Questionnaire of the certified employee. Questionnaire of a certified specialist

One of the main stages of the certification procedure by the company's personnel is filling in certification flippers for compliance with the position occupied. The certification sheet contains information that allows you to assess the professional suitability of each employee. How to fill out this document correctly? Who should approve it? The answers to these and other questions are in our material.

Brief information about the certification sheet

The attestation sheet for compliance with the position held, a sample of which can be downloaded at the end of this article, does not have a form approved by law. Often it is drawn up in free form on the letterhead of a legal entity. The content of the document depends on the objectives of the certification.

Members of the attestation commission conducting testing of employees of the organization must use the approved form of the attestation sheet attached to the Regulations on attestation adopted by the company. The procedure for drawing up the document must be clearly stated in this Regulation, the members of the commission are obliged to strictly adhere to it.

The document can be issued in both handwritten and printed form. It is acceptable to use standard A4 sheets or letterhead of the organization. The completed appraisal sheet with the employee's answers is attached to the appraisal protocol.

The attestation sheet must be signed by all members of the commission. The employee undergoing certification must also sign the document after reading it. If he refused to sign it, the commission draws up an act of refusal. This requirement is mandatory, since in judicial practice there are cases when employees dismissed on the basis of the results of certification were reinstated at work. And employers had to prove in court that the lack of a signature was due to the refusal of employees to sign documents.

An example of filling out a certification sheet will be presented below.

Document structure

A standard certification sheet usually consists of the following sections:

  • information about the certified employee;
  • information about the education of the employee;
  • information about the position held, qualification category;
  • list of questions and answers to them;
  • commission decision.

The certification sheet, a sample of which can be taken as a basis for drawing up a similar document, should clearly record the results of the verification of employees for compliance with their positions. Additions and comments from the members of the attestation commission should also be recorded in the document.

The committee members must determine the following:

  • whether a particular employee corresponds to the position he occupies;
  • whether it is necessary to transfer the employee to another position;
  • whether there are grounds for removing the employee from performing work duties, etc.

Filling out the certification sheet

  • In the upper left corner of the document, the name of the organization in which the testing was carried out is written. The date and place of the event is also indicated here.
  • The name of the document itself should be indicated below.
  • Next, you need to enter personal information about a particular employee: full name, date of birth, data on education received, position held (at the time of testing) and date of appointment to it, seniority.
  • The next part will be devoted to questions asked to the employee. All questions and responses are detailed here. You can also briefly indicate from which areas the questions were asked and whether the members of the attestation commission were satisfied with the answers received. If members of the commission or the employee himself made comments or suggestions, they are also recorded in this section.
  • In the final part, it is necessary to indicate the decision of the attestation commission regarding whether a particular person fits the position, whether it is possible to assign him a higher category, etc.
  • Then it is necessary to write down the recommendations and comments of the members of the commission (if any).
  • Below indicate the full name. chairman, secretary and committee members. All listed persons must certify the document with their signatures.
  • Next, the employee who passed the certification must sign. This will confirm the fact of familiarization with the document.

1 . General employee data :

1. Surname, name, patronymic __

2. Subdivision __________

3. Position _____________

4. Year of birth __________

5. Nationality _________

6. Marital status _____

7. Educational institution (year of graduation) _________________________

8. Specialty __________

9. Type of education (full-time, evening, correspondence) _____________________

10. Total work experience _____

11. Work experience in this position _________________________

12. Main functions of the position ____________________________

13. What kind of social work do you like to do _____________

14. Have you studied (study) in advanced training courses (when, where)

15. Do you have publications, methodological developments for the period since the last certification _________

16. What awards (incentives) do you have for the certification period _________

17. Do you have penalties for the certification period _____________________

18. What knowledge and in what area would you like to deepen and expand __

19. What specialization in the profession and what methods would you like to study _____________________

20. Where would you like to do an internship. Which of the leading leaders to have an internship _____

21. Where would you like to work according to your abilities and interests _________

22. Whom do you propose for your place in the reserve _______________________

23. Are you satisfied with your work, and what hinders you __________

24. Your comments and suggestions on the personnel, organizational and technical and economic life of the organization (you can even offer an ideal option) _____

"___" ______________ 200___. Certified __________________

2. Employee characteristic.

Dear members of the expert group!

The purpose of certification is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the actions of the manager and specialist. Weak ones can be strengthened, and strong ones can be supported with the help of the recommendations of the attestation commission.

Each characteristic feature in the actions of a leader or specialist is evaluated by seven statements on the basis of "from best to worst" (Table 2). Your task is to find the appropriate statement and mark the collective opinion with a cross. If you are not sure about something, skip this sign. If your opinions differ, two opinions can be noted, but no more.

table 2

The code Characteristic Years of attestation
1. Independence
1.1 In the area of ​​his responsibility, he makes decisions on issues of any complexity independently and competently.
1.2 He tries to solve any issues related to his work on his own, but is not afraid to seek advice.
1.3 Strives to resolve any issues, even outside the scope of his responsibility and competence on his own, sometimes without special need and without consulting
1.4 Can solve all issues related to his work on his own, but this is not always the case
1.5 In most cases, seeks to avoid responsibility in making decisions on more or less complex issues.
1.6 Independent and responsible only in solving not particularly complex issues
1.7 Always waits for instructions from the leader, avoids independent decisions
2. Persistence
2.1 Extremely persistent, stubborn and tenacious, does not stop until he reaches the goal or understands any matter thoroughly
2.2 Quite persistent, confident and tenacious, does not like to stop until he finishes the job and sorts out any issue
2.3 Although sometimes he misses the little things, but mostly he shows perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.
2.4 In his work, he needs to be more persistent in achieving the goal, but there are no special deviations
2.5 He does not always have enough tenacity and perseverance to achieve the goal, especially if it needs to devote a lot of time
2.6 Usually he has enough perseverance to solve operational issues, but he is not very capable of bringing a matter that requires time and effort to the end, he starts everything and leaves it to chance.
2.7 Even in simple cases, he is not able to show perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.
3. Demanding
3.1 Very demanding, sometimes unnecessarily picky both to subordinates and to management
3.2 Demanding in moderation and objective with both subordinates and management, it is easy to work with him
3.3 Demanding only with subordinates, he does not always succeed in demanding from management
3.4 Demanding to the smallest detail and constant nit-picking, often biased, hard to work with
3.5 Can demand from subordinates, but sometimes turns a blind eye to their actions, is not able to demand from management
3.6 Excessively liberal with subordinates, his actions lack rigidity and exactingness
3.7 Extremely soft, cannot demand and order
4. Standing up for a point of view
4.1 Exceptionally stubborn, will not change his point of view, if he is sure that he is right, he will defend it to the end
4.2 Quite stubborn, reluctant to change his mind, even when it goes against the logic of the case
4.3 Somewhat stubborn, reluctant to change his mind, but, convinced of the need for another solution or in his mistake, changes it
4.4 In his opinion, he strives for the objectivity required by the circumstances, showing the necessary flexibility, but at the same time, without special reasons, he does not change it
4.5 Although he does not change his opinion without special reasons, but if he is subjected to certain, reasoned pressure, he will not defend his opinion
4.6 If pressure is put on him, he easily changes his mind, even realizing the wrong decision.
4.7 Extremely easy to agree with any opinion, even without much pressure
5. Integrity
5.1 In his actions, he is principled to the point of maximalism, regardless of the faces, he always observes the moral code
5.2 He has a system of positive principles, which he firmly adheres to, demanding the same from those around him.
5.3 He is principled in his actions, but does not impose his views on life on others, if this does not affect the interests of the case
5.4 Principled, but only in his actions, not always able to demand from others
5.5 Focused more on others than on himself
5.6 In his behavior, the requirements for others, he does not always adhere to any principles.
5.7 Unprincipled, he does not have any established system of principles and moral values
6. Ability to understand issues
6.1 Can instantly grasp the essence of the issue, without getting confused in the secondary, highlight the main thing
6.2 Able to quickly understand issues, highlight key points
6.3 Always strives to understand the essence of the matter, although not quickly, but is able to separate the main from the secondary, find key problems and help subordinates
6.4 Although he does not always grasp the essence of the problem, he is able to find the necessary solution in the process of work.
6.5 Hasty, sometimes takes the secondary for the main thing, gets confused in the little things
6.6 Usually, the essence of the matter comes to him with difficulty, but at the same time he constantly gets confused in the little things, omitting the main thing.
6.7 He cannot single out key moments at all, "gets stuck" on minor and minor issues
7. Ability to coordinate and interact
7.1 Can easily establish the necessary contacts, coordinate the actions of people or departments, skillfully coordinate their interests
7.2 A good coordinator, able to find acceptable solutions when coordinating the interests of various employees or departments
7.3 He is not always able to independently establish the necessary contacts, but strives to establish and coordinate everything, and he succeeds
7.4 In matters of coordination, seeks to act mainly through top management, avoiding contacts with performers
7.5 In matters of coordination seeks to rely on official documents, requests, avoiding contact with employees
7.6 Cannot handle coordination issues without major collisions and deviations, acts inefficiently
7.7 Unable to coordinate other people's actions, typical performer
8. Ability to control work
8.1 Able to keep a lot of cases and details under control, respond in time to any deviation
8.2 Able and able to exercise proper control over key issues, but tries not to lose sight of the little things
8.3 Usually keeps only major issues under control, neglects what he considers a trifle
8.4 Able to control the progress of the case on the basis of regulations and instructions without any special deviations
8.5 Not always able to control the progress of affairs on the basis of regulations and instructions without any special deviations
8.6 Not always able to exercise control over the course of affairs, often scatters and misses the main thing
8.7 In routine, he constantly loses sight of issues that require constant monitoring, often grabs at anything
8.8 Requires constant monitoring by management and peers
9. Behavior in a tense situation
9.1 Able to quickly navigate in a tense, difficult situation, make the necessary decision and take responsibility
9.2 Capable of acting in a tense, difficult situation and can take responsibility
9.3 Able to respond and act as needed in tense, complex situations
9.4 Capable of acting in a tense situation, but will not always take responsibility
9.5 Not always capable of effective action in a tense, difficult situation, although he does not avoid responsibility
9.6 It is unlikely that he will dare to take responsibility and act decisively in a tense difficult situation
9.7 Will try in every possible way to evade participation or responsibility in such a situation
10. Attitude to order at work
10.1 A zealous owner, in his household there is always complete order, everything is provided for and adjusted
10.2 Strives to maintain good order in the household, tries to think through and foresee everything, down to the smallest detail
10.3 Basically, the necessary order is maintained in his economy.
10.4 The order in his household is at a satisfactory level, although some little things sometimes spoil the overall picture.
10.5 There are many minor shortcomings and omissions in his economy.
10.6 Mostly a mess, although he tries to clean up his household from time to time
10.7 Negligently refers to restoring order in his household
11. Attitude towards work
11.1 He loves his work very much and is passionate about his work, he gives all his time and energy to work.
11.2 He is passionate about his work, strives to effectively resolve any issues
11.3 Works with interest, tries to do everything in good faith
11.4 He treats work as a duty and a conscious need, does not show much effort, but does not fail either.
11.5 His attitude to work is complex and contradictory, sometimes he lights up and is ready for anything to achieve a result, sometimes he is indifferent and passive.
11.6 Works without interest, performs "from and to"
11.7 Indifferent to work, resigned to it as a necessity, passive
12. Attitude towards subordinates
12.1 Very rarely interferes in the work of subordinates without special need, the decision of the issue is left to them
12.2 Skillfully combines control over the actions of subordinates and giving them independence
12.3 Often intervenes in the work of his subordinates when he sees that "things are falling apart", and seeks to solve their problems for them
12.4 Constantly intervenes in the work of subordinates, strives to do everything himself, solves all issues individually
12.5 Sometimes he entrusts subordinates with the solution of those issues that he must solve himself.
12.6 Often delegates the performance of his duties to subordinates without any reason
12.7 Constantly shifts the execution of their affairs to subordinates
13. Professional knowledge and skills
13.1 A professional, knows his job well, constantly strives to find something new, to apply it in his work, not only broadens his horizons, but also takes care of the cultural and professional growth of his subordinates
13.2 He knows his business well, never misses the opportunity to learn and try something new, monitors the professional growth of his subordinates
13.3 He understands well and acts in the circle of his duties, tries to maintain the necessary professional level, if necessary, takes care of the professional growth of his subordinates
13.4 His knowledge and skills allow him to solve the necessary issues without any special deviations, he does not show much concern for professional growth, raising the cultural level of his subordinates
13.5 He knows his business, tries to maintain his professional knowledge and skills at a modern level, but does not care about his subordinates, their professional and cultural level
13.6 He does not show any particular desire to expand his professional horizons, he lives on the old baggage of knowledge, although he cares about his subordinates and their professional growth
13.7 He does not think about his professional growth, nor about the growth of subordinates, knowledge and skills are outdated
14. Ability to establish and maintain communication with external organizations
14.1 He is constantly interested in the affairs of external organizations, actively participates in their activities, will always provide the necessary assistance, listens to their opinion
14.2 Takes into account the opinion of public organizations in his work, involves them in solving various kinds of problems, does not refuse help if necessary
14.3 Responds to requests for help, supports any undertakings, although he himself does not participate in them, but follows them with interest
14.4 Maintains contact with external organizations from time to time, does not show much interest in their affairs, but does not refuse assistance
14.5 He takes little account of public organizations, does not see them as helpers, and when asked to participate in assistance, he mostly gets off with promises or simply dismisses them.
14.6 Avoids contacts with external organizations, does not consider their assistance effective, if he provides assistance, then only under pressure
14.7 Completely suppressed by his power the activity of public organizations, communication with the outside world is minimal
15. Attitude towards criticism
15.1 He treats criticism objectively, although sometimes he is inattentive to comments from below.
15.2 Self-critical, treats criticism from below objectively, although sometimes he does not listen to comments from below
15.3 Accepts criticism, although if something changes, then with difficulty
15.4 Accepts criticism only from management, does not tolerate criticism from below
15.5 Criticism is indifferent - "like water off a duck's back"
15.6 Unnecessarily self-critical and accepts any criticism, even unfounded
15.7 To any criticism intolerant and vengeful, vindictive
16. Decency and honesty
16.1 A very decent and honest person, he never compromises human rights and Christian commandments
16.2 Decent and honest person in relation to work, people around, money
16.3 In general, a decent person, he won’t get into someone else’s pocket, outwardly disciplined
16.4 His honesty and decency depend on the situation and external evaluation at work and in the family.
16.5 Decent only in relation to himself and loved ones, "rows everything for himself"
16.6 Very often behaves dishonorably and dishonestly both in relation to people and money
16.7 Extremely dishonest, dishonest, deceitful and undisciplined person
17. Use of working time
17.1 Workaholic, his whole life is devoted to work, comes to work earlier, and leaves much later than the end of the working day, uses every minute of working time
17.2 Rationalist, uses the working day rationally, is never late for work or leaves work early, stays late when necessary
17.3 Organized, coming and going from work strictly according to the daily routine, never late, generally uses working time rationally
17.4 An imitator, usually not late for work and leaves on time, in the presence of management imitates work activities, in the absence he takes care of personal affairs, although most often he manages to do everything on time
17.5 Hasty, does not always come to work on time, sometimes goes home early, at work tries to do everything in a hurry, uses working time irrationally
17.6 Lazy, often late for work or leaving early, little and reluctant to do basic duties, work "sloppy"
17.7 Loafer, practically does not engage in the main work, considering it as an encroachment on personal time (smokes, reads, plays, listens to the radio)
18. Quality of labor (work)
18.1 Performs any planned tasks with high quality of work and always without errors
18.2 The quality of the work is high, it works almost without errors
18.3 The quality of the work is good, rarely makes mistakes in the work, and even then they are minor
18.4 The quality of work is satisfactory, sometimes it makes mistakes and negligence, which it corrects itself
18.5 The quality of work and planned tasks is below average, often makes mistakes and negligence in work
18.6 The quality of work is low, there are gross errors in the work, it requires constant monitoring
18.7 He performs any tasks so casually, with such low quality, that the question arises whether it was worth entrusting him with the work, and what to do with him
19. Level of culture
19.1 Highly educated, erudite, intelligent person
19.2 High cultural level, has extensive knowledge in the field of art, painting, poetry, literature
19.3 A cultured, intelligent person who is fond of art
19.4 Has a normal cultural level for his team, but there are problems with secular etiquette
19.5 The level of culture is rather low, it allows a lot of negligence and awkwardness in everyday life, at work, in communication with a partner
19.6 The level of culture is very low, practically no interest in art, limited needs and interests
19.7 Extremely low cultural level, primitive interests and needs
20. Experience
20.1 Exceptionally great state, life and production experience, generously helps colleagues and subordinates
20.2 Has extensive experience, practical knowledge, which not everyone has, helps others
20.3 Has extensive experience in life, work, position, but does not always pass it on to subordinates and colleagues
20.4 Sufficient life and production experience to cope with the task assigned
20.5 Production experience and practical knowledge are small, but this is compensated by the personal qualities of a person
20.6 Work experience and practical skills are not enough to successfully cope with the case
20.7 There is no production experience, and life experience is negligible
21. Attitude to power and authority
21.1 "Solomon", fully and effectively uses the power and authority of the leader, always makes wise decisions.
21.2 A democrat never exceeds his authority, uses power to the fullest, making, as a rule, the right decisions for the team
21.3 Commander, uses power on the principle of "carrot and stick", using them at his own discretion
21.4 Indecisive, insufficiently uses his power and authority, sometimes even in cases where it is necessary to use them
21.5 Autocrat, often exceeds his power, prefers to lead through administrative methods
21.6 A tyrant, constantly exceeds his authority, abuses power as if it is not limited by anything
21.7 Disenfranchised, completely unable to use power, giving the impression of being helpless and disenfranchised
Conclusion on the suitability of the position
High level of qualification, has outgrown his position and can be promoted to a higher level
It is necessary to refine and learn something, after which he will be able to perform responsible work, ready for promotion
In terms of potential and actions, he exactly corresponds to his official position.
For more efficient work, it is better to transfer him to an equivalent position in another department.
Ineffective in this position, it is better to demote
It would be better for him and for the job if he changed his position or place of work within a year
Must be fired immediately after appraisal

Members of the expert group:


Head of the certified _____________________________

Legal Counsel ________

Social Psychologist__

Head of Human Resources _______________________________

  • How to link the qualifications of an employee and the level of his salary?
  • How to improve the objectivity of personnel assessment at each stage of certification?
  • How to use the certification results?

The author offers a clearly structured description of the certification procedure used in a company doing business in the field of communication technologies and services: from setting goals, creating conditions and organizing a certification committee to obtaining results and their analysis. The procedure was introduced in the company to accompany the new system of remuneration based on the salary category scale of positions. It was necessary to determine the category of each employee for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities. The author gives clear recommendations on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the certification commission, depending on the number of personnel in the company, as well as on the optimal timing of the procedure.

At the stage of certification preparation, an order is issued to conduct it, lists of employees subject to certification are compiled, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. The package of documents required for this stage includes a questionnaire for the person being certified and the "Attestation" questionnaire, which is filled in by both the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is the same for all positions, the results for it are calculated in points, set on a 7-point scale to the personal and business qualities of the employee. The content of the second part is based on job descriptions. The duties performed by an employee are evaluated on a 5-point scale. Based on the total score on the questionnaire, the employee's rank is determined by position. Sample documents are given in the appendices to the article, they are distributed and filled out a month before the day of the certification. During the main certification procedure, the commission listens to the speeches of the employee and his immediate supervisor on the results achieved in the work. And, taking into account, among other things, the data of the "Attestation" questionnaire, following the results of the assessment procedure, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official category, the attestation commission recommends transfer to another official category;

The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation card and in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission. The employee gets acquainted with the attestation card against receipt, its sample is also given in the appendix to the article. In the generally accepted sense, attestation is a procedure for matching employees to their position. Conducting it can be considered from two points of view: from the position of management and from the position of the employee himself. That is, on the one hand, certification is carried out in order for the management to determine the compliance of its employees with the jobs they occupy (the results of such certification affect the remuneration and status of the employee in the company), and on the other hand, in order to receive feedback from the employee for planning his individual development, career and training (the results of such certification lead to changes in the financial and career situation of the employee). The HR manager of the company "SAMPL" was given two tasks:

  1. In order to introduce a new remuneration system based on the tariff scale for each position, it was necessary to determine the employee's category for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities (management showed interest in this).
  2. Obtaining feedback from the employee for planning training programs, career forecasts, identifying weaknesses in the organization of labor, production relationships of employees (the staff was interested in this). The interaction of these two tasks in the organization and conduct of certification determined the methodology described in the article. Its specificity lies in the fact that an attestation procedure is proposed, consisting of three successive stages, each of which takes into account the key and most important factors in personnel assessment.

Certification conditions All employees who have worked in the company for at least 6 months are subject to certification. At the same time, certification is carried out no more than once a year, but at least once every two years. No matter how important it is from the point of view of management (most often) or personnel as an opportunity to declare their professional capabilities (less often), we must not forget that certification is a subjective assessment by management of its personnel. The leader involuntarily (and naturally) during the certification shows more sympathy for like-minded people. There are three stages of certification:

  • creation of an attestation commission;
  • (preparation) certification;
  • carrying out certification.

The task of increasing the objectivity of the assessment concerns all of the above stages. Let's consider how these important stages of certification were implemented in the company. Creation of an attestation commission The task of the attestation commission is to decide whether an employee is attested or not. The basis for this is the results of the interview during the certification and the questionnaire conducted at the stage of preparation for certification. When creating an attestation commission, it is necessary to take into account the quantitative, personnel composition of the enterprise, its structure. For example, an enterprise has four services: commercial, technical, administrative and accounting, and the commercial service is divided into several departments. In terms of quantitative composition, they are approximately the same - commercial and technical services (25-30 people each), less in administrative and accounting services (15 people). The number of days for certification is determined by the number of those being certified and the number of structural units. For example, if we assume that 15 minutes will be allotted for each assessee, then the assessment committee will need at least 6 hours and 25 minutes of work to assess 25 people in one day. It is also desirable that employees of one unit be certified by one commission, since its composition directly depends on the unit being certified. Certification is carried out directly on working days, and at the specified time, the certified personnel do not work. For the certification it is necessary to allocate 3 days, not necessarily consecutive, possibly partially occupied by the certification, so that the production process is not disturbed. From the point of view of the objectivity of the assessment, a more correct solution is to create three attestation commissions, such that representatives of one service would attest another service, or within the framework of a commercial service, representatives of one department would attest another department. For example, an attestation commission for attestation of technical service employees has the following composition:

  • director (chairman);
  • HR manager (secretary);
  • head of commercial service;
  • Chief Accountant;
  • a representative of a non-technical service, directly related to the technical service in his official duties (this can be a design engineer or manager, storekeeper, etc.).

To assess the professional qualities of employees, it is desirable to invite relevant specialists with an advisory vote to work in the attestation commission. This enhances objectivity, increases the trust of employees in the commission itself. The decision on the certification of an employee is decided by an open vote by the members of the certification commission, the advisory vote of a specialist is taken into account only if the members of the commission do not come to a consensus. For example, if out of 5 members of the commission, two believe that an employee should be certified, and two others - unequivocally against certification, and one more - abstained, then the advisory vote of the specialist is taken into account. In addition, during the certification, the invited specialist can ask the person being certified questions related to professional activities, and then express his opinion about his professional qualities. Thus, employees who are members of the attestation commission and are not the immediate supervisors of those being certified are acceptable both for management and for staff. Certification preparation For certification, an order is issued to carry it out, certification commissions are formed in professional areas, the necessary documents are prepared for the certification commission, lists of employees subject to certification are compiled, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. At this stage, it is important to give a preliminary, as objective as possible personal and professional assessment to the person being certified. For this, a package of documents is being developed, including:

  • questionnaire of the certified person (see Appendix 1);
  • questionnaire "Certification" (see Appendix 2), one copy of which is filled in by the immediate supervisor, and the other - by the certified employee himself.

These documents are distributed for completion one month before the day of certification. Let's consider them. The questionnaire allows the certified employee to express his opinion on the advisability of deepening and expanding his knowledge, the possibility of obtaining specialization, job satisfaction, and commenting on various aspects of the company's activities. Questionnaire "Certification" is designed to assess the personal, business and professional qualities of an employee. It is filled in by the immediate supervisor and the employee himself. The meaning of filling it out is in scoring by category, as a result we get an integrated assessment, expressed in points. This assessment takes into account the opinion of both the employee himself about his personal, business and professional qualities, and his immediate supervisor. In this regard, the HR manager should pay attention to the fact that:

  • if the integrated assessment is significantly lower than the average, i.e. both the head of the employee and the employee himself are rated very low, then at the certification it is necessary to check what this is connected with;
  • if the integrated assessment is significantly higher than the average, i.e. both the head of the employee and the employee himself are rated very highly, this should also be checked at the certification.

The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is common for all attested positions and includes an assessment of personal and business qualities in the following categories:

  • independence;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to defend one's point of view;
  • ability to understand issues;
  • ability to coordinate and interact;
  • ability to supervise work;
  • behavior in a tense situation;
  • attitude to work;
  • attitude towards criticism;
  • decency and honesty;
  • working hours;
  • experience;
  • suitability for the position.

This part of the questionnaire is the same for all positions. Attested in it is evaluated on a 7-point scale. Points are distributed for each category as follows: 7 points, if the sign is most pronounced, i.e., point 1 of the category is marked, 6 points - point 2 is marked, 5 points - point 3 is marked, etc. 1 point is assigned if the sign of the category is the least is expressed, i.e. point 7 is highlighted. For example, in the category "Independence": if line 1.1 is ticked in the questionnaire ("In the area of ​​his responsibility, he makes decisions on issues of any complexity, independently and competently"), then the person being certified for this category receives 7 points; if line 1.2 is marked (“He tries to solve any issues related to his work on his own, but is not afraid to seek advice”), then the person being assessed for this category receives 6 points, etc. Finally, for the last marked line 1.7 (“Always waits for instructions from the manager, avoids independent decisions"), the person being certified in this category receives 1 point. Thus, the maximum number of total points for this part of the questionnaire is 98, and the minimum is 14. The content of the second part of the questionnaire changes based on the position of the certified employee. Categories (functions) depending on official duties are taken from job descriptions, 15 individual categories are allocated for all positions, each of which is evaluated on a 5-point scale. The maximum number of points for this part of the questionnaire is 75, the minimum is 15 points. The total maximum amount for the "Attestation" questionnaire, filled in by both the head of the unit and the employee being assessed, is 346 points, and the minimum is 58 points. The company has developed a tariff scale for all positions: from a cleaning lady to a general director, for each position there are minimum and maximum categories, for example, a night watchman - from 1 to 6, a personnel manager - from 6 to 11, an engineer - from 7 to 12 , master - from 8 to 13 category, etc. Each position varies within 6 categories. It turns out the following correspondence of attestation points to the official category:

  • 58 points and below - the lowest rank in the position;
  • from 59 to 115 points - the next category;
  • from 116 to 173 points - the next category;
  • from 174 to 231 points - the next category;
  • from 232 to 289 points - the next category;
  • from 290 to 346 points - the highest rank for the position.

Thus, the attestation score includes the self-assessment of the assessed employee and the assessment of his/her immediate supervisor. Based on the total points, the rank of the employee by position is determined. The assignment of the category is associated with the introduction of a new wage system at the enterprise. For an employee, this means that the higher the rank, the higher his salary. Not later than two weeks before the start of the certification, documents for the employee being certified are submitted to the certification commission: questionnaire (filled in by the person being certified); certification card (filled in by the HR manager); questionnaire "Certification" (one copy is filled in by the immediate supervisor, and the other - by the certified employee). The attestation card (see Appendix 3) is filled in by the personnel manager, who enters data on education, work experience, advanced training, incentives, penalties, indicates the attestation score of the person being assessed and his compliance with the position category. At least a week before the start of the certification, the HR manager must familiarize each employee with the "Certification" questionnaire filled out by the immediate supervisor and with the certification card. Carrying out attestation The attestation commission is obliged to familiarize itself with the package of documents of the person being attested before the start of attestation. Certification is carried out in the presence of the certified person. The certification committee takes into account the speeches of the employee and his immediate supervisor. After considering the information provided on the employee's performance for the previous period, the commission, in the event of an employee's statement of disagreement with the submitted review, has the right to postpone the certification to the next meeting of the commission. This contributes to the achievement of greater objectivity of certification. The performance of an employee is assessed on the basis of his compliance with the qualification requirements of the position held, job description, as well as on the basis of an assessment of the quality of the work performed by him and its effectiveness. According to the results of certification, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

  • corresponds to the position and position;
  • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official category; the attestation commission recommends a transfer to another official category;
  • does not correspond to the position and position.

The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation card and in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting. The employee gets acquainted with the attestation card against receipt. Other documents based on the results of certification are not issued. The minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission, the attestation card, the questionnaire of the person being attested, the "Attestation" questionnaire are stored in the employee's personal file. Thus, the described methodology for organizing and conducting certification allows:

  • objectively approach the assessment of employees at each stage;
  • determine the level of their professional training, compliance with the position they hold and set the category according to the tariff scale in force in the company.

Attachment 1

Questionnaire of the certified employee

1. Surname, name, patronymic __________________________________________________________________

2. Year of birth and date ___________________________________________________________________

3. Position ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Marital status __________________________________________________________________________

5. Length of service in this position ____________________________________________________________

6. What knowledge and in what area would you like to deepen and expand? _____________________

7. What specialization by profession and what methods would you like to learn? _______________

8. Where would you like to work according to your abilities and interests? ___________

9. Are you satisfied with your work, if not, what is stopping you? _______________________

10. Your comments and suggestions on the personnel, organizational and technical life of the company_______ "___" _______________200__. Certified _________________

Appendix 3

Attestation card

1. Full name certified employee Tronina Lyubov Pavlovna

2. Division "Communication" 3. Position at the time of certification sales manager

4. Year of birth 1969

5. Marital status married

6. Educational institution (name, years of study, specialty, form of study) Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. IN AND. Ulyanova (Lenina), 1986 -1991, specialty - "design engineer"

7. Total work experience at the enterprise: 3 years 4 months from 25.08.98

8. Length of service in the certified position from 24.07.01

9. Studied (is studying) at advanced training courses (place and time of passing), participated in conferences, seminars:

  • 1998 - internship at "Motorola" (Ireland);
  • 29.05. - 03.06. 2000 - Moscow, IT Co., SCS course, SCS engineer certificate;
  • 24 - 25.10. 2001 - International Center for Scientific and Technical Information - 3rd International Forum "Professional Mobile Radio Communication", Moscow, seminar
  • 10. Awards (incentives) for the certification period:

  • gratitude was announced based on the results of work for 2000;
  • gratitude was announced based on the results of work for 2001;
  • the award was issued on 06.12.01
  • 11. Penalties for the certification period: none.

    12. Attestation score determined according to the "Attestation" questionnaires filled out by the immediate supervisor and the certified employee himself, and its correspondence to the official category: 291 points, corresponding to the 12th category of the sales manager

    13. Comments and suggestions made by members of the attestation commission ____________________

    14. Comments and suggestions made by the certified employee

  • in the "Questionnaire of the certified employee" the following is indicated: "Completely satisfied";
  • at the time of certification: _____________________________________________________________
  • 15. Evaluation of the performance of the assessed employee based on the voting results ________ members of the assessment commission were present Number of votes "for" ____________________ "against" _______________________ Recommendations of the assessment commission (with an indication of the reasons for which they are given) Chairman of the assessment commission ____________________ Secretary of the assessment commission _______________________ Members of the assessment commission ___________________________

    Journal "Handbook of personnel management" №4, 2004

    Certification sheet for compliance with the position held: filling pattern

    The appraisal sheet is drawn up in relation to the employee during the appraisal, its form can be an annex to the position on appraisal, and a sample appraisal sheet can be downloaded from the link: Sample certification sheet.

    The certification sheet, in particular, includes:

    • data allowing to identify the employee (date of birth, last name, first name and patronymic);
    • information about education and work experience, including with this employer;
    • information about certification and recommendations based on the results of its implementation;
    • date and signatures of the persons who carried out the certification;
    • date and signature of the employee in respect of which the certification sheet is drawn up.

    Design features are determined by specific provisions on certification.

    For sheets of municipal employees in Moscow, it is mandatory to indicate specific questions to the person being certified and the answers received (Appendix 3 to the model regulation on the certification of municipal employees of local governments, municipal bodies of intracity municipalities in Moscow, approved by the law of Moscow dated 10/22/2008 No. 50).

    The sheets of the healthcare sector in St. Petersburg indicate the length of service in medical and pharmaceutical organizations (app. 3 to the administrative regulations of the health committee for the provision of public services for organizing the assignment, confirmation or withdrawal of qualification categories ..., approved by the order of the health committee of the government of St. Petersburg dated October 31, 2016 No. 439-r).

    Certification sheet form: judicial practice

    The form involves affixing the signature of the certified employee on familiarization with the sheet. Violation of the design in this part may lead to the reinstatement of an employee dismissed on the basis of certification at work. At the same time, if the employer can prove that the lack of a signature is due to the actions of the employee himself, appropriate conversations were held with him and he was invited for certification, then the courts refuse to satisfy the requirements for restoration (appeal ruling of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated 07.02. .

    In addition to the actual labor relations, forms of attestation sheets are found in judicial practice as evidence of confirmation of the proper qualifications of experts (decree of the 15th Arbitration Court of Appeal of June 16, 2017 No. 15AP-5391 / 2017 in case No. A53-29419 / 2016).

    IMPORTANT! When compiling and storing attestation sheets, it is necessary to comply with the legislation on the protection of personal data. You can read about the drafting of the relevant provision in our article.We draw up a regulation on the personal data of employees - sample 2017 .

    So, the certification sheet is compiled in relation to specific employees based on the results of certification. In this article, a sample of filling out the certification sheet was presented for download. At the same time, separate provisions on attestation (for state and municipal employees, employees of state enterprises and institutions) may contain their own requirements for compiling sheets.

    It is important that the sheets are signed by the persons who conducted the certification and the employee in respect of whom it was carried out, compiled and stored in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data.

    How to link the qualifications of an employee and the level of his salary?
    How to improve the objectivity of personnel assessment at each stage of certification?
    How to use the certification results?

    The author offers a clearly structured description of the certification procedure used in a company doing business in the field of communication technologies and services: from setting goals, creating conditions and organizing a certification committee to obtaining results and their analysis. The procedure was introduced in the company to accompany the new system of remuneration based on the salary category scale of positions. It was necessary to determine the category of each employee for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities.
    The author gives clear recommendations on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the certification commission, depending on the number of personnel in the company, as well as on the optimal timing of the procedure.
    At the stage of certification preparation, an order is issued to conduct it, lists of employees subject to certification are compiled, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. The package of documents required for this stage includes a questionnaire for the person being certified and the "Attestation" questionnaire, which is filled in by both the immediate supervisor and the employee being certified. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is the same for all positions, the results for it are calculated in points, set on a 7-point scale to the personal and business qualities of the employee. The content of the second part is based on job descriptions. The duties performed by an employee are evaluated on a 5-point scale. Based on the total score on the questionnaire, the employee's rank is determined by position. Sample documents are given in the appendices to the article, they are distributed and filled out a month before the day of the certification.
    During the main certification procedure, the commission listens to the speeches of the employee and his immediate supervisor on the results achieved in the work. And, taking into account, among other things, the data of the "Attestation" questionnaire, according to the results of the assessment procedure, the employee is given one of the following assessments:

    • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official category, the attestation commission recommends transfer to another official category;
    • does not correspond to the position and position.

      The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation card and in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission. The employee gets acquainted with the attestation card against receipt, its sample is also given in the appendix to the article.
      In the generally accepted sense, attestation is a procedure for matching employees to their position. Conducting it can be considered from two points of view: from the position of management and from the position of the employee himself. That is, on the one hand, the certification is carried out in order for the management to determine the compliance of its employees with the jobs they occupy (the results of such certification affect the remuneration and status of the employee in the company), and on the other hand, in order to receive feedback from the employee in order to planning his individual development, career and training (the results of such certification lead to changes in the financial and career situation of the employee).
      Two tasks were set before the personnel manager of the company \"SEMPL\":
      1. In order to introduce a new remuneration system based on the tariff scale for each position, it was necessary to determine the employee's category for the position held in accordance with his professional and personal qualities (management showed interest in this).
      2. Obtaining feedback from the employee for planning training programs, career forecasts, identifying weaknesses in the organization of labor, production relationships of employees (the staff was interested in this).
      The interaction of these two tasks in the organization and conduct of certification determined the methodology described in the article. Its specificity lies in the fact that an attestation procedure is proposed, consisting of three successive stages, each of which takes into account the key and most important factors in personnel assessment.

      Attestation conditions
      All employees who have worked in the company for at least 6 months are subject to certification. At the same time, certification is carried out no more than once a year, but at least once every two years. No matter how important it is from the point of view of management (most often) or personnel as an opportunity to declare their professional capabilities (less often), we must not forget that attestation is a subjective assessment by management of its personnel. The leader involuntarily (and naturally) during the certification shows more sympathy for like-minded people.
      There are three stages of certification:

    • creation of an attestation commission;
    • (preparation) certification;
    • carrying out certification.
      The task of increasing the objectivity of the assessment concerns all of the above stages. Let's consider how these important stages of certification were implemented in the company.

      Creation of an attestation commission
      The task of the certification commission is to decide whether the employee is certified or not certified. The basis for this is the results of the interview during the certification and the questionnaire conducted at the stage of preparation for certification.
      When creating an attestation commission, it is necessary to take into account the quantitative, personnel composition of the enterprise, its structure. For example, an enterprise has four services: commercial, technical, administrative and accounting, and the commercial service is divided into several departments. In terms of quantitative composition, they are approximately the same - commercial and technical services (25-30 people each), less in administrative and accounting services (15 people).
      The number of days for certification is determined by the number of those being certified and the number of structural units. For example, if we assume that 15 minutes will be allotted for each assessee, then the assessment committee will need at least 6 hours and 25 minutes of work to assess 25 people in one day. It is also desirable that employees of one unit be certified by one commission, since its composition directly depends on the unit being certified. Certification is carried out directly on working days, and at the specified time, the certified personnel do not work.
      To conduct certification, it is necessary to allocate 3 days, not necessarily consecutive, possibly partially occupied by certification, so that the production process is not disturbed. From the point of view of the objectivity of the assessment, a more correct solution is to create three attestation commissions, such that representatives of one service would attest another service, or within the framework of a commercial service, representatives of one department would attest another department.
      For example, an attestation commission for attestation of technical service employees has the following composition:

    • director (chairman);
    • HR manager (secretary);
    • head of commercial service;
    • Chief Accountant;
    • a representative of a non-technical service, directly related to the technical service in his official duties (this can be a design engineer or manager, storekeeper, etc.).
      To assess the professional qualities of employees, it is desirable to invite relevant specialists with an advisory vote to work in the attestation commission. This enhances objectivity, increases the trust of employees in the commission itself. The decision on the certification of an employee is decided by an open vote by the members of the certification commission, the advisory vote of a specialist is taken into account only if the members of the commission do not come to a consensus. For example, if out of 5 members of the commission, two believe that an employee should be certified, and two others are unambiguously against certification and one more abstained, then the advisory vote of a specialist is taken into account. In addition, during the certification, the invited specialist can ask the person being certified questions related to professional activities, and then express his opinion about his professional qualities.
      Thus, employees who are members of the attestation commission and are not the immediate supervisors of those being certified are acceptable both for management and for staff.

      Preparation of attestation
      To conduct certification, an order is issued to conduct it, certification commissions are formed in professional areas, the necessary documents are prepared for the certification commission, lists of employees subject to certification are compiled, and a schedule for its implementation is approved. At this stage, it is important to give a preliminary, as objective as possible personal and professional assessment to the person being certified. For this, a package of documents is being developed, including:

    • questionnaire of the certified person (see Appendix 1);
    • questionnaire \ "Certification \" (see Appendix 2), one copy of which is filled in by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the certified employee himself.
      These documents are distributed for completion one month before the day of certification. Let's consider them.
      The questionnaire allows the certified employee to express his opinion on the advisability of deepening and expanding his knowledge, the possibility of obtaining specialization, job satisfaction, and commenting on various aspects of the company's activities.
      Questionnaire \"Attestation\" is designed to assess the personal, business and professional qualities of an employee. It is filled in by the immediate supervisor and the employee himself. The meaning of filling it out is in scoring by category, as a result we get an integrated assessment, expressed in points. This assessment takes into account the opinion of both the employee himself about his personal, business and professional qualities, and his immediate supervisor. In this regard, the HR manager should pay attention to the fact that:
    • if the integrated assessment is significantly lower than the average, i.e. both the head of the employee and the employee himself are rated very low, then at the certification it is necessary to check what this is connected with;
    • if the integrated assessment is significantly higher than the average, i.e. both the head of the employee and the employee himself are rated very highly, this should also be checked at the certification.
      The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is common for all attested positions and includes an assessment of personal and business qualities in the following categories:
    • independence;
    • persistence;
    • the ability to defend one's point of view;
    • ability to understand issues;
    • ability to coordinate and interact;
    • ability to supervise work;
    • behavior in a tense situation;
    • attitude to work;
    • attitude towards criticism;
    • decency and honesty;
    • working hours;
    • experience;
    • suitability for the position.
      This part of the questionnaire is the same for all positions. Attested in it is evaluated on a 7-point scale. Points are distributed for each category as follows: 7 points, if the sign is most pronounced, i.e., point 1 of the category is marked, 6 points - point 2 is marked, 5 points - point 3 is marked, etc. 1 point is assigned if the sign of the category is the least expressed, i.e. point 7 highlighted.
      For example, in the category \"Independence\": if line 1.1 is checked in the questionnaire (\"In the area of ​​his responsibility, he makes decisions on issues of any complexity, independently and competently\"), then the person being certified for this category receives 7 points; if line 1.2 is marked (\" He tries to solve any issues related to his work on his own, but is not afraid to seek advice\"), then the person being certified in this category receives 6 points, etc. Finally, for the last marked line 1.7 ( \"Always waits for instructions from the head, avoids independent decisions\") The person being certified in this category receives 1 point. Thus, the maximum number of total points for this part of the questionnaire is 98, and the minimum is 14.
      The content of the second part of the questionnaire changes based on the position of the certified employee. Categories (functions) depending on official duties are taken from job descriptions, 15 individual categories are allocated for all positions, each of which is evaluated on a 5-point scale. The maximum number of points for this part of the questionnaire is 75, the minimum is 15 points.
      The total maximum amount for the \"Attestation\" questionnaire filled out by both the head of the unit and the certified employee is 346 points, and the minimum is 58 points.
      The company has developed a tariff scale for all positions: from a cleaning lady to a general director, for each position there are minimum and maximum categories, for example, a night watchman - from 1 to 6, a personnel manager - from 6 to 11, an engineer - from 7 to 12 , master - from 8 to 13 category, etc. Each position varies within 6 categories. It turns out the following correspondence of attestation points to the official category:
    • 58 points and below - the lowest rank in the position;
    • from 59 to 115 points - the next category;
    • from 116 to 173 points - the next category;
    • from 174 to 231 points - the next category;
    • from 232 to 289 points - the next category;
    • from 290 to 346 points - the highest rank in the position.
      Thus, the attestation score includes the self-assessment of the assessed employee and the assessment of his/her immediate supervisor. Based on the total points, the rank of the employee by position is determined. The assignment of the category is associated with the introduction of a new wage system at the enterprise. For an employee, this means that the higher the rank, the higher his salary.
      Not later than two weeks before the start of the certification, documents for the employee being certified are submitted to the certification commission: questionnaire (filled in by the person being certified); certification card (filled in by the HR manager); questionnaire \ "Certification \" (one copy is filled in by the immediate supervisor, and the other by the certified employee).
      The attestation card (see Appendix 3) is filled in by the personnel manager, who enters data on education, work experience, advanced training, incentives, penalties, indicates the attestation score of the person being assessed and his compliance with the position category.
      At least a week before the start of the certification, the HR manager must familiarize each employee with the \"Certification \" questionnaire filled out by the immediate supervisor and with the certification card.
      The attestation commission is obliged to familiarize itself with the package of documents of the person being attested before the start of attestation. Certification is carried out in the presence of the certified person. The certification committee takes into account the speeches of the employee and his immediate supervisor. After considering the information provided on the employee's performance for the previous period, the commission, in the event of an employee's statement of disagreement with the submitted review, has the right to postpone the certification to the next meeting of the commission. This contributes to the achievement of greater objectivity of certification. The performance of an employee is assessed on the basis of his compliance with the qualification requirements of the position held, job description, as well as on the basis of an assessment of the quality of the work performed by him and its effectiveness.
      According to the results of certification, the employee is given one of the following assessments:
    • corresponds to the position and position;
    • corresponds to the position held, but does not correspond to the official category; the attestation commission recommends a transfer to another official category;
    • does not correspond to the position and position.
      The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation card and in the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting. The employee gets acquainted with the attestation card against receipt. Other documents based on the results of certification are not issued. The minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission, the attestation card, the questionnaire of the person being attested, the "Attestation" questionnaire are stored in the employee's personal file.
      Thus, the described methodology for organizing and conducting certification allows:
    • objectively approach the assessment of employees at each stage;
    • determine the level of their professional training, compliance with the position they hold and set the category according to the tariff scale in force in the company.

    Questionnaire of the certified employee

    1. Surname, name, patronymic _________________
    2. Year of birth and number _________________
    3. Position ___________________________
    4. Marital status ____________________

    5. Work experience in this position _______________________________________________________________

    6. What knowledge and in what area would you like to deepen and expand? _________________________________________________________________________

    7. What specialization by profession and what methods would you like to learn? ___________________________________________________________

    8. Where would you like to work according to your abilities and interests? ________________________________________________

    9. Are you satisfied with your work, if "no", then what's stopping you? ________________________________________________________________________

    10. Your comments and suggestions on the personnel, organizational and technical life of the company _____________________________________________________

    \"___\" _______________200__ Certified _________________

    Attestation card

    1. Full name certified employee _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    2. Subdivision _________________________________________________________________________3. Position at the time of certification ___________________________________________

    4. Year of birth ____________________________________________________________
    5. Marital status _________________________________________________
    6. Educational institution (name, years of study, specialty, form of study)
    _________________________________________________________________________, speciality - ___________________________________________________________

    7. General work experience at the enterprise: ______________________________________________

    8. Length of service in the attested position ______________________________________

    9. Studied (studies) at advanced training courses (place and time of passing),

    10. Awards (incentives) for the certification period: ______________________________________________________________

    11. Penalties for the certification period: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________