How to be a sought-after specialist. Multiple foreign languages

Liver Cooked Properly Can Be Incredible delicious dish, and numerous recipes allow serving the product in various versions not only in the everyday menu, but also as an amazing and spicy snack for the festive table. Pork liver is no exception, so you can make a lot of healthy and nutritious delicacies from this offal at home.

How to choose the right liver?

The demand for by-products in the diet is due not only to the taste characteristics of the dishes prepared with their use, but also to the recommendations of world nutritionists, who are of the opinion about the benefits for the body obtained with the regular inclusion of such products in the menu. However, there are certain restrictions on the use of the liver regarding an ailment such as cholecystitis, in which pork offal can be harmful.

In other cases, the maximum benefits for the body can be obtained only when fresh liver is consumed, therefore it is important to carefully approach the selection of such ingredients for cooking. In addition, it is important to properly prepare the liver so that the dish turns out to be tasty and juicy based on the existing specificity of the product.

As for its selection, preference should be given only to fresh products, however, in this case there is a risk of acquiring and cooking stale liver, since its shelf life is short, unlike frozen offal, which can be safely consumed within three months from the date of freezing. But in this product, due to the cold treatment, it will be rather scarce chemical composition, since some of the useful vitamins under the influence of negative temperatures will simply be destroyed, and animal fat will become susceptible to oxidation, which will lead to the appearance of a bitter aftertaste from the finished dish.

In addition, there are a number of difficulties associated with determining the quality of products by color, because under a crust of ice it is quite difficult to see the color of the liver. Therefore, when choosing pork offal, you should still give preference to fresh liver.

You can verify the proper quality of a fresh product by its appearance - it should be moist and shiny. Sticky and dull livers are guaranteed to be stale. The color of a suitable offal will be deep burgundy, too light color will cast doubt on its good condition.

The liver from a healthy animal will weigh about two kilograms; it is best to refuse to buy a small liver, since, most likely, it was obtained from a sick animal.

The quality of fresh pork liver can be determined very quickly by piercing a piece with a sharp object. If scarlet blood begins to ooze from it, it means that the products are of high quality, so they can be purchased without unnecessary fears. Dark brown blood will indicate that a poor quality product is being sold.

The liver should not have a hard crust, in addition, an unpleasant aroma should not emanate from the offal. A good pork liver will have a sweetish smell, a sour aroma - evidence that the products have become unusable.

As for frozen pork liver, it should be covered with a uniform crust of ice, which should melt after a few seconds with light pressure. The fact that the product has been subjected to several frosts will be indicated by ice crystals on the surface of the liver. It is strictly forbidden to buy such products, since such manipulations are a violation of the established standards for storing and freezing meat offal.

Cooking secrets

A lot of simple and interesting dishes are prepared from the liver, since there are many ways to heat the product. The offal can be cooked in the oven, fried in batter or on the grill, stewed with gravy, boiled, or used in a deep fat fryer. Pork liver acts as the main ingredient in pates, mousses, pancakes and liverworms are made from it. A cooked product can be a great dish to be served with pasta, vegetables or rice.

Today, the liver can be prepared for inclusion in the dietary menu; in addition, the offal is a delicate and original filling for various baked goods or dumplings, and it will also be a good snack, therefore it is used for making salads.

To make it soft and juicy, over time, a number of recommendations have been formed that will help to achieve high taste of dishes based on pork liver.

  • If you plan to use frozen products, you should not resort to using a microwave oven for defrosting, as this will negatively affect appearance liver; in addition, the food will dry out and after cooking it will be dry and hard. It should be defrosted gradually - by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and after that, let the liver finally thaw at room temperature.
  • Remove the film from the liver before cooking. In order to cope with the task as quickly and as best as possible, it is worth rubbing a slice with lemon juice or kitchen salt, leaving it in this state for a few minutes in the freezer.
  • You need to salt dishes cooked with pork liver at the very end so that the offal retains its softness and taste.

To keep it juicy during cooking, sprinkle the product with a little sugar.

  • Stewing in milk will help to soften the dish. Some housewives initially try to soak the offal in milk, and then cook. Instead of cow's milk, you can use a creamy sauce.
  • So that the liver does not taste bitter, it also needs to be soaked in water or milk for about 1.5-2 hours.
  • If you plan to cook the product, you need to lower the piece of liver into the boiling liquid. It should not be boiled for more than an hour to maintain its softness.
  • Frying should be noted among the easiest ways to heat the product. However, before that, you must definitely beat off a piece so that the finished liver is tender. The duration of such processing should be a maximum of 20 minutes, so as not to dry out the dish. The temperature on the stove should be as high as possible so that the liver pieces retain their juice.
  • The use of the marinade has a positive effect on the taste of pork liver. It is recommended to marinate it in water with the addition of vinegar, in addition, you can add onions, celery and peppers there. In order for the product to be saturated, it must be kept in the prepared composition for about an hour, such a liver is guaranteed not to taste bitter.

To get rid of unnecessary splashes during cooking, it would be more correct to roll the offal in a small amount of flour before cooking.


In sour cream sauce

The classic way pork liver is most often cooked is with sour cream sauce. To make such a healthy and simple dish, you need the following products:

  • liver;
  • flour, onions;
  • sour cream;
  • salt, spices, bay leaf;
  • any oil for frying.

Step-by-step cooking technology is as follows.

  • Clean the liver, remove the film from it and blot it with paper towels. Then cut the product into cubes or small strips.
  • Dip the product in flour. To do this, there is a very simple way to keep the kitchen clean - pour flour into the bag, add the offal there and mix the ingredients well.
  • Prepare the onion for heat treatment: it is best to chop it, however, for the beauty of the dish, you can cut it into thin rings.
  • Preheat a saucepan or frying pan, simmer the onion in it with the addition of oil. It is important that it becomes soft.
  • Further, the temperature under the pan must be increased, put the pieces of liver on it and fry, stirring occasionally.
  • After 5-10 minutes, salt and pepper the dish, add dry bay leaf and pour sour cream over all the ingredients.
  • In this gravy, the liver should be cooked for about 10 minutes at low temperature with the lid closed.


There is a fairly popular recipe - Stroganoff liver. The composition of the dish is as follows:

  • liver;
  • flour;
  • cream;
  • lard for frying;
  • hot chilli pepper;
  • onions, salt and seasonings.

The dish is prepared using this technology.

  • After carrying out all the preparatory measures with the liver, it must be cut into medium cubes by analogy with meat for beef stroganoff.
  • Dip the product in flour, you can use the option for working with a bulk ingredient described in the previous recipe.
  • For frying, the onion must be cut into half rings or rings.
  • In a well-heated skillet with high walls, fry the liver with the addition of fat for 5-7 minutes at high temperature. Then add onions to it and fry the products over high heat for a couple of minutes with the lid open.
  • Add hot pepper, salt and seasonings to the dish. Season the liver with cream.
  • Reduce the temperature of the stove, stir the contents of the pan and simmer the food with the lid closed for about 10 minutes. After this time, remove the hot pepper so that the dish does not become too hot.

Due to the combination of creamy and mild taste from the used dairy product and spicy vegetable, the Stroganov-style liver acquires a unique taste and aroma. In addition, the liver with such a set of products turns out to be very juicy.

Oven baked liver

In addition to traditional dishes from pork offal, you can use no less interesting recipes of Slovenian cuisine, for example, bake the liver in the oven. To prepare a dish, you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh liver;
  • salt, spices;
  • parsley;
  • lemon.

Before processing, the offal is cleaned, the film is removed, the ducts are removed. The piece must be divided into two halves, salt and pepper.

Cut the lemon into very thin slices, leave the parsley unchanged. In this state, you need to put the food on the bottom of the baking dish, and add a third of a glass of purified water.

Put the liver on top of lemon and parsley, and send the dish to the oven. It is more correct to preheat the oven to 200-220C. Bake for 15-20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 170 C and cook the dish for about half an hour.

To make sure that the product is ready, the pieces can be pierced with a toothpick - no liquid should be released from the baked liver. It is recommended to use boiled potatoes or vegetable salad as a side dish.


Pork liver can be used to make a delicious pate. Required Ingredients:

  • liver;
  • carrot;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, seasonings.

It is recommended to soak the prepared liver in milk, then cut and fry in sunflower oil on all sides until cooked. In another pan, simmer finely chopped onions and carrots. After the food has cooled down a little, grind all the ingredients in a blender, salt and pepper the resulting mass, add butter and mix everything into a homogeneous mass. The resulting product can be put into a convenient container and sent to the refrigerator, or you can roll a "sausage" out of the pate and freeze it in a bag for the winter.


Pork liver can be quickly made into chops. To prepare a dish, you need the following products:

  • fresh liver;
  • milk, eggs;
  • flour;
  • frying oil, salt, pepper.

Before cooking, the liver must be soaked in milk for about 30 minutes. Then cut it into slices about one and a half centimeters thick, season with salt and pepper, carefully beat off on both sides.

In this form, it is necessary to alternately dip the chops in flour and in an egg, immediately sending them to fry in a preheated pan with the addition of oil.


A good solution to using the liver is to prepare cutlets from it. This requires the following products:

  • offal;
  • egg;
  • onion garlic;
  • flour;
  • butter;
  • salt, seasonings.

Boil rice in salt water, rinse the liver and remove all excess components. So that the product does not taste bitter, it is soaked for half an hour in cold water.

Next, chop the onion, garlic and liver in a meat grinder or blender, add spices and rice, mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, beat the egg and flour. Before forming cutlets, the composition is mixed well again to remove lumps. Depending on the density, the minced meat can be spread on a hot frying pan with a spoon or with your hands.

It is best to fry at low temperature with the lid open, turning occasionally; as a side dish for liver cutlets, it is worth preparing sliced ​​vegetables or bread and various sauces to taste.

For information on how to cook pork liver with onions, see the next video.

"Personnel officer. Labor law for the personnel officer ", 2007, N 8

How to become in demand in the labor market?

The lack of demand for young specialists in the profile of their professional training after a while turns into a loss for the state of budgetary funds, and for society - a loss of professional specialists, in whose hands the future of the country could be entrusted. All this gives reason to believe that the problem of employment of young specialists in the near future will remain relevant on a national scale.

Problems of creation unified system practice and employment

One of critical issues, on the solution of which the prospects for the socio-economic development of the country depend, is the formation and use of the labor potential of the most productive part of the population - young specialists, graduates of higher educational institutions... The solution to this problem involves the achievement of a reasonable balance between economic and social functions higher education... And if earlier we had one extreme - a complete and rigid orientation towards the needs of the economy and ignorance of personal needs, now there is another - isolation from the requirements of the labor market and an orientation towards the social demand for education. As a result, society spends a lot of money on training specialists who are not in demand by the national economy. Therefore, employment is becoming one of the most important tasks of the university.

In 2002, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor adopted an Interdepartmental Program to Promote Employment and Adaptation to the Labor Market of Graduates of Institutions vocational education, which provides for the responsibility of higher education institutions for the employment of graduates and the creation special structures(centers, departments, offices) for employment.

The competitiveness of graduates in the labor market (and, consequently, the competitiveness of the university in the market educational services) depends on the quality of his training and, above all, the level of professional knowledge and skills. The main instrument of the university's influence on the quality of practical training is production and pre-diploma practice.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a unified university policy in relation to employment and practice (as the first stage of employment), in accordance with which the work of all university departments that are directly related to practice and employment, as well as departments that ensure their activities, should be structured.

Opportunities for additional professional education

in solving the problems of employment of young specialists

Currently, young people make up a significant part of the working-age population. The future belongs to these people, but the subsequent development of their potential depends largely on the starting conditions. According to forecast estimates, the number of people aged 16-29 years will increase in the metropolitan metropolis until 2008, which is due to the entry into this age group of those born in the 1980s, when the birth rate increased.

Age composition of the unemployed registered with the authorities public service employment of the population has not changed significantly over the past two years, the proportion of young people among the registered unemployed is about 30%.

Difficulties in finding employment for young people are caused, on the one hand, by a lack of professional knowledge, lack of necessary qualifications and work skills, on the other hand, by the unwillingness of employers to bear additional costs associated with vocational training young people not fully responding professional requirements vacant jobs.

Unfortunately, changes in the economy were not always accompanied by corresponding transformations in the system of higher and secondary vocational education. As a result, the supply of young professionals with a high level of education does not match the demand in the labor market. The lack of demand for young specialists in the profile of their professional training after a while turns into a loss for the state of budgetary funds, and for society - a loss of professional specialists, in whose hands the future of the country could be entrusted. All this gives reason to believe that the problem of employment of young specialists in the near future will remain relevant on a national scale.

The need to develop a new ideology becomes clear personnel work organizations in the direction of attracting and using young specialists, which, in turn, at the subsequent stages of work with youth unemployment can be used in the development of legal guarantees for the employment of young specialists.

Among a large part of young specialists who graduate from an educational institution, there is confusion, immersion in a situation of "objective inaction", waiting for outside help or at least the necessary information that would allow them to act, including within the framework of their profession, to gain the courage to enter space " target behavior ". Getting a job immediately after graduating from a vocational educational institution (as preliminary studies show - often not in a specialty received at an educational institution) does not remove the urgency of the problem of finding a job for a young specialist. This is due to the lack of skills to represent oneself in the labor market, with insufficient knowledge in various (and not only professional) areas of knowledge that he has to deal with when working in a team, etc. etc. During the period of adaptation of a young specialist to a real place of work, employment problems for him are not removed. They are transformed into the problems of getting a job in the acquired specialty, retaining a job, professional and career growth, and are significant for a young specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to deal with the problems of his employment until he acquires the necessary skills in a civilized labor market.

The solution to this group of problems is possible only through the interaction of the labor market with the market of educational services, namely, in the sphere of additional professional education (APE). In order for a specialist to be able not only to find a job or stay in the workplace, but also to develop continuously in accordance with the needs of the time, the specialist needs continuous-periodic contact with the DPO system, because it is the CVE system that is designed and knows how to quickly respond to changes in the requirements of the labor market. At the same time, it solves the problems associated with the study and forecasting of the labor market both in quantitative and qualitative terms, i.e. goes beyond purely educational activities in the usual sense of the meaning of the word.

There are two parties involved in the employment of graduates of vocational education institutions: the employer and the young specialist. For their effective interaction, mutual interest is necessary. Therefore, it is strategically necessary to work with both sides of the employment process. The existing proposals on the problems of employment are largely aimed at solving the "traditional" component of employment - training a specialist in accordance with the requirements of the employer. Without diminishing the merits of this direction, it should be emphasized that organizing a counter flow of interests (from employer to graduate) is one of the most important tasks of the employment program for young graduates of educational institutions. The modern labor market has characteristic feature: in an environment where most organizations in all sectors market economy have serious problems with staff renewal, less than half of graduates educational institutions implement their professional quality in the chosen specialty.

The problem of employment is common for the entire system of Russian vocational education, and its solution consists in creating mechanisms that ensure an effective relationship between the labor market and the educational services market. The rapid change in the real sector of the economy makes every person who wants to find a job or move up the career ladder to constantly improve, in Russia, as in the rest of the world, the system of additional education receives the greatest impetus for development. It is no coincidence that instead of the thesis "Education is not for life" the UN put forward the motto "Education throughout life".

In the territory Russian Federation in the system of additional professional education there are more than 1,500 educational institutions and structural units where more than 1.2 million students are trained annually different categories... The interest of broad strata of society in an effective CVE system predetermines the need for its full participation in public policy in the field of human resource development, taking into account the real dynamics in the Russian Federation in the field of employment, the prospects for the development of the economy, the labor market, educational services and closely related problems of employment of graduates of educational institutions.

The main goals of the CVE system in the field of promoting the employment of graduates of vocational educational institutions are:

Changing the mentality of the personnel training and development services of enterprises in order to ensure the constant interest of personnel officers in professionally trained young graduates of educational institutions;

Formation of a new role personnel services, new systems of in-house training of personnel at enterprises, ensuring the service and professional growth of a young specialist;

Formation of sustainable interaction of the system of additional professional education with young specialists - graduates of educational institutions in order to ensure their employment, development prospects and professional growth;

Improvement of the methodology of professional and psychological preparation of graduates of educational institutions for the requirements of the labor market.

Such goals cover the problem of employment much wider than the organization of specialized services at universities or in the regions to identify vacancies, to assign some of them to graduates, etc. etc.

Along with the aforementioned, the "traditional" directions are also important - improving the training of young specialists and its compliance with the modern requirements of the labor market, and at all levels of direct and indirect education. These areas include:

Organization and conduct of special additional training in relevant areas in demand modern market labor, in the form of parallel training and professional retraining (for example: modern computer technologies, quality management problems, financial directions, marketing, language, etc.).

Organization of additional training for young specialists directly at the enterprise. This allows them to gain a foothold in their jobs and get chances for promotion.

Development of active methods of teaching specialists based on innovative methodology of teaching adults. This technology allows you to self-determine in relation to your specialty, to find your place in it, to realize your capabilities.

Development of active methods for distance learning using modern information technologies interactively.

Material provided

M. Novikova,

department specialist

Information and Analytical Center

Moscow Department of Education

Signed to print

The question of relevance is probably more about communication and adaptation in a team than professional qualities. Agree, everyone is familiar with the situation when a girl, unremarkable in a professional sense, becomes a sought-after employee, mainly due to her personal qualities. So, how to be in demand in any company.

Rule 1. Attractiveness

Most of the employees and the absolute majority of the management are men, and they, as you know, are visuals (they perceive visual information better). Yes, and women judge people, first of all, by their appearance. Therefore, if you want to please the majority of people in the company and be in demand in the team, you need to look good. Always neat clothes and makeup, carefully styled clean hair, well-groomed nails, clean shoes - ultimately these little things create an impression of you at work.

Rule 2. Know what others are interested in

The only thing people always like to talk about is themselves. Be interested (preferably sincerely) in what your employees live and what they love, what problems and desires they have, be able to support the conversation in at least two general phrases on the topic raised by the interlocutor. For example, if an employee is interested in Appliances with delivery in Moscow, tell us about your experience, how you bought the equipment in the Technomart store and did not regret it, ask (and listen!) what exactly she wants to buy. To be in demand in a company, you need to show people how important they are.

Rule 3. Don't lose yourself

But the most important thing is to remain yourself. A strong, well-formed personality is always attractive and disposes of others. Consider other people's interests, but remember your own; study other opinions, but always have your own; know how to compromise, but do not bend under other people's decisions. Interaction with people and the team always requires clearly defined boundaries of personality: if you want to be in demand in the company, always know what you want, why you need it, and how you plan to get it.

Rule 4. Know how to treat everything with humor

First of all, to yourself. Do not be afraid to make mistakes or do something "wrong": the person who is the first to laugh at his own mistakes will always be in demand at work and in the team. Nobody suggests making yourself a clown, just try to treat the situation adequately and remember that nothing human is alien to you and you are far from ideal.

Rule 5. Be interesting and valuable

By value, we mean what a person can learn from communication with you, the reasons why it may be interesting or useful to communicate with you. Find some points that are of interest to others - the reasons why they would like to meet with you, strike up a conversation. Do not impose yourself: if you are of some interest to other employees, you will always be in demand in the company and popular in the team.

© Margarita Kovalevskaya,

specially for the women's magazine Lady Boss

The Most Important HR Trends You Should Know

The situation on the labor market is already difficult today - companies are sorely lacking talented qualified employees. And in the next three years, as the latest work of countries with developing economies, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit with the support of SAP AG, has shown, it will only worsen.

Labor market

In some countries, including Russia, the demand on the labor market significantly exceeds the supply. In the struggle for talented employees, employers are forced to raise wages. For example, in Russia for 2007 the average monthly wage increased by 15% compared to the previous year, and the salaries of senior managers - by 60%.

Most executives large companies are confident that recruiting and retaining staff will become much more difficult in the next three years. And if with an unqualified labor force there are practically no problems, then talented, professional staff it is extremely difficult to find.
The situation is true for many industries, but according to Denis Makaley, director of the Global Technology Research Economist Intelligence Unit, the issue is especially acute in trade and construction.

What prevents companies

Among the reasons that negatively affect the recruitment and retention of personnel, “insufficient qualifications and lack of necessary skills” is in second place - this is the opinion of 59% of Russian respondents. The first is the impossibility of ensuring the expected level of wages (61%). Moreover, the leaders in Russia and India are concerned that the discrepancy between the real level of wages and the expected will lead to a "drain of talent" abroad.

Among the 5 popular answers also turned out to be the impossibility of providing the expected social package, providing opportunities for development and career growth, and unattractive working conditions.
Not easy to find the required frames and among recent graduates. Despite the fact that there are world-class universities in Russia, China and India, top managers complain that the knowledge and skills of graduates do not meet the requirements of employers. In addition, young employees with great potential want rapid career growth, the opportunity to pursue an international career, the opportunity to work remotely and with flexible hours.

Deficient skills

What skills do employers need so much? Yes, today it is difficult to find a qualified engineer, programmer or marketer, but the need for general managers is no less great. According to employers, the most difficult thing is to find candidates with so-called soft skills. The most in demand, and in the next 3 years this need will only increase, are the skills of change management, the ability to think strategically, communication skills and the ability to work in a team.

Answering a question from a reporter, Alexander Sivogrivov, Vice President for Organizational Development and Work with People at Euroset Trading House, noted: “in my opinion, managers are sorely lacking in understanding the principles of people management, knowledge of psychology. Of course, there are people who are able to understand this intuitively. But there are few of them. You need at least an elementary knowledge of psychology. For example, I handed out to my employees a book by Ray Immelman "The Boss: Peerless and Useless", where it is written about it simply and clearly. "

Who will win

The survey participants believe that the competition for talent will be won by companies that can create a strong brand of attractive employers.
Companies will have to actively develop internal training systems, build an extremely clear career development scheme, provide an opportunity for employees to work on a variety of projects, changing functional experience and acquiring new knowledge and skills, which is especially important to meet the career ambitions of young professionals.

Those looking to attract and retain talent will have to reckon with the desire of employees to lead a balanced life and stop considering flexible hours or remote work something exceptional.

Cooperation with universities will also develop. Nowadays, only a few do such work, but about half of the respondents - 46%, say that they are going to create training associations, and more than a quarter of respondents in the field of personnel training are even ready to cooperate with competitors.

Take advantage of the situation

So, the job seeker sets the rules on the labor market. Employers are already ready to pay a lot today, to provide comfortable conditions and career growth for their employees. However, the amount of benefits directly depends on professionalism, the desire to grow and master the so-called “soft skills” - the market needs talents.

The labor market is constantly changing under the influence of external factors. What characterizes the current state of this market and how to adapt to it. How to position yourself in order to be a demanded specialist in any conditions.

The labor market is a fairly volatile structure that is subject to various external influences. All this instability is the source of some fear of uncertainty, which is more susceptible to those young people whose own career is only at the very beginning.

Moreover, all the main trends that are more or less characteristic of this market today are completely different from those that were five years ago.

Initial data to date:

  • the general unemployment rate is above 7%;
  • you can read about the reputation of the organization on the Internet, and if you have a personal desire, then with your questions you can take part in creating this very reputation;
  • the world itself and its structure are changing so rapidly that those skills that may be required tomorrow may still be absent in nature today.

Agree, the situation is not simple enough. And how to survive in it, how not to break down and how to find yourself?

It is not easy to build a successful career, but it is still possible. To do this, it is enough to use certain principles that will help to achieve success in this in an era of significant economic instability and constantly changing technologies.

To be successful, you need to learn how to position yourself correctly. But sometimes there is a lack of specific advice on how to develop these demanded skills and extremely useful skills.

1. Try to clearly highlight exactly those qualities, thanks to which the advantage in the case of a choice will be on your side

These are not only technical or professional skills, but also personal qualities. For example, openness, sociability, mastery of time management techniques. A detailed analysis of all your inherent qualities and skills will help you understand which skills are most valued in your chosen field, both in the present and even this moment, and in the immediate obvious future.

It is easy to find information on the most popular of them on the Internet. But in order to understand and determine the possible prospects for the development of your chosen direction, it will be much more useful to personally talk about this with the people who work in it, and even better if these are those who occupy leading positions. So you can find out the essential nuances of your chosen field of activity, which cannot be read about in blogs, magazines or methodological literature.

2. Give the most impartial and honest assessment of your knowledge

People tend to exaggerate their own merits. But convinced self-deception and global exaggeration of your own skills can really play a cruel joke on you. Taking a critical look at your own strengths and weaknesses can help steer the development of the necessary skills in the right direction.

Try to assess your own personal and professional qualities in a completely impartial manner, and be honest with yourself. Only in this way will the given direction of study be as correct and correct as possible.

3. Define a personal development strategy

Decide for yourself what is best for you - to develop your weaknesses or strengthening the strong? The result will be positive in any case. But by strengthening strengths, it will be achieved much faster, and you will spend much more time developing the weak.

In this case, only you yourself can decide, because everything depends on your own personality traits... As a rule, a quick result is a powerful motivator, and the rapid achievement of success brings a person much more pleasure. Together, this will make your work truly your most beloved for you, and you - a happy person.

But if you look at the current situation from a slightly different angle, then it is quite possible to notice that you have any significant poor quality, and it can seriously interfere with your career or at least somehow limit its development, then its development should be dealt with directly in the first place.

4. Set aside time in your schedule to develop new skills.

This is really necessary and very important. And this can be done in absolutely different ways. It all depends on your desire. So you can find a lot of Internet resources, including free ones, with the help of which you can systematically strengthen existing skills, as well as successfully develop new ones: these are online conferences, various online courses, as well as webinars.

It is best to start with the most important - key - skills and gradually integrate those related to them. So, if you find it difficult to speak in front of the public, but you are fluent in graphic design, then for you the best solution would be a detailed mastery of Javascript or the field of interface development, rather than training in public speaking. A simple but effective way to test your knowledge is to freelance.

This way you can practically apply your new skills and at the same time gain the necessary experience in project management, communicating with various clients, or other experience you need. In fact, you will have tangible results of your work, which you can collect in a portfolio, and then show your new clients. And working on various online freelance exchanges, you can also showcase the experience gained in the form of a simple list of completed projects, as well as real reviews your clients.

5. Feel free to show your new skills

The popular wisdom, proven over the centuries, says that even the loud sound of a tree falling in the forest will not be heard by anyone if they are not directly next to it at that time. In fact, this fully applies to your skills: no one can learn about them if you do not show them yourself.

Believe me, this is really important both for the global expansion of new opportunities and for building your own brand. And you can develop in a variety of areas and fields of activity, including popular social media. Use freelance, look for work on sites where each order you complete will enrich your personal experience work.

And for young people who are just starting to build their careers, this is the most effective way to loudly declare themselves on the Internet, build up an extensive portfolio and get a real resume about their activities from clients. You can just verbally state the skills and abilities that you are fluent in, or you can just show your specific work - for example, a website that you have developed yourself.

For many people, the ongoing change in the labor market is a cause for concern, while for others it is a great opportunity to learn and express themselves. Previous statistical studies warn that by 2015 more than 60% of the most diverse professions will require such specific knowledge, which today only 20% of the working population own.

You have a really great opportunity to personally take advantage of this tempting advantage, because essentially you alone are responsible for developing your own skills and abilities. Use your own ambitions to the fullest in this direction!