Zamoskvoretsky fssp sentry 28. Federal bailiff service

Department of the judicial service for the execution of decisions of arbitration courts 107802, Moscow, st. Novaya Basmannaya, 10 Senior Bailiff - Head of Department Kovaleva Elena Vladimirovna 921-52-72 Office 921-74-00 Department of the bailiff service for the CAO 119121, Moscow, st.

Plyushchikha, 42 Courts: Tverskoy, Khamovnichesky Senior bailiff - head of department Polishchuk Igor Vitalievich 245-78-21 Office 248-51-82 2nd Interdistrict department of the bailiff service in the Central District

Zamoskvoretsky ROSP UFSSP in Moscow

"Zamoskvoretsky ROSP UFSSP of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow": * Data of the Zamoskvoretsky ROSP: Head of the Zamoskvoretsky district bailiff department of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the city of Moscow: Senior bailiff - Kravtsov Ivan Valerievich.

Legal address of Zamoskvoretsky ROSP: 125315, the Russian Federation,

bailiffs g

Moscow: Address: 107078, Moscow, Krasnovorotsky pr.

3, room 2 Telephone: 961-00-19 Served areas: Arbat, Zamoskvorechye, Kitay-Gorod, Presnensky, Tverskoy, Khamovniki 9, building 2 Phone: 953-08-08, fax 953-08-08 Served areas: Basmanny, Krasnoselsky, Meshchansky, Tagansky, Yakimanka

Legal advice

Criminal liability used in cases of mass infectious […] new position and from life in general. The personal sphere of a person is examined with the help of projective tests: the Luscher color test; Roshkhara test; Markert test (on mood); Rosenzweig test (for frustration reactions).