Secretary in the labor market. Looking for a job is also a job

For those who have just completed their studies at an institute or college and cannot boast of serious work experience, several simple tips who will come to the rescue on the way to a successful career.

Determine your value

First of all, we are talking about value in a professional sense. Authoritative resources such as advise you to evaluate your strengths before starting a job search. Find out your real price in the labor market. To determine it, study the descriptions of the vacancies you are interested in, paying special attention to what work experience is required, what skills the employer wants to see in the applicant, and, of course, on wages.

Learn languages

Portal emphasizes that often large companies show a desire to accept graduates without work experience for certain jobs. But the competition for such vacancies is considerable and good knowledge helps to stand out among competitors foreign languages. Especially valuable employee you will become for international companies if you speak several foreign languages ​​at once.

Do not discuss salary at the beginning of the conversation

Raise the issue of wages The best way start an interview, especially if you have no work experience. Start the interview by talking about your business qualities, you can tell about where you had an internship, what skills you acquired in its process, what functions you performed.

The interlocutor should see in you a person with considerable potential, striving for learning and development. Do not forget that you still cannot boast of experience and try to assure the employer that you want to work under his leadership, in his company.

Start your job search as early as possible

So you will start the path to a successful career in time. The best option if immediately after receiving the diploma you are already waiting at the workplace. Some work experience in the specialty can be acquired even before graduation. Try to do an internship in the company in which you would like to work in the future.

Don't be afraid to start from scratch

At first, the employer, most likely, will not pay a high salary, but for you now the experience gained is much more important than money. In addition, the company can invest in your future by studying at various seminars, courses, and trainings. At the beginning of your ascent to the top of your career, you work on a resume, earn recommendations, which will then help you move up the career ladder faster.

Today, more than ever, professional training and retraining of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population is important. It promotes the employment of citizens, at the same time improves the quality human resources and makes a significant contribution to the development market economy. It has long been known that the unemployment rate is growing, first of all, among people who do not have a profession or specialty.

Our conversation with the director of the GOKU Center for Employment of the Population L.V. Kobylskaya about how vocational training and retraining was organized among these categories of the population this year.

Our job center provides a variety of educational services- from vocational training (initial training) to advanced training in various professions and specialties. At the same time, of course, we take into account the needs of the labor market, the requirements of employers, individual interests and professional inclinations unemployed citizens and the unemployed population.

Thus, for 9 months of the current year, we were able to send 26 people for training. People received the professions of a grader, an electrician, a computer operator, an accountant, a manicurist, a tractor driver, a massage therapist, a welder, and others at the expense of the employment service.

It should be noted that modern programs and technical means training make the retraining process very intensive, and most importantly, they allow to take into account the personal characteristics of each student, his desire to engage in a particular job in the future.

We have to evaluate the relationship between demand and destinations vocational training unemployed citizens, take into account a number of factors. Thus, a number of professions in which unemployed citizens are trained are mastered by them with the aim of subsequent organization entrepreneurial activity and self-employment (hairdresser, manicurist, massage therapist, accountant). The presence of a high labor market demand for working specialties (electrician, electric and gas welder).

The average period of vocational training, retraining and advanced training (in this direction we work closely with the Novgorod training center"MEDINFO" and the road transport technical school in Pankovka) of unemployed citizens is 2-3 months, during the training they receive a scholarship.

Within the framework of the state program “Active Longevity”, retraining courses for the elderly population have been organized. So, in this year. three pensioners were trained as a computer operator.

At the same time, our service is engaged in vocational training and retraining of women on parental leave until they reach the age of three years. One of them underwent retraining in the specialty "Fundamentals of Accounting"; the second received additional education during maternity leave in the specialty "Fundamentals of office work on a PC"; the third is taking a course in the specialty of a hairdresser.

These are preliminary results. If, on the part of the unemployed and unemployed population, there are those who wish to take a course of vocational training or improve their qualifications, we will be happy to meet them halfway. Time until the end of this year There is still more to apply for next year.

Materials prepared by G. Chubataya

A very harmful attitude for the applicant: that the labor market is a raging sea, it is easy to drown in it, and in order to swim out, you need only family ties and confidence bordering on arrogance. Yes, on modern market Labor has its own mechanisms, but they have validity and logic. And, if you look for a job in a reasonable way, you can find a job.

What does the labor market like?

Job related experience, and good resume. We have already written about this, and more than once. With a wealth of experience, knowledge, participation in interesting projects, achievements, you can hardly be afraid of anything. If they don't get one job, they'll take another. The problem is that not everyone has such baggage in full. Therefore, you have to maneuver, add assets to yourself.

One of them is a good share of self-confidence. Suppose we have two applicants with equivalent professional data. The employer, most likely, will choose the one who is more confident and tells in a firm voice how in three months everything in his area will work faster, stronger, with more profit.

Modesty, of course, decorates, but not at the interview. Before you enter the recruiter's office, mentally put on a Superman costume and believe that you can do anything. If you are really interested in the vacancy, if you like the company, if you want this job, straighten your shoulders and tell about yourself with pride. And be sure to be specific! What have you been able to achieve, what achievements do you have, what are your strengths. This is not about bragging - experienced recruiters bite through such maneuvers at once. It's about calm self-confidence plus some presentational "special effects".

Clear motivation of the applicant is another plus. Let's say we have two specialists, approximately equivalent in experience. Only one in response to the question "Why do you want to work for our company?" thinks painfully or says something formulaic like "I want to work in a company that occupies a leading position in the market in order to realize my potential." And the other answers that only in this company there is a unique project in which he can implement his experience of building a team from scratch. The second applicant has a more specific goal - he wants exactly here, and knows why - he is more preferable for a recruiter.

A rational, orderly, purposeful job search is another way not to drown in the labor market.

Typical mistakes of applicants:

- randomly sending resumes to all vacancies in a row. As a result, the resume often does not match the requirements of the vacancy, and one recruiter receives the same resume 5 times, which is not good;
- lack of ideas about what kind of work the applicant needs (state the purpose of the search, first of all, for yourself, and reflect it in your resume);
- lack of understanding why the search does not bring results (review your resume, think about whether you use all the channels for finding a job, and whether you are doing it as actively as possible).

The labor market is not a mindless element. Look for work rationally, work on improving professionalism, do not give up after failures. And the results will come!

The issue of finding a job in the Kaliningrad region is still relevant. So, according to the regional agency for labor and employment, the unemployment rate for June is 3.3%, and the number of unemployed citizens is 1,658. At the same time, many are looking for a new place for several months, without even thinking about a possible change in specialization. To help job seekers find their place in the labor market, Infoarena has developed a rating of the most demanded professions in the region.

Demand - for "salespeople" and programmers

Absolute leadership in the ranking of the most in-demand professions , traditionally occupied sales specialists. “These are the most important people in the company,” I am sure. CEO of the AYTEK-Kaliningrad company Vladimir Muzychin. - Since the "salespeople" attract customers, it depends on them whether all the other employees of the company will have a job.

According to director recruitment agency Natalia Vorontsova, the shortage of sales managers has existed and will continue to exist. The first reason is the lack of these specialists with experience. This is due to the unwillingness of the company's management to "grow up" young people. “Moscow employers accept young people, train them and release them into the fields. After some time, this generation grows up, achieves certain successes, many of them come to the region as representatives of companies. And there are no such corporate universities in Kaliningrad, hence the shortage of “salespeople,” says Natalya Vorontsova.

The second reason for this deficit, she calls the trade orientation of our region. Therefore, in her opinion, even at universities and schools, the growing Kaliningraders need to be taught the basics of commerce.

The second place in demand in the regional labor market is occupied by "techies" - engineers, IT specialists, programmers. “In Kaliningrad, there is a shortage of competent programmers,” says Oleg Shirkin, head of the holding’s personnel department. “Those who are good specialists overestimate the cost of their labor: they don’t even consider working with a salary of less than 50 thousand rubles a month as an option. However, in our region, not every leader has such an income.”

Still in price and working specialties. After some lull, Kaliningrad enterprises began to recruit employees again. So, quite recently, Avtotor "recruited" 900 new workers for a new production. However, as Oleg Shirkin notes, despite the availability of vacancies, the regional employment center is still inundated with resumes. “Probably, people have become lazy, or they are not satisfied with the salaries,” he wonders.

The Kaliningrad labor market continues to experience a downward trend in demand for intellectual work. Still hard to find a job marketers, logisticians, lawyers, economists, accountants.

However, according to the research of the Trud newspaper, the demand for sociologists and marketers has increased sharply in Russia as a whole. If during the crisis these specialists were subjected to massive layoffs, now companies are striving to fill these “gaps”. The same applies to financiers and economists.

At the first step

According to Tatyana Petukhova, the holding's recruitment consultant, the labor market for young specialists is currently subject to the same trends as the labor market for specialists with significant work experience. It is possible that graduates will have to reconsider their expectations regarding the level of the desired position and salary. For example, many investment insurance and construction companies, which have suffered the most in the current situation, have significantly reduced their staff, therefore, it will not be so easy to find a job there. If a student is considering a future position only in their specialty, for example, in banking or in the field of real estate, then his search may be delayed indefinitely. Therefore, hr-specialists recommend that graduates consider trainee positions in various companies without raising their salary expectations.

Demanded professions. What do we get as a result?

According to experts, the labor market is still affected by the crisis. However, the situation is not as dire as it seems at first glance. According to Vladimir Muzychin, there is always a shortage of literate workers. " good specialists there is not enough in any area, - he says. - There are not so many people who really would like and know how to work. Therefore, they will not have problems finding a job in any economic situation.”

There are a great many professions and specializations - humanitarian and technical, working and managerial, simple and complex .... The list can be continued for a very long time. It is important not to get lost in this sea of ​​possibilities and to find Good work.


Decide on what profile you want to start your career, at least in general terms. It should be a business that you not only understand, but also love. If you don’t like the job, even if it is highly paid and not too difficult, you will most likely cool down to it and will not be able to perform it at full strength. And this is a direct road to professional lagging behind colleagues.

If you yourself can not decide on the choice of profession, special career guidance tests will help you. You can go through them in employment centers or on your own. You can find examples of such tests on the Internet. The main thing when passing them is to be honest with yourself, without this you will not get a true result.

Carefully study the labor supply and demand market strength in your region. You can focus on general knowledge about the prestige and high pay of a particular type of profession, but these parameters are far from unambiguous and can vary greatly in different regions.

To study the labor market strength specialized newspapers, magazines and Internet portals are well suited. There you can find out the demand for your chosen specialty and your average salary. If there is no demand or the level of future income does not suit you, it is better to look for similar vacancies, but more in demand. If there are none, then nothing can be done - you need to change your profession or a place residence.

Finally, consider the most important rule of the labor market. Healthy arrogance, self-confidence and determination are the necessary skills that will come in handy in your job search. Without this, even the most the best worker with a mass of knowledge and skills will not be able to find his a place on the market working strength.

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