On the establishment of a customs control zone. Customs control: concept, goals, objectives, principles and forms of implementation

(Article 97 of the Labor Code of the Customs Union) zones customs control are created for the purposes of customs control in the forms of customs inspection and customs inspection of goods and Vehicle, their storage and movement under customs supervision.

Implementation of production and other commercial activities, movement of goods, vehicles, persons, including officials other government agencies, through the borders of customs control zones and within them are allowed with the permission of the customs authorities and under their supervision, except for the cases established by this Code and other federal laws. In these cases, access to the customs control zones is permitted with prior notification of the customs authorities.

Customs control zones can be created along the customs border, in places of production customs clearance, customs operations, in places of reloading of goods, their examination and inspection, in places of temporary storage, parking of vehicles transporting goods under customs control, and in other places determined in accordance with the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Customs control zones can be permanent in cases of regular presence of goods subject to customs control in them, or temporary. So, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 175 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, at the reasoned request of the declarant or the customs representative, certain customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure may be performed outside the location and outside the working hours of the customs authorities.

The procedure for the creation and designation of customs control zones, as well as the requirements for them, are established by the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs, with the exception of the creation of customs control zones along the customs border. Along the customs border, customs control zones are created in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. This procedure is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2003 No. 624 "On the procedure for creating customs control zones along the customs border" ("Valid" in the part that does not contradict the law Russian Federation about customs).

By general rule on the land section of the customs territory of the Russian Federation, a customs control zone may be created within a strip of terrain up to 30 kilometers wide from the customs border line deep into the territory of the Russian Federation; on river and lake sections, a customs control zone may be created within the Russian part of the waters of border rivers, lakes and other water bodies, as well as a strip of terrain up to 15 kilometers wide from the coastline deep into the territory of the Russian Federation, and in maritime areas a customs control zone can be created within the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, with the exception of maritime areas around artificial islands, installations and structures over which the Russian Federation exercises jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The customs control zone in such areas is created within the territory of the said artificial islands, installations and structures.

The procedure for creating and designating customs control zones in other cases is established by order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated December 23, 2003 No. 1520 (as amended on March 9, 2010) "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Creating and Designating Customs Control Zones". ("Valid" in the part that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs)

In other cases, the decision to create a permanent customs control zone is made by the head of the customs office (a person replacing him), in the region of activity of which there are places and territories where permanent customs control zones are created based on the report of the official customs authority on the need to create a temporary customs control zone, indicating in it the reasons and purpose of creation, the period for which it is necessary to create it. The decision to create a permanent customs control zone is formalized by an order of the customs office in the region of operation of which the permanent customs control zone being created is located.

Customs control zones can be not only permanent, but also temporary. A temporary zone of customs control may be created upon a reasoned request of an interested person, drawn up in an arbitrary writing. The decision to create a temporary zone of customs control is made by the head of the customs authority (a person replacing him).

The decision to create a temporary zone of customs control is formalized by an order (instruction) of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the specified zone is located.

A copy of the order (instruction) on the establishment of a temporary customs control zone shall be sent to the person concerned on the day of its signing.

The decision to create a customs control zone may be canceled in cases of a change in the location of the customs authority, the closure of a checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation, a change in the place of storage of goods under customs control, a change in the place where customs operations are allowed, termination of the grounds for requiring allocation and designation of a part of the customs territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of conducting customs control in the forms of customs inspection and customs examination of goods and vehicles, their storage and movement under customs supervision.

Cancellation of the decision to create a customs control zone entails its liquidation. Interested persons shall be notified of the liquidation of the customs control zone.

Permanent customs control zones, which are premises and (or) open areas intended for use as temporary storage warehouses, the territory adjacent to them and specially equipped for the parking of vehicles transporting goods under customs control, customs warehouses, duty-free shops trade, are liquidated in the event of the exclusion of the relevant legal entities from the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses, the Register of Owners of Customs Warehouses in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the closure of a duty-free shop.

The decision to liquidate a permanent customs control zone is issued in the form of a customs order, except for cases of liquidation of a permanent customs control zone created along the customs border of the Russian Federation.

The temporary customs control zone shall be liquidated upon completion of the measures that served as the basis for its creation, or upon the expiration of its validity period specified in the order (instruction) of the customs authority on the creation of a temporary customs control zone.

The procedure for designating customs control zones.

The limits of the customs control zone are marked with rectangular signs, on a green background of which there is an inscription in Russian and English in white, respectively: "Customs control zone" and "Customs control zone". These signs are the main means of designating the customs control zone. The zone of customs control can be marked by drawing the inscription "Customs control zone" ("Customs control zone") directly on the protective structures and walls of the premises that make up its perimeter.

It is allowed to replace the inscription with English language an inscription in any other language suitable for use when creating a specific customs control zone.

The designation of the customs control zone is carried out along its limits at the places of intersection with transport routes, at the places of crossing the customs border by persons, goods and vehicles. When designating a customs control zone, boards may additionally be used with information about its specific limits, about the established places for crossing its border, about the list of persons having access to it, about the means of marking it, and about other circumstances related to its functioning.

The designation of a permanent customs control zone is carried out after a decision on its creation is made, as well as in cases where, in accordance with the Code, the location of goods and vehicles are customs control zones.

The limits of the temporary zone of customs control may be marked with protective tape, as well as temporarily installed signs. In this case, the use of improvised materials and means is allowed. The designation of a temporary zone of customs control is made only after a decision has been made on its creation.

What are customs control zones and why are they needed? Customs control of goods takes place in accordance with the code of the country that carries it out. Customs control is carried out by the customs authorities in the places of control or locations where goods are located that cross the border.

What are customs control zones?

The control zone is the territory that goods transported across the Russian border must pass. As a rule, zones are designed directly in order to store goods for some time and carry out actions on them. It is in these areas that the inspection, search and actions required by law should be carried out. However, there are a number of actions performed without the organization of control zones by customs authorities. This is, for example:
  1. Inspections that goods undergo as part of an on-site customs inspection or when a means of transport stops.
  2. Customs inspections carried out during the on-site inspection.
As a rule, control zones can have the status of permanent if they are located in places where goods are constantly moving. There is also the possibility of organizing customs control zones of a temporary type, making it possible to perform any actions required by law.

Where do these zones form?

As a rule, legislation clearly regulates the formation of customs control zones. They can be created:
  1. Right next to the US border.
  2. Where customs clearance takes place.
  3. Where goods are reloaded, cleared and inspected.
  4. Where goods are temporarily stored.
  5. Where vehicles stop and stand idle, which transport goods that, in accordance with the law, are subject to customs control.
  6. In other territories as determined by law.

Temporary zones of control by customs authorities

To create a zone of non-permanent action, it is extremely important to obtain a decision on this, issued in writing. It must belong to the head of the customs authority. Reasons for such a decision may be:
  1. The production of customs control is not in places that are intended for this.
  2. If it is necessary to conduct an inspection or inspection of goods that were found by customs officers outside the areas of control actions carried out by customs authorities.
Permanent control zones
ZTK are premises or open areas that make it possible to carry out all the necessary actions. Such zones, as a rule, should be marked with special marks - signs that are green. They are inscribed in shades of white in two languages, which defines the territory. In a situation where the zone has a large number of fences, rooms and walls on its territory, the message that the territory has the status of a customs control zone should be duplicated on them too.

Customs control is carried out on a single customs territory Customs Union, in the customs control zones of border checkpoints, internal customs and customs posts.

The single customs territory of the Customs Union comprises the territories of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation (land, air, water space), as well as exclusive economic zones and continental shelves of the Member States of the Customs Union, artificial islands, installations, structures and other objects in respect of which the member states of the customs union have exclusive jurisdiction.

The limits of the customs territory of the Customs Union, including the limits of states located in exclusive economic zones and on the continental shelves, are the customs border of the Customs Union.

Customs control zones

Customs control is carried out in the customs control zone. Customs control zones are places of movement of goods across the customs border, territories of temporary storage warehouses, customs warehouses, duty-free shops and other places determined by the legislation of the Member States of the Customs Union.

Customs control zones can be permanent in case of regular presence of goods subject to customs control in them, or temporary, in case they are created for customs inspection and (or) customs inspection of goods, cargo and other operations.

The decision to create a temporary zone of customs control is made by the head of the customs authority and is formalized by an order (instruction) of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the specified zone is located. The order (instruction) on the creation of a temporary customs control zone must indicate the basis and purpose of creation, the date of creation and the period for which it is created, the means of designation used.

The limits of the customs control zone are indicated by rectangular signs, on a green background of which there is an inscription in Russian and English in white, respectively - "Customs control zone" and "Customs control zone". These signs are the main means of designating the customs control zone.

It is allowed to replace the inscription in English with an inscription in any other language that is appropriate for use when creating a specific customs control zone. The limits of the temporary zone of customs control may be marked with protective tape, as well as temporarily installed signs. In this case, the use of improvised materials and means is allowed.

The decision to create a customs control zone is canceled in cases of a change in the location of the customs authority, the closure of a border crossing point, a change in the place of storage of goods under customs control, a change in the place where customs operations are allowed, the termination of the grounds for requiring the allocation and designation of a part customs territory for the purpose of conducting customs control in the form of customs inspection and customs inspection of goods and vehicles, their storage and movement under customs supervision. Cancellation of the decision to create a customs control zone entails its liquidation and the adoption of measures to remove the means of its designation and inform interested parties about its liquidation.

Responsibility for violation of the regime of the customs control zone is provided for in Article 16.5. Code of Administrative Offenses.

Movement of goods and (or) vehicles or persons, including officials of state bodies, with the exception of officials of customs authorities, across the border of the customs control zone or within it, or the implementation of production or other economic activity without the permission of the customs body, if such permission is obligatory, -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred roubles; on officials - from five hundred to one thousand roubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

In order to implement the provisions of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2003, No. 22, Art. 2066) order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for the creation and designation of customs control zones (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) and samples of the sign for designating the customs control zone and protective tape (Appendices 1 - 3).

2. Heads of regional customs departments, customs to take measures to create and designate customs control zones in accordance with the approved region of the customs authority and the requirements of the Regulation.

3. The Main Directorate of Organization of Customs Control (A.V. Galaktionov) to exercise control over the creation of customs control zones.

4. Heads of customs authorities to ensure control over the creation, designation and liquidation of customs control zones in accordance with the Regulations.

5. Recognize invalid the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated July 13, 2000 N 594 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the creation and designation of customs control zones" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 14, 2000, reg. N 2354).

6. Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia V.V. Shpagin to control the execution of this order.

Chairman of the Committee
state councilor
customs service
Russian Federation
M. Vanin

Annex 1

Regulations on the procedure for creating and designating zones
customs control

I. Procedure for establishing customs control zones

1. This procedure includes the procedure for the adoption by the customs authority of a decision on the creation of a customs control zone for the purpose of conducting customs control in the form of customs inspection and customs inspection of goods and vehicles, their storage and movement under customs supervision, determination and designation of its limits and places of crossing its borders persons, goods and vehicles, as well as the procedure for canceling the decision to create a customs control zone.

2. Customs control zones may be permanent or temporary.

Permanent customs control zones are created in the places where goods subject to customs control are regularly located:

a) on the territory of checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation;

b) along the customs border of the Russian Federation;

c) in other places determined in accordance with the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 22,

3. Permanent zones of customs control are also designated in accordance with the Regulations the location of goods and vehicles, which, in accordance with the Code, are zones of customs control.

4. The decision to create permanent customs control zones located along the customs border of the Russian Federation is formalized by the regulatory legal acts of the State Customs Committee of Russia in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2003 N 624 "On the procedure for creating customs control zones along the customs border" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2003,

No. 42, Art. 4074).

In other cases, the decision to create a permanent customs control zone is made by the head of the customs office (a person replacing him), in the region of activity of which there are places and territories where permanent customs control zones are created.

5. The decision to create a permanent customs control zone is formalized by an order of the customs office in the region of operation of which the permanent customs control zone being created is located.

The order on the establishment of a permanent customs control zone must specify:

a) the basis and purpose of creation;

b) location;

c) the limits and places of their crossing by persons, goods and vehicles;

d) means used for designation;

e) information about the person who has the authority in relation to the goods and (or) who owns the premises and (or) open areas intended for customs operations, storage of goods and vehicles without placing them in a temporary storage warehouse.

The annex to the order must contain a graphical representation of the limits and territory of the permanent customs control zone in the form of plans or maps.

A copy of the order on the creation of a permanent customs control zone shall be sent to the interested person within 3 days from the date of signing.

6. The decision to establish a temporary customs control zone shall be made by the head of the customs authority (a person acting in his place) on the basis of the report of the official of the customs authority on the need to create a temporary customs control zone, indicating in it the reasons and purpose of creation, the period for which it is necessary to create it.

7. The decision to create a temporary zone of customs control is formalized by an order (instruction) of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the specified zone is located.

The order (instruction) on the establishment of a temporary zone of customs control must contain:

a) the basis and purpose of creation;

b) the date of creation and the period for which it is created;

c) the numbers and dates of documents drawn up by authorized officials of the customs authorities, if the temporary customs control zone is created on the basis of these documents;

d) information about the person who has the authority in relation to the goods and (or) in whose possession the premises and (or) open areas are located, where customs inspection, customs inspection of goods and vehicles are carried out, customs operations are allowed, temporary storage of goods within the created temporary zone of customs control;

e) location;

f) the limits and places of their crossing by persons, goods and vehicles;

g) used means of designation.

A copy of the order (instruction) on the establishment of a temporary customs control zone shall be sent to the person concerned on the day of its signing.

II. The procedure for designating customs control zones

8. The limits of the customs control zone are indicated by rectangular signs, on a green background of which there is an inscription in Russian and English in white, respectively - "Customs control zone" and "Customs control zone". These signs are the main means of designating the customs control zone.

The zone of customs control can be marked by drawing the inscription "Customs control zone" ("Customs control zone") directly on the protective structures and walls of the premises that make up its perimeter.

It is allowed to replace the inscription in English with an inscription in any other language that is appropriate for use when creating a specific customs control zone.

9. Signs for designating customs control zones, installed on motor roads, are made in the prescribed manner.

10. The designation of the customs control zone is carried out according to its limits at the places of intersection with transport routes, at the places of crossing the customs border by persons, goods and vehicles. When designating a customs control zone, boards may additionally be used with information about its specific limits, about the established places for crossing its border, about the list of persons having access to it, about the means of marking it, and about other circumstances related to its functioning.

11. The designation of a permanent customs control zone is carried out after a decision has been made on its creation, as well as in cases where, in accordance with the Code, the locations of goods and vehicles are customs control zones.

12. The procedure for designating permanent zones of customs control along the customs border of the Russian Federation and the location of index signs when designating them are determined by other regulatory legal acts of the State Customs Committee of Russia.

13. The limits of the temporary zone of customs control may be marked with protective tape, as well as temporarily installed signs. In this case, the use of improvised materials and means is allowed.

14. Designation of the temporary zone of customs control is made after the decision on its creation.

III. Cancellation of the decision to create customs control zones

15. The decision to create a customs control zone shall be canceled in the event of a change in the location of the customs authority, the closure of a checkpoint across the State Border of the Russian Federation, a change in the place of storage of goods under customs control, a change in the place where customs operations are allowed, termination of grounds according to which the allocation and designation of a part of the customs territory of the Russian Federation is required for the purpose of conducting customs control in the forms of customs inspection and customs examination of goods and vehicles, their storage and movement under customs supervision.

Cancellation of the decision to create a customs control zone entails its liquidation.

16. The customs authority, after the liquidation of the customs control zone located in the region of its activity, takes measures to remove the means of its designation and inform interested persons about its liquidation.

17. Permanent customs control zones, which are premises and (or) open areas intended for use as temporary storage warehouses, the territory adjacent to them and specially equipped for parking vehicles transporting goods under customs control, customs warehouses, Duty-free shops are liquidated in the event that the relevant legal entities are excluded from the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses (Article 114 of the Code), the Register of Owners of Customs Warehouses (Article 232 of the Code) in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the closure of the duty-free shop (Article 263 of the Code).

18. The decision to liquidate the permanent customs control zone established in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Regulations shall be issued in the form of a customs order, except for the cases of liquidation of the permanent customs control zone established along the customs border of the Russian Federation.

19. The temporary customs control zone shall be liquidated upon completion of the measures that served as the basis for its creation, or upon the expiration of its validity period specified in the order (instruction) of the customs authority on the creation of a temporary customs control zone.

An organization (IP) disputes liability for violation of the regime of the customs control zone

1. Places that are zones of customs control are determined in accordance with Article 319 of the Code of the Union and this Article.

2. Customs control zones may be created along the State Border of the Russian Federation, at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, at places of customs operations, at places of temporary storage of goods, unloading and reloading (transshipment) of goods, their customs examination and customs examination, in parking lots of vehicles transporting goods under customs control.

3. Customs control zones may be permanent in the following cases:

1) if the owner of a land plot, water area, premises intends to use the said territories solely for storing goods under customs control there, or for performing other customs operations with such goods;

2) if goods under customs control are predominantly transported or stored in certain parts of the territory, water areas, or other customs operations are performed with respect to these goods and restriction on the movement of such goods across the borders of customs control zones or restriction of access to such goods is necessary to ensure compliance the rights of the Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs regulation.

4. A temporary customs control zone is created by decision of the head customs post or a person authorized by him, and when conducting customs control after the release of goods and in accordance with Parts 4 and 5 of Article 214 of this Federal Law by decision of the head of the customs body conducting customs control, or a person authorized by him. The said decision is drawn up by order of the head of the customs body or a person authorized by him, indicating the purpose of creating a temporary customs control zone, the location of the temporary customs control zone, the period of validity, the border of the temporary customs control zone and the places where it is crossed by persons, goods and vehicles, as well as used means of designation.

5. The federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs affairs, on the basis of a proposal from the customs body whose region of operation includes the relevant section of the territory of the Russian Federation, determines the sections of the State Border of the Russian Federation along which it is necessary to create customs control zones, and decides on the establishment of such zones. The decision to create customs control zones along the State Border of the Russian Federation is formalized legal act the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs, agreed with the federal executive body in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation and the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territories the said zones are created.

6. On a land section of the territory of the Russian Federation, a customs control zone along the State Border of the Russian Federation may be created within a strip of terrain up to thirty kilometers wide from the line of the State Border of the Russian Federation deep into the territory of the Russian Federation. The decision to create a customs control zone within a strip of terrain up to thirty kilometers wide from the line of the State Border of the Russian Federation deep into the territory of the Russian Federation must indicate:

7. On the sea, river and lake sections of the territory of the Russian Federation, a customs control zone along the State Border of the Russian Federation may be created, respectively, within the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, the Russian part of the waters of border rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, as well as a strip of terrain up to fifteen kilometers wide from coastline deep into the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. The customs control zones along the State Border of the Russian Federation shall be marked along its limits at the places of intersection with transport routes, at the places of crossing the State Border of the Russian Federation by persons, goods and vehicles with signs containing the white inscription "Customs control zone" on a green background, made in accordance with specifications and standards defined for road information signs.

9. The decision to create a customs control zone at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, established and open in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is made by the head of the customs office in the region of operation of which the checkpoint is located. Such a decision is formalized by order of the head of customs, agreed with the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs. The customs control zone created at the checkpoint across the State Border of the Russian Federation includes sections of the territory (water area), buildings, structures, sites within which customs operations are carried out, storage, unloading and reloading (transshipment) of goods under customs control, their customs inspection and customs inspection, parking lots of vehicles carrying such goods.

10. When determining the border of the customs control zone, the opinion of the administration of the transport infrastructure facility, within which the checkpoint across the State Border of the Russian Federation is established, should be taken into account: the head of the seaport administration, the head of the basin authority government controlled on the domestic water transport, the operator of the airfield, the head of the railway station (station). The opinion of the administration of the transport infrastructure facility, drawn up in writing, is attached to the draft order of the head of customs on the creation of a customs control zone, which is sent for approval to federal agency executive power, exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs.

11. The order of the head of customs on the establishment of a customs control zone at the checkpoint must contain:

1) the location of the checkpoint;

2) the border of the customs control zone and the places of its crossing by persons, goods and vehicles.

12. Attached to the order of the head of customs on the establishment of a customs control zone at the checkpoint, a graphical representation of the border and territory of the specified zone in the form of plans or maps must be provided.

13. Decisions on the creation of customs control zones in other places are made by the head of the customs office, in the region of activity of which the places and territories where customs control zones are created are located.

14. The decision to create a customs control zone, provided for by paragraph 13 of this article, is drawn up by order of the head of customs, which must indicate:

1) the location of the customs control zone;

2) the border of the customs control zone and the places where it is crossed by persons, goods and vehicles;

3) means used to mark the border of the customs control zone.

15. An annex to the order of the head of customs on the establishment of a customs control zone specified in paragraph 14 of this article must contain a graphical representation of the border and territory of the customs control zone in the form of plans or maps.

16. The border of the customs control zone shall be marked with rectangular signs, on a green background of which the inscription in Russian and English "Customs control zone" is made in white. These signs are the main means of designating the customs control zone.

17. The customs control zone may be marked by drawing the inscription "Customs control zone" in Russian and English directly on the protective structures and walls of the premises that make up its perimeter. It is allowed to replace the inscription in English with an inscription in any other language that is appropriate for use when creating a specific customs control zone.

18. The designation of the customs control zone, with the exception of the customs control zone established in the water area of ​​the territorial sea or within it, is carried out along the border of the customs control zone at the points of its intersection with transport routes, as well as at the points of crossing the border of the customs control zone by persons, goods and vehicles. When designating a customs control zone, boards may additionally be used with information about its border, about the established places for crossing its border, about the list of persons having access to the customs control zone, about the means of marking it and about other circumstances related to its functioning. The border of the temporary zone of customs control may be marked with protective tape, as well as temporarily installed signs. In this case, the use of improvised materials and means is allowed.

19. Customs control zones shall be liquidated in cases of a change in the location of a customs authority, closing of a checkpoint across the State Border of the Russian Federation, a change in the place of storage of goods under customs control, a change in the location of places where customs operations are carried out, unloading and reloading (transshipment) of goods, their customs inspection and customs examination, parking of vehicles transporting goods under customs control. The decision to liquidate the customs control zone is formalized by the order of the customs authority that created such a zone.

20. A temporary customs control zone shall be liquidated upon completion of the measures that served as the basis for its creation, or upon the expiration of its validity period specified in the decision of the customs authority on the creation of a temporary customs control zone.

21. After the liquidation of the customs control zone located in the region of its activity, the customs authority shall take measures to remove the means of its designation and inform interested persons about its liquidation.

22. In the zones of customs control, including those created along the State Border of the Russian Federation within a five-kilometer zone from the State Border of the Russian Federation, production and other economic activities related to the transportation, unloading and reloading (transshipment), storage of goods under customs control , organization and maintenance of parking lots of vehicles carrying such goods, maintenance of legal and individuals moving goods and vehicles across the State Border of the Russian Federation, with construction, with the reconstruction of buildings and structures, as well as their engineering networks used for customs operations, construction and reconstruction of roads and access roads to checkpoints, transport and engineering structures used to move goods and vehicles across the State Border of the Russian Federation (including the construction of car parks, the installation of road fences, road signs), is allowed with the permission of the customs authorities and under their supervision.

23. The movement of goods, vehicles, persons, including officials of state bodies, across the borders of customs control zones and within them is allowed with the permission of the customs authorities and under their supervision, except for the cases established by this federal law and other federal laws.

27. A permit to carry out production and other economic activities in the customs control zone shall be issued by the head of the customs authority in the region of activity of which the customs control zone has been established, upon a written application of the interested person.

28. If a customs control zone has been established on a territory (in a water area) owned or leased by persons, a permit to carry out production and other economic activities specified in paragraph 27 of this article shall be issued subject to the consent of the owner (possessor) of the territory ( water areas).

29. An application for permission for production and other economic activities in the customs control zone must contain information on the type and nature of the activity that is supposed to be carried out within the customs control zone, a list of persons who will carry out such activities, information on the planned period for such activities.

30. The head of the customs authority considers an application for permission for production and other economic activities in the customs control zone and, if the proposed activity complies with parts 22, and of this article, puts on the application a resolution "Production and other economic activities in the customs control zone are allowed until (the date is indicated)" . In case of refusal to issue a permit, a resolution "Permission to carry out the declared activity was refused" is applied to the application, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

31. The original application for permission for production and other economic activities in the customs control zone is returned to the interested person, a copy of the application is stored in the customs authority.

32. The provisions of this article do not apply to the creation of customs control zones in structures, premises (parts of premises) and (or) open areas (parts open areas) an authorized economic operator in accordance with Article 387 of this Federal Law.