How to register my achievements. Work achievements - personal and professional

Good afternoon, dear friend!

Today we'll figure out how to reflectprofessional achievements in the resume what to writeand where to place on the main work sites.

Professional achievements are your calling card. The paradox is that there is no special section for achievements either on HydHunter or Super Job. They recommend writing in the "experience" section along with responsibilities, but there are nuances here as well. Everything in order.

In relation to our task, these are the results of your professional activity,

  1. That you are proud of
  2. That are meaningful and of value to the company or department / unit where you worked

It can be a) Completed projects, b) Improving performance, v) Achieved goals in work G) Promotion

If you missed something - add it yourself, I think the meaning is clear.

In what terms should achievements be formulated?


Avoid vague phrases: “provided constant growth”,“ Improved the performance of the department ”. Such formulations are not taken seriously. Moreover, they show that you are not quite at odds with the understanding of performance.

The rules are as follows:

  • Use the language of business

The language of business is cost, profit, interest, expressed in numbers. The language of numbers shows the concreteness and business focus of your thinking. Numbers act magically on people in business.

  • Write in the language of the results

a) concreteness - the result must be understandable for perception

b) measurability- the result is measured quantitatively


A project was implemented to recruit drivers for the delivery of goods in the amount of 1000 people within three months.

As a result, the growth of the company's revenue in 2015 - 25%;

If digital data is a trade secret, use percentages: for example, 30% or “2 times”.

  • Writing style

It is better to write “implemented” than “implementation”. Realization is not a result but a process. The finished form is preferred.

If you are a leader, use the language of the leader. Organized, Justified, Initiated.

  • Balance

Effective work develops as a balance of results, team development and rational use resources.

Where to write about achievements on work sites

There is no separate section for achievements on work sites. On HidHunter, achievements should be written in the "work experience" section

The field is called responsibilities, functions, achievements:

As you can see, achievements are for some reason in the last place.

Now important point: achievements should be written at the very top , that is, the section should start with achievements. Causes:

  1. Achievements are more important than functions and even more important responsibilities
  2. When scrolling through candidates' resumes, a recruiter sees an announcement of your resume. Only the first few lines of the "work experience" section are visible in the announcement. It is important that the first number reflects your most impressive achievement in relation to that particular job.

The superjob is almost the same as the HydHunter.

Experience section and subsection “responsibilities and achievements”.

We also write - first achievements , then functions or responsibilities.

On other sites, you can follow the same logic.


Sequence of steps

  1. We compile a long list of our professional achievements
  2. We choose the most significant and relevant to the vacancy we are applying for.
  3. We formulate as much as possible specifically, we use numbers and verbs in their complete form.
  4. Enter in the field "work experience" on the work site at the top of the field.
  5. Writing a cover letter

How to write a letter correctly, see ... We include in the letter the most important achievements related to the vacancy.

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Welcome to the blog site. Professional achievement for a resume is particularly important. Thanks to these characteristics, a potential employer will be able to assess the performance of your work, and decide whether you are suitable for work in his enterprise.

A completely different question - how to describe an example of your achievements on a resume in such a way as not to get rejected? Examples of real-world characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What are "professional achievements" and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits, which you have achieved, and which you have received throughout the entire period of work in a particular field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, therefore, each applicant applying for a specific position must be able to indicate only that information about himself as a specialist that will be useful. Only the correctly presented data on personal achievements in the resume will interest the employee of the personnel department and the management of the company.

Why write about professional achievements?

Why include examples of personal achievements on your resume? There are several important reasons for this.

  1. The characteristics of yourself as a professional described by you will help the head of the firm understand how much you have succeeded in your profession. You not only work hard and do yours brilliantly. job duties- you lead the company to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Every boss will want to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. Showing your accomplishments on your resume significantly boosts your self-esteem. potential employer... Every boss wants his firm to make a profit with minimal costs, so that old clients stay and new ones keep coming. One person physically cannot cope with everything on his own, especially if he leads a large company... Therefore, he needs a real pro, and this is you!
  3. An example of personal achievements in a resume characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible employee. Simple instructions from your personality traits, as, for example, "purposeful", "obligatory", "responsible" - this is just a collection of empty words that, in fact, do not prove anything. But if you give a concrete example of your successes and achievements in your resume, your candidacy will certainly interest the administration of the company.
  4. If you include examples of your professional achievements in your resume, the manager will be able to understand how positive the dynamics of your career growth is. It is by this criterion that the boss will evaluate your hard work, professionalism, and readiness for further self-development. This will be a good chance for you not only to get the desired position with a high salary, but also to be able to expect to be promoted over time.

As you can see, giving a sample of achievements in work for a resume, you can draw attention to your candidacy, and significantly "overtake" other applicants for the desired position.

Basic description rules

An example of achievements in work in the resume must be able to correctly present. To do this, follow 3 basic rules.

  1. Let's be more specific. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of your work. When giving examples, please indicate your most significant professional achievements. Do it as follows: "increased the percentage of sales by ...%", "accelerated the execution time of the task by ... minutes / hours / days", "trained ... employees", etc. And it does not matter in what units you measure your achievements - the main thing is give clear numbers. If this is problematic, try to clearly but concisely outline the essence of the work done.
  2. Tie your main professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in the resume, potential employees indicate 2 - 3 companies where they worked before, and give a short list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you are fit for the position you are trying to apply for. If you have previously worked as an economist, look for a job by this criterion. Do not pretend to be a chief accountant with skills and experience in the field in which you worked previously. A sample of your achievements as an economist in your resume for the position of chief accountant will be more than inappropriate. Most likely, you will immediately receive a rejection from the head of the company.

Question. So what examples of accomplishments can you include on your resume? It all depends on what kind of place you are applying for. If this is a managerial position, take care to describe your characteristics from the manager's point of view. If we are talking about an ordinary ordinary employee, stick to this line, without deviating from it anywhere.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What achievements should you write on your resume? Examples for different professions are given below.


An accountant is a very responsible and difficult position that requires accuracy, responsibility, and pragmatism. Consequently, the professional characteristics of this specialist must be at the highest level.

Examples of professional accomplishments on a resume for an accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and the subsequent reduction in the staff of economists;
  • successful completion of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • complete software update of the company;
  • creation of 3 - 5 publications for accounting magazines or newspapers;
  • there is a certificate or diploma confirming the qualifications " Chief Accountant"Etc.

Another good example of what achievements can be indicated on an accountant's resume is the number of successfully completed external audits. If you have such experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements in the teacher's resume? An example is described below:

  • Availability certificate of honor for labor merits in teaching;
  • successful delivery of 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organization and management of various training circles.

Also good example achievements at work is the holding of conferences or webinars for the exchange of teaching experience.


Of course, professional achievements here will directly depend on the medical field in which a person works and the degree of his qualifications. For each area of ​​medicine there are some of its own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the characteristics if you want to get a new job.

So, let's consider the achievements that can be indicated in the resume, using the example of an ENT doctor:

  • performed 50 successful operations on ENT organs;
  • wrote and published 200 articles for magazines and newspapers "Health";
  • created and protected scientific work"Innovative methods of scleroma treatment", for which he received an associate professor of medical sciences;
  • within 5 recent years trained 45 medical interns;
  • conducted 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • took part in 15 conferences, 3 of which are international.

Note. It is very good if you indicate in your resume the invention of a new medical apparatus, device, or device. Moreover, it should not only be developed by you, but also patented. You, in turn, must have a confirmation of the licensing of your development. However, it is necessary to indicate this in the resume only if such an achievement really takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for the position of a sales manager, then indicate your achievements on your resume as follows:

  • increased sales by 30%;
  • attracted 50 new partners / clients over the past six months;
  • trained 15 new employees in a year;
  • over the past 3 years, it has organized 35 promotions and discount programs, thanks to which it attracted 200 new regular customers.

There are innumerable examples. But one thing you must clearly remember: only the truth, and no distortion of facts! Remember that the head of the company can at any moment demand proof that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you embellish information about yourself a little, your deception will be quickly revealed.


Leaders can be roughly divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. The first category includes administrators, supervisors, the same managers, etc. The second group includes directors, general directors, company presidents, etc.

Consider examples of professional achievements in a resume for a manager, taking as a basis the position of the director of the logistics department:

  • over the past 2 years has developed 5 schemes of new routes for fast delivery cargo from ... to ...;
  • automated the inventory system, at the expense of achieving a faster implementation of this process (earlier it took 5 hours, now it takes 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated software, thanks to which it was possible to increase the selection speed from… to… rows per hour.

So, we gave real examples of professional achievements from the resume of applicants. Of course, you shouldn't copy everything in your profile. The previously described samples will only help you navigate how to correctly fill in the column with professional achievements in your " business card". The rest is in your hands, so don't miss the opportunity to get your dream job by writing your resume correctly and competently!

Posted On 03.12.2017

Professional resume Professional resume skills Professional resume resume

Professional achievement is a very important part of a resume. Unfortunately, a very large number of job seekers are faced with the problem of describing achievements when writing their resume. Indeed, the task is not an easy one, since it is sometimes very difficult to single out from extensive work experience, it is important and significant achievements that may be of interest to a future employer. If you are experiencing difficulties in describing exactly your professional achievements and results in your resume, our specialists are ready to help you! For about 10 years, they have been helping clients from different cities in drawing up a competent resume.

We have prepared for you a few simple and useful tips that will help you correctly describe professional achievements on your resume.

1. Achievements in the resume must be indicated, even if you worked as a secretary or courier.

How to describe your achievements on your resume

Firstly, by indicating the achievements, you can thereby show the employer that you can sum up a kind of result of your work at a particular workplace and highlight the main thing in your experience. Secondly, it is always very indicative for the employer, because a productive and proactive employee will be of interest to any employer.

2. It is better to indicate professional achievements in the resume specific facts and figures.

3. It is enough to indicate a few key, really important and significant achievements. This will be enough, do not overload this important section. huge amount unnecessary and unnecessary information. Highlight only the most important.

4. When listing the main achievements, underline which the benefit or benefit has been received for the company... For example, indicate achievements, then, for example, use the phrase: "which allowed the company to reduce the company's procurement costs by 30%" (as one of the options).

5. Describe achievements correctly.
Some job seekers compose their resume as a description of the responsibilities from the job description. Even if to describe professional experience in your resume you use job description, carefully check all the wording.

Achievements are sometimes described in the first person: “introduced, proposed, adjusted, brought out”. In fact, these wording contradicts a little. general concept the resume itself, when writing a resume, it is best to avoid them.

Of course, a more correct and successful option would be: "The strategy was implemented (implemented) ...., Which allowed, etc."

Examples of professional achievements in the resume

If you have worked in the field of marketing and advertising, you can give the following variant of professional achievements:
- Development and implementation of a customer service quality control procedure.
- Development of unique projects aimed at maintaining customer loyalty.
- Organization and formation of event events (development of a concept, format, selection of a site, writing regulations and a script, developing a focused scheme for attracting customers, writing scripts, briefs).
- Organization of large-scale marketing and sponsorship projects, advertising campaigns.

If you have worked in the field of sales (sales manager), professional achievements can be as follows:
- Increase in turnover on key clients more than 2 times (there was so much, there is so much)
- The maximum turnover in the dealer department is up to $ 10,000,000 (there was so much, for such and such a period such figures were achieved)
- The best sales figures among the employees of the department.

If your task was regional development, you can give an example:

Development of the region from "0". Since January 2002, due to good growth in sales and overfulfillment of the plan, the Central Region has been made independent.
- Building an effective and professional team sales representatives In different cities.
- Building trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with the management of the branches of national distributors.

If your work was related to procurement and brand development, an example of an option could be:

Translation of all Russian suppliers to work with a deferred payment.
- Development of two new product lines and bringing them to the TOP of sales.
- Building a full cycle of work with claims and returns of goods with manufacturers from ... ..
- Increase in profits due to the introduction and development of a new product range against the background of a general drop in demand in the market for the entrusted product line.

For an administrative position, you can give the following example of professional achievements:

Effective organization of the workflow of the department (sales, administrative department, marketing department).

Creation of an archive of documents from scratch.
- Search and selection of suppliers stationery on terms of delivery favorable for the company.

To summarize, it is safe to say that professional achievement in a resume is an important part of the resume itself, which, in no case, should be neglected if you are writing a resume yourself and hope to make a good impression on the employer. Highlight from your work experience really your merits and achievements, participation in projects, the implementation of some goals and objectives. Remember that in any position and profession, you can highlight some kind of merit and achievement. Do not hesitate to talk about yourself and "praise" yourself a little, make your resume interesting for the employer and an invitation for an interview will not be long in coming!

Constantly engaged in resume writing, I always recommend to everyone to write achievements in the resume. This makes the resume stronger and more effective, the applicant looks more solid and you want to talk to him.

What Achievements Will Give You on Your Resume

  • Achievements will show you as a successful and productive person. You don't just work and fulfill your responsibilities, you lead the company to prosperity. You do it! Not your boss, but you!
  • Professional achievement on a resume plays out the pride of employers. They also want you to raise their profits, reduce costs, speed up any processes, simplify, secure, invent, etc. Owners want these achievements and therefore they need you.
  • Your successes show your responsibility and commitment. I do not like it when people on their resume in the list of their personal qualities indicate responsibility, dedication, commitment ... Such a listing does not say anything and does not prove, but your achievements prove. These are indisputable facts that confirm that you are achieving your goals.
  • Your accomplishments on your resume hint that you are pursuing a career and growing. They emphasize that you value and love your job, want to succeed in it, grow, achieve more. This, in turn, is a subtle hint of a high salary and a serious position.

Of course, there are other advantages of indicating achievements in the resume, but I see no point in listing them.

How to write achievements on your resume

Now let's figure out how indicate your progress. I recommend sticking to three rules.

Professional achievements in the resume


Personal achievements in the resume need to be formulated specifically - increased by 17%, accelerated by 6 seconds, trained 3 managers, wrote 74 articles, passed 4 audits, drew 23 promotional poster etc. It doesn't matter what units you measure, the main thing is that your result is expressed in numbers.

If the result is difficult to measure, write without numbers and try to describe the essence.

2. Linking achievements to the place of work

Usually the employer is interested in the last 2-3 jobs, so it is better to describe your successes just for them. Each place has its own list of goals achieved.

3. Compliance with the desired position

Very often in consulting, I come across the fact that people indicate achievements that are not suitable for future work. Many people confuse the level of the manager and the subordinate. For example, they are looking for a job as a chief accountant, and success is written at the level of a junior economist. Or a person wants to get a job as a programmer, but before that he worked in his business and describes his achievements at the highest management level.

So what achievements should you include on your resume? If you are looking for a managerial job, make sure that the level of success is managerial. If you are looking for a line technician job, meet this level.

It doesn't matter who you worked "before", it does matter who you want to become now. Make your resume for future work, and do not describe what is now.

Examples of achievements in the resume

I want you to see not just examples of achievements in your resume, but also standard mistakes, so I made a sign in the style of "right - wrong".

Blurry Specifically
Trained new sales staff (this phrase is not an achievement, but a duty) Trained three new sales staff
Implemented a number of changes that simplified the workflow (what changes? how did they simplify?) Simplified the workflow: each driver-forwarder received a scanner for automatic accounting of waybills in the system, together with the programmers I came up with a system automatic creation transport documents - now the logistician simply ticks the box and everything is done by itself).
Built a department from scratch I built a department from scratch (hired and trained 7 people, prescribed instructions and regulations, developed a system of motivation and salaries).

Think about how to describe your accomplishments on your resume in a way that tastes good - look for good wording. It depends on whether they want to invite you for an interview.

Here are some more examples of successes and achievements from real resumes as a sample:

  • Organized the transition from GAAP standards to IFRS standards.
  • Organized the merger of two CASCO / OSAGO databases into one database of a single format.
  • Migrated from 1C 7.7. at 8.2.
  • Has successfully passed 4 tax audits.
  • I discovered a direct loss - the sale of products at prices below cost.
  • Licensed 18 fuel stations.
  • It took the first place in terms of models of clothing released to the workshop and sold for the year.
  • Increased the base of regular English-speaking clients by 70%.

If the details of your work are trade secrets

If you are not allowed to tell the details of your work, indicators and numbers, then stay on the edge of the possible. Anyway, tell us about your achievements - a little blurry, no titles, but tell us.

If it seems to you that there are no achievements

It seems to you. Everyone has successes and to find them you just need to start looking for them. Perhaps you will not have super achievements and feats, but you will get a modest list. Well, so what!? Everyone's success is different.

I want to make a reservation right away, there are a number of positions where achievements do not matter - a cleaner, a loader, a handyman, a cashier, an employee of a fast food restaurant, a driver, etc. If your job is on the list of unskilled labor, do not write achievements. They will be superfluous there.

Also read

»How to write a resume

»How to list key skills on your resume

»How to specify weaknesses and shortcomings in the resume

If you list in the resume of an accountant the achievements that took place in past jobs, this will significantly increase the professional value of this candidate in the eyes of a personnel officer who selects a resume for a potential employer. We tell you what accounting achievements can be discussed, give examples, and also what to do if there were no achievements.


By general rule professional achievements in the accountant's resume are the results of the work of this specialist in previous positions, which:

  • talk about the successful implementation of professional goals and objectives;
  • reflect the economic benefits received by the enterprise where he worked.

It is important to understand that not so much responsibilities and functions, but achievements in the accountant's resume, together with a description of professional experience, will distinguish your candidacy from competitors for the position in question.

Thus, as examples of professional achievements, the resume for an accountant should include not just the functions that he successfully performed, but:

  • special actions that go beyond the general scope of the work;
  • work results that can be measured (that is, they are convincing).

How to proceed

First of all, the responsibilities and achievements in the accountant's resume must be clearly divided and spelled out in different sections.

In the section "Achievements" you need to describe successes achieved in the accounting field. This must be done as concretely as possible. In this case, it is desirable to use some kind of counting indicators.

It's always easier for the chief accountant. Achievements in the resume while taking such a position are usually not difficult to cite. More difficult - for novice specialists or accountants for lower ranks... How to be in this case?

Finally, you can omit the block with examples of achievements on the accountant's resume. And the responsibilities in this document will then play a decisive role in considering such a resume. However, there is no need to rush in this matter: certificates, diplomas, etc. are also achievements! More on this later.


Let's list the most common examples of an accountant's accomplishments on a resume:

  • successful passing of checks on taxes, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc. with the obligatory (!) indication of their number (you can specify the types of taxes);
  • successful passage of litigation (taxes, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc.);
  • successful completion of an external audit;
  • go to new version accounting software;
  • transition to accounting software that is more profitable and convenient for the enterprise;
  • increasing the efficiency of document flow due to its transfer to electronic form(including for the purpose of exchanging documents);
  • automation of calculations, which made it possible to halve the staff of economists;
  • maintaining several legal entities at the same time, which are in different tax regimes, systems;
  • career growth within the same company;
  • availability of diplomas, diplomas, awards, certificates, etc. related to the accounting profession;
  • availability of publications on accounting topics, interviews.

As an example of achievement in the resume of the chief accountant, one can also cite other people's mistakes, which he had to identify and eliminate.


Revealed the fact of incorrect calculation of the cost of production, due to which the selling price was overstated, which made the product less competitive. The elimination of this error made it possible to re-evaluate the value and successfully resume sales.

Why is describing achievements and performance important?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the job seeker: there are few good vacancies, but there are many times more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help to stand out from the general flow.
  • In most companies, employees are assigned the same tasks. Consequently, for different candidates in the resume, the description of duties is almost the same. The individuality of the resume is given precisely by the different results of work.
  • It is possible to determine the level of competence of a particular candidate at the stage of reviewing a resume only by describing his work. And the achievements here are the best proof.

How to properly reflect achievements:

  1. remember the KPIs (they are individual for each position) or the tasks set;
  2. describe in active verbs: introduced, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and the results: implemented - it allowed;
  4. we use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it is.

Let's take a look at examples for jobs with common KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize work results.

positionKey KPIsExamples of achievements
1 CFO Registration of accountingOrganized accounting, tax, operational and management accounting from scratch.
Setting up a budgeting systemIntroduced a budgeting system by line of business, which made it possible to increase the transparency of accounting.
Optimization of the financial flow management systemIntroduced a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorOptimization of procurement activitiesOrganized procurement activities without attracting additional Money, this was achieved by successful negotiations with suppliers to increase the grace period and improve other conditions.
Automation of business processesShe initiated and managed a project to automate the ordering system, which made it possible to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief Engineer enterprisesModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects for the modernization and reconstruction of the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDesigned and implemented everything regulations on labor protection and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, safety road traffic, which made it possible to reduce the legal and financial risks of the enterprise.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsHe developed the forms of contracts: contract, supply, purchase and sale, etc., which made it possible to minimize labor costs for the preparation of documents.
Experience judicial practice Case No.…. - collection of debts under the supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is desirable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each job.)
5 Secretary-assistantProjects or additional responsibilities Initiated the company's participation in charity events and sponsorship... Implemented the project of the head of office floristic design.
Optimization of workflowShe initiated the creation of an Excel-based workflow database, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales analystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and sales of goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models of sales planning based on the efficiency of the sales staff.