Determination of predisposition to the profession. Free Yovaishi Method

How many professions, but you need to choose one? Almost every school graduate faces this problem. After all, I want to choose exactly the profession that will be in demand, well-paid, and I would like the labor process to bring pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to gather all the forces and opportunities and use them. I think a great free opportunity for teens is career choice tests. In this case, we suggest taking the Yovaishi test to determine professional inclinations.

Methodology L.A. Jovaishi was created by a well-known Lithuanian psychologist and has gained a lot of popularity due to its accuracy and simplicity. The Yovaishi online questionnaire helps to identify a tendency to professional activity and determine the field of activity that best suits your predispositions, hobbies and skills. This Yovaishi technique demonstrates to the participant different kinds professions according to psychological criteria and its relativity to each of the types. Some show the ability to be creative or social activities, others are attuned to sports or engineering, etc. The questionnaire of professional inclinations on the site is very simple and understandable, anyone can quickly and without unnecessary difficulties pass right now, without delay.

The Yovaishi Questionnaire is designed to:

  • Schoolchildren / adolescents and applicants who are faced with the question: "What profession to choose?"
  • Students who want to understand whether they have chosen the right profession;
  • People who have a profession, but have a desire to get another specialty;
  • Companies and organizations that are responsible for the selection of personnel;
  • Teachers, psychologists, etc. who conduct cool watch and lessons on the subject;
  • People who are simply interested in this technique.

Yovaishi test modified by Rezapkina online.
Occupational inclinations according to Yovaishi

According to Rezapkona's modification, this is an adaptation of the well-known Yovaishi questionnaire for adolescent schoolchildren, applicants, teachers (for understanding students), social workers and teachers, people interested in psychology and sociology. For the same categories of people, other tests (there are five of them) on our website are also great, but attention can be paid to the Potemkina test, in which the result is combined into more general groups.

This test for professional inclinations highlights:

  • Extreme activity is a type of people striving for sports, travel, military service, expeditions, archeology, security and operational sphere. Such people have good physical fitness, love sports, have volitional qualities very determined and persistent.
  • Tendency to economic activity- professions of a marketing kind, office work, planning, analysis and calculation, development of business plans and strategies, and the like. This type is distinguished by special care, accuracy and composure.
  • Research / intellectual activity - all professions closely related to scientific work, research, innovation, intellectual thinking, analytics, rational approach.
  • Tendency to practical work- this type has the following features: love for technology and technological process, manufacturing, repair, household activities, research and inventions.
  • A penchant for aesthetic pursuits - includes creative professions, everything related to acting, music, writing, etc. Such people are distinguished by extravagance, creative thinking and independence.
  • Working with people - the methodology defines this type as individuals prone to education, training, management. It is easy for them to find contact with people, solve organizational and administrative issues, manage a team and engage in social activities.

Yovaishi Questionnaire on Prevolio - Benefits

  • We have a Yovaishi test online for free, without SMS and without registration;
  • There are 24 questions in total;
  • One answer must be chosen;
  • The program will automatically calculate the result;
  • Pleasant and convenient interface;
  • The passage time is not limited, so you can think about the answer well;
  • As a result, you will get a list of Yovaishi tendencies, a measure of your disposition to each of them, and a description.

You can consolidate the result by passing other career guidance tests on our website. For example, the Golomstock test, which will show which science you have a professional interest in and will take only fifteen minutes. In any case, you need to understand that career guidance is advisory in nature and you should choose a profession on your own, realizing that you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. After you have decided on the choice of profession, then talk to people in this specialty and find out what their expectations were and what they got as a result.

And we wish you good luck! Choose the right profession!

Scales: inclinations - to work with people, to research (intellectual) work, to practical activities, to aesthetic activities, to extreme activities, to planned economic activities

Purpose of the test

Diagnosis of professional inclinations of respondents.

Instructions for the test

In order to determine your professional inclinations, choose one of the three options - "a", "b" or "c" - and mark it on the form.


1. I would like in my professional activities
1. communicate with a variety of people;
2. make films, write books, draw, perform on stage, etc.
3. do calculations; maintain documentation.
2. What attracts me most is a book or a movie.
1. the ability to follow the author's thoughts;
2. art form, the skill of the writer or director;
3. the plot, the actions of the characters.
3. Will make me more happy Nobel Prize
1. for social activities;
2. in the field of science;
3. in the field of art.
4. I would rather agree to become
1. chief mechanic;
2. head of the expedition;
3. chief accountant.
5. The future of people is determined
1. mutual understanding between people;
2. scientific discoveries;
3. development of production.
6. If I become a leader, then first of all I will deal with
1. the creation of a friendly, close-knit team;
2. development of new learning technologies;
3. work with documents.
7. On technical exhibition I'm more attracted
1. internal arrangement of exhibits;
2. their practical application.
3. appearance exhibits (color, shapes;
8. In people I appreciate, first of all
1. friendliness and responsiveness
2. courage and endurance;
3. commitment and accuracy.
9. In my free time, I would like to
1. set up various experiments, experiments;
2. write poetry, compose music or draw;
3. exercise.
10. I would rather be interested in traveling abroad
1. the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of another country;
2. extreme tourism(mountaineering, windsurfing, skiing);
3. business conversation;
11. I'm more interested in talking about
1. human relationships;
2. new scientific hypothesis;
3. technical specifications new model of car, computer.
12. If my school had only three circles, I would choose
1. technical;
2. musical;
3. sports.
13. The school should pay special attention to
1. improving mutual understanding between teachers and students;
2. maintaining the health of students, playing sports;
3. strengthening discipline.
14. I look with great pleasure
1. popular science films;
2. programs about culture and art;
3. sports programs.
15. I would like to work
1. with children or peers;
2. with machines, mechanisms;
3. with objects of nature.
16. The school must first of all
1. teach communication with other people;
2. give knowledge;
3. to teach work skills.
17. The main thing in life
1. have the opportunity to be creative;
2. lead healthy lifestyle life;
3. carefully plan your affairs.
18. The state should first of all take care of
1. protecting the interests and rights of citizens;
2. achievements in the field of science and technology;
3. material well-being of citizens.
19. I like the lessons the most
1. labor;
2. physical education;
3. mathematics.
20. I would be more interested
1. engage in the sale of goods;
2. to make products;
3. plan the production of goods.
21. I prefer to read articles about
1. outstanding scientists and their discoveries;
2. interesting inventions;
3. life and work of writers, artists, musicians.
22. I love free time
1. read, think, reason;
2. to make something, sew, take care of animals, plants;
3. go to exhibitions, concerts, museums.
23. I will be more interested in a message about
1. scientific discovery;
2. art exhibition;
3. economic situation.
24. I would rather work
1. in a room where there are a lot of people;
2. in unusual conditions;
3. in a normal cabinet

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

1 a b c 13 a b c
2 a b c 14 a b c
3 a b c 15 a b c
4 a b c 16 a b c
5 a b c 17 a b c
6 a b c 18 a b c
7 a b c 19 a b c
8 a b c 20 a b c
9 a b c 21 a b c
10 a b c 22 a b c
11 a b c 23 a b c
12 a b c 24 a b c

Handling test results

Count the number of circled letters in each of the six columns and write these six numbers in the empty spaces on the bottom line.

10-12 points - a pronounced professional inclination.
. 7-9 points - tendency to certain kind activities.
. 4-6 points - weakly expressed professional inclination.
. 0-3 points - professional inclination is not expressed.

The six columns represent the six activities. Pay attention to the activities that scored the most points. Does your choice of profession match your results?

Interpretation of test results

I. A propensity to work with people. Professions related to management, training, education, service (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in the professions of this group are distinguished by sociability, the ability to find a common language with different people, to understand their mood and intentions.

II. Propensity for research (intellectual) work. Professions related to scientific activity. In addition to special knowledge, such people are usually distinguished by rationality, independence of judgment, and an analytical mindset.

III. A penchant for practical work. The range of these professions is very wide: production and processing of metal; assembly, installation of devices and mechanisms; repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment; installation, repair of buildings, structures; transport management; production of products

IV. A penchant for aesthetic activities. Professions of a creative nature associated with visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting and stage activities. Of people creative professions in addition to special abilities (musical, literary, acting), originality and independence are distinguished.

v. Propensity for extreme activities. Professions related to sports, travel, expeditionary work, security and operational-search activities, military service. All of them have special requirements for physical fitness, health, and strong-willed qualities.

VI. Propensity to plan-economic activities. Professions related to calculations and planning (accountant, economist); office work, text analysis and their transformation (editor, translator, linguist); schematic representation of objects (drawer, topographer). These professions require concentration and accuracy from a person.


Questionnaire of professional inclinations / Rezapkina G.V. Selection in specialized classes. M.: Genesis, 2005

Popular, easy and quick test for career guidance "Determination of professional inclinations" for schoolchildren of all ages (including school graduates and applicants) from the famous Lithuanian psychologist L. Jovaishi, modified by G. Rezapkina. Differs in simplicity of passage and accuracy of results.

The Yovaishi Method consists in the study of 6 tendencies to various directions activities based on your hobbies, skills and predispositions. As a result, you will receive a description of directions and examples suitable professions in the following categories:

  • Propensity for intellectual and research work
  • Propensity to work with people
  • Inclination to practice
  • Propensity for planned economic activities
  • A penchant for aesthetic activities
  • Propensity for extreme activities

The Yovaishi Questionnaire separates propensities by severity, and a reliable result (based on your answers, of course) is written in understandable language and, therefore, will help you take one of the first steps in solving the "Choice of a profession" problem. The Yovaishi test online is simple and clear, the passage will take no more than 5-10 minutes.

Instructions for the test "Definition of professional inclinations"

You will be asked 24 questions with three possible answers each. Choose the one answer that best suits you for each question. Try to answer honestly, without adjusting to the expectations of the people around you.

Test time: 5-10 minutes.

Test cost: free, without registration and SMS.

Possible audience of the test: schoolchildren, school graduates, applicants

test result: available immediately after answering all 24 questions in the form of 6 propensities for various areas of professional activity, sorted by the degree of propensity from most to least with a description of the propensity and examples of suitable professions.


Genuine inclination towards a certain profession involves not only the pleasure of achievement (it's nice in any career), but also the joy during the process of doing it. The recognition and benefit that some type of activity brings can be enjoyed, but this is not enough if the process itself does not attract and delight you. This is the first thing to remember when choosing a profession. That is why, as soon as you make a preliminary list of several specialties, you should try to try to practice them in practice, at least as an intern.

So that you can remember what you liked when you were a child. Even small children are well aware of their preferences. If you remember what games you were inclined to play and where you showed your abilities, you can already roughly outline the directions of activity in adulthood. For example, one child begins to read earlier than everyone else, another asks about the structure of the world, the third knows how to concentrate, the fourth draws well, and the fifth loves to disassemble and assemble the designer, sometimes surprising everyone with his decisions. All this indicates certain tendencies.

Career guidance tests can help identify your inclinations for a particular profession. Usually they include not only those questions that demonstrate a clear interest in the desired field of knowledge, but also those that show whether a person has enough the right qualities for a particular profession. Questions may be asked about the same occupation described from different angles. If the subject demonstrates a constant desire to do something, regardless of which side it is described from, this clearly indicates a penchant for a particular profession. It happens that the student himself cannot decide on his inclinations, but the tests show them very clearly.

It's good to pay attention to your personal qualities. If you easily come into contact with other people and quickly become your own in any company, then you can work very successfully with people. Those who can, among other things, identify trends in the behavior of others and manage their feelings can prove themselves in leadership positions.

qualities such as concentration, developed imagination and the ability to build logical connections is usually very useful for technical sciences, they are needed in all computer specialties. But for researchers and scientists, the ability to foresee on the basis of figurative and logical thinking the development of events of interest, the ability to work on a project even in difficult conditions.

There are common mistakes due to which many people choose the wrong profession. Firstly, it is a specialty that the environment imposes, for example, a family profession. Studies show that tendencies are not inherited, it's just a common misconception. The second mistake is to choose the same specialty as friends or entourage. You need to determine what works for you, and not choose successful directions for others.

Another mistake that often makes people unhappy is the choice of a “money” profession. Without the necessary diligence, ability and effort big money usually does not happen, but the pleasure from work also does not appear. Also, you should not choose a profession fanned by a romantic halo, about the reality in which you know nothing.

This vocational aptitude test designed for teenagers. So, if you are still in school, but already now there is a desire to find out your inclinations, then this test is right for you. It will show what qualities prevail in you, logic, reason or feelings. So if you are ready, then proceed to the test for the propensity for the profession.

Question number 1. It is most convenient to use the multiplication table if it:

A. Its appearance is a rectangle and it consists of cells with values

B. These are examples connected in columns

Question number 2. Lessons in drawing, literature and singing should be carried out:

A. Since they do not require such concentration and attention as the exact sciences, then they should be carried out at the end of the daily schedule

B. Such items should be carried out at the beginning of the day, because it should begin with good and beautiful

Question number 3. With friends you are going to nature

A. You will find out exactly where we will rest, and you will take the necessary things with you to the maximum

B. Finding out in advance where you will rest does not make sense. Outdoor recreation is already so beautiful, and you can even give up comfort and food for a while

Question number 4. Your friend asks you to explain how he can get to right place in the city

A. You will draw the whole plan of stops on paper and write down which transport suits him best.

B. Limit yourself to verbal explanation

Question number 5. Your pet is sick

A. I’ll take it to the veterinary clinic, only they will help

B. I will treat myself

Answers to the test:

Now count how many times you have chosen (a) point "A" and how many times - point "B".

Selected five "A" - means that you use mostly logic, choose orderliness and visibility. Calculations and documents - your choice. With the right preparation, you can be entrusted with launching a ship into space. Only it is not clear, you do not turn to your intuition. do not be afraid to do this: it will not only not hurt you, but it will help you.

Four "A" and one "B" - you trust your mind more, but not your feelings. True, you understand that not everything in this world can be explained with its help. Abstract thinking needs a good intuitive sense. People like you make good leaders!

Three "A" and two "B" - with all your ability to reason logically and think sensibly, you have a penchant for adventure. If you want to become an innovator and inventor, then you have a lot of success here. People like you can grow into good journalists and lawyers.

Two "A" and three "B" - This means that you are a little frivolous, you are used to postponing many important things for later. It is possible to fight with this. But your easy attitude to life screams that you need to look for yourself in that field of activity, which will include close and long-term communication with people. If you have an understanding boss who can formulate a precise goal and give normal deadlines for achieving it, then you can become his indispensable employee, who will receive bonuses every month.

One "A" and four "B" - you trust your heart. But you can also be sensible. You need to try to turn your present hobby into your profession in the future. And not vice versa. Then you won't be able to enjoy it.

All five "B" - This is found among nonconformists and aesthetes. You protest against reason and try to subordinate its desires to the basis of this life. But you can feel this life in its diversity. This quality can be very useful to you when you decide to become a film or theater actor, musician, artist or poet. A little prudence never hurt creative people.

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