The main problems and goals of the enterprise. External and internal environment of the organization

In the course of its activity, the enterprise must make a number of decisions:
  • what product or range of products should be produced and sold;
  • which markets should be entered with this product and how to strengthen its position in the market;
  • how to choose the optimal production technology;
  • what materials to purchase and how to use them;
  • how to allocate available models and financial resources;
  • what indicators of its activity the enterprise prefers (should) achieve in relation to technical characteristics manufactured goods, their quality, production efficiency.

Activities aimed at resolving these issues are called the general business policy of the enterprise or company.

The main goals of the enterprise can be:
  • win or retain a large share of any market for his product;
  • achieve more High Qualityϲʙᴏ his product;
  • lead the industry in technology;
  • maximize the use of available raw materials, human and financial resources;
  • increase the profitability of their operations;
  • achieve the highest possible level of employment.
As a result of the activity, the business policy of a certain enterprise turns into concrete plan actions for its implementation, which includes three stages:
  1. the establishment of ϲʙᴏtemporal clear quantitative indicators, which the firm is going to achieve as a result of ϲʙᴏthe main goal of the activity;
  2. determination of the main strategic directions and actions that the company should carry out to achieve its goals. When ϶ᴛᴏm, two main factors are taken into account:
    • how and to what extent external factors will influence the enterprise in the course of its activity;
    • what are the available weaknesses enterprise and its internal capabilities. To what extent the former will be overcome, and the latter will be potentially used;
  3. development of a flexible long-term planning system that fits into the structure of the enterprise's activities (defining a strategy that will ensure the achievement of the set goals)

A mission is called a common goal that causes joint aspirations among members of the organization for something. Mission statement - ϶ᴛᴏ the answer to the question: why does the firm do what it does. Mission - ϶ᴛᴏ a goal that combines many roles. On the basis of the mission, the long-term goals of the enterprise or the qualitative results are formulated, which it expects to achieve outside planning period who is going to approach.

Strategy- ϶ᴛᴏ a way or means to achieve a long-term goal. The strategy answers the question: what alternatives are better to use: the resources available in the organization or the capabilities to achieve the goals.

The main tasks of the enterprise- to achieve the results that are expected to be obtained within the planned period. It is worth noting that they are determined by the interests of the owner, the size of capital, the situation within the enterprise, and the external environment. The right to set a task for the personnel of the enterprise remains with the owner, regardless of his status (a private person, government bodies or shareholders)

The objectives of the operating enterprise will be:
  • receipt of income by the owner of the enterprise (among the owners may be the state, shareholders, individuals);
  • providing consumers with the company's products in accordance with contracts and market demand;
  • provision of personnel of the enterprise wages, normal working conditions and the possibility of professional growth;
  • creation of jobs for the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise;
  • security environment: land, air and water basins;
  • prevention of disruptions in the operation of the enterprise (disruption of delivery, release of defective products, a sharp reduction in production volumes and a decrease in profitability)

Do not forget that the most important task of the enterprise in all cases is receiving income through the sale of manufactured products to consumers(work performed, services rendered) On the basis of the income received, social and economic inquiries labor collective and owners of means of production.

Formation of the purpose of the company

It is worth saying that politics, like strategy, belongs to the category of funds. It is worth saying that politics answers the question: how should tasks be accomplished?.

At the firm, certain requirements are imposed on the process of formulating goals:
  • goals must be achievable and realistic;
  • goals must be clear and unambiguous;
  • the goal should be described as much as possible in terms and get the required quantitative design;
  • the goal must have a deadline;
  • goals should motivate execution actions in the right direction;
  • the goal must be formulated and formalized;
  • goals individual and group goals of the enterprise and the firm must be compatible;
  • goals are targeted at a specific effect and should be suitable for verification and adjustment.

When formulating goals, any enterprise necessarily conducts an analysis of the environment of its existence. Analyzing the organization's environment - ϶ᴛᴏ the process of determining critically important elements external and internal environment, which can influence the ability of the firm to achieve their goals. When analyzing the environment, firms distinguish between internal and external environment.

Internal environmental factors enterprises are personnel, means of production, information and monetary resources. The result of the interaction of these factors becomes finished products(work performed, services rendered) The internal environment consists of elements, services, departments that are directly involved in the process production activities and include marketing, management, personnel, organization of the process of activity, motivation. Changes in these elements to one degree or another determine the activities of the company. These are the elements that the firm directly affects.

Factors external environment enterprises are consumers of products, suppliers of production components, as well as government agencies and the population living in the vicinity of the enterprise. The external environment directly determines the efficiency of the enterprise. The external environment contains suppliers, consumers, the state, competitors, society, nature, financial instruments, fiscal policy. The external environment consists of a work environment and a general environment.

Workspace- ϶ᴛᴏ direct elements with which the enterprise is in contact. It should be said that for each firm the working environment can be more or less the same depending on the industry and general business policy. Suppliers, consumers, competitors form the immediate environment, that is, the working environment, the rest is all included in the distant environment, which is formed from social, political, economic and technological factors.

General environment forms the strategy of the company and determines the direction of its development. When ϶ᴛᴏm, the firm must take into account the influence of the working environment and ϲʙᴏand internal capabilities. The totality of the internal and external environment will be the organizational environment of the enterprise.


The purpose of the organization represents the end state or desired outcome that any company strives for. The company always has one common goal, towards which all members of the labor collective should strive.

The defining feature of goals is that they must be realistically achievable and achievable, while being understandable for the team.

When carrying out planning, the management of the company develops goals, communicating them to the employee. In some companies, all members of the workforce may be involved in developing tactical goals. Sharing goals - main motive and the coordinating power of the enterprise, because as a result of this process, each employee understands what he should strive for.

The goals and objectives of the organization can include gaining and retaining a share of a specific market, achieving higher quality products, increasing the company's profitability, achieving maximum employment levels, etc.

Requirements for goals and objectives

The goals and objectives of the organization should be:

1.) Achievable (you can't overestimate goals);

2.) Specific (to determine the term);

3.) Addressable (identify the contractor);

4.) Flexible (revised in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment);

5.) Consistent (if the company sets several goals, they must be consistent with each other).

The goals and objectives of the organization, set by management, are used in the process of establishing and evaluating the effectiveness of the company.

The goals and objectives of the organization provide a general guideline for activities.

Organization tasks


Organization tasks represent the goals, the achievement of which is necessary by a certain time within the periods for which the management decision... The objectives of an organization are goals that are not tied to time.

Depending on the structure of the organization, each position is characterized by a number of tasks, considered as a necessary contribution to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise. At the same time, the tasks indicate the immediate goals of the company, which lend themselves to quantitative characteristics.

The goals and objectives of the organization are mainly aimed at generating income from the production or sale of products.

The tasks of the organization can be to provide staff with wages, to generate income for the owners of the company, to provide consumers with quality products in accordance with demand and contracts, to protect the environment, to prevent disruptions in the work of the company, etc.

  1. National social specifics,
  2. Features of the development of society, which have developed historically,
  3. Geographic and natural conditions,
  4. Cultural factors, etc.

Goals and objectives of the organization

The goals and objectives of the organization can be determined by the interests of the owners, the situation within the company and the external environment, as well as the size of the company's capital.

The goals and objectives of the organization can be set by both the owners of the company and the executives and staff. When formulating and setting the goals and objectives of the organization, owners rely on their own priorities, most often it is making a profit through production or sales.

The department, formulating and concretizing the relevant goals and objectives of the organization, must take into account the real conditions for their implementation. Tasks and goals should be expedient from the standpoint of the interest and profile of the organization; to achieve them, a sufficient amount of material and financial resources is required.

The main goal of most enterprises is to exceed the result over the costs incurred, that is, to maximize profits and a high level of profitability. To achieve this goal, enterprises are performing a number of tasks: producing high-quality products, introducing new technologies, developing strategies and tactics of behavior, ensuring competitiveness, caring for employees, etc.

Examples of problem solving


internal environment makes decisions

The dashed line between performance and external reward indicates that there may be a link between the performance of an employee and the rewards given to him. The point is that these rewards reflect the reward opportunities that the manager determines for this employee and the organization as a whole. The dashed line between performance and perceived fair remuneration (8) is used to show that, according to the theory of fairness, people have their own assessment of the degree of fairness of the remuneration given for certain results. Satisfaction (9) is the result of external and internal rewards, taking into account their fairness (8). Satisfaction is a measure of how valuable the reward really is (1). This assessment will influence the person's perception of future situations.

Deviations that the system must respond to in order to achieve its goals can be caused by both external and internal factors. Internal factors include the problems associated with the variables described in Ch. 3. External factors are everything that affects the organization from its environment, competition, the adoption of new laws, changes in technology, the deterioration of the general economic situation, changes in the system of cultural values ​​and much more that we discussed earlier. It is perfectly acceptable to view management primarily as an attempt to ensure that the organization functions as a system with effective feedback, i.e. as a system that provides output characteristics at a given level, despite the influence of external and internal deflecting factors. However, as we have already understood, good management goes far beyond simply striving to ensure the status quo and respond appropriately to emerging challenges. If an organization does not seek to adapt and improve its performance by initially taking an active position, it is unlikely to remain effective in the long term.

Economics studies the external and internal relations of oil and gas industries, their features and the most important phenomena in their activities. Finally, this science studies the effects of level and performance oil and gas industries on the indicators of the development of the national economy of the country and the achievement of the goals set by the acceleration of the socio-economic development of the USSR. On this basis, directions for improving the work of industries in the national economic interests should be determined.

Nowadays the accounting department has been subdivided into two subsystems - external - financial and internal - management (production, operational). This division is due to the difference in goals and objectives of external and internal accounting.

Significant signals are understood as signals, the correct reactions to which more than others promote the HMS, the human operator, to achieve the goal. Significant signals are executed, as a rule, under large external and internal constraints. The possibility of approaching (achieving) the goal and the complexity of its implementation cause a special emotional mood, motive in a person, significantly increase his professional activity. This helps him to actualize and perform those actions from which

The concepts of external and internal efficiency are closely related to each other, since the goals of the whole society and the goals of the educational system itself largely coincide. But these concepts must be distinguished, since the external efficiency of investment in education characterizes the ratio of costs of education and the results that are achieved through the implementation of the goals of society. Thus, the result of education in this case is assessed on the basis of how productive in the social and economic sense are people who have received education, how well the educational system prepares its graduates to fulfill their role in society, to what extent education meets the needs of society in the labor force. and promotes employment.

For practical activities different types of leaders are needed. Observing changes in the requirements for managers allows you to identify specific knowledge, character traits and skills to implement the set goals. The practice has a much wider range of requirements for top managers. Often, all possible requirements cannot be realized in one person. However, a set of several managers, each of whom complements the other, focusing on one or another management subsystem, allows you to solve this problem. Depending on the strategic and tactical goals, on the characteristics of the composition and combination of factors of the external and internal environment of this enterprise he needs different types leaders.

Hence, it can be seen that the transition from borrowed capital in terms of circulation time - long-term and short-term to dividing borrowed capital into external and internal has a specific purpose to reflect the participation of borrowed funds only from the outside and to show the influence of borrowed funds directly related to the financial and economic activities of a given enterprise.

Failure to comply with these conditions inevitably leads to borrowing either from the outside or already borrowed funds. The soonest fulfillment by the buyer of its obligations to this enterprise allows the enterprise itself to fulfill its obligations to repay external and internal debt, to create the necessary conditions in order to replenish for development at the right time and in the right amount.

The gap between external and internal currency depreciation, i.e. the dynamics of its exchange rate and purchasing power is important for the MEO. If the internal inflationary depreciation of money outstrips the depreciation of the currency, then, other things being equal, the import of goods is encouraged in order to sell them on the national market at high prices. If the external depreciation of the currency overtakes the internal one caused by inflation, then conditions arise for foreign exchange dumping - the massive export of goods at prices below the world average, associated with the lag behind the fall in the purchasing power of money from the depreciation of their exchange rate, in order to oust competitors in foreign markets. For currency dumping, the following is characteristic: 1) an exporter, buying goods on the domestic market at prices that have increased under the influence of inflation, sells them in the external market for a more stable currency at prices below the world average 2) the exchange rate difference arising from the exchange of more than stable foreign exchange for the depreciated national 3) the export of goods on a massive scale provides exporters with super-profits. The dumping price can be lower than the production price or cost price. However, the too low price is unprofitable for exporters, as competition with national goods may arise as a result of their re-export by foreign counterparties.

Depending on the purpose (purposes of drawing up), reporting can be external and internal. External reporting serves as a means of informing external users - interested individuals and legal entities - about the nature of the activity, profitability and property status of the enterprise. Compilation of internal (intrafarm) reporting is caused by the need for intrafirm management.

By planning we mean the process of developing and adopting targets of a quantitative and qualitative nature and determining the ways to achieve them most efficiently [Kovalev, 1999, p. 278]. The result of planning is a plan or a set (system) of plans. A plan is the result of an orderly process that defines parameters for achieving future goals. Planning acts as an effective tool to achieve the set goals through the adoption of coordinated measures in a changing external and internal environment. The highest goal planning consists in the timely identification of means and alternatives that would reduce the risk of making erroneous decisions.

By belonging, the standards are divided into external and internal. External standards determine the organization of audit activities, are the main element of the system of its normative regulation. Internal standards are developed by audit firms and are used for various purposes.

In the economic literature, audit is divided into two types, external and internal. At the same time, the concept of "audit" is associated with checks carried out by an auditor completely independent of the owners, shareholders and executive bodies economic entity in order to express an objective opinion on the reliability of the reporting. Let's consider the proposed types of audit from this point of view.

Usually, only one argument is put forward in favor of division. Different users, in this case external and internal, need different data and therefore must use a different methodology. However, if we think consistently, then it will be necessary to recognize that both external and internal users are heterogeneous. Suppliers, bankers, tax authorities stand out from outside, and they have very different goals among the internal ones - employees, administration, owners, who also have different goals. Hence the conclusion should follow how many users and bookkeepers. But this is an absurd and unrealistic approach. The business processes of any enterprise are holistic in nature and accounting, reflecting them, can only be uniform. It is another matter how these processes will be reflected in the accounting system. And here accounting should highlight the interests of various groups.

Based on the methodology for generating information for external and internal users, the Concept clearly defines the goals of accounting, confirms adherence to the fundamental principles of world accounting practice. In particular, the principles of quantitative reflection (measurement) of the autonomy of the organization of the continuity of the operating enterprise of the reporting period, the accrual of caution in the assessment (conservatism) of the constancy of materiality.

The purposes of external and internal comparability of taxation in carrying out scientific and practical research and working out the strategy of tax legal relations is tax classification. Its necessity is also predetermined by the variety of tax forms and applied tax regimes. The division of all types of taxes into groups is carried out in accordance with objective classification criteria. These signs take into account the differences in taxes depending on the specifics of their calculation, payment, attribution to costs or results of production activities, reimbursement at the expense of an external counterparty (tax shifting).

PLANNING AND ONTROL SUBSYSTEM - a department that receives information from the production subsystem about the state of the system and work in progress. Based on the complex information obtained from the external and internal environment, the planning and control subsystem makes decisions on long-term goals and functions.

TYPES OF INNOVATIVE STRUCTURES are the main structural and classification units that carry out research, development, design work etc., included in

[M.Kh. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri. Fundamentals of Management.]

Business activities- according to the legislation of the Russian Federation - an independent activity of citizens and their associations, carried out at their own risk, aimed at systematic profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in accordance with the procedure established by law. In the Russian Federation, regulation entrepreneurial activity based on the norms of civil law.

The entrepreneur realizes his functions, rights and obligations directly or with the help of managers. An entrepreneur, in whose case employees subordinate to him participate, performs all the functions of a manager. Entrepreneurship precedes management. In other words, the business is organized first, then its management.

First of all, you should define the concept of "organization". The main significant features of the organization can be identified:

  • the presence of two or more people who consider themselves members of the same group;
  • the presence of a common, joint activities these people;
  • the existence of certain mechanisms or systems for coordinating activities;
  • having at least one common goal shared and accepted by the absolute majority (in the group).

By combining these characteristics, you can get a practical definition of an organization:

An organization is a group of people whose activities are deliberately coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

In the domestic literature, a typology of organizations based on a sectoral basis has become widespread:

    industrial and economic,


    administrative and managerial,


    educational, medical,

    sociocultural, etc.

In addition, it seems possible to typologize organizations:

    by scale of activity:

      large, medium and small;

    by legal status:

    by ownership:


    • public

      mixed ownership organizations;

    by funding sources:



      blended funding organizations.

The role of management in the organization

Can an organization do without management? Unlikely! Even if the organization is very small, simple, for its successful functioning you will need at least elements of management.

Management is essential for an organization to be successful.

Success is when an organization operates profitably, i.e. makes a profit in an amount sufficient for its reproduction and maintenance in a competitive state.

The success and failure of an organization is usually associated with success and failure in management. In the practice of the West, it is generally accepted that if an enterprise is unprofitable, then the new owner will prefer, first of all, to change the management, but not the workers.

Internal environment of the organization

In most cases, management deals with organizations that are open systems and consist of many interdependent parts. Let's consider the most significant internal variables of the organization.

The main internal variables are traditionally: structure, tasks, technology and people.

In general, the entire organization consists of several levels of management and various departments, interconnected with each other. This is usually called organizational structure... All divisions of the organization can be attributed to one or another functional area. The functional area refers to the work performed for the organization as a whole: marketing, manufacturing, finance, etc.

Task is the prescribed work to be done the established way and in deadlines... Each position in an organization includes a number of tasks that must be performed in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Tasks are traditionally divided into three categories:

    tasks for working with people;

    tasks for working with machines, raw materials, tools, etc .;

    tasks for working with information.

In an age of explosive growth in innovation and innovation, tasks become more and more detailed and specialized. Each individual task can be quite complex and in-depth. In this regard, the importance of managerial coordination of actions in solving such problems is increasing.

The next internal variable is technology... The concept of technology goes beyond the usual understanding of production technology. Technology is a principle, an order of organizing a process for the optimal use of various kinds of resources (labor, material, temporary money). Technology is a method that allows some kind of transformation. This can relate to the sphere of sales - how to best implement the manufactured product, or to the sphere of collecting information - how to collect the information necessary for managing the enterprise in the most competent and cost-effective way, etc. Lately exactly Information Technology have become a key factor in obtaining sustainable competitive advantage when doing business.

People are the central link in any control system. There are three main aspects of the human variable in an organization:

    behavior of individuals;

    behavior of people in groups;

    the nature of the leader's behavior.

Understanding and managing the human variable in an organization is the most complex component of the entire management process and depends on many factors. Let's list some of them:
Human abilities... According to them, people are most clearly divided within the organization. Human ability refers to the characteristics that are most readily changeable, such as learning.
Needs... Each person has not only material, but also psychological needs(in respect, recognition, etc.). From a management point of view, the organization should strive to ensure that the satisfaction of the employee's needs would lead to the realization of the organization's objectives.
Perception, or how people react to the events around them. This factor is important for the development of various kinds of incentives for the employee.
Values, or general beliefs about what is good or bad. Values ​​are embedded in a person from childhood and are formed throughout all activities. Shared values ​​help leaders bring people together to achieve organizational goals.
The influence of the environment on the personality... Today, many psychologists say that human behavior depends on the situation. It was noticed that in one situation a person behaves honestly, and in another - not. These facts point to the importance of creating a work environment that supports the type of behavior desired by the organization.

Besides the above factors the person in the organization is influenced by group and managerial leadership... Any person seeks to belong to a group. He accepts the norms of behavior of this group, depending on how much he values ​​his belonging to it. An organization can be viewed as a kind of formal group of people, and at the same time in any organization there are many informal groups that are formed not only on a professional basis.

In addition, there are leaders in any formal or informal group. Leadership is a means by which a leader influences people's behavior and forces them to behave in a certain way.

External environment of the organization

As open systems, organizations are highly dependent on changes in the external environment. An organization that does not understand its environment and its borders is doomed to perish. In the external environment of business, like Darwinian theories, there is a cruel natural selection: only those survive who have sufficient flexibility (variability) and are able to learn - to fix in their genetic structure the traits necessary for survival (Darwinian inheritance).

An organization can survive and become effective only if it can adapt to its external environment.

From the point of view of the intensity of interaction between the organization and its environment, three groups can be conditionally distinguished:

    Local environment(direct impact environment) - these are factors that directly affect the operations of the organization and are directly influenced by the operations of the organization (definition by Elvar Elbing). The objects of the local environment traditionally include consumers, suppliers, competitors, laws and government agencies, and trade unions.

    Global environment(environment of indirect impact) - the most general forces, events and trends that are not directly related to the operational activities of the organization, but in general, that form the business context: socio-cultural, technological, trade forces, economic, environmental, political and legal.

    International environment(business environment of multinational companies) - when a company moves outside its country of origin and begins to develop overseas markets, factors come into play international business, which most often include the unique features of culture, economy, government and other regulation, as well as the political situation.

Governance structures

Managment structure- a set of management links that are interconnected and subordinate and ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a whole.
(Organization management: Encyclopedia of words - M., 2001)

To achieve the goals and fulfill the corresponding tasks, the manager must create an organizational structure (organizational management system) of the enterprise. In the most general sense of this word, the structure of a system is a set of connections and relationships between its elements. In turn, organizational system management is a set of units and positions related by relationships and subordination. When creating a management structure, the manager should, as much as possible, take into account the specifics of the enterprise and the specifics of its interaction with the external environment.

The process of creating an organizational management structure usually includes three main stages:

    determination of the type of organizational structure (direct subordination, functional, matrix, etc.);

    the allocation of structural divisions (management apparatus, independent divisions, targeted programs and etc.);

    delegation and transfer to lower levels of authority and responsibility (management-subordination relations, centralization-decentralization relations, organizational coordination and control mechanisms, regulation of the activities of units, development of regulations on structural units and positions).

The organization and management of the enterprise is carried out by the management apparatus. The structure of the enterprise management apparatus determines the composition and relationship of its divisions, as well as the nature of the functions assigned to them. Since the development of such a structure is associated with the establishment of a list of relevant departments and the staff of their employees, the manager determines the relationship between them, the content and scope of work performed by them, the rights and responsibilities of each employee.

From the point of view of quality and efficiency of management, the following main types of enterprise management structures are distinguished:

    hierarchical type, which includes linear organizational structure, functional structure, linear-functional management structure, staff structure, line-staff organizational structure, divisional management structure;

    organic type, including team, or cross-functional, management structure; project structure management; matrix management structure.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Hierarchical type of management structures. On the modern enterprises most common hierarchical structure management. Such management structures were built in accordance with the management principles formulated by F. Taylor at the beginning of the XX century. German sociologist M. Weber, having developed the concept of rational bureaucracy, gave the most complete formulation of six principles.

1. The principle of hierarchy of management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher level and obeys it.

2. Following from the previous principle, the correspondence of the authority and responsibility of management employees to their place in the hierarchy.

3. The principle of division of labor into separate functions and specialization of workers according to the functions performed.

4. The principle of formalization and standardization of activities, ensuring the uniformity of performance by employees of their duties and the coordination of various tasks.

5. The principle arising from the previous one is the impersonality of the employees performing their functions.

6. The principle of qualified selection, in accordance with which hiring and firing from work are carried out in strict accordance with qualification requirements.

The organizational structure built in accordance with these principles is called the hierarchical or bureaucratic structure.

All employees can be differentiated into three main categories: managers, specialists, performers. Leaders- persons performing main function and carrying out general management of the enterprise, its services and divisions. Specialists- persons performing the main function and engaged in the analysis of information and preparation of decisions on economics, finance, scientific, technical and engineering problems, etc. Performers- persons performing an auxiliary function, for example, work on the preparation and execution of documentation, economic activities.

In the management structure various enterprises much in common. This enables the manager to use so-called standard structures within certain limits.

Depending on the nature of the links between different departments, the following types of organizational management structures are distinguished:





Linear management structure

At the head of each department is a leader, endowed with all powers, solely responsible for the work of subordinate links. Its decisions, passed along the chain from top to bottom, are mandatory for all lower levels. The leader himself, in turn, is subordinate to the superior leader.

The principle of one-man management assumes that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. The superior body does not have the right to give orders to any executors, bypassing their immediate supervisor.

The main feature of a linear OSS is the presence of exclusively linear relationships, which determines all its pros and cons:


    a very clear system of relationships of the "boss - subordinate" type;

    explicit responsibility;

    quick response to direct orders;

    simplicity of building the structure itself;

    a high degree of "transparency" of the activities of all structural units.


lack of support services;

lack of the ability to quickly resolve issues arising between different structural divisions;

high dependence on the personal qualities of managers of any level.

The linear structure is used by small and medium-sized firms with uncomplicated production.

Functional management structure

If direct and reverse functional links between various structural units are introduced into the linear management structure, then it will turn into a functional one. The presence of functional links in this structure allows different departments to control the work of each other. In addition to everything, it becomes possible to actively include various service services in the OSU.

For example, Service for ensuring the operability of production equipment, Service technical control and so on. Informal connections also appear at the level of structural blocks.

With a functional structure, general management is carried out by the line manager through the heads of the functional bodies. At the same time, managers specialize in individual management functions. Functional units have the right to give instructions and orders to subordinate units. Compliance with the instructions of a functional organ within its competence is mandatory for production links.

This organizational structure has advantages and disadvantages:


    removing most of the load from the top management level;

    stimulating the development of informal ties at the level of structural blocks;

    reducing the need for generalists;

    as a consequence of the previous plus - an improvement in the quality of products;

    it becomes possible to create headquarters substructures.


    significant complication of communications within the enterprise;

    the emergence of a large number of new information channels;

    the emergence of the possibility of transferring responsibility for failures to employees of other departments;

    difficulty in coordinating the activities of the organization;

    the emergence of a tendency towards excessive centralization.

Divisional management structure

A division is a large structural subdivision of an enterprise that has great independence due to the inclusion of all the necessary services.

It should be noted that sometimes divisions take the form of subsidiaries of a firm, even legally formalized as separate legal entities, in fact being constituent parts one whole.

This organizational structure has the following pros and cons:


    the presence of tendencies towards decentralization;

    a high degree of independence of divisions;

    unloading of managers of the basic level of management;

    a high degree of survival in the modern market;

    development of entrepreneurial skills among division managers.


    the emergence of duplicate functions in divisions:

    weakening of ties between employees of different divisions;

    partial loss of control over the activities of divisions;

    lack of the same approach to managing different divisions The Director General enterprises.

Matrix management structure

At an enterprise with a matrix OSU, work is constantly being carried out in several directions at the same time. An example of a matrix organizational structure is project organization, functioning as follows: at startup new program a Responsible Leader is appointed who leads it from start to finish. From specialized divisions, he is allocated the necessary employees for work, who, upon completion of the implementation of the tasks assigned to them, return back to their structural divisions.

The matrix organizational structure consists of basic basic structures of the "circle" type. Such structures are rarely permanent, but are mainly formed within the enterprise for the rapid implementation of several innovations at the same time. They, like all the previous structures, have their pros and cons:


    the ability to quickly focus on the needs of their customers;

    reduction of costs for the development and testing of innovations;

    a significant reduction in the time for the implementation of various innovations;

    a kind of forge of management personnel, since almost any employee of the enterprise can be appointed as the project manager.


    undermining the principle of one-man management and, as a consequence, the need on the part of management to constantly monitor the balance in the management of an employee who is simultaneously subordinate to both the project manager and his immediate superior from that structural unit from which he came;

    the danger of conflicts between project managers and heads of departments, from which they receive specialists for the implementation of their projects;

    great difficulty in managing and coordinating the activities of the organization as a whole.

The environment of an organization consists of various elements that constantly interact with each other. The degree of controllability of the company will be determined by the level of knowledge about the opportunities that open up in the external environment, the threats lurking in it, and the ability to embody these opportunities and resist threats using the organization's potential, i.e. the readiness of her internal environment.

Under internal environment of the organization the set of all internal factors of the organization that determine the processes of its vital activity is understood. The internal environment of the company is considered as universal, regardless of organizational form companies.

The main variables within the organization itself that require management attention are goals, structure, objectives, technology and people.

Goals. An organization is a group of people with common, conscious goals. Organization can be seen as a means to an end that enables people to collectively accomplish what they could not individually accomplish. Goals are specific end states or desired outcomes that the group seeks to achieve by working together. During the planning process, management develops goals and communicates them to members of the organization.

An organization can have a variety of goals. Organizations that do business focus on the creation of certain goods or services within the framework of specific constraints - in terms of cost and profit.

Organization structure Is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Tasks- a prescribed work, a series of works or a part of a work that must be performed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined time frame. From a technical point of view, tasks are assigned not to the employee, but to his position. It is believed that if the task is completed in a given way and within the time frame prescribed, the organization will be successful. Organizational tasks are traditionally divided into three categories: working with people, objects and information.

Technology- a means of transforming raw materials - be they people, information or physical materials - into the desired products and services. Challenges and technology are closely related. Completing the task involves using specific technology as a means of transforming the input material into the output form.

People. And the organization, and leadership, and subordinates are nothing more than a group of people. People are central to any governance model. There are three main aspects of the human variable in a situational approach to management: the behavior of individuals, the behavior of people in groups, the nature of the leader's behavior, the functioning of the manager as a leader, and its influence on the behavior of individuals in groups. Human behavior is a consequence of the combination individual characteristics personality and environment.

Factors affecting individual behavior and performance:

1) Mental and physical needs

2) Performance

3) Needs

4) Values ​​and attitudes

5) Values ​​and claims

All internal variables are interrelated (Fig. 1.1). In their totality, they are considered as socio-technical subsystems. Changing one of them affects the others to a certain extent.

Rice. 1.1. Relationship of internal variables

External environment includes all the forces and organizations that the firm encounters in its daily and strategic activities.

The manager should consider the external environment as a whole, since the organization is open system, depending on the exchange of inputs and results of activities with the outside world.

The significance of external factors varies from organization to organization and from department to department in the same organization. Factors that have an immediate impact on the organization refer to the direct impact environment; all others - to the environment of indirect influence.

All factors of the external environment are interdependent and interact with each other. The complexity of the external environment refers to the number and variety of external factors to which the organization is forced to respond. The mobility of the environment is characterized by the rate at which changes occur in the environment. The uncertainty of the environment is a function of the amount of information available for a particular factor and the confidence in the reliability of this information.

The main environmental factors of direct impact are the suppliers of materials, labor resources and capital, laws and authorities state regulation, consumers and competitors.

Suppliers. From point of view systems approach organization is a mechanism for converting inputs to outputs. The main types of inputs are materials, equipment, energy, capital, and labor. The relationship between an organization and a supplier network is one of the clearest examples of the direct impact of the environment on an organization's operations and performance.

Laws and government regulatory bodies. The interaction between buyers and sellers is subject to numerous legal restrictions. Each organization has a specific legal status and this determines how she can conduct her business and what taxes she must pay.

Consumers. The very survival and justification of the existence of an organization depends on its ability to find a consumer of the results of its activities and satisfy his needs. Consumers, deciding what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine for the organization almost everything related to the results of its activities.

Competitors. If you do not meet the needs of consumers as effectively as competitors do, the enterprise will not stay afloat for long. In many cases, it is not consumers but competitors who determine what kind of product to sell and what price to ask for.

Environmental factors of indirect impact usually do not affect the organization as noticeably as direct impact environmental factors. However, you need to take them into account. The main environmental factors of indirect impact include technology, the state of the economy, the political environment and socio-cultural factors.

Technology is both an internal variable and an external factor of great importance. Technological innovation affects the efficiency with which products can be manufactured and sold, the rate at which a product becomes obsolete, how information can be collected, stored and distributed, and the kinds of services and products that an organization’s consumers expect.

The state of the economy... Management should be able to assess how general changes in the state of the economy will affect the state of affairs of the organization.

Sociocultural factors. Any organization operates in at least one cultural environment, therefore, attitudes, life values and traditions affect the organization.

Political situation. Certain aspects of the political environment are of particular interest to the leadership. One of them is the sentiment of the administration, legislatures and courts in relation to business. The other is special interest groups and lobbyists. The factor of political stability is also of great importance.

Organizations must be able to effectively respond and adapt to changes in their external environment in order to survive and achieve their goals.

To study the internal and external environment of the organization, you can conduct SWOT analysis by developing a management matrix for choosing strategic alternatives (Fig. 1.2.).

When filling out the matrix, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1) Clearly distribute all factors. When dividing factors into internal and external, it is necessary to ask the question whether we can influence it. If we can, the factor is internal, if not, it is external.

2) The factor can be both strength and weakness

3) The wording in the cells should be in the form of an order: "implement", "develop", etc.

4) The number of factors by block does not matter. It is necessary to choose the really influencing factors.

Internal environment External environment S- POWER S 1 ……… S 2 ……… W - WEAKNESS W 1 ………… .. W 2 ………….
О - EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES О 1 …… О 2 …… SO field WO field
T- EXTERNAL THREATS T 1 …… T 2 …… ST field WT field

Rice. 1.2. Strategic Alternatives Selection Matrix

The method of researching the internal state of the organization and the competitive environment is the management STEP analysis (fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Management STEP Matrix

The matrix should represent only the factors that actually exist at the moment. No forward-looking proposals are allowed. Since STEP factors are factors of the external environment, their formulation should be such that it is clear that the firm itself cannot influence this factor. As a rule, the block "T" is of increased complexity; it must reflect the advanced directions of development of similar industries in the world.

1.4. Control questions on the topic

1. Definition of the organization.

2. General characteristics organizations.

3. The main elements of the internal environment of the organization.

4. Factors of the external environment of the organization

5. The qualities of a modern manager.