Warehouse accounting receipt expense balance. Trading warehouse

Inventory management in Excel is suitable for any trade or production organization, where it is important to take into account the amount of raw materials and materials, finished products. To this end, the company maintains inventory records. Large firms, as a rule, purchase ready-made solutions for keeping records in electronic form. Today there are a lot of options for various directions activities.

Small businesses control the movement of goods on their own. For this purpose, you can use Excel spreadsheets. The functionality of this tool is quite enough. Let's get acquainted with some of the possibilities and independently create our own warehouse accounting program in Excel.

At the end of the article, you can, which is analyzed and described here.

How to keep inventory records in Excel?

Any custom warehouse management solution, whether built on your own or purchased, will only work well if you follow the basic rules. If you neglect these principles at the beginning, then later the work will become more complicated.

  1. Fill in the handbooks as accurately and as accurately as possible. If this is a nomenclature of goods, then it is necessary to enter not only the names and quantities. For correct accounting, you will need codes, articles, expiration dates (for individual industries and trade enterprises), etc.
  2. Initial balances are entered in quantitative and monetary terms. It makes sense to conduct an inventory before filling in the relevant tables.
  3. Observe chronology in the registration of transactions. Data on the receipt of products at the warehouse should be entered earlier than on the shipment of goods to the buyer.
  4. Don't skimp on additional information. To draw up a route sheet, the driver needs the date of shipment and the name of the customer. For accounting, the method of payment. Every organization has its own characteristics. A number of data entered into the warehouse accounting program in Excel will be useful for statistical reports, payroll for specialists, etc.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to keep inventory records in Excel. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular enterprise, warehouse, goods. But we can draw general recommendations:

  1. For correct warehouse accounting in Excel, you need to create directories. They can take 1-3 sheets. This is the directory "Suppliers", "Buyers", "Points of accounting for goods." In a small organization, where there are not so many counterparties, directories are not needed. It is also not necessary to compile a list of goods accounting points if the enterprise has only one warehouse and / or one store.
  2. With a relatively constant list of products, it makes sense to make the product range in the form of a database. Subsequently, income, expenses and reports should be filled in with references to the nomenclature. The "Nomenclature" sheet may contain the name of the product, commodity groups, product codes, units of measurement, etc.
  3. The receipt of goods at the warehouse is recorded on the "Incoming" sheet. Retirement - "Expense". The current state is “Remainders” (“Reserve”).
  4. Results, the report is generated using the PivotTable tool.

So that the headings of each warehouse accounting table do not run away, it makes sense to fix them. This is done on the "View" tab using the "Freeze Areas" button.

Now, regardless of the number of entries, the user will see the column headings.

Excel table "Warehouse accounting"

Let's look at an example of how the warehouse accounting program in Excel should work.

We make Handbooks.

For supplier data:

* Shape may vary.

For customer data:

* Please note: the title bar is pinned. Therefore, you can enter as much data as you like. The column names will be visible.

For auditing points of issue of goods:

Once again, it makes sense to create such directories if the enterprise is large or medium.

You can make a product range on a separate sheet:

In this example, we will use drop-down lists in the table for warehouse accounting. Therefore, Directories and Nomenclature are needed: we will make references to them.

Name the range of the "Nomenclature" table: "Table1". To do this, select the range of the table and enter the appropriate value in the name field (opposite the formula bar). You also need to assign a name: "Table2" to the range of the "Suppliers" table. This will allow you to conveniently refer to their values.

To fix income and expenditure transactions, we fill out two separate sheets.

We make a hat for the "Arrival":

Next stage - table automation! You need to make the user select from ready list name of goods, supplier, accounting point. The vendor code and unit of measure should be displayed automatically. Date, invoice number, quantity and price are entered manually. Excel calculates the cost.

Let's start solving the problem. First, let's format all directories as tables. This is necessary so that later you can add something, change it.

Create a dropdown list for the Name column. Select a column (without a header). Go to the "Data" tab - the "Data Validation" tool.

In the "Data type" field, select "List". An additional field "Source" immediately appears. To make the values ​​for the drop-down list taken from another sheet, use the function: =INDIRECT("item!$A$4:$A$8").

Now, when filling in the first column of the table, you can select the name of the product from the list.

Automatically in the column "Unit. rev.» the corresponding value should appear. We will do it using the VLOOKUP and UND functions (it will suppress the error as a result of the VLOOKUP function when referring to an empty cell in the first column). Formula: .

By the same principle, we make a drop-down list and autocomplete for the "Supplier" and "Code" columns.

We also form a drop-down list for the "Accounting point" - where the incoming goods were sent. To fill in the "Cost" column, we use the multiplication formula (= price * quantity).

We form the table "Consumption of goods".

Drop-down lists are used in the columns "Name", "Point of accounting for shipment, delivery", "Buyer". Units of measurement and cost are filled in automatically using formulas.

We make a "turnover sheet" ("Results").

We set zeros at the beginning of the period, because warehouse accounting is just beginning to be conducted. If previously conducted, then in this column there will be balances. Names and units of measurement are taken from the nomenclature of goods.

The columns "Receipt" and "Shipments" are filled using the SUMIFS function. The remainders are calculated using mathematical operators.

Download the warehouse accounting program ( finished example drawn up as described above).

Here is the completed program.

Well, when selling, the seller writes down the sold item, article, size, brand and price in a notebook. Further, in the process of work, the seller crosses out the sold item from the invoice and notes the date when the item is sold. This is not difficult and there is enough time for this. Well, at the end of the month, you pick up the notebook, compare the money sold and received for it, and also delete the things that are sold in your invoice. .(re-glue) Well, it would be better to take a seller you trust.

How to keep track of goods in a small store?

And the seller will work without a shift? Or will you give him days off and fill in for him? Then a question. Will you do a reconciliation at the time of its replacement for a day or two? If not, then you will not be able to prove that the shortage of goods was due to the fault of the seller, since you replaced it and this could well have happened through your fault.

What will you do if the seller suddenly gets sick? Will the point be closed at the time of illness or will you open it? again, then all charges are removed from the seller.

Only the seller should have access to the premises. And at any time. Give him money, let him buy a lock and don’t give spare keys to anyone. And it’s better to fix this in writing .. There is nothing complicated about handing over the goods to the seller.
The area is 10 m., respectively, there are few goods.

How to keep records in a small store: we analyze with examples


Therefore, our statement will take the following form: Considering this example, we understand the difficulties of keeping records in all the variety of goods. How to keep records? Every entrepreneur wants his store to grow into a whole network.

Thinking about the future, how to keep a record of goods in a store, you need to understand that today's 100-200 items, tomorrow can turn into 1000! In addition to the warehouse, it will be important to control the work of employees and suppliers, to analyze the movement of goods. Excel and notepad won't help you. Counting "by hand" will take all your time.

On the other hand, you understand how strongly the "human factor" will influence the correct maintenance of such records. There is no need to reinvent the wheel to solve this problem.

It is enough to purchase an automation system that will independently keep records and control the actions of personnel.

How to keep track of goods in the store


Standard methods of accounting for goods Any typical accountant uses receipts and expenditure invoices, as well as checks and receipts when accounting for transactions with goods. But in Lately The following types of accounting have gained the greatest popularity:

  1. Total - is conducted by the amount of documents.

Revenue is deducted from the arrival of the goods, after which the resulting estimated balance is compared with the actual one and the shortage is added.
  • Analytical - conducted by months and includes the name and quantity of the product, as well as its price.
  • In the first case, accounting can be kept even without a computer, simply by acquiring a notebook and a pen. But this method has a lot of disadvantages and is terribly inconvenient in the case of a large product range. With a vast volume of production, it is simply impossible to track the prices of goods, and this is unacceptable. The second method is more reliable because it is more visual.

    How to keep records without a computer?

    Accounting types Accounting for goods is carried out mainly in the sum or batch method. Total - by the amount of documents. It seems to be simple. And you can get by with a notebook and a calculator without resorting to a computer.

    For example, you purchased a product, made a markup, calculated the receipt of goods at the sale price and recorded it as a plus. Then they took the proceeds from the store and recorded it as a minus: “income” - “revenue” = “calculated balance”.
    After that, they made an inventory and calculated the shortage: “calculated balance” - “actual balance” = “shortage”. But this method has one big disadvantage - you will not be able to find out the exact profit.
    At large assortment goods it is impossible to track the correctness of its price. In addition, there may be calculation errors, and it is also difficult to evaluate fake goods (who sells more - you or your employee).

    This method does not take into account income tax. You are leading what is not allowed by law.

    Accounting without automation

    However, automated accounting of material assets in the warehouse commercial enterprise better to implement anyway. Material persons carry out accounting of products and goods in the warehouse in accordance with the rules of storage by type and grade.

    Accounting, depending on the type of goods, can be carried out both in quantitative and in monetary terms. At the same time, for each product nomenclature number, a “Goods Warehouse Accounting Card” is filled in, they are issued to materially responsible persons against signature in a separate journal or register for issuing cards. Separate cards are issued for goods stored since last year and received at the warehouse this year. Each card indicates the place of storage of this product, indicating the number of the warehouse and the rack. Accounting can be kept not on cards, but in special "Books of warehouse accounting".
    This is especially important if you have hired staff - you can easily track their actions using a carefully thought-out product accounting system. First you need to have at least two notebooks for accounting, one for you, the other for the seller.
    If there are more sellers, there will be more notebooks, everyone should have their own. movement of goods and Money within your store is documented in each of the notebooks according to the following scheme:

    • fixing the receipt of goods;
    • registration of goods for general accounting;
    • change in the balance of goods (balance);
    • daily checkout; weekly accounting, during which any discrepancies can be identified.

    Consider the example of a typical grocery store. Goods arrive through two channels: they are brought by suppliers or purchases are made independently by entrepreneurs in specialized markets.

    Hand over the goods according to the usual waybill, in which there will be short description item, its size, manufacturer and sale price. Most importantly, assign your article to each item, which will be reflected both in the invoice and on the price tag. Well, something like that: Invoice No. 1 dated March 15, 2012. P/No. 1 // art 0001.

    // White blouse with blue polka dots. // size S // price 500 rub 2 // art 0002 // white blouse with blue polka dots // L // 500 rub 3 // art 0003 // -//-//-//-// // L // 500 4 // 0004 // bl. blue with white polka dots // L // 500 99 // art. 0099 // mink coat, trapeze…… // 52 // 12000 Total 99 units. passed. Received full name prices, if possible, print your own (or order), with your logo (picture) and the seller should not have them. Invoices, as usual, in two copies. One for the seller and one for you.

    You opened your store, having dealt with many organizational issues: concluding a lease or purchase of premises, decided on the taxation system, registered an individual entrepreneur, and agreed with suppliers. You are waiting for the arrival of the first batches of goods to the warehouse ...

    and here you have a question: how to keep records of goods in the store? If your store does not work staff accountant then this article is for you. Posting goods It is necessary to register the goods in the warehouse: write down how much and at what price the goods arrived. Each transaction must be displayed in the accounting for reliability and control. The standard approach for any operation with goods, in terms of accounting and bookkeeping, is:

    1. incoming invoices
    2. consignment notes
    3. checks and receipts.

    These documents will allow the accountant to calculate taxes and prepare reports.

    How to keep track of goods in the store manually in a notebook

    In any case, the invoices, after fixing by the store owner, are transferred to the seller, who accepts the goods. After making sure of full compliance, the seller puts the received goods on record, adding the cost of the received goods to the rest. Important point- You should register goods at the prices at which you plan to sell. Every day the seller hands over the cash register, in the document he indicates the proceeds, possible current expenses(if he himself had to pay the supplier from the daily proceeds), and the final balance.

    The remainder of today is always equal to the remainder of yesterday plus new product minus revenue and additional expenses, write-offs. Periodically, it is necessary to recalculate all the goods available in the store.

    This will display the actual value of the item you own and compare it with the amount the seller indicates as a balance.
    To use it, you need knowledge of two commonplace computer programs - Word and Excel. In addition, now there are many special computer programs designed for accounting. Innovative ways to account for goods And yet, the use of specially designed programs for keeping records will protect you more. At the very least, you will be protected from actual counting errors, because all amounts in such programs are calculated automatically.

    Yes, and it is easier to keep records in such programs, because, if desired, older information can be double-checked, compared with new, etc. Which programs should you pay special attention to?

    1. My shop
    2. My warehouse

    These programs are very easy to use and do not require any special computer knowledge.

    A novice businessman cannot do without a clear understanding of how to keep a record of goods in a store. There are different accounting methods and each of these methods requires not only a special approach, but also a special documentation. Let's understand together with examples.

    Grocery Store Accounting Methods

    A store, even the smallest one, usually has a trading floor and a warehouse. The goods are located both there and there, but it is desirable to keep its account separately.

    In addition, the choice of accounting method is influenced by the nomenclature and assortment of goods: the wider they are, the more difficult it is to take into account the balances and movement for each type.

    In retail stores, four main methods of accounting for goods in the warehouse and on the trading floor are used:

    1. Nomenclature. This method involves separate accounting for each nomenclature (name of goods). Usually, each accounting object is assigned a number and a special card (paper or electronic) is entered on it.

    If the account is in manual mode, and the assortment is large, this is a labor-intensive method;

    Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Tidy up your store

    Take control of sales and track the performance of cashiers, outlets and organizations in real time from any convenient place with an Internet connection. Form the needs of outlets and purchase goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with a barcode, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base with a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible discount system to attract customers during off-peak hours. Operate like a big store, but without the cost of specialists and server hardware today, start earning more tomorrow.

    2. Partion. Goods are accounted for in batches that are formed upon receipt. For example, the goods specified in the bill of lading or TORG-12 are considered one batch. Further control over their movement is carried out as a single whole (conditionally);

    In fact, they can differ in varieties, price and even species. But if settlements with suppliers are at the forefront, this method allows you to perfectly control the time of receipt and sale of each batch.

    Complicating the situation is that one invoice may contain goods from completely different groups with different storage conditions. Therefore, with liability and documents are complicated.

    3. Varietal. All goods are divided into varieties (groups) having common features. These can be vegetables, dairy products, cereals, etc. The goods of one group are stored in one place, which is very convenient for controlling the turnover.

    But this type of accounting is complicated by the difference in prices for goods and sometimes by units of measurement;

    4. batch-varietal. First, the goods are taken into account by batches (one document, one time of receipt), and then the goods are divided into groups and varieties within the batch. More work, but more control.

    Each of these methods requires not only a special approach, but also special documentation. If registration cards are used in the nomenclature method, then special statements are needed to account for batches, in which the entire incoming batch of goods is recorded.

    Why does a store need organized accounting?

    Consider the importance of accounting on the example of IP. An entrepreneur applies a single tax on imputed income, and it is not necessary for him to determine his turnover and income for reporting and paying tax.

    It has a physical indicator - area trading floor, on the basis of which he calculates the amount of UTII and pays it to the budget.

    Therefore, before tax office he will be clean even if he does not know how much goods are in his store.

    But how long will a store like this last? After all, money, as you know, loves an account, and material values must be constantly monitored.

    In addition, the success of trade depends on efficient turnover and replenishment of inventory balances.

    And how do you know how much is left, if you do not take into account the goods?

    The conclusion is simple: accounting is necessary at every outlet, regardless of size. After all, it allows you to control:

    • the rest of the goods in the warehouse;
    • the remains of goods on the trading floor;
    • volume of sales;
    • storage periods;
    • settlement time with suppliers;
    • turnover;
    • income and profit.

    And this list goes on. But even so it is clear that accounting protects against theft, damage to goods and packaging with unnecessary products. That is, it allows you to prevent direct losses, and of course, correctly calculate profits.

    Therefore, every entrepreneur should hire a competent accountant or independently figure out how to keep records of goods in a grocery store. Even if it applies preferential taxation regimes, which do not provide for such a need.

    Comprehensive trade automation at a minimum cost

    We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS-terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We enter goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

    Keeping records of goods in a grocery store: practical aspects

    Practical record keeping in a grocery store begins with the question, in what mode will it take place: using a computer and a special program, or manually on paper?

    Of course, if there are no extra funds at the beginning of the formation of a business, you can get by with simple notebooks and a calculator, although it is undeniable that technical means make the process faster, more correct and organized.

    Especially if you use specially designed programs for this, of which there are many.

    To begin with, we will consider what documents will be required by an individual entrepreneur who opened a grocery store in order to correctly keep records of goods.

    There are not many of them:

    • waybills from suppliers;
    • statement of income, expense, balances;
    • nomenclature cards or statements for accounting;
    • commodity books;
    • party cards.

    The set of documents depends on the accounting method; you do not need to keep them all at once.

    For example, if an individual entrepreneur decides to use the batch method, he needs to create a statement for each batch of goods and note in it:

    • number and date of the delivery document of the consignment of goods;
    • the name of the commodity items in the batch;
    • quantity of goods (weight or number of places);
    • price;
    • date of departure;
    • list and number of withdrawn positions;
    • details of the expense document (internal invoice, sales receipt, retail etc.);
    • at the end of the consignment of goods, the date of closing the card is set.

    Grocery store income and expenses. Video

    Such cards must be entered in the consolidated register, in which you must indicate the batch number and the amount of the cost of the goods in it, as well as note the income and expenditure.

    If the lot-sort method is used, cards for each lot and nomenclature cards for each type of goods will be required.

    It is easy to start accounting for the movement of goods in the Biznes.Ru Retail accounting program, which will allow you to maintain full-fledged financial and trade accounting. At any time convenient for you, you can receive reports on expenses, costs per unit of goods, the number of units sold, the selling price and much more.

    Stages of accounting for goods in a grocery store

    Conventionally, any accounting method has three main stages that must be recorded in the documents:

    • leftovers;
    • receipt of goods;
    • disposal of goods.

    Remains is a relative concept, since they are constantly changing if the store is open. But properly set accounting allows you to fix them at least at the beginning and end of the work shift.

    The receipt of goods comes from a supplier or from an internal warehouse, which happens to be one for several stores of the same owner.

    At the same time, we are not talking about large trading network. An entrepreneur can maintain several small conditional stalls in different parts of the city and have a stock of goods in one general warehouse to provide them.

    Bringing a batch of canned food to the store from such a warehouse will not be an income for individual entrepreneurs, but it will be for the store.

    A product can also be withdrawn from circulation for various reasons:

    • the goods can be bought, then money will go to the cashier instead of it;
    • the goods may be damaged or stolen, then this is a shortage;
    • the product may be of poor quality or expired, then it must be returned to the supplier (if possible) or written off.

    All this must be reflected in the documents in a timely and clear manner. The difficulty faced by novice businessmen is called “margin”. Because it also needs to be taken into account, and the accounting itself should be kept either immediately with it or without it, in the incoming prices, and the markup should be taken into account separately.

    Wrong, but very simple formula, which is used by many entrepreneurs, looks like this:

    Incoming - Revenue \u003d Remaining goods.

    In fact, it should look like this (after all, there is already a markup in the revenue):

    (Incoming Price + Markup) – Revenue = Balance.

    This method of conducting calculations is called sum.

    The method is simple: in fact, this is a journal of income and expense, in which the total values ​​​​in terms of price are recorded: an invoice was received, they looked at the amount, they wrote it down.

    In the next column, we recorded the amount of the markup, displayed the total of receipts for the day, subtracted the amount of revenue (by checks or actually handed over by sellers) and received the balance at the end of the day.

    Boost your store performance in 1 month

    The service will improve the efficiency of the store by reducing the loss of product balances, significantly speed up the process of revaluation, printing price tags / labels, strictly discipline the work of the cashier and limit his opportunities when working with discounts / sales at a free price.

    Such a magazine does not show income for various commodity items, as well as their real turnover. It is possible to find out the actual balances by names only after the audit. But it is also problematic to sum up its results with this method: this can only be done in monetary terms.

    It will not be possible to determine the shortage or surplus by type of goods, so you just have to fix the actual balances and wait for the next inventory. At the same time, anyone can do bookkeeping.

    If you expand your horizons a little, you can combine commodity and financial accounting, as special computer programs usually do.

    True, in this situation, sellers will also have more work: if there is no cash register in the store, they will have to record all units of goods sold. And the conditional "accounter" to carry them into the statement by name: 40 packages of milk, 120 loaves, 7 kg were sold per day. buckwheat, 16 kg. sugar and so on.

    If the turnover of the store is large, it will take a lot of time. But it will be possible to apply the above formula to each item.

    Algorithm for successful accounting in a grocery store

    Finally, let's look at how our novice individual entrepreneur organized the product accounting system in his grocery store.

    First of all, he decided not to save on equipment, because now you can buy a computer suitable for solving office problems at a modest price.

    This allowed him to automate the accounting system and save on wages employees involved in this process.

    Country support:
    Operating system: Windows
    Family: Universal Accounting System
    Purpose: Business automation

    income expense program

    The main features of the program:

      Supports working with money in any currency

      All departments of the organization can work in a single information system through the Internet

      The program shows the current balances in real time at any cash desk or bank account

      You will be able to maintain full-fledged financial accounting: keep income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

      You will form a single database of customers and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

      You will be able to plan cases for any client

      The program will allow you to plan expenses for a certain period

      You will always have all detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency "at hand"

      All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

      The program will show you the statistics of savings or overspending for your items

      Visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company's profitability

      Separation by access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

      Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock customers and deservedly gain a reputation as the most modern company



      for staff

      for clients

      You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, convenient manual entry or data import is used.

      The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

    We have completed business automation for many organizations:

    Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

    You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

    The income-expense program is a universal solution to many problems that sometimes simply haunt a conscientious entrepreneur. Having picked up a sufficiently powerful and at the same time simple tool for solving such problems, namely the income accounting program, you can get rid of a number of troubles that previously bothered you.

    One such solution is the Universal Accounting System, an expense and income accounting program for almost any organization. Regardless of the type of activity of your company, the free income and expense program will automatically calculate the movement of funds, take into account debts and generate the necessary documentation.

    The program for accounting for income and expense is installed on a regular working computer and subsequently launched from the desktop. To do this, you must first download the income-expenditure program, try out its trial version, and then contact us for more details regarding the purchase and further use software product. After that, you can get a personal account, protected by a login-password pair and endowed with individual access rights, and then you can finally enter the USU software.

    The first thing that users who have installed the goods receipt-expenditure program pay attention to is a pleasant, understandable and as simple as possible interface. The program for accounting for the receipt of goods includes the main menu area, where Modules, Directories and Reports are located, as well as the main work area. The staff mainly works in the free program for accounting for income and expenses in Modules - information about customers, orders, payments, and so on is entered here. The manager, on the contrary, in the free program of income, expenses and balances mainly works in the Reports section. Here, in the program for accounting for the receipt, consumption of goods, you can get comprehensive and visual information regarding financial issues, the efficiency of employees, marketing methods etc.

    The receipt system keeps pace with the times, so you can find many innovative, modern features in it. One example is the presence of a built-in SMS-mailing, which allows you to notify customers about new promotions, entries or debts. The parish software allows you to change the color scheme of the interface, which makes the work much more pleasant. Income and Expenditure Accounting software for production of CMS will make your business better by reducing the time spent on routine. You can download the program for the receipt of goods on this page by clicking on the download link.

    The program can be used by:

    After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you can't see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to email us, we'll find another way to show the demo!

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry as an engineer. After graduation, he worked as a programmer. Then - the system programmer. For the first time he appeared on the screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When? ”, Then - on the“ Brain Ring ”. In the television "Own Game" he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "Own Game". Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of "Own Game", bronze medalist of the same competition, silver 2017. Silver medalist of the "Connoisseurs" - the World Games of Connoisseurs - 2010 in "Own Game".

    Addition to the program for professional managers: to develop business and increase income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technologies. There are no analogues

    As technology advances, life speeds up. Everywhere you need to be in time - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a multifunctional mobile application at hand.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz - the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK". Six times he was awarded the "Crystal Owl" prize as the best player of the club. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of "Brain Ring". In the television program “Own Game” he won the “Line Games”, “Super Bowl”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, set an absolute performance record in one game. Author and presenter intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When? ”, four-time winner of the Crystal Owl prize, twice world champion, three times champion of Russia, six-time champion of Moscow, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. According to the results of the general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all 25 years of the elite club's existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. He received the "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the anniversary games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game. Member of the Board and since 2001 - Vice-President of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - a mathematician, marketer, business coach. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was elected President of the All-Russian public organization Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergei Karyakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in the history of mankind. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. FIDE World Cup Winner. World Rapid Chess Champion, World Blitz Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. He was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth championships of the world and Europe. Winner and prize-winner of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympiad as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board and got the first individual prize (on the 4th board). Champion of Russia with the best result on the 1st board. World champion in the Russian team. Semi-finalist of the World Cup. Winner of several international tournaments.

    Possibilities of control and management of receipts and expenditures

    • The income-expense program is a reliable tool that allows you to build a confident, effective image for your business;
    • A stable, time-saving program is a great motivation for employees;
    • With the introduction of the income-expense program, the time spent on routine work is reduced, which means that time is freed up for the provision of services;
    • You can work in the income accounting program remotely by connecting via the Internet or a local network;
    • The use of USU has a positive effect on the speed of data exchange;
    • The application of the income-expenditure program does not require special knowledge and skills, and development is very fast;
    • The program interface can be designed in more than fifty variations of color schemes;
    • The search for a transaction in the expense and income accounting program is fast, and you can find any record for any period according to the set parameters;
    • Several users will be able to work in the program at the same time;
    • Users have their own logins and passwords, as well as individual access rights. The audit displays a list of changes made by a particular employee;
    • With the help of the income-expense program, you can easily create and print financial documents related to the data in the program;
    • The customer base in the program for accounting for the receipt of expenses is created automatically and does not require close attention - after entering the data, the contact will be automatically entered into the database;
    • USU supports SMS-mailing, which can be used for a variety of purposes;
    • The free income-expenditure program is available in a limited version on the official USU website;
    • Install USU today to experience all its benefits.

    Download the parish software

    Below are the download links. You can download a free presentation of the software in PowerPoint format and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of time of use and functionality.

    Order flow automation

    To purchase this program, just call us on the phone numbers indicated in the contact information or skype, or simply write a letter. Our specialists will agree with you a suitable configuration, prepare an agreement and an invoice for payment.

    Accounting purposes:

    • product safety control;
    • control of sales volumes;
    • obtaining reliable information about commodity balances, turnover;
    • obtaining truthful information about financial flows, the state of affairs.

    It implies not only the management of commodity balances, purchases, but also control over the maintenance of accounting documentation, the timeliness of the inventory, the correctness of returns, write-offs.

    • theft;
    • overspending;
    • enterprise bankruptcy.

    Stages of control in retail outlets

    The materially responsible person controls the process of movement in the store, he also keeps records. Depending on the size of the staff, these are: a merchandiser, a manager, a store owner.

    The control process is conditionally divided into 3 types:

    • income control;
    • sales;
    • storage.

    Expert opinion

    Arkady Astrakhan, general manager Nomination-Retail LLC (Moscow):

    “When we started the Nomination network in Irkutsk in 2006, the records were kept on paper: a sales record book with a copy (carbon copy) for an accountant who entered these movements in 1C.

    1C was semi-legal, so it did not require regular costs.

    The system has a thousand disadvantages:

    • no statistics on the movement of goods,
    • orders are placed randomly
    • ABC analysis is not possible,
    • there is no control over sellers in terms of fraud on discounts,
    • there is no operational control over balances (sales are entered into the accounting program 1-3 times a month),
    • the relationship between the movement of cash and goods is not tracked.

    With such a system, the network has grown to 9 stores in 3 cities, but it ceased to suit us much earlier: system losses far exceeded the cost of implementing full-fledged accounting.

    So software for high-quality and comprehensive accounting should be used at the very beginning of trading activity.

    Products are credited on the basis of the supplier's accompanying documents: TORG-12 (waybill), waybills, specifications.

    It is mandatory to check the correctness of their filling, the presence of original seals, signatures of the management, compliance with the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the purchase. Checking the integrity of packages marketable condition, compliance with the weight indicated on the package. For a grocery store, it is important to check product expiration dates.

    Dear owners of small shops! The Biznes.ru Retail program will help you easily start keeping track of goods, manage purchases, and receive truthful information about revenue.
    All reporting can be generated in 2 clicks!

    If the actual and written by the supplier values ​​\u200b\u200bconverged, copies of TORG-12 are certified with a seal, the signature of the person in charge. If not, they draw up an act of the TORG-2 form, in which they list the discrepancies for each position, the actual quantities.

    After acceptance, receipts are distributed immediately to the trading floor or preliminarily entered into the balance of the warehouse.

    Dividing the process into separate steps, we get:

    • acceptance of goods for storage;
    • placement in a warehouse in optimal conditions;
    • monitoring compliance temperature regime, rules of commodity neighborhood in the warehouse;
    • issuance to the trading floor;
    • replenishment of stocks.

    Responsibility for goods in storage (from the moment of arrival to sale) is borne by the warehouse manager, storekeeper, section manager, store. The choice of a financially responsible person depends on the size of the store, the main thing is to appoint him by order, to conclude a liability agreement.

    It monitors movements inside the warehouse, issuance to the trading floor, returns, and is responsible for compliance with storage conditions.

    The method of control of warehouse balances is determined by the type of storage, volumes, number of items.

    Warehouse accounting methods

    Equipment, area of ​​storage facilities, type of assortment affect the methods of storage, type of accounting. V retail 4 main methods of warehouse accounting are accepted:

    The Biznes.Ru online program for automating small stores will allow you to effectively and effortlessly keep inventory records, receive sales reports at a convenient time!

    Partion: the batch arrived at the warehouse, accompanied by a separate TTN or TORG-12, is stacked separately. It contains positions of different nomenclature, varieties. The method is convenient for monitoring the timeliness of payment for imports, but it implies the presence of huge storage areas, complicates reporting on the balance of each item: they are stored in different places.

    Varietal: the distribution of receipts by warehouse space is depending on the type of incoming products. Disadvantage: it is difficult to find positions of the same variety with different selling prices.

    batch-varietal: receipts are divided into batches stored separately, within the batch are divided into grades.

    Nomenclature: used for expensive, bulky goods. Example: separately Jewelry from silver, gold, platinum, with stones, without stones, etc.

    Controlling the movement of items in the warehouse is inextricably linked with storage methods:

    1.Batch method they control it with a batch card - a statement made for each incoming batch, taking into account all write-offs, issuances, acceptances, sales. Conducted in 2 copies: one is stored in a warehouse, the second - in the accounting department. The map contains data:

    ⦁consignment number;

    ⦁date of card opening;

    ⦁ number, name of TTN or TORG-12 that accompanied the delivery;

    ⦁name of commodity items;

    ⦁number of seats or net weight;

    ⦁date of disposal, quantity, list of positions;

    ⦁ number, name of the expense document that accompanied the disposal (sale, write-off, return);

    ⦁ date of closing the card (when the goods of the batch ended).

    The card is registered in the register kept in the accounting department. Pros: without conducting a full audit of the warehouse, shortages, regrading, surpluses within the batch are revealed.

    2.Varietal method storage: accounting on numbered commodity cards or in commodity books with numbered sheets. Cards are listed in the journal, issued against signature. In the commodity book, several sheets are assigned to a separate name of each variety. Data is entered on the basis of incoming or outgoing documents daily.

    3.When batch-varietal method storages simultaneously conduct a batch card and commodity cards.

    4.Nomenclature method: maintenance of commodity cards, books.

    To streamline reporting, the process of distribution of goods in the warehouse helps to maintain address storage, the distribution of receipts by marked cells, warehouse zones. It frees up to 30% of the storage area, reduces deviations in warehouse accounting from 2.5% to 0.5%.

    Sales control

    The most delicate places for accounting for goods are the process of transferring from a warehouse to a trading floor, writing off natural loss or losses due to negligence. It is at these stages of the commodity movement that fraud and theft are possible. There are state standards for goods subject to natural wastage. This does not apply to piece and packaged products.

    talking plain language: if a moth ate woolen dresses in a warehouse, then the financially responsible person is to blame, who did not provide proper storage conditions, the write-off goes from the profit of the store and his salary.

    Sales are accounted for as follows:

    1. The accounting department keeps records of sales on account 90 “Sales”, which has a debit and a credit part.
    2. Debit: supplier price, storage costs, taxes (VAT, excise, etc.). Credit: selling price including VAT.
    3. Daily or shift reports of cashiers are the basis for the accounting entries of the sale. They reflect the amount of revenue, share of expenses, net profit, are calculated monthly, subtracting the debit part from the profit.

    Sales control is carried out at the purchase or selling price. The method of control is fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.

    The transfer from the warehouse to the trading floor is documented; with automated accounting, the programs contain standard postings for the internal movement of goods; with manual accounting, it depends on the method of accounting.

    The purchase of goods by the buyer is confirmed by the settlement cashier's check, is displayed in the book of the cashier-operator, where the data of the intermediate (X-, shift), final Z-report is entered daily.

    The accounting department keeps records of sales on account 90 “Sales”, which has a debit and a credit part. Debit: supplier price, storage costs, taxes (VAT, excise, etc.). Credit: selling price including VAT.

    Daily or shift reports of cashiers are the basis for the accounting entries of the sale. They reflect the amount of revenue, the share of expenses, net profit, are calculated monthly, subtracting the debit part from profit. Sales control is carried out at the purchase or selling price. The method of control is fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.

    Methods of manual accounting in trade

    In the process of accounting, it is necessary to record each unit of goods received at the warehouse, fixing the delivery price, quantity, and sale price. Each stage through which the name stored in the warehouse passes must be recorded in the internal documents of the company, confirmed by a cash receipt, receipt order. Only in this case, the accountant will draw up a tax report that does not raise questions.

    There are two types of goods movement reports:

    • Sum;
    • Commodity or analytical.

    sum method accounting is suitable for stores with a small assortment, it shows how to keep track of goods in a clothing store without a computer, using the “income-expenditure” notebook. They use the amount of documents: the goods arrived, they calculated the amount at the selling price, wrote it down. Every day we minus the revenue from this amount. The resulting difference is the inventory balance.

    After revision: estimated balance "minus" actual balance "equal" shortage.

    • Minus the sum method: lack of product analytics, the possibility of ABC analysis, calculating the exact profit from each commodity item. With the sum method, it is difficult to catch the hand of the seller selling the “left” product, calculation errors are possible.
    • A plus: a minimum of documents, a beginner can handle accounting.

    Analytical method allows for detailed analysis inventory, sales dynamics. The simplest option is maintained in Excel, allocating a new page to each month.

    Complete information about the product is transferred to the first column of the file: manufacturer, weight, price, type of packaging.

    In the second, the volume of receipts in the current month is noted, in the next - the number of sales.

    The last column - the balances for each position, separately record information on returns, damaged or expired goods, and the results of monthly audits.

    The analytical method formed the basis of accounting software.

    V retail store use either software installed on a computer or online accounting services. The choice depends on the capabilities of the business owner, the habits of the accountant.

    Instructions for manual control of the movement of goods

    Automate the accounting system, the movement of goods can afford even small outlets. We will show you step by step how to keep track of goods in a small grocery store or clothing store.

    First step: receiving goods at the warehouse

    Any delivery is accompanied by waybills, invoices (if the supplier is a VAT payer). For them, they start a journal of receipt documents, in which they record the number, date, amount. This can be done manually or on a computer using Excel.

    Second step: internal movement of goods

    From the warehouse, the goods must get to the trading floor or section, not only physically, but also through accounting entries. There are two ways to proceed here: give the goods under the report to the seller or move them to the trading floor by issuing an internal invoice TORG-12. Each release from the warehouse is entered in a journal or register of internal movement of goods.

    Third step: implementation

    The store is equipped cash register without fail, each purchase is confirmed by a cash receipt. Additionally, a manual sales log will help to control sellers, in which the seller records each item sold. At the end of the shift, a reconciliation is made between checks and magazines.

    How the online cash desk works, read more.

    If goods are sold legal entities, then they write out a copy of the check, TORG-12, an invoice, the data is entered in the journal.

    At the request of the store owner, you can remove the second stage of accounting by entering deliveries on the balance of the trading floor. This option is acceptable for stores with a small range or a small area of ​​the trading floor.

    Legal entities operating under the simplified taxation system are required to keep a book of income and expenses.

    Expenses: purchase of goods, materials for the provision of services, etc.

    Income: money from sales.

    The book is available in electronic or paper form. The electronic version is printed out monthly (quarterly), the sheets are numbered, stitched. Paper is immediately carried out on numbered, stitched sheets.

    It is more difficult for legal entities, VAT payers. They are required to use a chart of accounts, control the availability of invoices, take into account the assortment at cost and selling price. Separately take into account the nomenclature, margin, VAT, expenses, financial results trade.