The most demanded professions. TOP-12 most demanded professions on the Internet

While still studying in the 11th grade, most of the students and their parents are puzzled about which educational institution to enter, which profession to choose in the future. Therefore, one of the top questions at this time is this: voice the most in the world. "Why in the world?" - you ask. Answer: because some of the students are sent to study abroad, where they will work in the future.

In general, a certain list of professions is in demand in all countries, capitals, large cities, villages. Here another problem arises: in large cities there are more chances of getting a promising position than in small ones, since one workplace dozens of people can apply. In any case, it is required to choose exactly the highly-paid specialties that are in demand, and we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Top popular specialties

The most popular professions can be divided into 2 lists. The first list contains those specialties that are popular on the labor market, the second list contains professions that are popular among young people, students and people without work experience.

  • lawyers,
  • drivers,
  • sales managers or specialists,
  • programmers,
  • designers,
  • administrators,
  • engineers,
  • specialists in wholesale long-distance purchases,
  • bankers,
  • lawyers,
  • financial analyst,
  • installers,
  • accountant,
  • doctors,
  • auditors,
  • pharmacists.

To go to work in one profession from the list, you need to have a specialized secondary or higher education. Also, such work requires constant retraining and advanced training.

Questions: what to do for those who do not have a higher or secondary education, or for those who do not want to work in their specialty, how to be students? What professions are suitable in such cases? - Here is a list of professions used both for part-time work and for starting a career:

  • consultants,
  • promoters,
  • freelancers,
  • interviewers,
  • operators for cold or hot calls in Call-centers,
  • waiters or bartenders,
  • couriers,
  • movers.

Interesting: now many can earn from their hobby, it can be sewing, knitting, interior decoration. Also one of them is the path of the photographer. This business can be done both for a lot of money and for pleasure. In any case, such work will generate income. Creative and equally popular specialties include: image maker, stylists, TV producers, animators, designers and others. In the future, professions related to nanotechnology may become popular.

Now on the labor market there are more than 500 specialties, of which only about 50 are in demand. It is worth choosing a profession based on your abilities, which is more to your liking. Since there will be no special desire to go to an unloved job. Nowadays, it is popular to choose versatile professions that will not cause problems with employment in the future. It is better if the future specialty is not tied to a locality or a specific industry, and if you move to another country, you can find a high-paying job. And what professions are such?

Economic branch

Now this type of profession is one of the most popular and highly paid. An economist is prestigious and relevant. After the "demobilization" at the Faculty of Economics, you, an inexperienced specialist, of course, will not be promoted to a high position, so at the first stages it will be necessary to work as assistants. But with more experience, you can already think about raising. Economics education is one of the universal, it allows you to get a job even on the ISS (as a manager or accountant of astronauts). What specialties do economic education provide?

The choice is wide, it can be:

  • bankers,
  • businessmen,
  • accountant,
  • marketers,
  • sales managers,
  • realtors, financiers,
  • commodity experts,
  • auditors,
  • experts and others.

The list goes on and on, if your favorite subject is mathematics, you are doing well with thinking - this industry is for you.


The ecologist is studying the condition external environment, water, earth. Analyzes and controls the level of contamination. What are the prospects for the ecologist? Even very large ones. This profession is widespread in big cities, where no construction is complete without verification of the environmental authority. When building houses, factories, factories, if you need to pave a road - everywhere you need an environmentalist's opinion. If you are interested in protecting grasshoppers and bunnies, then you should enter the Faculty of Ecology, Biology or Chemistry.

Landscape designer

This profession is suitable if you are going to live in a large city, because in small town you cannot find a job in this profession. Landscape designers are a kind of painters who paint with the colors of nature. Where can you work? - This can be the design of parks, country houses and residences. If you like to draw and fantasize, you can safely go to the architecture, construction or art faculties.

HR managers

The profession involves the selection of personnel. When firms apply to find the right specialist, the manager looks for a suitable person, enticing him from other companies. Such work is suitable for people who know how to communicate with people, have knowledge of special psychological techniques. What courses do I need to take? - You can graduate from a specialized circle or enter the Faculty of Management or Psychology.

Image maker

An image maker is a stylist who is able to visually change a person with the help of clothes. To become an expert in your field, you need to have excellent taste and an understanding of fashion. Such a profession is taught in the faculties of art and design.


Biotechnologists work in the field of medicine and industry. Using the components of living organisms, they create genes, proteins and other chimeras, while receiving completely new organisms and products. Nowadays, work in this area requires a chemical or biological education.

So, no matter what profession you choose, it is worth remembering that specialists of the highest order are required everywhere, and if you are a master of your craft, you should not worry about the demand in the labor market. The main thing is that the work should bring not only money, but also joy.

To begin with, you should consider those specialties that simply cannot be irrelevant, since people always need them. Bright - doctors. We are talking primarily about classical specialists - surgeons, therapists, endocrinologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists. However, some professions that have become very fashionable in our time will also remain relevant. In particular, the services of plastic surgeons and nutritionists were in high demand and will continue to be used.

Of course, good veterinarians will always remain in demand, because not only people need to be treated.

People need good, high-quality food, so the chefs do not lose their relevance. We are talking, among other things, about specialists working in restaurants, cafes, but also those who prepare food in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions should be mentioned. If you would like to prefer a more modern version of this profession, check out exotic cuisine and the peculiarities of preparing the most original and popular dishes.

What kind of specialists are always needed

Construction technologies are constantly changing, but people who know how to build houses are always needed. However, it is important to take into account that a representative of this profession needs to be ready to study the features of new materials and technologies and constantly gain experience. But as a result, you can become a very popular professional with high wages.

Newly built houses need to be renovated, so specialists such as interior designers, painters, workers who know how to install plumbing, install floor and wall coverings are always needed.

Before constructing a building, you need to design it, as well as determine the location of communications in it. This means that engineers and architects will not be left out of work either. This is especially true for specialists who know how to work with non-standard projects and create original buildings, while not forgetting about their strength, durability and convenience.

Another profession, whose representatives will not be left without work, is related to trade. Good sales consultants are needed everywhere, moreover, the demand for this profession has not decreased at all even with the advent of stores. You can find a job both in kiosks and in hypermarkets, moreover, you can choose any goods and services for sale.

A profession is one of the most important attributes in the life of every person. A wrongly chosen specialty can ruin a person's whole life; likewise, a well-chosen destination can transform destiny. For the right choice it will be useful to look into the future.

Internet, communications

The Internet and IT are the most dynamically developing areas of business. More and more websites, applications and IT companies are appearing, the competition and capitalization of the industry is increasing every year. IT professionals will definitely be in demand in 5 years.

Programmers in the web industry will also have a job. The languages ​​PHP and JavaScript are the most in demand these days. However, new tools are also emerging. The Erlang language allows you to reduce the server load; it is precisely this language that is used to create cloud services and Vkontakte and FaceBook messaging systems. Another area of ​​programming is the creation of NoSQL databases.


Any enterprise is forced to sell its goods and services - otherwise it would be completely. The ability to sell is one of the most important, marketing specialists will no doubt be in demand on the labor market in 5 years. It is not necessary to get an expensive MBA (Master of Business Administration) diploma. A good marketer should be able to establish public relations, understand Internet technologies (including the ability to promote goods in in social networks). Note that for a marketer, experience is more important than the quality of a diploma (as opposed to IT and engineering). If you are good at selling, you can always start your own business (or find a partner).

Technology, engineering

It was prestigious to be an engineer in Soviet time, the prestige of the profession is growing today. There are no prerequisites for the importance of engineering specialties to lose their relevance. Engineers are needed to put scientific advances into practice.

Nanotechnology is a completely new branch of science that requires scientists and specialists. The unique developments of nanotechnologists made it possible to create a TV newspaper and “smart” robots “Ivo”. Dozens Russian universities introduced the specialty "Nanotechnology", there is no doubt that scientists-engineers will not be left without work in the world's largest enterprises.

New opportunities

You can create your profession yourself. The professions of the future, such as "video blogger", creator of interactive training courses, stand-up humorist, appeared completely unexpectedly. By doing something useful to people and investing a piece of yourself in your business, you can open your profession of the future. Moreover, you will have an undeniable advantage in this profession - the right of a pioneer. You will be more famous than others, you will be a recognized expert in your niche.

It is impossible to keep up with fashion - rapidly changing trends and many trends do not allow you to accurately follow all current trends, without deviating from them a single step. But any woman can remain stylish, wear elegant things, make sure that the image reflects the inner state - this is where the ability to remain always fashionable is manifested.


The biggest mistake you can make is blindly following fashion. Choose your clothes, taking into account your age, lifestyle, personal preferences. An important role in this is played by the creation of a basic wardrobe, the basis of which is made up of classic, proven and always things, and the elements that are relevant in a certain season should be no more than 1/3 of the wardrobe volume. Always remember that anything has classical basis so experiment with conservatism. Use accessories actively - with their help, you can diversify the image, changing it drastically or only emphasizing the brightest and most original features. There should be as many accessories in your wardrobe as possible.

Having your own style is a defining moment. It is he who forms the idea of ​​how about a person, whose individuality distinguishes her from the general mass. Stop trying to copy the style of a famous actress or singer - find your image, work on your image. Try to find out everything about yourself - the color type, perfectly fitting styles and cut, suitable hairstyles and options. Then you can choose your own clothes on your own, guided by knowledge, without resorting to the help of friends and consultants, whose opinion is often subjective.

If you decide to purchase something especially unusual, fresh and, then remember that trendy gizmos usually stay at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Do not rush to buy clothes or accessories, following the first impulses - think about possible combinations, wait for more colors or styles.

Being healthy and well-groomed is always fashionable. Watch your weight, eat right, do not let yourself bloom and mope. Your hands, hair and skin should look flawless. Use all means to discover and maintain your own attractiveness - decorative and caring, salon procedures, self-realization. You must appear to be successful and happy woman, even if in fact it is not.

Selling articles through content stores is a good side job for a copywriter. But for regular earnings, you need to write articles every day. Then, with an average cost of one article of $ 4-5 and selling at least 5 articles per day, you can earn $ 20-25 daily.

There are more than two dozen copywriting exchanges in Runet, where you can not only write materials to order, but also sell ready-made articles in the store. Each exchange has its own conditions for accepting articles for sale. For example, somewhere articles are manually moderated and reviewed by an editor, and if there are errors, they are rejected. And on some exchanges, articles are accepted without moderation, but in this case the average cost of 1000 characters will be low. The amount of earnings from the sale of articles depends only on the copywriter. The more articles are posted in content stores, the more sales will be.

Where to sell articles to a beginner copywriter

Novice copywriters are encouraged to try their hand at copywriting exchanges, where articles are accepted in the store without moderation. However, the lack of moderation does not mean that you can do your job poorly - upload articles for sale with grammatical errors and low uniqueness. Such violations will be detected rather quickly, which will lead to account blocking.

On exchanges where articles are not reviewed by editors, prices are usually very low, but at the same time there are a sufficient number of buyers who need cheap seo content.

On the Textsale exchange, articles posted for sale in a content store are not moderated, but are tested for uniqueness. Selling articles on this exchange for more than 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters is impractical, since buyers come to Textsale mainly for cheap content. And most of the authors of this exchange are ready to sell their works at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

The money for the sold articles goes to the internal account in the system. Payments are made to the WebMoney wallet on the second day after the withdrawal request. The seller of articles is charged a commission of 10% of the value of each article sold. Minimum amount withdrawal of 1 WMZ (equivalent to 1 $).

Where to sell articles to an experienced copywriter

If you have experience working as a copywriter and strive for a decent income, then to sell articles, you can choose stores on the copywriting exchanges Copylancer, TextTrader and Miratext. On these exchanges, when paying out funds from a copywriter, only the standard WebMoney commission is charged - 0.8% of the amount.

All articles uploaded to the Copylancer exchange store are manually moderated. If there are two or three grammatical errors, editors reject articles with a note that the text needs revision. But having written a competent and interesting article on a topic in demand, you can put it up for sale at a price of 60-90 rubles per 1000 characters. To understand which topics are in greatest demand, just look at the sales statistics on the main page of the content store. To boost sales, it is recommended that you regularly upload new articles to the store. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. The money is withdrawn to the WebMoney wallet.

In the Miratext store, articles are also checked, and if there are no errors, they are placed in the catalog. The price range is the same as on Copylancer. However, sales statistics cannot be seen here. There is no minimum payment amount, that is, you can withdraw

The world around us changes over time. Technologies are being improved, due to which part of the professions remains in the past, new specialties appear. Our top 10 most popular professions in Russia will tell you about the specialties in demand at the moment.

10 Service worker

The service industry offers a whole list of varied professions. If you are drawn to discover the beauty in people, then you can become a hairdresser or beautician. Those who wish to associate their activities with clothing have the opportunity to become specialists in its tailoring. Do you like to tinker with children? Then you can get a job in Entertainment Center... In a word, in the service sector there is a huge variety of all kinds of specialties.

9 Translator

Many modern companies prefer to hire people who speak a foreign language. And those who know him well can become translators and help to establish business relationship specialists from different countries... So if learning is easy for you foreign language, you can think of such a profession.

8 Worker

Builders, carpenters, electricians and other similar professions are necessary for people in their daily life. Working specialties are quite popular. However, only a small part of young people choose for themselves any of these professions.

7 Ecologist

Many types of human activities negatively affect the world around us. And the health of mankind depends on the state in which nature is. For this reason, it is very important to monitor the ecological situation on the planet and try to improve it. Each person can make a small contribution to this: for example, plant a tree. If you want to bring more tangible benefits to nature, you can choose the profession of an ecologist.

6 Logist

The logist is engaged in thinking over the delivery of goods. Such a specialist considers different options how to transport the goods, and chooses the most convenient, fastest and cheapest. The logistician's activity allows you to spend less money and the time it takes to get the goods from the place where they are produced to the stores where they will be sold.

5 Psychologist

Many people find themselves in difficult life situations. At such times, they need psychological help and support. Psychologists can provide it. In addition, such specialists help people cope with their internal problems: for example, get rid of an inferiority complex or begin to communicate more easily with people.

4 Specialty of jurisprudence

There are several professions associated with jurisprudence. For example, a lawyer, attorney or notary. Having decided to link your profession with jurisprudence, you will need to acquire a good knowledge of laws, documents and regulations. This will allow you, as a lawyer, to provide assistance to your clients.

3 Bank employee

The number of banks is constantly increasing. New banks or new branches of existing banks need employees. For this reason, young professionals who have studied in higher education educational institution business, finance and banking, it is not that hard to find a job in your specialty.

2 Medical specialty

Medicine is developing every day and is constantly in search of new drugs, but there are still many diseases that people cannot cope with without the help of doctors. Therefore, there are a large number of medical specialties, and all of them are quite popular. A good doctor can improve the quality of life of many people by giving them a chance to get rid of diseases. The profession of a nurse is also quite popular.

1 IT specialist

Computer technology has filled people's daily lives. Many firms, companies and organizations need their own IT specialists - people whose professions are related to information technology. There are many options for a person who wants to become an IT professional. He can take up programming or web design, choose the profession of a developer or 3D animator. Such specialists can become moderators or administrators of networks and databases. They can link their work to robotics or information security... In a word, the list of specialties related to information technology is very large and varied. In addition, computer technologies are constantly evolving, due to which new professions appear for IT specialists.

When choosing a profession, it is important to listen to yourself and realize what exactly your soul is drawn to. If you find a specialty that will truly captivate you, then you can enjoy even everyday working days.

The most popular professions in terms of the fact that they will be in demand on the labor market in the coming decades are those professions that we want to talk about on the pages of this article. So, the most popular professions of the next decade.

1. Specialists in the field of programming and information technology

These specialists can solve problems in any country, despite national barriers and language barriers. Such specialists can easily create functioning models and control algorithms in various fields of human effort application (production, transport, scientific research).


These specialists are obligatory included in the staff of the retinue of the stars of the political and pop Olympus. Today, the priorities of society are built in such an aspect that the fear of losing what has been achieved and not reaching new heights leads to neuroses, depression and anxiety. Psychoanalysts are called upon to allay these fears in their clients. If you feel in yourself a penchant for analysis, then perhaps this is your path to the profession.


For today without holding ecological expertise it is impossible to implement a single large-scale project. Not a single organization that produces a particular product can work without the supervision of the appropriate environmental service control.

4 landscape designers

Who are they? These are artists whose vocation is to create landscapes in landscape gardening conditions. The growing prosperity of our compatriots has led to the fact that the work of such specialists has become very much in demand. The ability to create a beautiful landscape out of nothing, out of the blue, has been greatly appreciated lately.

5. Logistics specialists

These now fashionable specialists are called upon to save on the costs incurred by the goods on the way from the manufacturer or warehouse to the counter. Modern economic realities make this profession very popular. Logisticians build algorithms for the shortest paths and minimum costs.

The ten most popular professions in terms of popularity in the coming years included:

  • TV producer,
  • HR manager,
  • biotechnologist,
  • auditor,
  • image maker.

Perhaps you will be interested.


To the choice future profession modern high school students fit more than responsibly. After all, everyone wants to get a job, not only dear to his heart, but at the same time in demand and highly paid. So what specialties occupy top positions in the ranking of the most popular professions today? What are the professions behind the future of the Russian economy and its development?

What's popular?

The All-Russian Classifier of Education Specialties (OCSO) has more than 600 titles. How can a young man choose the most popular profession from such an abundance? Not easy at first glance. But upon closer examination, the problem as such does not arise. Indeed, according to numerous surveys of school graduates over the past 10 years, the most popular professions are: economist, manager, lawyer, programmer, marketer and PR specialist. Why is the popularity of these specialties not fading away? The answer is simple: they are cross-industry. Economists, lawyers and "IT specialists" work in all sectors of the economy, in business, in production, in state structures and the need for them is really high.

On the one hand, it is beneficial to receive such an education, since it is universal, and accordingly, there should be no problems with jobs, since these specialties are not tied either to the locality or to the industry, and wherever they work afterwards. But the popularity of such education began to decline also because at a certain moment, about 5 years ago, the market was oversaturated with such specialists, and the situation began to improve, literally, recently.


Today it is prestigious and profitable to be an economist. This profession in last years is one of the most popular and, it seems, is not going to give up its positions in the near future. The work of an economist is not only in demand, but also highly paid. The minimum salary of a beginner economist is $ 500, and having made a career breakthrough and becoming, for example, CFO, you should be able to count on $ 3000 monthly at least.

A year of study at the Faculty of Economics will cost:

  • MGIMO- from 275,000 rubles. in year;

  • RSUH- from 232,000 rubles. in year;

  • MSU- from 288,000 rubles. in year;

  • MESI- from 284,760 rubles. in year;

  • IFLA- from 98,000 rubles. in year.
Kudos to economic education and good prospects further employment, career growth attract today's entrants. Many yesterday's schoolchildren strive to enroll in economics departments. According to data for 2012, the average competition in the most prestigious universities in the capital reaches 17 people per seat. However, the number of budget-funded places for this specialty is gradually decreasing due to an overabundance of specialists.

It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of universities, regardless of their main focus, have Faculty of Economics... Economic education is still popular, and each university prepares economists of their own profile, who know the specifics of a particular industry, for example, mechanical engineering or construction. For example, the State Academy of Management (GAU) specializes in investments, and the Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) great attention is giving crisis management and information technology. graduate School Economics (SU-HSE) prepares excellent economists and analysts, and the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) provides a good humanitarian base necessary for a person of any profession. MGIMO has established itself as the best institute for training international economists.

If we look at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, then here too we will see our specifics. The university prepares general economists, giving students excellent theoretical knowledge. And, as practice shows, Moscow State University produces really competent specialists who are highly appreciated by employers.


The XXI century is the century of high technologies. In this regard, the need for IT specialists is very high. At the same time, it should be noted that such work is well paid. Experienced programmers, according to the latest statistics, have the highest average wages around the country. And polls have shown that, according to employers, the best specialists in the field of IT prepares the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman. In addition to good education Baumanka provides its students with practice, and hence the prospect of further employment in leading companies in Russia and Europe.

If you have long ago decided on a specialty, were intensively preparing for admission, attended preparatory courses, then the competition in the capital's universities - an average of 9 people per place - is unlikely to confuse you. In some universities, this figure is less, for example, in the already mentioned MSTU, there is a competition for six people per seat.

The study of the future "IT specialist" will cost:

  • RSUH- from 123 600 rubles. in year;

  • RSSU- from 91,000 rubles. in year;

  • MGTU- from 161,000 rubles. in year;

  • MEI- from 69,000 rubles. in year.
When choosing a university, you need to keep in mind some of the specifics of the profession. For example, that many programs are written in English language and in the learning process, the student must master this language perfectly.

It is not a problem for IT specialists to find a job. Many students find permanent job while still studying. The salary of a "IT specialist" without work experience is about $ 800 a month. And the average salary of an experienced specialist is kept around the $ 2,500-3,000 mark.


Lawyers occupy one of the first lines in the ranking of not only the most popular, but also the highest paid professions. Average salaries range from $ 800 (beginner) to $ 3,500 (experienced lawyer). It is known that the fees of lawyers of private companies are much higher than those of their counterparts working in government structures.

Do you dream of becoming a famous lawyer? Then get ready to pay your Law School tuition annually at:

  • MGIMO- from 275,000 rubles. in year;

  • RSUH- from 233 200 rubles. in year;

  • MESI- from RUB 225,540 in year;

  • IFLA- from 98,000 rubles. in year;

  • MGTU- from 161,000 rubles. in year.
The reduction of budget-funded study places in universities, which has been observed for several years, affects, as a rule, the most popular specialties, the faculties of which are oversaturated with those wishing to study. It did not pass by the faculties of jurisprudence and law. But this, it seems, does not frighten the applicants at all and they are still ready to storm law schools. In addition, more than 200 Moscow universities offer training in the specialty "Jurisprudence", which means you can try your hand here and there: apply to eminent public universities and on paid basis to a non-state university. The competition reaches 25 people per seat.


The ranking of the most popular professions, of course, depends on the demand for certain specialists and on the salary that employers can offer them. But in order to achieve high career growth, it is not enough to get a higher education, you need to constantly improve your qualifications, to be a competitive specialist.

It is possible that today prestigious lawyers, economists, marketers will fade into the background tomorrow, and their place will be taken by engineers, biologists, chemists, moreover, such tendencies have already been outlined. Therefore, it is very important to be not a holder of a diploma of higher education in a demanded specialty, and become a real professional, as this will always allow you to take a high position both at work and in society.

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