Selling ads in Yandex.Direct! Do you need Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords ad generators? A program for the automatic creation of direct ads.

Hello everyone!

Of course, such services will not do all the work for you, but they will help you save a lot of time. I will give an example from my practice:

When I was still quite green in the field contextual advertising, for me, using Excel to create an RC seemed like something unattainable and to create one advertising campaign it took about five hours to work in the interface.

It seemed to me that working in this program is very difficult. However, after I grasped the basics of creating a campaign in the XLS-template, it took less time to form an advertising campaign: for one campaign with several hundred keys, about 2 - 3 hours.

Then, when I discarded all the principles (yes, there were also principles about using other people's services in my work, yyy) and started using various generators, including Adpump, the time decreased to 30-40 minutes by several hundred phrases. Most of the time is now spent on making the ads readable. That's it, gentlemen!

It is not difficult to deal with these services, the main thing is to prepare and Google adwords, respectively. Actually, this is what it takes great amount time, and then insert the "keys" into the required fields of the generator:

I think that now you will start using Yandex Direct and Google Adwords ad generators in your work.


Dear readers, in Lately on the topic of contextual advertising, it seems to me, the lessons began to come out not of the same quality as they were before. Therefore, I apologize for this.

Already next week I will tell you in detail how to set up dynamic remarketing in Google Adwords and, in general, all subsequent lessons on CR will be devoted to the "foreign" system.

See you soon!

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Pavel Lomakin

X I want to say right away that the use of a single option is not acceptable, because if you approach the process as meticulously as possible, then each of the options is necessary specifically for your product, service or offer.

General rules for all ads:

  • 1 word = 1 ad
  • Exceptionally Relevant to the Landing Page
  • Starts with a capital letter
  • Contains no errors
  • Does not contain slang words
  • No abstractions (quality, best, low price etc)
  • Contains a call to action
  • Contains (if there are sections of the site, other goods or additional services)
  • Contains a business card
  • Contains
  • Check the setting for displaying favicon (Wikipedia) on the site.
  • No negative ads!

1. "The most clickable ad."

E This option for writing ads is, according to Yandex statistics, the most clickable. Let's call it "Maximum clickable". It is known that if you use keyword when writing an ad, it is highlighted in bold. If we put a keyword in both the headline and the ad text, we make it as visible as possible. If you put a keyword in the headline and the beginning of the ad text, it increases the CTR of the ad by another 10%.

V the aggregate of finding an ad in the first place of special placement, this can give the following CTR:

H To further enhance the effect, according to Yandex statistics, it is advised to use Words magnets from the list:

I AM opponent of using such words magnets, since they contradict one of the general rules writing ads - "Do not use abstractions" and if you really ignore this, then at least add numbers to them to concretize the result. But the worst thing about them is that they attract the audience of freeloaders and dumpers mostly.

2. Announcements on the basis of ODC (Offer - Deadline - Call to Action)

ODC- Proposal - Time Limit for Decision Making - Call to Action!

TO As a rule, in such ads the heading is the keyword. But not necessarily.

WITH I'll just tell you an example typical for the ODC model in context, since most people don't understand it quite correctly and by offer means some kind of discount or promotion. In fact, the offer must contain a benefit or a result. Having seen such an offer, a person should feel an irresistible desire to buy it from you, and if there is still a deadline for the offer, then the user simply cannot not click on it. This scheme is also called in marketing "Inevitable sale model". In general, creating an ad using such a scheme is a rather difficult task and depends primarily on a cool product. I noticed that the ODC model is well suited for online stores of goods and the indication of the price has its advantages, since it works similarly to J.Market.

V In general, we will talk about the ideal offer in the coming articles.

3. AIDA Announcements

  • A - Attention
  • I - Interest
  • D - Desire
  • A - Action

E This is a kind of hybrid that is very similar to the ODC principle, but includes elements of the GDP, which I talk about below.

4. Highest scoring

N let's name their result announcement! Quite a rare occurrence due to the fact that you essentially give guarantees, not an abstraction of the type you will not like we will return the money, but guarantees based on benefits. That is, instead of writing a 100% guarantee of the result in the declaration, write the result itself.

TO For example, you have clients who urgently need a service or product. So write the result expressed in terms.

V these examples result in pizza delivery times. But there is one big flaw in the ads presented, that is that the result is blurred among the text and other numbers. That is, I would write something like this:

Hot pizza in 60 minutes!

Hot pizza in 60 minutes anywhere in Moscow or get your money back!

AND you already clearly understand that if you are too lazy to go to a pizzeria and you are ready to wait a little, then this offer is for you! This technique can be used by campaigns advertising their services in a certain area of ​​a large city in the case of fast sales or, for example, used as delivery of goods in Russia, especially if you remember our Post Office and have your own logistics))) But not only. In most niches, there are conscript clients and this service can be offered for them.

E then only one of the options for ads based on a guaranteed result. That is, you need to think carefully about who your client is and what he needs and give it to him. Very similar to ODC, but the performance is different in my opinion for the better.

5. Announcements based on GDPR

Gdp- has two options: BENEFIT + BENEFIT + CALL, or QUESTION + BENEFIT + CALL

O This is very similar to the Declaration = Result principle, but it adds the ability to interact with the client. I really like this option as it is versatile for almost any niche and product.

V what is interactive here? The user enters a request, you ask him a question and he, in case of a positive decision, clicks on the ad, and you also give him a hint for action on his part - in this case, the call sounds like choose online, but there are a great many options for appeals. The only thing I personally recommend is to avoid calls such as: Click! or Click! and especially in the title. The user is a rather inert creature and can do this without delving into the essence of the proposal, thereby clicking your budget. According to Yandex statistics, such calls add some percentage to the CTR, but the traffic will be very dirty. The call should be imperative, but leave some freedom for the user.

E This method is usually used for Teaser networks, but no one bothers to use them in contextual advertising. The point is in some understatement of the announcement or in stirring up curiosity. Unfortunately, I have no examples, I found some similarity from one bank (not advertising)))

V in general, you can experiment.

7. Announcements for YAN or CCM

TO all of the above can be attributed to such ads, but I would like to put them in a separate segment. The interaction between the user and the ad in the YAN or the KMS takes place in a different way than on the search, since at the moment when the user sees the ad, he is not looking for a service, but views content that is completely different from the request. It makes no sense to use the key entirely in the declaration and title. It is necessary that the ad with all its text tells about the uniqueness of your offer, but at the same time the client must understand that this is what he needs. For such purposes, all the options listed above are suitable except for the first. An ad that is entirely based on the well-thought-out PPC marketing that I talked about works best.

E These 7 ways that I use all the time in my practice, I hope they will help you to bring good quality leads and customers to your business. Use and share your opinion in the comments.

ATTENTION: Funny monetary competition for beginners and Direct practitioners. To find out the conditions, click on the button below!

The goal is to consolidate the material of the article!


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Hello! Today I decided to review one very interesting program - which I constantly use when writing Yandex.Direct ads. The main essence of the program is that it automates the creation of titles and ad texts for Direct and Google Adwords in just one click! At the same time, the texts are unique, written by you, with extended titles or a key in the ad text, with selling calls, here you can twist as you like. Just a real harvester!

What AdsGen can do

As you've probably read the information - me. Therefore, I will list and analyze in detail the most important program functions used for Yandex.Direct contextual advertising.

Editing key phrases right in the AdsGen interface - removing negative keywords and duplicates, assigning operators to keys, clearing Wordstat statistics, accounting for special characters and much, much more ...

Editing key phrases in ad texts. There are a variety of settings: mass replacement of words in headlines and ad text, changing the case of keywords, moving part of the words of a keyword to the beginning of the text ...

Text generation function. You can generate both keywords from the given base words, and create many variants of ad text. As a result, our Direct ad generator will create a full-fledged semantic core for an advertising campaign or your website.

Attention! Parsing of competitors' texts for specified keywords. We drive in the keys and get competing ads on them, which will help us create more attractive offers after studying the information.

Create lists. There are 4 types of lists:

  1. Exact Key Matches - Automatically change a given list of words to the correct case. For example, where there are keys in ads with city names that start with a small letter like "Moscow" - when generating ad texts, they will change to "Moscow".
  2. Partial entry into the keys - similar to the first option, only it is not necessary to include whole words in the list, instead of "Moscow" - put "Mosk". AdsGen will change the case of all words starting with "Mosk" - "Moscow region", etc.
  3. Replacement of words - make a list of words according to the template type "my homeland | I was born in the USSR", as a result, all phrases in the announcements "my homeland" will automatically become "I was born in the USSR".
  4. Questions - make a list of question-words like "how much, how, where ...", AdsGen will automatically put question marks to the keys with such question-words.

Recently added cross minus function! Now, in one click, re-minus keywords among themselves without taking into account word forms like going for water)). There is no need, as before, to drive all the keys into the Commander or look for special services on the Internet.

Save finished projects can be in an Excel file (XLS, XLSX), similar to the Yandex.Direct template file, as well as in a CSV file (key - header - ad text).

I have listed the most important functions of the AdsGen ad generator, there are many others that help to speed up the creation of Yandex.Direct ads at times.

At the moment there are 2 versions of the ad generator for Yandex.Direct - Starter and Basic, the developer promises to add 2 more versions in the coming days. Look at the screenshot for the version differences by functionality.

Internals of AdsGen

Let's go through the settings of the Yandex.Direct ad generator. They are very flexible and it will not be difficult to customize ad templates to suit your interests. For the convenience of users, the settings are divided into sections (I have numbered them in the screenshot).


Here we can set the number of ads per group, that is, this is a well-known A / B test by all directors. When we check the "in key variations" checkbox, on the right, the fields for selecting the matching of key phrases are activated, which allows adding the same identical ads (up to 3) to a group with 1 key phrase and an ad (up to 3), but with key formatting. These are operators - quotes, quotation marks and exclamation mark, square brackets.

Operator training video for Yandex.Direct

Ad templates

As you can see, the templates use macros that automatically substitute your texts, titles and key phrases during generation. Here full list and decoding of macros.

a) (keyword) is a key phrase macro. Varieties in different case:

  • (Keyword) - capitalized first word.
  • (KeyWord) - capitalized each word.
  • (keyword) - everything with a small letter.

b) (sellsupp) - ad text macro. Varieties in different case:

  • (Sellsupp) - capitalized first word.
  • (SellSupp) - capitalized each word.
  • (sellsupp) - everything with a small letter.

c) (key) - the ad keyword macro. Used for ad link.

d) (!?) - Insert punctuation marks. If a passphrase implies a question, then a question mark will be used instead of a macro, otherwise an exclamation mark. Specified in lists.

e) (.?) - Insert punctuation marks. If the passphrase implies a question, then a question mark will be used instead of a macro, otherwise a period. Specified in lists.

When you click on + UTM, a window will open where it is enough to indicate the link you need to the site and the necessary parameters. When generating, links with utm tags will be added to all ads.


A super feature is the use of an extended header, which I usually always point out. The program automatically calculates the required length of headers, taking into account the restrictions on the number of characters set by Direct. Some of the words are transferred to the description of the ad. If titles are exceeded, they will be highlighted in red. Then you can easily edit them to the required length manually or with automatic replacement in the texts.

You can use the default title. For example, if the title key has more than 33 characters, the default title you specified will be substituted for it.

Displayed link

Everything is clear here. Insert the default text that will be used in the link instead of the key if it is specified by a macro in the ad template (2) and exceeds 20 characters. You can also check the box to trim keys if they are longer than the prescribed 20 characters.

Quick links

Compose titles and descriptions of quick links, when you click on the plus sign, a window will open for specifying their url-addresses, and there you can also apply utm-tags to all links.


Select the desired region for the campaign.

Export ads

Ability to upload up to 1000 ad groups.


Provide refiners for ad groups.

How do I create ads in AdsGen

I'll tell you about my method, which I most often use when generating Direct ads (search ads). So, open the program and go to the settings.

In the main settings, I specify like this.

As you can see, I do not use the key in the description of the ad (see above - macros), it will be enough to use it in the title. With all this, I use, which is many times more effective, attractive and clickable than the usual title of 33 characters, proven by my repeated experiments in Yandex.Direct.

And if you put the key in both the title and the description of the ad, as some directors advise, then imagine the meaning of the displayed ad. It turns out just delirium, repetition like a parrot! And, believe my experience, the cost of clicks will never decrease due to such an action, but more often than not - the ad loses its attractiveness, the CTR falls, the rates go up. Moreover, with an extended title of 56 characters, using the key in the description is almost impossible, since there will be nowhere to add any selling calls or similar "goodies" of your products.

At the top, enter your website address, choose as in my screenshot and click - apply, the link is ready.

site /? utm_medium = cpc & utm_source = yandex & utm_campaign = (campaign_id) & utm_content = (ad_id) & utm_term = (keyword) & type = (source_type) & block = (position_type) & position = (position) & keyword = (keyword)

This is specifically for advertising Yandex.Direct on search. In the Yandex.Metrica web analytics system, you will see: the name of the campaign, what key was used to reach you, from which ad and block of impressions (as well as the place in this block) you were visited.

In the settings for quick links, region, etc. I also always fill in everything, but I did not take a screenshot here, since everything is clear and understandable. The only thing is, if you are going to write utm tags for quick links, then in the field "campaign content" put it like this: (ad_id) -bs1 (for the 1st quick link), for others it is the same as (ad_id) -bs2, etc. This is so that in Yandex.Metrica you can see that there was a transition from such and such a quick link, and not from the main ad title. Which is very convenient and effective for analyzing advertising campaigns.

  1. I insert keywords in this field.
  2. Here, in theory, you can specify various selling calls or supplements such as "50% discount", "sale" and the like. In order for the extended heading (in my case, the heading is a keyword), such calls are added to the end of the heading. But I do it differently, it’s just that it’s more convenient and easier for me to visually get into the limits of Direct to limit the characters of headlines / ad text. I immediately write similar selling enticements in the descriptions of the ads (3). So do not focus on this moment for now (we will come back here).
  3. Here I write different ad texts and, as I wrote above, selling calls. To make the ad texts as full as possible (the Yandex.Direct limit is 75 characters), I start writing texts from 73-74 characters (the! Sign will be added from the macro) and gradually, somewhere by 3-6 characters, I begin to shorten them and change words, so until 43-45 char Less is not necessary, since this will be enough for the longest keys in the form of an extended header to get correctly within the limits of Yandex.Direct. Believe me - everything will turn out superb!

As you can see, all texts have been generated. Notice that the same selling addition from the extended heading field (2) has been added. But, above I mentioned that I immediately put such additions in field (3) and I want to see them in the ad texts.

So I go back to the tab - import. And I clear the field (2). You will ask why it did not clear from the very beginning, so the program (in my case and with my settings) requires you to fill in this field the first time, and the second time it goes as it should without filling.

Now again I go to the tab - direct. Again, according to our plan, I generate ads and - I get the result I need.

I most often work according to this method, although I also use others, depending on which sites / niches / desires of my clients ... You can do otherwise, as you have seen, the ad generator for Direct - AdsGen offers the widest possibilities of customization.

Last step. We click the left button of the touchpad or mouse anywhere in the tab - direct, and in the window that opens, click - save announcements. The finished campaign will be downloaded as an XLS template file, and you can always edit it if necessary. We load our template into Yandex.Direct and enjoy superbly and quickly made advertising.

In addition - updated AdsGen

In 2018, the Yandex.Direct interface and its functions have changed, as well as the functionality of Adsgen, so watch the video on how to create ads after updating the program.

On this sim, if you please, bow, see you soon! If you have any questions about the AdsGen generator - write in the comments ...