Soap bubble Dmitry Potapenko. Impenetrable soap bubble

Entrepreneur, economist, founder and managing partner of Management Development Group Inc. Member of the Federal Political Council of the Party of Growth


Was born in Moscow. He was fond of karate at school. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, and in 1993 he received a diploma in the specialty “Engineer-constructor-technologist”.


Management Development Group Inc,


The book by Dmitry Potapenko "Business is verbs and nouns that end in numbers"

One literary critic once coined: "Adjectives are rubbish of speech." I think he would have liked the title of the book by economist and entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko, who ran a large number of projects in various fields, "Business is verbs and nouns that end in numbers." This book is the author's textbook on retail and production: where should the outlet be located; why dining is in every way more profitable than a restaurant of author's cuisine; how to train and motivate staff, how to prevent theft; what questions to ask the so-called "business consultants", etc. - down to how to arrange the goods in the sales area and how many running meters of rags there should be for cleaning the floor.

Guild solidarity. Businessmen comment on the case of the founder of "Dodo Pizza"

Dmitry Potapenko, Founder and Managing Partner of Management Development Group Inc. (Potapenko's colleagues faced accusations of extremism by selling a wagon of wallpaper to Turkey)

You need to bring the situation to the public field right away. "Cut to hell without waiting for peritonitis", as they said in the famous film. Because you can do this as long as you are not a participant in the process. What Fedor is trying to do now is a very short-term story. Do not indulge yourself in the illusion: the investigator will quickly make sure that the information in the public sphere can, at best, be taken out by a lawyer. Therefore, publicity is one of the tools, and it is limited by law. Employees are part of the public field, and they also need to know what is happening and why the company is behaving this way.

As for drugs, this is a traditional story, but it is especially bad that they were found at several sites. With a high degree of probability, I admit that it was planted. Nevertheless, the management needed to react to the first case. Because as soon as consistency arises, even if it is a provocation, the investigation has many reasons to act as they are doing now.

I have practically no doubt that the next step in this situation will be additional tax assessment and accusations of “Dodo Pizza” for non-payment. This happens all the time, and Dodo is no exception. In general, the company as a taxpayer is attractive to attack. Now, in general, any company that publicly sells more than a billion rubles may come under attack.

Dmitry Potapenko visited the Kaluga region

On February 1, 2018, the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Kaluga Region organized a meeting with one of the most famous Russian entrepreneurs, public figures - Dmitry Potapenko.

Dmitry spoke about the economy of the Kaluga region and shared with the audience about various opportunities for business, citizens and public figures. The following were presented: the Forum of Civil Activists, which will be held in Moscow on March 16, and the competition "My Project - My Future". Participants were able to ask questions of interest.

This event was attended by entrepreneurs, public figures, representatives of public organizations and the media.

Dmitry Potapenko releases a program about the Ulyanovsk region

The politician and entrepreneur will devote to our region a program from his author's cycle "The Economy of Simple Things". Dmitry Potapenko says: “It is known that gadgets and tape recorders are not produced in Russia. In fact, things are getting worse. We do not produce shovels and nails, do not provide ourselves with clothes, dishes, furniture and other elementary things. The capital is doing well, and the number of jobs in the regions is falling. Why doesn't the economy of simple things work for us? How to start producing all this? How to breathe new life into Russian regions, since the whole country should develop, and not only Moscow ”. These and other issues will be discussed in Dmitry's new series of programs entitled “The Economy of Simple Things”.

Potapenko: "It is doubtful that business will want to return to Russia and sit down"

Businessmen do not want to return to the country, but just justice, first of all, Dmitry Potapenko, managing partner of Management Development Group, told Infox.Ru.

“The question is not about the return, the question is about the reconsideration of the case. The main and key thing there is to change the preventive measure. And only after that can we talk about the return. People will not return unless the measure of restraint is changed for them. There is an agreement that the measure of restraint will change, but if the court finds businessmen guilty, they will compensate for the damage caused, ”Dmitry Potapenko explained, commenting on the message of Ombudsman Boris Titov in Facebook that he gave the list of businessmen to Russian President Vladimir Putin who want to return to their homeland, but are hiding from Russian justice in London.

Potapenko: Nobody will return capital to the Russian Federation after the announcement of the amnesty

A member of the federal political council of the Rosta party, entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko said on the air of the NSN that these measures would not help to return capital from abroad.

“Amnesty is a beautiful word, but the parameters that have been proposed today will not allow us to do anything. No one will return. The amnesty is not the problem. It's the same as going out and saying, "Guys, come back." For what? To have the same negative conditions? We have only 0.5% acquittals. When the president reported four years ago, he said that 200,000 criminal cases had been initiated in our country, and only 15% of them were in the case. All the rest are irrelevant. Now, in the nine months of last year, there were about 220 thousand criminal cases on the staff of the Commissioner. Our investigative bodies and tax authorities do not hinder the dynamics, ”the entrepreneur noted.

Dmitry POTAPENKO: "Those who want to be in power want to" take the place ", not" change the system ""

In his interviews two years ago, Dmitry Potapenko compared entrepreneurs and supervisory authorities to a cow and a butcher. Now, the businessman believes, the situation has worsened:

“For 9 months of 2017, 300 thousand entrepreneurs left the market, 270 thousand criminal cases were initiated. Business accounts are now being closed en masse. More than 500 thousand entrepreneurs are on stop lists, unable to conduct business.

The butcher's behavior became an executioner, ”Potapenko sums up.

Dmitry Potapenko: We are being exterminated so that there is no private economy

Entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko told in what acidic atmosphere Russian businessmen work.

On December 20 and 21, the "Party of Growth" will hold a pre-election congress, at which it will make a decision to nominate its leader, the presidential commissioner for business protection under the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Titov, as a candidate for the presidential elections. During the presidential campaign, Titov plans to go on vacation and give up his company car.

Dmitry Potapenko, 2016 Photo Valwell from, available under license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko was born on March 30, 1970 in a Muscovite family. After leaving school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation and in 1993 received a diploma in the specialty "Design engineer-technologist"... In 2002, he completed the MBA (economics) postgraduate education program at the Russian Academy of Aviation Technologies under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Has a certificate of the Moscow Regional Audit Chamber "International standards of accounting and reporting" IAS / GAAP.

Dmitry Potapenko is a well-known media character who speaks openly about business problems in the country and criticizes the authorities, for example, during a speech on December 8, 2015 at the Moscow Economic Forum in defense of truckers protesting against the introduction of the system "Plato" and subsequent discussion with Vladimir Gutenev. She is the author of articles on the website, leading authoring programs "Course Potapenko" to Echo of Moscow, "Business and a little personal" on the radio "TVNZ"... Also hosted copyright programs "Hour of the Entrepreneur" and "Cash flow" on City FM.

Participated in the elections to the State Duma of Russia of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation (2016) in the federal part of the federal list from "Party of growth" in the top three, along with Boris Titov and ex-Socialist-Revolutionary Oksana Dmitrieva, but they did not overcome the 5% barrier. Run for "Party of growth" in 97 Kaliningrad single-mandate constituency, Kaliningrad Oblast, but with a slightly predictable result failed.

He started working as a small entrepreneur at the age of 19. Since 2003 he has been working in Management Development Group, Inc. ( "Management Development Group"), since 2005 CEO and managing partner of this online resource. The project provides consulting services in the field of strategic management. One of the domains hosting the one page site MDG,, is also registered in his name (proof).

Requisites: LLC "Management Development Group"... Legal address: 117463, Moscow, st. Inessa Armand, 3. PSRN: 1097746815495. INN: 7728720007. KPP: 772801001. Date of registration: 18.12.2009. General Director: Dmitry Potapenko. Management Development Group Inc. s.r.o., Praha 3, Blodkova 1280/8, PSČ 130 00. IČO: 28415086. Statutární orgán: Dmitry Potapenko. Datum zápisu: 12.6.2008.

Dmitry Potapenko positions himself as "Businessman. Advisor. Citizen", "Retail expert"(in the field of managing large retail chains) and offers consulting services on "Effective management and development"... Advertising campaign of speeches, meetings and seminars with D. Potapenko is carried out on his website

Meetings with him may be of interest to novice retailers, both managers and owners of small stores or small chains, whose ultimate dream is to create their own "Pyaterochka" or "Magnet"... Also, his practical experience and advice can be interesting for novice owners of low-budget and unpleasant catering establishments.

It is not recommended to attend his lectures for those who dream of creating their own high-tech start-up, interns who are looking for a place for internships and young professionals without practical work experience who want to work for him - all these categories of population D.M. Potapenko dislikes and is ready "Put their diplomas in the shredder"... Of course, this is a joke, but he is unlikely to be able to provide positive advice to all these listeners.

In addition, Potapenko is "Anti-intellectual" and "Anti-theoretical" "Business coach"... So, for several years, he repeated about "Field Marshal of the First World War Clausewitz" until it was fixed by the YouTube channel visitors. And when the listener asked about Michael Porter, he admitted that he did not know this [Sources: Dmitry Potapenko on business processes, 2012; Dmitry Potapenko's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs and answers to other questions, a fragment of Dmitry Potapenko's speech within "Anti-crisis tour - 2016"... The official YouTube-community of entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko:]. By the way, to the question about the second, American MBA (Business & Economic Option) diploma from California State University, Hayward (California State University at East Bay) - on D. Potapenko's personal website it was not possible to find a photo of this educational document, although the rest are present, up to domestic certificates of honor and certificates of advanced training.

Despite numerous speeches and positioning as a successful entrepreneur, it can be assumed that D. Potapenko needs money, since advertising blocks are placed on his personal website Google adsense(proof), and you can also find an ad for advertisers about the possibility of placing a banner for several thousand rubles a month (proof). Along with the character's habit of dressing cheaply and tastelessly, for example, his permanent polo with a stand-up collar and his famous blue suit, in which he regularly appears and from which he has been "increased", but whose short trousers he wears with short socks - (see, for example, a screenshot from the performance of Potapenko and Yekaterina Shulman on Channel 1, 03/14/2017, screen) - all this suggests some thought ...

In November 2016, a book by Dmitry Potapenko appeared on sale "An honest book on how to do business in Russia" that contains information about the business "No unnecessary theorizing, only practice"... The publication is available in paper and electronic versions. ISBN: 978-5-17-099208-9. This publication is aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs and startups, for whom the author, without cuts and embellishment, talks about all the problems and difficulties they will face when starting their own business.

Contact details

Facebook: and

Twitter: (account has not been updated since spring 2016) and


Vkontakte community:


G +:


Youtube: and


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Investment policy in Russia
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Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko Is a successful businessman, publicist, expert, his videos on YouTube are of great interest to the audience. Dmitry Potapenko is a senior partner of Management Development Group Inc, which is represented in countries such as the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic and Belgium by many retail chains, manufacturing enterprises and restaurants, including Gastronomchik, ProdECO, Mark, HozMag, Parade of the Planets ”,“ Pizza Uno ”,“ ArtPragu ”. According to experts, the annual turnover of Potapenko's business exceeds $ 300 million.

Dmitry Potapenko, an adherent of domestic retail, a critic of the authorities for their attitude to Russian business, became widely known after a bright video at the Moscow Economic Forum in December 2015, Potapenko's quotes made it into the news and spread across social networks. Dmitry Potapenko ran from the "Party of Growth" to the State Duma in 2016, but did not pass.

Childhood, education

Dmitry Potapenko was born on March 30, 1970 in Moscow. In the biography of Potapenko on the website "Know everything" it is reported that Dmitry's parents worked in the GRU: according to him, he became the son of two colonels of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

In the elementary grades of the school, Dmitry studied well. But later he stopped showing interest in studies. Potapenko also actively participated in the social life of the school. He was an active Komsomol organizer, attended all sorts of circles, was engaged in karate.

After graduating from school, Dmitry Potapenko entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

From his student years, Dmitry began to live independently. He managed to test himself in various kinds of activity - in his career he worked as an orderly in a morgue and a psychiatric hospital, and as a personal bodyguard for an oligarch. Vitaly Malkina, he even was a security guard in a closed gambling club of a famous businessman Otara Kvantrishvili(a crime boss killed in the 90s). Dmitry Potapenko wrote about these stages of his career in his biography "An Honest Book on How to Do Business in Russia."

Business career

Potapenko took up commerce at a young age, when he resold chewing gum to his schoolmates.

“In the third grade, I was already playing chewing gum next to the Mozhaisky hotel. In the fifth grade, our five-meter kitchen was pasted over with inserts from chewing gum with Donald's - then it was a great rarity, ”Potapenko himself recalled in his biography, noting that he did not dream of being a businessman, but he was.

Further, his commercial experience made itself felt in his student years, when Dmitry Potapenko was selling at Gorbushka (a market in Filyovsky Park near the DK im. Gorbunova) various audio, video and computer equipment.

Dmitry Potapenko early discovered the entrepreneurial grip in himself and already in 1989 established CJSC "Black Bars", which was engaged in unloading and loading, sealing interpanel seams and industrial mountaineering. It was during this period that Potapenko combined his studies at the institute with many other works, an assistant pathologist, bodyguard and security guard.

In 1992, in partnership with Natashkyang Korotia Systems, which imports electronics to Russia, he created the Tusar electronics store chain.

After graduating from the institute in 1993, Dmitry worked for Grundig for five years in 1995. In this firm, an energetic young man made good progress in his career: starting as a leading manager, Potapenko became deputy president.

Further, in the biography of Dmitry Potapenko, many different very prestigious positions appear. He was the general director of a wood-chip materials plant in the Podrezkovo microdistrict, established the production and export of competitive particle boards, served as deputy head for investment cooperation at Kreditimpex Bank, was deputy head of Logos companies, in addition, Potapenko in 2001 became the head of the company Wholesale centers ".

In 2003, Dmitry Valerievich headed the St. Petersburg and Moscow offices of the Pyaterochka retail chain.

In 2005, businessman Potapenko took one of the main positions in the Management Development Group. He carried out the development of retail chains, planning, organizing and stimulating work with an assessment of the result obtained and identification of current trends.

“The main part of our business is grocery stores and inexpensive canteens, which are at the forefront of demand:“ ProdECO ”,“ Gastronomchik ”,“ Orange ”,“ Merchants ”,“ Housekeeper ”,“ Restaurantchik “Real Fish”, “Restaurantchik”, “ Real meat "", "Pizza Uno", "Canteen No. 1", canteens at enterprises and in business centers. We earn not on the markup, but on the number of clients served, ”Dmitry Potapenko wrote in his biography about this stage of his business career.

Political activity

Dmitry Potapenko in February 2016 announced that he was going to join the leadership of the "Right Cause" party, which should be headed by a business ombudsman. Boris Titov... The reason for entering politics, as reported in the biography of Potapenko on Wikipedia, was the desire to "improve their work to help entrepreneurs." In the 2016 State Duma elections, Potapenko ran for the "Party of Growth" in the 97th Kaliningrad single-mandate constituency (Kaliningrad region), but was not elected.

Dmitry Valerievich was also included in the federal part of the federal list of the "Party of Growth", which, according to the results of the elections, did not overcome the five percent barrier to enter the State Duma.

Dmitry Potapenko is an expert at the Moscow Economic Forum. In 2015, Potapenko's speech at the Moscow Economic Forum aroused great interest, the video gained almost 300 thousand views on YouTube per day.

In that video, Potapenko named four blows to the Russian economy: the embargo imposed to redistribute the market under “specific companies that suck on government officials,” exorbitant lending rates, the destruction of products, and the Platon system, which the businessman calls a tax. Rotenberg... “Now the dialogue between government and business is a dialogue between a butcher and a cow. An affectionate look, a knife under the throat and the question: “What do we have today, milk or beef?”, The businessman noted.

Expert career, videos, quotes

In his career there is a place for journalism, work as an expert on radio and TV. Potapenko wrote articles for "Elephant", "Secret Firmy", hosted the author's programs "Hour of an Entrepreneur" and "Cash Transition" on City FM, "Potapenko's Course" on Echo of Moscow, "Business and a Little Personal" on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda. As an expert, Dmitry Potapenko is a frequent visitor to the news of the economy; many media turn to him for comments.

Dmitry Potapenko constantly uploads videos to YouTube, and they gain tens and hundreds of thousands of views. In his videos, Potapenko discusses the problems of business and the Russian economy, he is known for harsh statements about the government.

For example, he argued: “There is no justice and will not be. The industry will not develop. Tomorrow will be even worse. The authorities will be the same. We can say that a permanent stabilization has come - the stability of sliding ”.

“It's time to legalize the already existing two Russia. One is pro-government, the second is all the rest. And so that de jure and de facto coincide, a wall must be erected on the border of Moscow so that the "smerds" do not enter the capital and spoil the view of the walking "boyars". There are no private enterprises left in the Forbes rating of the top 500 companies. Either state or quasi-state. They are associated with about 4-5 million people especially close to the emperor. It turns out, 5 million people against 140 million ", - said Potapenko in an interview with" SP ".

“They often say that taxes are low in Russia, which makes me angry. They say on TV that taxes are only 13%. But in reality - 43% minimum, because insurance premiums are paid from each salary. Today they are 30%. 43% of each salary - this is the amount paid by the employer as a tax agent. Also, entrepreneurs are charged additional penalties for taxes actually spent. And this is a massive phenomenon, "Potapenko noted in an interview with SP in 2017.

Dmitry Potapenko talked about how the “fateful” programs of the Medvedev government, that 47% of the population survives thanks to a garden, have affected the economy and the lives of Russians, about the prime minister’s promise to expand the “horizon of global competitiveness and national security” by 2024, that the authorities are deceiving the people Referring to external threats, allegedly hindering the development of the country, the causes of the crisis must be sought inside, among the elite engaged in plundering Russia.

Criticizing the pension reform, Potapenko said: “I propose to promise voters a pension of one million dollars. Just add in small print: "upon reaching 120 years of age." And in general, you will never lie, because someone will definitely receive this pension. Speaking seriously about the retirement age, there is a bargaining: a protest or a near-protest? Normal protest - it arose, and everyone went out into the street. And when we say “you know, we thought here, we probably will protest” ...

Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko became famous for his criticism of the authorities and recommendations for doing business. He has extensive experience in retail, at the moment he runs a company specializing in the management of network retail facilities, writes books, leads author programs on the radio, uploads videos to YouTube.

  • FULL NAME: Dmitry Potapenko.
  • Date of Birth: March 30 1970 (48 years old).
  • Education: Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.
  • Business start date / age: 1992/22 years.
  • Position: Managing Partner of Management Development Group Inc.
  • Social networks:

Mr. Potapenko is a figure who attracts attention to himself and does it quite consciously. He does not miss the opportunity to criticize the existing government, the laws of the Russian Federation and the entire system of the modern Russian economy, in which the place of private business, to put it mildly, is unenviable. At the same time, Dmitry Valerievich promises to teach how to create a business in such unfavorable realities. From this we can conclude that despite his loud and often contradictory statements of his own, Dmitry Potapenko's business is, among other things, business consulting.

Biography facts

As stated by Dmitry Valerievich himself, he is a native Muscovite in the fourth generation. Indeed, he was born into an ordinary Moscow family. After school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, where, upon graduation in 1993, he received a diploma of an engineer-technologist.

In his student years, he launched a vigorous trading activity - he sold musical and other equipment at the famous Moscow "Gorbushka". This was his first entrepreneurial experience. In some sources, there is a mention of the first business he organized in 1992, that is, while still a student. And it was, apparently, a large-scale project - a retail chain of stores "Tusar" specializing in the sale of electronic equipment. However, there is no mention of this activity on the official website of Dmitry Potapenko.

The entrepreneurial path

In general, it seems to be a very difficult task to know for certain the entire entrepreneurial path of this figure. There is very little reliable information in open sources. Dmitry Valerievich himself, in interviews from different periods, refers to his rich experience in business, but without specifics.

Potapenko's entrepreneurial path can be structured as follows:

The entrepreneur is actively developing in the retail industry, first specializing in technology, and then moving to grocery chains.

From 1995 to 2000, Potapenko made a career in the well-known German company for the production of household appliances Grundig, having turned from a senior manager to vice president of marketing in the Baltic countries in 5 years.

Then Dmitry had a short banking episode in the early 2000s, when he tried himself as Vice President for Investment Development at CreditImpexBank.

And in 2003, the businessman returned to retail, but already grocery, becoming the head of the Pyaterochka sales network in the Moscow region. There he worked for 2 years, having accumulated considerable experience.

Finally, in 2005, Potapenko became a managing partner of the European company Management Development Group Inc., whose activities, however, seem to be rather vague. The official website links to the main brands of this group of companies, but does not contain any links or at least brief information about their type of activity. According to the entrepreneur himself, understanding theory and practice of sales, he deals exclusively with networking projects with a specialization well known to him.

These are grocery chains of the format of an inexpensive convenience store, eateries and cafes designed for an undemanding client, the production of semi-finished groceries, as well as building materials.

Political career

Dmitry Potapenko became widely known as an ardent critic of the authorities, not afraid of loud accusatory statements, began with the 2015 Moscow Economic Forum. Then he entered into an open confrontation with State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev and criticized a number of economic decisions by the country's government.

Many bloggers still like to quote his, which became winged, statement:

"The dialogue between business and government has been going on for the last 20 years as a dialogue between a butcher and a cow, affectionately looking into the eyes and holding a knife under his throat with the question: what do we have today - beef or milk?"

After that, the businessman continued to shock the public and journalists with statements in his direct and ingenuous manner. They are already afraid to call him to serious and large-scale forums, but in the regions they are delighted with this speaker. Small businesses are eager to buy tickets for his master classes, where he teaches how to establish retail networks, create customer bases how to build working systems in business and much more.

Seeing the wide resonance of his statements in the public environment, Dmitry Potapenko decided to go into politics.

In his own words, this step became a challenge for him and an opportunity to figure out whether anything can be changed at all in the country's political system.

“It would be foolish to talk about the worthlessness of the authorities without trying to change anything. My life experience is practice and result, I don't know how to work differently. "

The newly minted politician spoke of the confidence that he would get into the Duma, because he had everything for this: the baggage of knowledge, skills and support from people. His goal was to get into the system and change its operating principles.

In 2016, the businessman ran for the State Duma from the Kaliningrad constituency as a member of the Party of Growth. The results of these elections did not allow Potapenko to change the political system, since he did not overcome the percentage for passing the barrier.

Journalistic activities

But the journalistic and consulting activities of Dmitry Valerievich after the historic December forum went uphill. Many journalists seized the opportunity to irritate the authorities and began vying with each other to call Potapenko for interviews, which he gives willingly and is rarely shy in expressions.

This practice even resulted in the author's program on the radio "Echo of Moscow". It is called the Potapenko Course. The businessman is also quite familiar with the Internet media and is happy to comment on the news of the business environment in his own column, Slon Magazine, of the media holding, also known on the Dozhd TV channel.

All these activities inspired Potapenko to write books, which are largely based on his speeches and master classes for aspiring entrepreneurs. In 2016, The Honest Book on How to Do Business in Russia was published. A year later, Dmitry Potapenko presented a new creation to the readers' judgment - "Business is verbs and nouns that end in numbers."

One of the videos of the program "In essence", in which Dmitry participates