PR manager responsibilities in the organization. What PR managers live on

Need a PR manager

Such a request can be found today not only on the Internet, but also in in social networks more often. Increasingly, both our clients and their partners are contacting us, the communication agency Comagency, with this question. It is also logical, who, if not us, know best of all how an ideal PR manager should look like. Yes, we know what qualities a good PR specialist should have, how his tasks should "look" and what KPIs should be set for an objective assessment of his activities.

That is why our agency has launched, which helps non-specialists, as well as heads of companies, business owners, not only correctly describe the functions that a PR specialist should perform in their organization, deciding what this position should be called, and also close the resulting vacancy with maximum effect on business and budget. Let's not be cunning, it is not always easy and quick to find a PR specialist who is 100% consistent with our wishes, but the effectiveness of getting the functionality, character and abilities of the found specialist into a position from a business point of view is amazing. Many owners and managers say that the process of resolving this issue has never been so "painless" and understandable, and they finally understand what their "PR specialist", "press secretary" or a specialist in external and internal communications.

So, if you are looking for a good PR manager, you can read this material, or you can leave this process in the hands of specialists who know this process "from the inside".

A good PR manager: who is he and how to recognize him?

PR manager- from the English. public relations specialist - a public relations specialist - that is, a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable reputation for a company, brand or goods and services. Popularly known as “ PR man”, A PR manager today in many Russian companies can be responsible for a more or less wide range of business areas: from very narrow areas - organizing exhibitions, preparing brochures and" maintaining "a corporate website, ending with interaction with external and internal environment on the different levels... This can be the intracorporate level (when a PR specialist begins to play the role of an HR specialist to increase loyalty to the employer, create a certain image of the company for employees), and the level of partner relations, and even - relations with government agencies and bodies (the so-called GR - government relations). Sometimes, the functions of a PR specialist are unreasonably confused with the functions of managers of other specialties - marketers (imposing to study the market and sales), advertisers (advertising placement), designers (creating banners, brochures, postcards, illustrations, presentations), event managers, personal assistants and even secretaries (!). Although a PR manager must have the skills to work in each of the above areas, or sufficient knowledge to correctly and accurately set the appropriate tasks, his main function is to assess, analyze and predict the factors that affect the company's image and its development. This is one of the main differences between a PR manager and an advertising specialist who only promotes separate service or product. It is with the latter, according to our observations, that most Russian companies tends to confuse the PR specialist when hiring.

So, a good PR manager is responsible for the perception of the company by target audiences, its intangible value (reputation + intangible assets), and should not be a “jack of all trades”.

Otherwise, the PR manager will never play the important role that is assigned to him in business.

Since there are no businesses similar in all respects in the world, the functions of PR specialists are always different, depending on many factors, including the industry in which the company operates. Proceeding from this, those classical functions that a PR specialist performs are not so important, as those specific tasks that are most important specifically for a particular business and those issues that are faced by management. In the end, sometimes it is unlimited dedication, loyalty to the business or the company's management that helps PR specialists achieve those heights that no one expected from them.

Functions of a PR manager in the company

    Formation of goals and objectives for PR-actions.

    Assessment of resources and funds for the implementation of the planned PR-programs

    Predicting efficiency and end result for the company's reputation

    Form and maintain an appropriate image of the organization, its policies, products, services and personnel activities.

    Assess the reputation of the company and communicate this information to management.

    Advise management on communication problems, solutions and possible techniques.

    Inform the public about policies, activities, products, services and people in order to maximize knowledge and understanding.

Personal qualities required for a PR manager

  • sociability, activity, ability to work;
  • originality of thinking, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • knowledge of the rules of etiquette, the ability to find a common language and ways of correct communication with media representatives;
  • a presentable external one is required, since the PR manager is the official representative of the organization;
  • organizational skills;
  • the ability to speak and persuade;
  • stress resistance; work in limited time conditions;
  • the ability to clearly express your thoughts.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • knowledge of the basics and principles of PR-management and advertising;
  • be able to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics;
  • ability to work with business correspondence;
  • the ability to draw up PR strategies and knowledge of the principles of PR campaigns;
  • media planning skills;
  • ability to write articles, reviews, press releases, promotional materials;
  • experience in organizing exhibitions, various specialized seminars, press conferences;
  • possession of modern software, for example, MS Office; the ability to use the Internet and graphic programs;
  • knowledge is desirable in English at a fluent or conversational level.

Preferred education for a PR manager

Future PR-managers can be graduates of the faculties of advertising and PR, journalism, philology. But in general, this profession requires an interdisciplinary approach. The work of PR specialists is based on such special disciplines as sociology, psychology, social psychology.

Graduates of such universities as Moscow State University are most appreciated by employers. M.V. Lomonosov, RUDN, MGIMO, RGGU. It is also encouraged to have an international certificate and receive additional education in short-term courses in the field of PR.

Statistics and evaluation

In most cases, girls become PR-managers, men in this area are no more than 30%. The age category of specialists does not exceed 30 years (about 75%).

For a PR manager, the most obvious example of his professional success is his portfolio (information on completed projects). PR activity is fairly easy to check and tangible. Employers, using special mechanisms, can evaluate the past work of a PR specialist: whether he brought a new brand to the market, whether he was able to increase its recognition and increase sales, as well as change the opinion of direct consumers about a product or service.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the profession of a PR manager, including where you can get an appropriate education and what personal qualities you need to possess to become a good specialist.

In the face of ever-increasing competition, each company strives to create / maintain its reputation and good image. Naturally, first of all, this is facilitated by the production of quality products or the provision of services at the highest level. Only today, unfortunately, the conscientious fulfillment of their obligations to the client / buyer / customer, etc. sometimes there is not enough, and then there is a need to influence public opinion using additional means.

Regardless of whether it is a large company that needs to maintain its image, or a young company in need of "promotion", business leaders prefer not to be limited by their own resources / talents, and turn to specialists - - who will do everything so that only a positive view of a particular company.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the profession of a PR manager, including where you can get an appropriate education and what personal qualities you need to have in order to become a good specialist.

What is a PR manager?

PR is an abbreviation for "Public Relations", which translates as "public relations". In general, PR is understood as a whole technology for the creation, implementation and consolidation of the image of a certain object. If we talk about PR in business, then these technologies work to form and maintain a favorable image of the company.

Thus, it can be understood that a PR manager is a specialist who works to create a positive public reputation for a company, develop a favorable image (image) of a company and communicate it through interaction with clients, partners, authorities and the media. Sometimes such specialists are called " PR people"or" PR-men ".

The concept of "Public Relations", like a related profession, came to us from the USA. The first public relations bureau was created at Harvard University in 1900. Several years later, the initiative was taken up by other major schools as well as some commercial enterprises... By the beginning of the 60s, the position of "PR-manager" was in almost every company. Modern PR people are in demand not only in large organizations, but also in politics, show business, internet and media projects.

In our country, a few years ago, the tasks of such a specialist mainly included work with press releases. But with the development of business technologies, everything quickly changed, and today PR people are working hard to shape the image of companies. Moreover, they use PR technologies not only in the external environment, but also within the organization, working with its employees.

Job responsibilities PR manager most often depend on the industry in which the company operates, but the following can be distinguished from the standard functions:

  • creation and support of the image of the organization, its products, services and representatives;
  • development and implementation of a PR strategy;
  • assessment of means and opportunities for promoting the company;
  • forecasting the effectiveness of planned activities;
  • tracking the company's reputation;
  • monitoring of the competitive environment;
  • work with social media;
  • organization of briefings, interviews, press conferences;
  • communication with journalists;
  • performing at various events;
  • preparation of press releases, writing articles, news, interviews and messages on behalf of the company;
  • interaction with the population, authorities and investors.

Also on the shoulders PR-men often there are responsibilities for maintaining a certain climate in the team, so that everyone is united by a common idea. This can be the organization of special trainings, holidays or events of various kinds, maintaining a website or issuing a corporate newspaper. Although in many foreign companies these duties are performed by an HR specialist.

What personal qualities should a PR manager have?

When choosing a specialist who can be trusted with the image of their company, employers, first of all, pay attention to candidates with the following knowledge and skills:

  • knowledge of the basics of marketing, branding and advertising;
  • knowledge in the field of psychology and sociology;
  • understanding the specifics of the company's activities;
  • negotiation skills;
  • methods of working with the media;
  • ability to work with business correspondence;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • copywriting skills;
  • Correct oral and written language;
  • possession of modern software.

At the same time, PR people with already established connections in the media enjoy a special advantage, state structures and the business environment.

Of the personal qualities that highly qualified PR specialists, you can note:

  • creative thinking;
  • multitasking;
  • knowledge of the rules of etiquette;
  • charisma;
  • presentable appearance;
  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to clearly express your thoughts;
  • diplomacy;
  • the ability to win / maintain trusting relationships;
  • sociability;
  • ability to make an impression;
  • ability to quickly accept correct decisions and act according to circumstances;
  • the ability to "read" people and choose an appropriate model of behavior.

Benefits of the profession of PR manager

This profession seems to be specially created for open, active and proactive people who "die" doing routine work and constantly "gush" with new ideas. Thanks to work in the field of PR, something new will constantly appear in their lives: acquaintances, clients, interesting tasks, etc.

The profession of a PR manager not only allows you to fully realize your creative potential and creativity, but also gives you the opportunity to look to the future with confidence.

Firstly, everything suggests that the need for good PR managers will constantly grow (this is why PR specialties belong to professions of the future).

Secondly, even young specialists can count on quite a decent salary (the average salary of a PR specialist in Russia is 40,000 rubles a month), and experienced PR exchangers, widely known in certain circles, receive quite a decent fee - from 120,000 to 600,000 rubles. ...

Disadvantages of the profession of PR manager

Work in the field of PR is, first of all, communication with people. With a wide variety of people with whom you need to find a common language, regardless of their political views, social level or life principles... Therefore, PR specialists very often experience strong psycho-emotional stress that can lead to nervous exhaustion.

And if you consider that a PR person has a great responsibility on his shoulders (after all, reputation is a shaky thing, and a single mistake can negate the result that has been achieved over the years), then you can understand that a public relations specialist is in constant psychological stress.

Another significant drawback of their profession is many PR managers they call an irregular work schedule, which makes it very difficult to establish a personal life and fully relax.

Where can you get the profession of a PR manager?

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - conducts a recruitment of students for receiving. Education at the IPO is a convenient and quick receipt of distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Today you can get the profession of PR manager in many Russian universities, where they offer training under the Advertising and Public Relations program, the best of which are:

  • NRU " graduate School economics ";
  • Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics;
  • Moscow Polytechnic University;
  • Moskovsky State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • St. Petersburg State University;

You need to understand that a modern PR specialist must constantly improve himself! Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to read regularly special literature, explore new PR technologies, exchange experience in PR communities and improve their skills in special courses.

PR manager or PR manager(from the English public relations - public relations) is a specialist who is responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a specific trademark belonging to this company. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology, Russian language and literature, and social studies (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Duties of a PR manager

The so-called "PR specialist" is responsible for interaction with the external environment, he evaluates, analyzes and predicts the factors affecting the company's image and its development. This is what makes him different from an advertising manager who only promotes a specific service or product.

A PR manager ensures mutual understanding and cooperation between the organization and clients, journalists, authorities at all levels, and the public. This complex process includes several important responsibilities: 1) preparing press releases about the company and transferring them to funds mass media; 2) responses to inquiries from the media about the activities of the firm; 3) organization of press conferences for interviews with the company's management; 4) interaction with government agencies and the local population; 5) interaction with financial circles (for example, with investors). Separately, it is worth highlighting the organization and conduct of various PR campaigns.

Place of work

Every large firm has at least a PR manager position. In large banks, corporations, companies, PR managers work in special departments or public relations departments.

There are also special PR agencies that have a wide range of customers - from trading firms to famous artists. There are two groups of specialists working here. The first group includes copywriters (creators) who figure out how to conduct one or more events. The second group is made up of technologists. The latter put the developed concepts into practice, that is, they directly conduct presentations, press conferences, exhibitions, etc.

PR managers also work in politics. With their assistance, politicians gain (or do not gain) the trust of citizens.

Requirements for a PR manager

  • knowledge of the basics and principles of PR-management and advertising;
  • be able to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics;
  • ability to work with business correspondence;
  • the ability to draw up PR strategies and knowledge of the principles of PR campaigns;
  • media planning skills;
  • ability to write articles, reviews, press releases, promotional materials;
  • experience in organizing exhibitions, various specialized seminars, press conferences;
  • possession of modern software, for example, MS Office; the ability to use the Internet and graphic programs;
  • knowledge of English at a fluent or conversational level is desirable.

Personal qualities

  • sociability, activity, ability to work;
  • knowledge of the rules of etiquette, the ability to find a common language and ways of correct communication with media representatives;
  • a presentable external one is required, since the PR manager is the official representative of the organization;
  • the ability to be creative and find a way out of a rapidly changing situation;
  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to clearly express your thoughts.

Pros of the profession

  • demanded and fashionable profession;
  • high wage;
  • the ability to communicate with the media and journalists.

Cons of the profession

  • great competition in the labor market.

Training for a PR manager


The Russian Institute of Professional Education "IPO" - is recruiting students for a specialty in a distance learning program professional retraining and professional development. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to get distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Classes are taught by practicing PR-managers with specialized education and work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years. ... 10 years on the education market, 4 million users. All courses can be purchased with an interest-free installment plan for a year. You can also get an IT specialty at Geek University, and pay for your studies a year after it starts.

The only one in Russia based on a professional standard. The course was prepared by the Russian Association for Public Relations (RASO) - the oldest and largest association of PR specialists in Russia, which has existed since 1991. Upon completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion of the "PR-manager" course based on professional standard public relations specialist

Place of work and career growth

Novice PR managers (students or graduates of specialized faculties) will need knowledge of the basics of PR management, a desire to work and communication skills. At first, wages will be low. As a place of work, a young specialist can choose PR- and advertising agencies, publishing houses, media companies, public relations departments in various companies or departments related to advertising.

The next stage of a young specialist's career will begin after about two years of work in the chosen field. The requirements for such employees are already higher, for example, the ability to write articles, press releases, compilation of advertising and information materials, knowledge of the principles of planning PR strategies. Usually, at this stage, the specialist already has experience of participating and organizing various exhibitions, seminars or press conferences. The salary of a PR manager at this stage can already be one and a half times more.

A higher salary for a PR manager appears after about three years of work in the field of PR management. Such an employee already has his own experience, a database of contacts with media workers has been formed, and he has experience in developing PR strategies.

However, if a PR man can become a so-called “star” in his field, his work will be fought for, and the fees will be correspondingly very high.

In most cases, girls become PR-managers, men in this area are no more than 30%. The age category of specialists does not exceed 30 years (about 75%).

For a PR manager, the most obvious example of his professional success is his portfolio (information on completed projects). PR activity is fairly easy to check and tangible. Employers, using special mechanisms, can evaluate the past work of a PR specialist: whether he brought a new brand to the market, whether he was able to increase its recognition and increase sales, as well as change the opinion of direct consumers about a product or service.

Everyone has heard a lot about this profession, but only a few can clearly explain what exactly the PR manager does, what is his responsibility. One thing is obvious - this is an exciting occupation, however, no job can be completely composed of pluses. We will try to understand the advantages and disadvantages This and much more will be covered in this article.

Firstly, it is necessary to highlight the essence of the PR manager is engaged in creating a plausible (most often) image of his client, brings an opinion about him to the masses. Thus, the services of specialists are often used by politicians who must appear in the best light in the election campaign. However, clients can be ordinary citizens, firms, show business stars, and social movements and organizations.

In domestic practice, a PR manager is a specialist in. From the name it follows that such an employee establishes connections between his customer and his environment, and these channels of information flow are aimed at cultivating a decent opinion of the client in the minds of people.

To begin with, experts in this field consider the audience to which the subsequent impact will be directed, and do everything to arrange it. Further, various events are held that only reinforce the well-presented reputation of the customer. The PR manager organizes presentations, conferences, provides publication of articles and other materials in the press, appearances on television and much more.

People with certain character traits are suitable for such work, which are very helpful in moving up the career ladder. To begin with, you need to have creativity at your disposal, be able to quickly generate ideas and creatively design them. It is important to take the initiative and be an active, energetic person, since you will have to be on the move almost all the time.

Among other things, a PR manager is a sociable person who constantly contacts with authorities, the media, representatives of television, radio and organizes events for his clients with their participation.

Sometimes, by the way, you need to be able to take risks, but not abuse it.

However, due to the fact that the PR manager spends most of his work in direct contact with people, he needs to have high degree self-control and emotional stability, since often projects fail as a result of

You should consider what a PR manager does.

Responsibilities of a public relations specialist:

  1. Settlement of issues related to the company's ties and its image.
  2. Smoothing out conflicts between the company and third parties.
  3. Organization of various events - presentations, press conferences, meetings, concerts, seminars, trainings and so on.
  4. Writing articles, press releases, publishing them in the media.
  5. Organization of communication channels within the enterprise itself - the creation of its own corporate website, the publication of a newspaper, and the like.
  6. Helping top managers in preparing for public speaking - creating positive image writing a suitable speech.
  7. Development and implementation of a plan for the company's PR-activity.

These are, of course, only some responsibilities, it is impossible to cover all of them, since they vary depending on what industry the organization is in, what size it is.

Thus, a PR manager is the person responsible for creating the opinion among the masses that the client needs, be it a company or a famous singer. As you know, nobody canceled black PR, so the opinion can be not only positive. We examined what qualities a PR manager should have, the duties that he most often performs.

Before devoting yourself to this profession, talk to its representatives, try to find out about the pitfalls, correlate your character with that which a good PR person typically possesses. Everything suits me? Then go boldly, because in this work success most often comes precisely to the adventurers.

A public relations manager is the face of a business, an enterprise. He works with the target audience, media representatives, government bodies... Plans, organizes, conducts public actions. Communicates directly with external partners.

Public Relations became a full-fledged offshoot of corporate management more than half a century ago. Today, the need for specialists in this area continues to grow. Large companies and international concerns form entire Public Relations staffs for 10–20 people. Russian business was no exception. The market for his vacancies continues to grow every year, as do the salaries of profile specialists.

For a modern young person, this is a reason to understand the intricacies of the profession, to find out what a PR manager does to develop a brand, what kind of education he needs. Let's figure out the features of a popular profile, the requirements for its representatives, the algorithm of actions for future public relations experts.

Choice of faculty and specialty

The peculiarity of the profession is an interdisciplinary approach. The specialist must have knowledge different directions... Therefore, the “recipe” for professional training may differ. Preferred options:

  • Faculty of Advertising. He studies the basics of communication, modern methods media planning, PR as a discipline, rules for building connections. This is necessary for the future PR specialist.
  • Faculty of Economics, Business (Entrepreneurship). Although the PR methodology is actively used in politics, the main user of its tools is business. It is impossible to promote a brand, form a company's image without understanding the basics of its work. The economic component is very important for a representative of such a profession.
  • Psychology faculty. Here you need to know the basics of general and corporate (organizational) psychology.
  • Management department. The essence of the profession is management: you need to know the basics of planning, organization of work, the principles of motivating the target buyer.

Knowledge at the end of training

How to become a PR manager? Choose one of the above Synergy faculties. Study two profiles at the same time to strengthen your position in the employer's competition. Receive competitive advantage after completing a course in linguistics (parallel profile, second higher education), entrepreneurship.

Our graduates are in demand in any job market (Russian, foreign). Their high level is ensured by a deep knowledge of the basics:

  • advertising methodology;
  • conflictology;
  • planning;
  • analysis target audience, the popularity of goods, the effectiveness of the events held;
  • organizational psychology;
  • economics;
  • classic marketing;
  • management (management of resources, people, projects).

Employment Center at the University

The work of our University is structured so that each student can fully provide independent professional development... For more than 12 years (2004 opening), Synergy has been operating own Center employment. Here the students:

  • have access to the university vacancy database;
  • receive advice on organizing the combination of work and study;
  • preparing to successfully pass the interview;
  • get help with getting a job;
  • are exploring early career opportunities.

Staff demand

Recruitment agencies have noted a boom in demand for this category of profession. The deficit of qualified managers is 200-500 thousand people, according to various estimates. Each big company, a new trade organization, a supermarket chain, a representative office of foreign brands attracts a PR specialist to work on the image.

The American and European markets are also open. Knowledge foreign languagereal opportunity get a job in a large international organization, develop world-class brands, gain invaluable marketing experience.


The manager is in demand on the field of the commercial market - in trading, service, manufacturing companies. He can work for political parties - to create a positive image, organize meetings, various events for popularization. Large network companies (Megafon, Apple, Microsoft) constantly need PR specialists.

Prestigious places of work:

  • marketing agency;
  • advertising bureaus;
  • companies engaged in the direct provision of PR services;
  • analytical centers;
  • corporations;
  • government agencies;
  • news publications, TV channels, radio;
  • publishing houses;
  • public organizations.

The manager can work independently, forming a portfolio of projects, expanding the portfolio of regular customers. Or take place in a team of a large organization.

List of job responsibilities

The list of functions determines the place of employment. The main pool of performed duties:

  • development of a PR strategy for a company, brand, project;
  • formation of a marketing plan to increase brand awareness;
  • control over the implementation of items of the strategic plan;
  • promotion: holding events, exhibitions, presentations, actions;
  • analysis of the results of event campaigns;
  • direct communication with media representatives;
  • writing, publishing press releases;
  • communication with the target audience;
  • SMM marketing ( promotional offer in social networks);
  • conducting specialized seminars;
  • organization of image interviews;
  • control of PR-activity.

PR manager conducts management work, technical analysis, collects data on brand name... There is no room for boredom or similar operations in this profession.

Required professional knowledge and skills

Each employer forms its own requirements for the applicant for a PR-manager vacancy. Having analyzed the ads of employers, we will highlight the main required skills:

  • media planning - scheduling informational videos, establishing contacts with media representatives, organizing press conferences;
  • copywriting - writing articles, releases;
  • editing;
  • possession of computer technology, special analysis programs;
  • skills of online promotion of goods, resources;
  • English language;
  • oratory, the ability to clearly express thoughts, diction;
  • sociability.

Required professional knowledge:

  • basics of advertising;
  • marketing analysis;
  • strategic, tactical planning;
  • managerial control over the execution of the plan;
  • principles of building Public Relations;
  • the basics of organizational psychology;
  • the basics of classical marketing (formation of a customer portrait, methodology of brand promotion, selection of tools for creating a positive company reputation).

The experience of organizing large-scale events - exhibitions, presentations, forums, business meetings - will be very useful for a specialist in this field.


High salaries are the advantage of the managerial profession. The size of the monthly income, according to the data for October 2017, for Moscow is 60-80 thousand rubles. Two years of work experience increases it by 10–20%. There is no top bar. The average salary of an experienced PR specialist (portfolio - 10 or more projects) is 80–95 thousand rubles / month.

The Western market - the "parent" of the PR direction and the profession itself - offers higher rates. Novice professional (if available higher education, practice) here gets from $ 6,000 / month. The income of a successful manager reaches 13-15 thousand monthly salaries, 200+ thousand dollars a year.

European international companies often open vacancies with a PR manager salary of 4-5 thousand euros. Experts who have worked with renowned customers receive up to 10 thousand euros per project.

List of related professions

PR-management is the management of brand development, the creation of a positive information field around the company, fine-tuning of the advertising / marketing strategy. Possession of these skills is useful for many professions:

  • art director;
  • brandbooking specialist;
  • advertising agent;
  • SMM specialist.

You can get any of these professions with us. It is worth strengthening knowledge (changing the profile of an economist, financier, classical manager) on MBA or mini MBA courses. Course training takes place online. You will be able to develop professionally without interrupting your work. As a result, you get a maximum of knowledge and skills, expanding the prospects for employment. The course attendee diploma is quoted for Russia, the USA, and Europe.