Freelancer: Sofa Bum or Free Man with Money? Why would clients want to work with you? Who are freelancers.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In the articles, I also mentioned freelancing, but did not go into the details of this phenomenon, which is gaining popularity every day. Today I just want to correct this defect and talk about The pros and cons of being an online freelancer, and not only on the Internet.

We will try to understand what freelancing is and why hiring remote workers can be a process that benefits both sides of these business relationship(to both the employee and the employer).

This phenomenon also has disadvantages (by), but due to its many advantages, the number of adherents of this way of existence in our complex world is constantly increasing. There will be instructions on how to work remotely on the Internet for beginners and a list of resources required to find a customer. What if a freelancer wakes up in you too and it will drastically change your life? A? Why not?!

Who are freelancers and what do they do?

In runet freelancer is a kind of private person(although it may be) undertaking to perform a certain amount of work (task). By and large, it may not be remote work(for example, a builder doing repairs in an apartment, or an office worker hired for the duration of the assignment), but most often the employer and the contractor find each other and maintain relationships via the Internet (online).

Actually, it was with the emergence and growth of the popularity of the Internet () that this type labor activity and gained such popularity. In the general sense of the word, freelancing should be understood as performing work by an independent contractor(freelancer).

To some extent, an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) falls under the concept of a freelancer, but these definitions are not identical. Frilanser is, as a rule, one person who is hired to complete certain buildings, and an individual entrepreneur himself may have a staff of workers for whom he will be a manager (employer).

The main advantage of freelance work remotely is the absence of bosses, alarms and Mondays. However, when viewed from a different angle, each of the described advantages can be considered a disadvantage. But first things first.

Let's first see which specialties are the most demanded and they most often offer their services in the remote work market(we will now consider only online freelancing, as fundamental).

What internet freelancers do

  1. Specialists in working with texts- (create texts), (process other people's texts), content managers (respond to the strategy of filling the site with content), editors and proofreaders (), as well as various translators (technical texts, fiction, entire sites, etc.). In addition to masterly pen skills and knowledge of languages, such specialists are often required and knowledge in psychology, marketing, and analytics. The apotheosis of text freelancing can be considered writers who struggle to write masterpieces for various publications for a percentage of their sales.
  2. Programmers and Administrators- write programs and scripts, solve the tasks assigned to them for the administration of sites, web servers, applications, etc. It also includes testers of various software products- games, programs, mobile applications, online services, website usability, etc. Among such specialists, the "gentlemen's set" is programming languages ​​(JavaScript, PHP, Perl, etc.), the ability to work with databases, and also virtuoso.
  3. Designers- freelancing in this area can be done by: interior (landscape) designers, graphic designers(drawing banners, buttons, calendars, etc.), web designers (combining the makings of a programmer and an esthete), game designers and other variations of this kind of freelancers. Combines their heightened "sense of beauty" and the ability to work with various graphic programs (llustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Max, 4Studio, MAX, Maya), as well as basic knowledge in many related freelance specialties (for example, a web designer must be able to make up , master the basics of web programming, etc.)
  4. Website promotion specialists- these are SEO-schnicks (link builders), optimizers (usabelists), layout designers, specialists in attracting visitors to the site using different types advertising (etc.), promotion specialists in in social networks, and web analytics. The knowledge of freelancers from this area should be extensive and, most importantly, “in the heat of the moment”, because in promotion everything is constantly changing (search engines are introducing new algorithms and filters that change even basic approaches to promotion - such as, for example).
  5. Moneymakers- freelancers who do not pinch "work for an uncle", but are looking for independent ways to earn money. As a rule, they do not join together, but work alone. I (and other bloggers) can also be called a moneymaker at a stretch, which means - Frilanser. To earn money, you can use your own own projects(including doorways) or traffic arbitrage (buying it in context systems, teasers, etc., with subsequent draining to or something similar). Knowledge for this kind of occupation requires very versatile, because a moneymaker must be a webmaster, a layout designer, an analyst, a marketer, a strategist, etc.
  6. Coaches (trainers)- a kind of freelancers who are specialists (or consider themselves as such) in any field and offer their training services. Most often this takes place in an online format (correspondence or chatting), both individually and as part of a group. You can train anything in this way (my son, for example, hired Frilanser as a fitness trainer, which cost him much less than a real trainer). To some extent, this type of freelancing can be attributed to (creation and sale of training courses). In this case, from a freelancer, in addition to knowledge in a certain area, the ability to convey this knowledge intelligibly to students is also required. If you decide to do this, then I advise you to pay attention to the system JustClick, which includes a full set of tools (affiliate program, store, mailing list service, etc.).

Remote work options not connected to the Internet

In addition, there are quite many directions of freelancing that are not directly connected to the Internet, and their work cannot always be classified as remote (online):

  1. Engineers, architects and other qualified professionals who do not have a permanent place of work, are willing to carry out contracts for companies or individuals(for example, create a project for a future house, design electrics, heat supply, etc.). Services of this kind can be offered again via the Internet, either through newspaper ads, or through recommendations from those clients for whom the freelancer has already done this job.
  2. Freelancers include builders who perform repairs in apartments or other premises, electricians, plumbers and people of other specialties who do not have a permanent employer, but are looking for them on their own.
  3. Free-floating photographers and videographers. Their main "feeding troughs" are weddings, anniversaries and other events that clients want to leave documented memories of. The search for clients for freelancing can be carried out again by everyone available ways(internet, website, newspapers, contextual advertising, recommendations, etc.)
  4. Among journalists (writing or filming), there is also a very large proportion of freelancers (for example, the same Graeme Phillips), when the created material is then sold to those wishing to get it to publications or television channels.
  5. A lot of people in the field of jurisprudence and related fields work as freelancers, i.e. without being tied to any company or organization (lawyers, consultants, free realtors, experts, visiting accountants, etc.)
  6. Offline coaching (?) Is represented by tutors, who are also mostly “in free float”.
  7. Until recently, we had widespread "bombiles" (private drivers, moonlighting as a taxi driver), who were also a kind of freelancers (free artists).

At the same time, remote work is not always freelance. For example, some firms practice the work of some employees at home, if the specifics of their occupation allows it. In this case, money is saved on the rental of premises and the employee's time, which he does not spend now on the road. However, such an employee is not a Frilanser, although he has more freedom than an office employee.

People become freelancers for a variety of reasons. For some, it is a problem to constantly travel to the office (for people with disabilities or women with small children), for some it is psychologically difficult to work in the office, but for some, the main advantage is the ability to choose tasks yourself, and not do what what will be charged.

As a percentage, there are a lot of those who are constantly or temporarily freelancing around the world, and their number is constantly growing. It is possible that you will also like this method of "maintaining your pants" more than living in the office.

Pros and cons of remote work on the Internet

Despite the fact that we have already found out (freelancing is not only and not so much remote work), nevertheless in this article I want to talk specifically about online work, because this is close to the topic of this blog and what I do myself.

Pros of working as a freelancer

  1. There are no bosses, no alarms and no Mondays, which is the main advantage for many. In other words, freelancing gives you a sense of freedom and independence. You are free to choose your own orders, you yourself plan your working day (or night) and you yourself choose the days on which you will rest.
  2. Remote work allows you not to waste time on the road and money for travel (and you don't have to buy a suit). We got up, washed, sat down at the computer (right in your pajamas) - and you are already at work. Whisper, as for me.
  3. You can do a high-paying job while living in the "outback", having only a computer and Internet access at your fingertips. Often the income of a freelancer (in this case) is an order of magnitude higher than what he could earn in real life at his place of residence. This frees many talented specialists from the need to change their place of residence in pursuit of interesting work and a long ruble.
  4. Some Frilanser are not tied to a specific place of residence at all - if only there is electricity and the Internet (albeit occasional). This allows you to travel around the world (Goa, Vietnam, the village of Gadyukino, etc.) and live where you like as much as you want. Again, this is all about the freedom that freelancing gives.
  5. The entire market of freelance services will be open to you, where available great amount employers and offers. With the proper approach and the appropriate reputation without work, even in a crisis, you will not remain.
  6. You will have a clearly agreed amount of work, and everything that needs to be done additionally will be paid, in contrast to work in the office, where you will have to realize all the fantasies of your manager within the framework of the salary measured to you.
  7. You will have the opportunity to devote a sufficient amount of time to your family (at least your family will at least see you, albeit from the back), because you will save several hours of your life a day only on the unnecessary commute to work.

Freelancing is not an occupation for everyone

As in any other case, many of the noted pluses, under certain circumstances, can be considered as minuses. If to generalize, then to the significant disadvantages of being a freelancer can be attributed:

  1. In addition to actually doing the work, you will have to spend time selling your service, i.e. search for a suitable employer (advertise your services, start a website with a portfolio, advertise on freelance exchanges, etc.), and also keep an eye out so as not to become a victim of fraud (the customer can get the ordered work, but not pay for it) ... To do this, you will need to discuss in detail all controversial and slippery issues, and also apply fraud protection measures.
  2. In the absence of a boss and a clear daily routine, it is quite difficult for many to get together and willingly "start to work hard" when you can easily turn on a movie, play a computer game, chat on social networks or simply delve into reading the news (after all, no one is snitches). Not everyone is easily given such a thing as self-discipline, and many need a pressure factor for fruitful work (a boss, colleagues sitting next to them, a sysadmin who turns off access to social networks, etc.).
  3. There is no social package in the form of sick leave, paid vacations, etc. of things. Sick - starve or eat your stash. This also includes the extremely unstable level of income, which is quite well characterized by the expression “sometimes thick, sometimes empty”. This way of doing business will still need to adapt.
  4. If you want to receive a pension in the future, then make some additional efforts to keep records and pay taxes (either hire a freelancer from accountants for this, or yourself).
  5. Home (remote) work seems like an ideal option for almost everyone, but it is far from the case. Sometimes in the office create work environment it turns out much easier than at home, where children make noise, and your family does not take your occupation seriously, not understanding why you cannot be distracted and go to the store, vacuum, go for a walk with your child (dog), etc.
  6. It is difficult to plan sufficiently large purchases, because it is quite difficult to take out a loan for an individual entrepreneur, and it is very difficult to understand what income you will have during at least the next year. But, this is my pure IMHO ().

Who Hires Freelancers

As you can imagine, freelancing is played by two players - the employer and the contractor. For completeness, let's also look a little at what makes Frilanser attractive to the customer compared to a full-time employee:

  1. The campaign may not include office workers, but only freelancers (or their number can be significantly reduced). This allows you to save on the rental of premises and their furnishings.
  2. A full-time employee will have to pay not only for the work performed, but also for the time spent at the workplace, which can be completely unprofitable. And the social package, as mentioned above, is not required for a freelancer. And terminating a contract with a freelance artist is much easier than firing a negligent full-time employee.
  3. The employer has much more room to choose the "ideal performer", because the freelance market is not limited to the place where the office is located. Often, highly qualified and not very demanding specialists for their work can be found on the other side of the world.

At the same time, some significant disadvantages of hiring freelancers for the performance of this or that work is not visible (except for the conservative approach that many employers have). Unless you just can't come up and look over your shoulder remote employee, in order to find out whether he is busy with business or again began to lay out the solitaire. But when paying for the result, this is not particularly important.

What is freelancing and how to start making money

I want to give you a few principles that, in my opinion, should be followed for a successful career in freelancing (income growth due to an increase in the number of completed orders and the possibility of increasing the payment for their fulfillment).

  1. First and foremost - you need to love what you do ... Otherwise, nothing will come of it. Freelance work is mostly "plowing" (albeit for more money than you can get working in real life). But if your chosen area of ​​application of effort causes you rejection, then you will not last long. First of all, you should like your work, and this is the most important thing. For example, I would not have been able to devote all my free time to this blog for so many years (sometimes 12-15 hours a day) if I didn’t like it all.
  2. Create a separate mailbox for communicating with clients, ICQ (Skype), buy a separate SIM card, and also to receive payment for your work (and it would not hurt to get a card in case payment is only possible by bank transfer).
  3. Soberly assess your capabilities and take only those orders that you are able to fulfill. Be sure to clarify the task in order to avoid further inconsistencies due to misunderstandings. For example, I don’t undertake to write reviews on topics where I don’t understand much.
  4. It is possible that the current level of your knowledge in the chosen specialty does not yet reach the level required for freelancing. In this case, it will be possible to improve your level using the training courses, coaching or simply books recommended on the network.
  5. The question of price must be resolved even before the start of the work. It should be justified by your labor costs and the complexity of the job. There is no need to talk about changing the cost of work after the conclusion of the contract. By the level of prices for your services, you can navigate the freelance exchanges listed below and other thematic resources. At first, you might (or even work for free) to collect a portfolio of works characterizing you from the good side (sometimes a special site is created under the portfolio that advertises the services provided, it is also posted on stock exchanges).
  6. It is probably clear that keeping the deadline for the work is a big plus and will stimulate the employer to further cooperate with you, as well as recommend your services to their colleagues and friends. The same applies to the correction of found errors - their timely elimination negates the very fact of their appearance. Of course, it's better not to make mistakes, but we are all human ...
  7. be careful... Employers quite often offer flilancers to participate in competitions (qualifying competitions), but often with only one goal - to get the job they need for free. In the vast majority of cases, a good portfolio for a client will be enough to make a decision on the choice of a contractor.

    At the same time, many reputable campaigns offer to perform test work, and here you need to make sure that the task is the same for everyone, and there is no fraud, when the customer then collects from the free pieces of work what would have to be paid for with a different approach. In general, this is a reminder that you need to keep your ear open and try not to fall for the bait of freebie lovers, of which there are plenty in this market.

    To do this, you can agree on a separate payment for each of the completed stages of work, or give the customer for verification not a complete version, but only a part (or a demo version) sufficient to assess the quality of execution (the rest is already transferred after payment has been made). Sometimes they practice prepayment, as I do, for example, when ordering reviews. For large projects, you can try to use the services of a guarantor (intermediary) when transferring money and work performed (analogue of a deposit box).

  8. The hardest thing to start... You will have to learn how to motivate yourself to work, plan your time, master the methods of finding clients, establish a full-fledged home workplace... However, it is at this time that the foundation is laid, and it will be important to start acquiring regular customers(this is an excellent basis for stabilizing income), develop a strategy for negotiations with clients and learn to be philosophical about rejections, inconsistencies and even cases of deception (but try not to fall for the bait in the future).
  9. As mentioned above, a freelancer needs to deal with the issue of paying taxes. A good solution, in my opinion, is to open an IP on a simplified system (you can do it for free). As a rule, Frilanser do not incur any costs other than labor costs, so they choose the simplified tax system with 6%, which is not a lot, in my opinion. In addition, when you open an IP, you begin to have experience for a future pension, which is also good. If your income is more or less decent, then almost all payments in Pension Fund you can get back a little later in the form of tax deductions. If you think about it, then check out my article.
  10. It is not uncommon for flilancers to unite in a team to carry out a complex project, and then, having worked together, organize a company. It will be possible to search for a vacancy in such teams on thematic forums. Well, and you can look for ordinary clients on the freelance exchanges below, or among your friends or acquaintances (through word of mouth).

Freelance exchanges and sites for finding remote online work

The main problem and challenge facing a freelancer is finding employers. As well as the latter strive to find the most suitable performer for them (in terms of price and qualifications). It is quite understandable that the best solution of these two tasks is something like a remote job search exchange.

Freelance exchanges

  1. Workzilla- suitable for novice users who are just trying themselves in freelancing, because there are many orders that do not require special skills. Also, thanks to the rather unusual registration process for performers, where you need to perform test, the employers of this exchange, to a certain extent, have a guarantee of the adequacy of the Frilanser available there. You can read more in the article at the link provided.
  2. Kwork- freelance exchange with innovative approach to the organization of the relationship between the customer and the contractor, which can significantly simplify the life of both. read in my review article.
  3. Weblancer- probably this is the most convenient exchange freelance for novice users. Here they try to protect newcomers as much as possible from fraud on the part of customers. There are several options for paid accounts that allow you to earn significantly more, so when you get comfortable with the exchange, it makes sense to switch to one of them.
  4. ( search for customers and performers for remote work in the IT field (advertising, programming, webmastering, design, etc.). At the moment, it is almost the largest freelance exchange on the Russian Internet. It has its own catalog and rating of freelancers, which is formed on the basis of assessments of employers, the activity of performers, the number of works in the portfolio, etc. And also in this exchange for remote work, a store is available for professional accounts, where you can put your work for sale (texts, programs, design templates, etc.)
  5. one of the oldest and possibly best exchanges in runet. There is a convenient mechanism for finding an executor for projects of any complexity, the ability to fully communicate, as well as the ability to protect yourself from fraud when concluding a deal thanks to the special tools of this freelance exchange. On paid accounts, freelancers receive additional features- rise in the rating, the ability to use the store and much more.
  6. an exchange for professional freelancers, therefore, before adding here, beginners should have experience in their field (acquire a portfolio), because to get into the list of performers, you will have to make a portfolio of the work you have already done before. Otherwise, this service is quite convenient and well thought out (professional).
  7. Of the bourgeois exchanges, it is probably worth mentioning and Russified interface).

These were exchanges of general specialization, but there are also highly specialized freelance solutions. For example, I listed services for a meeting between a customer and a performer of text assignments. By the way, on this blog there is a detailed description of how to work with some of them:, and.

Similar solutions exist for programmers (,, lawyers (, designers and other freelancers. But the above services are convenient, first of all, with a huge selection of performers and customers, and well-debugged functionality. However, in my opinion, exchanges are needed precisely for the initial start, and only then, having acquired regular customers, it will be possible to partially or completely switch to work directly (without intermediaries). IMHO.

Freelance sites - where else can you find a customer or contractor

Also remote online work can be searched :


Yes, I must also say about receiving and cashing out money earned remotely. This is especially true for those who earn money abroad.

There is such a thing - Payoneer card... It was created precisely to make the life of a freelancer easier, to give him the opportunity to withdraw and spend the money he earned anywhere. For more information, see the Pro article in the linked article.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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What is a freelancer? This is a person who is engaged in performing any work without concluding a long-term employment contract with an employer. He is hired only to perform a certain list of activities, that is, he is a freelance employee. Also, a freelancer is the individual who was invited to work during outstaffing. Since a person engaged in such activities is not on a permanent staff, he can carry out projects for several employers at once. For the first time the term "freelancer" was used in the novel "Ivanhoe" to refer to a hired soldier of the Middle Ages.

Most often, a freelancer offers his services himself - through the worldwide network, newspaper ads, and also through personal contacts. This activity is common in areas such as journalism, writing unique content, translation, consulting, design, computer programming, as well as private video and photography. Currently, the freelance market is well developed in Europe and America. Now it is developing rapidly and in Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of real work at home?

Freelance pluses:

For an employee:
- flexible schedule;
- work is possible wherever there is necessary equipment(PC, laptop, internet);
- fulfillment of only their duties;
- lack of a dress code;
- work online at home;
- there is no need to pay for the trip to the office and back.

For the employer:
- payment only for quality work performed;
- significant savings on expensive office space;
- quality control and the opportunity provided on all freelance exchanges to send everything for revision.

Disadvantages of freelancing:

For an employee:
- lack of division of labor;
- uneven income, you need the ability to plan your budget;
- when working outside the exchange, there is no guarantee of receiving payment for the work performed;
- in the absence of an individual entrepreneur, there may be problems when applying for a loan;
- who is a freelancer in terms of legislation? This is a person who provides certain services in the field of freelancing. For this reason, it is advisable to issue an IP;
- the need to keep accounting and pay taxes;
- for some personality types, this is a more nervous type of work;
- constant search for new orders

For the employer:
- it is necessary to spend efforts on drawing up tasks;
- the risk of getting low-quality work;
- the risk of lack of author's support;
- the risk of not getting a job on time;
- the lack of the possibility of bringing the contractor to justice.

Who is an internet freelancer?

Currently, a stable group of freelancers has formed on the worldwide network, who successfully earn their living from remote work. This type of activity is common among programmers, designers, optimizers, translators, copywriters, design engineers and participants in various partner programs. Currently, there are a large number of specialized sites that help freelancers find customers.

Legality of activity

In the Russian Federation and former USSR countries, freelancers are individual entrepreneurs that provide certain services. Freelancing is an activity that requires mandatory registration, taxes and reporting. But due to the weak control of the tax authorities, this point is ignored in most cases. Many freelance workers do not even think about breaking the law.

So we answered the question of who a freelancer is. If you are not embarrassed by the independent registration of an individual entrepreneur and are attracted by a free schedule, then this type of activity is for you!

Hello dear readers! I would like to tell you about freelancing and help you understand what this direction is and why it will be interesting to everyone.

What advantages does it have in contrast to office work and why did I start doing it. Freelance what is it?

What is freelancing?

Scheduled every morning. Wake up call, rush to get to work. Everyday life in a stuffy office and a work race in anticipation of the weekend. Sound familiar?

At such moments, you want to find a job where you can independently control the daily routine, not depend on alarms, your boss, location and day of the week.

Is it real? Certainly! There is such a wonderful area of ​​activity as freelancing. And the one who deals with it -. So who is this man?

A bit of history

Freelance- this word comes from two English words "Free"- "freedom" and "Lance"- "spear", literally translated as "free spear". In the Middle Ages, freelancers were called hired soldiers, who themselves chose whom they wanted to serve.

Now word "Lance" simply means doing some kind of work.

Therefore, now this is the name of a person who works from home. The advantage here is a free schedule. You yourself choose the type of activity, decide when and where you will work, whether it be:

  • favorite coffee shop near the house,
  • a cozy room in your apartment,
  • another country or even another continent.

You are no longer tied to the place of work. Isn't this a dream? You can compare this to a constructor. We all remember this interesting game from childhood, but you can embody this game in your life and lay down its structure on your own.

Sometimes everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance! Force yourself to look at the world through a new lens and appreciate new facets. Real work can be done remotely and it's real!

Where to begin?

What to do if one morning you woke up with the idea to learn something new for yourself and, finally, start making money through the Internet?

What do newbies need to know? Where can I get a beginner guide?

First you need to get to know the direction of freelancing better, read articles on this topic, look through. If the difficulties persist, then you can always ask a more experienced freelancer for advice.

Try to be more attentive and delve into the essence this direction, the faster you master the material, the faster you will be able to fulfill orders and receive income. You need to learn to think analytically and put everything on the shelves. To understand the essence of the task and then there will be no confusion in the head and no fear of the unknown.

How to make money on freelancing?

Of course, everyone is interested in the most pressing issue of making money on remote work. You need to understand that the less you can do, the less choice of work you will have.

Another plus of freelancing is that you will constantly develop, and in many ways, you will have a lot to discover for yourself. Agree, this is good news? Learn something new for yourself every day.

It will come in handy in life, because you will be an interesting conversationalist anywhere and in any company. Not to mention how this will affect your inner world, self-esteem, as a person. Harmony will be your faithful companion.

Let's go back to the question of earnings. Each person decides for himself what results he wants to achieve in his field. For someone, it is enough to complete a task once a week and have additional income, but for someone it becomes a matter of life, and he is constantly developing and learning new tasks for himself.

For a freelance beginner, there are many areas that they can master. You can see or read the book in detail "7 professions"... Where are the simplest professions that everyone can start with.

All roads are open for you, you just have to choose a path. And more experienced colleagues in this field are ready to help you with this.

Now is the time to remember your childhood dreams. Maybe you dreamed of becoming a writer or journalist, talking about interesting events and traveling a lot. So the time has come - it's time to act!

In the future, when you familiarize yourself with all the exchanges and try various tasks, you can already determine the most interesting specialty for yourself.

At first, you will need to independently monitor various exchanges. remote work and collect orders. But over time, if you do your job with high quality, you will have your own list of customers who can work on a permanent basis with a stable income.

What is important for a beginner to know?

  1. Retain important information for yourself.
  2. Subscribe to newsletters.
  3. Constantly evolve.
  4. Try even difficult tasks.

If you suddenly have questions, you can always ask them to a freelancer who has more experience than you. In the world modern technologies there is no place for fear and ignorance. You can learn everything and learn everything, the main thing is desire and assertiveness in achieving your goals. There is no need to waste time in vain, start earning today, right now.

Only daily work will lead you to good results. And who knows, maybe one day we will meet over a glass of freshly squeezed juice on the ocean shore, and you will sincerely thank me for such a useful article on the verge of changing your life.

I wish you good luck and harmony in everything that surrounds you. All the best, dear readers!

Freelance documentary.

Hello friends! Today we'll talk about my favorite topic in remote work: "who is a freelancer and what does he do." For since the summer of 2014, I myself have been sitting tightly at my computer in all the parts of the world accessible to me and I don’t blow at all, because the office was left somewhere far behind, in a company with bosses and traffic jams on the way to work.

I am writing this, sitting among the woods and sand, and sometimes I myself do not believe what happened (I just realized that it’s almost like at the dacha). Even . For there is nothing cooler than falling out wherever you want and when you want; not to ask for time off from anyone and not to explain anything to anyone. Just a song. True, not without ...

But back to the topic:

Who first used this word? As the Internet tells us, for the first time this term was noticed by Walter Scott in the novel "Ivanhoe", where freelancers were called mercenary warriors (From the English freelance: "free" - free, and "lance" - a spear). Later, this term began to denote prostitutes working without pimps (even with such a comparison, our brother was awarded).

And today, a freelancer is called a private specialist, a free artisan who works simultaneously for several employers. Most often, freelancer offers his services himself, less often - he works as a contractor for several companies.

I myself prefer long-term cooperation with a limited number of clients, because finding a job for me is always stressful. I already wrote about this in the article by Fr.

Goa at work

For those asking "what kind of profession is this - a freelancer" I will say that this is not a profession, but a way to conduct a work process. To be more precise, this is a way of life! And after 2.5 years of free swimming, I have formed such habits that I absolutely do not want to get rid of. For example, the ability to go wherever you want at any time.

Or do something other than work. Or move your schedule the way you like it, and not the way your superiors require.

What do freelancers do?

The most common question from a neophyte is who to be? For those in doubt, I wrote in which it is easiest to start. However, the list is not limited to them.

Saint Petersburg, making a website for a funeral agency

So, professions:

  • Journalism and word processing... Probably the most common direction of freelancing, which includes concepts such as.
  • Translators. Especially appreciated are those who speak exotic languages ​​for us, such as Hindi, Urdu or Chinese.
  • Website development and maintenance... My topic, which I refer to with a shorter term "web craft". I call myself just "webmaster"
  • Design . , graphic, landscape, etc. A wide market for making money.
  • Programming in all possible languages ​​and in all available environments.
  • Consulting. Areas: jurisprudence, psychology, personal mentoring, coaching, etc.
  • SEO specialists - website promotion in search engines
  • SMM specialists - promotion and administration of social networks.
  • Personal assistants - the right hands of always busy leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Marketers, sellers and advertisers- from setting up Yandex.Direct to direct sales by phone
  • Design Engineers... Why do you need an office if you only need a laptop and the Internet to design a stove heating?
  • Architects. The same
  • Photographers and videographers... They, of course, have more problematic mobility, but the essence remains the same: work on orders.
  • Video editing and photo processing... As an option for the previous paragraph with a large number of degrees of freedom. But the requirements for the quality of the Internet are the highest
  • Photo models. Yes, I even met such! They work for several modeling agencies.
  • Bomber drivers. Private taxi - why not freelance?
  • etc.

As you can see, the list is quite large, and even it does not exhaust the whole variety of freelance professions. In it, along with typical technical and analytical crafts, there are humanitarian ones as well. Therefore, I consider the myth of the exclusivity of programmers and IT specialists in online earnings to be untenable.

By the way, write in the comments if you need to add something else? Maybe you treat people remotely and know who else is doing this?

Why do people go for free swimming?

There are a lot of reasons! Someone wants to try themselves in something fundamentally new. Someone is sick of office samsara. Someone with the help of freelance solves their financial problems. I was just looking for ways to wander the world.

You sit in Vasishta, wait for tea and rejoice

Of course, there are other means for this: a rich inheritance, generous compassionate relatives or renting an apartment. But, unfortunately (or "fortunately?"), I am not burdened with any of the above. Therefore, I actively earn all the earnings and, unlike many of my office colleagues, I really like it!

How is the workflow going?

So, you have found a customer, discussed all the conditions. What's next?

It's simple:

  • Agree on the form of payment (advance interest or something else)
  • You negotiate the terms and by these terms provide the result (working in the mode in which it is convenient for you)
  • Are you satisfied with the result? - get paid and shake virtual hands with each other.
  • Not satisfied? - make changes until the customer is fully satisfied.
  • Rejoice at the work done and the happy client and start your next project.

Why would clients want to work with you?

As a rule, freelancers have more flexible terms and conditions and lower prices. Agencies take from above a huge number of "bonuses": their services, electricity bills in the office, and so on. Plus, the employer does not need to pay the costs of maintaining your workplace. You undertake all depreciation. Well, and, apparently, butting with a small individual entrepreneur is much easier than with a less maneuverable colossus LLP or JSC.

Just don't forget to add to your portfolio and collect reviews. This is the main asset of trust in you.

Freelance benefits

Tons of articles have been written about them, but I also add a spoonful of my vision to this great monotony.

  1. Free schedule... You get up when you want, work at a time when it is convenient for you and rest when you are tired, and not from 8 pm to 10 pm 5 days a week + Saturday and Sunday
  2. High wages... Compared to their office brothers, "free spearmen" can earn many times more
  3. Stability! Here I am expecting objections) However, looking at the situation in large corporations and the shattered ambitions of reduced or reduced employees in allowance, I understand that I have nothing of the kind. You work - there is money, you do not work - there is no money. It's simple.
  4. Very wide market... Any limitation is your own. My geography today includes 6 countries and this is far from the limit (sorry, I don’t know Chinese)
  5. Non-stop development. If you want to make good money - study! Freelance is for maniacs who love their job. There is nothing to do here without love for him.
  6. Supermobility. The only thing you need is a laptop and internet. For me, this is the main plus that gives odds to any of the most significant minuses. Still, the third New Year and my birthday in a row while traveling is a nice bonus to my lifestyle, isn't it?

Tried it - it's inconvenient

However, there is also another side. I even wrote an article about her. I will briefly outline it below.


I'll make a reservation: it's always hard for me to write in a negative light about what I love sacredly. But "truth is more precious," so I will try. If I'm missing something, let me know in the comments, please?

  1. Volatile income... Byword! How much has been written and said about this. And I will argue that all this is extremely exaggerated, although not without a grain of truth. Yes, sometimes there are no orders and you have to go to the trip with a gloomy resting smile or just read good educational books. I like the second much more)
  2. Irregular schedule... As the reverse side of his "freedom". I solve work issues on trains, airports, bus stations and even in public toilets... Someone seems like a nightmare, but I'm rushing. Every minute of life is spent for the benefit of all living beings.
  3. Seclusion. Also a dubious minus, because I would prefer communication with a book than with an imposed and inevitable subject within the workspace. True, in my office years I was somehow lucky with the team. But there were still some exceptions.
  4. Full responsibility for the result... Have you screwed up? - pay, did not meet the deadline - get bream in the form of angry tirades of customers. And no one will come to the rescue, no one will take you, defenseless, under his wing. Around the harsh world of expectations deceived by you and you have to pay for your words and guarantees.
  5. No social security... No free dinners, delivery and corporate parties with public drinking "for free". No social package or pension contributions. Row, honey, all by myself. And make yourself drunk ... You have to buy Chinese tea and drink it cheerfully and naturally in your own company. A terrible minus, as you can see.
  6. The stress of learning new things... Well within the office walls. I learned to press 2-3 buttons and blast myself for 5-10 years, accumulate fat. Freelance does not forgive this. Read and learn constantly. Wipe the blisters on the eyelids. And love, do you hear ???? LOVE your work as yourself! Otherwise, fig you will become a specialist.

Kathmandu workplace

Where should a beginner start?

It's simple. First of all, answer yourself to main question: "Why the hell do you need this freelance?" Do you love your freedom so much that you are ready to sacrifice a lot for it? (loss of stability, earnings and even loved ones?) Are you ready for difficulties and whole fields of rake that you will have to go through?

And there will be difficulties: these are interruptions in work, and unscrupulous customers, and a loss of enthusiasm and another 100,500 reasons why you will want to quit everything and never return to freelancing.

Fearfully? Not? Then read the article "" and get ready for the major quantum leap in your life. It will be cooler - just leave your body and be reborn again in a family of hereditary freelancers!

And if you have doubts (which happens very often), read my flock, Fr. I also suffered from them.

  • Check out the little book " 7 professions to start in remote work". I studied with these guys and I highly recommend taking it too. You can give feedback on the training.
  • Don't forget to raise your professional level, both in sales skills and in your craft. For example, if you want, you can read about the courses that inspire the most confidence in me.

In general, with all my hands, I want people to learn from professionals and not waste a lot of their time on unnecessary searches for free on the Internet. It dulls and turns into a banal freeloader. By the way, there are many of them in Goa. All their talk is only about where and what is cheaper to get.

The word free lance (freelance) with in English it is translated as "free spear", but in meaning it is closer to the words: "freelancer" or "free laborer". This concept means work outside the staff of a company, something like a private activity.

A freelancer or, as some say, a freelancer is a person who works remotely for himself. He independently searches for clients, fulfills orders and receives money for it.

As a rule, such figures work in the field of IT, marketing and advertising, or are representatives of numerous creative professions... However, today a teacher, engineer and even a consultant can be a freelancer.

How freelancers work

So what does such an employee do? Anything! The main thing is that customers need it. On the Internet, people usually pay for some useful skill - no one will send money just like that.

Here is a list of popular activities:

  • Website administration: content, system administration, support service;
  • Architecture and engineering: building architecture, interiors / exteriors, drawings / diagrams;
  • Audio, video and multimedia: animation, audio and video editing, dubbing, presentations, music writing;
  • Web design and interfaces: website design, banners, mobile application design, icons, game and program interfaces;
  • Websites: layout, web programming, promotion;
  • Graphics and photography: 3D graphics, illustrations / drawings, photo processing, photography;
  • Printing and identity: layout, design, logos, outdoor advertising, form style;
  • Software and systems programming: 1C-programming, databases, application software, game development, testing;
  • Texts and translations: copywriting / rewriting, editing and proofreading, translations, selling texts, poems, songs and prose;
  • Study and Tutoring: control, essays, term papers, diplomas, lessons and tutoring.

How the workflow works

A freelancer receives a technical assignment, following which he needs to complete a certain amount of work. As a task, it can act as a huge text file, with detailed description each item, and a short message in Skype.

Usually a freelancer does not have direct contact with the client. All communication takes place on the Internet: discussion of the order, edits, payment. Therefore, such an employee can live anywhere, because he is not tied to a particular country / city.

But, nevertheless, do not confuse it with the usual remote worker... A freelancer is, first of all, a person who works for himself (self-employed). And already where he works there: in his hometown or in a foreign land, in his apartment or in the office - is not so important.

How does a freelancer get money earned?

In most cases, the settlement takes place in electronic money. For CIS residents, these are systems such as Webmoney, Yandex.Money or Qiwi. Residents of other countries usually pay through PayPal.

But in general it depends on how the customer negotiates with the contractor. For example, now via the Internet you can send payment directly from card to card, which is what many people use.

Where freelancers find customers

There are many sites that bring together customers and contractors. On such a site, a freelancer registers and fills out something like a questionnaire. After that, he can perform various tasks and receive money for it.

Usually this process looks like this:

  1. The customer publishes the task on the website.
  2. Performers who are ready to get to work send their applications.
  3. The customer chooses a suitable candidate and gives a technical assignment.
  4. The performer completes this task, sends the result and receives payment.

On special sites, this process is fully automated and many nuances are thought out. If you work through them, then the risk of being deceived is minimal. These sites are called freelance exchanges.

Also, orders can be found in other places: on specialized forums, in groups on social networks. You can also create your own website and attract customers through it. And if you do a good job, over time, regular customers will appear and word of mouth will start working - then no websites are needed at all.