Staging a fairy tale in the second youngest group of koloboks. Summary of GCD "Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale" Kolobok "

Ekinshi kishi toptaғy uyymdastytylғan

oқu kyzmetinin conspektisi .

Outline of organized learning activities

in the 2nd junior group.

Turbieshi / Educator: Khmara M.Yu.

Bilim take salas / Educational area: "Communication", "Cognition".

Mon / Subject: Development of speech, natural science.

Өtpelі taқyryp / Cross-cutting theme: "The magical world of fairy tales"

Taқyryby / Topic: Theatricalization based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Mahyryttary / Objectives: Formation of children's interest in theatrical play, motivation for motor improvisation;skills of correct pronunciation of sounds;application of the simplest techniques of intonation expressiveness to characterize characters; drawing up a short story based on a diagram.Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about wild animals and their habits;about vegetables and fruits.Development of emotionality, coherent speech, imagery of music perception through movements, fine motor skills of the fingers. Fostering friendly relationships, the ability to come to the rescue.

Pedagogicalsқ tekhnologar / Pedagogical technologies: play, health-preserving, information and communication, personality-oriented.

Resurstamen Kamtamasyz etu / Resource support: Screen, bun, bibabo dolls: woman, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, bear cub, fox; basket with vegetables and fruits; a cup; pictures of wolf cubs; scheme for composing a story; microphone, meadow, colored pasta, laces, photo with a kolobok.

Bilingualқ component / Bilingual component: Ayu is a bear, Goyan is a hare.

Yymdastyrylғan yzmettin kezeңderi / Stages of organized activity:

    Uyymdastyrushylyk kezeңi / Organizational moment:

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. A

what kind of fairy tale it will be, you will have to guess:

It was scraped along the bottom of the barrel,

Shallow in the barn,

They baked in the oven

They put it on the window to cool,

And he is from my grandmother,

And he left his grandfather.

That's right, this is Gingerbread Man. Now magic music will sound, and we will find ourselves in

this tale. (Mysterious music sounds. After it ends on the screen

puppet characters appear: grandfather and woman).

2.Негізі бөлімі / Main part:

Baba: How is our Kolobok?

Grandfather: How did it come?

Baba: Oho-ho-ho-ho.

Grandfather: Ehe-he-he-he.

Educator: Hello, grandfather and grandmother! Please tell me are you from

fairy tales "Kolobok"?

Baba: "Gingerbread man", dear, "Gingerbread man". Only we don't have a Kolobok.

Educator: And where is he?

Grandfather: Yes, he rolled into the city, he wanted to visit the children, in the kindergarten! With us -

then he is bored, we are already old. And in kindergarten, they say, it's fun. There are children

singing songs, dancing. And our kolobok also loves to sing songs.

Educator: And we came to you from kindergarten, only Kolobok did not meet.

No matter how he gets into trouble, because the road to the kindergarten goes through the forest, in which

a lot of danger.

Baba: No matter how the cunning fox ate it! Oho-ho-ho-ho!

Grandfather: Oh, our gingerbread man is gone. Ehe-he-he-he!

Educator: Do not grieve, grandfather and grandmother! The guys and I do something

let's think of it! And we'll find Kolobok! Let's not give it to the Fox to eat! Really guys?

Children: Yes.

Baba: Good luck to you!

Grandfather: Good luck!

Educator: We need not to waste time, but immediately go to the forest to

save Kolobok. Become one after another:

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two.

(Walking with high knees on a level surface)

By pebbles, pebbles,

By pebbles, pebbles,

One-two, one-two.

(Walking on uneven ground - ribbed path)

On a flat path

On a flat path.

(Walking on level ground)

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

(To squat)

Here is the forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

(Put your arms above your head)

Educator: Here we are in the clearing! Let's smell together how good

smells in the spring forest. (Breathing exercises).

We turn the head to the left and to the right, inhale on a turn, face straight - exhale.

(4-5 times)

We bend over - inhale, bend over - exhale. (4 - 5 times)

Educator: Guys, since we got into the forest, who can we meet? (list animals) What animals live in the forest? (wild) The forest is so quiet as if there is no one here.

Let's try to say quietly - AU - (children pronounce). Nobody responds.

Let's try to shout loudly - AU- (children scream).

(The bunny appears)

Educator: Bunny, Bunny, have you seen Kolobok?

Bunny: I saw it.

Educator: Tell us where is he?

Bunny: I will help if you tell me what fairy tales I live in.

Children: Kolobok, Teremok, Zayushkina hut, etc.

Educator: Well, tell me, where is the bun?

Bunny: Oh, I’m hungry for something, but do you have a treat for me?

Educator. Certainly. Now the guys will prepare you a delicious vegetable salad.

Game: "Let's make a salad"

Children choose vegetables from a basket, name them and put them in a cup, and leave fruits in the basket.

Bunny: Thank you, I have never tasted such a delicious salad. A bun

rolled down that path over there.

Educator: Thank you too. Well guys, it's time for us to go!

One, two, our legs

One, two, along the path.

We walked along the path

The legs were raised higher.

One two three four.

On our toes we will go-

One two three four,

And we will turn off the path-

One two three four.

We decided to walk on our heels-

One two three four.

We walked, walked, walked

They came to the clearing.

(A wolf appears on the screen)

Wolf: Hello guys, where are you heading?

Educator: Guys, who are we looking for? (Children answer). We are going to look for Kolobok.

Have you met him by chance?

Wolf: And then, how, of course, I met. I wanted to eat him, but he's smart

turned out to be.

Educator. Wolf, tell us, please, where the gingerbread man rolled.

Wolf: And you help me, then I'll tell you!

Educator: With pleasure!

Wolf: I have children, little wolf cubs, all different in character, and who I cannot make out what character, help me figure it out. (shows pictures of wolf cubs)

Children: Cheerful, sad, evil, kind ...

Wolf: Thank you for helping the gray!

Educator. Thank you too, wolf. Guys, let's go further to look for Kolobok.

The children walked, walked, walked,

And we climbed the hill.

And a bear sleeps under the hill,

Hush, children, don't make noise! (Children will perform movements corresponding to the words


(The bear appears)

Bear: I'm not sleeping anymore, I woke up. Spring has come!

Educator: And that's true! Bear. Please tell me, and you are not Kolobok


Bear: How met! I wanted to grab him and eat him, but after hibernation

I forgot how to walk, fell and barely got up!

Educator: Now the guys will show you how club-footed bears walk! look

and repeat!

(The exercise "Bears" by M. Sopotova is carried out.)

And now, Misha, speak quickly, where the Kolobok has rolled!

Bear: I will say, if you help me find my little bear, he ran into the forest to play with his friends and still has not returned, I have a forest radio, you will inform him about the missing bear, maybe he will hear and return home.

(according to the scheme, children compose a descriptive story about a bear cub, a bear cub appears)

Teddy bear: Sorry, dad, I played with the guys, and I forgot that it was time to go home!

Educator: Well, bear, can you tell where the bun went?

Bear: Over there! Thanks for the help! Bon Voyage!

Educator: Thank you too!

We walked through the forest without haste,

Suddenly Fox is meeting us!

(Lisa appears on the screen with Kolobok, Lisa sings.

melody "Ah, you canopy").

Fox: I am a fox, a fox,

I am a red fox.

My tail is my wealth

And the muzzle is beauty.

I am a cute fox

I wish you all the best.

I am a sister to chickens

And a sister to the cockerels.

Yes Yes! Yes Yes!

(Turns to Kolobok).

Fox: Gingerbread man, what a cute, tasty, ruddy you are!

Come with me.

Educator: Oh, guys, Kolobok must be rescued and not let go of Lisa. I AM

came up with! Let's prepare gifts for the fox, what do you think all girls and women love? (outfits, jewelry ...) Come on, we will make beads for her and give them. (colored pasta is strung on laces).

Educator: Look at the fox, what gifts the children have prepared for you, we will give them to you, and you give us the kolobok (they give the beads to the fox).

Fox: Nice beads, but I won't give you the kolobok.

Educator: Guys, let's compliment the fox, maybe it will grow kinder.

Children: What a beautiful, kind, sweet, sunny, bright fox you are ...

Fox: Oh, how nice! Take the kolobok, and I'll go to the forest, take a walk!

3.Қrytyndy / Final part:

Educator: Guys, Kolobok will now go with us to kindergarten, stay

with us, he will see how we sing, dance and play in kindergarten. A

we will send a letter and our joint photo to grandparents so that

they knew that Kolobok was all right. (Children are photographed with Kolobok).

Educator: In order to find yourself in kindergarten again, you need to say

magic words:

I'll stomp, clap, turn around

I will find myself in kindergarten!

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Educational area "Speech development"

1. To expand children's ideas about Russian folk tales.

2. Continue to acquaint with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature (fairy tales).

3. To develop a coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

1. Develop the ability to emotionally perceive music.

2. To form the ability of children to empathize with the characters of works of art.

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

1. To develop the ability of communication and interaction of a child with an adult and peers.

2. To improve children's ability to speak and act on behalf of the accepted role, to establish semantic connections between characters, focusing on gestures, facial expressions, movements of the head, limbs, torso.

Educational area "Cognitive development"

1. To form in children the primary ideas about the characters of the fairy tale.

2. Continue to develop imagination and creativity in children.

Educational area "Physical development"

1. To develop and enrich the motor experience of children

2. Encourage independence and creativity in the exercise.

Methods and techniques:

Practical:(imitation exercises to convey the character of the characters of a fairy tale, dramatization of a fairy tale).

Visual:(viewing a fabulous panel, illustrations of a book, listening to music).

Verbal:(explanation, conversation, questions).

Game:(creating a game situation, game modeling of a fairy panel).

Material and equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale, hats with the image of the heroes of the fairy tale, MP 3 player with a disc of musical recordings of Russian folk melodies and songs, small cards with the image of koloboks, a toy-bun, a magic umbrella, a chest.

Preliminary work: production of postcards with the image of a kolobok, panels. Selection of music, masks for fairy tale characters, making a magic umbrella.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Types of children's activities

(we take species from FSES DO)

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
Playroom Form: play dramatization, play exercise "Palms"

Methods: playful, visual.

Communicative Form: staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Method: practical, verbal, visual.

Cognitive research Form: conversation on the content of the tale

Methods: verbal, visual.

Perception of fiction and folklore Form: Talk on a fairy tale

method: conversation.

Construction Shape: Paper construction

Method: hands-on.

Musical activity Forms: listening, singing,

movement to music, musical accompaniment.

Methods: verbal, practical, visual.

Motor activity Form: movement exercises

Methods: practical, verbal, visual.

The logic of educational activities

Educator activity Pupils' activities Expected results
1 Hello guys. Children's responses to greetings. Children will learn to greet.
2 Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What fairy tales do you know?

Children think, remember fairy tales and answer a question. Familiar fairy tales are called: "Turnip",

"Teremok", "Ryaba Chicken".

3 Would you like to get into a fairy tale? I brought with me a magic umbrella, it will help to transfer us into a fairy tale. Get up quickly under the umbrella. Children's answers.

Look at the umbrella, express surprise.

Children will respond with positive emotional responsiveness.
4 Umbrella, umbrella help us take us into a fairy tale.

(music score), umbrella closes

They are standing under an umbrella, listening to music. Interest, emotional perception of music will arise and creative imagination will develop.
5 What kind of fairy tale is not clear?

I guys will help

I'll tell you a fairy tale.

Here is a magic chest

He is a friend to all the guys.

I really want to all of us

See, well, what is there.

The teacher invites the child to look into the chest and get a toy. Who are these guys?


examine the chest, open it and look inside.

Children open the chest, show surprise, delight. They see a kolobok. And they get the hero of the fairy tale - Kolobok.

They will answer the questions posed correctly.
6 The teacher gives an affirmative answer: right, Kolobok. Asks questions: What is he? What fairy tale? Observe the actions of the educator.

Children's answers.

The vocabulary of children will develop and enrich (ruddy, round, cheerful).
7 And there is something else in the chest. The educator creates intrigue. Who is this?

What good fellows you are, all the hero of the tale recognized.

Children take out the masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Consider masks. Answers questions.

Knowledge about the heroes of the tale will be consolidated and they will be called (grandfather, grandmother, bunny, spinning top, bear, fox). The children's dictionary is activated (a cunning cheat, a top-gray barrel, a runaway bunny, etc.)
9 The teacher invites children to play a fairy tale and choose hats-masks of heroes.) They choose a fairy-tale character and an appropriate mask-cap. They will show a desire to independently select attributes for play activities.
10 The teacher acts as a storyteller of a fairy tale Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok" by children. They will learn to convey the main emotions of the heroes of the fairy tale by facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement. The ability to speak and act on behalf of the accepted role will be formed.
11 Guys, did you like playing a fairy tale?

Children stand in a wide circle. The teacher conducts an analysis.

Children's answers. Children participate in the analysis. Contact will be established between children and adults.
12 The teacher offers to assemble a split picture based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Look at the individual parts of the picture, try to assemble them.

Children admire their work, share their impressions of the collected panel.

Children will develop thinking, imagination, and creative activity.
13 The teacher gives the children souvenirs, offers to choose the favorite kolobok for each child. (Smiley koloboks). Children are looking at emoticons of koloboks. Make their choice. Emotional responsiveness, joy, and a positive attitude will appear.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children through participation in theatrical activities and participation in joint artistic creation with parents.
Educational tasks:
to teach in theatrical activities to act out situations according to simple plots, to develop emotional responsiveness, to encourage children to be involved in joint activities with adults and peers.
to form a steady interest in the reading process and memorization of what has been read.
continue to develop curiosity, activity, interest in various types of musical activity.
To develop the ability to expressively read poetry, using the means of intonational speech expressiveness, conveying your attitude towards heroes and events.
continue to promote the manifestation of creative and creative activity of children.
to form ideas about some types of dangerous situations.
Preparing for the event. Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", examining illustrations for the fairy tale, discussing with children the appearance, nature of fairy-tale characters, their actions, assigning roles and memorizing the characters' remarks, discussing and selecting attributes for staging a fairy tale with children, making decorations, posters, stage decoration.
Preparation of a workplace, equipment and materials for the practical part of leisure.
The course of the event.
Spectators are invited to the hall (children, from other groups).
1. Introductory conversation
Hello dear viewers! Today we invite you to spend an evening with the fairy tale "Kolobok"!
2. Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok" (based on the Russian folk tale).
Gingerbread man.
Grandfather (parents).
Baba (parents).
All the girls and boys
We know that they love books very much,
They love fairy tales, they love songs ...
And to make it more interesting
We will show old fairy tales,
But we'll tell you about them in verses,
Ringing songs Kolobok
Haven't you heard yet?
Are you all seated? Good hour!
We begin our story ...

An old man lived with his old woman
In a small forest hut.
Grandfather once asked:
Bake for lunch
The gingerbread man is ruddy, delicious!
You used to bake skillfully.

Baba prepares a bun (imitates the process of kneading dough, sculpting a bun with the movements of her hands).

Pomela along the bottom
An old lady with a wing.
I found two handfuls of flour -
more is not needed.
Added salt, sand,
Two spoons of sour cream.
Gingerbread man came out glorious,
Lush and ruddy.
Gingerbread man appears.

Wait a minute, Grandfather, a little.
Let Kolobok cool down!
The gingerbread man is hiding behind the curtain.
Fidget - Kolobok
To freeze at the window,
But he decided: "I will run away,
I'll stretch a little bit! "
Jump from the window - and into the woods
Gingerbread man rolled.
Past the Christmas trees, birches,
Past butterflies, dragonflies
And different flowers:
Yellow, blue, red.
Sees the blue in the sky
And green grass
The sun is red in the sky.
Everything around is wonderful!
The Hare comes out to meet Kolobok.

Suddenly our playful
I met the Bunny.
Hare (important).
I will eat you.
I haven't eaten since morning.
Gingerbread man.
What you?! Wait, Oblique!
Listen to the song!
(Sings a song.)

I am a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window.
I left the old people
Jumped from the window - and it was!
Great honor to Zaychishka:
Eat the ruddy gingerbread man!
The hare listens to the song in fascination, and the Kolobok runs away through the forest.
Round dance game "Little gray bunny sits."

Suddenly the Wolf appears on his way.
Rolled up on the road
Under the feet of the Gray Wolf.
He knows a lot about koloboks ...

How are you, bun!
I'm very hungry.
Take a picture of you, my friend, -
I'll be full until the night!

Gingerbread man.
What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf!
Don't eat me!
Better sit on a tree stump
Listen to the song.
(Sings a song.)
I am a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window.
I left the old people
Jumped from the window - and it was!
Deceived the Bunny gloriously,
I’ll leave you even more so!

With the last words, Kolobok runs past the Wolf into the forest.
Finger game "We shared an orange"

And then the Bear comes out to meet him.
Suddenly Potapych himself met.
He growled, raised his paw:
Come on, Kolobok!
I'll have a little snack!

Gingerbread man.
What are you, what are you, clubfoot!
Put your paw down.
Better my song
You listen - I will sing.
(Sings a song.)
I am a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window.
I left the old people
Jumped from the window - and it was!
I ran away from the Hare
And from the evil Wolf.
And, Toptygin, from you
It won't be long for me to leave!
Outdoor game "At a bear in the forest"

The gingerbread man runs through the forest. Stealthily, the Fox comes out, sits on a tree stump.
Rolled somersault
Through the grove straight ...
For a long time, for a short time it rolled.
I found myself at the edge.
How bad is it not to happen,
If the sly Fox
She sat at the edge of that,
The red tail warmed in the sun.
Fox gets up and goes to Kolobok.

I saw Kolobok
And to him from afar
Moved towards
With a gentle speech.
How handsome you are, Kolobok!
How blush and cheerful!
They say that you, my friend,
You know a lot of songs ...

Gingerbread man.
I am a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window.
I left the old people
Jumped from the window - and it was!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf with the Hare,
And the Fox for the Kolobok
Can't keep up too!

Fox (slyly).
I'm a bit deaf ...
Come closer, buddy.
Sit on my toes
Sing louder one more time.
Kolobok (sings louder).
I am a gingerbread man, a fidget,
They baked me for Grandfather,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
I'm chilled at the window.
I left the old people
Jumped from the window - and it was!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf with the Hare,
And the Fox for the Kolobok
Can't keep up too!
General dance “We are going to play”.
(All the artists go out to bow.)

3. Conversation following the tale.
Did you like the fairy tale? How did Kolobok behave when he ran away from home? Why? How will Grandma and Grandpa feel when they learn that the Fox ate Kolobok? Should I sympathize with them? Next time we will see another fairy tale with you.

Thank you for your attention, see you soon.

Mambetova Kamilya Mamasalievna

DOE "Golden Key", the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region, educator

Summary of GCD "Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale" Kolobok ".

"Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale" Kolobok ". Summary of the lesson in the younger group

Purpose: to arouse children's interest in fairy tale, to the ryazheny; contribute to the activation of speech; encourage them to use excerpts from fairy tales in their own game; perform actions in a staging game based on fairy tale"Gingerbread man".

Planned result: tries to expressively convey fabulous image; participates in the game - staging fairy tale"Gingerbread man"; speak phrases from fairy tales; perform the actions referred to in fairy tale.

Materials and equipment: Costumes (elements) characters fairy tales(aprons, hats, masks, decorations: house, trees.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, you want to be in today fairy tale gingerbread man and be its heroes.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then everyone close your eyes. One, two, three - we found ourselves in fairy tale we! Look at the costumes of an old man, an old woman, a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox. Dasha, come on, you will be an old woman, Misha - old people, Vika - a hare, Kostik - a wolf, Stas - a bear, Barbara - a fox, and we all the rest koloboks. (children dress up costumes) .

Educator: There lived an old man with an old woman. Here is the old man talking to the old woman. Misha: Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom of the bun.

Educator: The old woman took a wing, - Dasha takes a sweeping wing.

Scratched the box - scrubbing.

And she scraped up a handful of flour, kneaded the flour on sour cream - the dough interferes.

Concocted gingerbread man - rolls the gingerbread man on the table.

Fried in oil and put it on the window to freeze - Dasha puts the bun leaves the window.

Educator: Gingerbread man lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, across the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - yes into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard beyond the gate, further and further. (children are built by a steam locomotive after the teacher and go) Roll bun on the road Towards him a hare.

Vika : Gingerbread man, bun I will eat you.

Educator and children: Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing you a song:

I AM - bun, bun,

I'm scraped around the box

Methen on the bottom,

Mixed on sour cream,

Yes, yarn in oil,

It's cold on the window

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you, hare, I’ll even leave.

Educator: And rolled bun further only his hare saw. (the hare leaves) Here roll kolobok further, (children follow the teacher with a steam train) and a wolf meets him. (the wolf comes out, the children stop).

Kostya: Gingerbread man, bun I will eat you.

Educator and children: Don't eat me, wolf, I'll sing you a song:

Children sing a song, the teacher helps. (wolf leaves)

Educator: And rolled bun further only the wolf saw.

and a bear meets him (the bear comes out, the children stop).

Stas: Gingerbread man, bun I will eat you.

Educator and children: Don't eat me, bear, I'll sing you a song:

Children sing a song, the teacher helps. (bear leaves)

The teacher says: And rolled bun further only his bear saw. Here roll bun, and a fox to meet him (the fox comes out, the children stop).

Barbara:. Gingerbread man, bun where are you rolling?

Educator and children: Rolling along the path.

Barbara: Gingerbread man, gingerbread man sing me a song!

Children sing a song, the teacher helps.

Fox: Oh, the song is good, but I can hear badly. Gingerbread man sit on my nose and sing one more time, louder.

Educator: Gingerbread man jumped on the fox's nose (the teacher puts a round fox cake on the nose) and sang, and the fox - am and ate it (the fox eats biscuits, the children run to the chairs) .

Educator: Here it is fairy tales the end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We will come here again, but next time. Close your eyes: one, two, three - back in group we!


Guys in what fairy tale we were today?

What do you remember the most?

What heroes fairy tales would you like to become next time?

The scenario of the play-dramatization in the first junior group. "In Search of Kolobok"

Author: Duplikhina Tatyana Ivanovna, educator of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11" in the village of Tuchkovo, Moscow region.
Description: I bring to your attention a dramatization game "In Search of Kolobok", which is intended for children 2-4 years old. This material will be useful for educators, teachers of additional education, music directors of preschool institutions.
Target. To form in children a keen interest in theatrical play, to encourage motor improvisation. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about wild animals and their habits; develop emotionality, imagery of music perception through movement. To cultivate friendly relationships, the ability to come to the rescue.
Tasks integrable educational areas.
Cognitive development:
Expand children's knowledge about wild animals - heroes of a fairy tale, their appearance and behavior in nature
Social and communicative development:
To foster responsiveness, a desire to take care and come to the aid of those who need it. Develop a passive vocabulary, sound culture of speech. Continue teaching children how to align speech with movement.
Physical development:
Continue to develop the physical activity of children in sedentary games. Develop speech breathing, voice power, small muscle muscles.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
To develop singing skills, auditory attention, a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the habits of animals in movement; to educate emotional responsiveness in the perception of musical works.
Material, equipment: forest decoration, bibabo toys, camera, soundtracks of musical works.
The course of the lesson.
Educator. Guys, today we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. And what kind of fairy tale it will be, you will have to guess:
It was scraped along the bottom of the barrel,
on the barn shallow,
baked in the oven,
put on the window to cool,
and he is from grandmother,
and from grandfather
That's right, this is Gingerbread Man. Now magic music will sound, and we will find ourselves in this fairy tale. (Mysterious music sounds. After it ends, puppet characters appear on the screen: grandfather and woman).
Woman. How is our Gingerbread Man?
Grandfather. How did it come down?
Woman. Oho-ho-ho-ho.
Grandfather. Ehe-he-he-he.
Educator. Hello grandfather and grandmother! Please tell me, are you from the fairy tale "Kolobok"?
Woman."Gingerbread man", dear, "Gingerbread man". Only we don't have a Kolobok.
Educator. Where is he?
Grandfather. Yes, he rolled into the city, he wanted to visit the children, in the kindergarten! With us, he is bored, we are already old. And in kindergarten, they say, it's fun. There children sing and dance songs. And our kolobok also loves to sing songs.
Educator. And we came to you from kindergarten, but we didn't meet Kolobok. No matter how he gets into trouble, because the road to the kindergarten goes through the forest, in which there is a lot of danger.
Woman. No matter how the cunning fox ate it! Oho-ho-ho-ho!
Grandfather. Oh, our Kolobok is gone. Ehe-he-he-he!
Educator. Do not grieve, grandfather and grandmother! The guys and I will think of something! And we'll find Kolobok! Let's not give it to the Fox to eat! Really guys?
Children. Yes.
Woman. Good luck to you!
Grandfather. Good luck!
Educator. We need not to waste time, but immediately go to the forest to save Kolobok. Become one after another
On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
One-two, one-two.
(Walking with high knees on a level surface)
By pebbles, pebbles,
By pebbles, pebbles,
One-two, one-two.
(Walking on uneven ground - ribbed path)
On a flat path
On a flat path.
(Walking on level ground)
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.
(To squat)
Here is the forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
(Put your arms above your head)
(Averina I.E. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions).
Educator. Here we are in the clearing! Let's smell together how good it smells in the spring forest. (Breathing exercises).
We turn the head to the left and to the right, inhale on a turn, face straight - exhale. (4-5 times)
We bend over - inhale, bend over - exhale. (4 - 5 times)
Educator. Guys, it’s so quiet in the forest, as if there’s no one here.
Development of voice power (loud and quiet pronunciation of words).
Let's try to say quietly - AU -. (Children say). Nobody responds. Let's try to shout out loud - AU-. (Children scream).
(The bunny appears)
Educator. Bunny, Bunny, have you seen Kolobok?
Bunny. Saw.
Educator. Tell us where is he?
Bunny. Do you have a treat for me?
Educator. Certainly. Now the guys will cook you a delicious cabbage and carrot salad!
Exercise "We chop the cabbage"
We chop the cabbage, chop it! (2 times) (the child depicts chopping movements of an ax, moving his straight palms up and down)
We cut cabbage, cut! (2 times) (with the edge of the palm we drive back and forth)
We salt the cabbage, salt! (2 times) (put together a pinch of fingers and pretend to salt the cabbage)
We press cabbage, we press! (2 times) (vigorously squeeze and unclench the cams)
We are three, three carrots! (2 times) (we squeeze the right handle into a cam and move it up and down along the straight palm of the left hand, depicting a grater).
Bunny. Thank you, I have not tried such a delicious salad yet. And the bun rolled down that path over there.
Educator. And thank you. Well guys, it's time for us to go!
One, two, our legs
One, two, along the path.
We walked along the path
The legs were raised higher.
One two three four.
On our toes we will go-
One two three four,
And we will turn off the path-
One two three four.
We decided to walk on our heels-
One two three four.
We walked, walked, walked
They came to the clearing.
(A wolf appears on the screen)
Wolf. Hello guys, where are you heading?
Educator. Guys, who are we looking for? (Children answer). We are going to look for Kolobok. Have you met him by chance?
Wolf. And then, how, of course, I met. I wanted to eat it, but it turned out to be smart.
Educator. Wolf, tell us, please, where the gingerbread man rolled.
Wolf. And you will amuse me, then I will tell!
Educator. With pleasure! Come on guys, take musical instruments. Show the wolf how you can play!
(Children play in the orchestra accompanied by the Ukrainian folk melody "Oh, bursting the hoop")
Wolf. Thank you, we made Gray happy, and Kolobok rolled over to that hill!
Educator. Thank you too, wolf. Guys, let's go further to look for Kolobok.
The children walked, walked, walked,
And we climbed the hill.
And a bear sleeps under the hill,
Hush, children, don't make noise! (Children will perform movements corresponding to the words of the text).
(The bear appears)
Bear. I’m not sleeping anymore, I woke up. Spring has come!
Educator. And that is true! Bear. Tell me please, have you met Kolobok?
Bear. How I met! I wanted to grab him and eat him, but after hibernation I forgot how to walk, fell and barely got up!
Educator. Now the guys will show you how clubfoot bears walk! Watch and repeat!
(The exercise "Bears" by M. Sopotova is carried out.)
And now, Misha, speak quickly, where the Kolobok has rolled!
Bear. Over there! Thanks for the help! Bon Voyage!
Educator. Thank you too!
Let's go guys further:
We walked through the forest without haste,
Suddenly Fox is meeting us!
(Lisa appears on the screen with Kolobok, Lisa sings. The Russian folk melody "Ah, you seni" sounds).
Fox: I am a fox, a fox,
I am a red fox.
My tail is my wealth
And the muzzle is beauty.
I am a cute fox
I wish you all the best.
I am a sister to chickens
And a sister to the cockerels.
Yes Yes! Yes Yes!
(Turns to Kolobok).
Fox: Gingerbread man, what a cute, delicious, ruddy you are!
Come with me.
Educator: Oh, guys, Kolobok must be rescued and not let go of Lisa. I came up with it! You will all turn into chanterelles and distract the fox, while I will free Kolobok. Deal? (Yes).
Educator: Oh, Lisa, your cubs scattered!
(Dynamic exercise "Fox").
The fox has a sharp nose
She has a fluffy tail.
Red fox fur coat
Untold beauty
The fox walks around the pavoy,
She strokes her long fur coat.
(Children show with their hands what a sharp nose the fox has, "stroke" an imaginary tail, sides, chest. Majestically, slowly walk, imitating a fox).
Fox admires foxes first, then himself
Fox: Oh, how good she is!
Red fur coat, beauty!
Oh, but where is Kolobok? You did not see? (Referring to "foxes")
Children. No.
Fox: Oh, you deceived me. You are not foxes at all, but little guys! Because of you, I lost sight of the Kolobok. Anyway. I'll go and call the Wolf on a fishing trip!
(The fox runs away. The teacher comes out with a Kolobok in his hands).
Educator: Guys, Kolobok will now go with us to kindergarten, stay with us, watch how we sing, dance and play in kindergarten. And we will send a letter and our joint photo to grandparents so that they know that everything is in order with Kolobok. (Children are photographed with Kolobok).
Educator: In order to find yourself in kindergarten again, you need to say the magic words:
I'll stomp, clap, turn around
I will find myself in kindergarten!
Educator: Kolobok, now the guys will tell you in a song how they live in kindergarten. (Performed the song "Kindergarten", lyrics by Volgina, music by Filippenko)