New Year's performances for children. Scenario of the New Year's performance "forgotten new year"

Script for a New Year's theatrical performance

How little Baba Yaga celebrated the New Year

New Year's performance for children and their parents


Little Baba Yaga

A hut on chicken legs


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Choreographic collective

The edge of the forest. The Cat Bayun enters the stage.

cat Baiyun... A wonderful day! There is no wind! It's frosty! Easy to breathe! Easy, easy, just to enjoy the frosty freshness. So no. It is necessary to amuse the child again, to invent a new amusement!

Little Baba Yaga(enters the stage). Good morning, kitty!

cat Baiyun(displeased). For whom it is good, for whom it is not very good!

Little Baba Yaga... Did you sleep badly?

cat Baiyun... If I also slept badly, then in general there would be no joys in my life!

Little Baba Yaga. Why?

cat Baiyun... Because! You will grow up, you will understand!

Little Baba Yaga... I wanted to help get you back in the mood.

Cat Baiyun. You just can't help me get back in the mood.

Little Baba Yaga... Why? I have already figured out what we are going to do today.

Cat Baiyun. Excuse me, madam, but weekends, holidays, vacation for cats actually apply or not? I go to educators for a whole year! A whole year !!! I want to go on vacation!

Little Baba Yaga... But the New Year is coming soon!

cat Baiyun... And what?

Little Baba Yaga... We need to decorate the tree! Santa Claus will come, he will bring a cart of gifts!

Cat Baiyun. He usually brings a lot of sweets and unnecessary toys, which I personally do not need at all.

Little Baba Yaga... Well, then order him what you need.

cat Baiyun... You'd think he'd bring me raw fish.

A breathless Hut on chicken legs runs out onto the stage.

cat Baiyun(ironically). Appeared ?! How much sleep can you sleep?

A hut on chicken legs(making excuses). Yesterday I ran with the baby, so today I slept a little.

cat Baiyun... Slept - pay off!

A hut on chicken legs... How?

cat Baiyun... I'll lie down a little, and you keep the child.

A hut on chicken legs... And so I take it every day.

cat Baiyun... You are not alone! But you are late, so you play - I am resting!

A hut on chicken legs... Okay, I agree.

Cat Baiyun. Still would!

A hut on chicken legs. What are we playing?

cat Baiyun... A very simple game.

Little Baba Yaga(gladly). Hooray! Let's play!

Cat Baiyun. Baby come to me. We will observe the game from the side.

Little Baba Yaga... What is this game that should be watched and not played?

Cat Baiyun. Come, come to me, now you will see. (Asks the Hut on chicken legs.) Is the hut ready?

A hut on chicken legs(doomed). Yes, I'm ready, ready!

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut ...

A hut on chicken legs. Yes, I'm ready! I told you!

cat Baiyun(displeased). Do not interrupt! Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, in front of me!

A hut on chicken legs(sneers). Why should I turn around? I stand like that!

Cat Baiyun. Sorry!

A hut on chicken legs. Well, what else can you say?

Cat Baiyun.

A hut on chicken legs. Why is this?

cat Baiyun(indignantly). Listen, don't mix it!

A hut on chicken legs... I won't, I won't.

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut, turn your back to me, to the forest in front!

A creak is heard, groaning, The hut on chicken legs turns.

Cat Baiyun. Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, in front of me!

A hut on chicken legs(indignantly). Why are you twisting me here, twisting me?

cat Baiyun... Do not be indignant! Turn around!

Again creaking, groaning. The hut on chicken legs turns. The sound of a jet plane is heard, and Baba Yaga flies in across the entire auditorium on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga(vomits and flushes, turns to the Cat). New Year is on the nose, and it fell apart!

Waving a broomstick towards the Cat, he briskly rises.

Baba Yaga... You cannot leave anyone unattended! We quickly start preparing for the holiday! Bayun with Izbushka, go choose a tree! Niece! Niece!

Little Baba Yaga(approaches Baba Yaga). Auntie, I can hear you.

Baba Yaga... That's good that you hear. Clean up here and I'll get some rest. I'll come back in an hour and check it out.

Baba Yaga leaves the stage, looks around.

Sees how Little Baba Yaga took a broom and sweeps.

Baba Yaga. Niece, woe you are mine!

Little Baba Yaga(objects). I am not sorrow, I am your joy, auntie.

Baba Yaga... Well, it does not matter. You tell me, who, who is sweeping with an aircraft?

Little Baba Yaga... But this is a pomelo.

Baba Yaga... First of all, it is aircraft... Just take a broom!

Little Baba Yaga... Okay, auntie.

The Cat Bayun and the Hut on chicken legs appear on the stage, they drag the felled Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga(angrily). What have you done?

Cat Baiyun. So the tree was found.

A hut on chicken legs... Nice tree, fluffy.

Baba Yaga... It was fluffy and fragrant.

cat Baiyun... I don’t understand what you are actually unhappy with?

Baba Yaga. I said: choose a tree, not cut down a tree.

A hut on chicken legs. Well, okay - let's throw this one out and go and choose from those that grow.

Baba Yaga. Hut, you are as ancient as me.

A hut on chicken legs... Yes Yes.

Baba Yaga... And when will you pick up your mind? When will wisdom come to you?

A hut on chicken legs. What are you dissatisfied with again, mother?

Baba Yaga... But why throw out the tree if they have already cut it down. Put on and dress up, and so without tricks!

Cat Baiyun. We are not magicians to show tricks.

Baba Yaga. Do not be daring! I’m going to rest, there’s a big deal ahead. And you are quiet here!

Baba Yaga leaves. It sounds light, like falling snow, music. Bayun the Cat and the Hut on chicken legs are setting up a Christmas tree, Little Baba Yaga is sweeping the stage. The phonogram ends.

Cat Baiyun. Well, that's it, the tree has been set up. Who will decorate it now? I will not, thank you, I did my job!

A hut on chicken legs... Should I work hard again?

Little Baba Yaga. Do not quarrel! It's so nice to decorate the Christmas tree, I'll take care of it myself!

Cat Baiyun. Before you can do it alone, helpers are needed!

Little Baba Yaga... Assistants, where can I get them?

cat Baiyun... Yes, they are sitting in the hall and looking with all their eyes!

Little Baba Yaga. How much to call?

A hut on chicken legs... You don't need more than three. Otherwise they will not leave a single needle for us from the tree.

Little Baba Yaga. There are many of them, how can you choose only three?

cat Baiyun... And you sit on a broomstick and fly through the hall! Whoever likes it, put it in your room and bring it to our stage!

Little Baba Yaga sits on a broomstick. The sound of a jet plane is heard. Little Baba Yaga flies into the auditorium, selects three volunteers and brings them to the stage. The phonogram ends.

cat Baiyun... Hut, hey, bring the toys for the Christmas tree!

A hut on chicken legs. Why me again?

cat Baiyun... Because you owe me the game in the morning. I didn't finish the game, Baba Yaga interfered, then bring the toys!

A hut on chicken legs... I will bring it now!

The hut on chicken legs leaves and returns with a box of New Year's toys.

Cat Baiyun. We will decorate the Christmas tree, but will the audience be bored?

Little Baba Yaga... Why get bored?

Cat Baiyun. So they just stand and clap their eyes. You have to keep them busy!

Little Baba Yaga... I AM?! But as?

Cat Baiyun. Think, and I and Izbushka will control how the tree will be decorated.

Little Baba Yaga makes riddles to the audience, and the Hut on Chicken Legs and the Cat Bayun are holding a competition "Dress up a Christmas tree", all participants of which receive prizes.

Little Baba Yaga... Dear guys and adults, now I will entertain you!

So that we do not get bored,

Don't just stand here

I ask you riddles

That only requires ingenuity!

Just pick up a rhyme

And tell me the answer!

At the top of our tree

Almost under the ceiling

Shines brightly with overflow

Tip with ... (star).

Colorful rain from heaven

Isn't this progress?

Colored circles -

It's just ... (confetti).

On the fluffy branches of a Christmas tree

Sinking down hard

Like magic sparks

Round ... (balls) hang.

Kikimora "spinning" in front of an imaginary mirror, trying on hats. Goblin decorates the tree with Christmas balls

Kikimora: How glad I am that New Year is coming soon! My mood is just great!

Leshy: Kiki, you'd better not turn around in front of the mirror, but help me decorate the Christmas tree or set me on the table. Soon the Snow Maiden will come to visit us, but we have nothing ready

Kikimora: Lesha, you don't understand! I am a representative of this forest, and last year, by the way, I received the title "Miss Swamp -2013", I can’t meet our guest in don’t understand what. I'm not some kind of Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga enters

Baba Yaga: Who is this here remembering Grandma Yaga?

Kikimora (embarrassed): Oh, yes it is the Leshy who says to me: "Conjure purity, but conjure it." And I answered him: "I'm not a sorceress, not Baba Yaga, to be able to conjure!"

Baba Yaga: Yes. Only purity should not be conjured, but it is necessary to induce.

Leshy: And I tell her the same thing

Kikimora: And I'm so good! And in general, where is our Snow Maiden disappeared?

A knock on the door. Two Snowflakes are setting.

Sn. 1 and Sn. 2 (speaking in unison): Hello!

B-Z: Hello!

L: Excuse me, but who are you?

Sn. 1: We are the Snow Queen's assistants.

SN 2: She told you to send a telegram

Kik .: Let's get your telegram ... (is reading)"You are not looking for the Snow Maiden, she will now live with me." How can this be?

L.L .: The Snow Maiden promised to come to visit us, and she always keeps her promises!

B.-Y .: Something is not right here!

Sn. 1. and 2 (unfolding simultaneously, in chorus): Goodbye!

B.-Ya. (blocking the road): Wait, don't rush. Explain what happened to our Snow Maiden.

Sn. 1: The Snow Queen got bored of living in the castle alone.

SN 2: So she decided to take your Snow Maiden to her palace

SN 1: To educate her

Sn. 2: And to teach wits

L.: So this is a kidnapping!

Kik: We have to help her. We must rescue the Snow Maiden from this palace!

B.-Ya.: Listen, you, earless jumping hares, let us tell you how to get to the palace of this Snow Queen of yours?

SN 1: We are not hares, we are snowflakes

SN 2: And we only came to send a telegram

Kik: Eh, no! Will not work! You are accomplices in the abduction of the Snow Maiden, so now you must help us find her!

L.L .: Otherwise, we will now light the stove kaaaak!

SN 1: No need for a stove

Sn2 .: We're so hot here

B.Ya .: Then tell me where is your palace!

Sn. 1: First you need to reach the Miracle Glade

Sn.2: And there will already be a hint waiting for you

L .: Aren't you cheating?

Figures 1 and 2: No.

SN 1: Though we are without a heart

Sn. 2: Though icy

No. 1 and 2: But honest!

Kik: Guys, believe them?

(children's answer)

L: Okay, go, otherwise they are already completely unstuck!

No. 1 and No. 2 go away

L. (looking for something): So, somewhere I had a forest map hidden ...

Kik: Let's help you find her!

B.Ya: And the guys, if they see the map faster than us, will prompt us, have you agreed?

Together they are looking for a map, the children give tips. The map hangs in the most conspicuous place.

L .: Aha! Here she is, darling! Let's see…

Kik: But this is very far from us!

B.Ya .: Eh, if my broom could carry everyone away, I would quickly rush you ...

L.: You, Granny-Yagulya, fly ahead to reconnaissance, and we will follow you on magic bunks.

B.Ya .: You can do that. Forgive my friends. See you!

B. Ya. flies away

Kik: And what are these magic conics about which you spoke?

L.: And now I'll tell you everything and show you!

Game "Magic Horses"

Kik: What guys are great! See, we have already reached the Miracle Glade

L.: And Baba Yaga with Snowflakes is here!

B.Ya .: How quickly you got there!

L.: This is only due to the fact that the guys helped us

Kik: Well, tell me, white flies, where do we go next?

Sn. 1: You yourself are white flies

Sn. 2: And you will call names, we will not tell you anything at all!

B.Ya .: Okay, okay, don't get angry! We do it like that, as a joke

Sn. 1: Miracle Glade can transfer anyone to any place

SN 2: But for this she needs magical energy

L: What kind of energy is this?

B.Ya .: Clearly what! Now let's brew the potion ...

Kik: Maybe some Energizers are needed here?

SN 1: No, the potion will not help here, and neither will Energizers

Sn.2: Here special energy of creativity is needed

Kik: Where can we get it, this creative energy?

L.: I know! Look, look how many guys have gathered here. Surely they have prepared something for the new year, and they have more than enough creative energy!

B.Ya .: Then let's greet with applause ...

School numbers

Kik: Wow, how much creative energy we have collected!

B.Ya .: That way you can fly around the whole world, and even stay!

L .: Thank you guys! What time are you helping us out!

Sn. 1: And now, in order to be transported to the palace, you must join hands

Sn.2: Close your eyes and say magic words

Sn. 1 and Sn. 2: A miracle will come to visit us,

It will take us to the palace.

L.: Guys, let's repeat everything together, in chorus

Repeat the spell

Kik: Now, guys, take the hand of the neighbor sitting next to you

L.: Snowflakes, come to us, help!

B.Ya .: Close your eyes

L.: And now we repeat the magic spell to be transported to the palace to the Snow Queen!

All together repeat the spell, "magic" music sounds. Children and heroes open their eyes

Kik: Oh, where did we get to?

Fig. 1: This is a magical forest that surrounds the Palace of the Snow Queen

Sn.2: Only the most courageous and courageous can pass it

L.: Are you guys brave? (children answer)

B.Ya .: Brave? (children answer)

Kik: And I know how to further strengthen our "fighting spirit"!

L.L.: Tell me more quickly, otherwise I hear the howling of wolves not so far from us, and I am not very friendly with them

Kik: We must all together, in chorus, sing some merry New Year's song. It will be more fun to walk under it, and not so scary.

B.Ya .: Well done! Great idea, Kiki! Guys, you know the song ...

Sing a previously learned song with the children

Kick: You see, we didn't even notice how we passed the terrible forest and came out to the gates of the Snow Queen's palace.

SN 2: If the Snow Queen finds out that we helped you

SN 1: She will probably turn us into puddles

L.L .: Thank you twin squirrels!

B.Ya .: Yes, you girls are good, glorious!

Kik: Just dress the same way! Come to visit me, I will pick up such forest models for you, the whole snowy forest will gasp!

SN 1 and 2: Thank you!

SN 1: Good luck to you!

Sn.2: And be careful with the Snow Queen!

SN 1: She's so important

SN 2: What is directly scary next to her becomes

No. 1 and 2 go away

B.Ya .: And what is it written on the gate? Goblin, read it, otherwise I forgot my glasses at home

L. (reads): "Whoever guesses the riddles opens the gate."

Kik: I don't know how to solve riddles ...

B.Ya .: How is it?

Kik: Here, ask me some riddle!

B.Ya .: Just you guys, don't tell me!

L.L .: Well, for example: a hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

Kik: Penguin!

L .: Why is that?

Kik: And because he is cold at the North Pole, and he cannot button his clothes, because there are no hands, and it is inconvenient to fasten with wings!

B.Ya .: Oh, well, you are an inventor, Kikikmora! Yes, every kid in kindergarten knows! What is this, guys? That's right, cabbage!

Kik: I warned you! I don’t understand your riddles, and I don’t know how to solve. That's why cabbage needs clothes?

L.L .: Kiki, don't confuse the guys, they now have to concentrate and help us again. Ready? (children answer) Kiki, read the first riddle!

Kik: Do you want to change suddenly?

Not even a friend will recognize.

You will find yourself in a fairy tale

Just put on ...

B.Ya .: Oh, look, one lock has come off the gate, there are 4 more left.

Kik: Clumsy, clumsy

Loves honey, does not like the cold,

I used to snore until spring

What a beast this is ...


L.L .: Well done guys, here's another lock on the gate is gone!

Kik: If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies

If the tree goes into the house,

What a holiday? ...

(New Year)

B.Ya .: Here, here! New Year is on the nose, and the Snow Maiden was kidnapped from us! Let's solve two more riddles soon!

Kik: Christmas tree on New Years holiday

Calls for adults and children.

All people are inviting

On New Year's ... (round dance).

L.: What are you guys smart! Kiki, read the last riddle rather!

Kik: Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It hurts if he bites.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street ... (Frost)

L.: Hurray! We opened the gate! Let's go to the palace soon!

L., B. Ya. and Kik. They leave behind the screen. The Snow Queen and Snow Maiden come out.

Snow Maiden: Snow Queen, dear, let me go! I need to prepare for the New Year: collect gifts for the children, help Santa Claus to teach poems for the holiday.

Sn.Koroleva: Here you are more needed! Your Santa Claus has a lot of helpers. All sorts of squirrels, bunnies, hedgehogs. And I have no one! Snowflakes and icicles, and they do not come to visit, they are afraid of me. Even ice tea with ice cream in the evening has no one to share.

Snegurochka: But you yourself don't communicate with anyone! And if you leave the palace, then walk with your head held high and do not answer the greetings of the forest dwellers!

Snow Queen: Because I'm afraid to be disappointed! When Gerda took Kai away from me, all my courtiers fled, everyone condemned me, whispering behind my back. And I just wanted to find myself a friend! But no one, no one took pity on me ...

L., B. Ya. and Kik.

L.: Yeah, I got you! There are more of us, we are stronger than you! Give us the Snow Maiden!

Surround the Snow Queen from all sides

SNK: Oh, I knew it! Again I am left alone in my ice castle ...

Snegurochka: My friends, guys, how glad I am to see you all! Thank you for coming to my rescue, but, in my opinion, the Snow Queen needs your help more than me. She is so lonely in her palace! She has no friends or girlfriends. Let's try to help her!

B.Ya .: Those times! How can we help her if she herself does not want to be friends with anyone?

Sn.K .: I want, I really want! I'm only afraid!

B.Ya .: Guys, is it really possible to be afraid to be friends with someone?

Kik: I agree that friends can quarrel and take offense at each other, but if they are real friends, then they will always forgive each other and make peace, right?

Sn. Cor .: But where to start? How can I make friends with anyone?

L.: And you ask the guys, maybe one of them wants to become your friend?

SNK: Will any of you guys really want to be friends with me? (children answer)

Oh, how nice it is! How many smiles, how many friends have I found in these few minutes!

Thank you, you are so kind and helpful!

Kik: We also met two Snowflakes when we walked to your palace, and I'm sure that they will also want to become your friends when they find out how much you need it!

L.: Only now you no longer need to kidnap anyone and force them to be your friend.

B.Ya .: Just be kinder and more affable, and often smile at those around you.

Kik: And don't be afraid to open your heart to them.

Snegurochka: And we will always be your slaves at our forest New Year's carnival!

Sn.K .: Can I hold games at the carnival? I know so much interesting games! Only now I had no one to play with!

Snow: Of course you can! And even necessary! My grandfather and I will be glad to have your help.

Sn.K .: Can I play one game for the guys? I want to start doing something good!

Snow: Are you guys tired?

Kik: But only not very difficult, because the guys have already overcome a long and difficult path in search of the Snow Maiden

Sn.K .: No, it is not difficult, it is called "Freeze".

B. Ya: Again, you are for yours!

SNK: No, no, it's just a game!

We bring to your attention a mini-performance “ Christmas story».

The curtain is closed. At the edges of the proscenium there are decorations of snow-covered trees.

The light goes off in the hall. And from behind the curtains, buffoons appear to the cheerful music. They sing a song about coming new year... One buffoon sings about the fact that he will finally be presented with new boots, and the other about the fact that he will eat his fill at the festive table. Then the buffoons talk with the guys sitting in the hall, ask if they are looking forward to this wonderful holiday and ask them what they would like to receive as a gift for the New Year. The buffoons joke and sing ditties.

Suddenly, according to the scenario of the mini-play "New Year's Tale", a roar is heard, the light flashes, and the Snow Queen appears on the stage, who says that she stole the New Year and now no one will have a holiday.

After the Snow Queen leaves, the lights turn on, and the buffoons begin to think about how to save the New Year.

One of the buffoons offers to go to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. And they hit the road, singing one of their songs.

On the way, the buffoons have a dense forest, where there is a hut on chicken legs, and in it sits Baba Yaga's bone leg.

Where are you, good fellows, keeping your way?

We are going grandmother to the kingdom of the Snow Queen, she stole our holiday from us. Will you show us the way, good old lady?

Am I kind? Am I the old lady? - you yourself are kind, and now I will enchant you so that it will not seem a little to you !!!

Ouch! Ouch! OK OK! We made a reservation, wicked, wicked, despicable Baba Yaga !!!

Baba Yaga looks approvingly towards the buffoons and begins to sing a song about what dirty tricks she knows how to do, how she hurts honest people, how she wanted to roast Ivan in the oven, how she tormented the beauties with cunning.

Well, then I'm angry? Yes, evil! And I'm proud of it !!! And therefore I will not help you, show the way until you solve all my riddles.

Baba Yaga makes riddles. And the buffoons ask the spectators to help them. When all the riddles have been solved, Baba Yaga, creaking his soul, still show them the way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

The buffoons walk along the indicated road, singing their own song.

According to the scenario of the mini-performance "New Year's Tale", the scenery changes, and the buffoons go out to the mushroom meadow. And in the center of the glade, on a pebble near a tree, Old Man-Borovik sits and cries. The Old Man-Borovik's beard is long, very long, it is tangled up behind a tree and does not allow the old man to move anywhere.

Why are you, grandfather, crying, what happened, how can I help you? - ask the buffoons.

The grandfather replies to them that he got tangled up with his beard for a tree, and now he cannot unravel.

The buffoons help their grandfather, and for this he gives them a whole basket of mushrooms. The buffoons thank the Old Man-Borovik and move on.

At this time, the scenery changes, and the throne of Koshchei the Immortal appears on the stage, on which he sits, and Koshchey's servants stand around.

Who are you and why did you come to me? - asks Koschey the Immortal.

We are going to save the New Year, which the Snow Queen stole, and the path to her castle leads through your kingdom, Koschey the Immortal. So we came to beat you with our foreheads so that you let us through.

Then Koschey begins to be indignant that, they say, he does not have a walk-through yard here, and he is not going to let anyone go anywhere. Koschey sings a song about his fabulous atrocities and does not want to miss the Skomorokhs. Then he throws a "lunch" sign on the throne and tells the buffoons to get out.

The buffoons became disheartened and waited for Koschey to return from dinner. After a while, Koschey goes to his throne and swears that he will no longer eat the gruel that the cooks are preparing for him, says that he is going on strike until they learn how to cook. Here clever buffoons offer to cook a delicious mycelium for Koshchei in return for letting them through his possessions to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Koschey agrees and after a while the Skomorokhs find themselves at the entrance to the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

The wind is blowing, buffoons with difficulty, make their way through the snow drifts, but still get to the Snow Queen's castle.

The Snow Queen sits on the throne. Behind the throne there are 4 doors with damask locks. The Snow Queen asks the buffoons why they came. The buffoons ask her to give them the New Year, and the Snow Queen never agrees, says to be amused, otherwise she will freeze everyone. The buffoons begin to play dance, sing funny ditties. After that, the Snow Queen invites them to guess which door the New Year is hidden behind.

The buffoons, with the help of the guys from the auditorium, guess the right door, and from there the New Year comes out safe and sound. The Kingdom of the Snow Queen is crumbling, and the New Year wishes everyone a happy holiday!

Scenario of the mini-performance "New Year's Tale"

The script is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend a holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The meaning of the script lies not only in entertainment, but also in encouraging the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario of a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child to see the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better.

Scenario of a New Year's corporate party

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party. It can be a corporate party in a cafe with an order from a presenter, or it can take place just at work (say, an evening), and the presenter (or presenter) can be one of the employees of the enterprise.

New Year's scenario for children

The gift chest was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Cat-Bayunchik, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka try to get the keys and the children help them in this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children "Gingerbread man for the New Year"

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings "Joy" to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all children. On his way there are different characters who are trying to eat the kolobok.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for junior schoolchildren

New Year is a celebration of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will come to the children. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend to the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children "Buratino's New Year's Adventure"

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to spoil the holiday for the children, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up and the brave Buratino found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario "Christmas tree, burn or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!"

The script is designed for the New Year party with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends are present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, it was taken into account age features the whole family, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

Festivities day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The script is designed for a corporate New Year's holiday. Further, the most interesting and funny contests will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the contests.

New Year's Scenario for Children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and listen to mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old, younger children may get scared when they see Baba Yaga, for older ones - it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "By the Pike's Command!"

New Year's script for children. The script is designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12. Seven characters participate in the tale, the host is Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds is required.

The scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who does not want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? The duration is 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Let's Save the New Year!"

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The tale is kind and interesting. It will become a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

All kinds of miracles happen on New Years. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In the preparation of the school, New Year's holiday, creativity and creativity... It is important that the script for the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time on the New Year's, school light.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is the time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with their team.

New Year's funny scene for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs Monster High: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children are very fond of cartoons with horror stories. This is why the Winx and Monster High New Year script will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both primary school and students in grades 5-7. It can be easily placed on stage or in a playful way around the tree.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or how children saved the holiday"

New Year's script for the host "The holiday is in a hurry to us"

How does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, with the choice of outfit and place, drawing up a menu, decorations and a script. And if problems with the script may not arise, but find a suitable one, and most importantly interesting scenario it's still difficult for the presenter.

Scenario New Year of the Pig 2019 for schoolchildren "Once in the forest"

The New Year's concert should be interesting, fun and memorable. This script is perfect for high school students and can be used to create an incredible fairy tale for toddlers.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in the lower grades "New Year's Tale"

There are not so many characters in the script, not a blurry plot - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, kids meet good characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. The new year script will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as a child, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are a guarantee good mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's matinee or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. New Year is rushing to us, everything will happen soon!