Scripts for various holidays. Holidays scenarios

SCENARIOS on the site is an incendiary collection for a super host! For each holiday, a separate section has been prepared in which you will find many options for excellent scenarios for a banquet. We offer to buy sketches at a price of 49 rubles. Agree, it's not expensive at all!

Visitors to our site often prefer impromptu sketches without preparation, stage performances by roles, with the participation of the presenter, they also like turnkey options with contests, games, ditties, riddles for guests and any drunk and cheerful company. Fairy tale scenarios are gaining popularity.

Most often, sketches are needed for a performance and the simultaneous presentation of gifts. We have more than 250 kinds of various congratulatory mini-performances, as well as full entertainment programs.

1. Scenes for birthday or anniversary

This super-awesome collection of short greetings in the form of sketches will always come in handy when there is no time to search the Internet. The collection contains new items for congratulating women and men, from friends and colleagues, from relatives and friends, with the presentation of gifts, with dressing up, jokes and practical jokes.

You will find the full programs of the anniversary and birthday on these pages.

2. Scenarios for the New Year

Scenarios for the New Year for children and adults will be useful for an experienced or novice host of a festive event to prepare a New Year's corporate party, a holiday in a school, kindergarten, a performance in a recreation center or at home. Also in this section there are short miniatures (comic scenes) for the holiday.

3. Scripts for graduation in school and kindergarten

And also the last call will come in handy for organizers who strive to make the holiday for children memorable.

We offer fresh, interesting materials for a ceremonial line dedicated to the day of knowledge, an autumn ball, meeting and saying goodbye to the Primer, as well as other festive scenes and theatrical subjects for the school.

Congratulate our dear men on Defender of the Fatherland Day with a comic performance. To help a professional toastmaster for holding a corporate party in a cafe, restaurant, holiday programs for young people, as well as for children of school and preschool age. ...

These are texts of festive events for veterans dedicated to the Day of the Great Victory over fascism. To spend a holiday with a soul means to pay tribute to those who defended our homeland, who lost their health, friends, but not faith in victory! OUR NEW:.

8. Scenarios for the Day of the Elderly

To celebrate the holiday on October 1, for dear grandmothers and grandfathers, to cheer up, congratulate with gifts, treat with tea and sweets.

9. Scenarios for Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is a day when each student can express gratitude to their wise, kind, considerate teachers. Dedicated to all teachers with a capital letter!

10. Scenarios and scenes of Mother's Day

The site has a lot of original scripts filled with kindness, love and warmth. We will give you a lot of ideas on how to congratulate your beloved women, mothers and grandmothers, on the occasion. We offer you to copy the texts of our favorite scenarios for Mother's Day, which contain a lot of useful information: games, contests, ditties for Mother's Day, and most importantly, congratulations in poetry and prose.

11. Scenarios for other holidays

All other holiday programs that we have posted separately are collected here.

12. Other holidays at school and camp

This section contains school events, KVN, skits, theatrical performances, fairy tales that are not included in other categories of festive events.

We are constantly replenishing the collection of holiday scripts with new texts. Be sure to save this page with useful materials for the holidays to your bookmarks. It will be useful to you more than once!

Your charisma + our creative scripts = an exclusive celebration!

We also offer the service: writing a script to order on any topic!.


This is a detailed scenario for celebrating an adult's birthday. Jokes, games and greetings for adults.

If the birthday boy or birthday girl loves to travel, this scenario is perfect for celebrating his (her) birthday. The decoration of the hall with pictures of various world sights will help to create an atmosphere of vacation and travel; or to paste the names of various cities, countries in foreign languages, images of currencies on the walls in disarray.


We have a holiday today,

And this is so serious!

Let's have fun,

Before it's too late

Sober enough for now

And there is a snack on the tables,

let's have fun

In our way, in Russian!

Dear friends! I see that everyone is very serious about having fun tonight. Because today everyone is celebrating their birthday beloved and adored ... (name)! And in honor of such a big

holiday we will go on an unusual journey! One that will never be forgotten. Unfamiliar cities and countries await us. And in order not to go on foot, we folded up and rented a Boeing-45 (the number must match the age of the birthday person (s)).

An excerpt from the song "From the screw" (from the repertoire of Zhanna Friske) sounds.

Leading: Stop, stop ... Not yet "from the screw"! Our Boeing cannot fly anywhere until we know who is the passenger and who is the crew member. The birthday boy (birthday girl) is, of course, appointed by the ship's commander. His other half will become a navigator, as it happened in life. And we’ll find out about the guests now!

Crew selection

The host brings out a tray with paper tickets of different colors (most of all white, a few blue, red, green, a couple of yellow ones). Each of the guests takes a ticket.

Then the presenter asks those who have blue tickets to raise their hand.

Leading: The one who consciously or unconsciously chose the color blue is most drawn to the sky. This means that holders of blue tickets become pilots! A very honorable and responsible mission!

Then those who chose red tickets raise their hands.

Leading: The color red was chosen by those who strive to please everyone. Therefore, we appoint those who have had tickets of this color as flight attendants and stewards! Congratulations, you will be the one who will create a pleasant flight environment.

Then the host asks who has yellow tickets.

Leading: If you chose yellow (and we have only two such tickets), it means that you have increased attention, therefore, you can safely be appointed as a flight mechanic! You will definitely be able to notice in time where something is wrong.

Finally, the presenter finds out who has the green ticket.

Leading: Green is chosen by those who are very, very fond of "green", that is, money! These are our VIP passengers, they fly in first class and enjoy special privileges.

All other guests with white tickets become regular passengers.

An excerpt from the song “I flew all the way” (from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant”) sounds.

Leading: Well, I'll be your Russian-speaking guide!

Before departure, it is necessary to check whether the aircraft is equipped with everything necessary. Look around: are there enough food supplies? Water? Fuel? Does everyone have luggage with them - gifts for the birthday boy? Everyone has. Well then, welcome aboard!

And in order to fill the fuel tanks of our plane with fuel, let's fill the glasses ...

Glasses are filled and the first toast to the birthday man (tsu) is made, thanks to which this journey became possible.

An excerpt from the song "Provence" (from the repertoire of the Christmas tree) is played.

Leading: So, the fuel tanks are full. The crew is in full readiness, but ... Why doesn't our Boeing 45 take off? Is there a problem with the engine? Wait a minute ... I was told that the plane could not fly because of the unacceptable excess of baggage! What to do? It seems that the only way out is to hand over the luggage to our dear crew commander - the birthday man, and he will decide what to do with him!

The presenter invites the guests to congratulate the birthday man and give gifts. Guests congratulate, make toasts, during this time the hunger will be satisfied, and you can start having fun.

An excerpt from the song "America-Europe" (from the repertoire of the group "Disco Crash") is played.

Leading: Friends, where will our plane fly first, who will guess?

The first country will be Japan. The guesser gets a big candy (such a prize will be received by the winners of the contests, and the presenter asks to keep the sweets until the end of the holiday, because they will still be useful).

Leading: Attention! Dear birthday boy (tsa), have you ever been to Japan? Not? Then go ahead! As a crew commander, command us "From the screw!" And we begin our journey!

The birthday boy is in command.

The light dims in the hall. Eastern music sounds.

Leading: Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, is mysterious and unusual. Here live people who provide the world with cars and rolls, here high technologies coexist with an ancient rich culture ...

And here he is, the first surprise for our birthday boy!

For this congratulation, two or three men need to dress in "kimono" (ordinary women's dressing gowns), take paper fans and tint their lips with red lipstick, like a Japanese woman.

To the oriental music, the "geisha" enter the hall.

Leading (bows in Japanese style): Welcome to us, dear guests! By the way, are there connoisseurs of the Japanese language in the hall?

The host chooses an "interpreter" from the guests. He will "translate" the phrases that the presenter has prepared in advance on the sheets. The words "geisha" also need to be written down.

Geisha: Hello! Sipasiba! Mi osen wanted to drink!

Translator: Good evening! Thanks! We are very glad to be present at such a wonderful holiday!

Geisha: The guide is there for the birthday boy?

Translator: It seems that there is a birthday boy or a birthday girl among the guests? Where is this wonderful man, full of the rarest virtues?

Geisha: Mi wanted to drink sake!

Translator: On behalf of the Japanese nation, we officially congratulate the dear birthday person (birthday girl) and want to raise a toast to his (her) health!

Geisha: And we want a snack!

Translator: And we wish him to live in wealth and prosperity, let the sakura bloom in his garden!

Everyone raises a toast to the birthday man, treats the "geisha".

Geisha (bite, frown): Not tasty food.

Translator: They don't like our food.

Leading: How do you not like it? This is our Russian cuisine!

Geisha: Russian cuisine is not suitable for a Japanese woman. Non-dietary.

Leading: Ah, our food is not dietary for you! But we have no other ...

Geisha: Mi wanted to cook the food himself. Sushi! Stob the birthday boy to bite the sushi! Taste on!

The presenter says that if the "geisha" want to cook sushi especially for the birthday man, then this can be done from what is on the tables. Gives them clean plates. Oriental music sounds, "geisha" build something similar to sushi and treat the birthday boy and everyone. The host thanks them, and they leave, presenting paper fans to the birthday boy and the translator as a keepsake.

Leading: What amazing women in this country! And not only women. Friends, you definitely need to bring something from Japan as a souvenir, do you agree? For example, VCRs and other equipment used to be transported. Now this is not a shortage, so I suggest that the birthday person buy a real Japanese screen as a souvenir!

They take out a blank sheet of Whatman paper (attached to the cardboard with buttons so that it does not curl) and multi-colored markers. The host asks each of the guests to draw or write on the "screen" something in memory of the birthday boy.

Leading: Dear guests, from now on you can brag with full right that you have been to Japan and communicated with real geisha. And it's time for us to fly on! Please take your seats.

An excerpt from the song "Airplane" (from Valeria's repertoire) is played.

Leading: Guess where our plane is headed now? Whoever guesses will get a tasty prize again!

An excerpt from any song in French sounds.

Leading: Paris, Paris ... They say: see Paris and die ... But no, my friends, we are not going to die, but we'll see Paris.

As you know, this city is the capital of beauty, fashion and everything connected with it. Having visited Paris, each of you simply must become a style icon. Now we will define who is who in terms of style and fashion, in order to be always irresistible. By the way, this also applies to men!

Stylish horoscope

One should start with the zodiac sign of the birthday person (birthday girl), then the presenter asks if there are representatives of this or that sign in the hall, and one of them offers to read the horoscope for his “colleagues in the sign”.

Aries they always strive for leadership, therefore, in clothes, they choose what corresponds to the latest fashion trends, and what will allow them to look the most spectacular. For this, Aries do not spare money, they are not afraid to experiment, they pay a lot of attention to hairstyle and makeup. They love diamonds very much!

Taurus they love to buy wardrobe items from the collections of famous couturiers and fashion houses, albeit not of the very last season. They try to choose what suits them, they do not like flashy tones. Taurus can go to the courses of makeup artists, hairdressers just to find their own unique style!

Gemini new clothes get bored very quickly, and there is a desire to buy more. It can be difficult for them to find the right outfit in a jam-packed closet. They welcome everything unusual, and will gladly spend on the thing they like, although they do not like to waste. For Gemini women, natural and discreet makeup suits best.

Crayfish prefer cozy clothes that have served them faithfully for years. They have favorite things that they will never part with. Cancers gravitate towards simple styles and color combinations, but adore beautiful underwear, which they have quite a lot!

Regal Lions they like to draw attention to themselves, wear expensive, sometimes provocative outfits. Let the clothes be uncomfortable, tight, as long as they attract attention and correspond to the latest fashion. Makeup Lviv is bright, accessories are original, color solutions are unusual. Standing out from the crowd is what Leos want anytime, anywhere!

If Virgo makes a purchase, then it will certainly be a very high quality item that can be worn for a long time. Their motto is "less is better!" A lot of jewelry, complex hairstyles - not for them either. It is impossible to find a stain on the clothes of the Virgins, it is always ironed. And if Virgo is going to a holiday, then, believe me, she will think of everything to look amazing!

Have Libra great taste, a sense of proportion and the ability to choose what will decorate them. And they have something to choose from - Libra likes it when there are a lot of beautiful, fashionable clothes in the closet. They wear only stylish hairstyles and jewelry, their makeup is not bright, but it always emphasizes the advantages and hides the flaws. There is nothing to find fault with Libra: they are the very perfection and harmony.

Scorpions they think carefully about their outfits, their clothes always exactly match the situation and reflect their mood. Scorpios are sexy, adhere to fashion trends, they love to experiment with cosmetics, hairstyles, wigs, sometimes reincarnating to such an extent that it's hard not to recognize them!

Sagittarius don't pay much attention to whether the colors in their clothes match. They are not after fashion. Make-up is also often ignored, and jewelry is lost or broken. But no one looks as irresistible as Sagittarius in clothes made from natural fabrics, jeans or sportswear!

Capricorns very practical, adhere to the classic style in clothes and hair. They can look stylish and expensive even in things that are far from being "squeak of fashion". However, they are unlikely to wear cheap jewelry - only high-quality jewelry. If Capricorn wants to save money, he can buy himself something at the sale, but he will never get a tasteless thing.

Aquarians they are often promiscuous in their clothes, and at the same time they perfectly manage to combine incongruous and mix conflicting styles. But it may happen that Aquarius puts on different socks or shoes and does not even notice it!

Fishes do not really like to think about what to wear, and prefer clothes that are comfortable and easy to take off and put on. They even try to choose hairstyles that do not give them much trouble. But at the same time, Pisces manages to look good almost always and everywhere!

Leading: So, you've listened to a stylish horoscope, and now you know everything about yourself and your style. And I have a proposal to consolidate the information received in practice. Let's have our own fashion show!

You are all very smart today, but your style can be called rather classic. And we will have a show of a progressive modern collection!

Fashion Show game

Two of the guests are invited who want to become a "model".

The rest are divided into two teams of "fashion designers", which must dress the "models" in everything that comes to hand in a couple of minutes and that the team members can borrow.

A "defile" is arranged, and the presenter chooses a team with a more interesting costume. Both "models" get a piece of candy.

The game is accompanied by the song "More Glamor" (from the repertoire of the group "Hairpins").

Leading: I ask everyone to pay attention that our show reflects all the fashion trends of the last season! Yes, that's right: beauty will save the world ... Friends, no matter how sorry it is to leave France, it's time to guess where our plane will go next.

"Airplane" flies to America, who guessed it - candy.

An excerpt from the song "American Boy" (from the repertoire of the group "Combination") is played.

Host: I, as a guide, promised you the most unforgettable trip today. And now from Europe we move straight to America! Everyone knows that it was in the United States that the most popular cartoon characters of Walt Disney appeared. Who doesn't love them? And right now we're heading to Disneyland Amusement Park! It's time to move a little.

The presenter is recruiting participants for outdoor games.

Birthday games for adults

Game "Chip and Dale Rush to the Rescue"

The players are divided into two teams. The captains are chosen - the host calls one Chip, the other Dale. Something tasty, for example, bananas or candy, is hung from the ropes, according to the number of players in each team. "Chip" and "Dale" are blindfolded and given scissors. The task is to save your teams from hunger by cutting off one object while blindfolded. Each player on the team must eat a banana after the captain manages to get it; then the banana is cut for the next one. The winner is the team that "destroys" the supply of suspended food faster.

The game "Mr. Scrooge"

This is a relay game. Each competitor runs to the finish line wearing flippers and a top hat (imitating Uncle Scrooge); at the finish line must crouch and quack. The prize goes to a more mobile team.

Leading: Yes, in America adults also love to have fun like children! And among the Americans, one tradition is strictly observed, which has been adopted by almost the whole world, and it also strictly observes it. This is the most famous song for all birthday people ... What is it called?

Guests prompt: "Happy Birthday".

Leading: Right. Let's all together perform it for our birthday boy?

The guests are singing, a cake with candles is brought out to the accompaniment of the song. It is better to replace many small candles with number candles. The birthday boy blows them out and makes a wish.

After the cake, the host announces a dance break.

Dance game: the host brings a tray of halves of pictures depicting all sorts of world landmarks (for example, the Statue of Liberty, the Egyptian pyramid, the Eiffel Tower, etc.), and the guests take half for themselves. Those who have the same halves - even if they are people of the same sex, it's more fun - invite each other to dance.

Leading (after dancing): Oh, I see everyone is tired and wants to sit down.

Guess the destination again.

This time "Airplane" is sent to Tibet.

Mysterious music sounds.

Leading: Here it is, a mysterious land, where people are looking for answers to eternal life questions, where they strive to find out their fate!

Now let's find out which of you thinks about the birthday boy. And remember, birthday boy, Tibetan prophecies do not lie!

The presenter reads out the question and walks up to different guests in turn so that they name a number from one to five. And the presenter reads the appropriate answer.


1. Who is your birthday person (s)?

1) best friend;

2) the meaning of life;

3) secret love;

4) the standard of beauty;

5) ideal and idol.

2. What are you ready for the birthday person (s)?

1) anything you want;

2) only on what you can deserve a kiss;

3) a heroic deed;

5) even a crime.

3. Communication with the birthday person (s) is ...

1) a pipe dream;

2) unearthly pleasure;

3) a way to escape from everyday life;

4) vital procedure;

5) rare moments of happiness.

4. What would you like to learn from the birthday boy?

1) jump with a parachute;

2) write poetry;

3) walk the catwalk;

4) swim underwater;

5) never lose heart.

5. How would you please the birthday man?

1) your smile;

2) private dance;

3) an exquisite dish;

4) a homemade gift;

5) good news.

The host says that the answers to the last question must certainly be brought to life, and the guests do what they got.

Game "Telepathy"

The presenter says that the thoughts of the guests are now known to the birthday man, and that it would be interesting to know what he himself thinks about. The game is as follows: the birthday boy thinks of any word and answers the guests' leading questions only with gestures, a nod of the head, etc. The birthday boy can consult with the presenter to choose a more difficult word. The guesser gets a candy. If the word is guessed quickly, you can continue the game, and the right to guess goes to the guest who answered.

Leading: You see how difficult it is to penetrate into the thoughts and soul of another person! After all, the soul is a small world. And to make it cozy, let's fill it with only good thoughts and wonderful dreams. Harmony to all of you in your inner world!

The "journey" is coming to an end.

Assignment for the winners of competitions

The presenter informs that in the prize sweets, which were received by the winners of the contests, under the wrappers there are inserts with the letters that make up the code phrase. You need to collect all the letters and arrange them in the right order. The winner is the one who reads the text first, he will receive a souvenir personally from the hands of the hero of the occasion. The passphrase could be "Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts" or something similar. If not all candies with letters have been distributed, then the presenter "sells" them in favor of the birthday boy.

Leading: Friends, our magical journey ends. But let's not be sad, because, as you know, visiting is good, but at home it is better. But imagine this situation: the birthday boy comes back from vacation and calls home, because he missed him a lot and wants to know if everything is all right. And this is what he hears ...

The song "Everything is good" (to the tune of the song "Everything is good, beautiful marquise").

- Ale, ale, loved ones, dear ones!

I hasten to return to you soon!

Well, how are you, what news?

And is there any sad news?

- Everything is fine, beautiful (s) ... (name),

We lived together and without troubles,

And decided to try for you

Cooking up a festive dinner ...

We wanted to bake a pie

We got sugar and cottage cheese,

We could not bake a cake:

They set fire to the apartment a bit,

Furniture burned out inside and out,

All coats in the closet burned out,

All day from morning to morning

The fire was extinguished from a bucket,

A neighbor knocks on our door:

We made a flood for her!

For the rest, beautiful (th) ...,

All is well, all is well!

- What a nightmare, what bad luck,

I'm afraid to leave you now!

Well, nothing, I'll come on Sunday,

I will apologize to the neighbor.

- Hello Hello! Don't be scared

After all, this is, in general, nonsense,

But you come home sooner,

And everything will work out then.

And then such are the things:

The neighbor died of grief,

Her relatives came to ask

To compensate them for moral harm,

Her son is a face

He made me pay for the repairs.

To collect the required amount

I had to sell the car,

And even a dacha with a garage,

And he again threatens with court,

For the rest, beautiful (th) ...,

All is well, all is well!

Leading: But we are still sure that nothing like this will ever happen in our life. After all, everyone knows that we must not forget about the careful handling of fire. Especially now, when we are waiting for ... fireworks in honor of the birthday boy!

Fireworks and dancing are arranged.

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrow come out to do their work. An unusual scene where the participants need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is as follows: girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies are involved in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to expel the men into the auditorium and heartily enjoy the scene.

This scene can be staged on March 8th and at a bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. Everything, of course, with humor.

Scene for March 8, in which men make fun of typical female things. This scene will well dilute the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It is difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone solves the most difficult task - what to give ?! This is what we are joking about in this scene.

This scene can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate party of a beauty salon or store. After all, everyone wants to laugh at the stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine car designers have finally decided to create a purely feminine car. And even give it to women on March 8th. You yourself understand that this scene is very funny.

Scene for Birthday or Anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. The birthday boy is happy and the guests are amused.

Another humorous scene on the topic of finding a birthday present. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem does not seem to be solvable at all. In this plot, both the guests and the birthday man recognize themselves.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for the anniversary. From five to 10 people can take part in it. The more - the more fun the scene will be.

Scenes about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school one. The plot is as follows: the headmaster of the school convenes a meeting to prepare the educational institution for the arrival of a strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will organically look in a concert on the occasion of the last bell or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov gave up his television programs and began to work as a literature teacher. In the scene, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, a summit of leaders of all countries of the world was decided to be held in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn words.

New Year's scenes

A dynamic, modern, and most importantly, a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the letters of children and is finally disappointed in them.

A script for a New Year's party for younger students. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Sketches-dialogues for two presenters of the New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will link even the most motley numbers to each other. Light, funny, New Year's jokes.

On New Year's holidays, anything can happen. The scene is about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding to the artists who performed at the children's New Year's parties. A scene in the spirit of Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

New topical scenario for a children's New Year's holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier "Pyaterochka", Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The stage is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene - take it and don't suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predictions of the new year for office workers. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and relevance can be woven into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's fast forward about three hundred years ago and imagine how they switched to celebrating the New Year in winter in Russia. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

An up-to-date New Year's scene on a school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on the New Year theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Claus. And how can they be without preparation ?! You can show such a scene both at KVN and at the New Year's concert.

Author's scripts of holidays that will help teachers and educators prepare and conduct children's matinees, theme nights and get-togethers, entertainment events in kindergarten. All materials were written by members of the Maaam project, many articles contain photographs from the holidays.

Types of holiday scenarios

The works are sorted by categories (sports, music, themed ...), by public holidays, by the seasons. Seasonal activities include events such as seeing off winter or meeting summer, bird day, and autumn fairs.

Autumn holidays

Winter holidays

Off-season holidays

Spring Holidays

Summer Holidays

There are original works in our library that are difficult to categorize. For example, "Scenario of the holiday of magic porridge" or "Day of the onion tear", such works are in the section "Interesting Holidays".

Published scripts

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Folk, folklore holidays. Scripts, entertainment
  • Scripts. Sports holidays, physical education, fun starts
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.
  • Holidays for educators and teachers. Scenarios of events for preschool educational institutions and teachers
  • Performance scenarios. Theatrical performances, performances
  • Fire safety. Scenarios of events, leisure activities, quiz on life safety
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Holidays and entertainment scenarios
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 131083.
All sections | Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees

Sports entertainment "Come on, boys!" in younger groups Target: Form first impressions of "Daddy's holiday» - the phenomenon of public life, as well as military courageous professions. Tasks: Educational: -to give ideas to children that there is such celebration, how "Papin celebration» - Defender of the Fatherland Day, - to introduce ...

Scenario of an extracurricular activity "Be healthy" in the preparatory group Scenario extracurricular activities "Be healthy" for the preparatory group. Nalzhan Gonova. Extracurricular activity in the preparatory group "Sun" "Be healthy"... Objectives and tasks: generating interest in morning charging for children and parents, by using ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Sports entertainment in the middle group for the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Strong and brave like dad!"

Publication "Sports entertainment in the middle group for the Defender of the Fatherland Day ..." Sports entertainment in the middle group for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Topic: "Strong and courageous like a dad" Purpose: to promote children's interest in sports. Objectives: 1. Educational: - to expand the idea of ​​children about what the future Defender of the Fatherland should be; - continue to shape ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Matinee "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (senior group) Host: 1 Russia is great and rich. Its rivers are majestic, lakes are deep and clean, forests are beautiful. Native land can do anything: give fresh milk to drink, feed with warm bread, surprise with endless expanses. And only she cannot defend herself. And then Russia calls for help, and they come to her ...

Scenario KVN on traffic rules for children of the preparatory group "Preschoolers must know traffic rules for" five " Scenario KVN according to the rules of the road for children of the preparatory group for school “Preschoolers of traffic rules must know necessarily at“ five! ” Objectives: To consolidate the rules of the road among preschool children in order to prevent road traffic injuries; ...

Leisure summary for senior children, preparatory to school group on traffic rules "Magic Seven-Flower" Objectives: To acquaint children with the basic rules of the street. To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of pedestrians on the road (carriageway, on the sidewalk. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, road signs, about the rules of behavior on the roads and in vehicles. Develop ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Holding a holiday on February 23 for young children of the younger group

Tatiana Petyukina Lecture notes for February 23 in the junior group "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Compiled by: Educator: Tatiana Alexandrovna Petyukina Purpose: To acquaint children with the holiday on February 23, to tell children about the Russian army, about the branches of the army; develop speech, attention; ...

Matinee for March 8 for the preparatory school group "Nesmeyana visiting the guys" Host: (G.Ya) Everything has become very clear around. Flowers cannot be counted today. We congratulate you on the wonderful International Women's Day! 1 child: (E) Throw away problems, worries, Leave work early, Lightly apply makeup Go to a Thai massage. Take a walk in the park for an hour ...

Spring holiday scenario with Quarrel and the Sun in the middle group Scenario of a spring holiday in the middle group To the cheerful music, children enter the hall in pairs to a song about spring and stand in a semicircle. Presenter: Hello, we say to everyone who came to us today to celebrate a wonderful spring holiday! Children greet guests, wave their hand, ...

Holiday scenario for February 23 "February 23 - Day of the Russian Army!" Objectives: To expand the understanding of children about the public holiday, To develop physical and volitional qualities in competitions and relay races, To foster friendly relationships. Foster a sense of respect for ...

Ideas for events

Here you can find a lot of ideas for holding any holiday - ecological, sports, musical and many others. Moreover, here you will find not only step-by-step instructions for the implementation of the event, but you can also get ideas for decorating a room for a themed party and even choose suitable costumes for yourself.

Events may not be timed to any particular holiday, but simply seasonal. For example, such a funny and funny "potato holiday". Both children and parents should actively participate in it. Previously, in groups, educators read stories and excerpts from books about the seasons to the kids, and will hold numerous conversations about fruits, vegetables, berries, their shape and color. You can even choose postcards or pictures with the gifts of the fall, or purchase dummies. I think the kids will be happy to take part in making crafts from potatoes, as well as share their experience of cooking dishes from potatoes.

The material is replenished daily. Not all materials have been categorized yet, but the work will be completed in the near future.