What you need and where to start to open your own clothing store. Women's business - how to open a clothing store from scratch? how to make a clothing business

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In the modern world, thanks to the advent of the Internet, people devote a lot of time to self-education, personal growth are taught financial literacy. In this regard, such people no longer want to work for their uncle for a penny all their lives, there is a desire to open own business starting small.

The most profitable option for opening and running a business is to sell various clothes. Such a store is able to generate a stable income, with the right approach to solving issues, already at the initial stage.

Since there is quite a lot of competition in large cities, and it is almost impossible for a beginner to start from scratch, you should turn your attention to small, calm cities that are not spoiled by an abundance of shops. This is the most promising option for starting a business from scratch. Let's look at how to open a clothing store from scratch in small town where to start.

  1. Initially, you need to decide which product is planned to be put up for sale, i.e. the target audience and cost;
  2. Choose the most suitable place;
  3. Draw up a business plan to assess the profitability of the business;
  4. You need to find suppliers that will meet your needs and agree on the supply;
  5. Decide which option is convenient for you to register an IP ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company);
  6. Purchase commercial equipment;
  7. Find working staff, negotiate the cost of wages and work schedule;
  8. Engage in advertising your store, in order to attract customers, by contacting a special company for this or on your own.

With the help of the disclosure of each of these points, it will be possible to get an answer to the question of how to open a store from scratch in a small town.

Selecting a product category

When opening your own store in big city, you can focus on certain goods. For example, to sell only children's clothing, women's or men's or other options.

But if the city where you plan to run your own business is small, then best solution will provide a variety of products.

Beforehand, it is worth analyzing the market and the goods offered by future competitors for price and quality.

How to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town and write a business plan

It is very important to correctly draw up a business plan, which will clearly reflect your goals for the near future, as well as long-term ones.

In addition, you must specify a strategy that can help achieve them, as well as the overall development of your business. Be sure to evaluate the profitability and possible costs. What is it for?

First of all, a business plan is beneficial as a support for someone who plans to create their own business. If it is necessary to attract investors, a clearly formulated plan will allow them to determine in a short time how profitable the investment will be.

If you need to purchase a loan for a small business, then its availability is a mandatory item in the package of required documents.

Choosing a store location

The location of the store is also important. Treat his choice very carefully, because this will greatly affect the implementation of sales. To open a store you need:

  1. Choose the most accessible place. For example, next to various shopping centers or close to a large cluster of residential buildings, etc.;
  2. Pay attention to the availability of convenient parking;
  3. The presence of competitors is not always good, but the location of a beauty salon or some other outlet or organization in demand nearby can play into your hands;
  4. Also, the choice of location can be influenced by personal needs, that is, proximity to the house, the chosen premises and other factors.

Since the premises can be purchased for rent, redemption or construction, depending on the option chosen, a lot of investments may be required.

Therefore, at the very beginning, if there is no finished premises under the store, the easiest way to buy it for rent. It is worth noting the fact that in this case all questions concerning fire safety, SES and security are the responsibility of the landlord.

However, before concluding a lease, be sure to carefully read all its clauses and only if everything suits you, sign.

Supplier search

The search for suppliers must be carried out in parallel with the selection of the range of goods that are planned to be put up for sale and market analysis. However, you don't have to stop at one option.

Let's take a closer look at the criteria that will help you choose a supplier:

  1. Reliability is a very important criterion. It includes timely execution and delivery of the order, as well as honest settlements;
  2. Price and flexibility in the calculations. Compare offers coming from suppliers, the possibility of obtaining discounts and the conditions necessary to obtain them. Specify the possibility of deferred payments or the issuance of goods exclusively for sale;
  3. Range;
  4. Recognition of the company of the product, if it is really required (at your request).

It is worth noting that, even if you find one or more suppliers, look for other options and offers that are most beneficial to you.

What is better to choose when registering your own business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC?

When deciding how to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town, you need to decide how your activity will be registered.

To do this, you should understand the difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, then choose the option that will be more profitable. A limited liability company consists of a founder and co-founders.

To register an LLC, you need to fill out an appropriate application, as well as provide a full package of documents, the list of which can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and a receipt for payment of a fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

As for opening an IP, everything is much simpler and much cheaper. To the local branch tax office you will need to provide an application of the established form, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, with a copy of it, and a receipt for payment of a fee of 800 rubles.

The term for consideration of documents and making a decision on registration is 3 working days. After this period, you can personally or by providing a notarized power of attorney re-apply to the department of the Federal Tax Service and pick up the documents.

Shop equipment

When opening a clothing store, do not forget about such an important matter as the purchase of commercial equipment. It includes the following:

  1. Counter for issuing purchases and receiving payment (reception);
  2. Settlement and cash register, as well as, if necessary, the installation of acquiring (terminals for receiving non-cash payments);
  3. Hangers, racks and racks;
  4. Mannequins for displaying clothes;
  5. Fitting booths;
  6. Storage boxes for visitors.

Something else can be added to the list of the above equipment at the discretion of the owner of the outlet and depending on his financial capabilities. But at the very beginning of opening your own business, you should not spend money on minor things that you can do without.

If you want to make your store super beautiful and convenient, then you can invest in the development, expansion and purchase of decorations, with profits when the store is in full operation.


Another step is the selection of service personnel.

You can use several methods for this:

  1. The simplest is the offer of work to relatives or acquaintances;
  2. Contacting recruitment agency recruitment, for a fee;
  3. Distribution of job advertisements by posting them, posting information on the Internet and using other methods.

Most importantly, don't get hung up on work experience or education. Before applying for a job, train the applicant. Install probation, during which it will be possible to see whether a person is suitable for work or not.

At first, you will need to independently control the work, as well as monitor compliance with the rules for communicating sellers with buyers.

If you do not want to deal with this issue yourself, you can hire a personnel manager who will work with sellers.

In addition to sellers, it is advisable to hire an accountant, a cleaning lady and other necessary personnel to conduct business in the store.

Carrying out advertising

The final stage on the way to solving the issue of how to open a store from scratch in a small town is to attract customers through advertising.

For this purpose, you can use the following options:

  1. Creating advertising flyers (leaflets) on your own or contacting a special advertising promotion agency. In this case, leaflets should attract attention with their brightness. You can make an additional bonus for buyers in the form of special offers, discounts and other “goodies”;
  2. Promotion of advertising through television, newspapers and other media;
  3. Word of mouth radio. This method of information dissemination can also give good results;
  4. Posting ads can also help in attracting buyers.

How to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town? It is not difficult to open a clothing store, it is much more difficult to run a business correctly, to apply all the marketing chips. To do this, you will need to constantly learn, gain experience and, based on the knowledge gained, increase sales.

I would also like to make a few more important additions:

  1. After attracting potential buyers, do not stop at the achieved result. Periodically conduct surveys on the quality of service, expand and adjust the range of goods sold. Make a convenient work schedule;
  2. Never open a store on the last resort! In the first year of developing your business, no matter how good and elaborate the business plan is, additional expenses will be required. This, as a rule, additionally takes about a third of the planned budget. Before you start realizing your goals, make sure that you have an additional reserve that can be used in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  3. Do not try to do everything on your own, this behavior is the most common mistake of novice businessmen and leads to quick burnout. Try to solve only the main and most important issues (search and contract with suppliers, etc.). Entrust more routine work to hired workers. For example, to make repairs or something in this regard;
  4. Don't quit right away. It will be difficult at the very beginning. On average, you can start receiving real income only after 6-9 months, sometimes even a year. Stock up on patience;
  5. As an additional profit, you can create an online store on your own or through contacting specialists in this matter. Many organizations and stores, including those that create their own websites and trading platforms to make online purchases.

When deciding how to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town, the most important thing is careful planning and understanding of the principles of trade.

If there is no experience in this area, then for a start it is worth trying your hand not as an entrepreneur, but as a seller in order to gain the necessary experience and knowledge.

How to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town, summary

Now you know how to open a clothing store from scratch in a small town, do not forget that in addition to the offline store, you can also sell your clothes and online at the same time through a website on the Internet. I wish you success, good profits and satisfied customers.

Women's clothing is always in demand. All representatives of the fair half want to look stunning, so they update their wardrobe quite often. On this natural desire of women to be seductive, you can make good money if you open a store women's clothing from scratch. But in theory, a simple idea in practice leads to a dead end with the question: “Where to start?”.

Stages of creating your business

Don't assume: I'm the only one so smart, so the boutique will immediately begin to bring good profits". It must be remembered that if a clothing store for women profitable view business, a newcomer here will have to face a high level of competition. But this is not an obstacle in order to open your business from scratch and make it successful, overtaking competitors. Why is it necessary:

  1. Make an analysis of the market within the city, locality, area where it is planned to open a women's clothing boutique.
  2. Based on the analysis, form an assortment (this must be done before opening a store).
  3. Create a cost estimate, including an advertising campaign.
  4. Find staff, premises, buy equipment.
  5. Prepare documents, open IP.

Now we need to consider each of the stages in more detail.

Qualitative analysis - 50% success

To the question: “How to start a business?” an adequate answer would be: "From market analysis." This is especially true if the business area provides for a high level of competition, which will be the main feature of the women's clothing sales segment.

Opening a store quickly without preparation is dooming yourself to losses.

Starting a business is a big step requiring maximum concentration, composure, rationality.

The analysis should begin with a determination of the quantity, at least approximate, outlets who sell women's clothing. It is best to go through them yourself and get acquainted with the assortment and pricing policy.

It is necessary to control and monitor the opening of new women's clothing stores. Adopt creative techniques of future competitors. Please note that it is necessary to remove price tags and shop windows very carefully, otherwise problems with staff and security may arise.

Actually, a deep analysis of the assortment will help attract women, girls and make them regular customers. Everything is extremely simple here - clothes that are not available or few in other stores will be in demand.

Attention! The deeper the analysis is carried out, the higher its effectiveness. it painstaking work, which will subsequently give a good result with a serious approach.

Many women's clothing stores, especially large ones, try to create a universal assortment for all age categories. The result - the presented clothes are of little interest to customers. The reason is that with an overall impressive selection, individual segments contain very few models. It is necessary to bet on diversity within a relatively narrow specialization, for example, opening a plus-size clothing boutique.

You can also think about second hand store opening. This type of business is no less profitable with the right approach.

Formation of the assortment - pitfalls

Before you open a women's clothing store, you should decide on the assortment. But what to do if all the niches are already occupied by competitors and new clothing collections are only relevant for the first week or two? Do not despair, panic and do absurd actions:

  • try to order everything at once;
  • try to stand out from the general mass of stores by ordering expensive, extravagant models that will narrow the female consumer audience as much as possible;
  • work on a template.

Attention! To open a women's clothing store from scratch and promote it, you need to look for your individual style in work. Everything is important here: knowledge of the laws of the market, psychology, ingenuity, ingenuity.

No less important will be the knowledge of the pitfalls. One of these is youth-oriented clothing, mainly styles: sport, street, underground. The problem is that the youth audience is not so numerous, much more than middle-aged customers.

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In addition, it should be remembered that online commerce is actively developing and a certain part of the youth audience prefers to purchase clothes through the network, which reduces the purchasing potential of the audience. Therefore, the boutique loses customers already in the theoretical calculation. That is why opening a women's clothing store requires a deep analysis.

What to play on if there are no creative ideas regarding the formation of an assortment of women's clothing? Then practical methods are used, one of the effective ones is dumping - lowering the price. But how to do it in such a way that it doesn’t burn out and work for the future. Very simple, there are 2 options:

  • reduce staff costs, premises - to conduct a regime of austerity;
  • put the cost of promotion in the estimate before opening the store - let it work for a while at a loss after opening in order to attract customers.

And if not everyone can afford the second option, then the first is quite real.

The hackneyed, but no less important ratio - price-quality will help the entrepreneur. The buyer always chooses products more than High Quality, and with its identical indicators, the product that costs less wins, women's clothing is no exception.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is quite simple and cheap, you only need to pay a state duty - 800 rubles. Many advise obtaining the status of a legal entity, opening an LLC, OJSC, PJSC. But this is true if it is planned to open a network, and not just one women's clothing store. You need to start simple, especially for newcomers to the business.

It is not difficult to collect documents for obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur - this is a standard package, the contents of which can be found on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate.

About, how to start a sole proprietorship in 2020, we told in the corresponding article.


It consists of the following articles:

  • Premises - it all depends on the area and its geographical location. On average, rent will cost 250-400 rubles per 1m 2. Despite the fact that it is tentatively necessary to open a store with an area of ​​​​50m 2, it turns out that the rent will cost 12,500–20,000 rubles per month. Plus, you need to lay down about 30,000–60,000 rubles for the repair of the premises. Lighting is important for a women's clothing store, you can't save on it. You can also add payment here. utilities, on average it is 6,000–12,000 rubles;
  • Equipment: trempels, mannequins, chairs, furniture (rack for cash register, utility room for staff). Depending on the scale, 60,000–120,000 rubles are needed;
  • Wage personnel. Here it should be remembered that good specialists won't work for money. Salary is adjusted according to economic indicators region. Accordingly, wages in the capital are higher than in the provinces. On average, this figure ranges from 18,000 to 32,000 rubles. The minimum staff of a women's clothing store is 5 people: 4 sales assistants and an accountant. Accordingly, it is necessary to spend 90,000–160,000 rubles on a monthly salary. Staff must be recruited before the store opens, not after;
  • The purchase of goods is the most controversial item of expenditure. Everything here is individual and depends on the entrepreneur. You can give only one piece of advice in order to get promoted well and not burn out - you should not buy large quantities of clothes and the prepayment should not exceed 50%. You should first work out a scheme of cooperation with suppliers, and then go to large volumes.

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The calculation of the final cost of the goods should be carried out taking into account the costs of personnel, premises. Usually, a double markup of the purchase price is obtained. A novice entrepreneur should not cheat more than 3 times. A well-established women's clothing store or chain can afford to multiply the starting cost of clothing by 5 times.

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It turns out that in order to open a store, you need not such a large amount - 100,000–200,000 rubles, including the purchase of goods, it can increase to 200,000–300,000 rubles. But subsequently, the maintenance of the boutique will require monthly laying out from 110,000 to 190,000 rubles, which corresponds to half of the initial costs.

And this is just a rough calculation without taking into account the cost of advertising. Therefore, before you open a women's clothing store, you need to carefully calculate everything, whether it will be profitable to engage in such a business.

Attention! Opening a store has a lower spending limit, but no upper. You can spend several million, and they will not bring profit later, they will be spent nowhere.

Professional business plans

One of the most popular women's business ideas is opening your own clothing store. This type attractive in that it does not require special equipment and complex legal registration. He does not need highly qualified personnel and special knowledge. At the same time, the sale of clothes is always in demand and brings consistently good profits, even with high competition. Let's figure out how a woman can open her own business - a clothing store.

We were somewhat cunning when we said that opening a clothing store does not require any special knowledge. You need to know the mechanism of retail trade, at least in theory. You will also need to understand fashion trends, know the basics of the laws of demand, merchandising, pricing and other specific trade factors. But, the most important thing in this business is the definition of the store concept, the choice of the sales mechanism and the price range of your product.

How to choose a store concept

In this case, the concept means, first of all, that you will sell from clothes - the choice is great - children's, adult, women's, men's, underwear, sportswear, clothes of the big sizes, hosiery, clothes for pregnant women and other directions.

You also need to choose the price segment of your future store - from economy to premium segment. And you should think about the type of store: multi-brand, stock, second-hand, boutique, franchise store.

The most promising areas in the clothing trade are children's and women's clothing. Despite the crisis in these segments, demand is stable. This is not surprising - children grow up quickly and require clothes of large sizes, and women, despite financial hardships, always want to be beautiful and clothes are the main means. The only thing that is possible is that demand has moved to the economy and mid-price segment.

Own store or franchise store?

Having decided on your business idea - opening a clothing store from scratch, you need to choose a way to implement this idea. You can open your own store under your own brand or purchase a ready-made franchise.

Franchise shop

The best and most affordable option for "beginners" - entrepreneurs with no experience in this area. Franchise Seller - franchisor- will be your guarantee of success. Since he is primarily interested in making your store under his brand successful and profitable. It is on this that the material stability and success of promoting the franchisor's business on the market depend. Of course, he cannot do all the work for you and protect you from all risks, but thanks to him, following his recommendations, you can reduce all the risks that arise in your store by an order of magnitude.

It is worth noting that the franchisor, usually at his own expense: helps to find a suitable premises in your city, provides a free design project for this premises, trains your staff, provides an initial analysis and calculation of the market profitability, provides ready-made advertising materials and marketing promotion strategies, fully takes on himself wholesale supply goods to your store and much more.

This approach allows you to reduce the cost of opening a clothing store, as you save on the development of a store design layout, advertising materials, staff training. You also don't waste time searching wholesale suppliers and delivery methods. The brand owner will provide you with the best delivery conditions and guarantee uninterrupted supply of goods.

Of course, when opening a franchise store, there are several disadvantages - in the case of working under a ready-made brand, you cannot deviate from its rules, you also obey the general policy of the enterprise and cannot implement something of your own.

The cost of "starting" this business is from 500 thousand rubles, the payback period is up to 2 years.

Own store under own brand

Suitable for an entrepreneur with experience, for example, gained by working as a franchise store. Since in this approach all the risks, all searches for goods, suppliers and methods of implementation are completely borne by the businessman. However, if you open your own clothing store under your own brand and know all the intricacies of this business, payback periods and profits are noticeably different from a franchise store. and differ in better side. So, the payback period takes up to 1 year. And the profit is much greater, due to the fact that you can always change the purchased assortment and methods of its delivery, which allows you to spend smaller amounts on purchases.

The cost of "starting" this business is from 1 million rubles.

Business plan for opening a clothing store

To open a store, you will need permission from the SES and territorial administration property. If you rent the area for the store, then you do not need permission from the fire inspectorate, the landlord is responsible for this.

After choosing the premises and obtaining all the necessary permits- if necessary, carry out cosmetic repairs of the premises. If you open an independent store with your own brand in the middle or premium price segment, then you need to think about the author's design of the premises and the development trademark. Since this is what will “sell” your product in the first place, since your target audience is quite selective and chooses primarily not with a wallet, but by external perception.

If you decide to open a small store with everyday goods, then you will not need anything other than cosmetic repairs and a small sign.

While repairs are underway, you should think about finding suppliers of the selected product and brands, in case you are not working on a franchise. After that, when the store is ready, the goods are laid out, and the staff is hired, you can start advertising campaigns to promote your store.

Clothing store in relative numbers

  • Space rent - from 15 to 100 thousand rubles,
  • Repair, taking into account the design - from 50 to 500 thousand rubles,
  • Advertising material and trademark development - from 10 to 300 thousand rubles,
  • Purchase and delivery of goods - 300 thousand rubles,
  • Equipment, legal support- up to 300 thousand rubles,
  • The salary fund is 150 thousand rubles.

In any case, no matter what choice you make - to open your own store under your own brand or "franchise" - the clothing trade is a very profitable undertaking, where everyone can realize themselves. Although we wrote at the beginning of the article that a clothing store is a women's business, however, men also find their realization in this business.

The specifics of the store is such that the opening can be planned either based on the available space, or on the basis of the assortment with which you want to work. I propose to consider general principles selection of the territory and area of ​​the store.

Clothing can be sold both in the Shopping Center and in a separate retail outlet. The shopping center is an excellent solution for opening a middle-class clothing store with an area of ​​up to 150 m 2 . Good traffic will ensure stable revenue, and most of the problems with advertising and approvals will be solved by the administration of the shopping center. This option is ideal for large cities.

A stand-alone store is worth opening if you decide to work with an elite or, conversely, a stock assortment. Such stores also pay off well in small towns and central areas.

Documents accompanying the product

When working with suppliers or making independent purchases, do not forget to take care of the documents. Women's clothing does not apply to goods subject to mandatory certification, but must have a declaration of conformity with GOST R, which is issued by certification bodies.

When issuing a declaration of conformity with GOST R, it is necessary to provide a certain package of documents. For products made in Russia:

  • NTD for certified products
  • a lease agreement for the occupied space or other document certifying the right of ownership
  • quality certificates for the materials used

For clearance import declarations the following documents are required:

  • application for a declaration of conformity GOST R
  • copy of the contract
  • company charter
  • state registration certificate OGRN, TIN
  • product description (composition, properties, appearance, scope, etc.)
  • manufacturer's country quality certificates

Required approvals

While the documents for the goods are being prepared, you can deal with the documents for the store. To open a retail business, approvals from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Department are required. If a store opens in a shopping center, then the administration of the center takes care of all these documents, but in a separate store, the entrepreneur will have to take care of everything himself.

For Rospotrebnadzor it will be necessary to make a PLC (program production control for the implementation laboratory research and testing of factors of the working environment and labor process at workplaces). This program will spell out all the points on which you need to report to Rospotrebnadzor and the frequency of their implementation.

This usually includes all the necessary measurements for the store, compliance with sanitary standards, control over the maintenance of health records for employees, schedules for various briefings. The program is done once.

To obtain the conclusion of the Fire Inspectorate, it is necessary to equip the premises with a fire alarm, an evacuation plan, fire extinguishers and take a package of documents to the regional division of the State Fire Supervision. This usually includes an application for the issuance of an opinion, a lease agreement, documents for an individual entrepreneur, a plan for the BTI store, an agreement on installing an alarm.

After the departure of the inspector to familiarize himself with the object, they may issue an order to eliminate the defects found. But if most of the measures are completed, then they are usually allowed to open a store for letter of guarantee. Naturally, all claims will need to be eliminated over time.

You will also need to coordinate the showcase, conclude an agreement for garbage collection and landscaping. Somewhere they demand landscaping of the territory near the store. All requirements can be found in the Administration of the district in which the store is located.


Next, you need to think about how you are going to present the goods on the trading floor. The wall equipment for clothes is the same type and differs only in material, color and design. The ideal solution is modular systems such as Global or Solo, they allow you to perfectly display the goods due to different types weight.

It is advisable to purchase the so-called island equipment and tables for displaying goods: they will create a direction for the movement of customers and beautifully present the goods. This is the basics of merchandising, the science of how a product can sell itself. It is desirable to install mannequins in the trading floor, which will demonstrate the clothes "live".

Fitting rooms should be comfortable and bright. Mirrors should be positioned so that when trying on you can see how the product looks from behind.

In addition to equipment for demonstrating clothes, you need a computer, a cashless terminal and a cash register registered with the tax office. However, when choosing UTII as a taxation system, an individual entrepreneur gets the opportunity to work without a cash register. Then you can limit yourself to purchasing a check printing machine or work on sales receipts.



At the same time we are engaged in recruitment. The number of people working in a clothing store depends rather not on the area, but on the customer traffic.

substantially increases sales

In season, which occurs twice a year in the clothing trade (August-October and April-June), it is necessary to bring more people to the work shift. The rest of the time, you can work with a minimum staff, strengthening the team for the weekend.

Usually on an area of ​​​​100-150 square meters. m. cope with three or four sellers and a cashier. In a smaller store, you can limit yourself to 2-3 people. In advance, it is necessary to consider the requirements for personnel, the need for training and certification, since the turnover will largely depend on the goodwill and competence of the sellers in the hall.

How to start a clothing business?

The business of selling clothes has long proven its profitability. Things have always been bought, and will be bought, no matter what kind of business it is: a business selling women's clothing, men's or children's. Many aspiring entrepreneurs often face the question: “Which business format is better?”, “Where is it more profitable to start?”. The questions are really difficult, because you can open a wholesale organization and become a supplier, you can open a standard retail store, or you can start with a simple online store. The choice is sufficient, so you need to analyze this question “from and to”, so that later it does not turn out that the choice made is a big mistake.

Clothing business formats

There are three business options for selling children's clothing, men's and women's.

  1. Wholesale trade.
  2. Retail through general store.
  3. Sale through an online store.

Wholesale clothing- this is a kind of store, the purpose of which is still the same: the sale of goods. Only the target audience is not buyers, but retail stores. That is, the process is as follows: a wholesale store buys goods in large quantities, becomes a supplier and begins to look for options for selling products. These options are retail stores. Thus, a small chain is obtained: manufacturers, from which the wholesale company is purchased, - the wholesale company, from which retail stores are purchased, - retail stores that sell their goods to customers.

Retail- This is a regular store, in this case, specializing in clothing. The target audience is consumers. The main characteristics that are inherent in all retail stores are:

  1. square trading floor,
  2. level customer service,
  3. number of commodity items,
  4. product placement technology.

These characteristics are both distinctive and, thanks to them, the stores have their own identity.

Selling through an online store- a popular method today. It involves organizing and doing business online. Customers can shop without leaving home. To do this, they just need to choose the right thing and pay for the goods either with a card or using a payment system. The main condition for organizing an online store is to make the process of making a purchase as comfortable as possible for customers, so that they want to return to shopping.

The process of opening a wholesale company

Opening a wholesale company, regardless of the type of clothing and the target buyer (mono-brand or multi-brand store, stock, second-hand, boutique), has common components:

  1. a detailed business plan for a wholesale warehouse;
  2. building;
  3. storage equipment;
  4. suppliers;
  5. employees (usually from 5 to 10 people);
  6. set of permits.

The first step is to get acquainted with competitors, collect maximum information on sales in this region to reveal its dynamics. It will not be superfluous to talk with dealers. Before opening a wholesale store, it is necessary to make the maximum detailed business plan, which will reflect all financial information.

Finding a location is not the most important step. When opening a wholesale company, an advantageous or good location is not required at all, since retail stores will either come to pick up the goods themselves, or even provide all the work to the wholesale company. Therefore, the optimal location will be the most important. The building can be found ready-made or built under specific goals(subject to available funds). Before renting or buying a ready-made premises, you must make sure that it is suitable for a warehouse.

After the building is rented or bought out (built), you need to start arranging the premises: it is worth dividing it into sections (loading, unloading, receiving, picking, storing goods). Equipment will also be needed, depending on the range, weight and dimensions.

The supplier selection stage is different for each store type. If the target audience is stock stores, then you need to buy clothes either from manufacturers or from stores that have leftovers. Secondhand stores are the most economical option (purchasing clothes is cheap, unlike others). Suppliers are companies that collect things. Multi- and mono-brand items, as well as expensive and elite items for a boutique, are purchased directly from manufacturers.

The wholesale store will need employees.

  1. Boss.
  2. Additional workers, in the amount of 5-10 people.

To make it easier for retail stores, you need to make access roads convenient and free. A good option is a building on the outskirts of the city, where you can easily and without traffic jams.

Store opening process

Opening a store begins with drawing up a business plan for selling clothes. After that, registration (LLC or IP) begins. Next, the most important step is finding a location. It should be in a passable place where there is a large flow of people every day. It could be shopping center or a stand-alone shop in the city center on a busy street. It all depends on the type of clothing sold and its target audience.

The size of the premises also varies depending on the type of clothing sold. For example, a second-hand store does not require a large room. After the premises are rented, the search for suppliers, the purchase of equipment and the hiring of personnel begins.

Suppliers by and large will be wholesale companies. You can search for them either through friends or through ads on the Internet. Equipment also depends on the store. If this is a boutique, then everything should be expensive, and if it is second-hand, then a lot of equipment will not be needed and, in principle, they will not pay attention to it.

Hiring staff is another crucial moment, since the profitability of the business (its profitability) depends on the employees. And the last step is advertising. More about opening retail store(its stages, main advantages and disadvantages regarding each type of clothing) can be found in previous articles.

Opening an online store

The business of selling clothes online is as follows. The first is the search for suppliers. It is very important for an online store to have a quality product. You can create your own warehouse where the clothes will be stored, or you can agree with the supplier that the clothes will be picked up from his warehouse for each order. The second option is cheaper regardless of the clothes, their quality and brand.

To open an online store, you need a website. For the site - hosting and domain, which can be found low prices. Hosting is paid every month. You will also need to register entity(LLC or individual entrepreneur), so as not to have problems with the tax office.

It is important to provide for payment and delivery methods, there must be a choice so that the buyer finds something suitable for himself.

When suppliers are found, the site is created, you need to attract buyers. To do this, you need to start active promotion: contextual advertising ordered in Google or Yandex. She will attract to the store those who see this advertisement and follow the link. There is another option - advertising in boxes. You can create your own affiliate program so that buyers bring their friends and acquaintances and receive interest on their purchases.

Promotion is a means to form a base of regular customers. It is aimed at sales (20% regular customers= 80% of sales). In order to keep customers, you need to hold constant promotions and discounts, give coupons and send out messages with great deals.

Online shopping has its pros and cons. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting simplicity and minimal costs, and of the minuses, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve high incomes (of the three options, this one has the minimum profitability), unlike retail or wholesale stores. There are also limitations on target audiences.

Any business selling clothes can make a profit. All this will happen only for different periods of time. Retail store has the fastest payback period.

And the easiest method of organization is an online store. wholesale company, along with an online store, is characterized by not such high costs. But the profit retail above. Each business option has its pros and cons. Therefore, each entrepreneur must independently make a choice based on their experience, capabilities (including financial ones) and desires.