Is the individual obliged to submit a report to the statistics. What reports should an individual entrepreneur submit to the statistics service

You can find out what reports are expected from an organization or individual entrepreneur in the statistics on the basis of the State Statistics Committee for OKPO, TIN and OGRNIP. OKPO, TIN and OGRNIP you can find out.

Small IP

Once every 5 years in the statistics of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Those. in general, all IP.

An individual entrepreneur (Organizations below) must do this according to this form: Form No. 1-entrepreneur "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur for 2015" (EP-IP) (pdf, 453 kb)

Form No. 1-entrepreneur "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur for 2015" (WORD, 56 kb)

The shape is not complicated at all, so a sample is not needed.

OKPO - you should have received this code in the statistics. For some, you can find it on the Internet, on the Rosstat website. Not in EGRIP.

Small Organizations

Once every 5 years, small and medium-sized ones () should report to the statistics. Those. in general, all organizations that are not related to large ones.

This "wonderful" period falls on 2016. The next time it will be in 2021, for 2020.

Organizations (IP above) must do this according to this form: Form No. MP-sp "Information on the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise for 2015" (pdf, 510 kb)

Instructions are attached to it: Instructions for filling out the form No. MP-sp (WORD, 92 kb)

OKPO - you should have received this code in the statistics. For some, you can find it on the Internet, on the Rosstat website. Not in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

medium and large

Reporting to statistics must be submitted every year (or even once a month) only average and large organizations. Those. everyone who has more than 100 employees and/or revenue of more than 2 billion rubles per year.

Every month they must submit form No. P-3 (about financial condition). Every month, no later than the 28th day after the reporting period.

As well as form No. P-4 (on the number and salary of employees). Every month, no later than the 15th day after the reporting period.

In accordance with subparagraph 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal plan for statistical work, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 N 671-r, I order:

1. Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

per annum from the report for 2015:

N 1-technology "Information on the development and use of advanced production technologies" (Appendix N 1);

N 3-inform "Information on the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer technology, software and provision of services in these areas" (Appendix No. 2);

N 2-science "Information on the implementation of scientific research and development" (Appendix N 3);

N 2-MS "Information on additional vocational education municipal employees" (Appendix No. 4);

N 1-T (working conditions) "Information on the state of working conditions and compensation at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions" (Appendix N 5);

N 2-GS (GZ) "Information on additional professional education of federal state civil servants and state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (Appendix N 6);

N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies" (Appendix N 7);

N 85-K "Information on the activities of an organization carrying out educational activities in educational programs of preschool education, childcare and care" (Appendix N 8);

N 3-F "Information on overdue debts on wages"(Appendix N 9);

monthly since January 2016 report:

N 1-PR "Information on the suspension (strike) and resumption of work of labor collectives" (Appendix N 10);

quarterly from the report for January - March 2016:

N 2-science (short) "Information on the implementation of scientific research and development" (Appendix N 11);

N 1-T (GMS) "Information on the number and remuneration of employees of state bodies and local governments by categories of personnel" (Appendix N 12);

periodic once a year for the report in 2016:

N 1-OL "Information about the children's health camp" (Appendix N 13);

periodic 1 time in 2 years from the report for October 2015:

N 57-T "Information on the wages of employees by profession and position" (Appendix N 14);

periodic 1 time in 2 years for odd years from the report for 2015:

N 2-MP innovation "Information on technological innovations of a small enterprise" (Appendix N 15).

2. Establish the provision of data according to the forms of federal statistical observation given in paragraph 1 of this order at the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

3. With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in paragraph 1 of this order, to recognize as invalid:

Appendix N 3 "Form of federal statistical observation N 57-T" Information on the wages of employees by profession and position", approved by order of the Federal State Statistics Service of July 18, 2013 N 285;

Appendix N 16 "Form of federal statistical observation N 2-MP innovation" Information on technological innovations of a small enterprise", approved by order of Rosstat of August 29, 2013 N 349;

Appendix N 2 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-T (working conditions)" Information on the state of working conditions and compensation for work in hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions Labor", Appendix N 3 "Form of Federal Statistical Observation N 2-GS (GZ)" Information on Additional Professional Education of Federal State Civil Servants and State Civil Servants of the Subjects of the Russian Federation", Appendix N 4 "Form of Federal Statistical Observation N 2-MS" Information on additional professional education of municipal employees", Appendix N 5 "Form of federal statistical observation N 3-inform "Information on the use of information and communication technologies and the production of computer equipment, software and the provision of services in these areas", Appendix N 8 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-technology "Information on the development and use of advanced production technologies", Appendix N 9 "Federal statistical observation form N 3-F "Information on overdue wage arrears", Appendix N 12 "Federal statistical observation form N 1-PR "Information on the suspension (strike) and resumption of work of labor collectives", Appendix N 15 "Federal statistical observation form N 1-T (GMS) "Information on the number and remuneration of employees of state bodies and local governments by category of personnel" , approved by order of Rosstat dated September 24, 2014 N 580;

Appendix N 2 "Federal statistical observation form N 1-NK "Information on the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies", Appendix N 1 "Federal statistical observation form N 85-K "Information on the activities of an organization engaged in educational activities in educational programs of preschool education, supervision and child care", approved by the order of Rosstat dated November 6, 2014 N 640;

order of Rosstat dated May 16, 2011 N 239 "On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the activities of children's health institutions (camps)";

order of Rosstat of October 15, 2014 N 612 "On the approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of activities in the field of science."

4. Recognize as invalid Appendix N 9 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 78-RIK" Information on the Number of Children Registered for Determination in Preschool Educational Organizations "approved by Rosstat Order N 349 dated August 29, 2013, from the report for 2015 year.

Other taxpayers (individual entrepreneurs and organizations - micro-enterprises), who have fewer than 16 employees and revenues of less than 120 million rubles per year, report only if they receive a written request from the statistical authorities. Rosstat makes such requests selectively, for about 1% of such payers.

Where to submit?


From 3000 to 5000 rubles. (Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) to a responsible employee (for being late and / or inaccurate data). But the fine must be issued within 2 months. In practice, statistics rarely penalize.

Since 2016, fines have been raised - for officials from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and also introduced new fines for organizations - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles (for a repeated violation, the maximum is 150,000 rubles).


Only up to the 6th article





State Duma

Federation Council

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

Real the federal law regulates relations arising between legal entities, individuals, bodies state power of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses, defines the concepts of small and medium-sized businesses, the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, the types and forms of such support.

Article 2. Normative legal regulation development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation

The normative legal regulation of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is carried out by this Federal Law, other federal laws adopted in accordance with them, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) small and medium-sized businesses - business entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), classified in accordance with the conditions established by this Federal Law, to small enterprises, including micro-enterprises, and medium-sized enterprises;

2) - 4) have become invalid. - Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 156-FZ;

5) support for small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter also referred to as support) - the activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, carried out in order to develop small and medium-sized businesses in accordance with state programs (subprograms) of the Russian Federation, state programs (subprograms) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal programs (subprograms) containing measures aimed at the development of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as state programs (subprograms) of the Russian Federation, state programs (subprograms) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal programs (subprograms), as well as the activities of the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurship", carried out in accordance with this Federal Law, as an institution for the development in the field of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter also referred to as the corporation for the development of small and medium-sized businesses).

(Clause 5 as amended by Federal Law No. 156-FZ of June 29, 2015)

1. Small and medium-sized businesses include those entered in the unified state register legal entities consumer cooperatives and commercial organizations(with the exception of state and municipal unitary enterprises), as well as individuals entered in the unified state register individual entrepreneurs and carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs), peasant (farm) enterprises that meet the following conditions:

1) for legal entities - the total share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, public and religious organizations(associations), charitable and other funds in the authorized (share) capital (share fund) of these legal entities should not exceed twenty-five percent (with the exception of the total share of participation that is part of the assets of joint-stock investment funds, the composition of the property of closed-end investment funds, the composition of the common property of investment partnerships), and the total share of participation of foreign legal entities, the total share of participation owned by one or more legal entities that are not subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, should not exceed forty-nine percent each. The specified restriction on the total share of participation of foreign legal entities, the total share of participation owned by one or more legal entities that are not subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, does not apply to business companies, economic partnerships, the activities of which are practical application(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity (programs for electronic computers, databases, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, breeding achievements, topologies integrated circuits, production secrets (know-how), the exclusive rights to which belong to the founders (participants) of such economic companies, respectively, economic partnerships- budgetary, autonomous scientific institutions or those that are budget institutions, autonomous institutions educational organizations higher education, for legal entities that have received the status of a project participant in accordance with the Federal Law of September 28, 2010 N 244-FZ "On innovation center"Skolkovo", for legal entities whose founders (participants) are legal entities included in the list of legal entities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation that provide state support innovation activities in the forms established by the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy". Legal entities are included in this list in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, subject to compliance with one of the following criteria:

a) legal entities are open joint-stock companies, at least fifty percent of whose shares are owned by the Russian Federation, or business companies, in which these open joint-stock companies have the right to directly and (or) indirectly dispose of more than fifty percent of the votes attributable to voting shares (stakes) constituting authorized capitals such business entities, or have the opportunity to appoint a sole executive body and (or) more than half of the composition of the collegial executive body, as well as the ability to determine the election of more than half of the board of directors (supervisory board);

b) legal entities are state corporations established in accordance with the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On non-profit organizations";

(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 238-FZ of July 23, 2013)

2) the average number of employees for the previous calendar year should not exceed the following limit values ​​for the average number of employees for each category of small and medium-sized businesses:

a) from one hundred and one to two hundred and fifty people inclusive for medium-sized enterprises;

b) up to one hundred people inclusive for small businesses; among small enterprises, micro-enterprises stand out - up to fifteen people;

3) proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) excluding value added tax or the book value of assets (residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets) for the previous calendar year should not exceed the limit values ​​established by the Government of the Russian Federation for each category of small and medium business.

2. Has expired. - Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 156-FZ.

4. The category of a small or medium-sized business entity changes only if the limit values ​​are higher or lower than the limit values ​​specified in clauses 2 and 3 of part 1 of this article within three consecutive calendar years.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 156-FZ of June 29, 2015)

5. Newly created organizations or newly registered individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farm) enterprises during the year in which they are registered can be classified as small and medium-sized businesses if their indicators of the average number of employees, proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) or the book value of assets (residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets) for the period elapsed from the date of their state registration, do not exceed the limit values ​​specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph 1 of this Article.

6. The average number of employees of a micro-enterprise, small enterprise or medium-sized enterprise for a calendar year is determined taking into account all its employees, including employees working for civil law contracts or part-time, taking into account the actual hours worked, employees of representative offices, branches and other separate subdivisions specified micro-enterprise, small enterprise or medium-sized enterprise.

7. Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) for a calendar year is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

8. The balance sheet value of assets (residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets) is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting.

Article 5

1. Federal statistical observations of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation are carried out by conducting complete statistical observations of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses and selective statistical observations of the activities of individual small and medium-sized businesses based on a representative (representative) sample.

2. Continuous statistical observations of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses are carried out once every five years.

3. Selective statistical observations are carried out through monthly and (or) quarterly surveys of the activities of small enterprises (with the exception of micro-enterprises) and medium-sized enterprises. Selective statistical observations are carried out through annual surveys of microenterprises. The procedure for conducting selective statistical observations is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government are obliged to submit free of charge to federal authorities executive power performing the functions of generating official statistical information in the established field of activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, documented information according to the forms established for the purpose of carrying out federal state statistical observations, and information received by federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in connection with their exercise of control, supervision and other administrative powers in relation to small and medium-sized businesses .

With the help, you can keep accounts on the OSNO (VAT and income tax), USN and UTII, generate payment orders, 4-FSS, RSV-1, submit any reports via the Internet, etc. (from 350 r / month). 30 days free (now for new 3 months free).

The majority of reporting forms and information is requested by the territorial statistical agency on its own. That is, a form is sent to the address of the institution (on purpose, by mail, in an electronic request), which must be completed and submitted. The composition and reporting forms have been corrected more than once. In the public sector, the frequency of reports "ZP" in terms of social and scientific fields of activity has been changed. Note that earlier reports such as ZP-education, ZP-science and ZP-zdrav were submitted quarterly. Now they are monthly.

Due to the huge number of controlled entities Russian statistics does not always have time to send requests to all recipients. But the absence of an information request does not exempt the organization from the mandatory submission of reports to Rosstat in 2020. For this, the institution faces a large fine under 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In order to prevent an administrative penalty, it is recommended to find out the TIN reporting to Rosstat on its official website.

How to find out the list of reporting by TIN

Revealing the full composition of statistical reporting will not take much time. To check by TIN what reports to submit (Rosstat), you only need a computer with Internet access and your organization's TIN.

The first step is the transition to the official electronic portal: Rosstat - reporting of organizations by TIN. Appearance The portal page looks like this:

Step two - we enter the details of the organization in order to check on the Rosstat website which reports to submit, according to the TIN. If the TIN of the company is unknown, then you will receive information according to OKPO or OGRN.

Step three - click the "Get" button. It is located directly below the fields for entering the identification information of the subject. The system analyzes the entered details and generates search results almost instantly.

We analyze the received information. The registration codes of the economic entity are placed in the first part of the generated search results. These ciphers are contained in a letter from Rosstat, which is sent to the organization during initial registration. If the letter is lost, then the ciphers check on the official website.

Please note that the list discloses information not only about the name and frequency of statistical reporting. In this section, download the latest report formats for filling in in electronic format.

At the very end of the page, the export of the received information is available.

In simple words, the organization is allowed to upload a list of reports or re-prepare and print a letter with codes from Rosstat.

What is handed over to Rosstat

The deadline for issuing accounting reports is no later than three calendar months from the end of the reporting period. That is, no later than March 31 of the year following the reporting year. It is acceptable to submit accounting information on paper (in person or by mail) or fill out electronic form and send accounting reports via secure communication channels.

Individual entrepreneurs (IE) submit data on the results of work before government bodies Russian Federation. Form No. 1-IP serves as a report to the federal bodies of state statistics. Based on the indicators entered, Rosstat specialists draw conclusions about the conduct or absence of activities, the volume of production, the demand for work results, and labor resources.

What is Form 1-IP for?

Form No. 1-IP - form annual reporting before Rosstat, designed to collect information about individual entrepreneurs and study the revenue and labor resources they received.

Instructions for filling out the 1-IP form can be obtained on the website of Rosstat or from employees of the statistical department of your city

Who collects information

According to the law of November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ, in our country, federal authorities monitor the economy, ecology, demography and other social processes, including the activities of individual entrepreneurs. This is done by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), subordinated to the Ministry economic development. The information contained in Form No. 1-IP is intended just for her.

Based on the data of this form, they collect information about individual entrepreneurs, draw conclusions about their activities. Information is submitted through subdivisions of the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Rosstat analyzes the activities of individual entrepreneurs in order to give recommendations to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on improving the business climate in the country

Table: form content in 2019

Information for the fillerInformation for the recipient
  1. The form is intended for federal statistical observation.
  2. The recipient guarantees confidentiality.
  3. Liability is provided for violation of the filling procedure and unreliability of information.
  4. The form can be submitted electronically.
  5. Personal data (address, full name) are depersonalized.
  6. An indication that the form is filled out by individual entrepreneurs. The exception is those engaged in retail trade, except for the trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
  7. Where to submit.
  8. Submission deadline.
  9. The normative act that approved the form is indicated.
  10. The periodicity of the form is a year.
  11. Form code according to OKUD - 0601018.
  12. An indication that the survey is selective.
  1. Personal data: postal address, last name, first name, patronymic.
  2. Entrepreneur code according to OKPO and TIN.
  3. Was it conducted entrepreneurial activity. If not, did the entrepreneur work for another employer.
  4. Where did the business take place?
  5. The amount of revenue from all types of activities in thousands of rubles.
  6. Detailed name of the types of activities, indicating the products manufactured and the share of proceeds from each type of activity in the total proceeds.
  7. Total number of employees, including partners, helping family members, employees.
  8. Information about the person responsible for submitting the data: position, last name, first name, patronymic, signature, phone number, e-mail.
  9. Date of completion.

Who reports and when

Form No. 1-IP is an annual statistical report of all individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of those engaged in retail trade (except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles).

The obligation to submit Form 1-IP to statistics arises for entrepreneurs after receiving a written notification from Rosstat. On their own initiative, this information is not disclosed.

Such notification from Rosstat contains the following information:

  • name of the division of Rosstat;
  • delivery address;
  • submission deadlines;
  • observation period.

Notification brought different ways, including:

  • a letter delivered by the Russian Post;
  • e-mail message;
  • by courier under signature.

This procedure is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620.

Primary statistical data are provided by respondents according to the approved forms of federal statistical observation in accordance with the instructions for filling them out at the addresses, on time and with the frequency indicated on the forms of these forms.

The subjects of official statistical accounting inform free of charge (including writing) respondents about conducting federal statistical observation in relation to them on specific forms of federal statistical observation that are mandatory for submission.

Government of the Russian FederationParagraph 4 of the Decree of 18.08.2008 No. 620

How to make sure reporting is mandatory

Consider two ways to establish the need to submit the 1-IP form:

  1. When they find information on the websites of the territorial divisions of Rosstat (TOGS).
  2. When they contact the Rosstat division specified in the notification.

On the official site

On the website of the territorial division of Rosstat, you can find information about the need to submit statistical reports using the following algorithm:

  1. To get started, follow the link to the official page of Rosstat.
  2. Next, in the search or on the map, select the desired region (region of IP registration).

    To select the desired region, you can use the map or search at the bottom of the page

  3. After these actions, under the "Search" section, the contact details of the Rosstat administration website for the selected region are opened.

    As a result of the search, contact details of the desired territorial administration become available to you

  4. We go to the desired site using the link received and move in the following way:
  5. Next, simply select "List of individual entrepreneurs in [region] included in the sample statistical observation according to the form No. 1-IP (annual) based on the results for ... year. This list contains all entrepreneurs (their TIN and OKPO are indicated) that are required to submit a report. To download the list, you just need to click on it with the mouse.

In the division of Rosstat

To set the address, phone, e-mail of the statistics department to which you need to submit the form, they usually turn to the Rosstat website:

Statistics departments are usually contacted to find out about the need to fill out the form before the list is published on the site.

The order and sample of filling out the form

Form 1-IP consists of two parts. The first contains general information for fillers, positions for entering personal (personal) data of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the statistical code of the individual entrepreneur - according to OKPO and the tax number of the individual entrepreneur - TIN. The second part is a questionnaire with questions.

You can download the current form in 2019 to fill out.

Photo gallery: Form No. 1-IP

The annual form 1-IP is submitted to Rosstat at the official request of the latter. In the second part of the 1-IP form, the entrepreneur must indicate whether he carried out activities, what kind and what amount of revenue he had
The number of business partners in reporting period also interested in statistics

Filling rules

Instructions for completing Form No. 1-IP are set out in Appendix No. 14 to Rosstat Order No. 541 dated August 21, 2017. You can read them in detail at the link.

Fill out the form manually or using a printer. Information is entered in the appropriate fields of the form. Corrections, additions, deletions are prohibited. You can fill out only on the form of the established sample. Forms are received free of charge in the divisions of Rosstat.

Completing the first part:

  1. In the field "Postal address of an individual entrepreneur" indicate the true place of residence, even if it does not match the place of registration.
  2. In the field "Individual entrepreneur" enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur and sign.
  3. In the corresponding columns of the table, which ends the first part, enter the code for OKPO and TIN.

Filling out the second part:

  1. When answering the first and second questions, you need to put the sign "x" in the corresponding cells.
  2. In the second question, if the main activity (which brings the largest share of income) is carried out not at the place of registration, the subject in which it was carried out is entered in a special field.
  3. When answering the third question, the amount of revenue from all types of receipts in thousands of rubles is put down on the line. Take into account payments actually received in the reporting year. If there was no revenue, put zero.

The determination of the amount of revenue depends on various factors.

Table: features of revenue calculation

No. p / pFactors affecting the calculation of the amount of revenueHow is revenue determined?
1 Amounts of taxes (value added tax, excises and other similar payments) presented to the buyer (purchaser) of goods (works, services)Amounts are added to the amount of revenue
2 Payment was received in kind, i.e. in the form of goods (works, services) and other propertyThe amount of revenue is determined based on the transaction price
3 The transaction price has not been determinedthe amount of revenue is determined by the value of the received goods (works, services) and other property, calculated at their market prices
4 It is impossible to establish the cost of received goods (works, services) and other propertyThe amount of revenue is determined based on prices for similar goods (works, services) sold under comparable circumstances
5 Activity was carried out, but there was no revenuePut "0"
6 Revenue from retail(sale of goods purchased for resale to the public), except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcyclesInformation about such revenue is not included in Form No. 1-IP

When answering the fourth question, in the rectangles on the right, the lines enter the types of activities carried out and the goods produced, and next to them put down the shares of these products in the total revenue. Each activity and product produced corresponds to one rectangle. The sum of all specified shares must be 100%.

Answering the fifth question, information about the number of employees by groups is entered in the indicated places:

  • in paragraph 5.1 - about partners;
  • in paragraph 5.2 - about helping family members;
  • in paragraph 5.3 - about employees.

Table: characteristics of worker groups

No. p / pGroup of workersWho appliesNotes
1 PartnersPersons who participate in the case on the terms of a property or other contribution and perform certain work in this case (they may not be members of the same household)Partners do not include persons who do not work for individual entrepreneurs
2 Helping family membersPersons who work as assistants in a business owned by a household member or relative
3 Wage-earnersPersons who perform work for hire for remuneration (in cash or in kind) on the basis of a written contract or oral agreement.Employees are not individual entrepreneurs who pay taxes and have entered into a civil law contract and / or have a patent taxation system

The form indicates the average number of persons who worked in the reporting year for each group. To calculate the average number for a group, add up the number of people who worked in each calendar month, including temporarily absent (patients who were on vacation, etc.), and share:

  • by 12, if the reporting individual entrepreneur worked for a full year;
  • for the number of months of work of the individual entrepreneur, if he worked for an incomplete year.

The results obtained are rounded to integers according to general mathematical rules.

At the bottom of the questionnaire, the person responsible for the accuracy of the information signs and indicates his contact details, entering them in the indicated place.

Sample Fill

It's no secret that 2018 is over. Fill out the 1-IP form from Petr Ivanovich Nektov (a fictitious person).

Conditions for filling out the form

Suppose that on December 28, 2018 Nektov P.I. received a letter from Rosstat with a form No. 1-IP for submission to statistics.

Petr Ivanovich received a notification about the submission of Form No. 1-IP

Entrepreneur Nektov P.I. assigned TIN: 4709ХХХХХХХХ; OKPO: XXXXXXXXXXXX. Ivan Petrovich carried out activities at the address: 187700, Leningrad Region, the city of Lodeynoye Pole, Gagarin Street, house 77, has a telephone number 8 (21364) 33251. In 2018, Petr Ivanovich made kitchen furniture according to individual orders of the residents of the area. Sales revenue received in 2018 amounted to 100,000 rubles.

Actions after receiving an email

Suppose that IP Nektov P.I. delivered a letter from Rosstat on the submission of form No. 1-IP for 2018 on February 20, 2019. To make sure it was necessary to submit a report, he opened the Rosstat website and performed the operations described in the subsection of the article “How to make sure that submission is mandatory”. Having browsed the Petrostat website on February 20, 2019, IP Nektov P.I. in the list of entrepreneurs of the Leningrad region who are required to submit a form, I found my TIN and OKPO. After that, I started filling out the form on my home computer. I copied the form from the legal system "ConsultantPlus", opening in it the order of Rosstat, indicated in the submitted sample.

First part of the form

In the first part of the form, Peter Ivanovich:

Second part of the form

The second part of the form is completed by the entrepreneur as follows:

  1. When answering the first question, Ivan Petrovich put "X" in front of the word yes, he did not answer question 1.1.
  2. Answering the second question, Ivan Petrovich put "X" in front of the word yes.
  3. When answering the third question, he entered: 100 thousand rubles.

    SP response samples are filled in blue

  4. Answering the fourth question, Ivan Petrovich entered "Production of kitchen furniture for individual orders" and indicated that the share was 100%.
  5. In paragraphs 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 I put dashes, because I worked alone.
  6. Below, I once again entered my last name, first name, patronymic, signed, indicated the phone number and the date of filling.

    Information provided on behalf of the individual entrepreneur is entered in blue

Deadlines for submitting form 1-IP to statistics

The deadline for submitting form No. 1-IP (annual) for 2018 is indicated on the form in the first part - March 2. Therefore, the 2018 form should have been submitted no later than March 2, 2019. Similarly, the deadlines for the submission of reports for 2019 should be determined.

If you do not receive a notification, before the expiration of the submission period, you should contact the Rosstat website or the TOGS and check whether or not the individual entrepreneur is included in the list of those submitting the form.

Failure to provide or untimely provision of primary statistical data or administrative data by respondents or provision of unreliable primary statistical data or administrative data entails the responsibility of respondents, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand rubles; for legal entities - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.

For violation of the deadlines for submitting form No. 1-IP, liability is provided

When submitted by mail, the due date is the date of the stamp on the envelope and the description of the attachment. Therefore, the completed form is usually sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The date on the mail stamp on the copy of the sender's inventory confirms the fact of sending, and the receipt notice will notify the IP that the letter has been received by the addressee.

When submitting to the statistics department, they usually submit a form with a cover letter. On the second copy, which remains with the form submitter, the accepting employee makes a note of acceptance with the date.

Submit form No. 1-IP to statistics no later than due date those who were included in the list of Rosstat. Other businessmen do not compile this report. The information provided on the forms is used for statistical monitoring of the activities of individual entrepreneurs.

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Is a small business required to rent report to statistics? Organizations are required by law to regularly report on established forms to the regulatory authorities. The latter include not only tax office, FSS and PFR, but also the Statistics Service.

Rosstat requirements for reporting forms vary depending on the type of activity of each enterprise, as well as on the amount of revenue, profit, average headcount and other economic indicators. Small business is a kind of "beneficiary" in the statistical information processing system: for small firms, special simplified statistical reporting forms.

Rosstat carries out a "sample"

The functions of statistical bodies are, in essence, simple: to collect and summarize information on the economic performance of Russian enterprises. It is to obtain reliable data that Rosstat obliges entrepreneurs to draw up and send reports.

However, it should be borne in mind that individual representatives of small businesses get "noted" by statisticians only if they are in the so-called "sample". For this reason, some small firms have never received requests to submit a report to statistics.

The Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Russian Federation” tells us who belongs to small businesses. The criteria for classifying enterprises as small businesses are as follows:

  • Average number of employees. To be considered a micro-enterprise, the staff must have no more than 15 people. For small ones, this limit is no more than 100 people.
  • The share of legal entities in the authorized capital. For medium and small businesses, the bar is set: no more than 25%
  • The amount of revenue for a micro-enterprise should not exceed 60 million rubles. For small businesses - 100 million rubles.

How to find out if a company is included in the sample observations of Rosstat? It's very simple: the Statistics Office of your region will make sure that you receive a request for the need to provide information in advance. Postal employees will deliver you a corresponding letter, which will include a reporting form. In addition, as practice shows, then a follow-up call from the curator of statistics will follow.

Reporting for 2015 must be submitted before April 1, 2016. On the Internet, on the website of the State Statistics Committee, a list of organizations that fell under selective observation this year is presented. In order for the page to open the list of subjects obliged to submit information, in the "Reporting" section, you should find your region and territorial administration Statistics. If your company is on this list, but the letter from the statistics was not received until mid-March 2016, please contact the territorial office of Rosstat on your own. No one canceled the penalty for failure to provide statistical reporting, even if you did not receive a letter from Rosstat (after all, it could simply not reach or get lost).

What reports to submit to statistics

Forms of statistical reporting are individual for each business entity, depending on performance indicators. But, for example, there are such special forms for individual entrepreneurs that are required to be submitted:

  • Form 1-IP "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur"
  • Form 1-IP "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur in retail trade"

The first form in the list is submitted if the individual entrepreneur is not an agricultural representative, the second - if an individual entrepreneur is engaged in retail trade.

Statistics reports are filled in by hand or by machine: the main thing is that the data is entered correctly. Then the forms are sent to the address of Rosstat - by mail, courier or remotely, in electronic format via the Internet. We emphasize once again: the sampling is carried out annually. And if your company is under statistical surveillance, you will be required to submit information:

  • monthly or quarterly: depending on the form of reporting;
  • once a year: this is the privilege of micro-enterprises.

In addition, Rosstat once every five years conducts a complete statistical observation, which applies to all organizations without exception.

Submission of financial statements to statistics

To confirm the reliability of the main economic indicators of the company, Statistics requires the provision of a balance sheet drawn up as of the last reporting date. Please note that "simplifiers" are also required to generate financial statements. The deadlines for providing the balance sheet are the same for both the IFTS and Rosstat: until March 31 of the next year.

Updated: November 30, 2018 by: All for IP

Rosstat investigates economic indicators and waiting statistical reporting from entrepreneurs. Large enterprises report regularly, while micro and small businesses report if they fall into the Rosstat sample. That is why you may never have come across this report before.

How to determine if you are a micro and small business

  • The share of participation of other large enterprises in your LLC does not exceed 25% of the authorized capital.
  • For micro-enterprises: the number of employees is not more than 15 people and the revenue for the year is a maximum of 120 million rubles.
  • For small businesses: the average number of employees is no more than 100 people and the annual revenue is a maximum of 800 million rubles.

Micro or small enterprises report to Rosstat only upon its request.

If in doubt, find yourself by TIN in the registry on the tax website. Your data should say "micro-enterprise" or "small enterprise".

How to know what you need to report

Rosstat sends a request to the address according to the registration of the individual entrepreneur or the place of registration of the LLC. Attached to the letter is a report form and instructions for filling it out.

You can also check yourself.

  1. Find yourself on the Rosstat website: specify the TIN and in the "Notification type" field select "Notification for legal entities" - if you have an LLC, "Notification for individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant ( farms)" - if you are an individual entrepreneur.
  2. If you see “Statistical reporting forms not found”, you don’t need to submit anything this year. And if the “List of Forms” table appears, then you need to send the reports indicated in it.
  3. Download the report you need on the Rosstat website and check the conditions under which it must be submitted. You do not need to report if you do not fall under these conditions and the rules for filling out the report say that "in the absence of an event, a report in the form is not provided." Such reports include, for example, 4-OS and 2-TP.

Microenterprises from the sample report once a year, and small enterprises - monthly or quarterly, depending on the form of reporting.

In a year, the Rosstat sample will be updated. This means that you will again have to find out if you need to report.

How to submit a report

Rosstat may ask for different reports, it depends on the type and size of the business. If you received a request by mail, you will find a report form and instructions in the letter. You can also download the required form on the Rosstat website.

Reporting to Rosstat is more like a questionnaire. Therefore, it is easy to fill it yourself. Ready report Submit to your branch of Rosstat. The address can be found on the website: select your region in the section "Territorial authorities Federal Service state statistics” at the bottom of the page. If it is not possible to go to Rosstat personally, send a report by mail with a valuable letter with a list of attachments or electronically via the Internet.

Through Elba, you can prepare and send only financial statements to Rosstat. This is a mandatory report for all LLCs, which must be submitted by March 31st. You give one copy to the tax office, and the second to Rosstat.

What happens if you don't report

Many people think that it is not necessary to submit reports to Rosstat. But it's not.

Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes fines for those who did not submit a report or indicated incorrect information in it:

  • for an individual entrepreneur or director of an LLC - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles,
  • for LLC - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Useful to remember

  1. Micro and small businesses report to Rosstat only upon request.
  2. Types and terms of reporting depend on what you do.
  3. This does not apply to financial statements, which all LLCs must submit to Rosstat, regardless of whether they received a request or not.
  4. Check on the website of Rosstat, whether they expect statistical reporting from you this year.
  5. Download the report form and instructions for filling out on the Rosstat website.
  6. Do not ignore the requirements of Rosstat. There are hefty fines for failure to report.