Areas of improving the organization of the process of selling goods and the infrastructure of customer service at the enterprise LLC "Nadezhda. Ways to improve sales service Improvement of service processes


1.3. Methodology for assessing the quality of enterprise service

socio-cultural sphere

2.2. Analysis of indicators of commercial activity of LLC "Dimand" in the field of service

2.3. Assessment of the competitiveness of LLC "Dimand".

3. Improving the commercial activities of LLC "Dimand"

3.1. Activities to stimulate the sale of services.



At the present stage of development of market relations, the reorientation of domestic business entities to profitable, efficient management with complete economic independence is of particular importance, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the value of the optimal organization of commercial activities.

Strengthening non-price competition puts forward rather stringent requirements for the quality of service, the main conditions for ensuring which are the availability of services for the consumer, safety, quality and service culture, professionalism.

One of the main ways to achieve competitive advantage firms in the consumer market are service. Regardless of the field of activity of the company (production or provision of services), quality service is the only strategic decision that allows you to stay ahead of the competition.

In the conditions of market relations, stipulating tough competition, it is necessary to constantly improve the activities of the company in the service sector. Firms should form a list of services in accordance with the needs of the market and their capabilities, available resources and additional costs. Providing a wide range of services allows you to attract more consumers, increase sales of products, increase income, and, consequently, the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The firm will not be able to stay in the market if it does not pay due attention to the constantly changing external environment, and not just attention, but detailed research, analysis and forecasting of market conditions, improving the organizational structure of the company as necessary and adding promising forms of customer service.

This determines the relevance of this thesis.

1) study of the theoretical aspects of the quality of service in the modern economy;

2) determination of the methodology for assessing the quality of service in the service market;

3) research of indicators of commercial activity of LLC "Dimand" in the field of service;

4) assessment of the competitive position of the investigated company in the service market.

The object of the research is LLC "Dimand" - one of the leaders in the service market in the city of Novosibirsk.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. The first chapter is devoted to identifying the role of services in the modern economy and includes structuring approaches to the classification of services; features of the methodology for assessing the quality of service in the consumer market.

The second chapter provides a characteristic of Dimand LLC from the position of the problem stated in this work, first of all, an analysis of its service activities. An assessment of the competitive potential of the research object is given, taking into account the methodology for determining the quality of service.

The third chapter contains original developments to eliminate the weaknesses of the firm's activities, identified in the analysis carried out in the second chapter, as well as proposals to improve the effectiveness of the advertising component of Dimand LLC.

To write the theoretical part of the thesis, special literature was used in the areas of "Commercial activity", "Service", "Logistics" - these are various textbooks and teaching aids. In addition, articles from periodicals were used, primarily from such magazines as Marketing in Russia and Abroad, Logistics, Advertising Technologies, Marketing.

The practical part was written on the basis of research and analysis of data collected during the internship at Dimand LLC, including the results of the research conducted by the author of this thesis.

1. The importance of quality of service in the modern economy

1.1. Service quality as a factor in the competitive advantage of an enterprise

The modern competitive marketplace offers increased attention to non-price factors of attracting consumers. One of the most important factors is the provision of services: service, warranty, post-warranty.

The service sector occupies a very significant place in the economy and society. According to statistical information, the share of services in the gross national product of developed industrial countries ranges from 2/3 to 3/4. In the United States, the number of workers in the service sector has reached 79% of the total number of employed and, according to forecasts, the increase in the number of vacancies until 2005 will occur only at the expense of this sector.

In the dynamics of changes in the structure of production of Russia's gross domestic product, this development trend is clearly traced: the share of services increased from 38.5% in 1992 to 49.0% in 1998. The main factor in the growth of the service sector is the state and development of scientific and technological progress in society.

According to the authoritative specialist in the field of marketing services K. Grenroos, a service is a process that includes a series (or several) intangible actions that, if necessary, occur during the interaction between buyers and service personnel. physical resources, systems of the enterprise - service provider. This process is aimed at solving the problems of the buyer of the service. This definition describes the service in sufficient detail.

Some researchers (for example, W. Huxenwer and J. Bateson) believe that describing the properties of a service is more productive than trying to derive a definition.

Researchers in this area often compare its properties with the properties of material goods. At the same time, scientists come to one opinion more often than when trying to give a definition, however, here there are disagreements and all kinds of assumptions.

More often than others, among the specific properties of services, it is called the fact that they are actions or a process, they are intangible, they cannot be stored, their quality is more variable than a tangible good, and also that the production and consumption of services are simultaneous.

1) services are a combination of the process of providing a service and consuming the result of a service;

2) services, depending on the object and result, are divided into tangible and intangible;

3) in many cases, the subject (performer) of the service is an individual entrepreneur or a small enterprise;

4) in many cases, the consumer (person) is the object of the provision of the service and (or) is directly involved in the process of its provision;

5) the provision and consumption of the service can be simultaneous;

6) as a rule, the service has an individual character of provision and consumption;

7) in the service sector, there is a high proportion of manual labor, the quality of which depends on the skill of the personnel;

8) the service provider, as a rule, is not the owner of the service result;

9) services are local, non-transportable, may be of a regional nature;

10) services may not be persistent.

This list is not unconditional and far from exhaustive, however, it objectively demonstrates the need for reservations when describing the properties of the service. It can be noted that in this case some properties are accompanied by remarks “as a rule”, “in many cases”, “may be”, etc.

Table 1.1

The relationship between the quality of service and consumer expectations

Service quality assessment parameters Consumer expectations when assessing the quality of services

1) Sensibility - the physical environment in which services are delivered

2. Reliability-consistency of execution "just in time"

3.Responsibility - the desire of the staff of the service company to help the buyer, guarantees the performance of services

4. Completeness - possession of the necessary knowledge and skills, the competence of personnel

5.Accessibility - Ease of establishing contacts with a service company

6.Safety - no risk and no mistrust on the part of the buyer

7. Politeness-correctness, courtesy of staff

8. Communication skills

9.Understanding with the buyer

1. Speech communication (rumors), i.e. information about services that buyers learn from other buyers

2. Personal needs. This factor relates to the personality of the buyer, his requests, perception of the quality of services and is related to his nature.

3.Past experience, i.e. perhaps this kind of service has already been provided in the past

4. External messages (communications) - information radio, television, press

In this way, consumers develop an expectation of the service based on past experience, the price they paid, and other factors. Here you can face the problem of the relationship between expectations and the result, since each positive experience creates an expectation of more best quality service in the future. Service quality requirements are increasing.

According to G. Makalov, the quality of a service is a combination of consumer characteristics of a service that makes it capable of satisfying a specific need.

Consequently, the level of service quality is a relative measure of the quality of a service, determined by comparing its consumer characteristics with the consumer characteristics of the best competitors' products. And it is necessary to assess the competitiveness of the service in relation to the position and characteristics of the service of the strongest competitors.

The famous French economist E. Mate argues that the structural analysis of the factors of an enterprise's activity is an excellent tool for identifying favorable prospects and possible complications in assessing its competitiveness. This analysis reveals the defining moments of competition in the service market, firstly, between competitors producing and marketing products with comparable characteristics, and, secondly, from new competitors emerging in the sales and after-sales service.

“Competition” in translation from Latin means “pushing”. It is a form of mutual rivalry between subjects market economy... The means of competition are the goods and services with which rival firms seek to gain recognition and obtain consumer money.

1.2. Classification of services provided by enterprises in the social and cultural sphere

The theory and practice of the economics of the service sector today exist separately from each other. It is rather difficult to single out the common in those activities that, in accordance with different approaches to classifications, relate to services. For example, services include the management of the customer's financial assets, sewing an individual dress model, and warranty service for power tools.

The objects and results in the above cases differ significantly. However, they can rightfully be called services in accordance with established practice.

The recognized leader of the Northern School of Marketing, K. Grenroos, describes the process of the emergence of official statistics in the service sector: “what was not included in the industrial or agricultural sector was called services”.

To this day, the calculation of the contribution of the service sector to the national economy continues to be carried out in a similar way, which K. Grenroos rightly calls outdated. The most common service classifications are shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2

The most common foreign and domestic service classifications

World Trade Association classification International Standard Industrial Classification Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development classification All-Russian classifier of services
Business Mediation
Connection Connection Connection
Distribution Warehouses, trade, restaurants, hotels Supply, supply planning Trade, catering, markets, accommodation facilities
Education Education
Financial Banks, real estate, insurance, capital creation

Banks, financial intermediation,


Healthcare and social Public, individual, social Medical
Tourism and travel Tourist
Recreation, culture, sports Culture, physical education, sports
Transport Transport Transportation Transport
Other Other

The main conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of this table are that, firstly, the services are numerous, and secondly, that they are very diverse.

For example, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population contains 13 highest classification groups of services, only one of them - “consumer services” - includes about 800 items. These services are quite diverse: repair of power tools, housing; sewing; knitting; buying up; dry cleaning; furniture manufacturing; bath services; ceremonial services, etc. In total, the classifier contains about 1500 names of services.

The actions that today, according to statistics, belong to the class of services, are quite diverse. They are aimed at different objects, have different target audience, sensitivity to promotion, price elasticity of demand, differ in the degree of tangibility, transportability and storage.

The performance of some services depends to a large extent on the use of technological developments and inventions, while others depend on the talent and skill of the person who provides the service, etc. Existing classifications record services as they are categorized by type. For example, one of these criteria could be the presence of elements of the production process in the performance of services. Such a typology would be important when developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise.

Such renowned researchers of the service sector as L. Berry, A. Parasuraman, D. Ratmel, L. Eiglie, E. Langeard, V. Zeichaml, F. Kotler, K. Grenroos propose to divide services into types. One of the most common gradations of services is their distribution according to tangibility: from absolutely intangible (training) to tangible (restaurant services). Often there is a division of services into types according to the degree of predominance of goods and services.

K. Grenroos divides services into those, the implementation of which depends on the personnel, and those, the execution of which depends on technology, making the proviso that both resources are involved in the provision of the service, but their ratio is different and, as a rule, one of the resources dominates.

Another important typology of services according to the frequency of purchase: constantly purchased services (banks, cleaning, delivery of goods and services, etc.) and purchased from time to time (medical).

According to ISO 9004.2, services are divided into product-based, mixed (half with products) and pure (without production).

The French Association for the Standardization of Services offers its own typology of services. The following groups of services are distinguished in it:

1) services "stimulated" by products, but autonomous, for example, marketing, maintenance, repair, after-sales service;

2) "independent" services, for example, consulting, financial, tourism;

3) services "associated" with another service, for example, taking orders, internships, information services.

Russian specialists in the field of services (V. Belousov, G. Bagiev, E. Novatorov, R. Fatkhudinov) offer a slightly different classification of services, which is based on the forms of customer service.

Table 1.3

Forms of customer service

Service type Service actions
before purchasing the goods after purchasing the goods
Technical consulting

Development of custom projects

Suggestions for solving buyer's problems

Supply of goods for testing


Supply of spare parts and parts

Repair service

Preventive tests

Trade service
Places for children to stay

Order department

Parking spaces Vehicle

Tips and Help

Delivery of goods for testing

The right to exchange goods



Training buyers in the rules of product operation

Maintenance consists in the implementation of services to restore the functions of the goods, in assisting the buyer in solving problems with the operation of the goods, in checking the compatibility of the goods or its elements with other products and systems, as well as in providing advice on the reliable operation and safety of the goods.

After purchasing the goods, the manufacturer or the company that sold the goods performs after-sales service - delivery, installation, control, maintenance and repair, supply of spare parts and parts.

Service can also be carried out by special intermediary organizations with which manufacturing firms conclude appropriate agreements. The producer company controls the quality of service and prices (tariffs) for each type of work or service.

After-sales service is a warranty and post-warranty service during the operation of the product.

Maintenance is covered by the warranty if during the warranty period the buyer does not pay for repairs, replacement of parts and components for the purchased product. At the end of the warranty period, the owner of the goods can conclude a paid post-warranty service agreement.

Through service and the introduction of a guarantee system, the company creates favorable trust with customers and forms the basis for the continuation of effective commercial communications.

For the organization of service, service centers for the provision of pre- and after-sales services. Such service centers can be organized by the manufacturer both in their own country and in the country where the goods are regularly supplied. Service centers can also run advertising campaigns.

Warranty service is carried out within the framework of an additional surety (guarantee) of the manufacturer of the goods for the fulfillment by it during the warranty period of its obligations to service buyers who purchased this product.

The warranty obligation is intended to confirm to the buyer the conditions for high-quality after-sales service of the purchased goods by the manufacturer or seller. The scope of warranty services and warranty periods differ depending on the value of the product, its complexity and the length of its service life. In the conditions of developed market relations, it is possible to expand warranty services in terms of volume and duration.

The following scheme can be proposed, based on the proposal to divide services into types according to the following two criteria:

1. The form of satisfying a need: it can be either only a service, or a service that is possible only with the sale of a material product, with the transfer of ownership of this material object (for example, dry cleaning, mobile connection). According to this criterion, services are ranked on a scale from a pure service to a service related to a tangible product;

2. Tool or way of satisfying the need: personnel or mechanism (eg consulting / gas station). In accordance with this criterion, services are arranged on a scale from those where the service is provided by employees of the service enterprise, and ending with those where the consumer receives the service using an automatic device or mechanism.

In accordance with the proposed scheme, each service falls into one of the four quadrants of the coordinate system. It should be noted that goods located near the axes of the coordinate system have practically the same properties.

Let us consider in more detail the first criterion for the distribution of services into types.

1.3. Methodology for assessing the quality of service for an enterprise in the social and cultural sphere

Strengthening the competitive position of enterprises operating in the socio-cultural sphere in a competitive environment is possible on the basis of obtaining optimal profits by ensuring required quality maintenance and reducing the cost of providing services. Meanwhile, many entrepreneurs, seeking to increase profits by reducing costs, deteriorate the quality of service.

Measures that are designed to force a service provider to maintain an appropriate level of service quality are the introduction of standards for goods (services) and mandatory certification of goods (services). On January 1, 2000, the standards for the provision of services began to operate.

The main goal of compulsory certification is to ensure the rights of consumers to guaranteed quality of services, as defined by the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Rules for the Sale of Goods (Services), Sanitary Rules and other regulatory and technical documents.

The main goal of voluntary certification is to establish the competitiveness of the company's services. Carrying out certification assists buyers in a competent choice of a service provider, improves the company's image. Voluntary certification checks compliance with the requirements that supplement the mandatory requirements for services.Since mandatory certification imposes the necessary and minimum requirements for the quality of the certified object, this certification should be considered as the first step in assessing competitiveness or its necessary condition.

In conditions of market competition, it is always important to know how the offered service corresponds to the existing level and nature of social needs. This correspondence is revealed by comparing competing services.

The ability to sell services is expressed in their competitiveness. The competitiveness of services is always a relative value. It is only relevant in the context of the procedure for comparing competing services.

In a commodity market, the most important factor in the competitiveness of a product is the price of its consumption. The consumption price of a product includes the purchase price and the cost of operating the product for the entire period of its service.

When assessing the competitiveness of a service, extensive information is used about the properties and qualities of this service. This information can be expressed in different ways.

There are quantitative and qualitative forms of expression of information about services. Most general concept for all types of quantitative information is the concept of "indicator".

An indicator is any informational statement in which there is at least one numerical expression that quantitatively reflects any phenomenon or property. The concept of "indicator" combines a number of other ways of expressing information: characteristic, indicator, index, coefficient, score, share.

The characteristic (quantitative) is the numerical value of the indicators of the investigated object. As one of the varieties of the indicator, it has a property that is especially important from the point of view of enterprise management - the characteristic always reflects a dynamic state.

With the help of characteristics, it is possible not only to reflect the retrospective of the properties of an object, but also to predict their change in the future.

Indicator - an indicator with which you can add up an opinion about the whole object based on information about the properties of the so-called indicative groups - selective representatives of the whole object. Thus, the correspondence of a service to the needs of all consumers of the target market can be determined by studying the degree of satisfaction with the service of its typical representatives.

Coefficient - a numerical factor for a literal expression, a known factor for a particular system of an unknown or a constant factor for a variable. The coefficient is a dimensionless quantity, sometimes obtained using a relative expression. In this case, the coefficient is one of the varieties of the index.

Index - relative rate, which characterizes the ratio of quantities expressing any property of an object. A dynamic index characterizes the development of a process over time, for example, a change in the level of satisfaction of demand for a service after an advertising campaign.

The spatial index is used to characterize the process in space, for example, when characterizing the distribution of demand within the territorial boundaries of a selected market segment.

The share is one of the most visual forms of informational utterance.

A point is a conventional unit of quantitative assessment of the properties of an object. Points are used in cases where there is no possibility for direct quantitative estimates or these estimates are not comparable in terms of methods and methods of calculation.

The expert method has been widely developed in management practice. To give it the character of validity, reliability and suitability for solving complex market challenges, the following conditions must be met:

1. Sufficient number of experts

2. Competence of experts in relation to the problem under study

3. Uniqueness and clarity of the questions posed

4 independence of judgment

To assess the competitiveness of services, various indicators are used, presented in table 1.4.

Table 1.4

Indicators for assessing the competitiveness of services

Indicators for assessing the competitiveness of services Determination of indicators of competitiveness of services
Economic Expressing the price of consumption
Organizational Characterizing terms of service
Classification Expressing belonging to a certain type of service
Regulatory Demonstrating the compliance of the service with norms, standards, rules, beyond the boundaries of which it should not go
Constructive Demonstrating technical solutions (mainly for repair services)
Social With their help, the correspondence of the service to the characteristics of the individual, social group and society as a whole is reflected
Ergonomic Services reflecting compliance with the properties of the human body and psyche

To assess the competitiveness of a service, you can use different methods... The most common is the following: to develop a list of the main estimated indicators, to set point marks for indicators on a certain scale, and then summarize these estimates. The highest amount of points will correspond to the most competitive service.

where K 0- generalized point score,

TO i- point score i- th indicator,

a i- coefficient of significance i-indicator.

The coefficient of significance of the indicator is determined by experts simultaneously with the assignment of points.

The most accurate assessment of the competitiveness of services can be obtained using engineering forecasting methods.

Stage 1. Formulation of consumer requirements for the service and determination of the list of indicators to be assessed.

The assessment is carried out separately for each of the competing services or for the group of services provided by each of the main competitors. If direct quantitative estimates are possible, indicators are presented in natural units of measurement or other quantitative indicators (shares, indices, specific weights). Qualitative indicators are expressed by conditional quantitative assessments - points.

The base for comparison - the "benchmark" can be a set of indicators for any of the compared services and enterprises. For example, the indicators of the competitiveness of the services of the company performing the assessment can serve as a "benchmark".

Stage 6. Determination of a generalized indicator of competitiveness.

The dimensionless value of the index makes it possible to calculate the generalizing (integral) index of competitiveness for each competing service or for a competitor enterprise. The highest competition index will correspond to the most competitive object.

Second, it reduces the use of implicit quantifiers, since many indicators are measured directly. It makes it possible to identify the best and worst enterprises from the point of view of consumer requirements and thereby helps consumers in a competent choice of performers in a competent choice of a service provider. This method makes it possible to make a self-assessment of enterprises in order to determine the reserves for improving the quality of service. And finally, it makes it possible to use information received from consumers, which is the key to the success of an enterprise in the product market.

2. Research of commercial activities of LLC "Dimand" in the field of services

2.1. Determination of the competitive positions of LLC "Dimand"

Limited Liability Company "Dimand" was registered by the Novosibirsk State Chamber in March 1995 (certificate No. 5371). Full corporate name - Limited Liability Company "Dimand". Abbreviated corporate name - LLC "Dimand". Location of the Company: Russian Federation, 630019, Novosibirsk, st. Khilokskaya, house 15.

Members of the Society are individuals, citizens of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the creation of the Company is to make a profit and saturate the market with goods and services.

The company was created to carry out the following activities:

1) commercial, intermediary, trade, purchasing activity with consumer goods and technical products;

2) the organization of repair services, including service and maintenance, the organization of rental, the implementation of international and domestic freight traffic;

3) development, manufacture, installation and launch of technological equipment and equipment;

4) organization and holding of exhibitions, sales exhibitions, fairs, auctions, auctions, both in the Russian Federation and abroad;

5) training and retraining of personnel, organization and holding of conferences, business meetings;

6) carrying out research, development work, the introduction of scientific ideas and developments into practice.

Since 1997, the company has been selling hand-held power tools and consumables.

The main suppliers of power tools have been and still are such large factories as: Interskol-IZh LLC (Moscow Region), NPO Moscow Radio Engineering Plant OJSC, Diffusion Instrument CJSC (Smolensk), Perm Scientific and Production Instrument Making company, JSC "Rebir" (Riga, Republic of Latvia). As well as intermediary firms, the largest of which is ZAO firm "Antares-K" (Moscow).

Timely execution of orders, high quality of products sold, low prices, a wide range of power tools enable the company to maintain its competitive position in the market.

The systemic crisis of the domestic economy, which manifested itself in August 1998, left its mark on the activities of Dimand LLC - the sales volumes of the investigated enterprise significantly decreased.

A study of the firm's activities, carried out in April-May 2004, revealed:

1) the demand for imported high-quality equipment for different categories fell almost 10 times;

2) a niche appeared for goods with a price lower than that of imported well-known counterparts;

3) the main demand-forming factors were the price of goods, overtaking the quality and popularity of the brand in terms of ratings;

4) many suppliers-manufacturers of goods left the market, frightened by the unpredictability of the situation in the country;

5) the possibility of lending from manufacturers has disappeared.

The management of the company faced the problem of finding a strategy that would allow the company to successfully stay on the market.

In January 1999, a network of services related to the sale and operation of finished products was created. Solving this issue becomes a decisive factor in the competitiveness of an enterprise in the face of intense competition in the market.

This is especially noticeable in relation to a complex power tool, the buyers of which compare the offers of competitors, based on the full cost of the purchased product, including the conditions of its operation, wear, repair, renewal. In this case, the maximum efficiency Maintenance is an necessary condition establishing business contacts between the producer of the service and its buyer.

In January 1999, a workshop was opened, located in the Zheleznodorozhny district at st. Lenin, 50 and two branches in the Leninsky district (st. Stanislavsky, 36) and in the Kalininsky district (st. Uchitelskaya, 19). Their purpose is after-sales service of hand-held power tools.

First of all, the purpose of creating such a workshop is to gain an advantage in the competition. It is thanks to the simultaneous deployment of activities in two directions (sale of power tools and its service) that the company has managed to firmly gain a foothold in the field of sales of power tools.

The main activities of LLC "Dimand" in the service sector are:

1) preparation for operation, which includes actions to help the client purchase a power tool, adapt it to existing working conditions, and then put it into operation.

2) lending to buyers, as well as direct sale of component parts and auxiliary equipment.

3) informing clients. Development and distribution of technical documentation related to the promotion of goods on the market, with the operation and repair of equipment: user manuals, instructions for using the tool. Safety instructions.

4) services such as demonstration of equipment and especially training of the consumer in the operation of the tool are also included in the activities of the enterprise.

5) maintenance of durable power tools. This area of ​​activity includes the following operations: current repair, restoration, provision additional equipment etc.

One of the branches of LLC "Dimand" launched in difficult market conditions activities for the restoration of used stators and gearboxes of power tools.

The main components of after-sales service in the activities of LLC "Dimand" are presented in table 2.1.

Table 2.1

The main elements of customer service of LLC "Dimand" in 2004

Purpose of the service offer Integration Training Informing Maintenance in working order
Examples of services provided to attract customers Consulting with potential consumers in the development of new types of equipment Development of customer financing schemes Distribution of technical documentation of an advertising nature and proposals for the use of equipment Display of repair equipment and spare parts stock
Examples of services provided for customer retention Changeover of equipment in operation in accordance with the wishes of customers and the operation of the entire fleet of equipment Delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment Consulting and training of personnel for the operation and repair of equipment Refurbishment and restoration of all equipment or part of it

Due to the fact that LLC "Dimand" conducts its activities in two directions: the sale of finished products and maintenance of these products, the optimal scheme of direct contact with the consumer. This scheme allows you to more fully take into account the individual needs of the client.

Over the past four years, the face of the traditional consumer of the service has changed. If in 2000 the main consumers were government organizations, now they are primarily small and medium-sized private manufacturing firms operating in the field of various construction and installation services and works. In second place are large construction companies that receive government orders. In third place are individuals, people involved in repairs, construction, with their own farm, garage, garden.

Figure 2.1 shows the structure of consumers of LLC "Dimand" in 2004.

Rice. 2.1. Consumer structure of LLC "Dimand" in 2004

There are currently a large number of small and large businesses operating in the handheld power tool and related service market. Serious competitors for LLC Dimand are such companies as CJSC Asia-Center, CJSC SibMaster, OJSC Mir Instrumenta. The listed enterprises offer reliable products and quality service associated with them, have a range of services and a variety of their implementation, and they are all geographically available to customers.

So, the study of the activities of LLC "Dimand" in the field of customer service allows us to make a conclusion about stable competitive positions in the product market.

Costs of circulation of LLC "Dimand" in 2000 - 2003, thousand rubles.

Figure 2.3 shows the structure of distribution costs of LLC "Dimand" in 2003.

Rice. 2.3. The structure of distribution costs of LLC "Dimand" in 2003

So, in the structure of distribution costs, the costs of purchasing goods prevail (55%), fare(19%), salaries (10%), warehouse rental costs (8%), office rental costs (5%), entertainment costs (3%).

Figure 2.4 shows the dynamics of the profit of LLC "Dimand" in 2000-2003.

Rice. 2.4. Dynamics of profit of LLC "Dimand" in 2000 - 2003, mln. Rubles.

Profit from the sale of OOO Dimand for the period from 2000 to 2003 increased 3.8 times (from 1.4 million rubles to 5.4 million rubles).

The efficiency of commercial activity is understood as the ratio of the results of the functioning of business entities (profit, income) to the costs of obtaining this result (cost of production, distribution costs).

Achieving the goals of a business entity is always associated with certain costs. An indicator that expresses the effectiveness of functioning in business is economic efficiency. It is considered as the ratio of the result obtained to the cost of obtaining it.

Numerous ways to measure efficiency are a comparison of costs and benefits based on the calculation of various kinds of ratios and amounts (differences). Most in a simple way the construction of performance indicators is the ratio of the generalizing indicator of business results (income, profit) to costs.

Table 2.3 shows the indicators of commercial activity of LLC "Dimand" in 2000-2003.

Table 2.3

Indicators of commercial activity of LLC "Dimand" in 2000 - 2003, mln. Rub.

The profitability of sales of LLC "Dimand" in 2000 was 37% of the volume of sales of goods and services, and in 2003 it was already 64%, which testifies to the obvious financial growth of the studied enterprise in the field of public services.

The company's management tasked the marketing department with the task of investigating what are the determining factors of customer behavior when choosing a purchase. In the course of the work, a questionnaire was developed. In order to avoid the error of representativeness, it is recommended to conduct a survey of 100 consumers. In April - May 2004, 100 people were interviewed in the form of a questionnaire.

So, the maintenance of the sold power tools for LLC "Dimand" is an element that creates a demand for material products and thereby contributes to an increase in income and profitability of the enterprise.

The volume and quality of maintenance will have an impact on potential buyers, both during the initial purchase and especially when upgrading equipment. To provide the client with timely and high-quality service, Dimand LLC closely cooperates with large factories in the Russian Federation for the manufacture of hand-held power tools.

Cooperation with domestic manufacturers provides an opportunity for profitable lending from suppliers. Delivery of spare parts and assistance within the framework of warranty service, with domestic suppliers, is carried out without violating the delivery time.

The firm "Antares-K" supplies LLC "Dimand" with imported goods. The assortment of goods is 70 names and the prices are not high, but the quality is worse than that of the domestic manufacturer.

As a result, difficulties arise during the after-sales service period: the goods often fail, there are not enough spare parts, the delivery time of component parts is violated. Nothing has such a negative effect on the client as the inability to use new, complex equipment due to the lack of spare parts.

Here we can conclude that Dimand LLC cooperates with domestic producers to a greater extent than with imported ones. The choice of a supplier is determined by the offered maintenance, the flexibility of the manufacturer, the reliability of the equipment itself, and the pricing policy.

2.3. Assessment of the competitiveness of LLC "Dimand"

Various methods can be used to assess the competitiveness of a service firm. The simplest method is to use the following method: develop a list of the main estimated indicators, set the points for indicators on a certain scale, and then summarize these estimates. The highest score will be awarded to the most competitive firm.

It is more correct to rank the indicators and their scores according to the degree of significance. To do this, you can use the following expression:

where K 0- generalized point score,

TO i- point score i- th indicator,

a i- coefficient of significance i-indicator.

The coefficient of significance of the indicator is determined by experts simultaneously with the assignment of points.

The most accurate assessment of the competitiveness of firms operating in the service sector can be obtained using engineering forecasting methods.

This assessment is carried out in several stages.

Stage 1. Formulation of consumer requirements for a commercial firm and determination of the list of indicators to be assessed.

Stage 2. Ranking indicators.

A ranked assessment of indicators is built according to the degree of significance of indicators from the point of view of consumers. The most significant indicator is in the first place. A reliable result can be obtained if consumers of the target market are used as experts.

Stage 3. Evaluation of the selected indicators.

The assessment is carried out separately for each of the competing firms. If direct quantitative estimates are possible, indicators are presented in natural units of measurement or other quantitative indicators (shares, indices, specific weights). Qualitative indicators are expressed by conditional quantitative assessments - points.

Stage 4. Selecting a "reference" for comparison.

The base for comparison - the "benchmark" can be a set of indicators for any of the compared firms. For example, the competitiveness indicators of the firms performing the assessment can serve as a “benchmark”.

Stage 5. Comparison of indicators.

Here, each of the competitor's indicators is compared in a sequential manner with a similar “benchmark” indicator. The final characteristics of such comparisons are indices of individual indicators of competitiveness, showing how much each of the indicators differs from the same indicator of competitors. Indices can be greater or less than 1 and are immeasurable:

Stage 6. Determination of the generalized indicator of the firm's competitiveness.

The dimensionless value of the index allows calculating the generalizing (integral) index of competitiveness for each competing competing firm. The highest competition index will correspond to the most competitive firm.

The Competition Index cannot be used as an absolute value, but is fully useful when looking for comparative characteristics.

So, this method has the following advantages. First, it makes it possible to more accurately take into account the significance of individual indicators and the degree of their influence on the integral indicator of competitiveness.

Second, it reduces the use of implicit quantifiers, since many indicators are measured directly. It makes it possible to identify the best and worst enterprises from the point of view of consumer requirements and thereby helps consumers in a competent choice of performers in a competent choice of a service provider. This method makes it possible to make a self-assessment of enterprises in order to determine the reserves for improving the quality of customer service. And, finally, it makes it possible to use information received from consumers, which is the key to the company's success in the service market.

As the main competitors of the investigated company "Dimand" LLC, "Asia-Center" CJSC and "SibMaster" CJSC were identified. The reason for choosing these particular firms is that they:

1) are located in territorial proximity to the investigated firm;

2) provide consumers with a comparable set of services;

3) adhere to a comparable pricing policy.

Let us single out the main characteristics that influence the choice of a service provider by a consumer, and determine the significance of each of them.

To determine the main directions of activity in the field of providing services in April-May 2004, using a questionnaire, a survey was carried out of the preferences of consumers who applied to LLC "Dimand".

A questionnaire was previously developed.

Application form

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we ask you to evaluate the level of service quality

LLC "Dimand". The survey results will be useful for improving the work of our company. Circle the answer that best matches your agreement with each statement. We guarantee conscientiousness in the processing of information and the use of the results obtained.

1. How often do you use tool repair services?

Once a month Once a quarter Once every six months Less often

2. Which service provider do you prefer?


3. Which tool requires a lot of service?


4. Are you satisfied with the quality of the service provided by Dimand LLC?

Yes Not Partially

5. How important is the price for the provided service to you?

Very important Important Quality is more important Not important

6. Is the location of the Dimand LLC workshop convenient for you?

Yes Not Partially

7. What organization do you represent?

Large enterprise Private company Private person

8. Please indicate your age ________________________________

9. Please indicate your education ___________________________

Thank you for taking the survey.

Analysis of the data obtained as a result of a survey of 200 visitors of Dimand LLC indicates that the most elastic consumer demand for pricing policy chosen by the firm. 60% of the respondents answered that the price component is very important, 12% is important, 28% put the quality of the service in the first place.

When answering the question about the frequency of contacting service companies, 30% noted that they visit them once a quarter, 25% - once every six months, while the majority (40%) rarely visit service centers.

The following were named as the main service providers: LLC Dimand (85% of respondents), OJSC Mir Instruments (40%), CJSC SibMaster (34%), CJSC Asia-Center (25%) ( several answers were allowed).

The overwhelming majority of the respondents (90%) noted that the main concerns with the repair of tools are associated with domestic goods.

On a positive note, 80% of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of the service provided by Dimand LLC. The convenience of the location of the workshops was noted by 60% of customers, it should be noted that most of them are visitors to the workshop on the street. Station (Leninsky district of Novosibirsk is traditionally considered industrial).

The main clients of LLC "Dimand" are men with secondary technical education aged 30 to 40 - representatives of private companies.

So, the survey of consumers' opinions revealed that it is the price factor that is the most important and has the highest coefficient of significance.

Table 2.3 presents the characteristics of the service firm that affect the choice of consumers.

Table 2.3

Service firm characteristics influencing consumer choice

Expert assessments for each competing firm were presented by the specialists of the marketing department of Dimand LLC. The results are presented in table 2.4.

Table 2.4

Competitiveness of service firms

When considering competing firms and defining an expert assessment, experts were guided by the following arguments. Prices for services in most areas of LLC "Dimand" and CJSC "Asia-Center" are almost identical. At CJSC "SibMaster" prices are on average 5% higher, which is quite significant for the service market.

When assessing the breadth of the offer of tourist services, both the range of offers in certain areas of service activities (repair of domestic or imported instruments) and the range of offers within each area were taken into account.

Discounts are provided by the companies CJSC "Asia-Center" and CJSC "SibMaster". This applies to regular customers with whom contracts for service have been concluded, the discount is expressed in 3-5% of the cost of the service, LLC "Dimand" does not provide discounts. At the same time, it should be noted that Dimand LLC also has regular customers (with a frequency of visits once a quarter), while they are to an insignificant degree focused on getting a discount.

From the point of view of the advertising component, the most competitive are CJSC "Asia-Center" and, especially, CJSC "SibMaster". The main tools of their advertising work are advertising in newspapers (Commercial Proposals, Advertising Bridge) and advertising in the Siberian Wholesale Magazine. LLC "Dimand" uses only advertising in the newspaper "Reklamny Most", while this advertisement is of a fragmentary nature, and its effectiveness is not monitored.

From the point of view of the location of workshops and office, LLC "Dimand" is the most competitive, the reason for this is the proximity industrial enterprises(mostly private firms), convenience of parking vehicles, the presence of a separate entrance. CJSC "Asia-Center" is located in the Soviet district of the city, which is inconvenient for visitors, on the basis of the UPTK "Sibakademstroyservice", therefore, there is no separate entrance. CJSC SibMaster is located in the Oktyabrsky district (Lobova st.), Which is also not very convenient for the consumers of the service.

The conducted research allows us to draw the following conclusions.

The complex indicator of the firms under study is:

1. LLC "Dimand" - 4.40 points;

2. CJSC "Asia-Center" - 4.55 points;

3. CJSC SibMaster - 3.85 points.

Based on this, we can conclude: the most competitive of the surveyed firms for the provision of services is CJSC "Asia-Center", which is ahead of its main competitors in terms of positions - provision of discounts and advertising activities.

The conducted research allowed the management of LLC "Dimand" to identify the main directions for improving their activities. First of all, this refers to the development of a network of workshops in the city districts (Pervomaisky and Kirovsky), improving sales promotion (providing discounts regular customers) and activation of communication policy.

At the same time, the company's management assigned the marketing department specialists the task of developing a service quality management model.

So, the conducted research of the service market of the city of Novosibirsk revealed the presence of competitors of LLC "Dimand". Based on the construction of a table of competitiveness of firms, it was determined that the investigated company Dimand LLC ranks second after Asia-Center CJSC, yielding in two main positions: discounts and advertising work.

Service quality management
Problem Causes Consequences Control
Benefit segmentation problem - discrepancy between consumer expectations and manufacturer's response When discussing the same components of the service, the parties speak “different languages” therefore the firm has false ideas about consumer preferences

Different understanding and interpretation of the components of a full-fledged service will be revealed later, and the client will

feel cheated. This will negatively affect his relationship with the firm.

Thorough study of consumer preferences, highlighting the characteristics of each segment. Drawing up an incentive program, taking into account the requirements and wishes
Positioning problem - managers know what their customers want, but are unable or unwilling to meet these needs Inadequate attitude to the quality of service on the part of the company. The impossibility of completing the task in the present conditions The company's desire to make a profit by any means reduces the moral responsibility of the personnel. With this approach, one disgruntled client can negate all the efforts of the firm.

Development of a service standard Managing staff motivation Providing the client with the freedom to choose between different levels of service

The service provided does not meet the working specifications Company employees are not capable of a higher level of service. The client and staff have different understandings of the responsibilities of the latter Customers are unhappy with the way a particular service was rendered to them. The consumer feels that the firm is not interested in his problems. His discontent will rise

Monitoring compliance with service standards.

Improvement of professional skills by employees

The service in real execution does not meet the promises The company promises more than it can actually provide by giving false or incomplete information in advance The consumer realizes that he has been deceived. If he turns out to be convincing and persistent enough, then the case is considered in court Make only realizable promises

Continuation of table. 3.1

Analysis of the situation in the consumer market indicates the need for changes in the behavior of commercial firms. First of all, this applies to service providers.

The developed service quality management model is useful in terms of identifying the causes and consequences of problems, as well as a set of management approaches to resolving these problems.

The developed sales incentive system can be useful both for attracting consumer firms through the provision of cumulative or non-cumulative discounts for the volume of purchases, and for attracting individual customers. They are offered a discount for paying for the service in cash.

At the same time, it should be noted that if in relation to large consumers the discounts are exclusively commercial in nature, stimulating repeat purchases and forming a target profit, then for individuals the discounts are rather of an image nature. They are designed to create a favorable impression of the activities of LLC "Dimand".

The developed measures were brought to the attention of the management of LLC "Dimand" and received its approval.

The analysis of commercial activity in the field of services of LLC "Dimand" revealed that there are prospects for increasing its efficiency. For a more active attraction of consumers of services, elements of the communication complex should be used - advertising, public relations, personal sales and sales promotion.

The importance of advertising in the economic life of both a particular enterprise and the country as a whole has grown immeasurably. As you saturate commodity markets the use of advertising is becoming an increasingly stringent necessity for manufacturers and sellers. Lack of advertising or even insufficient advertising leads to serious losses. In this regard, the use of communication elements (and, first of all, advertising) by all entrepreneurs, regardless of the organizational and legal form of ownership and the scope of activity, is one of the most important reserves for increasing the efficiency of commercial activities.


The service market of the city of Novosibirsk is not homogeneous. There are about 5 large firms that are leaders in this market, among such firms is LLC "Dimand".

In modern conditions of tough competition in the consumer market, the importance of identifying all possible factors that can increase the efficiency of commercial activities for each market entity is increasing. This is explained by the need to find a system for organizing activities that would maximize the total income at the minimum cost of obtaining it.

Analysis of the activities of the company "Dimand" LLC allowed us to draw a conclusion about the stability and stability of this company in the service market. The profitability of sales of LLC "Dimand" in 2000 was 37% of the volume of sales of goods and services, and in 2003 it was already 64%, which testifies to the obvious financial growth of the studied enterprise in the field of public services.

During the period from 2000 to 2003, the number of clients of LLC "Dimand" has grown from 9360 thousand to 23000 thousand people. The object of activity of LLC "Dimand" is exclusively the person who, as a client, contacts the contractor and at the same time consumes the service.

To develop sound recommendations for improving the service activities of LLC Dimand, a survey questionnaire was developed for its consumers. Analysis of the data obtained as a result of a survey of 200 visitors of Dimand LLC indicates that the most elastic consumer demand for the pricing policy chosen by the company. 60% of the respondents answered that the price component is very important, 12% is important, 28% put the quality of the service in the first place.

The conducted research of the service market of the city of Novosibirsk revealed the presence of competitors of Dimand LLC (Asia-Center CJSC, SibMaster CJSC). Based on the construction of a table of competitiveness of firms, it was determined that the investigated company Dimand LLC ranks second after Asia-Center CJSC, yielding in two main positions: discounts and advertising work.

To level the identified shortcomings in the work of LLC Dimand, it was proposed to open two branches in Pervomaisky and Kirovsky districts of the city of Novosibirsk and develop measures to stimulate sales of the service. Incentives are targeted at both consumer firms and private clients.

In addition, a program of promotional activities for July-September 2004 was developed. Within the framework of the program, it is proposed to use such advertising directions as direct mail advertising, print advertising in the newspapers "Commercial offers" and "Notice board", as well as television advertising in the form of "creeping line".

The results of the consumer research and the advertising program developed for the advertising were brought to the attention of the management of LLC "Dimand" and received its approval. The hope was expressed that the recommended measures would help to increase the efficiency of the service activities of the research object.


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Customer service represents a certain basic level of competence, reliability and professionalism of service personnel.

The main indicators of the level of service are availability, quality, reliability, functionality.

Service is understood as a support system that allows the buyer (consumer) to choose for himself the best option acquisition and consumption of a technically complex product, it is economically profitable to operate it for a reasonable period dictated by the interests of the consumer. As the business develops, more and more demanding requirements of consumers are imposed on service.

Improving services can enable an industrial or commercial enterprise to increase, sometimes to a large extent, the attractiveness of the products it offers to the market. Insufficient level of service, regardless of whether it is provided by the manufacturer or someone else, facilitates the entry of new competitors, in evaluating the products of which not only prices and appearance of the goods are taken into account, but also the quality and volume of after-sales service. The outlined circumstances determined the relevance and choice of the topic of the thesis.

The purpose of this graduation qualification work is the development of a system of services and improvement of customer service on the example of the brand store of LLC "New Look" - "Salon of digital printing".

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

to study the features of the process of development of the system of services and improvement of customer service;

to consider the organization of the system of services and improvement of customer service in the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Salon of digital photo printing";

to develop a set of measures to improve the system of services and consumer services in the company store of LLC "New Look" - "Salon of digital photo printing".

Rate economic efficiency implementation of measures to develop the service system and improve customer service.

The object of research in the diploma work is the activity of the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Salon of digital photo printing". The subject of the research is the organization of the development of the service system and the improvement of consumer services on the example of the brand store of LLC "New Look" - "Salon of digital photo printing".

The work was performed in accordance with the content of professional module 01. "Organization and management of trade and sales activities" and demonstrates the mastery of such professional competencies as:

PC 1.4. Identify the type, class and type of retail and wholesale organizations;

PC 1.5. Provide basic and additional services for wholesale and retail trade;

PC 1.7. Apply methods, means and techniques of management, business and managerial communication in commercial activities;

PC 1.10. Operate trade and technological equipment.


.1 Service principles and objectives

Service is any action performed by one party for the other that is intangible and does not give rise to ownership of anything. The service may or may not be associated with a physical product.

Service - a set of works aimed at maintaining a device, unit, mechanism, system, unit in a technically sound condition.

The purpose of maintenance is also to prevent the occurrence of faulty conditions and failures by replacing the weakest parts with new ones; condition diagnostics.

Main maintenance tasks:

Advising potential buyers before purchasing the products of this company, allowing them to make an informed choice.

Training of the buyer's personnel (or himself) for the most efficient and safe operation of the purchased equipment.

Transfer of the necessary technical documentation to enable the buyer's specialists to properly perform their functions.

Pre-sale preparation of the product in order to avoid the slightest possibility of refusal in its work during the demonstration to a potential buyer.

Delivery of the product to the place of operation.

Bringing the product (equipment) into working order at the place of operation (installation, assembly) and demonstrating it to the buyer in action.

Ensuring full readiness of the product for operation during the entire period of its stay with the consumer.

Prompt delivery of spare parts and maintenance of the necessary network of warehouses for this, close contact with manufacturers of spare parts.

Collection and systematization of information on how the equipment is operated by consumers and what comments, complaints, suggestions are expressed at the same time.

Collection and systematization of information about how competitors are doing service work, what service innovations they offer to customers.

Assistance to the marketing department of the enterprise in the analysis and assessment of markets, buyers and goods.

Formation of a permanent clientele of the market according to the principle: "you buy our product and use it - we do the rest."

Service principles

Accessibility: customers can easily send a complaint, offer or gratitude, directly request information, through various ways of contacting our company.

Availability of information: customers have the shortest access to the requested information

Fast responses: special attention is paid to fast response to inquiries from our clients

Solution Orientation: Satisfying customer requirements by providing fast and effective solutions

Confidentiality: the use of personal information obtained during the application process is limited by law

Customer focus: a high level of service that satisfies any requests and expectations of customers

Taking initiative: meeting needs as quickly as possible and keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level

1.2 Types of basic and additional services

Services are one of the components of the competitiveness of a trade organization, which in a competitive market must think not just about customer service, but about how to constantly expand the range of additional privileges for its customers. Competitiveness is increasingly determined by an organization's ability to radically renew its range of products and services.

The value of trading services lies in the fact that they:

.complete the distribution of material benefits between members of society;

.increase the use value of the goods;

.reduce the time spent on purchasing and using goods;

.enhance the culture of trade;

.by attracting customers to the store, they contribute to an increase in turnover;

.paid services bring direct profit to their seller;

.create large reserves for increasing the productivity of trade workers.

In the practice of trade enterprises, a wide variety of trade services are used, some of which can be performed directly by sellers, and the rest must be provided by qualified specialists, work under lease agreements or on other conditions in specially designated areas of stores; still other services can be performed by employees of enterprises in the sphere of consumer services, transport, communications, but the collection of applications for their implementation and receipt of payment for the services performed can be carried out by sellers of stores located, for example, in rural settlements, a significant part of trade services can be performed directly in stores on existing areas of sales areas, other commercial services are provided outside commercial enterprise, but due to his trading activities.

The service market is completely different from other markets, mainly for two reasons:

) the service does not exist prior to its provision. This makes it impossible to compare and evaluate services before receiving them. You can only compare the expected benefits and the received;

) services are inherent high degree uncertainty, which puts the client at a disadvantage, and makes it difficult for sellers to promote services to the market.

These features of the service market, as well as the specificity of the services themselves - their intangibility, inability to store, variability of quality and the inseparability of production and consumption - determine the features of services.

A wide range of retail services rendered to the population allows attracting more buyers to stores and increasing the income received.

Trade services are, on the one hand, customer service, the provision of services directly directed from person to person, and on the other hand, it is a service of a material nature, which is not directed at a person, but at the movement of objects (goods) and indirectly affects the population, both for consumers in general and specifically for each person ..

Standard service is used most widely, because with its help the population sells the bulk of goods of daily, sustainable demand, to which most food products belong.

Individual (selective) service is widely used to sell goods of a complex assortment, technically complex, durable, but is based on other, different from the standard, principles of organization. For selective service, the time factor plays a subordinate role and is not the main indicator of the quality of trade service. Trade service is chosen as a criterion of quality.

Personalized trading methods do not require the entire range of products, but only samples or catalogs, they do not involve immediate dispensing and settlement of the purchase. Personalized service in this case may result in a time mismatch between the commercial and technological parts of the service.

Further improvement of the organization of the system of trade services for the population is impossible without the introduction of the following measures by the subjects of wholesale and retail trade:

further development of the material and technical base of the trade industry, rational placement of stores in the territory of settlements;

concentration of trade in goods of a complex assortment in department stores, large specialized stores selling goods in liquid demand, company stores, which will greatly facilitate the choice of goods for buyers;

establishment of the most rational operating modes of trade enterprises, developed not only in accordance with the wishes of customers, but also taking into account the intensity of customer flows during their seasonal and daily peaks;

widespread introduction of progressive forms and methods of commercial services to the population;

expanding and improving the provision of additional trading services to buyers;

improvement of equipping trade enterprises with modern trade and technological equipment, corresponding to the selected progressive methods of selling goods and their specifics.


.1 Features of the organization of the trading service system

Trade is one of the largest sectors of the economy of any country both in terms of the volume of activity and the number of personnel employed in it, and the enterprises of this industry are the most massive. The activities of trade enterprises are related to the satisfaction of the needs of each person, are influenced by many factors and cover a wide range of organizational, technological, economic and financial issues that require daily solutions.

An important feature of trade services is the complex nature of the formation of all management decisions associated with various aspects of the trading enterprise. All these management decisions are closely interconnected and have a direct or indirect impact on the final efficiency of the trading enterprise's economic activity. Therefore, trading services are considered as a complex system of actions, consisting of the development of interdependent management decisions, each of which contributes to the final efficiency of the trading business. enterprises.

Although all trade enterprises as economic entities of one industry have many common characteristics of trade and technological and trade and economic processes, the differences between their specific organizational forms, the technologies used and the economic conditions are very significant, which accordingly affects both the peculiarities of the process of managing their activities and the final results of these activities.

In modern trade, the buyer simultaneously sets a single requirement: on the one hand, to reduce the time spent on purchasing goods of the bulk of goods and services (consumer goods) and thereby ensure a certain standard of consumption, and on the other hand, to preserve individual customer service in trade for a number of goods. especially periodic demand.

The feasibility of a different approach to the organization of services based on the division of goods according to the frequency and nature of demand - daily, periodic and episodic - led to the creation of new types of enterprises, the allocation of stores selling everyday goods, the search for new organizational and technological solutions in trade.

Given the different functional roles of individual types of stores, they have different requirements. So, for example, when buying everyday goods of a simple assortment, the choice of which is not difficult, maximum access to these goods, conditions for self-selection and quick calculation should be ensured. The main criterion for the quality of trade services is the minimum time spent on their purchase.

The quality of trade services is a set of features that characterize the state of the material and technical base of the retail trade, the use of progressive methods of selling goods, the level of advertising.

Currently, there are two main sources of information to characterize the quality of trade services: statistical reporting and materials of specially organized one-time observations. From statistical reporting use reports on the presence and movement of trade enterprises, turnover, receipts, sales and balances of goods, the availability of refrigeration, trade, mechanical, handling and other types of equipment.

According to the current reporting data, it is possible to assess the quality of trade services for the first five groups of indicators. Their comparison with the existing standards, the average indicators in the industry makes it possible to assess the quality of trade services at a particular trade enterprise.

2.2 Organization of the provision of trade services to customers

Providing a high level of commercial service to customers in stores is one of the most effective forms of participation of a commercial enterprise in competition in the consumer market, the formation of its competitive advantage.

The customer service process is part of service areas.

The main task of enterprises in this sphere is to meet the needs of the population in services of a different nature by increasing the facilities of services, expanding their range, improving the quality and culture of service. Characteristic feature enterprises and organizations in the service sector is a complementary combination of processes of production of services and services to the population. Thus, the organization of customer service is a specific, unparalleled in other industries part of the organization of the enterprise, which plays a special role in increasing its efficiency.

The subject of study in this system is the relationship that develops between enterprises in the service sector and consumers of services in connection with their provision.

Customer service in a merchant is defined by a number of specific elements that play different roles in providing a high level of merchant service. According to buyers and trade experts, identified in the course of a special study, the most important are the following elements:

The presence of a wide and stable assortment of goods in the store, ensuring the satisfaction of the demand of the served contingent of buyers;

Application in the store of progressive methods of selling goods, providing the greatest convenience and minimizing the time spent on shopping;

Providing buyers with additional trading services related to the specifics of the goods sold;

Extensive use of in-store advertising and information means;

High professional qualifications personnel directly carrying out the process of customer service in the trading floor;

Full compliance with the established rules for the sale of goods and the procedure for carrying out trade in the store.

The quality of trade services is largely determined by the quantity and quality of additional trade services provided by stores to buyers of goods. In developed trade, their share is very high. Implementation of the act of purchase and sale of goods when high quality trade organization is inextricably linked with a variety of customer service operations.

Trade service should be understood as various types of useful actions additionally rendered by trade enterprises to customers in the process of purchasing or consuming goods. In this case, the following classification of trade services takes place, (see Figure 1.)

Rice. 1 - Classification of trading services

The range of services provided to customers after purchasing goods is quite extensive. These include cutting out fabrics bought in a store, adjusting to the height and figure of the buyer of a ready-made dress purchased in a store, etc.

Services provided by stores can be paid or free. Free services include services directly related to the sale of goods (consultation of sellers and specialists, advertising information, etc.).

Other services, the provision of which is associated with additional costs for stores (cutting fabrics, home delivery of goods, etc.)

Should be performed for a fee according to locally approved tariffs, although recently many stores, "fighting" for the buyer, provide some of these services free of charge (for example, delivering refrigerators to a customer at home).

The most favorable conditions for the provision of additional services have large stores: supermarkets, department stores and large specialty stores. At the same time, such types of services as cutting fabrics and delivery have become predominantly widespread.


.1 General characteristics of the activities of the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Salon of digital photo printing"

The object of the research in this work is the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Digital Photo Printing Salon", located in the "Grand" store (Fig. 2-3).

Rice. 2 - Entrance to the "Grand" store, where the digital photo printing salon is located

Rice. 3 - Signboard of the salon of digital photo printing

Profit from activities is used to reimburse material costs, make mandatory payments and deductions (payment of taxes, remuneration of employees, etc.). The remaining net profit is directed to the development and expansion of the trading enterprise.

The brand salon of LLC "New Look" - "Salon of digital photo printing" has a rather advantageous location, as it is located in a busy part of the city with a lot of traffic, next to the main road (Lenin street). There are pharmacies, a school, a supermarket "Semya", a mini-market nearby, which also indicates a large traffic of the outlet.

The main consumers of this outlet are residents of Kungur and the Kungur region.

The following assortment is presented in the digital photo printing salon (see diagram. 1).

Photo Albums Scheme 1 - Assortment of goods of the salon of digital photo printing

The main activity of the salon is the provision of digital photo printing services, the types of which are discussed in the next paragraph.

3.2 The main types of services rendered to customers of the Novy Vzgly Ltd branded Store - Digital Photo Printing Salon

A service is an activity, benefit, or satisfaction that is sold separately or offered in conjunction with the sale of goods.

Consumers develop an expectation of a service (see table 1) based on past experience, the price they paid, and other factors.

Here you can face the problem of the relationship between expectations and results, since each positive experience creates an expectation of an even better quality of service in the future.

Service quality requirements are increasing.

Table 1 - Relationship between service quality and consumer expectations

Parameters for assessing the quality of services Consumer expectations when assessing the quality of services 1. Fragility - the physical environment in which services are provided 2. Reliability - consistency of performance right on time 3.Responsibility - the desire of the service company staff to help the buyer, guarantees the performance of services 4.Completeness - possession of the necessary knowledge and skills, personnel competence 5.Accessibility - ease of establishing contacts with the service company 6.Safety - absence of risk and distrust on the part of the buyer 7.Politeness -Correctness, courtesy of staff 8. Communication skills 9. Mutual understanding with the buyer 1. Speech communication (rumors), i.e. information about services that customers learn from other customers 2. Personal needs. This factor relates to the personality of the buyer, his requests, perception of the quality of services and is associated with his nature 3. Past experience, i.e. Perhaps this kind of service has already been provided in the past 4. External communications (communications) - information radio, television, press

Improving the provision of basic services requires the development and modernization of trade entities, an increase in the level of their technical equipment, the introduction and application of progressive methods and forms of sale, the activation of trade advertising, the organization of various expert consultations for buyers.

The allocation of related and additional services is due to their different attitude to the goods sold in trade enterprises.

Ancillary services include services that are indirectly related to the process of purchasing a product (an example of such services may be the attachment of watch straps by a seller of a store, which is carried out for an additional fee). The buyer has the right to either pay for such a service, or refuse to receive it.

Additional (auxiliary, or free) services are not directly related to the sale of goods by the buyer and can be used both with the purchase of goods and without it, independently.

Additional services are aimed at cultural and consumer services for shop visitors (an example of such services can be cutting fabrics, repairing goods, hanging curtains by employees of a trading enterprise).

Receiving these services for the buyer is a purely voluntary matter, because their cost is paid by the buyer additionally, if the buyer does not want to use additional services.

The main types of services rendered in the company store of LLC "New Look" - "Salon of digital printing" (see table 2).

Table 2 - Basic services "Salon of digital photo printing"

Types of services Description of services Cost of services Copier and printing You can quickly make copies of any book, documents, forms, certificates and so on. Printing is made on paper (A4) Also color photocopying and printing 3.50 rubles Photo printing Photo size 10 * 15 15 * 20 20 * 30 30 * 4010 * 15 - 3.85 rubles. 15 * 20 - 15 rubles. 20 * 30 - 25 rubles. 30 * 40 - 100 rubles Lamination Lamination will help to extend the life of your documents and printing products, protecting the paper from moisture, sun rays or other damages. Lamination 30-60 rubles. Photo correction Remove unnecessary scratches and defects caused by time, make color correction, add missing parts and details of the image, edit one from several photos. Correction 20-30 rubles. for 1 photo. Printing photos on T-shirts For printing, you must bring a photo or image. You can bring your own T-shirt. Children's T-shirts 400 rubles. Adult T-shirts 450 RUB Printing photos on mugs To print a photo on a mug, you must bring an image, photograph, or drawing. The application of an image or photograph on a mug is carried out using the method of sublimation technology. Mugs 200 rubles. Printing photos on magnets, pillows, plates. Printing your image or photograph. Plate - 250 rubles. Pillows 650 rubles. Magnets - 30 and 50 rubles.

The above list of services indicates a wide variety of digital photo printing and printing services in general, and also indicates the high competitiveness of the salon.

3.3 The level of satisfaction with the trade services of the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Digital Photo Printing Salon"

Customer satisfaction is the consciousness of consumers, and it may or may not be confirmed by the actual situation. It is known that people form attitudes (attitudes) quickly and change them slowly. Customer satisfaction measurements are an assessment of how consumers perceive your business as a supplier of goods.

Four levels of customer satisfaction.

Meet the expectations of consumers - this is the basic level necessary for the functioning of a business.

Exceed customer expectations - This level of customer satisfaction is essential for business growth.

Deliver consumer satisfaction - a business that consumers love.

Amaze Your Customers - This is the “wow” level when consumers talk about your business with admiration, when there is word of mouth about your business.

To calculate the level of satisfaction, a survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire. Questionnaire (from the French list of questions) - a questionnaire, independently filled out by the respondent according to the specified rules. The questionnaire is a set of questions, the answers to which can contribute to the solution of the research problem. In sociological research, which is actively used in the education system, the questions of the questionnaire serve as the initial empirical material for generalizations. The questionnaire should ensure that content is received that is truthful to the interviewee and meaningful to the issue. The structure of the development of the questionnaire includes the definition of its content. Next comes the choice of the desired type of questions. Questions can be open-ended, allowing the respondent to freely, at his own discretion, build his answer, and closed, usually allowing answers like * yes * or * no *. With the help of a questionnaire, biographical data, opinions, value orientations and personal qualities of the surveyed.

The structure of the questionnaire, as a rule, contains 4 blocks of questions.

The first block explains who is conducting the research and why, emphasizes the anonymity of the survey, gives instructions for filling out the questionnaire and further actions, and expresses gratitude for the time kindly given by the respondent.

The second block contains questions characterizing the respondent himself: about gender, age, marital status, education, income, professional activity, housing conditions, habits, etc. These questions allow segmentation, separation and assignment of the respondent to certain audiences.

In the third block, questions are given that are directly related to the objectives of the study.

The fourth block of questions is necessary in order to check the attentiveness of filling out the questionnaire, the seriousness and frankness of the respondents, as well as the professionalism and honesty of the interviewers.

It is psychological and Control questions... If the research topic is simple and tolerant, it can be dispensed with and can “monitor” the level of customer satisfaction by using a complaints and suggestion system. Customer-oriented organizations always provide them with the opportunity to communicate their complaints and suggestions. offers, and for patients who have recovered, companies provide hotlines at their disposal, which give the consumer the opportunity to call and here is the answer to a question, make suggestions or complain.

The survey was conducted among city residents aged 15 to 65 years. The sample consisted of 100 people. According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that, according to the socio-demographic composition, the respondents were distributed as follows (Fig. 4-10).

Rice. 4 - Age of respondents

Rice. 5 - Composition of respondents by gender

Rice. 6 - Composition of respondents by income level

The results of the survey to identify the level of customer satisfaction with the services rendered by the photo printing salon (Fig. 7-10).

Rice. 7 - Customer service level

Rice. 8 - The need for the services of a photo studio in the future

Rice. 9 - The quality of the products received

Rice. 10 - Quality of services provided

During the survey, the following main points were identified:

The age of the respondents is 25-30 years old (20%), more often they are people with an average income (40%);

Most often women visit a photo printing salon (68%);

Customer service is high (50%);

The majority of respondents answered “Yes” when asked whether you want to continue using the services of a photo printing salon (55%);

The quality of the products received is high (50%);

The quality of the services rendered in the photo printing salon is satisfied (65%) of the respondents.

The results obtained suggest that the photo printing salon has successfully established itself in the Kungur market, which is evidenced by the fact that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the quality of the products received and the quality of the services provided and want to continue using the services of the photo printing salon. Speaking about the age of the respondents, which is 25-30 years old, we can conclude that mainly young people use the services. Mostly girls and women use photo printing services than men.


1 Ways to improve the system of services in the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Digital Photo Printing Salon"

shopping service shop service

To improve the efficiency of the process of servicing the customers of the photo studio, it is necessary to constantly study customer demand, which will help to organize the customer service correctly and efficiently.

When asked in the questionnaire about improving the service in the salon, the respondents suggested the following:

Creation of a website with the ability to buy online.

Service through Personal Area(on the website).

Photo printing via the Internet.

Printing of photo books.

Photo printing on key chains.

Consider the costs of implementing measures to improve customer and customer service:

Website development

A website for a company is the most important tool for doing business. In addition to directly attracting buyers of goods and services, as well as informing business partners and potential customers about company news, the website serves to enhance the image and form an internal corporate culture. It is also necessary to create a website for a company in order to be able to conduct effective advertising campaigns on the Internet.

The price of a site depends on many factors: design, text, graphic, software content, the amount of material, the ability to switch to another language, etc. Development and creation of a site on a paid or free platform (CMS) also affects its cost.

In order for visitors to visit the site, it is not enough to make a beautiful and functional site. It must be properly filled with information, properly optimized text and graphic information, each page and the entire site as a whole.

Website development includes the following:

Content Management System (CMS), optimized for website promotion in search engines.

Consulting on the use of CMS.

Domain registration (zone.RU .РФ.COM ...) for a period of 1 year.

Hosting for a period of 3 months. Layout.

Installation of a visit counter.

Form for sending messages from the site (page "Contacts").

Tags: Development of the system of services and improvement of customer service on the example of the company store "Novy Vzglyad" LLC - "Digital Photo Printing Salon" Diploma Marketing

Directions for improving the organization of the process of selling goods and the infrastructure of customer service at the enterprise LLC "Nadezhda"

To improve the efficiency of the customer service process, the Nadezhda store needs to constantly study customer demand, which will help to properly and efficiently organize customer service.

There are many methods and tools for improving the sales process that increase the efficiency of the work:

  • 1. Test-drive and different "gratuities". The first concept is known to everyone, and “free of charge” means all sorts of pleasant gifts, bonuses, souvenirs that will delight customers.
  • 2. Partners and referrals. It can be, like companies, as well as private buyers who, for a certain bonus or percentage, attract new clients to the company.
  • 3. Sales and discounts.
  • 4. Increasing the attractiveness of the product that is.

When applied consistently, these methods are guaranteed to increase sales growth.

The increase in sales is also based on methods that have already proven themselves positively:

  • 1. Cross-selling. His strategy is that when a customer buys a product, the company does everything possible to make him a regular customer. It is necessary to create a situation that will force the client to come to you more than once. When buying one thing, the client is offered to provide the appropriate service.
  • 2. Upselling. An offer of an additional purchase to the main product. You just need to adhere to the rule that the cost of an additional service should not be higher than the main purchase. Determination of the purchase threshold. The general gist is as follows:
  • 1. By making a purchase, the value is higher than a certain amount, the buyer receives free shipping, a coupon for a draw or a gift.
  • 2. Buying two products, the third is given free of charge.
  • 3. Making a purchase of three goods, the buyer receives them at the price of two.

Each store tries to come up with something of its own, looking for new ways of selling.

  • 1. Yellow and red price tags. This method has become recognizable for a long time. In many supermarkets, goods that expire and no one buys are sold at discounted prices, and this is what price tags of different colors indicate.
  • 2. Limited time for price or discount. This formula for increasing sales strongly motivates buyers, forcing them to make a purchase at this time.
  • 3. Possibility to return the product if you don’t like it. Moreover, there is a law that still obliges you to take the goods back if they are returned within 14 days after the purchase.
  • 4. Hints on price tags. The price tags contain information that both the other and the third are being bought with this product. The client, seeing this, will definitely purchase something in addition to what he wanted to buy.

The cost of goods for most consumers is the main factor in purchasing the products they need. With a competent approach to the pricing issue, you can achieve the maximum level of revenue in an extremely short time. Traditionally, an action plan is drawn up, for the implementation of which the following methods of attracting customers with the help of price are used (Scheme 29):

Selling one item at cost

Discount card

Scheme 29 - Ways to attract customers using price

  • 1. Discount:
  • 1.1) For belonging to a certain category of buyers (this discount can be offered to customers who have fulfilled certain requirements or meet specific conditions).
  • 1.2) For the purchase of goods at a specific time.
  • 1.3) For the purchase of off-season products.
  • 1.4) For choosing an obsolete product.
  • 1.5) For making purchases on holidays (this discount is given by all outlets interested in increasing revenue in holidays due to the growth of consumer interest in some specific goods).
  • 1.6) For the corresponding volume.
  • 1.7) For cooperation as a dealer.
  • 2. Selling one item at cost. These promotions enable stores of all sizes to use effective customer acquisition methods; the increase in revenue is provided by complex purchases at standard prices for all other products.
  • 3. Coupon. A discount coupon for the next purchase encourages the consumer to purchase the product in one outlet and helps to fulfill the sales plan.
  • 4. Discount card. To increase revenue, the store offers accumulative cards, when using which the amount of the discount directly depends on the amount spent for the entire period.

In order to create more comfortable conditions for customers in the future in the store, it is necessary to use a progressive sales method, i.e. self-service, because the area of ​​the trading floor allows the introduction of a self-service method. Self-service completes the development of the open access selling method. This is a system of selling without a seller: the buyer chooses, takes from the shelf and carries the goods himself to the checkout located at the exit from the store, where he pays for all his purchases at once.

In addition, self-service allows you to reduce staff costs and easily cope with the influx of shoppers during peak hours, providing the same "service" to all shoppers.

The store staff, no longer selling the goods, carries out its acceptance and placement in containers, monitors the replenishment of stock on the shelves, while the store manager deals with marketing issues (assortment, prices, etc.) and control over the normal operation of the store.

Self-service allows shoppers to make purchases without direct pressure from the seller and without haste. They themselves determine the speed of their actions, they can reconsider the choice already made, moving along the shelves and purchasing all the goods they need at once; thus they save a lot of time.

Thus, self-service will change the shopper's status: from static and passive, when he is standing in line in front of the counter, the shopper becomes dynamic and active as he moves through the store and “picks up” products from the shelves. Additional services provided to customers, not being associated with the sale of a specific product, nevertheless, create more comfortable conditions for the implementation of the process of shopping service to customers.

The activity of developing a sales promotion program consists of several stages.

At the first, incentive targets are set. Sales promotion has a multi-purpose focus. The choice of target depends on the target of the forthcoming impact, which includes the consumer, the retailer and the firm's own sales staff. The objectives of incentives can be divided: strategic, specific and one-off, depending on the scale.

In its activity to stimulate sales, the Nadezhda store needs: encouraging more intensive consumption of the product, encouraging people who have not tried the product to try it out, and attract those who buy the product to it.

To achieve its goals, the store needs to use methods to stimulate product sales.

Pack the goods in colored polyethylene packaging with the company logo. Although such production of packaging is costly for the company, in the end it pays off, since high-quality, colorful packaging attracts the attention of customers and ensures their satisfaction.

Practice tasting new products. Potential buyers are invited to try the products of the firms, and tea is also offered. After tasting, the buyer shares his opinion on the taste and quality of the products with the seller, makes his recommendations, which are then taken into account by the management of the manufacturer's company.

Periodically, about once every 3 months, to release goods for sale in preferential packaging, that is, the prices remain the same, and the weight of the product in the package increases by 50-100 grams. The customer gets the illusion that the product is partially free, but here the store wins by increasing its turnover.

Use decoration shop windows, since the first impression of a store from a customer is usually created by a shop window. The showcase has a great psychological effect on the customer and significantly affects the sales volume.

A customer survey method can be used to assess the results of a sales promotion program. This makes it clear whether many people remembered the incentive company, what opinion was formed about it at the time of the event, how many took advantage of the benefits provided, whether the events influenced their choice. These customer surveys provide further direction for the development of incentive programs.

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