Azure grass parrot. Australian grass parrots

Shar Pei(translated from the whale. "Sandskin") - a guard breed, an excellent hunter and companion. One of the oldest breeds developed in China. Many centuries ago in Tibet they were used as fighting dogs.

Another name for the Shar Pei is "Chinese fighting dog". Back in the days when it was used for dog fighting, the folds helped prevent injury to internal organs. All the enemy could do was just grab him by the skin, without causing serious injuries. He constantly attracts the eyes of those around him with his extraordinary appearance, deep folds on the skin and blue-black tongue, like a chow - chow. In the past, people believed that his tongue helped ward off evil spirits when he barks.

In 1971, it was first registered in the United States as the "Chinese Fighting Dog" by the American Kennel Association, and in 1973 under the name "Shar Pei". In 1973, the first Chinese Shar Pei took part in the Golden Gate Kennel Club Show. The first pedigree was issued on November 9, 1976, and two years later a Shar Pei exhibition was held in Hinckley, Illinois. In 1978 he was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, at that time he was considered the rarest breed in the world.

On February 22, 1979, the first breed standard was adopted and the name of the breed "Chinese Shar Pei" was approved. On October 8, 1991, the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Shar Pei breed description and FCI standard

Photo of an adult Shar Pei

  1. Format: square.
  2. Body: The length of the body, from the humeral-scapular joint to the buttock, is almost equal to the height of the withers (this is especially noticeable in males).
  3. Back: short, strong, broad.
  4. Topline: Falls slightly behind the withers, then a rise to the loin is visible.
  5. Underline: belly is moderately tucked up.
  6. Neck: Strong, of medium length, well set on the shoulders.
  7. Head: Large enough in proportion to the body. On the forehead and cheeks, large folds become dewlap. The skull is flat and wide. Stop - Forehead to Muzzle: Moderate.
  8. Nose: pink or black, large, with wide open nostrils.
  9. Muzzle: Broad from the base to the tip of the nose, without the slightest hint of tapering. The lips and top of the muzzle are visually filled. This is a distinctive feature of the breed. A bulge at the base of the nose is acceptable.
  10. Eyes: Almond-shaped, dark in color, medium in size. The look looks frowned.
  11. Ears: Tight, looking like an equilateral triangle, slightly rounded at the tips, set high on the skull, looking too small. Set wide over the eyes and close to the skull.
  12. Teeth: Scissor bite, upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and perpendicular to the jaw, strong jaws.
  13. Tongue, palate and gums are bluish-black in color.

    For the Shar Pei breed standard, there are three variants of the color of the tongue:

  • Completely blue (with shades of purple)
  • Lavender
  • Blue with pink spots.

Photo of a Shar Pei with a fixed gaze on the sand

The blue tongue is an obligatory attribute of the Shar Pei breed, the main color.

The lilac tongue is inherent in the dilute-colored Sharpei.

In dogs of blue and isabella shades, the tongue is completely blue, or with pinkish spots.

  • Shar Pei's tail: set high, thick at the base, tapering towards the end, raised high and curled into a ring.
  • Skin: The main feature of the breed is its hypertrophied folded skin.
  • Hair: no undercoat, short, stiff, bristly. It sticks out all over the body and only slightly adheres to the limbs.
  • Shar Pei has three main types of wool:
    1. Horse (horsehair) - straight, thick, stiff, prickly to the touch, shorter than 1 cm in length. On the face, ears and behind the ears it is shorter than 2-3 mm. The tail is covered with short hair.
    2. Brush (brush-like hair) - straight, elastic, rough, does not adhere tightly to the skin, and is tough to the touch. Length 1 cm - 2.5 cm, on the face and ears 3-5 mm.
    3. "Bearish" - soft, wavy, more than 2.5 cm long, it is a serious drawback.
  • Sexual characteristics: Male dogs should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Front limbs: straight, of medium length, with strong bones, moderately spaced, elbows close to the chest, no skin folds. The shoulders are well muscled and sloping.
  • Pastern: Slightly sloping, strong.
  • Hock joint: omitted.
  • Hind limbs of a Shar Pei: well muscled, strong, moderate angle of articulation, not widely spaced parallel to each other. Wrinkles in the thigh, lower leg, ankle, ankle joint are not allowed.
  • Toes: Arched. The dewclaws (fifth) fingers are removed.
  • GAIT / MOVEMENT: Free, harmonious, balanced, with good reach and strong drive from the hindquarters. A trot is preferred.
  • Shar Pei blue color

    Sharpey has a whole palette of colors, which are divided into two groups.

    It is typical for the main color to have black pigmentation, in the form of a mask and a belt on the back, it is found:

    • Black
    • Cream
    • Deer
    • Red-deer
    • Red (mahogany)
    • Blue
    • Isabella
    • Sable

    Dilute color group, complete absence of black color:

    • Cream
    • Apricot
    • Red
    • Chocolate
    • Lilac
    • Isabella

    Non-standard color:

    • Spotted (on a white background, red, blue, black chocolate spots)
    • Black and back (characterized by a black back and light tan marks)

    Shar Pei character

    By nature, Shar Pei are calm, independent, active and very loyal to the owner and his family. His behavior and manners depend on the owner. Will the Shar Pei be sanguine by nature, phlegmatic, cheerful or pensive. In any case, he is ready to rejoice and yearn with you, the people who love him.

    Today, thanks to selection, he is primarily a companion dog. This breed does not try to dominate others, does not particularly like to come into conflict with either dogs or people.

    A modern type of Shar Pei, a very friendly breed. Despite the fact that he is a hunting breed, has a fearless character and unique features of the skin, due to his peaceful nature and lack of aggression, he is completely not adapted for a fighting career.

    Photo of Shar Pei with multiple folds in a sitting position

    When you want to buy a Shar Pei, you must remember that when raising and training him, you must not put pressure on him. It is best to be patient, explain to the pet, show and wait for the dog to rethink what he saw and heard.

    The main thing that the owner must remember is never hit a Shar Pei. Owner's violent behavior can turn a smart and intelligent dog into a frightened and angry creature.

    The breed is famous for its extraordinary ingenuity. From the owners you can often hear that their pets, for example, at the dacha, walk only along trodden paths, and not a step to the garden. Shar Pei is very resourceful in a variety of situations, and remembers the road well, can easily navigate the terrain.

    The Shar Pei is an amazingly affectionate dog. He has a cheerful disposition, it is sometimes quite difficult to sit next to him calmly, he strives to lick you, or substitute his funny plush face under your hand, so that you would pat him behind the ear. A Shar Pei living in a loving family feels it well and will never show leadership.

    He gets along well with children, behaves with them anxious and careful, can always avoid their sloppy games. When you first meet a child, you may not understand why the person is so small. But then it will come up very slowly, and if the child stretches out the pen, the dog will lick it very carefully.

    The Shar Pei has exactly the same neat attitude towards small breeds and puppies. He is able to quickly remember the close environment of the owner, and enjoys communicating with them.

    Can be cautiously distrustful of strangers. He is able to orient himself according to the situation, and to distinguish the ill-wisher. If he feels threatened, he can show hostility and protect the owner.

    For a Shar Pei, the master is the center of the universe.

    You should not specifically develop anger in him, using him as a guard, nature has laid everything that is required of him. By temperament, the breed is suitable for both a child and a pensioner. He is quick-witted and easily controlled, the main thing is to communicate a lot with him.

    Each Shar Pei is a unique personality, with its own character, in which the owner plays an important role. It can easily adapt to your schedule. Ready for jogging in the morning, but can sleep longer on weekends. The breed is versatile, tolerates heat well, and can run for hours through the snowdrifts.

    Photo of a circus Shar Pei kid on his hind legs

    Therefore, he can easily keep company in the forest, in the park or on the beach. Will not give up walking in the snowy forest. The term "mirror dog" has stuck behind the Sharpei, for its ability to feel well the mood of the owner. He will not bother you with games if he hears or feels sadness in his voice, but will lie down side by side and look into your face, pretending to understand what exactly bothers you.

    It is recommended to start a Sharpei for lonely people, or for those who do not have a well-arranged life. For its extraordinary biofield, in China it is considered a medicinal breed. Despite the tenderness and sentimentality towards the owners, the Shar Pei remains an excellent guard and watchman. In case of intrusion into the territory of strangers, he will notify you with a rough bass, reminiscent of the voice of a mastiff.

    In the photo, the Shar Pei is still very tiny but shows character

    Shar Pei is great for living in the city. And its compact the average size allows you to keep it even in a small apartment. They carry the road well and fit easily in the car. This is a very clean breed. Even small puppies of three months of age, after a few walks, can endure until the next walk. At 5-6 months, they can be walked 2 times a day, which will keep the house clean.

    Shar Pei does not need too much exercise and very long walks. But if possible, he will be glad to walk outside for a longer time. In the summer, the breed is walked in the morning until eleven and in the evening after five, since the Shar Pei, like most molossians, does not tolerate heat well.

    Caring for the Shar Pei breed

    Caring for the Shar Pei breed is no more difficult than for any smooth-haired dog. Although it has no undercoat, an adult Shar Pei sheds 1-2 times a year. Puppies change their baby's coat to a coarser and shorter coat at about 6-9 months.

    Grooming during the shedding period: You can use a special rubber glove or brush to keep the dog clean and tidy. Regular brushing will help remove dead hair faster and stimulate circulation. When bathing during shedding, wear a rubber glove. Combing while washing will remove loose hair. Close the drain in the bathroom with a mesh.

    A healthy dog ​​does not need to wipe the folds!


    Recommended once every 3 months. An unpleasant smell can come from a Shar Pei, only in case of health problems. From a healthy dog ​​there is no smell, and does not even carry a "dog". The breed does not need frequent bathing, since the natural natural lubricant can be washed off, which can cause dandruff.

    When washing, it is better to plug your ears with a cotton swab, make sure that no water gets there. After bathing, dry your pet's ears well and remember, the dog should not be in a draft. For bathing Shar Pei, use only a special shampoo for smooth-haired dogs.

    Wool must be thoroughly moistened and shampoo applied with a massage. Then rinse thoroughly to completely remove the detergent. It is good to wipe the pet with a towel, and in cold weather, if the apartment is cool, dry it with a hairdryer. You can use a wire conditioner on a clean coat. After bathing, take out into the street no earlier than 3 hours later. If you are not sure that 1 bathing every two months is not enough for your pet, use dry shampoo or talcum powder.


    After eating, you need to wipe the muzzle so that the remains of food do not collect in the folds, which can become a source of unpleasant odor and irritation on the skin. Make sure to allocate a special towel that you have on hand.


    Once a week with a short-bristled brush.


    Check your eyes regularly. Healthy eyes without strong acidity and redness. Remove morning sourness with a soft, lint-free cloth. If you notice abundant lacrimal paths, strong sourness with a crust, redness of the eye and swelling of the eyelids, do not self-medicate, but immediately seek help from a veterinarian.


    Shar Pei ears are poorly ventilated. They are too small and pressed tightly to the head. This feature leads to various ear infections. They must be examined at least 1 - 2 times a week. When bathing, be careful not to get water in your ears. If the dog often scratches his ear or shakes his head, and his ear smells bad, be sure to contact your veterinarian, most likely, an ear infection has begun.

    Photo of a Shar Pei in chocolate color on a silk purple bedspread


    Trim the nails once a month with a nail clipper. The puppy should be taught to this procedure from the first days of its appearance in the house. Many dogs tolerate this procedure very painfully, they are nervous and afraid. Try to do it calmly and affectionately, do not injure your pet by screaming. If the dog huddled in a corner, sticking out his tongue, refuses to give a paw, transfer claw trimming the next day, and praise the pet and treat it to a treat.

    Examine the claw for a light, see where the vein ends, and cut off the claw before reaching it. In the event that you have touched a vein and bleeding, do not panic. Use a bleeding control product and press down on the cotton ball until the blood stops. Long claws interfere with the correct formation of the paws, which can cause dislocation of the fingers, so remember, when the Shar Pei is standing, the tip of the claw should be in line with the ball of the foot.


    After walking, wipe the paws with a damp towel or rinse with a shower. Constantly monitor the condition of the paw pads, small cracks cause pain and discomfort. If cracks appear on the pads, rub vegetable oil into the skin of the paws and include it in the diet for 1 tsp. in a day.


    A dog's permanent teeth set consists of 42 teeth. In many breeds, a complete set of teeth is required by the standard. For a Shar Pei, the presence of a complete set of teeth is not necessary, but desirable.

    During the period of changing teeth in a puppy, he can chew everything. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, such as a gnawed pen or remote control, you should buy him some goodies:

    • bovine bones
    • hard rubber toy
    • dried beef tail, or ears.
    • there is also a special rope toy for brushing your teeth.

    When calculus appears in the breed, you should contact your veterinarian.

    Check the bite of the breed regularly, starting at three months of age. Very common reason"Undersight" is the presence of a "tight lip". This happens when she turns inward, which interferes with the development of the jaw, and does not give the dog the opportunity to eat normally. In such cases, surgical intervention is necessary. Although according to the standard, a Shar Pei who underwent such an operation cannot take part in exhibitions.

    The main thing to remember is that a Shar Pei puppy must be taught to any procedures from an early age. After them, always praise your pet and treat him with a treat.

    Ticks and fleas

    1. Ixodid ticks are carriers of a disease that is deadly for dogs - piroplasmosis (babesiosis) and tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease).
    2. Fleas can infect an animal's body with tapeworms (dipylidiosis).
    3. Even a seemingly simple mosquito is a carrier of leishmaniasis and dirofilariasis (heart worms). True, for the middle lane, cases of infection are quite rare. Just remember, when going to rest in warm regions, always treat your pet with the necessary preparations.

    Ticks are the main enemies of your pet's health. Therefore, after walking in the forest, in the park, always examine the Shar Pei skin. Pay particular attention to the belly, armpits, ears and genital area.

    • Drops on the withers "Frontline", "Advantiks", "Bars" are absorbed into the skin and distributed over it for at least a day.
    • The spray takes effect immediately after treatment.
    • The collar (Kiltiks, Beafar, Bolfo) contains a long-lasting insoluble substance. It gradually passes on to the wool and begins to act in a few days after the substance is distributed. The collar must be worn at all times without removing it.

    Rules for the treatment of ticks:

    • Spring processing must be carried out as soon as the temperature becomes "above zero" at night.
    • Do not bathe for 10 days after applying the drops.
    • Be sure to mark when the last treatment was done, do not skip the next one.
    • If you have to combine drugs (drops + spray, spray + collar) - treat with the second agent only 10 days after applying the first.
    • Check your pet regularly after walking.

    Lubricate the found mites with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly. After a couple of minutes, when he looses his grip, pull it out with tweezers, as if twisting it out of the skin. Treat the wound with an antiseptic and monitor the condition of the breed for the next few days. Noticing that the Shar Pei is lethargic, refuses to eat and drink, his body temperature is high (above 39 degrees), immediately go to the veterinarian. Only the help of a specialist will help save the dog's life.

    Shar Pei resting on the grass

    Every owner dreams that his pet would be healthy and active. That is why special attention should be paid to feeding the Shar Pei. The nutrition of this breed, like any other dog, is selected balanced and of high quality. There are two types of food: prepared dry food and natural food. What to feed his dog, each owner chooses independently.

    The main rule of healthy eating- never mix ready-made feed and natural feed in one feeding. This can cause an upset stomach in the animal.

    When choosing dry food, choose only High Quality and from trusted manufacturers. You can consult with the breeder from whom you take the puppy, what he feeds. A responsible and dog-loving person will be able to recommend a good and proven product. On the box of food, the portion is always indicated in one feeding, according to the body weight or age of the breed. Be sure to make sure that the bowl contains fresh water, and after feeding the pet drank it. In food for Shar Pei, the fat content should be no more than 9 - 12%, and protein up to 23%.

    Photo of Shar Pei puppies

    When buying food, always check the expiration date on the packaging. If the product you have chosen suits your pet well, there is no allergy, the stomach works well, do not listen too much to the opinions of others, and do not rush to experiment. Any transfer to another product is done gradually and in small portions. For any type of Shar Pei food, vitamins and minerals are included in the diet. They are selected only by a veterinarian, individually for each animal.

    Choosing natural food for feeding Shar Pei, adhere to simple rules, and your pet will be healthy and active:

    1. Food can be given only freshly prepared, at room temperature, food that is too hot or cold, ruins the stomach
    2. There should always be fresh water in the bowl.
    3. Shar Pei puppy, teach, eat from a stand (he needs to reach for the bowl a little)
    4. For an adult pet, the bowl is placed so that he gets food without lowering his head.
    5. Food should be eaten in podliz, if the pet refuses to eat, put the food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
    6. After eating, wipe the Shar-Pei's muzzle with a damp cloth, thus removing food debris from the lips and dewlap (it is they who cause an unpleasant odor from the breed)
    7. If you notice redness of the suspension, wipe the pet's neck with a damp towel and sprinkle with baby powder.

    Prohibited foods for Shar Pei:

    • Smoked meats
    • Pasta
    • Sweets
    • Chocolate
    • Bird, with small tubular bones
    • Pork
    • Legumes
    • Cabbage
    • Potato
    • Hard cheese

    Useful products for Shar Pei:

    • Buckwheat
    • Oat flakes
    • Beef (muscle part)
    • Mutton
    • Rabbit meat
    • By-products (no more than 40% of the meat norm per day)
    • Poultry (chicken, turkey)
    • Sea fish (river fish, cannot be given)
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
    • Greenery
    • Tomatoes (good for removing tartar)

    Remember one thing - you cannot experiment with Shar Pei nutrition. Many individuals are allergic to protein, ears swell, and skin rashes appear.

    To any of the above-listed cereals, add meat, raw or boiled, in a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part of meat, 4 parts of porridge).

    The meat is cooked separately, the broth is drained, the broth is harmful to the Shar-Pei.

    Groats with boiled and deboned fish are given in the same proportions 1: 4. The fish broth is poured out.

    You can add stewed vegetables in vegetable oil to the porridge (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, celery).

    Raw vegetables are grated and vegetable oil is added.

    V winter period, be sure to add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil food, the coat will acquire a shine, and the paw pads will not crack. Indicator of good feeding, optimal weight, active pet, absence of unpleasant odor from the mouth, healthy skin and coat, shiny eyes and always regular, well-formed stools.

    • Food allergy
    • Otitis media (ear infection)
    • Thyroid disease
    • Entropion (twisting of the eyelid, causes irritation of the cornea, if not treated promptly, leads to blindness)
    • Lacrimal gland prolapse of the third eyelid
    • Glaucoma
    • Demodectic mange (a skin disease caused by a tick bite. Symptoms: severe itching and noticeable hair loss)
    • Pyoderma (skin infection)
    • Primary seborrhea (a lot of sebum on the skin, flaking, unpleasant odor)
    • Sharpei fever (the syndrome is not fully understood, it is known that the disease is inherited and leads to kidney failure)
    • Mastocytoma
    • Bloating
    • Hip dysplasia (causes lameness, arthritis, severe pain)
    • Elbow dysplasia
    • Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus (enlargement of the esophagus)

    Shar Pei photo

    Shar Pei video

    Sharpei are considered the most ancient and mysterious animals in the world. The history of the emergence of the breed dates back to the era of the Han Dynasty. The Chinese rulers appreciated her for her fighting qualities, belligerence and fearlessness. Regal, noble and independent, she will become the most devoted friend and reliable protector of the family.


    The origin of the breed began in the province of Kwun Tung. There is a version that the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuadi destroyed all information about this breed. What caused this act is still not known to anyone. There are various assumptions that the Shar Pei are descendants of mastiffs.

    In the 2-3 century BC, Shar Pei were very popular and loved by the people of China. Archaeologists have discovered Chinese tombs, gravestone figurines and clay figurines and vases on which dogs with the characters and features of Sharpei were depicted.

    Genetic studies have confirmed that this breed is at least 3000 thousand years old. She belongs to the category of the oldest dogs. Sharpeii belonged to the squad of fighting dogs, because of their powerful and strong jaw, which could strongly capture and hold the enemy.

    Local peasants were very fond of arranging dog fights, making them an object of excitement. But over time, Sharpeis began to be used as guards for their homes. Sometimes they took them to hunt.

    These animals have remained very popular over the centuries. Such pets could be found in almost every home. Everything changed in the 1940s when the Chinese communists came to power and imposed a heavy tax on their owners.

    Later, the ruler Mao Zedong issued a decree to destroy the entire breed, as he considered it an impermissible luxury. Almost all animals were destroyed.

    The remaining dogs were caught and secretly transported to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

    In these cities, the law was on the side of the animals.

    In the 70s of the last century, the process of restoration of the almost completely extinct breed began, which was successfully completed. Sharepei are now a very popular type of dog.


    The digestive system of such animals is very sensitive. If the diet is not properly selected, various allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a dog menu in accordance with all the rules and regulations.

    If you feed Shar Pei with natural food, then it should include the following types of products:

    Meat ingredients. They are a must in a dog's diet. You can give raw meat: beef, lamb, horse meat, chicken and rabbit, but only in separate parts. For example, the liver, stomach, head, neck and back.

    It is important to know that fatty meats, rich broths and poultry bones are strictly forbidden to be eaten!

    By-products: trachea, lungs, udders, kidneys, should also be in the diet, but not more than 30-40% of the prescribed norm. Black scar is very nutritious and useful, it is also called the cow's proventriculus.

    It contains important digestive enzymes, various symbiotic microorganisms and vitamins. Serve raw. Under influence high temperature water, nutrients are destroyed, and the scar loses its beneficial features... Sugar bones, cartilage and animal ears can also be included in the diet. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to give bones that have undergone heat treatment!

    Cereals. The best option would be rice porridge. You can diversify the diet with oatmeal or buckwheat. Corn and wheat can cause eczema.

    Vegetables and fruits. Both boiled and raw vegetables work well.

    Sharpei are very fond of carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, different varieties of cabbage. But it is not advisable to give potatoes, peppers, eggplant and sweet fruits.

    The intestines do not cope well with the digestion of fiber, and therefore, to facilitate this process, it is necessary to scald vegetables and fruits with hot water or lightly freeze them before eating. And it is best to squeeze the juice or make vegetable or fruit puree in a blender.

    Quail eggs are an additional source of various trace elements and vitamins. They should be added to the main diet very carefully to avoid allergies. But if it does show up, then it is better to exclude eggs from the menu. The norm is the consumption of one or two eggs per day, but no more.

    Sea fish. Do not include fatty fish, mackerel and perch in the menu. All other types can and should be given entirely after clearing of bones. The dog must eat everything: both the head and the offal.

    Vitamins and mineral complexes should be included in the diet when feeding with homemade food. It is best to check with your veterinarian before buying which vitamins are best for your dog.

    And also do not forget about pet hygiene after a meal. Food can accumulate in folds and cause inflammation. Therefore, you should always carefully wipe the folds of your skin with a terry towel.

    The following types of products are prohibited for Sharpei:

    • Caviar;
    • Butter and milk;
    • Various sweets;
    • Sausages;
    • Smoked, spicy, fatty and salty foods;
    • Pearl barley, wheat and barley cereals.

    An important point is the choice of crockery for the Shar Pei.

    Bowls made of plastic and vinyl are best avoided to avoid allergic reactions. Better to buy a ceramic or steel bowl.

    Dry food

    In order to pick up correct feed It is best to ask the breeder or veterinarian for advice. You can also buy food yourself. The best option would be premium food. For example: Pro Plan Adult or Super-Premium (Royal Canin Adult, Royal Canin Educ, Royal Canin Energy).

    It is important to observe the dosage indicated on the package. The extra portion of food can lead to the fact that the dog will feel discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

    If you overfeed it constantly, it can cause health problems. Correctly composed and selected menu will exclude all kinds of allergies and diseases!

    Sharpei are quite whimsical in their diet, so the issue of feeding is problematic for many owners of this breed.

    One of the features of Sharpei is their susceptibility to allergic reactions. And this further complicates the choice of pet food.

    What to feed the dog with?

    In contact with


    Dog food

    Most dog breeders prefer to feed Sharpei with natural products, as representatives of this breed are prone to food allergies, and pet food in pet stores is often its source. If you decide to feed your four-legged friend with natural food, then you should be aware that cooking will take a lot of time.

    The most important thing to remember: the pet is categorically you can not feed products from your table... What a man eats does not suit a purebred dog at all. What should the diet of dogs of this breed consist of?

    • lean meat. It is the basis of Shar Pei nutrition and a source of protein. It is preferable to feed the dog with chicken, turkey (wings, necks, breast, liver and heart). Feeding with beef (muscular part or head trimmings), as well as lamb and rabbit meat is allowed;
    • offal should be about 50% from the daily allowance of meat. This category includes kidneys, cow's udder, heart, lungs, trachea, cartilage, ears;
    • eggs should be given raw. Enough 1-2 pieces per week;
    • fish are recommended to choose low-fat varieties: hake, halibut, cod, pink salmon, haddock, etc. The exception is perch and mackerel;
    • vegetables and fruits are recommended ground so that the stomach can digest them better. The menu should include broccoli, apples, zucchini, carrots. It is permissible to give a little beets and tomatoes;
    • fermented milk products can be included in the menu only if the pet is not lactose intolerant. The permissible dose is 1 time per week. You need to give milk carefully, in small portions, in order to track the reaction to this product. Dairy products should be low-fat;
    • cereals: rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. Usually, boiled porridge in water is introduced into the diet only if the dog is not weighing enough for its age;
    • the daily menu must include vitamins and probiotics.

    Actions for the manifestation of allergies

    The first thing to do if you are allergic to food is to identify the allergenic product and exclude it from the diet. It is worth considering that the principles of feeding for food allergies depend on whether the dog eats dry food or natural food.

    Consider two options for feeding with an illness.

    When feeding dry food

    Everything that the dog ate before the onset of the disease should be excluded from the menu. The main dish for the coming weeks should be boiled rice with the addition of olive oil... Vitamins C, E and vitamin B complex should be added to the feed.

    As soon as your pet gets better, you can gradually add carrot puree, boiled cabbage, ground lettuce or parsley to your food.

    At the next stage, you need to switch to dry food again. It should be hypoallergenic and low in protein (14 to 22%).

    When feeding with natural products

    All products must be removed from the menu, except chicken wings and necks... If it turns out that chicken has become an allergenic product, then for the first two weeks the pet's menu should contain meat that you never gave him.

    However, chicken allergy is extremely rare, so raw poultry is considered the most suitable food during the period of illness.

    Just as in the first feeding principle, vitamins C, E and B need to be added to the diet.

    As soon as the symptoms subside, you can add a raw egg, herbs, vegetables, heart, liver and ground fish to the menu.

    When expanding the diet, do not give everything at once and in large quantities. Try one product first, then another on the second day. This will allow you to observe the pet's reaction.

    What you can't eat

    In no case should you give the following products to the sharpei:

    • milk and butter;
    • bones;
    • pasta;
    • fish caviar;
    • river fish;
    • wheat and corn grits;
    • pork and lamb;
    • sausages and sausages;
    • chocolate;
    • sweets and bread;
    • spicy, salted, pickled, smoked and fried foods.

    All of these foods can give your pet an upset stomach or allergies.

    Nutrition for puppies 1-5 months

    The first food of a small Shar Pei is milk. In the second month, most of the diet should be adult food. However, it is not worth completely weaning from the mother's milk, since with it the puppy receives the microelements and vitamins necessary for growth and development.

    If you are giving dry food, then soak it in warm water. Experienced breeders recommend giving premium food, at least up to a year.

    If you are feeding natural food, then you should adhere to the following rules: 70% of the diet should be raw meat and offal, 30% - vegetables, fruits, eggs and dairy products.

    Dry food

    When choosing a feed, you need to carefully study the information on the package. The list of ingredients should not include corn, legumes, wheat. The basis of a food suitable for your pet, there must be meat... But do not forget about vegetables: they must also be included in the composition. It is better to give your preference to premium food.

    Unwanted ingredients in feed:

    • meat meal and animal fat;
    • protein source - offal;
    • dyes;
    • beet pulp;
    • sweeteners.

    Don't experiment with dry food. If your dog has been eating one brand of food for quite a long time, then you should not transfer it to food from another manufacturer, unless, of course, he feels well.

    How to choose dry food

    The first thing you need to pay attention to is the proportion of natural ingredients in the composition. Often on the packaging they write vaguely about herbal supplements. Such food, the composition of which looks very doubtful, is not worth buying. The more detailed the list of ingredients, the better and faster you will be able to understand whether food is suitable for your dog or not.

    The packaging must contain information on the passage of meat and fish veterinary inspection... If there is no information about this, then you should not risk buying such food.

    It is advisable to choose food without food additives, unfamiliar names of substances, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

    Before giving food to your dog, smell it. A good fresh product should not ooze unpleasant pungent or chemical odor... The pellets should generally be light brown in color. Many foods can shine. This indicates the presence of fat in them. But if the composition of fats is not indicated, then this should alert.

    The packaging always contains information on feeding and the number of servings. This information is of a recommendatory nature and should not be adhered to, since each dog requires a different number and volume of servings.

    When to change feed

    Health, activity and appearance dogs. If you notice any changes in your pet, then, most likely, the matter is in the incorrectly established diet and unsuitable feed... First of all, you should pay attention to the following changes:

    • bad breath;
    • lethargy;
    • the presence of tartar in large quantities;
    • flatulence;
    • constipation or diarrhea;
    • discharge from the eyes;
    • the dog began to gnaw at its paws;
    • odor from the ears, itching;
    • fat six, excessive shedding.

    All of these signs indicate a health problem in the dog. If these symptoms occur, you should see a veterinarian, since they can be both a consequence of improper diet, and the result of a disease.

    An important factor in the correct development of the dog is correct feeding... What can you feed a Shar Pei, and what products is it better to refuse? The subtleties of feeding a dog of this cute breed are in the article.

    How to feed a Shar Pei

    Nutritional features: natural food

    These intelligent and independent dogs are whimsical in their diet and prone to allergic diseases. The composition of the diet should be balanced and varied.

    • Meat, fish, offal - the basis of the Sharpei menu. Fatty meats, pork are not allowed. Sugar bones are given raw, just like meat. Rich meat broth, poultry bones, fish with bones are taboo in the diet of these dogs.
    • Porridge is also an irreplaceable element of the diet. Priority should be given to buckwheat and rice chaff, oatmeal. It is strictly forbidden to feed Sharpei with wheat and corn porridge. Animals develop allergies from them.
    • When choosing fruits and vegetables, you should refrain from too sweet fruits that cause fermentation, such as grapes. Potatoes are best served raw. The rest of the vegetables and fruits are suitable without restrictions, both raw and boiled or stewed.
    • The recommended portion of eggs is 2 pcs. in Week. Fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese) can be given once a day.

    It is important not to overfeed the dog, carefully monitor its weight. How much to feed a Shar Pei depends on the age and body condition of the dog. If the arrow of the scales exceeds the permissible norm, you should cut the portion of porridge. Natural food should be supplemented with a complex of vitamins and minerals.

    How to feed a Shar Pei: specialized food

    Most often, breeders feed puppies with ready-made balanced food, adapted to their individual characteristics. Veterinarians give preference to food and nutrition of healthy adult dogs. When choosing food for this breed, several important factors should be considered:

    • protein source in the list of ingredients should be in the first place;
    • try to start with the most common protein sources (veal, beef), not exotic;
    • make sure that there are no soy, corn, wheat, artificial preservatives, animal fat, meat flour, dyes, sweeteners among the ingredients;
    • the protein and fat content should be low, preferably 25%, but not more than 40%.

    If a dog that is fed with ready-made feeds has ear problems, an unpleasant odor from the mouth, rashes, it is necessary to urgently replace the feed.

    The homeland of the Shar Pei is China. For generations, dogs have been fed natural rice-based foods. Therefore, the cause of frequent allergic outbreaks is not a genetic predisposition of the dog, but an unhealthy diet.

    In the article we will consider the methods and rules of feeding at home, the regime and diet. We will also pay attention to the actual issue of how to feed a Shar Pei for up to a year.

    Sharpei can be fed in two ways: out of the regime and according to the regime.

    Feeding out of schedule assumes 24/7 Shar Pei access to food. At the same time, the amount of food is not limited. Owners who choose this method rely on the dog's sense of proportion.

    Unlimited mode has its advantages:

    • Victory over disease. Some individuals suffer from diseases of the kidneys, intestines, pancreas, diabetes, etc. Fractional frequent meals helps to cope with diseases;
    • The satiety of a pregnant or lactating female. During this period, she consumes more food than usual. The unlimited mode will not leave the dog hungry;
    • Group feeding. If several dogs live and eat together, the owner does not have to worry about the satiety of the pets. No one will go hungry;
    • Identifying features. The off-schedule feeding method helps to identify the feeding habits of the Shar Pei. The dog will choose the timing and dosage for himself.

    This feeding method has disadvantages:

    • Obesity. Occurs due to improper excessive nutrition;
    • Unnoticed lack of appetite due to the constant availability of food. It indicates the unhealthy state of the pet;
    • Not suitable for puppies. Usually a sense of proportion in food and they are absent;
    • The risk of getting bone diseases as a result of frequent meals in unlimited quantities;
    • Uneconomic consumption of feed, that is, large cash costs for the owner.

    Giving preference to feeding without a regimen, you need to choose dietary food. They will quickly satisfy the Shar Pei's appetite and prevent obesity.

    For Shar Pei puppies, it will be most correct to draw up a diet. You need to adhere to it until the baby grows up.

    Power by mode assumes a limited time dosed feeding of the Shar Pei. This method is considered the most correct, since the whole process is controlled by the owner.

    The food intake for Shar Pei puppies and for adults is different. Consider how many times a day to feed puppies and adult dogs:

    • Puppies up to 3 months old need to be fed 6 times a day from 7:00 to 22:00 with breaks of 3 hours;
    • At 3-4 months, reduce the number of meals to 5, slightly increasing the portions of food;
    • Puppies from 4 to 7 months - 4 times a day;
    • Sharpeev aged from 7 months to a year to transfer to three meals a day;
    • It is enough to feed adult dogs twice a day - 7:00 and 20:00.

    The hosts often argue about the right choice feed - dry or natural? Let's dwell on this issue and consider it in more detail.

    Natural food: what to choose?

    The word "natural" refers to food obtained by the dog in the wild. The owner can provide the pet with these products. However, you need to be careful when feeding a Shar Pei.

    Sharpey can be given the following products:

    • Raw meat and fish in small quantities (venison, beef, turkey, etc.);
    • Poultry waste (liver, necks, stomachs, backs);
    • Vegetables (carrots, sauerkraut, pumpkin, turnip, etc.);
    • Porridge (buckwheat or rice);
    • Quail eggs (1 pc. Once a week);
    • Low-fat fermented milk products (rarely given, as a treat).

    With natural feeding, the following ratio should be adhered to:
    - meat and fish products in the general diet - 50%;
    - cereals - 25%;
    - vegetables - 20%;
    - the rest (low-fat milk, quail eggs) - 5%.

    Choosing dry food: which is better?

    We compared the ratings of different brands of feed. They can be divided into three classes - best, good, average.

    All of the foods below contain high quality ingredients and are well absorbed by Sharpei.

    The class of the best feed includes:
    - "Artemis maximal dog";
    - "Orijen";
    - "Go natural".

    A good class is represented by feeds:
    - "Canidae";
    - "Acana";
    - "Innova".

    The following brands are considered average in quality:
    - "Biomil";
    - "Nutro Ultra Holistic";
    - "Eagle Pack Holistic Select".

    It is possible to use other premium and super-premium feeds. It is not recommended to give the Shar-Pei cheap economy-class food - they can pose a danger to the health and even life of the pet.

    Prohibitions: what should not be treated to a dog?

    The following foods should be excluded from the Shar Pei diet:

    • Fatty fermented milk products;
    • Pasta;
    • Cereals (except for rice and buckwheat);
    • Sausages;
    • Butter;
    • Meat broth;
    • Sweets;
    • Pork;
    • Chicken eggs.

    Sharpei allergy sufferers: the question of nutrition

    The question of how to feed the Shar Pei so that there is no allergy is relevant. Indeed, in this breed of dogs, allergies are frequent. Let's talk about how to act in a similar situation.

    If you find allergic signs in a Shar Pei, you need to:

    1. Put the dog on a rice diet;
    2. Eliminate pollen, brewer's yeast, alfalfa from supplements;
    3. On the second or third day of the diet, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the serving;
    4. Gradually add boiled carrots and fresh herbs to rice;
    5. After a two-week diet, switch to dry, hypoallergenic food with low protein content or natural food. This should be done gradually, observing the reaction of the Shar Pei's body to food.

    Boiled chicken is a common cause of acute allergic reactions in Shar-Pei. Change it to rabbit, turkey. You can also try lamb or veal.

    Regular feeding of the Shar Pei requires the following rules to be followed:

    1. Lunch for 15 minutes. Give a bowl of food to the sharpei for 15 minutes (do not remove the water). Discipline your dog. So the pet's body will more easily adapt to the regime;
    2. Strictly on schedule. Do not change the serving time. Follow your schedule carefully;
    3. Unloading. Arrange fasting days for Shar-Pei twice a month (for a puppy - 1 time);
    4. Other food. Introduce new foods into the dog's diet gradually, gradually increasing the amount;
    5. The game. After feeding, do not play with the Sharpei for an hour or an hour and a half;
    6. Vitamins. Add healthy elements to your daytime complementary foods;
    7. Combination of feeds. It is strictly forbidden to combine natural food and dry food.

    The article contains the generally accepted rules for feeding Sharpei at home. The body of each dog possesses individual characteristics to consider when setting a mode or selecting a menu. Check with your veterinarian before choosing a feed.