Spark old interface. How to choose a service for checking counterparties

Seminars on SPARK - you can ignore the instruction about free for SPARK customers. Free for everyone. But... there are restrictions on the number of connections, so customers have priority, then - by the date of receipt of the application...

Seminars in March 2013

March 01, 15:00 – Webinar “SPARK. Basic course". The webinar provides training for novice users in the basic capabilities of the SPARK system. By examples specific companies we will talk about how to search, verify and monitor companies, create different kinds reports from the system data, work with lists and downloads by enterprises, understand the features of information sources.

March 06, 15:00 - Webinar "Peculiarities of verification of foreign counterparties". A training course that explores the unique joint experience of Interfax and D&B Corporation in inspections foreign companies, offshore and problematic countries in terms of openness.

March 07, 15:00 - Webinar "Information tools to combat fraud." Webinar designed specifically for services economic security, internal control and audit. We will talk about how to conduct company checks, operational monitoring of counterparties, as well as effectively identify fly-by-night companies and analyze corporate ties. In addition, at this webinar you will learn about the features of various sources of information in the database and about the ratings of SPARK.

March 12, 15:00 - Seminar "SPARK tools for managing receivables at the enterprise." We will talk about how to automate monitoring of changes in debtors, assess the likelihood of late payments, identify potential defaulters, analyze the current customer base in terms of credit risks, and prevent the formation of overdue receivables. The seminar is designed for employees of departments responsible for managing accounts receivable, assessing credit risks, and monitoring the payment discipline of counterparties.

March 14, 15:00 - Seminar "Information tools to combat fraud." The seminar is designed specifically for the services of economic security, internal control and audit. We will talk about how to conduct company checks, operational monitoring of counterparties, as well as effectively identify fly-by-night companies and analyze corporate ties. In addition, at this seminar you will learn about the features of various sources of information in the database and about the ratings of SPARK.

March 21, 15:00 - Seminar "SPARK tools for managing receivables at the enterprise." This seminar will consider the possibility of monitoring in the SPARK system, including the issues of monitoring payment discipline. We will talk about how to automate monitoring of changes in debtors, assess the likelihood of late payments, identify potential defaulters, analyze the current customer base in terms of credit risks, and prevent the formation of overdue receivables. The seminar is designed for employees of departments responsible for managing accounts receivable, assessing credit risks, and monitoring the payment discipline of counterparties.

March 22, 15:00 - Webinar "SCAN for unstructured information search and media monitoring". Webinar dedicated to exit new version SCAN systems. At the webinar, we will talk about the know-how in the field of information processing from the media: the object model, the search engine and the next generation interface, ways to get positive and negative information about companies. You will learn how to keep abreast of business news about the market, partners, your own company and not miss important news using media monitoring, conduct in-depth content analysis, assess the state of the information field of a company, event or industry, analyze competitors and partners.

March 28, 15:00 – Seminar “Informational Aspects of Analysis public procurement". Interfax invites all participants in public and commercial procurement to the presentation of a new product - SPARK-Marketing. The seminar will present a database containing generalized information about buyers/sellers, purchases/offers for goods and services. You will find out with whom and at what prices your supplier works, you will be able to identify relationships among procurement participants, build analytical maps, monitor goods or market participants. The seminar is designed for marketers, sales and purchase departments, employees of economic security services, internal control and audit.

March 29, 15:00 – Webinar “SPARK. Basic course". The webinar provides training for novice users in the basic capabilities of the SPARK system. Using examples of specific companies, we will talk about how to search, check and monitor companies, create various types of reports from the system data, work with lists and uploads by enterprises, and understand the features of information sources.

Webinars are held via the Internet, where each user, having received a special link by E-mail, will be able to take part in the training course at their workplace.

Seminars will be held at the central office of Interfax at the address: Moscow, st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 2.
The duration of the training events is 2 hours.

To register, please follow the link:

It's time for serious business, jokes aside. Before me is the most powerful service for checking counterparties (according to the discussions of these services on the forums). A million sources, hundreds of millions of companies, Russia, the CIS, abroad, etc. - at the same time, the price is expected to be high. Okay, let's see if there is something to take that kind of money for.

The interface is nice, each company opens in a separate tab.
The search works according to different parameters and combinations - name (exact-inaccurate), manager, co-owner, address. I tried to search for diversity on the phone - I'm looking for it, although this possibility has not been announced. Looking for OKPO, OGRN, TIN, website ... In short, as I understand it - according to any data. This is gud. Minus - does not recognize the request if you have the wrong layout.
It searches for several countries at once, on the right you can select the categories in which to search. In general, there are no complaints about the search.

Of the minuses of the interface - as I already wrote, companies open in a separate tab. If you closed the main search tab, you won't be able to access it by clicking on the logo. By the way, it is clickable, but either I have a problem with the Java script, or they have some kind of bug. I don’t know, in general, I was too lazy to write in TP.
By design, it seems to me not very convenient that in the search results the codes are not in a separate column, but in a line below the name. I would take it.

As for the amount of information, here it is of course provided with a maximum. According to Aeroflot, which I have already taken as an example, for example, there is such data:

It is clear that there will not be such a volume of information for any LLC Pupyrkin, but nevertheless.
Although ... I looked at the card of a small company, 50 people. There is also a lot of information.

Arbitration cases. It collects norms, only Contour Focus found more, but when I started to poke around, I found out that KF rows everything in one heap - both zao and pao and oooh and everyone who looks like indiscriminately.
The only thing I didn’t like was that in order to filter cases by year, you need to unload. In the interface itself, the data shows for the entire period only.

By the way, great respect for the domains, I don’t understand why everyone slaughters them. Whois is not difficult to parse, but the info is interesting. Sometimes unexpected chains of related people are found out by domains.

I didn’t find jambs with the updateability of the data, the regul is apparently updated daily or close to that. I checked on those companies that had an update just the other day.

What upset you?

Not mobile application. It seems to me that this is now a must have for all services (and no matter what they do). And sitting in the mobile version is inconvenient. By the way, they can sit from one login in only one device. That is, if you are logged in from a computer, you will no longer log in from a mobile phone. I understand that this is protection from freeloaders, but hemorrhagic.

The coolest thing about spark (because I haven't seen anyone else) is credit history check. And yes, I broke off, because you can’t see it in demo access - it’s only on a paid plan. And you can watch both yurikov and physicists (!)
This is how I understand access to hard-to-reach data.

Yes, I should mention my pain - in Spark there is no indication of prices on the site. Guys, what are you afraid of? Write boldly! If even infuriates me when there are no prices. And I usually leave. But this time I needed to know the price, so I wrote to them. In short, the price is 21 thousand per month. Plus 5 thousand for each new user. Well... yeah, not cheap at all.

In general, what can be said as a conclusion. Spark is definitely not for kids, they won’t pull such a price. And they don't need it either. It's like selling a jaguar to a collective farmer instead of a tractor. Even if he suddenly has money, he does not need that jaguar for nothing. Although I heard there they have some type of plugin for 1C for almost a thousand a month, which shows risks, makes statements, and so on.

There is a lot of information in Spark, more than anywhere I have seen. It works smartly, the interface is convenient, the thing is shorter. There are drawbacks, but I described them all above, they are not critical. For a more or less large company, over which the tax authorities are circling like kites, this is a must-have option.

As for our office (for which I study all these services), we have medium business, we are not poor. If the director is not strangled by a toad, I will offer him a spark. I haven’t studied all the services yet, I’ll write more, but I’ve monitored the forums and I’m almost sure that I’m unlikely to find something cooler than Spark. Reviews are still ahead, follow, write, I will be glad.

For a leader, entrepreneur, manager, business decision maker

Be aware of changes with your partners and clients: every day the service provides information about bankruptcy, liquidation, plans for reorganization, inclusion of the counterparty in the negative registers of the Federal Tax Service, the emergence of new enforcement proceedings against the counterparty, etc.

A deal with an insolvent buyer or supplier may result in financial loss. To make an informed decision about the appropriateness of a transaction with a counterparty, evaluate the risks using and .

For an accountant, financial services specialist

Protect yourself from fines tax office and withdrawal denials. The certificate of the counterparty provided by the service is signed electronic signature from Interfax and is a legally significant document.

Control accounts receivable. Check financial indicators debtors and pay special attention to those whose indices are at risk.


Monitoring of counterparties

This is an alert system important changes in the life of the counterparty - liquidation, reorganization, change of head, address, founders, etc.

To track changes, the service uses dozens of different sources of information, including the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified Federal Register of Information on the Activities of Legal Entities. Monitoring events can be viewed directly in 1C programs and in your personal account on the 1C: ITS portal.

Express assessment of counterparties based on SPARK indices

SPARK indices show how similar a counterparty is to a one-day firm, whether it is stable in financial terms And whether he pays his bills on time. If the index is green, everything is fine. The index is in the red zone - be careful and ask the counterparty for more information!

Obtaining a certified certificate of the counterparty

The certificate contains the key factors of the legal entity's activity, which should be taken into account when making a decision on cooperation:

  • signs of "one-day";
  • mention in risk registers;
  • facts supporting the economic activity;
  • financial indicators.

Terms of Use

The service works in programs:

  • "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0)
  • "1C: Managing our company" (rev. 1.6)
  • "1С:ERP Enterprise Management 2"
  • "1C: Integrated Automation" (rev.2)
  • "1C: Trade Management, edition" (rev.11)
  • "1C: Retail" (rev.2)
  • "Accounting department of a state institution (rev. 2.0)" from version
  • 1C: The budget of the municipality 8 "from version
  • Retail, edition 2.2" from version
  • Retail, edition 2.2 basic" from version
  • as well as in the "cloud" solutions provided on the service: "1C: Accounting 8", "1C: Entrepreneur 2015", "1C: Management of our company", "1C: Accounting public institution", "1C: Integrated automation 2".

The service requires Internet access.

Getting help, indexes and monitoring events is not possible for all types of organizations.


Tariff "1SPARK Risks"

When contacting the 1C consulting line, please specify:

  • program registration number
  • Name of the organization
  • software product version, configuration name
  • in the subject line of the email when contacting e-mail write "1SPARK Risks"



Events that are included in the monitoring of 1SPARK Risks

  • Changes in the status of the company (liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization);
  • Inclusion of the counterparty in the negative registers of the Federal Tax Service or the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers (RNP);
  • Entry by the registration authority of an entry on the unreliability of information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Change of the name of a legal entity, legal address, leader;
  • Submission of an application to the registration authority for entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Appearance of a new enforcement proceeding against the counterparty;
  • Information on the conclusion or amendment of the contract of pledge of movable property as a pledgor;
  • Information on the conclusion or amendment of a leasing agreement as a lessee.

Getting Help, Indexes and Monitoring Events - Limitations

IDI is not calculated for the following types of organizations:

  • budget institutions;
  • public and religious organizations- parishes of churches, SOROO, MONOOO;
  • autonomous non-profit organizations;
  • homeowners associations;
  • horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnerships;
  • non-profit partnerships - NP, DNP, SRO;
  • other non-profit organizations - Cossack societies, bar associations;
  • extraterritorial organizations;
  • bodies of public initiative;
  • social movements;
  • associations and unions;
  • unitary enterprises.

FMI and IDI are calculated for any legal entities, if there are necessary initial data, because banks and insurance companies have their own reporting format, FMI is not considered for them. There is also no FMI for NPOs.

By individual entrepreneurs indexes cannot be retrieved, statuses and monitoring events are missing.

A business certificate can only be obtained for legal entities.

Additional terms of use "1SPARK Risks +"

Access to information on companies is open for the entire duration of the license. If the user renews access for the second year or purchases another "1SPARK Risks +" license during the first one, he will receive information from SPARK for 300 companies already (150 bonuses from the previous license + 150 for renewal). The validity period of "1SPARK Risks +" can be extended an unlimited number of times.

If the user has not renewed "1SPARK Risks +" within a month, all bonuses (the accumulated number of companies for which he can view detailed information) are burned.

Help can be viewed from the 1C program, as well as through Personal Area on the 1C:ITS portal.
The period of storage of received certificates on the portal is 3 years.

"1SPARK Risks" is built into 1C programs and provides users with information to make informed decisions. The service is intended for business leaders and business decision makers, accountants, managers of material supply departments, sales managers, specialists financial services and etc.

Service capabilities 1C: SPARK Risks:

Evaluation of counterparties based on SPARK system indices:

n Due Diligence Index (DDI) - an estimate showing the probability that the company is a technical, one-day firm, an abandoned asset. IDO takes into account more than 40 different factors: from signs of "one-day" to activity on the Internet, participation in public procurement, the presence of patents, licenses, litigation, tax arrears, collateral, etc. The IDO model has been tested for many years and has won the trust of thousands of users of the SPARK system.

n Financial Risk Index (FMI) analyzes financial condition companies in terms of possible bankruptcy. FMI classifies legal entities by three levels of risk, taking into account 11 coefficients based on the company's financial statements. The absence of an FMI indicates that the company does not financial statements to the statisticians.

n The Payment Discipline Index (PDI) shows the average actual term for the company to fulfill financial obligations under various contracts. Data on payments on accounts are received by SPARK on a voluntary basis from large energy supply, utilities, telecommunications, trade and other enterprises. The IPD is calculated for approximately 100,000 legal entities.

Monitoring of counterparties:

This is a notification system about important changes in the life of a counterparty - liquidation, reorganization, change of head, address, founders, etc. Monitoring events can be viewed directly in 1C programs and in your personal account on the 1C: ITS portal.

Obtaining a certified certificate with detailed information about the counterparty:

A business certificate about a company can be presented to regulatory authorities or in court as evidence of due diligence when working with a counterparty. The certificate is legally significant, certified by the electronic signature of the Interfax agency.

To connect the service you need:

· Have a license software 1C and register it in the User's Personal Account on Portal 1C:ITS;

· Buy a license "1SPARK Risks" or "1SPARK Risks +"


To explore the possibilities of 1SPARK Risks, you can access the service for free at Personal account. The trial period is 7 days and is provided only once.

Users of "cloud" solutions provided on the service To obtain test access, please contact your service partner.

"1SPARK Risks"

· SPARK indicators (Due diligence index, Financial risk index, Payment discipline index) for all the user's counterparties.

· Setting for monitoring of all counterparties of the user.

Cost: 3,000 rubles. in year

"1SPARK Risks +"

Includes all the functions of 1SPARK Risks, as well as the ability to order an unlimited number of times certified business certificates for 150 counterparties at the user's choice.

Cost: 22,500 rubles. in year

Additional terms use « 1SPARK Risks +»

Access to information on companies is open for the entire duration of the license. If the user renews access for the second year or purchases another 1SPARK Risks + license during the first one, he will receive information from SPARK for 300 companies already (150 - bonuses from the previous license + 150 for renewal). The validity period of "1SPARK Risks +" can be extended an unlimited number of times.

If the user has not extended the validity period of "1SPARK Risks +" within a month, all bonuses (the accumulated number of companies for which he can view detailed information) will expire.

Help can be viewed from the 1C program, as well as through your personal account on the 1C: ITS portal. The period of storage of received certificates on the portal is 3 years.

Additional Information

Getting help, indexes and monitoring events is not possible for all types of organizations.

IDI is not calculated for the following types of organizations:

· Budget institutions

· Public and religious organizations: parishes of churches, SOROO, MONOOO

· Autonomous non-profit organizations

· Homeowners associations

· Horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnerships

· Non-commercial partnerships: NP, DNP, SRO

· Other non-profit organizations: Cossack societies, bar associations

Market information systems has undergone significant changes over the past 5 years. There are new, strong players, information products, methods of interaction with the consumer of data. However, SPARK still occupies a leading position in this field.

SPARK - counterparty verification program

quality standard

Information from SPARK is a kind of generally accepted market standard and is well-deservedly popular with underwriters and security specialists. According to a recent study by RBC, SPARK holds its lead among help systems with 50% of the market. In second place is the product SKB-Kontur. Its share is 17.5% of the market. The National Credit Bureau closes the top three with 10% of the market. Next come the Integrum (9.5%) and Screen (8%) systems. There are several other interesting projects in the Pursuit Group, such as Seldom Basis, which have excellent growth potential and advanced technologies. In the near future, they will also be able to compete for their market share among.

The cost of SPARK-Interfax

SPARK services are not cheap. In SPARK-Interfax, the price is focused on large companies, which most often work on the principle of introducing subscription fee. There is also the possibility of one-time requests for the main SPARK reports.

Business information about the company

One of the best solutions is . You can use it to check the reliability of the counterparty through UNIRATE24. At the same time, you do not need to pay for annual access to the SPARK database, regressive tariff scale for payment on demand and convenient package rates.

From the business reference you will learn about the counterparty:

  • Registration data of the Federal Tax Service. Information on registration of the Federal Tax Service
  • What tells about him
  • Information about the leader
  • Information about the management bodies of the enterprise
  • Data on persons entitled to act without a power of attorney
  • Company structure
  • Company activity data
  • Information about government orders
  • Information about commercial orders
  • (if there's)
  • (if there were)
  • Financial information - balance sheet, income statement (Rosstat)
  • List of licenses
  • Financial risk index
  • Information about the industry affiliation of the enterprise (OKVED)

This information will be extremely useful for assessing the prospects for working with a new counterparty, changes in existing contracts.