Japanese etiquette: Chinese chopsticks. Chinese sticks, how to hold

“Why would I even know how to use chopsticks? After all, a spoon and a fork are much more convenient! " - so many of you may say. Let's try to convince and teach how to handle these ancient cutlery.

So, first, let's answer the question “Why?”. Firstly, many Russians spend their holidays in the countries of Southeast Asia, where the culture of using chopsticks is appreciated and often in local cafes with traditional cuisine there may simply not be the forks and spoons you are used to. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation due to inept manipulation of chopsticks, it is better to prepare for this in advance and find out how to hold " Chinese chopsticks».

Secondly, on the territory of almost all of Russia sushi bars and Chinese eateries are very popular, Korean and Vietnamese restaurants are gradually appearing. Eating with chopsticks in such establishments will allow you to experience the flavor of the proposed cuisine deeper.

Thirdly, the use of sticks develops fine motor skills well, which will not interfere with anyone.

A little about the sticks themselves
From the surviving Chinese chronicles, scientists have found that the emperor and his court were the first to use chopsticks about four thousand years ago. This situation lasted until 700 - 800 AD, when ordinary people began to use chopsticks. The material of the first sticks for the nobility is ivory, for the rest - bamboo. Initially, bamboo sticks were "tweezers", but in their usual form, they began to be made separate much later.

The tradition of eating with chopsticks came to the rest of Southeast Asia only in the 12th century.

Currently, sticks are made from various materials: classic bamboo, all kinds of wood, plastic, metals (including precious ones), bone, ceramics, stone, etc.

They can be round, flat, thin, thick, of various shapes in cross-section, disposable, reusable, gift with rich inlay, folding for travel, for adults, for children, collectible, in general, the variety is huge.

What is the name of
Korea - chokkarak
English-speaking countrieschopsticks(chopsticks)

How to hold chopsticks
1) First, relax (right - for right-handed people, left - for left-handed people).

2) The lower (support) stick is placed with the upper part on the space between the thumb and forefinger, correct position sticks in this recess will ensure its immobility. Place the thin end of the stick on the pad of your ring finger.

3) Place the upper stick on the first phalanx of the index finger, the second (or third, if it is more convenient for you) phalanx of the middle finger and hold it with the tip of your thumb.

4) In the process of eating, move only the upper stick, the lower one should be motionless.

To make it quite clear, look at these pictures ( increase by pressing):

Well, now you know that it is not difficult at all! And after using chopsticks a few times, you can handle them as well as native Asians.

Finally, look at the rules of etiquette when eating with chopsticks. This can come in handy when traveling on vacation.

  • banging chopsticks on a plate, on a table, etc.
  • "Draw" and drive back and forth with chopsticks on a plate, table
  • poking around with them in food, piercing, tamping food
  • put food on chopsticks and pass it on to another person
  • swing your sticks in the air to cool the piece
  • lick sticks
  • pull dishes with chopsticks
  • clenching sticks in a fist - a gesture means aggression
  • sticking chopsticks vertically into food is a funeral tradition

When you have a break in eating, put the chopsticks with sharp tips to the left side, and if you have completely finished eating, then you need to put the chopsticks on a special stand.

national etiquette> china, japan

How to learn to use chopsticks?

Chopsticks are the traditional cutlery used in Eastern countries such as China and Japan. With their help, Asians eat everything: sushi, rolls, rice and even liquid soups. At first glance, it may seem that learning how to properly hold special sticks is quite difficult, but the basic movements of the sticks can be quickly mastered even by little ones. The spread of Japanese, Chinese and Thai cuisine outside their own countries simply obliges you to learn how to follow the traditional ritual associated with eating oriental food. Chopsticks are not just cutlery, they create an inimitable flavor at the table.

Most often, disposable sticks made of wood or bamboo, fastened at one end, are served at the table. To break them in two, lower them closer to your knees so as not to accidentally hit the dishes, and pull one of the chopsticks in a motion similar to opening a fan.

How to hold Chinese (Japanese) sticks correctly

When eating with chopsticks, the fingers and small muscles of the hand are involved. Initially, you just need to learn how to hold the sticks, and only then gradually add movements. Only at the third stage of training, gradually try to grab small objects like peas with chopsticks. The ring finger and little finger of the working hand are pressed together, the middle and index fingers are extended. One of the sticks is placed on the hollow between the thumb and forefinger so that the thick end is on top of the palm. The lower (thin) part of the stick should be in the area between the second and third phalanx of the ring finger. It is necessary to ensure that the upper edge of the stick protrudes only slightly, and the lower working end, on the contrary, should be long in order to avoid the possibility of staining the sleeves. The bottom stick should always remain motionless, so it is necessary to learn how to fix it firmly from the very beginning. The second (upper) stick, placed on the third phalanx of the middle finger, must be held with the index and thumb. It might feel like using a pencil, only the fingers will be straightened more. The protruding ends of the sticks should be the same length.

You can try to imitate the grip of forceps with sticks, while not forgetting that the lower stick should always remain motionless. If you are uncomfortable holding your ring and pinky fingers together, try pushing them apart as you “open” the forceps. This will help to relax the muscles of the arm, which will experience strong tension at first. When bringing the chopsticks together and when grabbing food, do not press too hard, otherwise the food may slip out and fly to the side.

Where to put chopsticks during and after meals

When eating, the chopsticks should be placed on a special stand, if it is not there, roll up the paper wrapper from the chopsticks several times, put it on the end and put the chopsticks on it. Under no circumstances stick Chinese chopsticks into food and do not put them across the bowl; in extreme cases, you can put them on the table, resting their tips on the edge of the plate. After eating, courtesy rules dictate that you put your used chopsticks and toothpicks back in the paper bag in which you brought them.

Many people eat so-called Chinese chopsticks in the modern world. There are those who consume food with their use all the time, and there are those who eat with chopsticks only in Chinese or Japanese restaurants.

But in any case, many want to learn this tricky, as it seems to them, art. So, how to eat with chopsticks? In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to figure out how to properly place the sticks in your hand. But first, let's plunge into history. How did the sticks come about?

History of Chinese chopsticks

It is known for certain that Chinese sticks appeared before our era, but the exact years have not been found out. Some historians believe that this happened in China during the Shang-Yin dynasty (1764-1027 BC). But there are documents proving that ivory sticks existed during the reign of the Han dynasty (206-220 BC). Be that as it may, only people of high rank could use them.

Ordinary people were able to consume food with chopsticks only in 700-800 AD. There is also a version that earlier Chinese chopsticks were needed for cooking, and not eating it. They were used to turn hot food and the stones on which it was cooked. Later they began to eat with chopsticks.

How to eat with chopsticks? Chopstick options: Japanese and Chinese

Now there are many chopsticks. After all, they are in use among many peoples. In the 12th century, the Chinese adopted this kitchen utensils and Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese. In general, all the eastern neighbors. But for every nation, the sticks have undergone changes. Traditional Chinese sticks are made of wood and are called "kuayzu". But earlier, from the name itself, it is clear that they were made of bamboo and resembled tweezers. They were simply not separated, as they are now, but ate just like that.

Chinese sticks are disposable, and there are reusable ones. Single-use sticks can be found in restaurants. They are usually wrapped in paper wrapped from polished wood. And reusable sticks are sometimes a work of art. If they are made of wood, then usually such sticks are varnished or painted, and then painted or inlaid. They look great anyway. It is a pleasure to eat with such chopsticks. It happens that they are made from precious and semi-precious metals.

"Kuizu" can also be of completely different shapes. The tips are blunt, with a round, square, oval or triangular section, and there are also flat ones.

Japanese sticks are called hasi. They are traditionally made from wood. Most often from pine, cypress, plum, maple, cedar, willow and various types of sandalwood. Reusable "hasi" are painted or varnished. Appearance they are slightly different from the Chinese "kuaizu". Namely, more pointed ends and length.

In Japan, the sticks are shorter. Their section can be square or round. But disposable "hasi" are interesting in that there is such a variety of them as breakable - "varibashi". The bottom line is that in the manufacture of sticks are not separated from each other to the end, but only delimit them with a cut in the middle. In the restaurant, the visitor independently separates the sticks, breaking them a little. That is why they are called that.

Japanese sticks are also interesting in that a stand, called "hasioki", is specially designed for them. According to etiquette, you need to put sticks on it with thin ends, turning them slightly to the left. Most often, "hasioki" is also made of wood. It has multiple uses.

How to eat with chopsticks? Other chopstick options

In Vietnam, sticks are also made from wood. But in Korea, they are quite thin and are usually made of metal.
Now sticks are also made from such materials as plastic, ivory, deer horn. But they are eaten everywhere the same way. Now let's try to master some of the techniques as it is with chopsticks.

Everyone knows that fine motor skills cause the development of mental abilities. That is why the Chinese teach one-year-olds how to use chopsticks. Scientists even deduced a special formula, from which it is clear that if an inexperienced person is given Chinese chopsticks, then, having eaten 1000 meals, he will be able to use them as well as with his own hands.

The main thing in eating food with chopsticks is relax your hand. Otherwise, nothing will work. So, let's conventionally call the sticks the upper and lower ones, because this is how they will be located in the hand in the future.

  1. Take the bottom stick first. The little finger and ring finger are motionless, we press them together. The middle and index fingers won't be useful to us now.
  2. We put the lower stick between the thumb and the hand and fix it in such a way that its thin edge rests on the ring finger.
  3. Now we take the top stick. We take it in the same way as we usually hold a pen or pencil.
  4. When you want to take any food, the main movements are made with the upper stick. The lower one always remains motionless.

Workouts are best done on small objects. Then the likelihood that you can handle the larger pieces of food is much greater. After you master these simple skills, you can safely go to a sushi bar and order rolls!

By the way, Japanese women, for example, do not have the right to eat national sushi with their hands. But for men in Japan, you can choose: eat them with your hands or with chopsticks. But, fortunately, this does not apply to Russian women. Therefore, even in Japanese restaurants, do not hesitate to ask the waiter to bring the usual cutlery. It's better to honestly admit that you can't eat with chopsticks than to get into an awkward position.

How to eat with chopsticks? How to hold the sticks correctly? Video

Japanese cuisine in Russia is gaining momentum every year. For example, in my city there are Japanese cafes and restaurants on almost every corner, and several more open every year.

I know very few people who don't like sushi. How can you not like them? As I write this, I understand that tomorrow I will have to spend a little on something tasty. :)

However, some people have trouble using sushi chopsticks. How to use them correctly? :)

How to eat with chopsticks

The most important thing is to understand the principle. Once you grasp it, you won't have any more trouble. So follow these steps:

  • Attach one stick between your thumb and forefinger at their very base. If it doesn't work right away, then remember how you hold the pen. Proceed in the same way here. This stick should not move, it should be very firm.
  • Place the second stick between your thumb and forefinger at their end. Moreover, the stick should lie straight on the index finger to the middle phalanx, i.e. parallel to it. You must move this stick freely.
  • Now you need to set the sticks with the second hand so that they do not cross and lie as convenient as possible for you.

It will be a good sign if you take food and the chopsticks will not move at the same time. You shouldn't pressure them, but they shouldn't be lax.

Japanese restaurant etiquette

Since we're talking about Japanese cuisine and the rules for using chopsticks, I'll tell you a little about the rules of etiquette.

Very often people order a large plate of sushi, usually sets, and everyone serves as much as they want. Rule: you should not take sushi with your chopsticks if you have already eaten with them. Either use common sticks or use new ones.

If you ordered rice, use your own age. I believe you can do it. Rule: eat as carefully as possible. It is better to bring the plate closer to you than sprinkle all the rice on the table.

When you have eaten, carefully place the chopsticks next to each other. Rule: do not stick them into food, cross them, play, etc.... I read that in Japan, for each of these options, there is a legend of bad omen.

One of the most ancient eating habits is Chinese chopsticks. They began to be used several millennia ago. Now it is exotic, so many people are interested in how to eat them and how to properly hold Chinese chopsticks while eating. They can eat any solid food, and this skill is especially useful if you are going to a Chinese or Japanese restaurant. Let's figure out how to hold the Chinese chopsticks correctly to feel comfortable.

How to hold the sticks?

First, they should be held in the hand with which you eat. There are no rules here - it doesn't matter with which hand you take your food, but it is important how you hold the chopsticks themselves. First you need to take one stick one third from its end from below and place it on your middle finger, holding it with the ring and thumb.

Second, another stick should be placed parallel to the first at a distance of up to 2.5 cm. Less is better, otherwise it will be more inconvenient. You will have to bend your index finger and thus bring the chopsticks together, catching food with them.

As you can see, everything is simple, but it will take time to use the Chinese chopsticks comfortably. Better to buy a couple of chopsticks home and practice before heading out to a Japanese or Chinese restaurant.

Rules for using sticks

In the East, there is a certain etiquette of eating with Chinese chopsticks. It is strictly forbidden to stick them into rice, since this is done exclusively at funerals. They should not be licked, since this is bad form, and if you have already touched some food with a stick, then you must eat it. Also, in Eastern culture, it is forbidden to hold sticks in a fist - this will be considered a manifestation of hostility. Waving them, of course, is also prohibited, especially in a restaurant when trying to attract the attention of a waiter.

Some people are so carried away by the use of Chinese chopsticks that they use them in everyday life. This is not surprising, since they can be used to stretch out lunch time in order to get the most out of every bite of food.

Be prepared that even if you have learned how to hold Chinese sticks correctly, your first practice attempt may not be successful. If at first it seems very difficult to you, then try using an elastic band so that the sticks do not fall out of your hands. It must be worn on top. The main thing is not to get used to it. As soon as you feel that it has become easier to hold them in your hand, then remove the elastic. Relearning is always more difficult than learning from scratch.

Video. How to hold Chinese sticks correctly