among valuable employees"MEGAPOLIS".

There are foreign shareholders among the owners of MEGAPOLIS. How does their presence affect corporate culture and the style of the company?

We are a transparent company, and this guarantees paid vacations and white wages. We also receive subsidies for meals in the corporate canteen and health insurance... Every year we have staff assessments. It allows managers to continually improve their skills, receive additional education and predict an increase. wages upon reaching a certain result. The Corporate University, created in the company, also helps in this, which allows to improve the qualifications of employees on a targeted basis, which ultimately has a positive effect on the company's performance. Every year there are more and more opportunities for professional and personal growth. So, this year employees have the opportunity to assess the heads of departments using the "360 degrees" method. Thanks to feedback with our subordinates we see our strengths and weaknesses and we also get an incentive to develop further.

Many top managers are faced with overwork. Is this problem urgent for you?

Usually, I stay in the office only when delivering large projects, and I can cope with the current work within the allotted time. However, I am not afraid of periodic overhauls: thanks to new projects and complex tasks, I am growing professionally. For example, in 2015 we opened a United Customer Service Center in Samara. I was directly involved in this process and am very pleased with how great everything turned out for us.

How are new IT technologies affecting your department?

Gradually, computers begin to perform all the routine work: non-payers are automatically charged penalties - before we did it manually. Now every client receives on our website Personal Area where he can see if he has a debt.

MEGAPOLIS has a large staff, many regional offices all around Russia. How do you communicate with each other?

We communicate on e-mail... A corporate magazine is published once a quarter, which tells about the work of different departments. Our internal portal has a section for new employees. It describes the structure of the company, instructions, responsibilities of managers. If a beginner does not understand something, he can ask the administrator questions through a special form "Question - Answer".

Victor Viktorovich Korochkin, general manager The Rugby Federation of Russia for the development of children's and youth rugby, spoke about the development of the sport in our country, the problems that we have to face, and what the Spartakiad gives to the participants.

- What is your direct role here, at the Spartakiad?

- I represent the Rugby Federation as an official, including I represent here Federal center preparation of the sports reserve. This is the organizing organization for this Olympics. So I look after the correctness of the competition. I can say that I am in the role of a commissioner.

- You were here last year at the Universiade. Has anything changed in a year?

- Yes, I was in the same role. I can tell it got hotter (laughs). But seriously, everything was fine last year. The level of performance was quite high. And everything remained at a good level, nothing has changed for the worse.

- Surely this was one of the factors when choosing a venue for the Spartakiad?

- Yes, undoubtedly. We had several applicants, but for various reasons they refused. Therefore, the choice fell on Belgorod, which successfully hosted the Universiade. There are, of course, some things that need to be worked on, but I think we will fix them if we continue to work in the future. The main thing we need for big rugby is a second field. This is necessary primarily in order not to "kill" one field. 29 games on one field is a lot, and if it also rains ... And all rugby players love natural fields. I think there are prospects here in Belgorod.

- Returning to the conversation about youth rugby, how would you assess the level of its development in the country at the moment?

- Development goes on every year. Maybe not as fast as we would like. This, of course, is not least related to the questions economic development... We have a lot of teams for children, somewhere under 14 years old. With older children, work is already starting in children's sports schools, which are not enough in rugby in our country. Not all teams have the opportunity to travel to competitions. This is very bad because children have to compete. They are not interested in training, but they need to compete.

On the other hand, we have new regions and new federations. I hope this event will give an impetus to the opening of a children's and youth sports school here in Belgorod. The federation here is very good, the guys are proactive, eager to work and develop.

We have a global task - to denser the Central Federal District, to create other rugby centers around Moscow in the regions, so that there is transport accessibility- took a bus and came to the competition in Tambov, Voronezh, Ryazan, Belgorod, etc. We have a big country - you can't fly to Krasnoyarsk.

- What are the problems facing the development of rugby in the regions?

- Of course, financial problems play an important role. But there are others. For example, for a long, long time they do not open a rugby branch in Nizhny Novgorod... This sport has existed there for many years, there is a good team. But in the sports school there is not a single bet on rugby, although there are 32 bets on football. And this is the story in almost all regions.

Another problem is the availability of sites. There are no fields - either they were once “rolled up” in synthetics, or residential complexes were built in their place.

There is also a problem with the coaching staff. First of all, it is related to the level of salaries. At the initial level, when a coach just comes to a children's sports school, his salary is 6 thousand rubles. It is very difficult to live on this money. Of course, when the years pass and the coach has good results, good children, then the salary becomes good. But we have to come to this, not everyone can stand it, not all coaches are ready to endure.

- What regions can be named among the leaders in rugby?

- Traditionally, this is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are two super clubs there, a well-functioning training system, many coaches, and many children's schools. The Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory are developing very well now. The Kaliningrad region is actively developing from the so-called children's regions. There are still many new regions for rugby where they want and can develop this sport.

- How easy or difficult is it to attract children for classes now?

- It's actually very easy. Children are doing well, especially in small towns. In Moscow, for example, this is a problem, and for all sports there is a very wide variety of different proposals, satiety. And in the regions, children are doing well.

In addition, we have a general education program designed specifically for lessons at school. There is international program"Get into rugby" - "Get into rugby" is a program entry level, very interesting for children, there is no direct contact, children just play with a ball. Among other things, this is also a large Internet resource on which absolutely all information is laid out for physical education teachers and novice coaches, from what you should have in the lesson to various exercises with which even a novice teacher can organize training.

For the second year in a row, we will participate in Presidential sports games". This is the largest competition among schoolchildren studying not in sports, but in general education schools. Among other sports, rugby is also represented in the finals.

- For example, at the last Universiade, teams from 63 universities took part in the qualifying competitions. Student sports are developing very strongly, and they are feeding children from schools and sections. As they grow up, they continue to play for student teams. Plus we have a very large amateur league. This is a very big positive point.

- In your opinion, what does the Spartakiad give its participants? What will they return home with?

- This is, first of all, colossal experience... Children and youth sports schools very interested in participating in such competitions, as this is the result of their work. Therefore, the inclusion of our sport in the program of various youth and youth competitions contributed to a significant rise in the work of sports schools.

Another important positive point is the atmosphere of the competition. Our children are mostly non-conflicting, they are friends with each other, communicate, despite what is happening on the field. Note that rugby is played first, and then they shake hands. The main principles of rugby are friendship, solidarity and respect. Rugby has a very big educational moment.

- What can you say about the results and teams in the girls' tournament?

- There are a lot of unexpected results. The level of the teams has grown a lot in comparison with the last Spartakiad, just a cut higher. It turned out that they have no obvious favorites.

But the tournament promises to be very interesting for young men as well. Krasnoyarsk, as a rule, is always ready well. But all the teams that follow him are very good and interesting. First of all, these are the teams of the Moscow Region and Krasnodar Territory. We don't know what to expect from Rostov. At the Russian championship, I really liked the team of St. Petersburg. Kaliningrad can also "hook" someone. So the boys will be very interesting too.

Building a sales department. Ultimate Edition

Konstantin Baksht Management, recruitment The Art of Sales (Peter)

This book is the most popular of all books by Konstantin Baksht, who is one of the three most widely read Russian business authors. It is based on the colossal experience of Konstantin Baksht and dozens of his company's experts in building sales departments.

These are hundreds of projects throughout Russia, from Moscow and Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. And also in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia and the Baltic countries. All the most valuable from the vast practical experience is structured, ordered and set out in this publication, so that you can use the technologies of Konstantin Baksht to build and develop your company's sales department and grow your income.

The fundamental difference between the new edition and the previous ones is that the key sections of two books - "Building a Sales Department" and "Combat Sales Teams" are collected under one cover. All of them have been revised, supplemented and updated as of 2015. The publication is addressed to heads of companies, business owners and those who are just going to create their own business.

It will also be useful to everyone who is thinking about career growth and wants to become professional leader sales.

Stanislav Grabovsky Science fiction None N / A

In 2084, the lives of each of the approximately 100 billion people living on earth are controlled and directed by the Program. The program is a management tool created on the basis of artificial intelligence. An organization is launching a colossal project - the Game.

In this Game, eighteen teenagers from the G18 countries will rule the world. For this purpose, the latest technology monitor in the form of a hologram of our planet has been created. The created computer world one to one reflects the real one, actions in it take place according to the laws of our material world.

But the goal of the Game is to show humanity what awaits it, because ... Russia was able to unravel the Cosmic Code from 1984 numbers on which our world is programmed. And it seems to some that this information, which can be replayed and reversed, but ... Thanks to research on the disclosure of the Cosmic Code, Russians come to the opening of a portal through which alien civilizations finally establish contact with humanity, and this is new knowledge, new technologies that will never allow people to destroy each other.

During World War II, Kubi served in the Wehrmacht, fought in France and on the Eastern Front. He described the ordinary life of a German soldier in letters that he sent from the front, and in almost daily diary entries. Using his combat experience and colossal documentary material, including archives and memoirs, the author presented iconic figures of commanders and political figures - participants in the events - military officers and ordinary soldiers of the opposing sides.

In his research, Kubi sought to give an objective assessment of "those last, crazy days" in the spring of 1945.

How to rise from the ashes. Self-improvement method

Igor Nikulin Garden and Vegetable Garden Summer resident online

Gardening can be much easier than you think. It is only necessary to pay attention to the experience of growing not only flowers, but also vegetables in containers, mastered abroad for a long time. For some summer residents, this is the only option to get a good harvest without spending colossal efforts and money.

Indeed, many garden crops can be content with a small amount of land. With containers, and these can be different containers - from boxes to pots, it is convenient to work with both the elderly and children. And the inhabitants of the cottages without the risk of spoiling the author's landscape design will be able to grow basic vegetables, spices and herbs without breaking the traditional vegetable garden.

Alyona Volkova, a popular YouTube blogger, talks about all the advantages of container growing in her book. She will also tell you how to minimize a few disadvantages and which varieties have shown particularly outstanding results.

Dentist-universal doctor, Ph.D. Chupakhin Petr Valerievich possesses unique knowledge and colossal work experience. He has over 25 years of medical experience successful work... During this time, more than 30,000 patients were admitted, many of whom had a difficult clinical situation and concomitant pathology. Knowledge base and practical experience doctor was formed during her work as a senior researcher in the department of periodontology of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Diseases and Maxillofacial Surgery, where Pyotr Valerievich worked for more than 17 years from the first days of the foundation of the department. Professors Borovsky E.V., Banchenko G.V., Grudyanov A.I., Makeeva I.M., Kulakov A.A., Gvetandze R.Sh., Ryakhovsky A. N., Rabinovich I.M., Brusova L.A., Orlov A.A. other. With many of them, Petr Valerievich still maintains business and creative relationships. Currently Chupakhin P.V. he himself is actively involved in training young specialists, and his own scientific and practical experience is constantly updated by the study and application of the most modern world developments in the field of dentistry and related disciplines, the latest materials and treatment methods. This is also facilitated by constant participation in scientific forums, as well as additional training from domestic and foreign colleagues.

Systematic approach to disease management

Formed through training and many years of practice systems approach to the management of diseases allows the doctor to accurately identify the cause of the disease, correctly formulate the diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, and the colossal work experience - to clearly perform all clinical treatment stages, see the outcome of the disease and do everything for the patient to recover as soon as possible and restore the functions lost as a result of the disease.
Chupakhin P.V. belongs to a group of specialists, rare today, called a universal dentist, which provides the patient with a unique opportunity to go through all stages of treatment, being in the hands of one specialist, a specialist of the highest category.

Reasonable savings

The main thing a doctor should think about in his work is how to quickly and effectively help a patient.
Turning to P.V. Chupakhin for help, you save both money and time. Just because you do not go through the entire tedious, long and, as a rule, costly journey from one mediocre specialist to another in search of the right treatment approach, but go straight to an expert-class doctor who will offer the most suitable treatment plan for your particular case. In some cases, the time saved in this way - from the moment of going to the doctor to the start of the correct treatment - is of fundamental nature for the outcome of the disease, directly affecting the subsequent quality of your life.

Helping patients of all ages

The knowledge, qualifications and experience of a doctor is more than enough to work with patients of all ages.
Chupakhin P.V. competently and effectively consults and treats both young patients with first milk teeth and elderly patients.

Personal approach to each patient

A doctor's personal approach to each of his patients is the most important condition for successful treatment, the basis and cornerstone in the relationship between doctor and patient. The personal approach allows Petr Valerievich to better understand the primary tasks of the treatment process, to help the patient cope with psycho-emotional experiences that often accompany dental diseases, and also to find the only correct treatment plan that can be formed only through the prism of a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient.
You will never be left without help and attention, because you will always stay in touch with your doctor.

The most effective treatments

In its practical work Petr Valerievich uses only the most modern and, at the same time, proven methods of treatment. Their effectiveness has been proven by a large number of clinical observations, and the accuracy of all stages of treatment, clinical and laboratory, ensures positive long-term results. The use of technically advanced means, materials and methods of treatment is carried out by P.V. Chupakhin. strictly in accordance with the basic tenet of medicine Nolite nocere!

In mid-February ended All-Russian competition"Leaders of Russia", one of the winners of which was Vladimir Glinsky, a graduate of NSUEU. At the competition, he represented the Krasnodar Territory, where he is currently developing two own business projects... Vladimir Glinsky spoke about what it is like to compete with 200,000 contenders for the title of leader in an interview with the correspondent of the Success Stories project.


direction of training "Financial Management"
(year of release - 2001):

1. Describe NSUE in three words.
- Economics, practice, acquaintances (or the now fashionable word "networking").
2. How is success measured?
- Development harmony. Successful person harmonious - in work, career, family, sports, public life... If there is a bias - for me personally, this is no longer a success.
3. How does education affect a person's ability to achieve success in life?
- Education lays the foundation, a person learns to learn. And now the story is such that you have to learn all your conscious life, so whatever base is laid, so it will go in life.
4. Your favorite saying / motto.
- "Do what you must - and come what may", authorship is attributed to several characters.
5. Name 3 books that have influenced you in some way and that you think everyone should read.
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins - helps to understand what makes a company great, what a leader needs to do for this.
Philip Kotler's Marketing Fundamentals is a timeless classic, basic sales stuff.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey - for personal development, understanding where to move in order to achieve great results.

If earlier I combined employment with my own business, then since 2016 I have been working independently. Today I have two areas of activity - the retail online store of finishing materials "Quadrature" and the production and trade company "Door Vopros". Kvadratura was founded in 2009 in Novosibirsk, and currently operates in two federal districts - Siberian and Southern, in 11 cities. And the second company is engaged in the distribution of interior doors under its own trademark in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasian Federal District. At the Leaders of Russia competition, I wanted to represent both companies, but in the end I was signed up as an individual entrepreneur.

In fact, the competition was held in four stages - two correspondence and two full-time. The first stage was for general knowledge and was a series of tests on geography, history, literature and law of Russia. The second correspondence test was much more difficult - to test managerial qualifications, and those who passed it were included in the face-to-face part of the selection. Having passed the correspondence stages, I took part in the semifinals in the Southern Federal District, in Rostov-on-Don. There were 300 people from all over the South of Russia, very strong guys. Of these, 30 people went to the final, similarly from all districts - thus, 300 contestants from all over the country took part in the final in Sochi. The face-to-face part was similar, but with some nuances: we worked in teams of 8-10 people, jointly solved cases, specific business tasks, were individual assignments, also various kinds of testing. In the final, there were several very interesting tasks: conducting a leadership lesson for Sochi schoolchildren, optimizing production using the example of team-making birdhouses, creating a picture of 78 fragments by small teams.

- Which stage was the most difficult?

The most difficult, of course, was the final. At the semifinals, the probability of winning was 1 in 10, and, probably, people didn’t think “I’ll definitely pass”, there was a more friendly atmosphere. In the final, the competition was tougher, only the leaders gathered, and they came to win. Everyone wanted to express and prove their opinion, and it was not always comfortable to work in such a struggle.

Yes, 300 people made it to the finals, and only 100 became the winners, fortunately, I managed to get into their number (the results were announced for clusters of 20 places, I have a second cluster - places from 20th to 40th). In fact, I think that all the finalists were very worthy, and there were no random people there at all. The fight was certainly tough, but very interesting. It seems to me that it was important to focus, concentrate on the result, while remaining oneself and not playing. Not all participants succeeded. As one of my colleagues said at the finals: "If you run a hundred meters, you just need to run fast all hundred meters." I really liked this phrase, I tried to follow it, apparently this brought success.

“As one of my colleagues said at the finals,“ If you’re running a hundred meters, you just have to run fast all hundred meters. ” I really liked this phrase, I tried to follow it, apparently this brought success. "

- “Leaders of Russia” is a colossal experience. I can say for sure that over the past five years, this is the brightest and most useful event that has happened in my professional field. Firstly, this is a very effective training, secondly, it is an opportunity to compare oneself with very strong guys from all over the country, and thirdly, it is an opportunity to personally see and learn from people "from above", to understand how they live and where they are taking us. Fourthly, this is such a "battery charge", which will give its effect, I think, at least a year in advance.

Of course, this affects my work very strongly, many tasks are now solved much faster and with better efficiency than before. In addition, I managed to get acquainted at the competition with many participants, who are now helping with their work - both with advice and with specific deeds. And their expertise is worth a lot: it is independent, tough - but at the same time benevolent. I immediately want to grow further and catch up with the guys in some way.

You graduated from NSUEU with a degree in Financial Management. How was the knowledge gained at the university useful in later life?

In fact, for some time I even worked strictly in my specialty, was engaged in bill schemes in subsidiary jar. Well, in general, it is difficult to imagine a leader without financial literacy, but at NSUEU they provide a very strong base. It was on this basis that I developed throughout my professional activity, so the university was invaluable in this.

- Why did you choose NSUE in due time?

The university was chosen by me due to the fact that it provides a good economic education, and already during my studies at school I became convinced that I needed to do business. It was the 90s, the seething emergence of capitalism in Russia, it was interesting, especially since then money could be earned practically only in private companies. Other options were not even particularly considered, in the city it was practical educational institutions there was not much about business in those years. Moreover, according to statistics, there was always someone to help (father of Vladimir Vladimirovich Glinsky - Head of the Department of Statistics of NSUEU Vladimir Vasilievich Glinsky, ed.).

Vladimir Glinsky: “The university was chosen by me because it provides a good economic education, and already during my studies at school I got the confidence that I need to do business. It was the 90s, the seething emergence of capitalism in Russia, it was interesting, especially since then money could be earned practically only in private companies. "

- What moments from the student body do you like to remember today?

To be honest, I look at today's students and envy them in an amicable way. They have so many opportunities, instant access to any information, a lot of activities that we never dreamed of. In the 90s, you understand, there was a different story, I personally went to work from the second year. There are many situations with work, but in the academy (NSUEU had the status of an academy until 2004, editor's note) there was only time left to fulfill all the requirements educational process... Nevertheless, it was possible, it was not entirely simple, but effective. Friendship was preserved not so much with fellow students, but with the guys from the economic lyceum at the academy. With them we went through the lyceum and study in the national economy, and now we communicate closely, although we live in different parts of the country.

- How did your career develop after graduation? How did you end up in Krasnodar?

As I said, I went to work when I was in my sophomore year. He did a lot of things: he worked in marketing, in sales, in finance, in general management... In 2001, I got into the door industry, and actually grew within its framework. In Novosibirsk, he worked for 8 years in top positions in the Eurodver Group of Companies, which was the leader in this market. In 2009, I received an offer from an Ulyanovsk door manufacturer to head a regional office in the South of Russia, because of this I moved to Krasnodar, where I worked for 7 years in this position, and achieved very decent results with my team. At the same time, the company developed its own business - an online store of finishing materials, opened its branch in the South. In 2016, we decided to deal with doors on our own and organized a production and trade company "Door Vopros", we manufacture and sell interior doors in the South and the Caucasus.

- Do you follow the life of the university now? If so, how do you assess the changes taking place in it?

I follow, I won't say that intently, but I really hear a lot from my father about what is happening at the university. I am very glad that the material base of the university is developing, we did not have such a pool or such luxurious classrooms. It's great that they strengthen the teaching staff, because this is the most important thing. I hope that this year the university will successfully pass accreditation and will develop further - powerfully and confidently.

- What advice would you give to students?

I would advise you to put into practice what you are taught. That which will not be applied will be forgotten instantly, and it is worth repeating 40 times - and this is already a habit. Paying close attention to practice is an opportunity to make useful contacts. Use every opportunity to "tie up" with potential employers... I don’t know how it is in Siberia now, but, for example, in the South, good vacancies do not get into open sources at all. Well, I also advise you to prepare for the "digital economy" and automation - it looks like this topic will haunt us in subsequent years stronger and stronger.

Yulia Toropova

Photo from the personal archive of the graduate