Determine the results of management on various. Results of economic activity of the enterprise

The ratio of individual parts of the population to each other

115. To reduce the sampling error calculated under mechanical selection, you can:

Increase sample size

116. An empirical correlation relation is:

The share of intergroup dispersion in the total

The index is ... a relative value obtained by comparing the levels of complex socio-economic indicators in time, space or with a plan

The numerical indicators by which the object is characterized are reflected in the ___ of the statistical table. predicate

To measure seasonal waves in relative terms, methods are used ... moving averages; moving sums and moving averages

The stages of statistical observation include ... statistical observation, primary processing, summary and grouping of observation results, analysis of the resulting summary materials

Statistical data characterizing changes in a phenomenon over time are called ___ series. dynamic

Checking statistical observation data for reliability involves ... syntactic, logical and arithmetic (counting) control

Depending on the result economic activity absolute values ​​are called ... positive and negative

The stages of correlation analysis do not include ... verification of the reliability, accuracy and validity of the forecast.

According to the type of indexed indicators, the indices are divided into indices of ... quantitative, qualitative and cost indicators

A survey presented as a way to obtain statistical information is called ... correspondent

The basis of statistical methodology is ... statistical methods for studying mass social phenomena

The indicators of variation are ... mode and median

According to the analytical expression in statistics, _______ connections are distinguished. linear and curvilinear

Reducing each feature value by 2 times leads to ... a decrease in variance by 4 times

According to the method of construction and the tasks of the image, statistical graphs are divided into ... diagrams and statistical maps

Goskomstat was transformed into Rosstat on the basis of ... the Constitution of the Russian Federation

There are the following types of absolute values ​​... general and individual

In the classification of methods for selecting units from the general population, ___ selection methods are distinguished. single-phase, multi-phase

Approximate calculation of unknown levels lying inside the time series is called ... interpolation

According to the form of representation of the level of the series, the series of dynamics are ... moment and interval

Charts that depict the dimensions of a feature in the form of rectangles arranged horizontally are called ... strip charts.

A table in the subject of which the population is divided into groups not according to one, but according to several criteria, is called ... combinational

According to the technique of material execution, statistical reports are divided into ... mechanized and manual

The following data are available on the retail turnover of the enterprise by quarters for 2010, million rubles:

The relative values ​​of the structure of the retail turnover of the enterprise by quarters will be equal to ...

The coefficient in pairwise regression is ... an empirical measure of the closeness of the relationship between variables and

A form of continuous statistical observation of long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, stage of development and a fixed end is ... register observation

The program and methodological issues of the observation plan determine ___ observations. purpose, object, unit and program

The activities of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia are managed by ... The Government of the Russian Federation

The subject of statistics is ... the size and quantitative ratios of socio-economic phenomena, the patterns of their connection and development

is the formula ... of the arithmetic mean index of physical volume

Variation indicators are divided into ... absolute and relative

There is data on the population of one of the regions of Russia for 2005–2010, million people:

A complex bar chart would look like...

To identify the main development trend is not used ... autocorrelation

Statistical series that characterize the size of the phenomenon under study for certain periods of time are called series ... interval

'Confidentiality' in statistics means that … data about individuals may never be shared with others, or only in cases provided for by law or a court decision????????

The difference between statistics and other social sciences is that it ... studies the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of social phenomena

Using the formula, find the structural average, called ...

The main units of measurement for relative quantities are ...

ratios, percentages, ppm, decimille, etc.

Statistical grouping is called ...

breakdown of units of the population according to the selected attribute

The organization of a statistical summary does not include the stage of ... calculating the interval and determining the interval series

When measuring the closeness of the relationship between two qualitative alternative features, you can apply the coefficient ... association

Among the units of measurement, to characterize absolute values, they use ... natural, cost, labor indicators

The total number of employees of the company is 20 people, and the minimum and maximum income, respectively, is 10,000 and 25,000 rubles. The interval for grouping company employees by income level will be equal to ... 3000

The main objective of regression analysis is ... to determine the type of mathematical function that describes the dependence of the average value of the variable y on the allowable changes in factor variables

The enlargement of the time periods to which the dynamics series belong is called the method ... of the enlargement of the intervals

A number of indices of the same phenomenon, calculated with a base comparison changing from index to index, is called a system of ... chain indices

For proper random and mechanical sampling of the non-repetitive selection method for a share, the marginal sampling error is determined by the formula ...

Non-repetitive, single-stage sampling with a separate selection unit from the general population refers to __________ selection method. actually random

According to the formula, where - variant, and - frequency, find the average ... arithmetic weighted

A statistical summary is called ... the systematization and calculation of the totals of registered facts and data

1. The general index of labor productivity (in terms of labor intensity) is ...

Time series analysis

2. The ratio of the absolute increase in the level of the series for the time interval to the growth rate for the same period of time calculates the indicator

absolute value of 1% increase+

3. According to the analytical expression, correlations can be ...


4. The unit of observation of the population is ...

5. The economically active population is ... (indicate the most complete answer).


6. To study the dynamics of the volume of industrial production, the index ___ is used, which characterizes the change in the mass of manufactured products in comparable periods.

physical volume of trade+

7. When calculating the human development index, do not take into account:

material conditions of existence+

8. Institutional units whose main function is to produce goods for sale at profit-making prices belong to the sector ...

non-financial corporations+

9. Current accounts include an account ...

income generation+

10.GDP at market prices, when determined by the production method, is calculated as the sum of ...

gross value added of all sectors of the national economy +

11. The balancing item of the production account for a branch of the economy or sector of the economy is ...

gross value added+

12. Relative indicators of budget revenues include ...

the ratio of revenue and expenditure parts of the budget +

13.Financial result production activities an enterprise, which is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works and services and their cost, is called ...

gross profit+

14. One of the indicators used to control the dynamics of the money supply, as well as to analyze the possibilities of commercial banks to increase the amount of credit investments in the country's economy, is ...

money multiplier+

15. The system of indicators reflecting the density of distribution of banking institutions includes ...

number of banking institutions per 100 thousand people+

16.Statistical information can be obtained...

conducting a specially organized collection of information from units of the statistical population +

17. Characterization of selected groups with the help of statistical indicators is called ...

18. Absolute values ​​​​can be expressed in ...

kilometers, kilograms+

19. The fashion in the distribution series is ...

variant, which is more common +

20. To identify the form of influence of some factors on others, the method of ______ analysis is used.


21. If data are available at the beginning and end of the period, then the average population is calculated using the formula for the average ...

arithmetic simple+

22. By dividing the total amount of annual cash income by 12 and the average annual population, determine ... the average per capita cash income of the population per month +

23. Accumulation accounts include ...

financial account+

24. According to the income generation account, the “Use” column reflects articles ...

gross profit of the economy+

salary employees+.

25. The overall financial stability ratio (autonomy ratio) characterizes ...

share own funds in the total value of the sources of funds of the enterprise +

26. Depending on the level of credit risk, loans are divided into …

standard, non-standard, dubious, hopeless+

28. The census of the population of Russia is

one-time, specially organized, continuous observation+

29. The division of the studied qualitatively heterogeneous population into classes, socio-economic types, homogeneous groups of units in accordance with the rules of scientific grouping is called

typological grouping+

30. When comparing the indicators of each subsequent level with the previous one, the dynamics indicators are determined by _____ methods

31. The average value characterizes..

the level of development of the phenomenon as a whole in the aggregate with a large number of observations +

31. Relative values ​​of the structure characterize ...

the composition of the phenomenon and show what proportion in the total total is each of its parts +

32. The average level of the absolute values ​​of the interval series of dynamics with levels equally spaced in time is defined as the average ...

simple arithmetic+

33. Correlation ratio is used for ...

definition of factorial variation+

34. The coefficient of natural population growth characterizes __________ of the population.

natural movement+

35. The totality of establishments engaged in one or predominantly one type of production activity is

branch of the economy+

36. The current classification of budget expenditures does not provide for grouping by ...

technical purpose+

37. When calculating the average price level, if indicators of the quantity of goods in physical terms are used as weights, the average formula is used ...

arithmetic weighted+

38. Indicator reflecting total objects located in a certain, predetermined territory that can be accepted for insurance under a certain type of insurance contract is called ...

the size of the insurance field +

39. The subject of the study of statistics are ...

statistical aggregates+

41. Random variation reflects ...

intragroup variance+

42. The general index of variable composition is ...

43. The unemployment rate is defined as the ratio of the number of unemployed to ...

economically active population+

44.Gross national income is calculated as ...

gross domestic product plus balance of primary income from abroad+

45. According to the primary income distribution account, the column “Resources” reflects articles ...

gross profit of the economy and gross mixed income+

production and import taxes+

property income from the Rest of the World+

46. ​​In order to bring disparate levels of a series of dynamics to a comparable form, the technique is used ...

bringing the series of dynamics to the same base +

47. On the basis of the series of distribution of the population by income, it is not determined ...

real disposable cash income+

48. The System of National Accounts (SNA) is ...

a system for calculating macroeconomic indicators built as a set of interconnected accounts and balance sheets+

49. Gross output consists of output ...

products, market services, non-market services, indirectly measured financial intermediation services+

50. When calculating the indicators of the structure of regional and local taxes, determine ...

the share of all taxes in the total amount of revenues of budgets of all levels +

51. The value of products and services produced in the reporting period, which is the starting point for calculating the gross domestic product at the production stage, is an indicator such as ...

gross output+

52. Sectors of the economy include (s) ...


53. The essence of statistical observation is

systematic, scientifically based collection of massive data on phenomena public life+

Topic: Labor market statistics

54. Workers hired for a period of at least five days belong to ...

payroll +

55. The indirectly measured services of financial intermediaries and the cost of paid services to customers are included in the gross output of an industry such as…

finance (banks and other financial intermediaries)+

56. If the index of fixed composition was 250%, the index of structural shifts was 150%, then the price index of variable composition increased by _____%.

57. According to the level of measurement, the signs possessed by units of the statistical population are divided into ...

quantitative and non-quantitative+

59. The prices at which enterprises sell manufactured products for industrial, technical and consumer purposes to other enterprises or marketing organizations are called ...


There is information on the elements of economic assets included in the national wealth (million rubles): fixed assets - 400, cash - 1100, circulating assets - 170, monetary gold - 3600, valuables - 1000, special drawing rights - 800, expenses for geological exploration - 60, funds software- 50, land - 2750, minerals - 3520, licenses and copyrights - 230, deposits - 370, shares - 1200, original literary and artistic works - 1900, loans - 200. The volume of non-financial assets is equal to ...

Information about the size, composition and distribution of the population is taken from ...


The enterprise has data on hours worked by shifts: the first shift - 12,000 man-days, the second shift - 9,800 man-days.

The shift mode utilization rate is _____%.(12000+9800)/12000/2

Depending on the way the levels are expressed, the series of dynamics are divided into series of relative, average and ___________ values.


Quantitative feature takes two values: 10 and 20. Part of the first of them is equal to 30%. The average value is ...

The relationship between the signs can be considered significant at the value of the linear correlation coefficient ...

We have the following data for April in man-days: 2884 employees worked for the enterprise; all-day downtime amounted to 100; absenteeism at work - 1516; including in connection with days off - 1200. The personnel fund of working time is equal to _______ man-days. (2884 + 100 + 1516-1200)

National wealth is a set of accumulated material wealth, _______ at a given point in time.

which society has

periodic movement of the population from one settlement to another and vice versa, associated with work or study +

The characteristics of an institutional unit are…

carry out operations with other units+

the ability to manage their own material and financial resources +

maintenance of a full set of accounting accounts +

Determine the sector for which the primary income distribution account is built.

«Non-financial corporations»+

The sectors of the economy are…

financial institutions+


The distributive method of calculating GDP is the sum of ...

wages of employees, net taxes on production and imports, gross profit and gross mixed income+

If a named quantity is measured in natural units, then it is called ...

absolute indicator +

The programmatic and methodological issues of statistical observation include ...

determination of the purpose of observation+

The intergroup variance is 30, the total variance is 180. The coefficient of determination is ...

Calculate the average level of working capital for the six months, thousand rubles.

85. A set of units that have mass character, homogeneity, a certain integrity, interdependence of states and the presence of variation are called statistical (th) ...


In statistics public finance the method in which cash flows are recorded when cash is received or paid is called...


One-time observation is accounting ...

housing stock of the population +

An employee for whom the collection of statistical data is a professional activity is called ...


Bringing the received data into the system, their processing and calculation of the results are carried out using the methods ...

summaries and groupings+

General indicator of the market valuable papers called an index...

Dow Jones+

A distribution series is presented that characterizes the number of deposits in Sberbank at the end of each year. The distribution number is...


The regression equation between the unit cost of production and overhead costs is calculated: . This means that as overhead costs rise by 1 ruble, the unit cost of production increases by ...

The ratio of the next level of the dynamics series to the current level is ...

growth factor+

The coefficient showing how much the level of consumption will change when the average per capita income (or price) changes by 1% is called the coefficient


The production of goods and services and their sale at prices, depending on the impact on demand, are called ...

market, non-market

Financial assets do not include...


If each value of the attribute is increased by 10 units, then the average ...

will increase by 10+

The value of goods consumed (excluding the consumption of fixed capital) and market services consumed in the production of other goods and services in a given period is ...

intermediate consumption+

If, after the calculations, the vitality coefficient is greater than one, then ...

excess of the number of births over the number of deaths+

The list number of employees of the enterprise is the number of ...

payroll employees for a certain number of the reporting period +

Depending on the presence of the main trend of the process under study, the series of dynamics are divided into ...

stationary and non-stationary+

Depending on the nature of the studied quantity, indices are distinguished ...

quantitative and qualitative indicators+

The assessment of the significance of the parameters of the regression model is carried out on the basis of ...

Student's t-test+

Fixed capital (funds) refers to ...

produced non-financial assets+

The decile coefficient of income differentiation shows ...

how many times the minimum income of the richest 10% of the population exceeds the maximum income of the 10% of the poorest population +

Current transfers include…

direct current taxes on income+

social security contributions+

Statistical observation is carried out by ...

conducting a specially organized collection of information from units of the statistical population +

The relative indicator of the implementation of the production plan was 103%, while the volume of production increased by 5% compared to the previous period. The plan provided for (-axis)

production growth+

In statistics, there is no such criterion of the standard of living as ...


116. Registration errors can be...

random, systematic+

Gross domestic product is the balancing item in the account...

production of goods and services+

The total value of products and services produced in the reporting period and including all market and non-market products and services is ...

gross output+

An indicator characterizing the intensity of traffic labor resources for a certain period, in particular the turnover rate, is the ratio of _______________ to the average number of employees.

the number of people laid off own will+

Based on the data presented in the table, the modal income is ...

The median in statistics is called ...

the value of the trait that occupies a central position in the distribution series+

A relationship in which a certain value of a factor attribute corresponds to one and only one value of the resulting attribute is called ...


The domestic economy covers the activities of…

non-residents in the economic territory of this country+

residents in the economic territory of a given country+

When comparing the indicators of each subsequent level with the one taken as a base, the dynamics indicators are determined by the _____________ method.


Define account name:

sector production account+

Capital transfers include...

grants for capital construction in other countries+

compensation for losses from natural disasters+

The concept of "production" in the SNA methodology includes ...

production of all goods and services+

illegal production of goods and services+

Groupings of business units in the SNA are carried out according to ...

institutional sectors+


Produced assets include:

fixed capital, inventories+

The purchasing power index of households, reflecting the change in real income, is defined as ...

the volume of goods that could be purchased for the amount of the average per capita disposable cash income of households +

The resident population is the persons ... habitually residing in a given territory, regardless of their location at the time of counting+

If a woman is the main employee of the enterprise and is currently in additional leave childcare, then this worker enterprises are included in ______________ number of employees. list +

With a linear form of communication, the theoretical correlation ratio (R) and the linear correlation coefficient (r) ...

The replacement cost of fixed assets is...

real value of fixed assets at the time of revaluation+

If the actual time worked is divided by the maximum possible fund of working time, then as a result we get the utilization rate of ___________________ working time. maximum possible fund+

According to the data on the average academic score and the number of students in each of the academic groups of the faculty, the average student academic score for the faculty as a whole is determined by the average ...

arithmetic weighted+

If for the same volume labor costs 10% more products were produced, labor productivity

increased by 10%+

Specially organized surveillance includes _______________ of the population.


Intermediate consumption includes the costs of … raw materials for the production of goods and services+

1. Socio-economic statistics uses the method

mass statistical observation

2. “Desperate” workers who would like to work but have stopped looking for a job

no longer counted in the labor force

3. The absolute content of 1% increase, equal to 70 rubles, shows that each percentage increase increases the next level by ______ rubles.

4. Absolute indicator variation, which characterizes the degree of fluctuation of a trait around the average value - this is

standard deviation

5. Absolute growth (chain) is calculated by the formula

6. Absolute growth is calculated as ___________ levels of the series


8. Aggregate price index shows

how many times increased (decreased) on average the level of prices for the mass of goods sold in the reporting period, compared with the base period

9. The share was purchased on the market at a price of 1,100 rubles, the dividend was 100 rubles, the relinquish rate is _____(%) _______ (answer with an accuracy of 0.01)

10. The algebraic sum of linear deviations (differences) of individual values ​​of a feature from the arithmetic mean is equal to

11. Analysis of the tightness and direction of the connection of two signs is carried out on the basis of

pairwise correlation coefficient

12. The analytical expression of the connection is determined using the analysis


13. The balance of labor resources is compiled


14. The balancing function of price is that with its help

a balance is achieved between production and consumption

15. The book value of fixed assets is the cost

on which they are accounted for in the balance sheet of the enterprise

16. Banking system in the Russian Federation has _____ level(s)

17. The block of types of money includes indicators

cash in circulation

non-cash money supply

money multiplier

securities in circulation

18. The block of money supply indicators includes

monetary aggregate M1

19. A team of turners (3 people) is busy turning identical parts during an 8 hour working day. The 1st turner sharpens one part in 10 minutes, the 2nd - 15, the 3rd - 12. The average manufacturing time for one part is (min)

20. In 2005, the store's turnover amounted to 400 million rubles, while the plan was 360 million rubles. the relative indicator of the fulfillment of the trade turnover plan in 2005 amounted to

21. In 2005, the number of births in the region was 23,000 people, the average annual population was 230,000 people. The birth rate for the region in 2005 is ____ (‰) (answer in numbers)

22. In the balance sheet, the net worth of equity is

Non-financial assets + Financial assets- Financial obligations

23. Depending on the range of tasks to be solved, diagrams are distinguished


24. In quantitative terms, the differences between GDP and GNP for developed countries, as a rule, do not exceed __________%

25. Inventory includes

productive reserves

unfinished production

26. Working capital includes

unfinished production

finished products

27. Fixed assets include


28. In February, the volume of sales doubled compared to January, in March it remained the same as in February, and in April, compared to March, it increased by 4 times. Average monthly growth rate compiled (%):

29. In February, the volume of sales doubled compared to January, in March it remained the same as in February, and in April, compared to March, it increased by 4 times. The average monthly growth rate was (%):

30. Gross domestic product is a value

final finished goods and services produced in the territory of a given country

31. Variation is change

feature values ​​in time and/or space

32. The value of banking assets per 100 thousand people reflects

scale of operations of local banks

33. The amount of sampling error is inversely proportional to the square root of _________

sample size

34. The probability of surviving to the age of x + 1 year is calculated by the formula

(lx - number of people surviving to age x)

35. The probability of dying at the age of x years to the age of x+1 is calculated by the formula

36. The type of statistical table is determined by:

static subject

static predicate

37. Newly created value is production

38. The age of three people was (years): 20, 30, 40. The average age will be:

equals 30 years

39. A sample formed by random selection of equal groups with subsequent observation of all units without exception in the selected groups - sample


40. Output in 2005 amounted to 480 thousand rubles, the average annual cost of fixed assets - 240 thousand rubles. The return on assets Ф0 is equal to ______ (answer in numbers)

41. The calculation of the value of money in the current period of time based on the future value is called


42. Freight turnover of transport is measured in


43. The grouping of banks by the amount of balance sheet assets, which reveals the relationship between the amount of balance sheet assets and balance sheet profit, is a grouping


44. Grouping industrial enterprises by form of ownership is an example of grouping


45. A grouping in which a homogeneous population is divided into groups according to a feature is called


46. ​​A grouping that reveals the relationship between the studied phenomena and their features is called


47. Data characterizing the number of contributions to commercial bank at the end of each year, form a series:


50. Monetary aggregate M0 includes

cash in circulation

51. Cash flow is

52. The divisor is determined by the formula (Y is the length of the year in days, i is the annual interest rate (in %))

53. The discount factor is calculated by the formula

60. For a sample of 2,3,7, the arithmetic mean is: 4

61. For sample 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, the median is: 8

62. For a sample of 9, 25, the geometric mean is: 15

63. For the sample series 16, 14, 5, 10, 3, 0, structured into 2 groups with equal intervals, the value of the interval is 8

64. For sample series 3, 6, 9, the variance is 18

65. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the absolute increase is 24

66. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the growth factor is: 4

67. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the growth rate is ____% 300

68. To study stochastic relationships, the method of comparing two parallel series is used.

69. For a visual representation of the series of dynamics, it is advisable to use linear diagrams

70. For a bond with a face value of 1000 rubles. and an annual coupon rate of 22%, the coupon yield is ____ (rub.) 220

71. For a linear pair regression equation, the condition means that with increasing x, the value of y increases

72. For February 2004 calendar time fund of an enterprise unit of 20 people. will be ______ (man-days) (answer in numbers) 580

73. For January 2006, the time sheet fund, if 30 people worked in January, holidays and days off amounted to 12 days, is equal to _____ (man-days) (answer in numbers) 570

74. A document that is an obligation of a bank to pay out deposits placed with them is

certificate of deposit

76. The capacity of the stock exchange market is determined by indicators

number of issuers listed

market capitalization

78. If n is the number of population units, then the Sturgess formula for determining the optimal number of groups k is k = 1 + 3.322×lgN

79. If GDP in current prices amounted to 260 billion rubles, the index - deflator - 1.3., then GDP in comparable prices is _______ (billion rubles) (answer in numbers)200

80. If D is the absolute level of the dividend, Pn is the nominal value of the share, then the annual dividend rate

81. If D - income on a bill; Рpr - the price at which the initial placement of the bill was made, then the profitability of the bill is determined by the formula

82. If Рн is the par value of the bond; ik - annual coupon rate (%), then the coupon yield of the bond

83. If the UK - the amount of the authorized capital; N is the number of issued shares, then the par value of the share (Рн)

84. If Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and minimum values ​​of the attribute, R = Xmax - Xmin is the range of variation, N is the number of population units, then the value of the equal interval

85. If the balance sheet profit is 40 thousand rubles, the cost of fixed and current assets is 250 thousand rubles, then the total profitability is _____ (%)

86. If unemployment is due to a phase of economic recession, then it is unemployment


87. If unemployment is associated with the transition of workers from one job to another, then this is unemployment


88. If the grouping is based on a factor sign, then it is


89. If the value of the linear correlation coefficient is within 0.3-0.5, then the nature of the relationship:

90. If the weights of all individual feature values ​​are increased by 100 times, then the average value of the new feature

Will not change

91. If all units of the population are divided into qualitatively homogeneous groups according to the characteristics on which the studied indicators depend, then this is a sample


92. If all values ​​of a feature are reduced by the same value A, then the variance

Will not change

93. If all individual values ​​of a feature are increased by 100 units, then the average value of the new feature

will increase by 100 units

94. If all individual values ​​of a feature are reduced by 5 times, then the average value of the new feature

decrease by 5 times

95. If the price of turkeys was 125%, then the purchasing power index of money is (%):

96. If the linear correlation coefficient is equal to one, then the relationship between the signs


97. If as of 01.01 the number of unemployed is 6 thousand people, the economically active population is 60 thousand people, then the unemployment rate is ____ (%) (answer in numbers) 10

98. If the overall profitability was 20%, the average annual cost of fixed and working capital is 400 thousand rubles, then the balance sheet profit is ___ (thousand rubles) (answer in numbers) 80

99. If, according to sample data, the average dispersion, then the coefficient of variation is: 0.8

100. If information about the wages of workers in two shops is presented by the equations of earnings and funds wages, then the average salary level should be determined by the formula of the average

3.1. Income of enterprises and their use

Under the income of the enterprise is meant an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of cash, other property and (or) repayment of obligations, leading to an increase in capital. The income of organizations, depending on their nature, conditions of receipt and areas of activity, are divided into income from ordinary activities; operating income; non-operating income and income from other receipts.

Income from ordinary activities is the proceeds from the sale of products, income related to the performance of work, the provision of services.

Operating income is income associated with the provision for a fee for temporary use of the company's assets; receipts related to the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property; proceeds from participation in authorized capital other organizations; the profit received by the enterprise from joint activity; proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except for foreign currency), products, goods; interest received for the provision of the enterprise's funds for use, as well as interest for the bank's use of funds held on the enterprise's account with this bank.

Non-operating income is fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of contractual obligations; assets received free of charge, including under a donation agreement; receipts in compensation for losses caused to the organization; profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year; amounts of accounts payable and receivable for which the limitation period has expired; exchange differences; amounts, revaluation of assets (except for non-current assets); other non-operating income.

The composition of income from other income also includes extraordinary income that arises as a consequence of emergency circumstances (natural disaster, fire, accidents, nationalization of property, etc.); in the form of insurance indemnities, cost material assets remaining from the write-off of assets that are not suitable for restoration and further use, etc.

Home integral part The company's income is its revenue. Revenue is the main source of formation of the company's own financial resources. The use of proceeds is, on the one hand, the beginning of the circulation of funds in the process of the enterprise's production activities, on the other hand, the stage of distribution processes, at which the state's revenue base is formed, as well as the enterprise's own financial resources.

The proceeds received on the accounts of the enterprise are primarily directed to reimbursement of costs associated with the production and sale of products (payment of invoices to suppliers of material resources, fuel, energy, spare parts, components, purchased semi-finished products, etc.). The other part of the proceeds is used to pay wages, to compensate for the depreciation of fixed assets. Taxes, fees and deductions are paid from the proceeds, which are not included in the cost price, but are obligatory to be paid from the proceeds to the budgets various levels(VAT, excises, customs duties, etc.). From the proceeds, the profit of the enterprise is formed, which, after paying taxes, is at its disposal and is directed to solving economic and social problems.

Based normative documents taxation of the proceeds received by the enterprise is carried out in accordance with one method, which is reflected in the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise:

According to the method of shipment (accrual) of goods and presentation of settlement documents to the customer;

By payment method - by receipt of funds to bank accounts or to the cash desk of the enterprise.

The disadvantage of using the first method is the risk of non-receipt of funds associated with the possible insolvency of the payer. For smoothing purposes negative consequences non-payments, enterprises are given the right to form a reserve for doubtful debts. Its value is determined by the enterprise on the basis of an analysis of the size, composition, dynamics of non-payments.

The use of the second method has advantages in relation to the first, related to the fact that the enterprise can timely pay off the budget and extra-budgetary funds, with resource providers and other business partners, having a real cash source at its disposal. However, when making advance payments for shipped products, its consumer may find itself in a difficult situation, since with the actual receipt of funds on the supplier's accounts, the products may not only not be shipped, but also not produced.

3.2. Planning revenue from product sales

The main source of income of the enterprise associated with its economic activity is the proceeds from the sale of products. Optimal planning of sales proceeds provides the necessary guidelines for the enterprise in making financial and business decisions. The planning of proceeds from the sale of products is carried out similarly to the planning of costs for the production and sale of products. The amount of revenue is determined by the formula:

where T - commercial products intended for release in the planned

O 1 - balances of unsold finished products at the beginning of the planned

O 2 - balances of unsold finished products at the end of the planned

When planning revenue according to the shipping (accrual) method, only finished products in the warehouse at the beginning and end of the planning period are considered unsold products.

When applying the method of accounting for revenue from payment, the expected balances at the beginning of the planning period consist of finished products in stock, including goods shipped, documents for which have not been submitted to the bank; goods shipped, the payment deadline for which has not come; goods shipped but not paid for on time; goods in safe custody with buyers in the form of refusal of acceptance.

At the end of the planning period, the balances of unsold products consist of the balances of finished products in the warehouse and goods shipped, the payment deadline for which has not come.

The amount of revenue from product sales is affected by the following factors: the volume and structure of production, the cost of production, the range, quality, the rhythm of production and shipment, the price level, compliance with contractual conditions, the timely execution of settlement documentation, the forms of payment used, the demand and solvency of the consumer of products, etc.

3.3. Profit of the enterprise, its formation and use

The profit of an enterprise is the main factor of its economic and social development. Based on the economic content, the profit of an enterprise can be considered a part of the added value that is created as a result of the sale of products and services. From an accounting and reporting point of view, profit is the excess of income over expenses.

Currently, in economic practice, the definition of profit is used - gross, profit from sales, profit for taxation, from ordinary activities, net profit, etc. However, officially, the definition of profit in force in Russian tax legislation is given in relation to the gross profit indicator, which is the amount of profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services), fixed assets (including land plots), other property of the enterprise and income from non-sales operations, reduced by the amount of expenses on these operations. Profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services) is determined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) without value added tax and excises and production and sales costs included in the cost of products (works, services).

Profit, being the most important economic category in the conditions of market relations, performs a number of functions, which include the function as a measure of production efficiency, stimulating and as a source of state revenue generation.

Being the end result of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise or, in other words, the purpose of investing and using capital, profit performs the function of a measure of production efficiency. The amount of profit is determined by many factors, and as a measure of production efficiency, it also depends on the efficiency of application and use constituent parts capital, material, financial and labor resources.

Being a source of development of production and satisfaction of social benefits, the amount of profit determines the economic behavior of enterprises, their owners and staff, thereby performing a stimulating function.

Forming the revenue part of the state budget and off-budget funds in the form of taxes, economic sanctions and other revenues, profit is the source of the implementation of activities related to the goals state development and implementation of tasks of a social orientation.

Profit growth factors are everything that characterizes the concept of production efficiency - the volume of sales of products, their assortment and nomenclature, prices for material resources and finished products, the cost of production, the level of use of fixed working capital, production assets and cash, the quality of management of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise, etc.

The use of profit is an integral part of distribution relations between the state, enterprises and owners of enterprises. The relationship between enterprises and the state is built on the basis of a taxation system, in accordance with which the basis for paying taxes to the budget is gross profit. The distribution of profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is regulated mainly by the internal documents of the enterprise (the charter of the enterprise, decisions of meetings of founders and shareholders) and are fixed in the accounting policy of the enterprise. This is the creation of an accumulation fund, consumption and other targeted funds. At the same time, the state, through the provision of certain tax incentives, stimulates the direction of profits for capital investments. industrial purpose and construction of housing, for charitable purposes, financing of environmental protection measures, expenses for the maintenance of facilities social sphere, for research work. Legislatively established the procedure and size of the creation of the reserve and some other targeted reserve funds. The presence of such reserves provides an increase in shareholding and the ability to withstand the risks of loss of financial stability in the activities of the enterprise, as well as the possibility of paying dividends to the owners and shareholders of the enterprise even in the absence of profit.

3.4. Profit planning

Profit planning is an important part of the company's financial plan. The objects of planning are elements of the gross profit of the enterprise and, first of all, received from the main type of its activity, profit from the sale of products and services. The methodology for planning the elements that make up the profit of an enterprise is different and is determined by the peculiarities in calculating costs and taxing profits by type of its activity. However, the main planning method is the direct counting method. In accordance with this method, the profit from the sale of products (P) is calculated by the formula:

where B is the proceeds from the sale of products;

C is the total cost of goods sold.

The volume of products sold and the cost price are determined for each nomenclature item by successively multiplying each unit of production by the selling price and its cost price.

The planned profit amount (P) can also be calculated using the formula:


where P 1 - profit in the balance of finished products at the beginning of the planned

P 2 - profit in the balance of finished products at the end of the planned

P tp - profit from the release of marketable products in the planned period.

Profit in carry-over balances of finished products is determined as the difference between the sum of input and output balances in sales prices and at production cost.

The application of the direct account method involves determining the volume of sales of products according to their nomenclature and assortment, selling prices, compiling cost estimates and estimates for comparable and incomparable products.

As an addition to direct method for preliminary calculations with enlarged (prospective) planning, analytical methods of profit planning are used. The basis for the enlarged calculation of profits can serve as the cost of 1 ruble. commodity products.

Taking into account the cost of 1 rub. of marketable products, profit is planned for the entire output of marketable products (comparable and incomparable) using the following calculation formula:


where P - gross profit from the release of marketable products;

T - commercial products in selling prices;

Z - the cost of producing commercial products, calculated in prices


To determine the profit from the sale of products, the result is adjusted for the change in profit in the carry-over balances of finished products.

It is possible to use another analytical method for calculating the planned profit. This method is based on the use in the calculations of the indicator of basic profitability as the ratio of profit on marketable products to its cost for the reporting year. When using this method, the calculation is carried out separately for comparable and incomparable marketable products according to the formula:


where Р b is the basic profitability of the production of marketable products in

reporting (base) year;

P about - the expected profit on marketable products for the reporting (base) year;

C tp - the full cost of commercial products in the reporting (base) year.

The calculation is carried out in several stages. Using the indicator of basic profitability, the profit of the planned year is calculated for the planned volume of marketable output. The calculated planned profit is then adjusted in accordance with the change in the cost price in the planned year. The influence of changes in the assortment, quality, grade and prices on the volume of planned profit is determined. The change in profit in unsold balances of finished products at the beginning and end of the planning period is taken into account. Separately, profit is calculated for incomparable commercial products. Then, the planned profit from the sale of products, calculated taking into account all the factors of its change, is summed up with the planned profit from the sale of incomparable marketable products.

The gross profit of the enterprise is formed taking into account the results of its operating and non-operating activities.

3.5. The profitability of the enterprise, its essence. Methods for assessing the efficiency of resource use

The indicator of profit is not absolute in assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise, since it does not reflect its actual result. The basic indicator characterizing the real efficiency of its economic activity is profitability, i.e. an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of the assets of the enterprise, its components in order to make a profit. In accordance with this, the main indicators of profitability and some private ones are distinguished, which are used for analysis when making decisions on the management of financial and economic activities, planning the costs and profits of an enterprise, according to its behavior in the markets of goods, finance and capital.

The main indicators of profitability are:

Profitability of costs (products);

Profitability of sales (sales);

Return on assets (capital);

Profitability of current assets;

Return on equity.

1. Profitability of costs (products) (P c) is defined as the ratio of profit from the sale of products (P p) to the total cost of sales (C) in the analyzed period:


This indicator characterizes the efficiency of using the costs associated with the production and sale of marketable products.

2. Profitability of sales (sales) (R pr) is defined as the ratio of profit from the sale of products (P r) to sales proceeds (excluding taxes and deductions) (B) in the analyzed period:


Profitability of sales characterizes the level of profitability of the enterprise for its main types of activities. When analyzing this indicator, the interdependence between indicators of sales volume, production costs and product sales prices is taken into account.

3. Return on assets (capital) (R a) is defined as the ratio of profit (balance sheet and net) (P b (h)) to average assets for the analyzed period (A s):


The return on assets indicator characterizes the efficiency of using or overall rating return on capital of the enterprise as a whole, both own and borrowed.

4. The profitability of current assets (P ta) is defined as the ratio of the net profit of the enterprise (P h) to the average value of current assets (A ts) of the enterprise's working capital in the analyzed period:


The analysis of this indicator characterizes the effectiveness of costs invested in the current assets of the enterprise.

5. Return on equity (R sk) is defined as the ratio of net profit (P h) to the average value of equity (K s) of the enterprise for the analyzed period:


The analysis of this indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the use of own funds of the shareholders of the enterprise and shows the attractiveness of raising capital in this area of ​​activity, as well as the efficiency of the apparatus of the enterprise, to which the funds of shareholders are transferred to management.

A necessary factor in managing the costs of the enterprise, the objects of production of commercial products and its implementation is the analysis of the relationship and dependence of these most important indicators for assessing the activities of the enterprise. Namely, the ratio of indicators - costs, production volume, profit. An enterprise needs to know the level of production and sales of products at which it will cover costs and begin to make a profit. To determine the minimum volume of output, below which production becomes unprofitable, the indicator of the profitability threshold (break-even point) is used, which is determined by the formula:

From the above formula it can be seen that the analysis of the profitability threshold indicator is based on the principle of dividing the enterprise's costs associated with the production and sale of products into conditionally constant and conditionally variable and calculating the so-called marginal profit (the denominator of the formula). When calculating marginal profit, sales proceeds are cleared of necessary tax and other obligatory payments.

Visually, the definition of the break-even point can be represented as follows: fig. 3.5.1.

Three main lines show the dependence of variable, fixed costs and revenue on the volume of production. The point of the critical volume of production shows the volume of production at which the amount of proceeds from the sale is equal to its full cost. By changing the ratio between fixed and variable costs within production possibilities enterprises can solve the problem of optimizing the amount of profit. This dependence is associated with the effect of the production lever, i.e. the margin of financial strength at which the company can afford to reduce the volume of sales, without leading it to unprofitability. The effect of the production leverage is due to the fact that with an increase in the volume of sales of products, the share of fixed costs in the structure of the cost of production decreases and the “effect of additional profit” appears. The effect of the production lever is manifested in the strength of its impact, which is determined by the formula:

The indicator of the strength of the impact of the production lever determines how many times the profit will increase with a one percent increase in revenue from product sales.

Knowing the data on the growth of revenue from sales of products and the strength of the impact of the production lever, it is possible to directly determine the growth in profits with an increase in the volume of output.

Questions for self-control on the topic

1. Classify the income of the enterprise in accordance with the directions of its activities.

3. Methods for planning revenue from product sales.

4. Factors affecting the amount of revenue.

5. Describe the concept of "profit"; sources of its formation, growth factors.

7. Methods of profit planning at the enterprise.

8. Expand the content of the concept of "profitability".

9. Main indicators of profitability, their characteristics.

Related tests

I. Find the correct definition economic essence


1) the absolute amount of the received profit of the enterprise;

2) the absolute amount of profit received from operating activities;

3) the level of profitability of the enterprise;

4) profitability of product sales;

5) the excess of proceeds from the sale of products over its cost;

6) the amount of financial resources of the enterprise, which ensure its production and economic activities;

7) the excess of profit from financial transactions over losses from these transactions;

8) the excess of income from other ordinary activities over losses from this activity.

II. The profit of the enterprise characterizes:

1) economic effect of activity;

2) economic efficiency of its activity;

3) liquidity;

4) solvency.

III. The balance sheet profit is not affected by:

1) the volume of sales of products;

2) price level;

3) unit cost of production;

4) product range;

5) there is no correct answer.

IV. Return divided by total investment and return divided by shareholder equity are two effective ways to measure:

1) profitability;

2) liquidity;

3) solvency;

4) expediency of borrowing operations.

V. If the amount of proceeds from the sale of products (goods, performance of work, provision of services) covers only a part of the proceeds, then the proceeds accepted for accounting are determined as:

1) the amount of receivables;

2) the amount of cash receipts;

3) the amount of receipt of funds and other property;

4) the amount of receipts and receivables (in the part not covered by receipts).

VI. Marginal income is:

1) the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) and the partial cost calculated at variable costs;

2) the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) and the partial cost calculated at fixed costs;

3) the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) and the partial cost calculated from the sale of products (works, services) and the full cost.

The financial result includes the result of all operations grouped by the respective categories of income and expenses for the reporting period.

When analyzing financial results profit is considered as an indicator of the efficiency of the economic activity of the enterprise, the factors that determine the amount of profit, the procedure for generating profit, the relationship between profit and cash flow are studied.

The main types of income are as follows:

Gross profit is the difference between sales revenue and cost of goods sold for the same period. The amount of gross profit is used to characterize the effectiveness of activities production units organizations;

Profit from sales of products - the difference between the gross profit and expenses of the period for the main activity for the same period. Subtracting recurring expenses from gross profit contributes to the division of the risk of the entrepreneur from the possible non-sale of products with the state. The amount of profit from sales is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the main activity;

Profit from financial and economic activities - the sum of profit from sales and the total result from financial transactions (interest receivable and payable, income from participation in other organizations, etc.). The value of this profit is used to evaluate the main and financial activities of the organization;

Profit before tax (balance sheet profit) is the sum of profit from financial and economic activities and profit (expense) from other operations. Balance sheet profit is an indicator economic efficiency all economic activities of the enterprise;

The net profit (loss) of the reporting period is the balance sheet profit minus the current income tax.

It is also important to divide profit into accounting, economic and tax.

Accounting profit - profit from entrepreneurial activity, calculated according to accounting documents without taking into account the undocumented costs of the entrepreneur himself, including lost profits.

Economic profit is the difference between income and economic costs, including, along with total costs alternative (imputed) costs; calculated as the difference between the accounting and normal profit of the entrepreneur.

Taxable income is the income on which it is necessary to pay income tax.

The discrepancy between accounting and economic profit is expressed in the fact that the first does not reflect the economic content of profit, and therefore, the real result of the organization's activities for the reporting period. The economic nature of profit reveals what will be received in the future.

3 Investment project efficiency indicators (project profitability index, investment payback period);

To analyze the effectiveness of investments, the following indicators of the effectiveness of investment projects are used:

1) Net current (present) value of the project (NPV).

3) Payback period of investments (T)

4) Internal rate of return (IRR)

The profitability index of the project is determined by: I r =PV/I

Where PV is present value

I-initial investment

The higher this indicator, the more profitable the project. But in essence, a profitability index above 1 means that the NPV of the project is positive.

If Ir>0 the project should be accepted; Ir<0 отвергнуть; Ir=0 проект ни прибыльный, ни убыточный.

The profitability index is a relative indicator, so it is very convenient when choosing one project from a number of alternative ones that have approximately the same NPV value or when completing an investment portfolio with the maximum total NPV value.

Payback period (T). This method is the simplest and most commonly used. The payback period shows the time required for the receipt of income from deferred capital in amounts that allow reimbursement of the initial, single, time costs.

This method has 2 drawbacks:

1 Does not take into account the cash flow received after the payback period

2 The difference in the time of receipt of income before the payback period.

The payback method is used in enterprises with insufficient cash, weak credit opportunities.

4 Labor motivation;

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

The main purpose of motivation is to stimulate the production behavior of the company's employees, directing it to achieve the strategic objectives facing it.

The effectiveness of motivation will depend on how the strategic goals of the organization are realized due to the motivation of the staff. In turn, the motivation of employees will be determined by how fully the organization ensures the satisfaction of their basic needs. Therefore, the main meaning of motivation is to combine the interests of the employee with the strategic objectives of the organization.

The effectiveness of motivation includes two main concepts:

1. economic efficiency of motivation;

2. social effectiveness of motivation;

The economic efficiency of motivation includes solving the problems facing the organization. It will depend on the correct and efficient use of human resources. Motivation should orient workers to those actions that are necessary for the organization. Motivation can solve the following tasks of the organization:

a) attracting personnel to the organization;

b) retaining employees in it;

c) stimulation of the production behavior of employees (productivity, creativity, devotion to the organization, etc.)

d) reduction of cost indicators.

These and other economic performance indicators of the organization will depend on effective motivation.

When creating an effective motivation system, a manager must take into account a number of factors complicating this process:

1. non-obviousness of motives. The leader can only guess what motives are at work.

2. different degree of influence of the same motives on different people. The same motive will act differently on people's behavior.

3. there is no unambiguous connection between motivation and the end result, because many random factors intervene here, such as the employee's abilities, his mood at the moment, understanding of the situation, the influence of third parties.

5 Composition and structure of fixed assets;

Depending on the nature of the participation of fixed assets in the production process, they are divided into production and non-production fixed assets. By appointment, the following groups of fixed assets are distinguished:

1. Buildings - architectural construction objects that provide working conditions for sales workers, storage, working and preparation of goods for sale.

2. Structures - engineering and construction facilities necessary for the implementation of trade technological processes(railway tracks, overpasses, ramps).

3. Transmission devices, all devices with the help of which energy, heat, etc. are transferred (electric networks, gas networks, telephone networks, water networks).

4. Machinery and equipment (vending machines, weight measuring instruments and cash registers, packaging equipment), etc.

5. Tool - mechanized and non-mechanized tools for manual labor (carts, stackers).

6. Production equipment and accessories (work tables, counters, containers for storing liquid and bulk goods).

7. Vehicles.

8. Household equipment - items of office and household equipment (safes, office furniture).

9. Working and productive livestock for commercial enterprises

10. Perennial plantings own farm.

Increasing the level of use of fixed production assets is of great importance for ATP of any purpose. It allows you to increase the volume of transportation and, accordingly, the income of the enterprise, ensure savings in current costs, increase profits and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

It is possible to increase the level of use of fixed production assets due to extensive (increasing the operating time of the rolling stock) and intensive (increasing the productivity of the rolling stock per unit of time) factors.

Fixed assets are valued at original, replacement and residual value. The initial cost of fixed assets is the sum of the costs for the construction or acquisition of fixed assets, including the delivery and installation of equipment at prices in force at the time of their commissioning. The replacement cost of fixed assets is the cost of their reproduction at a particular point in time at prices in effect at that point in time. The residual value of fixed assets is the amount of unrecovered value that has been retained in fixed assets to date after a certain period of their operation.

6 Financial results of economic activity of the enterprise (profitability);

The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by indicators of the profit received and the level of profitability. Therefore, the system of indicators of financial results includes not only absolute (profit), but also relative indicators (profitability) of efficiency of use. The higher the level of profitability, the higher the efficiency of management.

Profitability is a relative indicator that has the property of comparability and can be used when comparing the activities of different enterprises. Profitability characterizes the degree of profitability, profitability, profitability.

Profitability indicators allow you to evaluate how much profit an enterprise has from each ruble of funds invested in assets.

All entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of market relations is divided into three types:

operating room (main);

investment (investment in shares, other securities, capital investments);

· financial (receipt and payment of dividends, interest, etc.).

Profitability of products (works, services) is characterized by the following indicators:

profitability of sales (turnover, sales);

the profitability of the output).

The profitability of sales (turnover, sales) is determined by the ratio of the value of the annual balance sheet profit of the enterprise to the value of the annual proceeds from the sale of products without VAT and excises, expressed as a percentage.

The profitability of certain types of products depends on:

level of sales prices;

the level of production costs.

The analysis of the profitability of the output of certain types of products is carried out on the basis of the data of planned and reporting calculations. The level of profitability of certain types of products depends on the average selling prices and unit cost of production.

7 Performance indicators of investment projects (net present value of the project);

The project's net present value (NPV) is the most commonly used metric. characterizes the overall absolute result of investment activity.

where I is the amount of initial investment.

PV is the present value of the investment

NPV shows the net gains or net losses of investors as a result of putting money into a project compared to keeping it in a bank.

If NPV>0, then during its entire economic life, the investment project will reimburse the initial costs I and provide a profit. The project should be accepted.

If NPV=0, then the project only pays for the initial costs, but does not bring profit.

When forecasting income by years, it is necessary to take into account all types of income associated with a given project. If at the end of the project it is planned to receive funds in the form of the salvage value of equipment or the release of part of working capital, then they should be taken into account as income of the corresponding periods. If money is invested in the project not one-time, but in parts over several years, then the following formula is used to calculate NPV:

8 The concept of price. Price types. State price regulation;

Federal legislation does not contain a single (universal) concept of price.

Price is a means of establishing a given ratio (exchangeable goods) within the framework of specific acts of exchange occurring between participants in civil circulation.

The price is expressed in the payment to the counterparty of a certain amount of currency or in another counter provision for the transferred goods (work performed, service rendered) by agreeing on its (price) by the parties in the contract, based on the regulatory requirements of the current legislation.

Depending on state influence, prices are divided into three types: free (market), regulated and established (fixed) by the state.

The market price of a good (work, service) is the price established by the interaction of supply and demand in the market of goods (work, services) in comparable economic conditions.

Regulated prices are also formed as a result of an agreement reached between the parties to the contract. However, the latter cannot set the price above or below the limit set by the relevant competent government authority. The specified type of prices is widely used in such sectors of the economy as the fuel and energy complex, main transport, communications, production and provision of services of increased social importance, etc.

Prices set (fixed) by the state are an extreme version of direct price regulation, when the seller (executor) does not have the right to deviate from them in any direction. They (prices) are set by the state in a fixed amount.

Depending on the service sector of the national economy, all prices (free, regulated, established) are divided into wholesale, retail, prices for construction products, tariffs (price of services), foreign trade prices.

State regulation of prices is one of the forms of legalized state intervention in free market relations. State legal regulation of prices is carried out by establishing: fixed prices and tariffs; marginal prices and tariffs; marginal coefficients of price change; marginal level of profitability. It is necessary to specifically point out the administrative and legal nature of state regulation of prices and pricing in the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of pricing policy are in charge of the Russian Federation.

In cases provided for by law, prices (tariffs, rates, rates, etc.) are applied, established or regulated by authorized government bodies and/or local authorities.

federal Service on tariffs is the federal executive body authorized to exercise legal regulation in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) for goods (services).

Separate powers in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) are assigned to industry federal authorities executive power.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to streamline state regulation of prices (tariffs)”, sanctions are applied to enterprises and organizations that violate the norms of legislation on state regulation of prices (tariffs) in the form of collecting the entire amount of excessively received revenue.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for liability for overstatement or understatement of state-regulated prices for products, goods or services, marginal prices.

9 Valuation of fixed assets;

In the practice of economic activity of enterprises, such a concept as the assessment of fixed assets is quite often used. The vast majority of companies in the course of their activities acquire property. Sometimes its service life is calculated in months, after which it is written off the balance, sometimes more than a year.

When such an assessment is necessary, this procedure is necessary in the following cases:

For tax purposes;

During privatization activities;

For the redemption of individual objects of the property complex;

When registering a lease;

When concluding a loan agreement with a pledge of property;

When forming the price for sale;

When assessing the authorized capital;

In case of property disputes.

Types of assessment In modern accounting and economic practice, the assessment of fixed assets can be carried out in several ways. We give a brief description of them.

1. Full or inventory - represents the cost of fixed assets at the time of their acquisition. This includes all shipping and installation costs.

3. Restoration appraisal determines the value of these funds, taking into account their depreciation, but based on market prices. Therefore, sometimes it can exceed the total cost.

4. The book value is reflected in the reporting documents of the enterprise, and taxes are calculated on its basis. It is calculated according to a mixed scheme, since some of the objects are accounted for at replacement cost, and some at full cost.

5. Market valuation the value of the property of the enterprise, perhaps most clearly reflects the price of fixed assets. Everything is taken into account here - the initial cost, wear and tear, the situation on the market and even the existing financial position of the company. It is this indicator that appears in all agreements and contracts when making transactions.

Valuation of fixed assets is carried out in monetary terms and is a rather complicated procedure. To carry it out for the internal needs of the enterprise and current accounting, they usually manage with the help of their own specialists. They have in their hands all the tools for accurate and thorough calculations. It is enough to take into account the existing data and add new ones. Moreover, in the arsenal of accountants now there are perfect software products requiring only the timely input of certain information. The program will give the result itself.

10 Calculation of the manufacturer's selling price. Pricing method based on the analysis of break-even production and ensuring target profit;

In the economy of an enterprise, the initial principle of pricing is the reimbursement of costs for the production and sale of products, works, services and making a profit in an amount sufficient to carry out expanded reproduction, pay relevant taxes to the state and municipal authorities, and form a consumption fund in an amount that provides a certain standard of living for employees of the enterprise .

When developing, calculating and setting the selling price for its products, the company adheres to the following sequence of work:

● 1st stage – selection of pricing strategy. It depends on what the company enters the market with and what goals it seeks to achieve with the help of this product.

● 2nd stage - determination of demand for products, as it determines the maximum price for the goods. In a normal situation, demand and price are inversely proportional, i.e. the higher the price, the lower the demand and, accordingly, the lower the price, the higher the demand;

● 3rd stage - estimation of production costs. Production costs are analyzed, as they determine the minimum price for the product. The company calculates costs various volumes sales and chooses best option;

● 4th stage - analysis of prices and quality of similar products of competitors. In a competitive environment, the company, when selling its product, seeks to find the so-called optimal price. The real price of goods is determined in the market based on a comparison of supply and demand. It is important that the optimal price calculated by the enterprise tends to the level of the real price;

● 5th stage – selection of the pricing method. The most common pricing methods are:

The method is based on the analysis of break-even production and ensuring target profit. This method is based on production costs, but the price is set taking into account the desired amount of profit. The method is based on the construction of a break-even chart.

The chart shows:

1 - fixed costs in the production of products P:

y1 = P S, (7.3)

where P is the sum of items: expenses for the preparation and development of production, general production expenses and general business expenses;

S - the planned annual volume of serviced machines.

2 - production costs, including fixed and variable components (full cost of production):

y2 = V N + P, (7.4)

where V - variable costs per unit of production; include the sum of the items: material costs, labor costs of the main production workers, deductions for social needs

N is the volume of production.

3 - proceeds from the sale of products:

y3 = C N, (7.5)

where C is the price of a unit of production (excluding VAT);

Point A is the breakeven point, i.e. the volume of production (NA) at which the cost of its production will be equal to the proceeds from its sale:

y2 = y3; (7.6)

V NA + P \u003d C NA;

NA \u003d P / (C - V);

4 - profit zone P:

P \u003d y3 - y2; (7.7)

P \u003d C N - (V N + P);

5 - UB loss zone:

UB = y2 - y3

It is recommended to make several options for schedules corresponding to different levels of product prices, since much depends on the elasticity of demand, and choose the most realistic one. The method itself does not determine the final price of the goods, but gives an idea of ​​the quantity of goods that must be sold at a particular price in order to obtain a particular amount of profit. The break-even production schedule does not take into account the elasticity of demand;

11 Insurance premiums. Personal income tax;

Insurance premiums are a non-tax fee that all organizations are required to pay, as well as individual entrepreneurs in RF.

Types of insurance premiums

With a tax amount of up to 463 thousand rubles. per year, for each individual employee, insurance premiums amount to only 30% of the wage fund.

Insurance premiums include:

Insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance (OPS) paid in Pension Fund RF (22%);

Insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, paid to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (2.9%);

Insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance (OMI) paid to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (5.1%);

Personal income tax (PIT) is the main type of direct taxes. It is calculated as a percentage of the total income of individuals, minus documented expenses, in accordance with applicable law.

The amount of income tax directly depends on the tax rate at which the income received by an individual is taxed. For most income received by individuals, a tax rate of 13% applies. These incomes include: wages; income derived from civil law contracts(tutors, private consultations, etc.); sale of property owned for less than 5 years (since 2016); renting out property; winning the lottery or receiving a gift from individuals (except for gifts from family members or close relatives) if their value is more than 4,000 rubles. Dividends from equity participation in the activities of organizations (since 2015).

Income not subject to personal income tax Income tax is not subject to: income received from the sale of property owned for more than 5 years (since 2016); income received by way of inheritance; income received under a donation agreement from a family member or close relative.

12 The enterprise as the main link in the market system of management. Enterprise classification road transport;

In the conditions of market relations, the center of economic activity moves to the main link of the entire economy - the enterprise. It is at this level that the products needed by society are created, the necessary services are provided.

The most qualified personnel are concentrated at the enterprise, issues of economical use of resources, the use of high-performance equipment are being resolved, business plans are being developed.

At present, the status of the enterprise is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation "Civil Code of the Russian Federation" adopted by the State Duma on October 21, 1994.

The company has:

1. Organizational unity. An enterprise is a collective organized in a certain way with its own internal structure and management procedure.

2. A certain set of means of production. An enterprise combines economic resources to produce economic goods in order to maximize profits.

3. Separate property. The company has its own property, which independently uses for certain purposes.

4. Property liability. The enterprise bears full responsibility with all its property for various obligations.

5. Acts in economic circulation on his own behalf.

Classification of road transport enterprises.

Depending on the purpose, road transport enterprises are divided into three types:

Motor transport (auto-operational);

Motor transport enterprises (ATP) are the most common type of road transport enterprises and serve to transport goods and passengers.

Depending on the type of transportation, ATP are divided into:


Passenger (bus and cars);

Mixed (cargo-passenger);

Special (ambulance, public services, etc.)

ATP can also be:



Complex ATPs carry out not only the transportation of passengers and goods, but also storage, maintenance and Maintenance rolling stock owned by the enterprise itself.

Specialized ATPs carry out only the transportation of passengers and goods. These are small enterprises where the creation of their own repair base is irrational.

According to departmental affiliation, ATP are divided into enterprises:

Common use;


Public enterprises are included in the system of the Ministry of Transport and carry out transport services just on commercial basis for legal entities and individuals.

Departmental ATPs are included in non-transport industries (construction, industry, etc.) and serve enterprises and organizations only in the industry they belong to.

13 Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets (generalizing indicators);

The efficiency of the use of fixed assets is characterized by general and particular indicators.

Generalizing indicators express the result of using the entire set of fixed assets. These include:

Return on assets (F O)- the quantity of products sold from one ruble of the cost of fixed assets is determined by the formula

where V- proceeds from the sale of products, works, services (volume of sales), rubles;

WITH WEDDING YEAR.- the average annual cost of fixed assets, determined by the formula

If fixed assets are introduced in the 1st half of the month, i.e. before the 15th day, then they are taken into account in the value of fixed assets of this month.

2. Capital intensity (F E)- the value, the reciprocal of the capital productivity indicator, the cost of fixed assets attributable to each ruble of proceeds from the sale of products (works, services), is determined by the formula

3. Capital-labor ratio of the worker (worker) (F V)- the cost of fixed assets attributable to one worker (worker):

The average number of employees (workers), pers.

14 Financial condition of the enterprise and its analysis;

Information about the financial condition of the enterprise is necessary for all market participants:

First, the head of the enterprise for adoption right decisions need to know financial condition competitors, potential partners, customers;

Secondly, investors need financial information to assess the effectiveness of future capital investments and the amount financial risks;

Thirdly, financial information allows banks to determine the reliability and creditworthiness of the client.

The financial condition is determined by:

1) the degree of independence from external sources of financing of its activities;

2) the ability to repay their financial obligations in due time, i.e. solvency.

Solvency is determined by the liquidity of current assets, i.e. the time required to turn them into cash;

3) the ability to provide loans to customers, i.e. creditworthiness.

A stable financial condition is characterized by the equality or excess of sources of own funds over the amount of liabilities (borrowed funds).

1) balance sheet;

2) profit and loss statement with annexes and an explanatory note (cash flow statement, etc.);

3) an auditor's report confirming the reliability financial statements(if it is in accordance with federal laws subject to audit).

Audit is an independent verification of financial records.

The information contained in these documents makes it possible to evaluate the past and current financial and economic activities of the enterprise, understand the main trends in the indicators and draw conclusions about the potential opportunities of the enterprise.

Pollution charges are a type of taxation in which the taxable amount is the mass of pollution, regardless of other results of the economic activity of the enterprise. Pollution charges cannot be considered as a full

This section reflects in value terms all the results of economic activity of enterprises, associations. The financial plan is drawn up in the form of a balance of income and expenses and reflects income and receipts, expenses and deductions of funds, relationships with the budget, credit relationships, profitability and distribution of profits.

The orientation of the economy towards intensive methods of managing the economy and a sharp increase in production efficiency determines especially high requirements for the choice of indicators that objectively reflect the final results of the economic activity of enterprises.

Meanwhile, in order to improve the use of material means of production, it is necessary to link the results of the economic activity of the enterprise with the resources available to it. Therefore, in accordance with the decisions of the September (1965) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the profitability of production was adopted as the ratio of the amount of profit to the value, g, of the enterprise's production assets. ft ---. -

The gigantically increased scale of socialist production, the growing complexity of economic ties, and the ongoing changes in the nature of labor and its organization place increased demands on managers, engineers and technicians. Production managers and specialists must know technology and economics well, be able to analyze the results of the economic activities of enterprises, correctly apply moral and material incentives to work in practice, and master the basics of scientific production management based on modern technology.

With directive cost accounting, all the main possibilities and results of the economic activity of an enterprise are rigidly programmed according to the top-down principle of administrative management on the basis of voluminous and normative tasks of central planning. The task of enterprises here is purely performing.

In addition, employees of teams involved in the construction of well clusters are rewarded for savings received from a reduction in the estimated cost of constructing a well cluster, regardless of the overall results of the economic activity of the enterprises. This premium is paid in excess of the established maximum premiums.

The final positive result of the economic activity of the enterprise is profit, and the negative one is loss.

The first part of the textbook outlines the theoretical foundations of the analysis of economic activity as a system of generalized knowledge about the subject, method, tasks, methodology and organization of microeconomic analysis. The second part is devoted to the methodology for a comprehensive analysis of the results of economic activity of enterprises. The latest methods of analysis , characteristic of a market economy , are considered . A significant place is given to the presentation of the method of financial analysis of the enterprise, taking into account the latest developments in this subject area. After each topic, questions and tasks are given to test and consolidate knowledge.

The third stage of the circuit (f - D) consists in the sale of manufactured products and the receipt of funds. At this stage, circulating capital passes from the stage of production into the stage of circulation and again assumes the form of money. The interrupted circulation of commodities is resumed, and the advanced value passes from the commodity form into the money form. The advance funds are recovered from the proceeds received from the sale of products. The difference between D and D is the value of cash income and savings or the financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise. The money form that circulating capital assumes at the final stage of the circuit is at the same time the initial stage of the turnover of capital.

Calculation and interpretation of financial ratios. Financial ratios represent two groups of indicators. In the first group, indicators can be distinguished that are determined on the basis of financial statements that characterize the financial condition and results of the economic activity of the enterprise. The second group includes indicators, for the determination of which, in addition, data on the assessment of the state of the enterprise and its shares in the financial markets are used.

The final effect of the use of intangible assets is expressed in the overall results of the economic activity of the enterprise

In ch. 16 it was indicated that each enterprise needs capital, first when creating and building an enterprise, then in investing in new equipment to replace obsolete equipment (see Chapter 12), in maintaining the continuity of production, paying wages, buying raw materials and materials, and selling expenses (This is discussed in detail in Chapter 13). Financing of these needs occurs both at the expense of own (profit received from the implementation of various activities, depreciation, proceeds from the sale of own shares, etc.), and borrowed funds (loans, subsidies, etc.). In addition to these forms, there are special forms of financing leasing, factoring (see Chapter 16). The peculiarity of financing the needs of the enterprise lies in the fact that the inflows and outflows of financial resources occur in time at different times and unequal in their magnitude. Therefore, in order to ensure the stable and progressive development of the enterprise, it is necessary that the payment of all the above needs occur on time and in full, which can only be achieved if there is a balance (balance) between the inflow and outflow of funds both in time and quantity. . This balance is not the result of a purely mechanical timing of inflows and outflows of financial resources as a result of the economic activity of the enterprise. It is based on the organization of production and sales of products, ensuring the achievement of such a financial condition of the enterprise and its solvency, which would allow it to function successfully and invest in the expansion of production. This is due to the fact that the financial condition of the enterprise and solvency are the result of its production, economic and commercial activities associated with the sale of products at prices that bring him profit, on the one hand, and the ability to effectively manage own and borrowed capital, on the other hand. Before the enterprise, questions constantly arise where and when, in what quantity the available financial resources should be invested, how to optimally distribute them according to production needs (Fig. 29.10).

financial position and results of economic activity of the enterprise.

We need your support to move to the new system. At the same time, I would like to use the same data that is received by our accounting department now, but in a different form. The cost and benefit accounts need to be regrouped so that business-critical data is presented in a more concise and focused manner. To do this, you must support us in resolving this issue, and also agree that some accounts should be kept unchanged for comparison over a number of years. We need your help in building a bridge of reconciliation that spans the business results of the business to the results we get in the P&L account.

With self-governing / situational / cost accounting, all the main opportunities and results of the economic activity of the enterprise are determined by it on the basis of self-planning of volumetric and normative tasks under the influence of situational / market / realities of freedom of economic choice, subject to certain mandatory conditions for state regulation of non-market parameters of the enterprise / legal, social, economic, environmental, etc./.

V. p. is calculated in the average industry wholesale prices. . VB. .new conditions for planning and economic incentives, when the assessment of the results of economic activity of enterprises is carried out not according to indicator g, p., but according to the indicator

Kz - according to the type of change in obligations - divides all the facts into those leading 1) to the emergence of obligations, for example, the receipt by the storekeeper of materials received from suppliers leads to the emergence of obligations in relation to the enterprise from the custodian agent (storekeeper) for the values ​​\u200b\u200baccepted by him for liability and from the enterprise to the correspondent-supplier for the materials received, but not yet paid by the enterprise 2) to the termination of obligations, for example, when the materials are released into production, the storekeeper for the amount of the released materials relieves himself of liability for them in the same way, when the enterprise pays the invoices of suppliers for the materials received from them, it extinguishes its obligations to the latter 3) to change (the emergence of some and the transformation of others) obligations, which can be quantitative (volumetric) and qualitative in the first case, the obligation remains, but its volume changes, for example, as a result of a change prices change volume about obligations to the enterprise, and the volume of obligations in monetary terms changes, remaining unchanged in kind; in the second case, the volume of obligations remains the same, but its nature changes, for example, a custodian agent (storekeeper) - bears obligations to the enterprise for material assets in the amount of X rub. , when checking, a shortage of Y rubles is revealed, the volume of obligations of the financially responsible person remained unchanged and amounts to A rubles, but the nature of these obligations has changed. Now the storekeeper - a materially responsible person is liable for material assets in the amount of X-Y rubles. and, in addition, undertakes to compensate for the shortage of Y rubles. (at the same time, the shortage in part or in full can be attributed to the results of the economic activity of the enterprise). Classify-

The conclusion by the owners of the enterprise of civil law agreements with the leading managers of the enterprise, ensuring the financial responsibility of managers for the results of the economic activity of the enterprise Information of the enterprise -

Criterion 4.8. Conclusion between the enterprise and its leading managers of civil law contracts that ensure liability

Profit is one of the forms of net income, which expresses mainly the value of the surplus product, but also includes part of the value of the necessary product.
To identify the financial result of the enterprise, it is necessary to compare revenue with the costs of production and sales (product cost):
  1. if the revenue exceeds the cost, then the financial result indicates a profit;
  2. if the revenue is equal to the cost, then it was only possible to reimburse the costs of production and sales of products. There are no losses here, but there is also no profit as a source of production, scientific, technical and social development;
  3. if the costs exceed the revenue, then the company receives a negative financial result, i.e. losses. This puts him in a very difficult financial situation, which may result in bankruptcy.
Profit as an economic category is manifested in the following functions:
  1. Profit characterizes the economic effect that is obtained as a result of the activities of the enterprise. But it is impossible to evaluate all aspects of the enterprise's activity with the help of profit. In this regard, when analyzing the production, economic and financial activities of enterprises, they use a system of indicators;
  2. profit has a stimulating function, the essence of which is that it is the financial result and the main element of the financial resources of the enterprise. Ensuring the principle of self-financing depends on the profit received by the enterprise. The share of net profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments should be sufficient to finance the expansion of production activities, material incentives for employees, scientific, technical and social development of the enterprise;
  3. profit is a source of formation of budgets of different levels, as it comes to budgets in the form of taxes. Profit, along with other revenues, is used to finance the satisfaction of social needs, to ensure that the state performs its functions, state investment, production, scientific and technical and social programs.
Sources of profit:
  1. the first source is formed due to the monopoly position of the enterprise in the market for the production of a particular product or the uniqueness of the product. This source requires constant product updates;
  2. the second source is based on industrial and entrepreneurial activities. It requires knowledge of market conditions and the ability to adapt the development of production to this constantly changing environment. In this case, the amount of profit depends on:
  • the correct choice of the production direction of the enterprise for the production of products (the choice of products that are in stable and high demand);
  • creating competitive conditions for the sale of their goods and services (price, delivery time, customer service, after-sales service, etc.);
  • production volumes (the larger the production volume, the greater the mass of profit);
  • cost reduction structures;
  1. the third source comes from innovation activities enterprise, it involves the constant renewal of products, ensuring its competitiveness, growth in sales volumes and an increase in the mass of profits.
When planning and evaluating the economic and financial activities of the enterprise, the distribution of profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, specific indicators are used: balance sheet profit, taxable profit, net profit, etc.
Balance sheet profit is the sum of profits (losses) of the enterprise from the sale of products and income (losses) not related to its production and sale. Under the sale of products is understood the sale of manufactured goods that have a natural-material form, as well as the performance of work, the provision of services. The balance sheet profit is the final financial result of the activity, therefore it is revealed on the basis of the accounting of all business transactions enterprises and estimates of balance sheet items. This term "balance sheet profit" is used due to the fact that the final financial result of the enterprise is reflected in its balance sheet, which is compiled based on the results of the quarter, year.
Balance sheet profit includes the following aggregated elements:
  1. gross profit is the financial result that is obtained from the main activity of the enterprise, carried out in any form, fixed in its charter and not prohibited by law. It is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) without value added tax and excises and production and sales costs included in the cost of products (works, services). The financial result is calculated separately for each type of activity of the enterprise, which relates to the sale of products, the performance of work, the provision of services.
To calculate the financial result, it is necessary to subtract from the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) in current prices the costs of its production and sale.
Revenue is taken into account except for value added tax and excises (these are indirect taxes received by the budget), as well as the amount of markups (discounts) received by trade and supply and marketing enterprises involved in the sale of products.
The costs of production and sale of products (works, services), which constitute the cost, are regulated by law;
  1. profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services) is the difference between gross profit and commercial and administrative expenses;
  2. profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets, their other disposal, the sale of other property of the enterprise is a financial result that is not related to the main activities of the enterprise. This indicator reflects profits (losses) on other sales (sales to the side of various types of property on the balance sheet of the enterprise: buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and other fixed assets, material assets received in the process of demolition and dismantling of buildings, structures, sale individual objects, inventory items and other types of property (raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, intangible assets, currency values, securities));
  3. financial results from non-sales operations - this is profit (loss) on operations of a different nature, which are not related to the main activity of the enterprise and are not related to the sale of products, fixed assets, other property of the enterprise, the performance of work, the provision of services.
Non-operating income of the enterprise is:
  • income from long-term and short-term financial investments. Long-term financial investments are the costs of an enterprise for investing in authorized capital other enterprises, the acquisition of shares and other securities, the provision of loans for a period of more than a year. Short-term financial investments are the acquisition of short-term treasury bills, bonds and other securities, the provision of loans for a period of less than a year;
  • income from leasing property (they are included in non-operating profits if leasing property is not the main activity of the enterprise);
  • profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year;
  • income from revaluation of goods;
  • receipt of amounts on account of repayment of receivables written off in previous years at a loss;
  • positive exchange differences on foreign currency accounts and operations in foreign currency;
  • interest received on funds in the accounts of the enterprise.
Non-operating expenses and losses of the enterprise are:
  • losses on operations of previous years, identified in the reporting year, from the markdown of goods, write-off of uncollectible receivables;
  • shortages of material assets identified during the inventory;
  • costs for canceled production orders and for production that did not produce products, excluding losses reimbursed by customers (the cost of material assets used is deducted);
  • negative exchange rate differences on foreign currency accounts and operations in foreign currency;
  • uncompensated losses from natural disasters, taking into account the costs of preventing or eliminating the consequences of natural disasters (this excludes the cost of received scrap metal, fuel, and other materials);
  • uncompensated losses as a result of fires, accidents, other emergency events caused by extreme situations;
  • the costs of maintaining mothballed production facilities and facilities, with the exception of costs reimbursed from other sources;
  • court costs and arbitration fees, etc.
Non-operating profits (losses) also include the balance of received and paid fines, penalties, forfeits and other types of sanctions (except for sanctions paid to the budget and a number of extra-budgetary funds in accordance with the law); other income and expenses (losses, losses).
The profit that is received by the enterprise is subject to distribution, that is, to the budget and according to the items of use at the enterprise (taxes and other obligatory payments). The profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes and other obligatory payments is called net profit. It is also subject to distribution in order to form funds and reserves of the enterprise to finance the needs of production and the development of the social sphere.
The procedure for the distribution and use of profits at the enterprise is written in the charter of the enterprise. It is determined by the regulation, which is developed by the relevant departments. economic services and approved by the governing body of the enterprise. In accordance with these documents, enterprises can draw up cost estimates financed from profits, or form special purpose funds:
  • an accumulation fund is a fund for the development of production or a fund for industrial and scientific and technological development, a fund for social development;
  • the consumption fund is a material incentive fund.
Costs associated with the development of production:
  • expenses for research, design, engineering and technological work;
  • financing the development and development of new types of products and technological processes;
  • costs of improving technology and organization of production, upgrading equipment;
  • costs for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing production, expansion of enterprises;
  • expenses for repayment of long-term bank loans and interest on them, etc.
The distribution of profits for social needs is the cost of
operation of social facilities that are on the balance sheet of the enterprise, financing the construction of non-production facilities, organization and development of ancillary Agriculture, health-improving, cultural events, etc.
The cost of material incentives is one-time incentives for the performance of particularly important production tasks, the payment of bonuses, the cost of providing material assistance to workers and employees, lump-sum benefits for retired labor veterans, pension supplements, etc.
Consequently, the profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise is divided into two parts: the first increases the property of the enterprise and participates in the accumulation process, and the second characterizes the share of profit used for consumption.
Profitability is a relative characteristic of the financial results and performance of the enterprise, the indicators of which characterize the relative profitability of the enterprise, measured as a percentage of the cost of funds or capital from various positions. To assess the level of efficiency of the enterprise, the result (gross income, profit) is compared with the costs or resources used. This comparison of profits with costs means profitability or, to be more precise, the rate of return.
The main indicators of profitability include:
  1. return on assets is the percentage of the balance sheet profit (or net profit) of the enterprise to the value of its assets (fixed working capital). This indicator shows how many rubles of profit one ruble invested in the assets of the enterprise brings;
  2. return on current assets is the efficiency of using current assets, that is, the ratio of the balance sheet profit (or net profit) of an enterprise to the value of its current assets;
  3. return on equity - the ratio of profit to the value of equity capital. This indicator allows you to determine the efficiency of using equity capital, compare it with the possible income from investing these funds in other securities, and also show how many monetary units of net profit each monetary unit invested by the owners of the enterprise earned;
  4. profitability of fixed production assets - the ratio of the balance sheet profit (or net profit) of the enterprise to the value of fixed assets and other non-current assets. This indicator shows the efficiency of the use of fixed assets and other non-current assets;
  5. return on sales (sales) - the ratio of gross profit (or net profit) to sales proceeds. This indicator shows how much profit falls on a unit of products sold;
  6. product profitability is an indicator that is calculated:
  • for all products sold - the ratio of profit from the sale of products to the costs of its production and sale. Also, this indicator can be calculated as the ratio of profit from the sale of marketable products to the proceeds from the sale of products. The indicators give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the current costs of the enterprise and the profitability of products sold;
  • on certain types products - this indicator depends on the price at which the product is sold to the consumer, and the cost for this type of product;
  1. profitability of long-term financial investments - the ratio of the amount of income from securities and equity participation in other enterprises to the total volume of long-term financial investments. This indicator shows the effectiveness of the company's investments in the activities of other organizations.
The indicators listed above are influenced by many factors, they vary significantly according to trade enterprises different profile, size, structure of assets and sources of funds.
The financial condition of an enterprise is the ability of an enterprise to finance its activities, which is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the expediency of their placement and efficiency of use, financial relationships with other legal and individuals, solvency and financial stability.
Indicators for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise.
1. Indicators of financial stability characterize the state and structure of assets, the level of borrowed capital and the ability of the organization to service this debt:
  1. the autonomy coefficient shows what part of the total capital is own funds, i.e. independence of the enterprise from borrowed sources of funds. The higher this indicator, the more financially stable, stable and independent of external creditors is the organization;
  2. the financial stability ratio shows what part of the total capital is borrowed funds. If this indicator grows, then this means an increase in the share of borrowed funds in the financing of the enterprise. Conversely, if its value drops to one, this means that the owners are fully financing their enterprise;
  3. the coefficient of provision with own working capital shows the extent to which the financing of working capital depends on borrowed sources;
  4. the maneuverability coefficient shows what part of the enterprise's own funds is in a mobile form (in the form of current assets) and allows them to freely maneuver;
  5. the ratio of borrowed funds to equity ratio allows you to see what proportion of borrowed funds covers equity capital. If this figure is growing, then this indicates an increase in dependence on external investors. The permissible level of dependence is determined by the operating conditions of each enterprise, but primarily by the speed of turnover of working capital;
  6. security ratio inventories own working capital shows the extent to which inventories are covered by own working capital. If the value of inventories is significantly higher than the reasonable need, then own working capital can cover only a part of the inventories (the indicator will be less than one). If the enterprise does not have enough material reserves for the uninterrupted implementation of production activities (the indicator may be higher than one), then this will not be a sign of a good financial condition of the enterprise.
The normative criteria that are given for the indicators discussed above are largely conditional, as they depend on many factors: the industry affiliation of the enterprise, the principles of lending, the current structure of sources of funds, the turnover of working capital, the reputation of the enterprise, etc.
Financial stability enterprises also characterize such indicators as liquidity and solvency.
The liquidity of an asset is its ability to be converted into cash. The degree of liquidity is determined by the duration of the time period during which this transformation can be carried out. The shorter the period, the higher the liquidity of this type of assets. Speaking about the liquidity of an enterprise, they mean that it has working capital in the amount necessary to repay short-term obligations (even with violation of the repayment periods stipulated by contracts).
The liquidity of the balance sheet is the degree to which the organization's liabilities are covered by its assets, the period of transformation of which into money corresponds to the maturity of the liabilities. The liquidity of the balance sheet of the enterprise is closely related to the solvency of the enterprise.
Solvency is the availability of cash and cash equivalents sufficient for the settlement of accounts payable requiring immediate repayment.
The main signs of solvency:
  • availability of sufficient funds in the current account;
  • no overdue accounts payable.
The liquidity indicator of the balance sheet is determined in connection with the need to assess the solvency of the enterprise, that is, its ability to pay off all its obligations in a timely and complete manner. There is an analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet, which consists in comparing the funds for an asset, grouped by their degree of liquidity and arranged in descending order of liquidity, with liabilities for liabilities, grouped by their maturity and arranged in ascending order of terms.
Depending on the degree of liquidity, the property of the enterprise is divided into four groups:
  • the most liquid funds are cash and short-term financial investments;
  • easily marketable assets are receivables, finished products and goods;
  • slow-moving assets are inventories, IBE, work in progress, distribution costs;
  • hard-to-sell or illiquid assets are intangible assets, fixed assets and equipment for installation, capital long-term financial investments.
Depending on their maturity, liabilities are divided into:
  • the most urgent liabilities - accounts payable, loans not repaid on time;
  • short-term liabilities - short-term bank loans;
  • long-term and medium-term liabilities - long-term and medium-term bank loans;
  • permanent liabilities - sources of own funds.
The balance is absolutely liquid in the following ratios:
  • the most liquid funds are greater than or equal to the most urgent liabilities;
  • marketable assets are greater than or equal to short-term liabilities;
  • slow-moving assets are greater than or equal to long-term and medium-term liabilities;
  • hard-to-sell or illiquid assets are greater than or equal to permanent liabilities.
In case of violation of at least one inequality, the liquidity of the balance sheet is insufficient.
For a more detailed analysis of liquidity, a set of the following indicators is used:
  1. the value of own working capital is a part of the company's own capital, which is a source of coverage of current assets. Ceteris paribus, the growth of this indicator in dynamics is a positive trend. Profit acts as the main and permanent source of increasing own working capital;
  2. the maneuverability of functioning capital is a part of own working capital, which is in the form of cash, which have absolute liquidity. This indicator ranging from zero to one is considered normal for a functioning enterprise. The growth of the indicator in dynamics is considered as a positive trend;
  3. coverage ratio (general) - this indicator gives an overall assessment of the liquidity of assets, showing how many rubles of the company's current assets account for one ruble of current liabilities. The enterprise repays short-term liabilities mainly at the expense of current assets, therefore, if current assets exceed current liabilities, the enterprise is considered to be successfully functioning;
  4. quick liquidity ratio - this indicator is similar to the coverage ratio, but is calculated for a narrower range of current assets (the least liquid part of them, inventory, is excluded from the calculation). This exception is made because the cash that can be obtained in the event of a forced sale of inventories may be significantly lower than the cost of acquiring them. By international standards the indicator level should be higher than 1. In Russia, its optimal value is defined as 0.7 - 0.8;
  5. absolute liquidity ratio (solvency) - this indicator shows what part of short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately if necessary. According to international standards, its value should be greater than or equal to 0.2 - 0.25;
  6. the share of own working capital in covering stocks is an indicator that characterizes that part of the value of stocks that is covered by own working capital. The lower limit of the indicator is 50%;
  7. inventory coverage ratio - this indicator is calculated by correlating the value of "normal" sources of inventory coverage (own current assets, short-term loans and borrowings, trade payables) and the amount of inventory. If the value of this indicator is less than one, then the current financial condition of the enterprise is unstable.