College catering and service. Moscow Technological College of Nutrition of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics

Moscow Technological College of Nutrition(MTKP) was founded in 1929, and for a long time was located in one of the buildings of the Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov (now - Russian Academy of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov).

The implementation of the educational process in the college is provided by 42 specialized educational rooms, master classes, sports and gyms, sports ground. In the educational buildings of the college there are 3 computer classes equipped with the latest equipment. The college has a canteen with 80 seats.

Nonresident applicants are provided with a hostel.

An important direction in improving the educational process is the creation electronic materials in various subjects (presentations in various disciplines, visualizing educational information, test tasks, materials for independent work students, etc.). Introduction of information computer technologies in studying proccess contributes to the optimization of training of specialists.

The college has a sports hall where physical education lessons and sports competitions are held. There is also a gym.

There is a large spacious assembly hall, equipped with modern equipment, where festive concerts, musical evenings, conferences, meetings with interesting people are held.

In August 2006, the Moscow Trade and Economic College, in accordance with the order of the Russian State Technical University, was attached to the Moscow Technological College of Nutrition.

Sent: 06/04/19

Greetings dear students and their parents. Unfortunately, when I entered this college, there were no useful reviews about it on the Internet. And so, I decided to correct this situation.

Let's start with a few positives:

1. Building renovation. Both inside and outside the college looks pretty good, nothing directly supernatural, of course, but it's still nice to be inside.

2. Acceptable food in the canteen. The food is pretty good, a wide selection of second courses, the prices do not bite either. All in all, you won't go hungry. Although there are downsides in the dining room - queues. But about them a little later, the queues in this college are a separate issue.

3. There is an opportunity to study additionally in the bar business, get a chef's category and so on. But I can’t say anything about the quality of education in these courses, because. did not visit them.

4. There are no textbooks, so you don't have to carry extra weights with you every day.

And now to the cons. And here is the most interesting.

1. HUGE queues in the dining room and dressing room (especially). And if you can still endure it in the dining room, then the wardrobe is just a quiet horror. One cloakroom attendant works for the entire college, who, after the 3rd and 4th couples, simply physically does not have time to distribute things to everyone normally, because after these couples a huge crowd of students comes. Of course, it's not her fault. The main thing is that the problem can be solved by the presence of a second cloakroom attendant, but apparently, the management does not care about this, these inconveniences do not concern them. And because of such queues, students have to carry outerwear with you, which is problematic.

2. Events that no one needs, in which they are forced to take part. Easter? Be sure each group must bake Easter cake, and also pay for it. Maslenitsa? Each group must bake pancakes for some kind of competition. Etc. All this, of course, you have to spend your personal time, your personal resources and you will not get any benefit from this, of course. Unless incomprehensible certificates printed on a printer, which will never be useful to you later.

3. Clothing requirements do not match the order.

4. Level of education and attendance. Of course, I can’t speak for all specialties, but personally, at my level of knowledge in the specialty, the output is so-so. And the phrase "one who wants to learn everything himself" does not channel. Excuse me, but I can copy the material from the textbook myself at home, and practically spend it on it. 120k a year is not very cool.

5. Crazy teachers. And this is not a joke, Kashchenko is crying at least a couple of times, and we are still surprised how these people were allowed to teach at all. There are more adequate, but also with their own cockroaches. There are also teachers for whom you come with pleasure, but, alas, there are not very many of them. Of course, there is practically no educational institutions, where all the teachers are excellent and worth their weight in gold, but in this case the number of inadequate ones just rolls over.

6. Fizra. There are two physical education teachers in the college. One of them is a fiend. Get ready to be driven like track and field athletes. Even if you have help. By law, students with a certificate should not attend classes at all, they only prepare essays, but this physical education teacher absolutely does not care, they will drive you just like others. V best case make small concessions. You get the feeling that you are studying in a sports college, it's just awful.

7. Projectors do not work in many offices.

8. Despite the fact that the food in the dining room is not bad, one way or another, one time a thick black hair was found in a pizza. It's disgusting.

9. It's 2019 in the yard. And we still have the headman with a heavy, large magazine, where they give grades and note attendance. It's wild. Speaking of attendance. They follow it more than the knowledge that students have or do not have. Those. you may not know anything, study terribly, but if you attend couples, then you will not be expelled. But if you know everything well, get good grades, pass everything important works, term papers and so on, but for some reason you often miss school, then you will be expelled. Those. some of the leaders are not concerned about the quality of the knowledge received, only attendance.

10. There is no way to go outside during recess after 1st and 2nd class. Even if you are over 18. Is there something urgent and you need to leave? Or do you just want to smoke? Nobody cares, you'll be waiting for 13:20 (big break) to go outside.

11. I would like to write about the director of the hotel room. The woman is extremely unpleasant, she is still a lover of self-assertion at the expense of students, negative things constantly come from a person, constantly presenting with or without reason.

Let's move on to the conclusions: college can be compared to a very tasteless moldy candy wrapped in a bright and beautiful package. 4/10.

You can find better colleges in Moscow, so think ten times before applying here.

License for the right to conduct educational activities dated October 28, 2011 No. 2124
Certificate of state accreditation dated February 09, 2012 No. 1568

The expansion of world boundaries, the availability of information about the standard of living of all mankind stimulates modern youth to obtain impeccable skills in the field of hotel service, food, commerce. The Moscow College of Nutrition will help bring fresh ideas to life.

Training of specialists

  1. Technologist. In the technology of catering products, he is an indispensable specialist. Correctly organize work, control the process and get the desired result - the main features of this profession.
  2. Accountant. From time immemorial, people of this profession have been valued for their analytical mindset, mathematical abilities and scrupulousness in working with numbers. No company can do without an accountant.
  3. Hotel Service Manager. He has a perspective not only in acquiring a store of knowledge for work in hotel complexes. In the near future, it is possible not to earn money and travel at the same time.
  4. Manager in a foodservice organization. Hall administrator in a restaurant, head waiter and many other areas labor activity covers this profession. And you can also confirm the knowledge gained from us by practicing in a special service for meeting guests in restaurants and bars of large hotels.
  5. Commercial Sales Manager. This is a person with sociability, initiative, capable of analytical thinking. Having studied trading operations and personnel management, you can grow up to the deputy director for commercial issues.
  6. Commodity expert. Currently, the population wants to buy quality products. And any enterprise simply needs people who carry out an examination of the quality of goods, compliance with the characteristics of the standards.
  7. Mechanical Technician. Durable and reliable technical operation of confectionery, bakery, refrigeration and other equipment in trade and public catering directly depends on its skill. You will also master this specialty within the walls of this college.

Benefits of learning

The formation of personality and the acquisition of a favorite profession very often depend on the choice of a place of study. The activity of this college is based on the main prerogatives:

  • quality education,
  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills,
  • Modern material base,
  • Availability to information resources,
  • Interesting leisure.

Form of study: Full-time, Part-time, Part-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 24370 - 36550 rubles per year

Education is based on 9 or 11 classes

Supervising university: Russian State University of Trade and Economics | RGTEU


Technology of public catering products Economics and accounting Hotel service Organization of services in public catering Commerce Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods Technical operation of equipment in trade and public catering

Exam subjects:

mathematics, Russian