Formation of a positive image of a social worker. Study of the qualities that determine the positive image of a specialist of the Ministry of Social Work of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

So, the image is a holistic image of a social worker in the minds of others, corresponding to the goals, norms, values ​​accepted in the target group, and the expectations set by group members for this employee. The integrity and consistency of the image should be ensured by the fact that all its components are interconnected and dependent, the external state must correspond to the internal one, professional competence, communication skills and appearance must make a holistic impression.

The formation of the image depends on how all the details of the image of the object are coordinated. In the image of a social worker, the following components can be distinguished that significantly affect professional success: mental, dimensional (visual), communicative, kinetic and environmental image.

mental image - This is the inner world of a person, manifested in interaction with other people. It is determined by the moral and ethical attitudes of a person, his worldview, breadth of interests, attitude to business, etc. The value orientations of social work in all its varieties are reduced to universal values, respect for the honor and dignity of a person.

The image of a social worker includes not only natural personal qualities, but also acquired ones, associated with both his external and internal appearance. Natural qualities that can be generally defined as “the ability to please people” include: charm, sociability, empathy (the ability to empathize), reflection (the ability to understand others). The characteristics acquired in the process of upbringing and education of a person and necessary for a social worker to successfully fulfill their duties include: moral values, psychological health, knowledge of interpersonal communication technologies, as well as good breeding, erudition, and professionalism. This also includes responsibility, diligence, punctuality, the desire for self-affirmation, the desire to learn. It is also important for a social worker to be stress-resistant, to have the skills of self-control, self-assessment of their actions.

It has been repeatedly noted that a social worker should be characterized by such character traits as mercy, moral reliability, humanity, responsiveness, cordiality, goodwill, disinterestedness, poise, calmness, self-demanding, restraint, perseverance, altruism, compassion. Some of them are basic, others are secondary. The absence of certain qualities in an employee does not always quickly give rise to negative consequences at work, however, under adverse conditions they are inevitable, this is especially pronounced in difficult situations, if it is necessary to mobilize all personal resources to solve complex problems.

For clients of the social service, it is important that the social worker be tactful, able to listen, and respect confidentiality. Indifference, disrespect for people, nervousness, disgust, haste, negligence, unwillingness to help are not allowed. The position of the social worker must be convincing, reasoned. Noticing that the interlocutor has become overly worried, it is necessary to offer to postpone the resolution of the conflict situation for a while. A belief in the absolute value of each person should be the determining factor in the professional suitability of a social worker.

Dimensional (visual) image - This is an image formed on the basis of the perception of information about the appearance of a person. Its components are appearance and physical constitution. Usually, at first, a person is perceived by his appearance, and, as a rule, this leaves an imprint on further relationships.

A social worker, with his well-groomed appearance, should make a good impression and inspire confidence in his professionalism. Grooming requires little effort and at the same time shows that a person respects himself, and those with whom he works, and those whom he is called to help. Social workers don't have uniforms. The clothes that the specialist chooses must be neat, comfortable for the provision of professional services. Hair should be neat, make-up should not be too bright.

Communicative image. As part of their professional activities, a social worker must possess communicative competence, the components of which are the ability to communicate, achieve success in the communication process, successfully interact with others. Communicative competence allows us to talk about the communicative image of a specialist, formed on the basis of verbal and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, intonations) communication.

The formation of a positive communicative image of a social work specialist involves: the ability to express understanding, sympathy, empathy in the course of communication; confidence in your words, etc. First of all, it is necessary to harmonize the interests of the client, his relatives, the social organization and the social worker himself. A specialist who is called upon to help other people as part of his professional activities must be able to adapt his behavior in order to establish the most optimal relationship with the participants in communication. To demonstrate respect, it is necessary to communicate with the client as a person, and not just as a “difficult person”.

Ethical standards must be observed when communicating with a client. The effectiveness of communication largely depends on what signs of attention are given to a person. To indicate any signs of attention that people exchange, so-called strokes are used, i.e. encouraging words of encouragement.

The technique of verbal influence (“communicative mechanics”) both on an individual and on a group of people consists of the following rules:

  • - underlining the most important words;
  • - change in the type and pace of speech (a sudden decrease / increase in the tone or timbre of the voice highlights a word or phrase, the pace of speech should be appropriate to the situation and age of the listeners);
  • - compliance with relevant information and pauses;
  • - visual contact with the audience.

It is necessary to remember about communication effects (the effect of the first phrases, dispensing information, relaxation), about the correctness, consistency, expressiveness of speech, as well as about the principles of repetition (information that is repeated is well remembered), “double call” (appeal not only to consciousness, but and to the subconscious of a person), a continuous increase in impact (building up arguments or emotional appeal).

One of the main indicators of the culture of communication of a business person is the ability to listen and the ability to create a favorable psychological climate. Effective practices include:

  • - greeting the interlocutor with a smile, a friendly look;
  • - taking into account the emotional state of the interlocutor;
  • - confident behavior;
  • - interest in developing relationships;
  • - respect;

responding to the client's problem in such a way as to inspire him with confidence in his ability to overcome difficulties;

  • - observance of the rule "here and now", obliging to solve the problem without delay;
  • - customer satisfaction.

Kinetic image is determined by the quality of non-verbal communication: position in space, facial expressions, gestures. The non-verbal component of communication carries more than 90 % information. The totality of external signs - from facial expression and direction of gaze to the adopted posture - is perceived at a subconscious level and helps to guess about the feelings and intentions of the interlocutor. A social worker should be restrained, open, friendly in everything, inspire confidence and win over.

Environmental image is formed on the basis of the idea of ​​the environment surrounding the specialist: office, desktop, surrounding objects, etc. All professional and personal paraphernalia must carry a semantic load, meet sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic requirements. Comfortable organization of the business space of the communication process is especially important when communicating with children, the elderly, and the disabled.

Thus, the image of a social worker is one of the main attributes of his professional activity. It is very important that the created image has a positive effect on the quality of social services provided.

Federal Agency for Education

Murmansk State Pedagogical University

Essay on social work:

"Image of a social worker"

Prepared by:

3rd year student


Afonina Anna



1. The essence and significance of the image for a successful

professional activity………………………………………………....4

2. Formation of the image of a social worker…………………………….…6


Literature…………………………………………………………………………… 12


Formation of the individual's image requires thorough preparation and continuous improvement. The concept of "image" includes the natural properties of the individual, it is also associated with the external appearance and internal content of a person, his psychological type.

The problem of image is also relevant for the sphere of social work. The further career of a social worker depends on many factors, such as: speech and expressive behavior of the individual; appearance (social design of appearance); situations of interaction (competent approach to the problems and issues being solved).

The purpose of the work: to identify the distinctive features of the image of a social worker.

Work tasks:

1) determine the essence and significance of the image for successful professional activity

2) consider the formation of the image of a social worker

Degree of development of the topic: Development in the field of image began in Western Europe, North America and Japan since the 1950s. L. Brown believed that it was necessary to win over people - this is the key to success. B. Ji divided the image into external and internal image - both of these concepts are interconnected. Domestic developments in the field of image are at an early stage. O. Feofanov considered the image as the main means of influencing society. G. Pocheptsov studied image technologies - image-making.

1. The essence and significance of the image for successful professional activity

Image - 1) formed in the mass consciousness and having the character of a stereotype, an emotionally colored image of someone or something. 2) an artificial image formed in the public or individual consciousness by means of mass communication and psychological influence.

The concept of "image" in the most common interpretation is close to the famous Greek word "charisma", which in ancient Greece meant giftedness, authority, wisdom and holiness. People with a combination of these qualities have always had the power to influence others, so leaders endowed with charisma are usually called charismatic leaders.

Later, the concept of image is formed, which originally referred to the personality. The image of a person is associated with appearance, delivered voice, the ability to hold on and speak to the public, conduct a dialogue, etc.

Image development began in Western Europe, North America and Japan in the 1950s. At first, the image was reduced to a rather limited set of elements of the popular style, combined with a single standard of society. There was also a verbal component. Basically, the purpose of the formation of the image in this period was to give the uniqueness of the individual in the eyes of the public. From the 60s. the term "image" reappears as the main means of psychological influence on the people around. Later, the concept of image became firmly established in political and public life.

L. Brown, an American image researcher, believes that “professional skill alone will not get you a job or a promotion. To do this, you need to win over the people with whom you work, that is, you need to create the right image. It is believed that people judge us by the external impression we make during the first five seconds of a conversation. It is precisely such personality traits as appearance, voice, the ability to conduct a dialogue that can play a decisive role in your career and in your whole life ... "

In the work of B. Ji conceptually highlights the issues of image: “By dividing the term "image" into the concepts of external and internal image, we will derive one more consequence: the external image must necessarily correspond to the internal image. If the concept of public opinion is invested in the concept of an external image, then the internal image should be understood as the fact that a person must correspond to his status in society (morality, behavior), not overstep the bounds of the acceptable image that the person corresponds to.

Domestic developments in the field of image are at an early stage. The theoretical elaboration of the image problem in Russia was influenced by a certain self-isolation of domestic science from the world science for a long time, objective difficulties associated with the complexity and multidimensionality of the image. The term "image" in the Russian lexicon began to be actively used around the mid-1990s. of the past century. O. Feofanov was one of the first who introduced the concept of “image” into Russian literature; in his work he considers the image as the main means of psychological impact on society.

G. Pocheptsov in his work, considers issues related to the construction and management of the image, as well as its influence in various contexts. Attention is focused on a significant increase in the role of image in modern society. Development of image techniques.

The concept of image and image-making are closely interrelated: image-making is a set of technologies and techniques, elements and operations designed to implement the task of forming the image of an object (person, object, phenomenon). Image-making is the technology of image formation.

Creating a positive image and high reputation is a complex and lengthy process, the main condition of which is the activity of the individual. At present, the need to stand out among the masses of their own kind, gain a certain fame, acquire a reputation, ensure financial success and a positive image of the individual are becoming real.

Conclusion: the image is an integral part of modern culture. Because of the desire of individuals to succeed in professional activities, society, etc. the study of the image is an urgent problem at the present time. Not every person can freely change their habits, principles of behavior, appearance (figure, clothes, manner of communication, etc.), etc. But due to the needs of society and ambitions, many individuals turn to specialists and independently "correct themselves" to maintain or acquire social status.

2. Formation of the image of a social worker

In modern conditions, the professional competence of a specialist, which includes socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and other personality characteristics, is of particular importance for the effective activity of a social worker. Here we include the concept of "image". In pedagogical science, this concept has been considered relatively recently. The image of a social worker due to the novelty of this profession in our country has not yet been formed. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this factor in professional communication, where the role of self-presentation increases dramatically. A positive image as a special personal tool makes it easier to establish contacts with other people, making the process of interaction with them more effective. Possessing a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, the image endows its owners with professional confidence and sociability, allowing the business qualities of a person to be best manifested. In this regard, the problem of its purposeful formation in these conditions for the training of future specialists becomes relevant.

The professional image of a social worker is part of the qualities that increase the effectiveness of his work. Social work has existed in the human community in the form of help and mutual assistance from time immemorial, based on universal spiritual values. The humanistic Christian traditions of Russia laid the foundation for social work at the personal and social levels in the form of charity.

In the process of its evolution, it has become pragmatic, moving away from its spiritual origins, but nevertheless its definition is now presented as mercy + skill.

It is mercy as a state of mind of a person - a social worker that is the basis and link between social work and spirituality. Spirituality is understood by psychologists as an inner striving for good, the need to give one's spiritual strength to one's neighbor, to do good, fulfilling one's mission on this earth.

According to Kholostova E.I. Not everyone can become a social worker. The defining criterion is the system of its spiritual values. The values ​​of professional social work in all its varieties are reduced to universal values, respect for the honor and dignity of a person, the uniqueness of his personality.

The style of behavior of a social worker, determined by the totality of his personal qualities, his value orientations and interests, has a decisive influence on the system of relations that he forms. Therefore, we can conclude that the role of personal qualities is very important in professional activity and choice of profession. Some are responsive to children, while others are more sensitive to older people. Therefore, the role of the personal qualities of a social worker is undoubtedly great in his professional activity. Among them are such as the humanistic orientation of the individual, personal and social responsibility, a heightened sense of goodness and justice, self-esteem, respect for the dignity of another person, tolerance, politeness, decency, empathy, willingness to understand others and come to their aid, emotional stability, personal adequacy in terms of self-esteem, the level of claims and social adaptability.



annotation scientific article on sociological sciences, author of scientific work - Vorotilkina Irina Mikhailovna, Nekozyreva Ksenia Sergeevna

The article discusses the concept of image from the point of view of different authors, its species diversity and main components. As a result of research by specialists (S. A. Kambolov, I. P. Tikhonov, E. B. Perelygina and others), an image formation structure was built, and an image model was developed social worker using elements of the structural and functional model of the image social worker S. A. Kambolova. The authors attempted to show the structure individual image social worker as the basis for the formation of a professional image. The importance of image in professional activity is shown social worker. An analysis of the study is presented, the purpose of which is to identify the role of image in professional activity. social worker. The main conclusions and results of the study are reflected, as well as recommendations for improving the level of the image social worker. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the image plays an important role and has a positive impact on professional activities. social worker. Well thought out image social worker helps build trust and remove barriers between him and his clients.

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The article discusses the concept of image from the viewpoint of different authors, its diversity and the main components. Based on the results of such researchers as SA Kambolov, IP Tikhonov, EB Perelygina and others, the article presents the structure of image formation and develops a model of the image of a social worker using the elements of SA Kambolov's structural-functional model The authors attempt to show the structure of the individual image of a social worker as the basis for forming a professional image. the research, the purpose of which is to identify the role of image in the professional activity of a social worker . well-thought-out image of a social worker helps to enhance confidence and remove impediments between him and his clients, thereby increasing his professional image of a socia l worker.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Image in the professional activity of a social worker"

Irina Mikhailovna Vorotilkina1,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Amur State University named after V.I. Sholom Aleichem (679015, Russia, EAO, Birobidzhan, Shirokaya st., 70a),


Ksenia Sergeevna Nekozyreva2,


Priamursky State University. Sholom Aleichem (679015, Russia, EAO, Birobidzhan, Shirokaya st., 70a), e-mail:

Image in the professional activity of a social worker

The article discusses the concept of image from the point of view of different authors, its species diversity and main components. As a result of research by specialists (S. A. Kambolov, I. P. Tikhonov, E. B. Perelygina and others), the structure of image formation was built, and a model of the image of a social worker was developed using elements of the structural and functional model of the image of a social worker S. A. Kambolova. The authors made an attempt to show the structure of the individual image of a social worker as the basis for the formation of a professional image. The importance of the image in the professional activity of a social worker is shown. An analysis of the study is presented, the purpose of which is to identify the role of the image in the professional activities of a social worker. The main conclusions and results of the study are reflected, as well as recommendations for improving the image of a social worker. In the course of the work, it was revealed that the image plays an important role and has a positive impact on the professional activities of a social worker. A well-designed image of a social worker helps to build trust and remove barriers between him and his clients.

Keywords: image, social worker, individual image, personality, congruence

Introductory part. At present, the problem of the image of a social worker is quite relevant, and this is primarily due to his professional activity, which is aimed at helping certain categories of citizens who, for one reason or another, find themselves in a difficult life situation, where, depending on the effectiveness of interaction and assistance to social an employee to clients and an image is formed in his professional field of activity.

The term “image” (from French or English image) literally translated into Russian means “image, appearance”. From the point of view of social psychology, the image is a symbolic image of the subject, created in the process of subject-subject interaction [Ibid., p. eight].

In the explanatory dictionary of S. A. Kuznetsov, the concept of “image” is not only the internal appearance of an object, but also a purposefully created opinion, an idea that has developed in society about a person, object, product, etc.3

I. P. Tikhonov, on the contrary, believes that the image is not what a person really is, not the totality of his personal characteristics, but the image that is created in relation to this person by the people around him, or people who create an impression of him through various means.

From the above concepts of image, taken from different areas of knowledge, we can distinguish the most common features. An image is nothing more than an image, an appearance created in relation to someone or something.

2 K. S. Nekozyreva structures the material, draws up the article.

3 Explanatory dictionary. Image [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 12/15/2016).

© Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S., 2017

in order to popularize this object in society (S. A. Kuznetsova, I. P. Tikhonov) [Ibid., p. eight].

According to I.P. Tikhonov [Ibid., p. 12], the main components of the image are: appearance, "bodily" image, voice and speech. The author pays special attention to appearance, voice and speech, since it is these components, in his opinion, that form the image. If a person has a well-groomed appearance, a positive impression is formed about him, he attracts attention and wins people over, thus facilitating the establishment of interpersonal contact, which makes the interaction process more efficient. Voice and speech occupy an important place in the formation of the image. By the way a person speaks, pauses, puts emphasis, one can determine the level of his education and professionalism, his place of residence.

The social worker communicates with different groups of the population, different ages. The success of his activity largely depends on the communication capabilities of a social worker, which subsequently also affects his image.

According to experts, the image of a social worker is a multi-layered formation, consisting of both the moral reliability of a social worker and his professionalism, competence, humanitarian education and psychological knowledge.

Analyzing the image of a social worker, S. A. Kambolov identifies the following components of the image of a social worker: information-semiotic component (appearance, demeanor, speech); personal-resource component (perception of personal characteristics); professional-gnostic component (professionally important qualities); situational-interactive component (an idea of ​​the real relationship between a social worker and clients).

The image of a social worker is reflected in the works of V. N. Kelasyev, who singled out the most important personal qualities of a social worker into the following three groups:

1) the professional qualities of a person are high professionalism,

competence in solving various social problems, a high level of education and general culture (including spiritual), possession of related specialties and knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, jurisprudence;

2) the humanistic qualities of a person are kindness, love for people, sincerity, goodwill, sensitivity, responsiveness, the desire to take on someone else's pain, mercy, humanity, a sense of compassion, empathy;

3) social qualities of a person - they include communication skills, organizational skills, the ability to correctly understand a person and put oneself in his place, flexibility and delicacy, tact in communication, the ability to listen, the ability to support another and stimulate him to develop his own strengths, the ability to call to himself trust relationship 1.

The image of a social worker is built on his individual image, which depends on his professional qualities. The style of his behavior, personal qualities, value orientations and interests have an impact on the image that he forms. Practice shows that some social workers feel great in conflict situations, others in situations of mutual assistance. Someone finds a common language with clients who are closed in themselves, someone is more responsive to children, someone is more sensitive to the elderly. In this regard, the personal qualities of a social worker play a major role in shaping his image.

For the favorable formation of the image of a social worker, it is important that he correspond to his main professional qualities, such as humanity, responsibility, self-esteem and respect for the dignity of others, tolerance, politeness, emotional stability, patience and self-control.

Methodology and research methods. The analysis of special literature allowed us to identify the components of the image and identify the order of image formation, its goal - what is being formed, tasks - for

1 Vishnevsky Yu. R. Professional image of social work and the role of the media in increasing its prestige: information and analytical report / ed. Yu. R. Vishnevsky. - Ekaterinburg: USTU-UPI, 2009. - 100 p.

what is formed, means - how it is formed, methods - how it is formed, principles - in accordance with what it is formed1.

The image has a great influence on the professional activity of a social worker, and the extent of this influence will depend on the level of formation of the individual image of a social worker (Fig. 2).

The individual image of a social worker gives a general picture of the idea of ​​his professional activity in general and shows the influence of the image on the effectiveness of his professional activity. Efficiency is usually understood as the goals set and the quantity

1 Zazykin V. G. Image of an organization: structure and psychological factors [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 11/25/2016).

The result of the formation of the image is a positive opinion, drawing attention to this object (Fig. 1).

stvo achieved results with a minimum level of losses. It follows that the performance indicators of a social worker will depend on the level of client satisfaction with the work of a specialist.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the social worker's activity will be his congruence (i.e., the state where the words of a person will correspond to his actions, the external and internal image will correspond to each other), the quality of the services provided to the client will depend on the professionalism of the social worker, his work experience and level of training. If during the work of a social worker with a client

Rice. 1. Image formation structure 1. The structure of image formation

As a result, he will lack the unity of the created image, this will be the main obstacle to achieving the maximum efficiency of his activities. The image of a social worker should have multiple congruence: it should not contradict the inner

self-perception by a social worker of himself as a person, as a professional, but at the same time he must be congruent with the expectations of the client, whose needs are aimed at meeting his professional activity.

Individual image of CP

Personal qualities - "-Value orientations and interests in ■Professional qualities

F s go n o S to F

Rice. 2. Individual image of a social worker 2. Individual image of a social worker

The image in the professional activity of a social worker can be formed spontaneously or consciously. In the spontaneous formation of the image of a social worker, the main factor will be the personal qualities of a person given to him by nature. With the conscious formation of the image of a social worker, the main factor in the formation is motivation, that is, for the sake of which the image is formed. In a way, this is what we get as a result of image formation, the main "benefit" derived from this process.

Based on the structural and professional model of the image of a social worker S. A. Kambolov, we have developed a model of the image of a social worker (Fig. 3), where "image" in general terms means the creation of a purposeful image, the success of which depends on a certain set of elements, on their correspondence with each other, since, for example, it is not enough just to have a well-groomed appearance, the professional and personal qualities of a social worker are important.

Spontaneously formed - Individual image of SW - Consciously formed

to go"<0 с; с н о о

Rice. 3. Model of the image of a social worker 3. The image model of a social worker

In order to study the respondents' perception of the general understanding of the concept of "image", the ways of its formation and improvement of activities in this direction, we conducted a survey. It was attended by 100 respondents, among them 50 people are employees of the Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population in the Jewish Autonomous Region and 50 people are residents of the city of Birobidzhan from 16 to 50 years old and older.

Results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the study showed that mostly social workers (48%) understand the definition of "image" as the image that is created in relation to

a person in the people around him, or people who create impressions of him with the help of various means, are also considered by 28% of the surveyed residents of Birobidzhan. This understanding of the concept of “image” by the respondents agrees with the proposed definition by I.P. Tikhonov. At the same time, 32% of social workers understand the definition of "image" in the literal sense - as an image or appearance, as do 44% of the inhabitants of the city of Birobidzhan. Another 12% of the surveyed social workers believe that image is nothing more than a process of purposefully creating an opinion about something, and 24% of city residents also think so (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The concept of image in the understanding of the respondents 4. The concept of image in the respondents" understanding

Analysis of the results of the survey showed that for 70% of social workers the image is of great importance in their professional activities, the majority of city residents (46%) also believe, and only 10% of the social workers surveyed believe that the image has no

values ​​in their professional activities, 32% of the surveyed residents of the city agreed with them as potential clients of social workers. The remaining respondents from each group presented found it difficult to answer or avoided answering this question (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. The value of the image in the professional activity of a social worker 5. The importance of image in the professional activity of a social worker

The next question offered to the respondents was the question “What are the most significant personal qualities that a social worker should have?”. Respondents were asked to select multiple answers. About 50% of the interviewed social workers believe that the most significant qualities that a social worker should possess are mercy, responsibility and competence; 30% of the interviewed social workers believe that he should have caring, decency and sociability, but at the same time, 20% of social workers believe that all the proposed qualities should be combined in him.

As for the surveyed residents of the city, 50% believe that the most significant qualities that a social worker should possess are competence, communication skills and responsibility. The other 30% of respondents believe that a social worker should be compassionate, caring, decent, and should also be an “open” person.

When asked about the demand for social workers in modern conditions, 72% of social workers believe that social workers are definitely needed - basically, specialists with extensive experience in this field aged 41 to 50 answered this way. More

young professionals believe that social workers are more likely to be needed in modern society, 20% answered this way. The rest found it difficult to answer this question. From the point of view of clients of social workers, 48% of them believe that they are definitely needed, and 44% believe that

that social workers are more needed than not; 8% of respondents note that social workers are not needed, and that this profession does not meet modern requirements, mostly younger respondents, aged 26 to 30, answered this way (Fig. 6).

■ Social workers Residents of Birobidzhan

Yes, definitely needed More needed than not No, this profession does not meet

modern requirements

Rice. 6. Do the respondents think that social workers are needed in modern conditions? 6. Is there a need for social workers in modern conditions? (according to the respondents)

The study revealed that, according to experts, a modern social worker has a formed "positive image" - 52% of respondents think so, but 32% of respondents believe that the image of a social worker has not yet been fully formed, the rest of the respondents found it difficult to answer

reply to this question. At the same time, residents of the city (44%) believe that the image of a social worker has not yet been formed, and 32% of them believe that modern social workers have a “positive image”, and 22% described the image of a modern social worker as “negative” ( Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Characteristics of the formed image of a social worker 7. The characteristic of the formed image of a social worker

Respondents were asked to evaluate the level of the social worker's image on a ten-point scale. The analysis of the study showed that 34% of the interviewed specialists in this profession rated the level of the image of a social worker at five points, as an average level. 18% believe that the level of the image of the social

of a worker is equal to ten points, which is equivalent to the highest level, the rest of the respondents rated the level of the social worker's image slightly below average, or slightly above average, or gave a very low rating. Despite the fact that in the previous question, according to the experts themselves, the formed

the image of a social worker was rated as “positive”, most of them rated the level of the image of a social worker as average, and 34% of social workers think so.

workers. Interviewed residents of the city rated the level of the image of a social worker slightly below average, 28% of people think so (Fig. 8).

Rice. Fig. 8. The level of the image of a social worker according to respondents 8. The level of the image of a social worker (according to the respondents)

Further, the respondents were asked to choose from the presented list of definitions how the image of a social worker is formed. The survey showed that 50% of social workers believe that the image is formed primarily as a manner of behavior, reputation of a specialist, professionalism and competence; 30% of respondents believe that their appearance and the ability to conduct a dialogue form their image. The remaining 20% ​​of respondents found it difficult to answer this question. The surveyed 50% of the city residents believe that the image is formed primarily as a result of the ability to conduct a dialogue, demeanor, professionalism and competence; 40% of city residents believe that the image of a social worker is formed by appearance, voice and professional reputation.

Analysis of the study showed that 44% of social workers believe that their profession is prestigious at the moment, but 52% of the respondents answered that “no”, it is not prestigious, and to a greater extent this is due to low wages. 32% found it difficult to answer the question, because, in their opinion, at present

In the current difficult economic situation, it is difficult to name which profession is currently considered more prestigious. And only 12% of the surveyed residents answered that “yes, it is prestigious”, but a larger number of residents (34%) found it difficult to answer the question (Fig. 9).

When asked what needs to be done to improve the image of a social worker, among the social workers themselves, the most popular answer was to increase professionalism, develop their sociability and versatility, as well as the ability to put into practice theoretical knowledge and skills, attend trainings and seminars for professional growth. The second most popular is wage increases. Residents of the city of Birobidzhan suggested taking the training of future social workers more seriously, popularizing the meaning of the profession, its usefulness, and the success of social services. The emphasis was also made on professional development, self-improvement and, of course, wage increases.

Rice. 9. Is it prestigious nowadays to be a social worker? Fig. 9. Is it prestigious to be a social worker nowadays?

Conclusions. So, the analysis of the study showed that most of the respondents have an idea about the concept of "image" and understand it as an image or appearance created in relation to a person or object. The image of a social worker is formed by the following components: the ability to conduct a dialogue, demeanor, professionalism and competence. To form the image of a social worker, it is necessary to constantly improve the professional qualifications of a specialist, in various forms, courses, trainings, seminars, as well as self-improvement. All this contributes to intellectual and personal development, self-confidence for further professional development.

activities and provides capacity building for social services.

A well-designed image of a social worker will help him in his professional activity, increase trust and remove barriers between a social worker and his client. A deep understanding of the essence of a professional image and the need to form and maintain it is a prerequisite for high-quality professional education of a social specialist.

A "positive" image of a social worker will emphasize all the best that is in him, and will help to be himself in professional activities.


1. Vorotilkina I. M. Education of adults in the magistracy in social work // Higher education in Russia. 2015. Issue. 3. S. 140-144.

2. Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S. The image of a social worker // Youth research and initiatives in science, education, culture, politics: materials of the XI All-Russian. youth scientific-practical. conf. Birobidzhan: Izd. Sholom Aleichem, 2016. Issue. 2. S.147-151.

3. Zagorskaya N. S. The image of a social worker and the problems of its formation // Social work: Belarusian. magazine 2008. No. 4.

4. Kambolov S. A. Structural and functional model of the image of a social worker // Human capital. 2014. Issue. 11. S. 64-67.

5. Kambolov S. A. Congruence of the image of a social worker as a factor in the effectiveness of his professional activity // Human capital. 2014. Issue. 1. S. 54-57.

6. Panasyuk A. Yu. Image formation: strategy, psychotechnologies, psychotechnics. M.: Omega-L, 2007. 266 p.

7. Perelygina E. B. Image psychology. M.: Aspect-Press, 2002. 223 p.

8. Professional image and prestige of social work / M. V. Pevnaya, Yu. R. Vishnevsky, Ya. V. Didkovskaya, N. B. Kachaynova; ed. Yu. R. Vishnevsky. Yekaterinburg: UrFU, 2011. 184 p.

9. Romanina L. A. Social education: a factor in improving the regional system of social protection of the population. M.: Center-press, 2003. 163 p.

10. Tikhonov IP Leader's image: methods of formation. M.: Book laboratory, 2010. 127 p.

The article was received by the editors on December 20, 2016; accepted for publication 03/28/2017

Bibliographic description of the article

Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S. Image in the professional activity of a social worker // Uchenye zapiski ZabGU. Ser. Sociological sciences. 2017. V. 12, No. 3. S. 13-22.

Irina M. Vorotilkina1,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University (70A Shirokaya st., Birobidzhan, 679015, Russia), e-mail:

Ksenia S. Nekozyreva2,

Second Year Master's Degree Student, Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University (70A Shirokaya st., Birobidzhan, 679015, Russia), e-mail:

Image in the Professional Activity of a Social Worker

The article discusses the concept of image from the viewpoint of different authors, its diversity and the main components. Based on the results of such researchers as SA Kambolov, IP Tikhonov, EB Perelygina and others, the article presents the structure of image formation and develops a model of the image of a social worker using the elements of SA Kambolov's structural-functional model The authors attempt to show the structure of the individual image of a social worker as the basis for forming a professional image. the research, the purpose of which is to identify the role of image in the professional activity of a social worker. well-thought-out image of a social worker helps to enhance confidence and remove impediments between him and his clients, thereby increasing his professional image of a social worker.

Keywords: image, social worker, individual image, personality, congruence

1. Vorotilkina I. M. Obuchenie vzroslykh v magistrature po sotsial "noi workote // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2015. Vyp. 3. S. 140-144.

2. Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S. Imidzh sotsial "nogo rabotnika // Molodezhnye issledovaniya i initsiativy v nauke, obrazovanii, kul" ture, politike: materialy KhI Vseros. youth nauch.-prakt. conf. Birobidzhan: Izd-vo ITs PGU im. Sholom-Aleikhema, 2016. Vyp. 2. S.147-151.

3. Zagorskaya N. S. Imidzh sotsial "nogo rabotnika i problemy ego formirovaniya // Sotsial" naya rabota: belorus. zhurn. 2008. No. 4.

4. Kambolov S. A. Strukturno-funktsional "naya model" imidzha sotsial "nogo rabotnika" // Chelovecheskii kapital. 2014. Vyp. 11. S. 64-67.

5. Kambolov S. A. Kongruentnost "imidzha sotsial" nogo rabotnika kak faktor effektivnosti ego professional "noi deyatel" nosti // Chelovecheskii kapital. 2014. Vyp. 1. S. 54-57.

6. Panasyuk A. Yu. Formirovanie imidzha: strategiya, psikhotekhnologii, psikhotekhniki. M.: Omega-L, 2007. 266 s.

7. Perelygina E. B. Psikhologiya imidzha. M.: Aspekt-Press, 2002. 223 s.

8. Professional "nyi imidzh i prestizh sotsial" noi raboty / M. V. Pevnaya, Yu. R. Vishnevskii, Ya. V. Didkovskaya, N. B. Kachainova; pod red. Yu. R. Vishnevsky. Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2011. 184 s.

9. Romanina L. A. Sotsial "noe obrazovanie: faktor sovershenstvovaniya regional" noi sistemy sotsial "noi zashchity naseleniya. M .: Tsentr-press, 2003. 163 s.

10. Tikhonov I. P. Imidzh rukovoditelya: metody formirovaniya. M.: Laboratoriya knigi, 2010. 127 s.

Received: December 20, 2016; accepted for publication: March 28, 2017

Reference to the article

Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S. Image in the Professional Activity of a Social Worker // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017 Vol. 12, no. 3.PP. 13-22.

1 I. M. Vorotilkina is the main author and the organizer of the study, she draws conclusions and summarizes the results of the collective project.

2 K. S. Nekozyreva structures the material, prepares the manuscript.


1. The essence and significance of the image for a successful

professional activity………………………………………………....3

2. Formation of the image of a social worker…………………………….…6


Literature…………………………………………………………………………… 13


Formation of the individual's image requires thorough preparation and continuous improvement. The concept of "image" includes the natural properties of the individual, it is also associated with the external appearance and internal content of a person, his psychological type.

The problem of image is also relevant for the sphere of social work. The further career of a social worker depends on many factors, such as: speech and expressive behavior of the individual; appearance (social design of appearance); situations of interaction (competent approach to the problems and issues being solved).

Objective : to identify the distinctive features of the image of a social worker.

Work tasks :

    determine the essence and meaning of the image for successful professional activity

    consider the formation of the image of a social worker

Degree of actualization of the topic: Developments in the field of image began in Western Europe, North America and Japan since the 1950s. L. Brown believed that it was necessary to win over people - this is the key to success.

B.Ji divided the image into external and internal image - both of these concepts are interconnected.Domestic developments in the field of image are at an early stage. O. Feofanov considered the image as the main means of influencing society.G.Pocheptsov studied image technologies - image-making.

The study of the problem of the image of a social worker has recently acquired increasing practical and theoretical significance in the light of the transformations that are taking place in all sectors of our society. In modern conditions, the professional competence of a specialist, which includes socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and other personality characteristics, is of particular importance for the effective activity of a social worker. A positive image as a special personal tool makes it easier to establish contacts with other people, making the process of interaction with them more effective, which is especially relevant when organizing social work with convicts. Possessing a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, the image endows its owners with professional confidence and sociability, allowing the business qualities of a person to be best manifested. In this regard, the problem of its purposeful formation among specialists in the social sphere becomes relevant.

The main function of the image is to bring the social worker's actions in line with the client's expectations. In this regard, the most important component of the image is the style of behavior of a social worker, due to the totality of his personal qualities, his value orientations and interests. The behavioral style of a social worker has a decisive influence on the system of relations that he forms. It depends on the moral qualities of the personality of a social worker whether he can enter into the trust of the client in order to jointly resolve the problem that has arisen. A social worker as a specialist may turn out to be professionally incompetent in general, and his knowledge and skills will not be in demand if his client feels complete indifference to himself and his fate or hostility. At the same time, the degree of formation of the personal qualities of a social worker is of particular importance.

Thus, the main goal of image formation is to model the way the client perceives the social worker, in which he organically fits into the client's system of expectations.

1. The essence and significance of the image for successful professional activity

Image - 1) formed in the mass consciousness and having the character of a stereotype, an emotionally colored image of someone or something. 2) an artificial image formed in the public or individual consciousness by means of mass communication and psychological influence.

The concept of "image" in the most common interpretation is close to the famous Greek word "charisma", which in ancient Greece meant giftedness, authority, wisdom and holiness. People with a combination of these qualities have always had the power to influence others, so leaders endowed with charisma are usually called charismatic leaders.

Later, the concept of image is formed, which originally referred to the personality. The image of a person is associated with appearance, delivered voice, the ability to hold on and speak to the public, conduct a dialogue, etc.

Image development began in Western Europe, North America and Japan in the 1950s. At first, the image was reduced to a rather limited set of elements of the popular style, combined with a single standard of society. There was also a verbal component. Basically, the purpose of the formation of the image in this period was to give the uniqueness of the individual in the eyes of the public. From the 60s. the term "image" reappears as the main means of psychological influence on the people around. Later, the concept of image became firmly established in political and public life.

L. Brown, an American image researcher, believes that “professional skill alone will not get you a job or a promotion. To do this, you need to win over the people with whom you work, that is, you need to create the right image. It is believed that people judge us by the external impression we make during the first five seconds of a conversation. It is precisely such personality traits as appearance, voice, the ability to conduct a dialogue that can play a decisive role in your career and in your whole life ... "

In the work of B. Ji conceptually highlights the issues of image: “By dividing the term "image" into the concepts of external and internal image, we will derive one more consequence: the external image must necessarily correspond to the internal image. If the concept of public opinion is invested in the concept of an external image, then the internal image should be understood as the fact that a person must correspond to his status in society (morality, behavior), not overstep the bounds of the acceptable image that the person corresponds to.

Domestic developments in the field of image are at an early stage. The theoretical elaboration of the image problem in Russia was influenced by a certain self-isolation of domestic science from the world science for a long time, objective difficulties associated with the complexity and multidimensionality of the image. The term "image" in the Russian lexicon began to be actively used around the mid-1990s. of the past century.O. Feofanov was one of the first who introduced the concept of “image” into Russian literature; in his work he considers the image as the main means of psychological impact on society.

G. Pocheptsov in his work, considers issues related to the construction and management of the image, as well as its influence in various contexts. Attention is focused on a significant increase in the role of image in modern society. Development of image techniques.

The concept of image and image-making are closely interrelated: image-making is a set of technologies and techniques, elements and operations designed to implement the task of forming the image of an object (person, object, phenomenon) . Image-making is the technology of image formation.

Creating a positive image and high reputation is a complex and lengthy process, the main condition of which is the activity of the individual. At present, the need to stand out among the masses of their own kind, gain a certain fame, acquire a reputation, ensure financial success and a positive image of the individual are becoming real.

Conclusion: the image is an integral part of modern culture. Because of the desire of individuals to succeed in professional activities, society, etc. the study of the image is an urgent problem at the present time. Not every person can freely change their habits, behavior patterns, appearance (figure, clothing, communication style, etc.), etc. But due to the needs of society and ambitions, many individuals turn to specialists and independently “correct themselves » to maintain or gain social status.

2. Formation of the image of a social worker

In modern conditions, the professional competence of a specialist, which includes socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and other personality characteristics, is of particular importance for the effective activity of a social worker. Here we include the concept of "image". In pedagogical science, this concept has been considered relatively recently. The image of a social worker due to the novelty of this profession in our country has not yet been formed. At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this factor in professional communication, where the role of self-presentation increases dramatically. A positive image as a special personal tool makes it easier to establish contacts with other people, making the process of interaction with them more effective. Possessing a powerful psychotherapeutic effect, the image endows its owners with professional confidence and sociability, allowing the business qualities of a person to be best manifested. In this regard, the problem of its purposeful formation in these conditions for the training of future specialists becomes relevant.

The professional image of a social worker is part of the qualities that increase the effectiveness of his work. Social work has existed in the human community in the form of help and mutual assistance from time immemorial, based on universal spiritual values. The humanistic Christian traditions of Russia laid the foundation for social work at the personal and social levels in the form of charity.

In the process of its evolution, it has become pragmatic, moving away from its spiritual origins, but nevertheless its definition is now presented as mercy + skill.

It is mercy as a state of mind of a person - a social worker that is the basis and link between social work and spirituality. Spirituality is understood by psychologists as an inner striving for good, the need to give one's spiritual strength to one's neighbor, to do good, fulfilling one's mission on this earth. .

According to Kholostova E.I. Not everyone can become a social worker. The defining criterion is the system of its spiritual values. The values ​​of professional social work in all its varieties are reduced to universal values, respect for the honor and dignity of a person, the uniqueness of his personality.

The style of behavior of a social worker, determined by the totality of his personal qualities, his value orientations and interests, has a decisive influence on the system of relations that he forms. Therefore, we can conclude that the role of personal qualities is very important in professional activity and choice of profession. Some are responsive to children, while others are more sensitive to older people. Therefore, the role of the personal qualities of a social worker is undoubtedly great in his professional activity. Among them are such as the humanistic orientation of the individual, personal and social responsibility, a heightened sense of goodness and justice, self-esteem, respect for the dignity of another person, tolerance, politeness, decency, empathy, willingness to understand others and come to their aid, emotional stability, personal adequacy in terms of self-esteem, level of claims and social adaptability .

Social work as a profession requires thorough training and continuous improvement of specialists in this field, the formation of their image. The concept of "image" includes not only the natural properties of the individual, but also specially developed, created, it is associated with both the external appearance and the internal content of a person, his psychological type.

The concept of image is multilayered and is created from different terms. The first term is the moral reliability of a social worker. A moral person realizes the need to act according to the criteria verified by human experience. An immoral person is subordinate to his own interests, aspirations, desires. his way is permissiveness. Society needs a morally reliable social worker concerned with spiritual self-improvement.

The second is professionalism and competence. Any specialist working with people must be a talented person. This position was reflected in the works of I. Atvater "I'm listening to you", L.P. Primak. "Communication with yourself". This is especially true for social workers.

The most important quality is the humanitarian education of social workers. F. M. Dostoevsky has a statement, the essence of which is that humanitarian development makes it easier for a person to master any profession. It is thanks to humanitarian knowledge that a person acquires the ability to absorb various information, subject it to sensory and rational processing. This knowledge is the most important conditions for the activity of a social worker.

The formation of the spiritual needs of the individual is the most important task of a social worker. For many centuries, churches and monasteries have been centers of social assistance. In them and under their guidance, people learned to understand and fulfill the commandment to love their neighbor, to purify and elevate the soul. Spirituality is characterized by a kind attitude towards other people, care, attention, readiness to help, share joy or sorrow. Nowadays social reality generates new mechanisms of communication between people, self-improvement. Psychotechniques are such mechanisms. The next important component for the formation of the image is that every social worker must be a psychotechnologist. Psychotechnology is the science of the practical use of psychological techniques for managing people. Psychotechnology is implemented in communication and is a system of interrelated, internally motivated psychotechniques, which is based on the analysis of communication and personal improvement.

It is in the power of a social worker to solve the problem of forming the spiritual needs of the individual and, above all, self-improvement. In many philosophical and mystical teachings, in Socrates. Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Buddhists, Laozi emphasizes that self-observation and self-knowledge are a necessary step on the path of spiritual development.

Depending on the content of the task, the ways and types of work with oneself change. The most common:

a) Self-confession - a complete internal report to yourself about yourself. Expressing "painful" in words, speaking out directly and ingenuously has long been considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of painful thoughts.

The conscious formation of the habit of self-reporting will help to eliminate unwanted spontaneity and impulsiveness in behavior, because. activates the mechanisms of intellectual and moral control, spiritual purification.

b) Self-persuasion is the principle of communicative critical-analytical, conscious influence on one's own personal attitudes, the core of personal motives. The basis of the process is the mental operations of rationalizing the system of behavioral motives, which consist in the logical substantiation of the practical benefits of this or that action.


Image is an image and a way of self-presentation, acting as a tool for self-development, as a means of solving personal and professional problems, acts as a factor in effective professional activity.

Image is an integral part of modern culture. Because of the desire of individuals to succeed in professional activities, society, etc. The study of the image is an urgent problem at the present time. Not every person can freely change their habits, behavior patterns, appearance, etc.

Social work as a profession requires thorough training and continuous improvement of specialists in this field, the formation of their image:

    Any specialist working with people must be a talented person. This position was reflected in the works of I. Atvater, L.P. Primak, N.A. Dobrolyubova

    The most important quality is the humanitarian education of social workers - the position of Dostoevsky

    Every social worker should be a psychotechnologist

    Striving for self-improvement. This position was reflected in the works of Socrates. Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Buddhists, Laozi. Self-improvement, in turn, is divided into: a) self-persuasion b) self-regulation

The use of various psychotechniques that have passed from the archaic layers of the past, ritual procedures into rational mechanisms for managing the internal state, people's behavior, will help the social worker acquire the skills of self-organization, self-regulation, spiritual purification, image formation for successful professional assistance to people in need.

As already mentioned, the image is the impression that is created in the environment; depends on how all the details of the object image are coordinated. The concept of "image" also includes the impression that actions produce, the results of the object's communication with the environment. An image is understood as a stable, socially produced and reproducible model of perception and evaluation of objects and phenomena. Therefore, it is important to consider the characteristics of the image of the profession from the standpoint of its practical constructability and manageability. The built image reduces the set to a specific set of properties and qualities - a holistic model that allows you to identify the object1. The image is initially social. Its structure is set by properties that are marked by society as important, significant. The image is a product of social consciousness, although it can also belong to an individual person (however, only when it is recursive of the social model, otherwise we are talking about individual perception and, accordingly, about the image) 2 . In the theory of public relations, the structure of the image includes such components as the external and internal image of the image object. The external image of the profession is focused on the public environment and includes three levels: the image of social service institutions among clients - representations of various social groups of clients regarding the services provided by social service institutions; image of social protection authorities in the public - perceptions of the general public about the goals and role of social protection authorities, including social protection departments headed by the Ministry of Social Protection, social service institutions, as well as professionals who work there


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Formation of the image of social organizations - section Philosophy, Fundamentals of socio-psychological theory In the Great English-Russian Dictionary (M., 1972) The following Lexical Meanings are given ...

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A social group is understood as any set of individuals who are in interaction, united by common interests and helping each other. External hallmarks of social

Characteristics of mass socio-psychological phenomena
The psychology of large social groups is formed and manifested in the course of social relations and mass communication. It is in the process of interaction that interests and public opinion arise and are realized.

The socio-psychological essence of the crowd
The crowd is a contact, unorganized community, characterized by a high degree of conformity of its constituent individuals, acting emotionally and relatively unanimously. She has a strong

The socio-psychological dimension of security
Security is one of the characteristics and criteria for the functioning and development of social, economic, technical, environmental and biological systems. Therefore, the analysis of the security system is not possible.

public safety
As mentioned above, public security directly depends on the state of civil society. A normal society can provide security, a deformed society cannot. Society as a whole

The concept, levels, causes and mechanisms of the emergence of social tension
There are two main approaches to understanding social tension: everyday and scientific. According to the first social tension means "time of troubles". From the perspective of the second approach, the social

Forms of manifestation of social tension
The form of manifestation of social tension is inextricably linked with its consequences. From this point of view, one can distinguish between internal (hidden) and external (open) consequences, as well! the scale of their distribution

Fundamentals of conflictology: the concept of conflicts, their structure, functions, stages of flow and types
The term "sociology of conflict" was first introduced by the German philosopher and sociologist G. Simmel (1858-1918), who called one of his works published at the beginning of this century exactly that. In modern social

Conflicts in various communities
A practical-oriented classification of conflicts depending on the spheres of their occurrence and manifestation is as follows: - socio-political, including

Technique for relieving social tension
Social tension can be removed only with the help of a set of measures. At the same time, this activity should be carried out at different levels: macro-, medium, micro- and personal.

Conflict resolution
Settlement and resolution of conflicts is a system of measures aimed at preventing them, as well as finding ways out of the conflict. This problem has not been given due attention either by the theory of social

The essence of socio-psychological impact
The psychology of influence is one of the most traditional areas of socio-psychological knowledge. However, despite\u003e\u003ethen, the problem of psychological impact continues to be

Many scientific developments are focused on a systematic, "synthetic" coverage of mental phenomena and psychological impact. Suffice it to mention works in the field of environmental psychology, psycho

The concept and functions of fashion
Fashion, which is an attribute of everyday life, as a socio-psychological phenomenon, is a rather complex formation, which is difficult to give in to any unambiguous definition. In and

Psychology of propaganda
Propaganda in a broad sense refers to the activity of disseminating any knowledge, value judgments, beliefs in order to introduce them into the minds of people. In this respect, one can speak of

In the first part, the state of socio-psychological theory is summed up, the concepts are analyzed, and the range of real problems related to the subject of socio-psychological theory is outlined. However, you will

Structure and subject of applied social psychology
Applied social psychology is an integral part of social psychology. In turn, it appears in two aspects as a social practice and as a theory. Finally, it is presented in the form of training

Functions and tasks of applied social psychology
Applied social psychology performs a variety of functions. The classification of these functions can be built taking into account the scope of applied social psychology, namely:

Software for socio-psychological diagnostics
Socio-psychological diagnostics, in fact, serves as the foundation of applied social psychology. Without it, it is impossible to carry out both effective consulting of the customer (client) and effective

Organization and procedure for conducting socio-psychological diagnostics
In applied social psychology, the process of diagnosing begins with the formalization of relations with the customer (client). G, if the customer is one of the leaders of a practical psychologist (i.e.

Observation and experiment as methods of socio-psychological diagnostics. Instrumental method for diagnosing socio-psychological phenomena
Observation and experiment are general scientific methods that have been used since ancient times both in the natural sciences and in the humanities. Using these methods, the psychologist-diagnostician has the opportunity to directly

The use of surveys in socio-psychological diagnostics
Survey methods are the most common in the work of practical social psychologists. The survey as a whole is understood as a method of purposefully obtaining verbal (oral or written) information.

Content analysis as a method of socio-psychological diagnostics
Content analysis is a special method of documentary information analysis (from the English "content analysis" - content analysis). This method has the following in common with formalized observation. Practice

Testing socio-psychological phenomena
Testing is commonly understood as a short-term test that measures the level of development or the degree of expression of certain mental properties of an individual, group or community. od

Non-traditional methods of socio-psychological diagnostics
Socio-psychological diagnostics was considered - and not without reason - a relatively prosperous branch of domestic applied social psychology, in contrast to counseling and social

Social relations and communication
Socio-psychological diagnostics of social relations Social relations are made up of various types of relations, ranging from political to interpersonal. Understood at the core

Diagnostics of mass socio-psychological phenomena
Socio-psychological diagnostics of stratification, quality and lifestyle Recall that social stratification is a differentiation of society or some kind of scoop

The concept, types and organization of socio-psychological training
Business communication can be defined as interaction that serves as a way of organizing and optimizing one or another type of subject activity. In business communication, the subject of communication is business

Social organizations
Social organization consists of a formal and informal (informal) structure. An official organization is a system of official relations defined by prescriptions, instructions

Socio-psychological training of business communication
Traditionally, in the organizational and methodological terms, 3 main stages of conducting a socio-psychological training of business communication are considered: 1) the preparatory stage, which includes such

Applied Social Psychology and Politics
Political psychology took shape as an independent theoretical and empirical discipline in the middle of the 20th century, at the intersection of such sciences as psychology and political science. However, the foundations of this discipline were laid

Applied social psychology in the field of economics
Applied social psychology interacts with the economy at three levels: macroeconomic (accompanying innovations in the economic system, studying and shaping public opinion)

Applied social psychology in education
Knowledge of the mechanisms of human interaction with society, the patterns of its formation in various groups are a means of psychological and pedagogical influence on a child, parent, child.

Applied social psychology in health care
The role of socio-psychological aspects in the work of a doctor was recognized even at the dawn of the development of medicine. Since the heyday of Persian medicine (XI-XII centuries BC), a description of the reference qualities of whether

Extreme Applied Social Psychology
Many spheres of life, due to internal and external dangers and threats, sometimes become extreme. At present, almost all spheres in Russia are in an extreme state.