Goods as an object of logistics activities. Features of the logistics system Consumer goods are divided into three groups

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The goal is to analyze the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise. This goal updates the following tasks:
1. Explore theoretical aspects analysis of the role of logistics in the enterprise;
2. Analyze the activities of "DavArt-Trey" in the consumer market;
3. Suggest measures to improve retail turnover and ways to increase the sale of the company's goods.

Theoretical aspects of logistics of trade enterprises and logistics services in trade……………………………………………………………………..……....…6
Logistics of trade enterprises and its place in the system of business logistics………………………………………………………………………..…….6

Analysis of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"……………………………………………….………………….13
Organizational and economic characteristics of ChTUE “DavArt-Trade”………………………………………………………………………….……..13
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the logistics activities of the ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"……………………………………………………………..………………..…17
Directions for improving the efficiency of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"…………………………………....19
Application of the logistics approach in creating a logistics service………………………………………………………………………….…...19

List of sources used………………………………………..………26

The work contains 1 file

Coursework: 26 p., 1 table, 12 sources.


The object of the study is the logistics activity of a trading enterprise.

The subject of study is the features of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade".

The purpose of the work: to explore the logistics activities of the enterprise and develop ways for the effective work of the logistics department of a particular enterprise using a logistics approach.

Research methods: comparative analysis, theoretical analysis of economic literature, economic methods, efficiency calculation.

Research and development: the existing logistics activities of the enterprise were studied, shortcomings were identified, specific proposals were developed for the effective work of the logistics department.

Area of ​​possible practical application: application of the logistics approach in organizing the logistics activities of ChTUP "DavArt-Trey" in Minsk and other enterprises selling similar products.

(student's signature)


  1. Theoretical aspects of logistics of trade enterprises and logistics services in trade……………………………………………………………………..……....…6
    1. Logistics of trade enterprises and its place in the system of business logistics………………………………………………………………………..…….6
    2. Logistics service in trade…………………………………….…….9
    3. Key performance indicators of logistics activities…..11
  2. Analysis of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"………………………………………………….………………….13
    1. Organizational and economic characteristics of ChTUE "DavArt-Trade"……………………………………………………………………………….……..13
    2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the logistics activities of ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"……………………………………………………………..………………..…17
  3. Directions for improving the efficiency of the logistics activities of the trading enterprise ChTUP "DavArt-Trade"………………………………….... 19
    1. Application of the logistics approach in the creation of a logistics service…………………………………………………………………………….…...19
    2. Economic effect of the proposed recommendations……………......21


List of sources used………………………………………..……… 26


The object of study "logistics" are material and related information flows. The relevance of the discipline and the sharply increasing interest in its study are due to the potential for improving the efficiency of the functioning of material-conducting systems, which is opened up by the use of a logistic approach. Logistics can significantly reduce the time interval between the purchase of raw materials and semi-finished products and the delivery of the finished product to the consumer, contributes to a sharp reduction in inventories. The use of logistics speeds up the process of obtaining information, increases the level of service.

Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes the management of transport, warehousing, stocks, personnel, organization of information systems, commercial activities and much more.

Logistics began to develop in the 60-70s. of the last century, but its role increased in the 1990s. This was due to the development of commercial relations, the globalization of markets, increased competition, which led to the search for ways to optimally serve consumers and increase attention to the costs of companies by optimizing them. Modern business, in order to be more successful, simply needs A New Look on many processes in order to optimize costs, expand the scope of services. In this regard, many companies create departments, services, logistics departments.

In construction, logistics costs make up a significant part of the costs, while the effective organization of logistics has a positive effect on the quality and delivery time. That is why many companies are thinking about applying the principles and methods of logistics.

In this course work, the retail enterprise "DavArt-Trade", which is engaged in the sale of food products, has been investigated. This company has a wide and deep product range.

The goal is to analyze the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise. This goal updates the following tasks:

1. Explore the theoretical aspects of the analysis of the role of logistics in the enterprise;

2. Analyze the activities of "DavArt-Trey" in the consumer market;

3. Suggest measures to improve retail turnover and ways to increase the sale of the company's goods.

The object of the study is the enterprise "DavArt-Trade". The subject is the role of logistics at the DavArt-Trade enterprise.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of economic literature; economic methods, efficiency calculation. The methodological apparatus of the research was made up of general scientific research methods: economic-statistical, comparative, structural-logical analysis, as well as a number of special research methods.

The use in practice of the proposed system of measures for the commercial activities of the enterprise will determine the direction of improvement of its activities.

  1. Theoretical aspects of logistics of trade enterprises and logistics services in trade
    1. Logistics of trade enterprises and its place in the system of business logistics ki

The logistics of a trading enterprise is a single, interconnected and interdependent system that connects procurement and sales processes with logistics chains. A well-organized logistics system at a trading enterprise allows you to organize the trading process, taking into account the peculiarities of all its stages and processes that occur with the goods from the moment of its purchase to the moment of sale to the final consumer, and, as a result, significantly reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the trading company.
Combining all trading processes in a single system is the concept of logistics of a trading enterprise. The main task is to organize the movement and interaction of resource and product flows. The ultimate goal of implementing a logistics system at a trading enterprise is to increase the efficiency and profitability of the company's work by maximizing the integration of material, technical, information resources into a single system.

The organization of the logistics of a trading enterprise helps to achieve cost savings in the circulation of goods in the "purchase-sales" system by minimizing the stock of resources, the time it takes for goods to travel, reducing the item of unforeseen expenses, and eliminating inefficient operations from the system.

To achieve this goal, the logistics of a trading enterprise solves many large, fundamental tasks, among which the following can be distinguished as the main ones:

  • development of ways to manage the movement of goods;
  • implementation of a quality system at the enterprise;
  • development and optimization of the system of physical movement of goods;
  • optimization of work of warehouse complexes;
  • coordination of activities of all departments of the trading company;
  • demand volume forecasting, etc.

The successful functioning of trade logistics at the enterprise is expressed in a systematic increase in the profit of a trade organization and a general increase in the efficiency of its work.

In the context of the development of a market economy and stubborn competition, the ability of an enterprise to attract and retain its customers plays a special role. In turn, victory in the "struggle for the client" is possible only if the company is able not only to promptly and correctly respond to any changes in the state of the market, but also to plan future impacts.

Any enterprise, both industrial and commercial, in which material flows are processed, must include a service that purchases, delivers and temporarily stores objects of labor (supply service): raw materials, semi-finished products, consumer goods.

A trading firm's inventory management policy consists of two elements:

  • what to buy, when and how much. This element also includes the placement of stocks (in production or in a distribution center);
  • inventory management strategy, that is, inventory management of each distribution center individually or all together - centrally.

Most inventory management systems used in practice include hundreds and even thousands of product items. In such a situation, different types of products should be used in different ways. It is advisable to limit the study to those goods that have a high annual cost. One way to put this provision into practice is to list all inventory items in descending order of their annual selling value. It is very likely that the Pareto effect will appear in this list, that is, about 20% of the goods will make up 80% of the total cost. It is these 20% of products that should be prioritized because these products are expected to generate the most value from inventory management modeling research.

Keeping stocks is risky because they deaden capital and may become unsalable over time. First of all, money invested in inventories cannot be used to purchase other assets or goods that can improve the efficiency of the enterprise. If not own, but borrowed funds are invested in stocks, then this increases the interest costs of the enterprise. Also, stored products may be stolen or become unusable. Combined with a significant investment in inventory, these factors constitute a significant part of the risk for any business venture.

For a retailer, inventory management is essentially a matter of buying and selling. The retailer buys many different products and takes on a lot of selling risk. Due to the high cost of retail space, the main thing for retailers is the inventory turnover and direct profitability of each product.

The movement of material flows in the logistics chain is impossible without the concentration of the necessary stocks in certain places, for the storage of which the corresponding warehouses are intended. Movement through the warehouse is associated with the cost of living and materialized labor, which increases the cost of goods. In this regard, the problems associated with the functioning of warehouses have a significant impact on the rationalization of the movement of material flows in the logistics chain, the use of vehicles and distribution costs.

At the same time, the warehouse itself is just an element of a higher-level system - the logistics chain, which forms the basic and technical requirements for the warehouse system, sets goals and criteria for its optimal functioning, and dictates the conditions for cargo processing. Therefore, the warehouse should not be considered in isolation, but as an integrated part of the logistics chain. Only such an approach will ensure the successful implementation of the main functions of the warehouse and the achievement of a high level of profitability.

Warehouse is the most common element of supply chains. Rationalization of material flows on it is a reserve for increasing the efficiency of any enterprise.
The use of the Pareto method allows you to minimize the number of movements in the warehouse by dividing the entire assortment into groups that require a large number of movements, and groups that are rarely accessed.

As a rule, frequently sold goods make up only a small part of the assortment, and they must be located in convenient places as close as possible to the holiday zones, along the so-called "hot" lines. Items that are required less often are relegated to the "background" and placed along the "cold" lines. Along the "hot" lines, bulky goods and goods stored in bulk can also be located, since their movement is associated with significant difficulties.


Logistics- the science of organization joint activities all functional divisions of the enterprise for the passage of commodity flows from suppliers of raw materials, through a manufacturing enterprise to end consumers.

Logistics studies not only commodity, but also related flows - informational and financial.

The main questions involved in logistics are:

1) managing the supply of the enterprise with raw materials and consumables (this includes solving such problems as choosing a supplier, calculating the optimal volume, structure and rhythm of delivery, evaluating the performance of the supplier);

2) planning, control, management of transportation and warehousing (at this stage, the tasks of choosing a carrier, the form of ownership of storage facilities, organizing the acceptance of goods and checking their quality are solved);

3) internal processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

4) bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter (maintaining the necessary assortment list of goods, timely processing of customer orders, searching for new forms and methods of marketing, analysis trading activities);

5) transfer, storage and processing of relevant information.

Science coordinates such functional areas of the enterprise as supply, production and marketing.

Object of study of logistics- this is what can be individually described and considered by a logistics specialist, for example: material flows, flow processes, the process of fulfilling customer orders, the process of moving products along the supply chain, or any combination of them.

Subject of research logistics- this is the activity of logistics for management, planning, organization, control, regulation, accounting for the process of promoting products and services.

Purpose of logistics- creation of opportunities for improving the activities of employees of the enterprise's divisions, aimed at reducing the level of total costs and maximizing profits. The goal of logistics is considered achieved if the desired product required quality delivered at the right cost to the right customer in the right quantity at the right time to the right place.

The purpose of logistics is achieved by excluding operations of an organizational and functional nature that do not create added value for the consumer. In other words, everything that does not benefit the consumer and, accordingly, the income of the enterprise is redundant.

Each company develops logistics concept- a system of views on improving the efficiency of the enterprise systems. It is based on the long-term goals of the enterprise and ensures the coordination of actions of all departments. Employees of the functional divisions of the enterprise should take an active part in the development of the concept. This not only increases the degree of their motivation to work in concert, but also, through the introduction of new ideas, can improve the content of the concept itself.


The purpose of the logistics company is to increase revenue and minimize costs. In order to control ongoing processes, identify shortcomings and respond in a timely manner in order to reduce the negative effect, it is necessary to constantly answer the following questions:

1) evaluate the extent to which profit maximization was ensured;

2) in cases of unprofitable activity, identify the reasons for such management and determine ways out of the current situation;

3) to consider incomes on the basis of their comparison with expenses;

4) study trends in income changes;

5) to identify what part of the income is used to reimburse the costs of sales, taxes and profit generation;

6) calculate the deviation of the amount of net profit compared to the amount of profit from sales and determine the reasons for these deviations;

7) identify reserves to increase profits and increase profitability, determine how and when to use these reserves;

8) study the directions of use of profits and assess whether financing is provided at the expense of own funds.

Stages of income and financial results analysis:

1) assessment of the total profit from sales for reporting period and in dynamics;

2) factor analysis of profit from sales;

3) study of profitability indicators and factors that influenced their change;

4) determination of measures to overcome unprofitability. The following indicators are most often calculated:

1) net profit - characterizes the final financial results economic activity of the enterprise.

Net profit= total revenue from sales of goods+ non-operating income - the amount of payment for the goods - distribution costs - non-operating expenses - taxes

Factor analysis involves the study of the main indicators affecting profit;

2) the indicator of product sales per ruble of cost is a general indicator that characterizes the assessment of the effectiveness of the use of both production resources and the costs of production and sale of products.

This indicator reflects the influence of all factors on the efficiency of production, primarily the factors of growth in labor productivity, capital productivity, reduction in material intensity and, ultimately, cost. It expresses the relationship between effect and cost;

3) return on sales - is the ratio of sold products (works, services) to its cost.

Profitability of sales= (profit from sold goods, works, services / cost of sold goods, works, services+ administrative and commercial expenses) x 100

In world practice, when characterizing financial condition enterprises calculate the profitability ratio of products sold (Kr. p.)

Cr. P.= net profit from the sale of goods, works and services / sale of goods, works and services less taxes from sales

profitability ratio shows how much a company can get net profit per ruble of sold products.


Goods, as you know, have properties that make them useful to humans. The usefulness of a thing is determined by its use-value. Each product of labor has many properties, but its use value is formed only by those that determine the utility of the product of labor.

Use value of a commodity shows how it satisfies the specific needs of a person due to its properties.

By it's nature consumer properties are physical, chemical, biological, etc. Consumer properties of goods can be divided into three classes:

1) properties that satisfy material needs;

2) properties that satisfy non-material needs;

3) properties that ensure the satisfaction of the need in time.

The use-value of commodities is revealed in their consumption. In the conditions of market relations, a prerequisite for a correct assessment of the use value of a product is knowledge of its market. The potential use value of a product is realized in the process of satisfying physical, social needs, as well as material and non-material needs. A product in logistics can be considered as a specific product, extended and generalized. A specific product is a basic physical entity that has precise characteristics and is offered under a given description or model code.

Advanced product- not only the image, but also the service (buying a car, for example, is linked to warranty service, the possibility of a return, etc.)

Generalized Product- a product in which consumer properties are expressed in the resulting socio-economic effect. The product must be brought to the level of commercialization. This means mastering the design production of goods, achieving their design cost, completing the necessary tests and obtaining the relevant documents, and creating warranty service stations. Goods are divided into consumer and industrial purpose. The nature of the use of goods of each of these groups is different, their purchase is caused by a variety of needs and is determined by different motives.

Consumer goods are divided into three groups:

1) durable goods– refrigerators, cars, furniture, clothes, etc.;

2) non-durable goods- food, detergents, i.e. those that are used either immediately or a limited number of times;

3) services These are actions that bring people a useful result. Services are considered an object of sale, but they cannot be packaged, stored or transported.

Industrial goods are divided into the following categories:

1) main equipment;

2) auxiliary equipment;

3) components and assemblies;

4) basic materials;

5) auxiliary materials and raw materials.

In logistics, the entire movement of goods from the manufacturer to the final buyer is studied: the mechanism for making a decision on the purchase, the organization of the purchase, transportation, warehousing and marketing.

The object of study of a fairly new discipline "Logistics" are material and related information and financial flows. Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes the management of transport, warehousing, stocks, personnel, organization of information systems, commercial activities. The fundamental novelty of the logistics approach is the organic interconnection, the integration of the above areas into a single material-conducting system. The purpose of the logistics approach is the end-to-end management of material flows.

Logistics defines the principles of managing the organization of joint activities of all functional divisions of the enterprise for the passage of commodity flows from raw material suppliers through the manufacturing enterprise to end consumers. This is the process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in economic circulation from the moment money is paid to suppliers until the moment money is received for the delivery of the final product to the consumer.

If we consider in the aggregate the problems that are affected by logistics, then the issues of managing material and corresponding information flows will be common to them.

In domestic and foreign economic literature, one can find a broader interpretation of the concept of logistics, in which the control object is not limited to the material flow. Today, logistics includes the management of human, energy, financial and other flows in economic systems. Terms such as "banking logistics", "information logistics", etc. have appeared. The term "logistics" is beginning to be used in situations associated with a clear planning of an agreed sequence of actions.

The main issues that logistics deals with are:

managing the supply of an enterprise with raw materials and consumables (this includes solving such problems as choosing a supplier, calculating the optimal volume, structure and rhythm of delivery, evaluating the performance of a supplier);

planning, control, management of transportation and warehousing (at this stage, the tasks of choosing a carrier, the form of ownership of storage facilities, organizing the acceptance of goods and checking their quality are solved);

internal processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter (maintaining the necessary assortment list of goods, timely processing of customer orders, searching for new forms and methods of marketing, analysis of trading activities);

transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Science coordinates such functional areas of the enterprise as supply, production and marketing.

The object of study of logistics is something that can be individually described and considered by a logistics specialist, for example: material flows, flow processes such as fulfilling consumer orders, moving products along the supply chain, or any combination of them.

The subject of logistics research is the activity of logistics specialists in managing, planning, organizing, controlling, regulating, accounting for the process of promoting products and services.

Material flow management, like any other object, consists of the following two parts:


implementation of the decision.

In order to make informed decisions on the management of material flows, certain knowledge is required. Activities for the development of this knowledge are referred to as logistics. A large group of definitions interpret logistics as a science or scientific direction: logistics is an interdisciplinary scientific direction directly related to the search for new opportunities to improve the efficiency of material flows.

In addition, logistics sets and solves the following tasks:

demand forecast and stock planning based on it;

determination of the required capacity of production and transport;

development of scientific principles for the distribution of finished products;

construction of various variants of mathematical models of the functioning of logistics systems

The knowledge developed by science allows you to make informed decisions in the field of material flow management. For the practical implementation of the decisions made, specific actions are needed, therefore, another group of definitions considers logistics as follows: logistics is a direction of economic activity, which consists in managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation.

In the course of logistics activities, the material flow is brought to the enterprise, then its rational promotion through the chain of storage and production sites is organized, after which the finished product is brought to the consumer in accordance with the order of the latter.

The listed activities for the management of material flows constitute the content of logistics, which the same name terminological dictionary defines as follows: logistics - the science of planning, controlling and managing transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to a manufacturing enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with interests and requirements of the latter, as well as the transfer, storage and processing of relevant information. This definition, as follows from its content, treats logistics as a science.

As an economic activity, logistics is presented in the following definition: logistics is the process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in economic circulation from the moment money is paid for the delivery of finished products to the consumer (principle of payment - receipt of money). This interpretation is more common in foreign literature.

The key concept of logistics is the concept of material flow. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the end consumer. Material flows also connect various enterprises.

The material flow is cargo, parts and inventory items considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and assigned to a certain interval.

Rice. one.

Identification of the stages of operations on the path of moving goods, parts, inventory items through transport, production, warehouse links allows:

see the overall process of moving a changing product to the end consumer;

design this process taking into account the needs of the market.

The selection of the material flow as the main control object somewhat simplifies the vision economic processes. However, such a simplification allows us to set and solve the problems of end-to-end monitoring of the movement of goods, starting from the primary source of raw materials through all intermediate processes up to receipt by the final consumer. Abstracting from a number of factors and highlighting the material flow as the main object of research and management allows you to design end-to-end logistics chains, study and predict their behavior, while significantly reducing the dimension of modeling tasks, and also opens up new opportunities for a formalized study of economic processes.

You can look at the logistics object from different points of view: from the position of a marketer, a financier, a manager for planning and managing production, a scientist. This explains the variety of definitions of logistics.

Each enterprise develops the concept of logistics - a system of views on improving the efficiency of the enterprise. It is based on the long-term goals of the enterprise and ensures the coordination of actions of all departments. Employees of the functional divisions of the enterprise should take an active part in the development of the concept. This not only increases the degree of their motivation to work in concert, but also, through the introduction of new ideas, can improve the content of the concept itself. The development of such a concept is based on the analysis of logistics systems created at the enterprise.

Thus, logistics is the theory and practice of managing material flows. Therefore, let us dwell on the specifics of the logistics approach to managing material flows both at the macro and micro levels.

At the macro level, the chain through which a certain material flow passes sequentially consists of several independent enterprises. Traditionally, each of them is managed by the owner separately. At the same time, the task of managing the end-to-end material flow is not set and is not solved. As a result, the indicators of this flow, such as the cost price, reliability of receipt, quality, etc., at the output of the chain are formed quite randomly and, as a rule, are far from optimal.

Rice. 2.

In the logistic approach, the object of control is a through material flow. At the same time, the isolation of enterprises - links in the material-conducting chain - is largely overcome for the coordinated management of end-to-end material flow. The right cargo begins to arrive at the right time, to the right place, in the right quantity, the right quality. The promotion of the material flow throughout the chain in this case begins to be carried out at minimal cost.

At the micro level, the chain through which a certain material flow passes in series most often consists of various services of one enterprise. With the traditional approach, the task of improving the end-to-end material flow within the enterprise, as a rule, is not a priority for any department. The indicators of the material flow at the exit from the enterprise have a random value and are far from optimal.

With a logistic approach, a service is allocated and receives significant rights at the enterprise, the priority task of which is to manage the end-to-end material flow, i.e., the flow that comes from outside, passes through supply services, a production workshop, warehouses for finished products and then goes to the consumer. As a result, the indicators of the material flow at the exit from the enterprise become manageable.

The fundamental difference between the logistical approach to material flow management and the traditional one lies in the allocation of a single management function for previously disparate material flows; in the technical, technological, economic and methodological integration of individual links of the material-conducting chain into a single system that ensures effective management of end-to-end material flows.

Logistics is closely related to many other areas of the enterprise.

Logistics and marketing. The most significant relationship between logistics and marketing. Marketing is a management system that allows you to adapt production to market requirements in order to ensure a profitable sale of goods.

Marketing was in demand in practice due to the difficulties encountered with the sale of goods historically in an earlier period than logistics. In the middle of the XX century. orientation of production to the release of the goods needed on the market and the application marketing methods study of demand and the impact on demand have proven to be a decisive factor in improving competitiveness. The task of creating systems that provide end-to-end management of material flows was not relevant then, firstly, due to the lack of technical capabilities for building such systems in the economy, and secondly, due to the fact that the use of marketing techniques new for that time allowed the enterprise " step forward quickly." In today's conditions, it is no longer possible to "go ahead" only on the basis of the use of marketing. The demand identified by marketing must be met in a timely manner through fast and accurate delivery (“quick response technology”). This "quick response" to the emerging demand is possible only with a well-established logistics system.

Entering the economic arena in a later period, logistics complements and develops marketing, linking the consumer, transport and supplier into a mobile, technical, technological, planned and economically coordinated system.

Marketing tracks and determines the demand that has arisen, that is, it answers questions about what product is needed, where, when and in what quantity. Logistics provides the physical promotion of the demanded commodity mass to the consumer. Logistics integration allows you to ensure the delivery of the required goods to the right place, at the right time with minimal cost.

Marketing explores the market, advertising, psychological impact on the buyer, etc. Logistics, on the other hand, is primarily aimed at creating a technical and technological system for transporting goods along commodity distribution chains, as well as a system for controlling their passage. Let us explain the interaction of these two directions with an example.

There are the following tasks solved at the enterprise by the marketing service:

environmental analysis and market research;

consumer analysis;

product planning, determination of assortment specialization of production;

service planning, optimization of market behavior for the most profitable sale of services.

If the first two tasks can be solved by the marketing service without the participation of the logistics service, then the third and fourth should be solved jointly.

For example, the marketing service justified the need to release a new type of product. Then the task of the logistics service will be to provide production with raw materials, inventory management, transportation, and all in the context of a new type of product.

Solving the fourth problem, marketing defines a strict framework for the requirements of the logistics service for physical distribution. These requirements are met by logistics systems.

In general, the activities of logistics and marketing services are closely intertwined. Let's show their interrelation on the example of drinks poured into tetra packs. Package design is a marketing function; strength parameters of packages - logistics; the volume of the package - both marketing and logistics. Logistics is more responsible for the geometric parameters of the packages. Applying a bar code, which allows you to track the movement of each commodity unit, is also a logistics task. However, given that the application of a bar code on the packaging is one of the factors that encourages the purchase, its application can also be recommended by the marketing service.

Logistics and production planning. The logistics service at the enterprise closely interacts with production planning. This is due to the fact that production depends on the timely delivery of raw materials, materials, components in a certain quantity and quality. Accordingly, the logistics service of the enterprise, which ensures the passage of a through material flow (hence, organizing the supply of enterprises), must participate in the decision to launch products into production, since it will have to provide production with resources.

On the other hand, logistics interacts with production in the process of marketing finished products. Managing material flows in the process of implementation and having comprehensive information about the sales market, the logistics service, of course, must participate in the formation of a schedule for the release of finished products.

An essential task of the logistics service is the delivery of raw materials and components to the workshops directly to the workplace and the movement of manufactured products to storage sites. The weak relationship between production and logistics in the implementation of this function leads to an increase in stocks in different areas, creating an additional burden on production.

One of the main indicators characterizing the supplier and influencing the organization of the entire logistics process is product quality. Determination of the optimal level of quality, as well as control over its observance, is a joint task of the logistics and production planning services.

Logistics and finance. Activities for the management of material flows in the enterprise, as a rule, are associated with high costs. Accordingly, the activities of the logistics service are closely related to the activities of the finance service. For example, when determining the optimal volume of stocks, the logistics service will proceed not only from economic calculations, but also from the real financial capabilities of the enterprise. Joint decisions of logistics and finance services are also made when purchasing equipment to support logistics processes. Transport and storage costs are jointly controlled and managed.

Like any other science, logistics has not only a subject and an object, but also a method. The main methods used to solve scientific and practical problems in the field of logistics include the following.

Expert evaluation methods

1. Scenario method. It is a means of primary ordering of a logistical problem, obtaining and collecting information about the relationship of the problem being solved with others, about possible and probable directions for future development.

Scenario - a predominantly qualitative description of possible options for the development of the investigated logistical object under various combinations of certain (pre-selected) conditions. The scenario in a detailed form shows the possible scenarios for the development of events for their further analysis and selection of the most realistic and favorable ones.

A group of logistics experts draws up a scenario plan, which outlines the functional areas of logistics, as well as environmental factors taken into account when setting and solving a logistics problem. Different sections of the script are usually written by different groups of experts.

2. Delphi method. Unlike the scenario method, this method involves preliminary familiarization of logistics experts with the situation using some model.

Stages of the Delphi method:

several experts are asked the same question;

each expert develops his own estimates independently of other experts;

responses are collected and statistically averaged;

experts whose answers strongly deviate from the averages are asked to substantiate their assessments after presenting the averages;

experts develop justifications and submit them for consideration;

the average value and the corresponding justifications are presented to all experts for the development of the final decision

3. The goal tree method. Logistics experts are invited to evaluate the structure of the logistics model as a whole and make suggestions on the inclusion of unaccounted links in it. The goal tree is a connected graph, the vertices of which are interpreted as the goals of the logistic system, and the edges or arcs are the connections between them. This is the main tool for linking the goals of the upper level of the logistics organization with the specific means of achieving them at the lower operational level.

In program-target planning (when the goals of the plan are linked to resources using programs), the tree of goals acts as a diagram showing the division of the general goals of the logistics plan into subgoals of various levels.

The presentation of goals begins with the top level of the logistics organization, then they are sequentially disaggregated. The main rule for disaggregating goals is completeness: each top-level goal must be represented as subgoals next level in an exhaustive way, i.e., so that the union of subgoals completely defines the original goal.

Methods using special computer programs

The use of computer methods that help specialists make decisions allows:

make quick and high-quality decisions in the field of material flow management;

train experienced specialists in a relatively short period of time;

to preserve the know-how of the company, since the person using this system cannot take the experience and knowledge contained in these programs outside the company;

use the experience and knowledge of highly qualified specialists in non-prestigious, dangerous, boring and other places

The disadvantages of computer systems include the limited ability to use "common sense". Logistics processes include many operations with a variety of goods. It is impossible to take into account all their features in a computer program. Therefore, in order not to put a 100 kg box on top of a 5 kg box during storage, the user of this program must have “common sense”.

Total Cost Analysis in Logistics

An effective material management method is full cost analysis, often referred to as the full cost concept. This method underlies the theory and practice of logistics.

Full cost analysis means taking into account all the economic phenomena that arise from changes in the logistics system.

Applying total cost analysis means identifying all costs in the logistics system and rearranging them in such a way as to reduce total costs. Full cost analysis was originally used in transportation to compare different transportation options. Subsequently, this method began to be used in the professional activities of logistics managers wherever it is necessary to make a choice from two or more alternatives.

Such an analysis also implies the possibility of varying the price when looking for solutions, that is, the possibility of increasing costs in one area if this leads to savings in the system as a whole.

The main difficulties in applying the method, which often do not allow you to see and read the "hidden" cost of the solution, are as follows:

the need for specialized knowledge;

the need to take into account factors associated with indirect costs.

northern delivery logistics procurement

In the logistics chain, the movement of material flows is impossible without the concentration of the necessary stocks in certain places, for the storage of which warehouses are intended.

The increase in the cost of goods is associated with the costs of moving through the warehouse of living or materialized labor. The rationalization of the movement of material flows in the supply chain, the use of vehicles and distribution costs are influenced by problems associated with the functioning of warehouses.

A modern warehouse is a technically complex equipped structure that includes interconnected elements, has an appropriate structure and performs a number of functions for changing material flows, as well as collecting, processing and distributing goods among consumers.

At the same time, the warehouse is only integral part systems of a higher level of the supply chain, which determines the main technical requirements to the warehouse system, dictates the tasks and positions of its optimal operation, establishes the conditions for cargo handling.

In this regard, the warehouse is considered not autonomously, but as an integral part of the logistics chain.

This approach allows us to ensure the successful implementation of the main functions of the warehouse and the achievement of a high level of profitability.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that for each particular warehouse the components of the warehouse system differ significantly from each other, both its elements and the structure itself, based on the relationship of these elements.

When forming a warehouse system, you need to remember the basic principle: only individual solution taking into account all related factors can make it cost-effective. A clear definition of work tasks and a thorough analysis of the handling of goods both inside and outside the warehouse is a prerequisite for its cost-effective operation.

This implies that any costs must be economically justified, i.e. the use of any technological and technical solution that accompanies an investment must be applied on the basis of rational expediency, and not on the basis of fashion trends and technical capabilities offered on the market.

The main task of the warehouse is the concentration of stocks, their storage and the formation of an uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of consumer orders.

The main functions of the warehouse include the following.

1. In accordance with demand, the transformation of the production assortment into consumer, which means the creation of the right assortment to fulfill customer orders.

This function is of particular importance in distribution logistics, where the trade assortment is represented by a huge list of goods from various manufacturers that differ in design, size, color, shape, etc.

Efficient fulfillment of consumer orders is facilitated by the creation of the desired assortment in the warehouse. The same factor contributes to the implementation of more frequent deliveries in the volume required by the client.

2. Warehousing and storage. This function allows you to smooth the time difference between output and consumption and contributes to the implementation of continuous production and supply based on emerging inventory.

Their storage in the distribution system is necessary due to the seasonal consumption of some goods.

3. Unitization and transportation of goods. In order to reduce the transportation costs of consumers who order batches “less than a wagon” and “less than a trailer” from the warehouse, the function of combining (uniting) small consignments for a group of customers is carried out until the vehicle is completely unloaded.

4. Provision of services. A visible element of this function is to provide customers with all kinds of services that provide the organization with a high level of customer service. Among them: packing products, filling containers, unpacking, etc. (preparation of goods for sale); checking the operation of instruments and equipment, assembly; pre-treatment of products to give them a marketable appearance; forwarding services, etc.

2. Classification of warehouses

An important link in the technological process manufacturing enterprises for wholesale and retail are warehouses, which serve as the basis for enterprises aimed at staying ahead of competitors. Warehouse work requires a modern organization, advanced technologies and qualified personnel.

Warehouses are the basis of the reserves of material resources needed to adjust the volume of demand and supply, as well as the consistency of the speeds of the flow of goods in the systems of promotion from the manufacturer to the consumer.

In economic activity, a large number of varieties of warehouses are used. By appointment, the following types are distinguished.

Production. They act as warehouses for raw materials and components.

In turn, production warehouses are divided into shop and factory warehouses of finished products.

Transit and transshipment. They are organized at railway stations, ports, river piers, airports, truck terminals and are used for short-term storage of goods at the time of their reloading from one mode of transport to another.

Customs warehouses are designed to store goods pending customs clearance.

Warehouses for early delivery are built in areas where delivery of goods is possible only in certain seasons.

Seasonal storage. Warehouses for seasonal goods.

Reserve. In reserve warehouses, stock is stored in case of emergency.

Wholesale distribution warehouses that supply the distribution network.

Warehouses for commercial use. These warehouses serve any owners of goods.

Retail warehouses of trade enterprises.

Warehouses differ in terms of storage conditions for general-purpose warehouses, tanks, safes for hazardous substances, specialized and storage warehouses.

In warehouses, the conditions necessary for storage are created, taking into account the physical and chemical properties of the goods. Sometimes warehouses have equipment for filling, packing, testing and other operations.

3. Basic concepts of warehouse activity

A large modern warehouse is a complex technical structure. The warehouse consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a characteristic structure and is designed to perform a number of functions to change material flows.

The functions of the warehouse include the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods between consumers.

The main concepts of warehouse activity include: acceptance of goods and goods from the carrier (acceptance of goods is carried out in terms of quantity and quality).

Placement and stacking of goods, and the placement of goods is carried out according to several principles. Storage, selection and dispatch of goods.

Some warehouses are engaged in marking and packaging of goods, goods are marked in accordance with the developed rules and methods. The last operation is the delivery of goods to carriers.

Acceptance of goods is carried out in terms of quantity, quality and completeness and is a responsible procedure, during which shortages, damages, inappropriate quality and incompleteness of goods are identified. The procedure for acceptance of goods is regulated by regulations, as a result of the discovery of deficiencies, recipients present claims and lawsuits to suppliers.

Acceptance of goods from carriers. In the warehouse before the arrival of the goods spend preliminary work: determine places for unloading, prepare equipment and mechanisms, etc.

It is necessary to strictly observe the established rules for performing loading and unloading operations; when unloading vehicles, special attention is paid to special marking of goods and handling signs.

Violation of the established rules leads to damage to goods and injuries.

If delivery is by railway, then the following works are obligatory: checking the seals for integrity, opening the wagons, preliminary inspection of the condition of the incoming cargo; unloading of wagons with subsequent stowage of goods on storage equipment; quantitative initial acceptance of goods; delivery of goods to the receiving area.

If the goods are delivered in railway containers, then the following operations are carried out: checking the condition of the container and the integrity of the seals; moving the container to the unloading ramp with subsequent movement to the goods acceptance area; container opening; unloading of goods.

If the goods are delivered to the warehouse by road, the following actions are performed: checking the integrity of the packaging, quantitative initial acceptance, transferring the goods to storage equipment and moving the goods to the receiving area.

If the cargo is delivered in a faulty wagon, or the seal of the container is broken, the quantity and quality of the entire delivered cargo must be checked and an act is drawn up, which will subsequently be the basis for filing a claim with the carrier or supplier.

Upon receipt of the goods from the carriers, the recipient enterprise must check the safety of the goods during transportation.

In the event that the delivery of the goods takes place without checking the places or weight, the consignee, in accordance with the established procedure, has the right to demand from the carrier that an appropriate note be made on the transport document.

Product placement. Depending on the tasks, the method of placing goods in the warehouse is chosen, taking into account the purpose of the goods, the method of storage, the maximum use of the volume of the warehouse with a rational arrangement of departments, protection of goods from damage, etc.

There are several ways to store goods:

1) sorted - a method of storage in which goods of different varieties are placed separately from each other;

2) batch - with this method of storage, each batch of goods that has arrived at the warehouse is stored separately, while the batch may include goods of different types and names;

3) batch-sorted - this method of storage implies that each batch of goods that has arrived at the warehouse is stored separately, but within the batch the goods are sorted into types and varieties, which are also separated from each other;

4) by item - a method of storing goods, in which the goods of each item are stored separately.

They develop schemes for the placement of goods for quick placement and selection, as well as ensuring the required modes, providing for permanent storage places, the possibility of monitoring their safety and caring for them.

When developing schemes, the frequency and volumes of receipt and shipment of goods, rational methods of stacking, shipping conditions, and for some goods - the choice of the right "neighbor" are taken into account.

In the immediate vicinity of the shipping and issuing area, goods of daily demand are stored.

Allocate areas of short-term and long-term storage. Accordingly, fast-moving goods are located in short-term storage areas, and low-demand goods, which often constitute an insurance stock, are placed in long-term storage areas.

In warehouses with a large turnover, each cell accommodates a batch of goods along with the pallet or in the box in which it arrived, the passages between the racks must be sufficient for the operation of forklifts with lateral movement of the forks.

In warehouses for small wholesale and retail trade, most often the goods are placed in accordance with the grouping by size.

Goods stacking. The stacking and racking method of stacking is usually used for packaged and piece goods.

Stacking is used to store goods packed in bags, boxes, barrels.

When forming a stack, it is necessary to ensure its stability, allowable height and free access to goods.

There are three types of stacking: straight, cross-checked and reverse-checked. In straight stacking, which is most commonly used for stacking crates and drums of the same size, each crate is placed strictly and evenly on top of the crate in the bottom row.

The creation of additional stability of the stack is facilitated by direct pyramidal stacking. Boxes of different sizes are installed in a cross cage. Moreover, the upper boxes are stacked across the lower ones.

Goods packed in bags are placed in the reverse cage, the top row of bags is placed on the bottom row in reverse order.

When stacking goods, it is necessary to monitor the correct circulation of air in the room, as well as take into account fire protection and sanitary and hygienic requirements. Between the stacks leave passages and install them at the prescribed distance from the heaters and walls.

With the rack method of storage, goods in individual packaging, unpacked goods are placed on shelves located at a height accessible to the mechanisms. On the lower shelves, goods are stored, the set of which can be carried out manually, and on the upper shelves - goods that are shipped entirely on a pallet.

When packing goods, the relevant rules are observed.

1. The goods are placed with the marking towards the aisle, goods of the same type are placed in racks on both sides of one aisle, then when picking, the transportation path is shorter, if one cell is not enough to accommodate the entire volume of goods, then the remaining goods are placed in the following vertical cells of the same rack, on The upper tiers of the racks accommodate long-term storage goods.

2. Bulk cargo in warehouses is stored in bulk, tanks are used for liquids, and for outerwear- mechanized hangers.

Storage of goods. The organization of storage ensures: the safety of the quantity and quality of goods, their consumer qualities and the performance of the necessary loading and unloading operations; conditions for the measurement of goods, their inspection carried out by the relevant control authorities, and the repair of damage to the packaging.

When creating the necessary hydrothermal regime for storing goods, a convenient system for their stacking and placement, the preservation of the properties of goods is achieved.

Goods in stock need to be constant verification, care, control, which allows you to identify signs of damage, traces of rodents or insects.

Good storage management means keeping goods out of the aisles, keeping fire extinguishers and sockets out of the way, and keeping pallets out of very high stacks. Using the upper shelves as a backup for items that do not have enough space on the lower shelves. If the goods do not fit completely in the cells, they are placed in deeper racks.

For handling equipment allocated special place, and unused equipment is distilled there. To maintain the desired temperature and humidity indoors, thermometers and hygrometers are used, and ventilation systems and dehumidifiers are used to regulate the indoor climate. Goods stacked in piles need periodic shifting, bulk goods need shoveling.

Fur and woolen products must be protected from moths, damp goods are dried and ventilated.

To maintain a sanitary and hygienic regime, warehouse premises are regularly thoroughly cleaned.

Some types of goods experience losses during storage and preparation for release, as well as during a number of other operations. Distinguish between allowable and unacceptable commodity losses.

Permissible losses are established by the norms of natural loss. Unacceptable losses include losses resulting from damage, theft, damage and scrap of goods or poor storage conditions.

The norms of natural loss are developed on a scientific basis and approved in the prescribed manner. If the losses occurred as a result of natural loss (shrinkage, shrinkage) and their value is within the norm, then for them the carrier or commercial enterprise is not responsible. Attrition rates are calculated taking into account positions related to the time and distance of transportation, type of transport, etc.

The norms of natural loss do not apply if the fact of theft, deliberate damage, etc. is established.

Sending goods. The release of goods from the warehouse includes the following operations: processing of goods according to availability in the warehouse, selection of goods from their place of storage, movement to the order picking area, registration, bookmarking or attaching packing lists, marking packages, moving completed cargoes to the loading area, loading containers, used for transportation, issuance of a bill of lading.

The task of the warehouse is to organize efficient work. Efficiency criteria are full satisfaction of requests according to the list and urgent shipments.

It is more convenient for customers to receive goods at a specific need immediately, and it is more profitable for suppliers to have regular orders for a long time. These contradictions can be resolved by applying high discounts for large quantities of goods with a long delivery time and much smaller discounts for urgent orders.

Applications received in the morning are urgent and need to be sent on the same day. Therefore, after the order is received, it is immediately processed, completed and packaged in order to ship it in the afternoon.

Orders received in the afternoon are processed the next day. Large warehouses work, as a rule, around the clock, respectively, and they also receive urgent orders throughout the day.

Selection of goods. Pickers and other warehouse workers make a selection of goods after receiving a picking list. The picking list is compiled taking into account warehouse specifics, which significantly speeds up the selection of goods.

In a large warehouse, with mechanized selection, the completed cargo is removed from the place of packaging and moved to the shipping area.

With the manual method of picking and dispensing, a small amount of goods is laid out on hand trucks and moved to the picking area.

The use of portable terminals allows inventory to be carried out without stopping the work of the warehouse.

After choosing the goods, the batch is packed.

4. Procurement process

The special role of the procurement function for the purpose of processing or resale determines the prevalence of goods procurement processes for any enterprise.

For the development and formation of the economy of enterprises, procurement processes play a special role, the most important prerequisites for them are: the rhythmic work of production, which depends on the full saturation of the needs for materials and raw materials.

The price of the materials used, raw materials and third-party services. It serves as a basic component of costs for the operation of manufacturing enterprises, according to this parameter there is a possibility of cost reduction.

Under the influence of the procurement process, a large part of working capital is formed, which is a component of inventories and unfinished products.

In the procurement structure, progressive processes increase the share of finished parts in both the production of products and the provision of services. This element increases the importance of the procurement process.

These factors clearly confirm the growing importance of the procurement process, while it is important to analyze their progress and costs.

Other reasons are closely related to the logistics of procurement processes, in addition to those noted, which also have a great impact on the economy of the enterprise.

High dynamics of material and information flows allows reducing costs, increasing the quality of customer service and stabilizing the company's market position.

In the technical component of logistics processes in the field of procurement Lately is raising large capital funds.

The technical infrastructure (component) includes: buildings and warehouses, vehicles, cars and Technical equipment, which is used to store and manipulate materials. Inventories of materials, unfinished products, goods, etc. lead to an increase in storage costs. These factors are the reason that procurement processes affect the activities of organizations. They set the degree of costs and promote competitiveness.

In most enterprises, the structure of material needs is quite complex.

Similar procedures for organizing the discussed process are applied to several groups of procurement objects.

1. Initial raw materials and materials that are subject to processing at a separate enterprise in the process of performing technological processes.

2. Semi-finished products in need of processing (for example, cast iron blanks).

3. Manufactured constituent elements that are used in the assembly at the enterprise in the final phase of production.

Listed here are some of the product groups that are considered as purchasing items. Certain elements of the procurement process may apply to each of these groups, but in addition certain specific conditions must be met.

For example, certain infrastructure and special agreements are required on the main parameters of supply (for example, for the supply of gas or electricity). For the supply of complex assemblies, which are considered as components of finished products, approvals based on long-term contracts are needed.

Purchasing process management, therefore, should be considered the main type of functioning of the relevant departments of the enterprise.

5. Logistics process in the warehouse

The logistics process in a warehouse requires complete synchronization of stocking, cargo handling and actual distribution of the order.

Logistics in the warehouse practically covers all the main work areas that are considered at the micro level. The logistics process is much broader than the technological one and includes such areas as: stocking, supply control, acceptance and unloading of goods, transportation and intra-warehouse transshipment of goods, storage and warehousing of goods, formation of customer orders and shipment, forwarding and transportation of goods.

The work of all elements of the logistics process must be considered in interdependence and interconnection. This approach allows not only to regulate the activities of the warehouse departments, it acts as the basis for planning and controlling the movement of goods in the warehouse at minimal cost.

Roughly, the logistics process can be divided into three parts:

1) operations regulating procurement services;

2) operations directly related to the processing of cargo and its documentation;

3) operations regulating sales services.

The regulation of the purchasing service occurs in the process of supplying stocks and with the help of control over the conduct of deliveries.

The main purpose of supplying stocks is to provide the warehouse with goods, subject to the possibility of processing them in a given period of time with the complete fulfillment of the order of consumers. You can determine the need for a purchase, taking into account the capacity of the warehouse and in coordination with the sales service.

Logistics processes include: unloading and acceptance of goods, intra-warehouse transportation, warehousing and storage, order picking and shipment, transportation and forwarding of orders, collection and delivery of empty goods carriers, warehouse information services.

Let's consider these components of the logistics system in more detail. Accounting and control over the receipt of stocks and the dispatch of orders makes it possible to ensure the synchronism of the processing of cargo flows.

Also, with proper control and accounting, the volume of the warehouse is used to the maximum and the necessary storage conditions are provided.

Unloading and receiving goods. When carrying out these operations, you need to focus on the delivery conditions established at the conclusion of the contract.

Based on the information specified in the contract, unloading points for a specific vehicle and the necessary loading and unloading equipment are prepared. Reducing distribution costs and reducing vehicle downtime occurs with the right choice of loading and unloading equipment and special equipment for unloading points.

By accelerating the movement of goods from suppliers to the consumer and inventory turnover in the warehouse, a significant increase in profits and a reduction in the cost of maintaining inventory can be achieved.

Between different areas of the warehouse, the movement of goods involves intra-warehouse transportation. Transportation operations take place with the use of lifting and transport machines and mechanisms.

Transportation starts from the unloading ramp to the receiving area, then to the storage area, picking and loading ramp.

On end-to-end routes, with a minimum length in time and space, transportation within the warehouse should be carried out. Such a transportation scheme avoids duplication of operations and inefficient use of time. The number of overloads from one type of equipment to another should be minimal.

In the placement and stowage of cargo for storage is the process of warehousing. Efficient use of the volume of the storage area is the main principle of rational warehousing.

The optimal choice of a storage system, and especially storage equipment, becomes a prerequisite for the effectiveness of their use.

At the same time, taking into account the normal operating conditions of handling equipment, the space for working aisles should be minimal.

The picking process consists of preparing the goods in accordance with the requests of consumers. The maximum use of the vehicle allows the consolidation of goods into an economical batch, which in turn is facilitated by the configuration of the shipment using information system. You need to choose the best delivery route. Loading takes place at the loading ramp.

Both the warehouse and the customer himself can carry out transportation and forwarding of goods. The most widespread is the centralized delivery of orders by the warehouse. With this type of delivery, taking into account the unitization of goods and the choice of optimal routes, a reduction in transportation costs is achieved and it is possible to deliver goods in small but more frequent batches, which leads to a reduction in unnecessary stocks from the consumer.

The collection and delivery of empty goods carriers play an important role in the expense item. Containers, pallets, packaging equipment are goods carriers and are often reusable during intracity transportation, and therefore require return to the sender.

With strict observance of the exchange schedule, an accurate determination of the optimal quantity, an effective exchange of commodity carriers is possible.

The connecting core of the work of all departments of the warehouse is the information service of the warehouse, which involves the management of information flows. Information flow management, depending on the technical equipment, can be either an independent system or an integral part of a subsystem of a general automated system.

Successfully carried out logistic service of buyers does the given enterprise favorably different from firms-competitors.

The key to the profitability of the warehouse is the rational implementation of the logistics process. Therefore, when forming the logistics process, it is necessary to achieve the optimal layout of the warehouse: allocate work areas that help reduce costs and increase the level of the cargo handling process; when arranging equipment, it is efficient to use the space that allows you to increase the capacity of the warehouse; significantly reduce the fleet of hoisting and transport vehicles through the use of universal equipment that performs various warehouse operations, increase bandwidth warehouse and reducing operating costs, minimizing intra-warehouse transportation routes; significantly reduce transport costs when using centralized delivery and unitization of delivery lots; reduce the time and costs associated with document flow and information exchange by using the capabilities of the information system.

Sometimes the reserves for the efficient operation of the logistics process, perhaps not very significant, lie in the simplest things: clearing cluttered aisles, improving the quality of lighting, organizing the workplace.

There are no trifles in the search for reserves for the rational operation of the warehouse, everything must be taken into account and analyzed, and the result of the analysis should be used to optimize the functioning of the logistics process.

There are three types of systems for promoting goods through distribution channels, which are distributed according to the degree of orientation to market needs.

In pull systems, goods are shipped as they arrive and based on current orders from wholesalers and retailers in the distribution system.

In push systems, goods are issued by suppliers to wholesale and retail divisions according to a rigid and pre-agreed schedule, based on previously issued long-term orders of wholesale and retail sales structures that have been adjusted by suppliers.

The task of marketing in these systems is aimed at the preliminary and therefore advancing demand stock picking in wholesale and retail marketing links.

In "just in time" systems, the order is shipped according to a pre-agreed list, according to a pre-approved schedule and in certain quantities.

The sales task in these systems is aimed at retail, without additional (insurance) stocks. Bakeries are the most obvious example.

There is another type of system - combined. When combined, the bulk of the supply occurs through the use of electronic data exchange in real time.

This exchange assumes the existence of a computer connection between manufacturers, intermediaries, sellers and service enterprises (banks, freight forwarders, insurance companies).

Participants of the electronic exchange place and confirm their orders, as well as pay for deliveries and order vehicles, and exchange information about customers. To act quickly and in a coordinated manner allows the exchange of information.

Information is also used to reduce costs and improve customer service.

The quality of service and its price characterizes the efficiency of commodity distribution systems.

6. Warehouse documentation

Registration, accounting and movement of goods must be carried out in accordance with regulatory enactments.

The receipt, movement and issuance of inventory items is accompanied by the execution of primary documents that contain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Primary documents are drawn up on the basis of the requirements of the "Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation".

In some cases, additional details are included in the primary documents.

Responsibility for the urgent and accurate execution, their provision within the agreed time frame for the preparation of accounting, for the veracity of the data specified in the document, is borne by the persons who formed and signed these documents.

Primary documents accompanying the operation of receiving, storing and dispensing goods at trade enterprises after the end of the audit are stored for three years on the basis of a regulatory list.

If there are disputes or disagreements and initiation of legal cases, the documents are kept until the final court decision is made.

The movement of an order from the supplier to the consumer is accompanied by shipping documents, which are drawn up in accordance with the rules for the movement of goods, waybills - commodity-transport, railway, invoice.

The invoice is issued by a financially responsible person when registering the release of goods from a warehouse, when goods are accepted in a trading organization and acts as an incoming order, or an outgoing document.

For the invoice, it is mandatory to indicate the number and date of issue, also indicate information about the name of the supplier and buyer, the name and short description product, its quantity and the total amount of output of the product. The waybill must be signed by the financially responsible person who delivers or receives the goods, and is certified by the round seal of the organization.

The number of copies of the invoice is related to the type of organization, the place of transfer of the goods and the conditions for receiving the goods.

Acceptance (posting) of incoming goods is formalized by imposing stamps on the document accompanying it: waybill, invoice and other documents.

Provided that the goods are received by the financially responsible person not in the warehouse of the buyer, the right document acts as a power of attorney, which is a confirmation of the right to receive goods by this financially responsible person.

The certificate of conformity for the purchased goods is required when purchasing or accepting the goods, so it is necessary to monitor its availability.

The log of receipt of goods is kept in any form and serves to record primary documents for the receipt of goods by financially responsible persons, contains the name of the receipt document, its date and number, a brief description of the document, the date of registration of the document and information about the goods received.

The basis for settlements with suppliers is the executed documents for the acceptance of goods, and their data cannot be revised after the goods have been accepted by the organization (with the exception of natural wastage and damage during transportation).

Incoming goods are put on receipt on the day the acceptance is completed according to the actual quantity and amount.

To formalize the right to act as an authorized representative of the organization upon receipt of material assets released by the supplier according to an order, invoice, contract, order, agreement, a power of attorney is used. The power of attorney is issued in one copy by the accounting department of the organization and issued against receipt to the recipient.

Form M-2a is used by enterprises where the receipt of material assets by proxy is widespread. In a pre-numbered and laced register for the issuance of powers of attorney, the issued powers of attorney are recorded. Powers of attorney are not issued to persons who do not work in the organization. The power of attorney is completely filled out and must have a sample signature of the person in whose name it is issued. The power of attorney is usually valid for 15 days. It is possible to issue a power of attorney for receiving inventory items in the order of planned payments for a month.

An incoming receipt (Form M-4) is issued to account for materials received from suppliers for processing. On the day the valuables arrive at the warehouse, a single copy of the receipt order is drawn up by a financially responsible person.

It reflects the actual amount of accepted material values. The column "passport number" is filled in subject to the acceptance of material assets containing precious metals and stones.

For the movement of material in the warehouse for each specific grade, type and size, a material accounting card (form M-17) is used, filled in for each material number and maintained by a financially responsible person. Entries in the card are kept on the day of the operation, on the basis of primary receipts and expenditures.

If there is a limit, a limit-fence card (form M-8) is used for the issue and registration of materials periodically used in the manufacture of products, and for monitoring compliance with the accepted limits for the issue of materials for production needs.

It plays the role of a supporting document when writing off material assets from a warehouse.

The limit-fence card is issued in two copies for one type of goods (nomenclature number). The first copy is given to the structural unit (consumer of materials) before the beginning of the month, the second copy is issued for the warehouse.

Upon presentation by a representative of the structural unit of his copy of the limit-fence card, materials are released from the warehouse to production.

The storekeeper must note in both documents the date and quantity of the released materials, after which the balance of the limit is calculated by the stock item number of the material. The limit-fence card is endorsed by the storekeeper, and an employee of the structural unit signs in the copy that remains in the warehouse.

To reduce the number of primary documents, where appropriate, it is recommended that materials be issued directly on the materials accounting cards (M-17). With this form, expenditure documents for the release of materials are not issued, and the operation itself takes place on the basis of limit cards, which are issued in one copy and do not have the value of accounting documents.

Vacation limit can be specified in the card itself. Upon receipt of an order, an employee of a structural unit signs on the material accounting card, and the storekeeper signs on the limit-fence card.

The limit-fence card is used to account for materials that were not used in production. In this case, additional documents are not required.

The issuance of material in excess of the norm and the replacement of one type of material with another is possible with the permission of the management or persons authorized to do so.

The person who set it can change the limit.

Release of material assets is made from those warehouses that are indicated in the limit-fence card.

The storekeeper sets the date and quantity of issued materials, after which the limit is summed up for each item number of materials.

After using the limit, the warehouse delivers limit-fence cards to the accounting department.

With the help of computer technology, you can get a form of a limit-fence card with details.

To account for the movement of material assets within the organization between structural divisions or financially responsible persons, the requirement-invoice (Form M-11) is applied.

The financially responsible person of the structural unit, handing over material assets, draws up an invoice in two copies. One copy is the basis for the donating warehouse to write off the valuables, and the second is necessary for the receiving warehouse to put the received valuables into the receipt.

The same waybills accompany the processes of depositing production residues, unused materials, if they were received on demand, as well as the delivery of waste and rejects to the warehouse or pantry. This type of waybills is endorsed by financially responsible persons, the deliverer and the recipient.

Then the invoices are handed over to the accounting department to record the movement of materials.

To account for the release of material assets to the structures of its organization located outside its territory, or to third parties, an invoice for the release of materials to the party (form M-15) is used.

An employee of a structural unit issues an invoice in two copies on the basis of contracts, orders and other documents upon presentation by the recipient of a power of attorney filled out in the prescribed manner to receive material assets.

The first copy is given to the warehouse as a basis for the release of materials, the second is with the recipient of the materials.

The return of goods to the supplier in the event of a defect or defect during the sale of the goods or if the goods do not meet the standard requirements and the agreed sample in terms of quality, if the goods are incomplete, is carried out by issuing an invoice for the release of goods to the side (form M-15). The conditions for returning goods to the supplier are different and are specifically stipulated in the supply contract.

Accounting and registration of the released goods to the side depends on the method of payment for the purchased goods between the buyer and the seller. The parties at the conclusion of the contract may choose any form of payment.

Usually, a set of shipping documents contains: an invoice or an invoice indicating the distribution of goods by packages, a shipping specification for all packages, a set of packing lists, a certificate of conformity or a certificate of quality, a bill of lading, an insurance policy.

When goods are delivered by road, a waybill is issued, which consists of two departments, commodity and transport. The consignment note may be accompanied by other documents accompanying the goods, depending on the characteristics of the goods.

When used for shipping railway transport the railway bill of lading acts as an accompanying document.

Packing lists are attached to it, which is noted on the invoice.

7. Packaging in warehousing logistics

A container is a type of packaging that is used to place products in it and serves to prevent damage and deterioration during transportation, work related to loading and unloading, warehousing and storage. Containers include boxes, barrels, containers.

The container is divided:

1) by materials: made of wood, metal, glass or combined;

2) by dimensions: large and small;

3) by the time of use: for one-time, returnable and negotiable;

4) by strength: hard, soft and semi-hard;

5) according to the device: for non-separable, folding, collapsible and collapsible-folding;

6) according to characteristic properties: for keeping the set temperature at a certain time, keeping the set pressure, and for leaking;

7) if possible access: open and closed;

8) by constructive purpose for transport and consumer.

The transport container is used for transportation, it is removed before retail sale. Consumer packaging comes along with the goods to the consumer. For example, a box or container belongs to a shipping container, a TV box, a cup for yogurt, etc., to a consumer container. for trade in kvass). According to the terms of use and accessories, containers are classified as production, inventory and storage.

Industrial packaging is needed for intra-factory or inter-factory technological activities (for example, containers used for products during their transportation).

Inventory packaging is the property of the enterprise, it is subject to mandatory return to the owner (for example, baskets in self-service stores).

Warehouse packaging is used for stacking, storing, picking and placing goods in a warehouse (trays, boxes, etc.)

8. Packing in warehousing logistics

Goods must be sent in packaging that must correspond to the nature of the goods.

In order not to lose damaged containers, warehouses organize repairs of incoming containers.

Packaging serves to protect the goods from damage and corrosion during transportation by various types of transport, taking into account several transshipments along the way, as well as the shelf life, in particular its duration.

Packaging can be a means or act as a set of means that should provide protection and protect against losses during transportation, storage, stacking, transshipment and other operations.

Packaging is often a carrier of information about the product - its name is the manufacturer; as a rule, recently a barcode has been applied to the packaging, sometimes the packaging contains information on the operation, manipulation signs and transport markings are indicated on it.

Packaging plays an important role in marketing, a well-developed packaging design contributes to the sale of goods.

It is important to note the logistical functions of packaging, as they, as a rule, determine the effectiveness of handling, transport, storage and other activities.

The logistics functions of packaging include: protective, storage, transport, manipulation, information and disposal.

The main function of packaging is to protect products, it must ensure the safety of the product throughout the entire path of promotion.

Destruction or damage to the goods may result in losses at a cost not comparable to the cost of packaging.

Warehouse, transport and manipulation functions determine the suitability of the packaged goods for mechanization and automation of processes.

Therefore, the packaging must have a standard size, which facilitates further warehousing and the formation of packages.

The correctness of the information located on the packaging facilitates, and sometimes contributes to the correct storage, manipulation and management of the promotion of goods.

The recycling functions of packaging are also related to logistics processes, because the recycling and disposal of used packaging also belongs to the logistics departments.

They allow us to talk about a systematic approach to taking into account all aspects of logistics processes, including packaging, the listed logistics functions.

This means that packaging cannot be considered only from one side, for example from a marketing point of view. It must meet a whole range of requirements.

The development of packaging and the improvement of its logistics functions contribute to reducing logistics costs, increasing the continuity and reliability of logistics processes.

The cost of packaging, which is not formally related to the product, should be attributed to logistics costs.

Packaging can have a different design and be made of different materials, with different periods of use.

9. The main stages of creating a warehousing system

The warehousing system ensures optimal distribution and management of goods in the warehouse.

It is necessary to take into account all the relationships and interdependencies between the commodity flows entering and leaving the warehouse, as well as the internal warehouse flows of the object when developing the warehousing system.

Be sure to take into account the parameters of the warehouse, the characteristics of the cargo, etc.

The development of a warehouse system is based on the choice of a rational system from all practically possible systems to solve the problem posed by quantitative and qualitative assessment.

In the course of this choice, interconnected elements are identified that are assembled into separate main subsystems: type of storage, equipment used to service the warehouse, picking scheme, organization of cargo movement, information processing, a stored commodity item and the warehouse building itself, considered taking into account design features. .

The multivariance of the system increases the combination in various combinations of elements that make up the main subsystems.

This means that the choice of competitive options is carried out taking into account a certain sequence in the technical and economic assessment of each of them.

The choice of system is carried out by warehousing in the following order:

1) the actual place of the warehouse in the logistics chain and its functions are determined;

2) the overall direction of the technical condition of the warehouse system is determined;

3) the purpose is determined, on the basis of which the storage scheme is developed;

4) aspects of a particular warehouse system are selected;

5) an assessment of each competitive option is carried out from a technical and economic position;

6) a preliminary selection of competitive options is made from all actually possible ones;

7) a feasibility study of each competitive option is carried out;

8) the choice of the most optimal variant is carried out.

With the help of schemes and diagrams developed on a computer, the selection of elements of warehouse subsystems is carried out.

The next step in planning a storage system is to determine the goal to which this planning is directed, namely: the construction of a new warehouse building; expansion or restructuring of an existing warehouse; equipping with additional equipment or importing new ones; optimization of actual solutions in working warehouses.

Different approaches to the development of planning systems give rise to fundamental differences.

In the first two cases, the storage system depends on the choice of criteria for the storage facility and the identification of its design features, with the help of which optimal technological processes are carried out. In such cases, the starting point when creating a warehousing system is the subsystem "stored cargo unit", and the final subsystem will be the "building", because it is the identification of warehouse criteria that will be the result of the entire development.

When developing a system for existing warehouses, they are guided by existing buildings and their parameters. In this regard, the "building" subsystem becomes decisive for the rest of the subsystems.

10. Methods of accounting and control of stocks of products in the warehouse

If the company always has the necessary quantity for the sale of the desired product, inventory management is carried out successfully. With successful management of goods in the warehouse, no less and no more, namely as much as needed.

It is natural to want to buy goods for future use in anticipation of increased sales, and if working capital not limited.

When picking a warehouse, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a price reduction, since an excess stock of goods leads to a loss of additional profit when prices decrease.

Therefore, the goods must be purchased as close as possible to the implementation date.

Physical and moral aging and damage during storage entail losses.

Instant obsolescence of goods is caused by design changes, the choice by the consumer of a different type of product, the vagaries of fashion. But a low level of stocks is not very desirable. An enterprise cannot purchase goods at the time of receiving an order from a consumer, as delays associated with placing orders, transportation, and warehouse processing of goods are inevitable. Maintaining stocks at a certain level in accordance with the sales forecast contributes to the stability and rhythm of implementation.

In order to fulfill orders without delay, the company must always have a sufficient amount of goods. However, you should not invest a lot of money to create excess stocks, since this money will not bring profit, and the goods will be useless in the warehouse.

The optimal inventory level is relative and is somewhere between too high and too low. Inventories are not considered as a whole, it is necessary to control each item of goods.

The organizational structure of the distribution network, demand, management strategy, inventory formation and control are the main aspects of inventory management in order to accelerate turnover.

Under the condition of a systematic organization of distribution and marketing, highly efficient trade is now possible. To speed up customer service and reduce storage costs allows inventory management based on scientific methods, computerization of accounting, statistics, analysis, forecasting and processing of all documentation.

Inventory management is usually carried out under various restrictions. There are restrictions on the timing of the submission of orders and their execution, on the economic volume of parties and on the level of the stocks themselves.

Uninterrupted trade at the lowest cost and maximum satisfaction of demand is the task of the management strategy.

Non-stop trading is a type of trading in which consumer orders are fulfilled exactly on time, this type of trading is carried out with the obligatory timely replenishment of stocks.

The lowest costs are possible while respecting the budget, by placing orders according to the most optimal system.

Achieving the specified percentage of satisfaction of orders on the list is the maximum satisfaction of demand. Due to the impossibility of storing the entire list of goods even in the warehouse system, no supplier hopes for full satisfaction of demand.

When choosing a system of work, the main role is played by the costs of the control system.

11. Warehouse planning

Warehouses differ in the type of storage facilities, namely in their design: they can be in the form of open areas, semi-enclosed areas (using a canopy) or be completely enclosed.

Closed storage facilities - this is an autonomous building with storage facilities; This type of storage facility is the most common.

The warehouse building can be multi-storey or single-storey. One-story, depending on the height, there are ordinary, high-rise and mixed.

One of the main tasks in the development of the system is to maximize the use of the entire area of ​​the warehouse and its full volume.

During the construction of the building, the features of the warehouse are taken into account, which directly affect its capacity. In modern warehousing, preference is given to single-storey warehouses, and taking into account the rise in the cost of land and the novelties that have appeared in the field of designing warehouses, warehouses with a high-rise storage area.

The total cost of a high-rise warehouse is several times less than the cost of a warehouse with the same volume, but lower height. At the same time, a large area of ​​the warehouse makes it easier and more rational to place warehouse equipment and use technical means.

This means that there are opportunities to increase the level of mechanization.

To create optimal working conditions for the latest high-performance, as well as lifting and transport machines and mechanisms, it is necessary that the warehouse space be unified, without partitions and with a minimum number of columns.

If the height of the storage of goods approaches the height of the warehouse, then the entire volume of the premises is used most efficiently.

For loading and unloading operations outside, along warehouses, and near large warehouses and inside, platforms are being built, to which trucks drive up or wagons have access.

When designing new or rebuilding old operating warehouses, it is imperative to allocate premises or separate zones intended for the implementation of the main operations of the warehouse technological process.

General purpose warehouses need premises: main purpose, technical, administrative, household and auxiliary.

In the premises of the main purpose, zones are allocated: unloading, acceptance of goods, grouping orders for shipment to the customer, packaging and loading.

These zones, as a rule, are interconnected by passages or driveways.

The storage zone occupies the main territory of the warehouse, adjacent to it are the picking (grouping) and packaging zones for goods.

The picking area is associated with the shipping area, and the unloading area is associated with the receiving area.

In large warehouses, the unloading area is usually separated from the shipping area.

In small and medium-sized warehouses, these zones are often combined if the two processes can be separated in time.

12. Trade and technological processes in the warehouse

The organization of trade and technological processes in a warehouse is one of the most important components of logistics, because it affects the continuity of the performance of basic warehouse functions.

In the organization of these processes, two main areas can be distinguished: organizational structure warehouses and organizational measures as a link in the regulatory management of the promotion of physical and information flows.

In the organization of warehouse processes, in addition to structures, certain organizational processes have a significant place. Typical trade and technological processes associated with the work of a warehouse can be called: processes related to the technical conditions of the warehouse and its equipment, fire protection, protection against theft. The distribution function of the warehouse is characterized by its own processes, namely: the processes associated with the receipt and issuance of goods, the placement of stocks inside the warehouse. For the information function, processes related to inventory control and other information activities.

An efficient warehousing system determines the rationality of warehouse processes.

Each of these processes must be known to the warehouse staff, and their implementation is an important part of the correct flow of the warehouse process.

13. Product quality check

Products received at the warehouse in good packaging are accepted for quality and completeness.

Checking the quality and completeness of products received in containers is carried out after opening the container, but not later than the established regulatory deadlines, unless other deadlines are provided for in the contract due to the characteristic features of the delivered goods.

Machinery and equipment that arrived in containers and have warranty periods of service are checked for quality and completeness after opening the container, but no later than the established warranty periods.

At the supplier's warehouse, quality acceptance of products is carried out in cases where it is provided for in the contract.

If, in preparation for the sale, trade organizations discovered production deficiencies that were not identified during the quality check upon acceptance of the goods, they have the right to draw up an act on hidden shortcomings and present it to the supplier within a certain period of time.

Hidden shortcomings are those shortcomings that cannot be detected during the usual inspection for a certain type of product: they are revealed only during processing, preparation for installation, directly during installation or use and storage.

Quality control of products is carried out in strict accordance with the standards and in strict observance of the developed rules.

If a quality discrepancy is found with the requirements of the standards, the contract or the data indicated in the labeling and accompanying documents confirming the quality of the products, the recipient stops the acceptance of the products in order to draw up an act that specifies the number of inspected products and indicates the defects identified during acceptance.

The recipient must ensure the safety of the rejected products under conditions that do not contribute to further deterioration in quality and mixing with other homogeneous products.

If it is provided for by the special conditions of the supply contract, the recipient calls for participation in the continuation of acceptance and drawing up a bilateral act of the representative of the sender.

14. Choosing the location of storage systems

Large warehouses are best located close to highways, while taking into account that they cannot be built near schools, kindergartens, hospitals and residential areas.

Access roads and entrance to the warehouse should provide the possibility of unhindered passage of heavy vehicles.

Transport must move without endangering or interfering with the main traffic, in accordance with the rules of the road.

Since it is usually forbidden to park heavy vehicles along the roadsides, in front of the warehouse awaiting shipment or loading, a parking lot is equipped on the territory of large warehouses, which ensures the placement and maneuvering of road trains.

On the territory of the warehouse or in its immediate vicinity, there should be specially equipped rest areas for drivers awaiting shipment or loading.

It is advisable to place large warehouses in ground structures that are specially equipped, taking into account the mandatory presence of a ramp, the height of which corresponds to the lower level of the vehicle's cargo compartment.

When choosing a warehouse location from among the competitive options, the most profitable is the one that involves the minimum total costs for the construction and further operation of the warehouse, including transportation costs for sending and delivering cargo.

The territorial location of warehouses and their number is determined by the scale of material flows and their rational organization.

It is also necessary to take into account the demand in the sales market, the size of the sales territory and the presence of a sufficient number of consumers on it, the location of suppliers and buyers, the features of communication links, etc.

Allows you to take an appropriate stable position in the market and the ability of logistics systems to adapt in dynamic conditions, which is important aspect when organizing the work of economic structures.