What kind of fish is profitable breeding at home. How to turn fish farming into a profitable business

If you have a small reservoir in your backyard, then why not start breeding carps in it. Among the "pluses" of this idea, experts note nutritional value, rapid growth and undemanding fish to water quality. In addition, its meat is almost completely absorbed in the human body. What the fish farmer should know, how to equip a pond in the country and what are the pitfalls in carp breeding - you will learn about all this from this article.

Description of freshwater fish

Ichthyologists characterize carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a widespread freshwater fish, which is a representative of the Cyprinidae genus.

Today, it is known in many parts of the world, although Asian reservoirs are considered to be native to it. The fish successfully naturalized and became one of the most popular in the industrial group of fish farms in the temperate zone.

Did you know? The largest carp caught the bait of the German and British fishermen. Their catch, respectively, weighed 38 kg and 40 kg. But in the world, the Japanese koi fish with the official nickname "big girl" is considered a record carp. The Guinness Book of Records recorded her weight - 41 kg and age - 17 years.

Naturalized individuals outwardly differ from savages. That is why, according to experts, in some regions of Ukraine, the name “carp”, characteristic of Russian traditions, has taken root, which refers to semi-wild forms of carps.

Within the aquaculture of our country, there are two breeds: Ukrainian scaly and Ukrainian framed. Each of them has its own subtypes.

When growing carp in pools, mirror species are most often practiced, which have long gained popularity among fishermen.

Their representatives have a thick body with a wide back, up to 1 m long. The weight of adults can be in the range of 35-120 kg.

But species heavier than 50 kg are not found in our latitudes. Such giants can only be caught in the waters of Southeast Asia.

A specific sign of carps are swimmers, which can be light brown, bright red and even black in color. The scales on the fish come in different sizes, on some varieties it may be completely absent.

Did you know?Carps live until they are caught by any fisherman. By their death they die at the age of 50.

The peculiarity of this fish lies in precocity and fertility. Carps reach sexual maturity at 3-5 years of age. Under conditions of warm water, the temperature of which is not lower than 17 degrees, they lay more than 800 eggs.

Where to get fry for breeding

For beginners, growing carp at home always begins with the acquisition of fry. It is advisable to make a purchase at fish farms of a narrow specialization.

Choose the one that has been working for a long time and has proven itself well in the market. Find out about the availability of a license for this type of activity and ask as much as possible about the fry, what they are like, how often and what they get sick with, etc.

Their survival in a new place depends on these seemingly insignificant nuances. Before buying, study the conditions in which the product is contained.

Many novice fish farmers mistakenly think that it is much easier to purchase unfertilized eggs, build a Weiss apparatus at home and grow fry yourself.

Of course, this method is cheaper, but without special experience and knowledge, it is almost impossible to obtain a high-quality underyearling adapted for wintering.
Therefore, such a decision will cost you more, because sooner or later you will still have to buy fertilized material from the fish farm.

Important! Experienced fish farmers advise buying one-year-old fingerlings that have already wintered.

How to breed carps

When you have already looked after a farm with an impeccable reputation and have decided where you will buy fry, you can start preparing a home for fish. We will figure out how to breed carp in a pond and pool.

In the pond

If you plan to grow fish in an old reservoir that was already in, it will be enough just to clean it up and take care of the plant food for the new settlers.

But with the construction of a new pond, you should not rush. The process of its preparation will take you about a year. To begin with, you will need to make a recess from 1 to 2 m high, 3 x 3 m in size.

Then strengthen its banks with grass. During precipitation, its roots will not allow the soil to slide to the bottom. After that, it is necessary to sow the pit of the reservoir with the necessary vegetation, which will serve as food for the fish.

When the recess is filled with water, and a soil suspension appears below, you can start breeding zooplankton. Some owners share their experience of compacting the bottom of the pond. According to them, a layer of sand should be poured onto the compacted soil and poured with concrete on top.

When the solution dries, a rubber film is laid on it and only after everything is poured with water. Remember that carps are considered heat-loving fish, so it is highly undesirable to launch them into a cold body of water.

Let the water settle and warm up to 24-26 degrees. To speed up the process of formation of the necessary microflora, throw a bunch of fresh water into the pond or pour a couple of buckets of water from a wild pond.

It is best to plan a carp breeding pond in the far corner of the garden, away from lowlands, roads and noisy production.

It is very important that the water surface is well lit. This will create favorable conditions for residents to develop and grow. If the water is cold or too hot, the fish will refuse food and die.

Important! Never let it waterfowl, especially migratory, sat on the pond. This is the main source of harmful microbes for your fish.

In a swimming pool

As in the previous option, the size of the reservoir should be at least 1 m deep and from 15 to 150 cubic meters in area. m.
It does not matter what the pool is made of - the fish will take root well in wooden, ceramic, concrete and even plastic structures of any shape.

But in this case, there is an urgent need to complete the reservoir with a compressor, a UV sterilizer, an aerator, special filters and a drain system.

Despite these minor troubles, many fish farmers prefer pools. This is due to the simplified regulation of temperature and water exchange, which is vital for carps.

Such structures are much easier to clean and maintain the necessary level of oxygen in them.

Important! It is better to release fry into a new reservoir in March and April.

AT recent times silo pools appeared on sale, the essence of which is to supply water - it goes from below and flows down along the perimeter of the tank as it is filled. The only "minus" of these structures is their small size.
Pools can be stocked only when the necessary microflora is formed in them. After the inhabitants appear in the reservoir, do not forget to periodically enrich the water with oxygen, pump it up and drain it.

What to feed

If carps receive a balanced and nutritious diet, then in 9 months it is quite possible to grow a half-kilogram fish from a tiny egg. Moreover, if the fish farmer knows how to feed the carp, then it is easy to achieve such a result at home.

Experts note that the fry prefers to eat ciliates, small crustaceans, larvae, worms, and mollusks. Adults are omnivorous.

Important!A big threat to carp is rotan or, as it is also called, "southern piranha". Its carriers are migratory, which spread small eggs on their paws. To clear the reservoir of misfortune, you will need to completely drain the water and manually collect unwanted guests. There is no other salvation.

Experienced fish farmers distinguish several carp feeding technologies:
  1. Extensive. It consists in feeding fish exclusively with zooplankton and grass. The advantages of the method are in low production costs, and disadvantages - in a small increase in living creatures (from 300 to 650 kg per unit area).
  2. Semi-intensive. It is based on equal amounts of zoological and agrotechnical feeds (barley, wheat, oats). Due to bait, fish farmers manage to achieve greater productivity (from 700 to 1500 kg). But during the hot period, approximately from June to September, there is not enough protein in the feed, which affects the productivity of the backwater. That is why experts advise feeding omnivorous carps with compound feed.
  3. Intensive. In this technology, the main focus is on compound feed, which contains at least 40 percent of protein. This feeding option is considered the most productive (3-20 tons). It is used in large fish farms specializing in marketable fish. With the maximum use of the reservoir, which is a very positive side of the technology, there is water pollution and the risk of infecting fish with pathogens.

Did you know?Carp meat is 17% protein and 11% fat.

The fish are fed twice a day in a specially designated place. For these purposes, it is necessary to acquire a special tray that is lowered into the water. Do not pour too much food, because in excess it only pollutes the water. A single feed rate is calculated within 3% of the weight of the fish.

What to do in winter

With a decrease in the temperature regime, carps stop the intensity of their nutrition and, accordingly, development. For the winter they go into hibernation.

In natural reservoirs, the fish winters well, and in domestic small and shallow ponds it can die. This is due to a lack of oxygen.

There are several ways to correct the situation. The first is in a specially equipped reservoir (a hydraulic device is installed in it for aeration and maintaining the temperature at 0 degrees). Another wintering option involves transplanting the backwater into a large indoor aquarium.

Such carps can be returned to their former dwelling only when the water in the garden pond warms up well, and those specimens that wintered in a special pond can be released immediately after the snow melts.

The business of breeding and raising fish is now becoming more and more attractive for entrepreneurs in Russia. For many breeders, this is also an occupation for the soul, the joy of being in nature, calm contemplation of the pacifying water surface, merrily splashing fish, and it is not for nothing that fishing is an ancient traditional occupation of a man. As a result of the efforts made, you can get a tasty and useful product, as well as valuable raw materials for processing and manufacturing various culinary products.

Prospects for the development of fisheries

A business based on the cultivation and breeding of fish is promising occupation, insofar as:

The nuances and complexities of this business

Despite all the obvious advantages of making a profit from the fish industry, it is necessary to identify and possible difficulties that will accompany the conduct of this business:

  • This type of production is relatively low, about 10-20%. It can be slightly increased due to the accelerated cycle of growing fish and the formation of a stable demand for products. Unfortunately, many fish producers in our country admit that because of the crisis, it is more profitable to resell already grown fish than to start the whole cycle from scratch.
  • A solid investment and a long project - about 2-3 years, depending on the type of fish. An additional nuance is the seasonality of the sale of products for open water bodies - as a rule, the autumn period. Whereas the rest of the time the business will require only cash investments, mainly for feed.
  • The risk of reduction or destruction of the fish population on the farm due to non-compliance with basic conditions of keeping, malnutrition and the resulting diseases of individuals. Fish is quite sensitive to external conditions, so the owners of reservoirs should strictly follow all the rules for its cultivation.
  • Difficulties may arise at the stage of obtaining permits for opening this type of business.

In order to neutralize all possible risks, it is recommended that before starting your own fish breeding business, carefully study all the literature available on this issue, perhaps attend specialized courses, make excursions to successful fish farms in order to gain the necessary experience.

Mandatory competent detailed maintenance of fisheries.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Organizational moments

It is permissible to register a fish breeding business in the status depending on production volumes. However, it must be taken into account that large companies in cooperation, they still trust legal entities more.

To get started, choose pond for breeding fish. This may be a natural or artificial pond, a specially created pool with a recirculating water supply installation, or a technology for growing fish in cages. Then it is necessary by marketing analysis local market to decide on type of launched fish and required production volumes. This is followed by the procedure for registering a purchased or leased reservoir and obtaining mandatory permits.

Permission to organize a fish farming business is taken from the local authorities in charge of the territory of the pond, from the State Committee for Fisheries (permit for catching fish), from the State Committee for Water Management (control of water resources). It may be necessary to carry out environmental expertise and obtaining permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Also, in order to carry out business activities related to the sale of fish or the organization of paid fishing, it is necessary to obtain certificates from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

When choosing sources of financing, it should be understood that a businessman will be able to receive the first income no earlier than 2 years after opening a business. Therefore, raising borrowed funds in the form may be unprofitable. Here, the preferred methods will be: the availability of own funds, the search for an interested investor, or the development of aquaculture as an industry Agriculture.

Selection of an affordable and profitable type of fish

The most popular among buyers are the following types of fish:

  1. Carp family - carp, crucian carp, tench, bream, silver carp;
  2. Salmon family - trout, salmon, salmon, pink salmon.

The most profitable options for breeding fish in a commercial volume in terms of costs, conditions of detention and expected profit are carp and trout. Weight of adult carp: 1.2-1.7 kg, trout: 0.8-1 kg. Before reaching such a mass, carp grows 3 years, trout 2.5 years. The most popular types of carp are scaly, naked, mirror, trout - river, rainbow.

Fish farmers advise buying already grown fry for about 4 months, since hatching fish from eggs, that is, growing it from the very beginning, can be a very costly and risky business. It is better to take planting material for reservoirs at proven fish factories.

An example of organizing a trout breeding business is discussed in this video:

Thinking over the place of sale of products

Implementation the received fish products depends on the volumes and is possible in the following ways:

For the sale of fish through grocery stores and supermarkets, a conclusion will be required. It is possible to install a mini-pool with live fish in supermarkets to advertise products, but stores are reluctant to do this. It should be remembered that there is competition in this type of business, that buying fish is not available to everyone potential buyers because of the high price of the product. In addition, funds for the sold fish are received only upon its sale, that is, payments are deferred.

Pond preparation

Main directions of fish farming:

  1. Pond culture (natural or artificial) – suitable for growing many types of fish.
  2. Pool culture with a recirculating water supply installation can also be suitable for most types of fish.
  3. Breeding fish in cages, large barrels, baths is acceptable for large breeds.

The best location for a reservoir would be countryside, even your own land plot or cottage will do. Access roads must be connected to the reservoir. An advantageous location will be the presence of a nearby settlement for an established distribution system.

In order for the development of fish to take place in the right way, the reservoir must correspond certain parameters:

  • a place not too elevated, but not low-lying, is suitable to eliminate the consequences of a flood;
  • one of the sections of the pond must necessarily fall into partial shade in order to avoid overheating of the fish;
  • a small number of trees are allowed around the reservoir, as the roots can deform the reservoir, and in autumn the leaves will clog the pond;
  • the optimal size of the pond for a fish mini-farm is 30-50 sq. m;
  • the depth of the pool or pond - at least 1.5 m;
  • you need a clean bottom without impurities of peat or silt;
  • for breeding different fish will require a variety of soil;
  • the vegetation of the reservoir is justified in moderation;
  • the bottom topography should be complex: with alternating deep and shallow water, with rapids and ledges of various sizes;
  • in winter, a layer of unfrozen water of about 1 m is needed in the pond. Ice holes are made in the thickness of the ice, covered with straw so that the fish do not suffocate. For this, you can also freeze a bunch of reeds vertically into the ice.

The reservoir will contain fish, its cultivation, selection of caviar and incubation of young animals. In large developed farms, several types of reservoirs are arranged: a pond for spawning, rearing, feeding, wintering. It is necessary to periodically clean the pond from the waste products of fish. This is a less productive method than raising fish in pools, but it is convenient for land owners.

artificial pond is made using a special rounded technology, the soil at the bottom is compacted, it is cemented. A plastic film is placed on the bottom, water is started by about 1/3, then a layer of soil or river sand is placed and underwater plants are planted. Then all the water is added. For some time, the pond stands without fish, so that the water acquires a natural temperature and its own environment of microorganisms appears. It is recommended to top up a few buckets from a natural reservoir so that the water quickly becomes “alive”.

Pond size in depth should be at least 1.5 m, and in area - at the rate of at least 10-15 cm in length per individual. There are some nuances here: it is better for fish to winter with great depth, but in summer such a reservoir will warm up unevenly. A shallow pool with a large surface absorbs more oxygen, which is good for the fish. Before the first start, it is necessary to equalize the temperature in the pond and in the portable fish tank so that there is no temperature shock. In the future, purification and aeration of water, control of vegetation on the water surface will be required.

Fish breeding in pools with RAS(installation of recirculating water supply) requires some costs, but this is a promising option. Their cost is high, but the density of fish in them is the highest. For normal development, water must be continuously purified and enriched with oxygen. In RAS, the fish grows quite quickly, for example, trout reaches selling weight after 2 years.

For installation cages containers welded from sheet iron are needed. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. The cages must necessarily be covered so that the birds do not catch most of the young fish.

Thus, the type of reservoir can be anything, the main thing is to create comfortable conditions for keeping fish.

Selection and purchase of suitable equipment

Necessary equipment for fish breeding includes:

There are both domestically produced devices and their foreign counterparts on the market. Today, preference is given mainly to Russian manufacturers due to budget savings.

Organization of an appropriate water climate for fish

The temperature of the water, its acidity, as well as its oxygen content determine the health and growth of the fish. Also an important condition is the purity of water, the absence of mechanical and chemical impurities in it.

Climatic conditions for keeping different fish species may vary. So, warm water (24-26 degrees) is best for carp, and cooler water (16-19 degrees) for trout. To maintain such conditions, carp can be kept at a depth of up to 1.5-2 m, and trout - up to 15 m, respectively. The deviation of the temperature column in one direction or another can threaten the deterioration of the fish.

A prerequisite fish breeding is the periodic filtration of water, its aeration. If you create optimal conditions, the fish will grow faster, which is very important for business.

Fish breeding technology

Each breed of fish has its own breeding characteristics that must be taken into account in business planning. At the same time, 1-2 employees can serve the fish mini-farm.

Use two core technologies fish breeding:

  1. Traditional - consists of phased actions for growing fish, as a rule, this is a 2-3-year cycle. Each technological operation is carried out in a special pond, upon completion of which it is necessary to drain the water. Fish are transplanted several times, which is very laborious and associated with population losses.
  2. Continuous - provides for the rearing of young animals up to a weight of 1-1.5 kg and further maintenance of fish without transplantation. Only two ponds are required: for fry and foraging. This technology is less labor intensive and more in demand.

Fish can also be farmed intensive and extensive methods:

  • With intensive - the fish receives special feed in addition to the natural one. The productivity of the economy will be the greatest here.
  • With extensive - the fish consumes natural food without special supplementary feeding. This method requires minimal investment.

Regardless of the chosen technology and method of fish breeding, it is important to remember that in the reservoir it is necessary to maintain constant cleanliness and flow of water, to produce its technical aeration, liming to regulate acidity. The fish manages to gain the required commercial mass in about 2-3 years. The growth and productivity, reproduction, health of fish depend on the conditions of keeping, the quality of water, food and the climatic zone in which the farm is located. Periodically (every 10 days) it is necessary to inspect the fish, give medicinal supplements for prevention.

The technology using RAS is discussed in the following video:

Feeding rules

Nutritional efficiency depends on the biological characteristics of a particular fish species, nutritional needs, their growth and development opportunities, and is also related to environmental conditions. The food differs in composition and useful properties not only for each breed, but also for adults and young animals within the same species. The energy requirements of fish are relatively small.

Despite the fact that the purchase of feed is the main cost item in the fish industry - 50-60%, it is important use only high quality food, which significantly accelerate the growth of fish. Protein-rich food is especially needed. An increase in 1 kg is provided by 4 kg of feed. For comparison: from a reservoir of 1 ha in size, you can get fish products - 0.3 tons per year with natural feeding and 1.2 tons with intensive feeding.

Required components of a complete food for fish:

  • amino acids to maintain appetite and favorable growth rates, especially for fry;
  • fats of vegetable and animal origin for the growth and health of the body;
  • fiber - for trout - 20%, for carp - at least 40%;
  • biologically active substances: premixes and enzyme preparations;
  • stern plant origin- mixtures of cereals, including bran, giving carbohydrates and B vitamins;
  • feed of animal origin: meat and bone and krill meal;
  • dairy products for young animals: skimmed milk powder, milk powder;
  • medicinal feed to increase immunity.

For all fish breeds, a mixture of cereals and legumes, which is steamed so that it swells for feeding, is suitable. Volume - no more than 3-6% of the mass of fish, it is important to observe the measure here. Food is given 1-2 times a day at the same time in a certain place of the pond. To do this, you can use special feeders: pallet tables to keep track of how much food was eaten. Before feeding, you can ring the bell to attract fish.

Financial part

To organize fish breeding, you will need initial investment from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles (depending on the size of the reservoir), which includes the purchase (or lease) and improvement of a pond (pool), the installation of cages (if provided by the technology), the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment, business registration and obtaining permits .

Main costs:

  1. Purchase of planting material (fry): 10-50 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of feed: 10-50 thousand rubles.
  3. Staff salary: 30-50 thousand rubles.
  4. Other costs (transport, utilities): 20-30 thousand rubles.

Total profit(excluding taxes) approximately: 200-300 thousand rubles.

Payback period: 2-2.5 years depending on the type of fish and the method of cultivation.

Additional income can be obtained from the organization of paid fishing and recreation near the pond - up to 10% of the total fish farm, as well as from the processing of fish raw materials, the manufacture of canned food and various types of fish products.

How to grow carp at home is described in the following video:

In their free time, many men like to go fishing. For many of them, business is a dream. Many men would like to have their own fish farm. Is it possible? The director of the fish factory, which is the largest in the Moscow region, Andrey Semenov, talks about the conditions for breeding fish and all its secrets.

What is more profitable to breed trout or carp?

In order to start your own business, you need to understand what kind of fish should be bred. You will have to make a choice what to breed - carp or trout. These two types of fish are in the greatest demand, and the very technology of the fish industry will depend on this.

If opportunities allow, then it is worth breeding both carp and trout. Our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, and 500-600 tons are grown in the Moscow region, and the rest is imported for sale and overexposure from other fish farms. In addition, we rent reservoirs in the southern regions and breed fish there, arrange paid fishing, and also process it (smoking and canning).

Carp is easier to grow, it is unpretentious, many reservoirs are suitable for it. To breed carp, it is enough to read a book; there are a sufficient number of them on the market. Breeding trout costs twice as much, it is very capricious. You can’t do without a specialist fish farmer, here you need education and experience.

This year formed low prices for fish. Trout fell in price from 175 to 140 rubles per 1 kg, and carp costs 50-63 rubles per 1 kg. However, the business remains profitable. The average farmer may have higher profits, they do not need to maintain a large staff. The profitability of our plant is 8-9%. This year, all fish farms have switched to a single agricultural tax. We pay the state 6% of income reduced by expenses, exempt from VAT, unified social tax, income tax, property tax.

Where is the best place to fish?

Water temperature and oxygen content determine the health and growth of fish. In addition, the state of the reservoir and its acidity (pH) are important. These factors can be determined by a specialist. It is necessary to conduct a “fish-biological justification”. You can invite specialists from the Research Institute of Fisheries from the city of Dmitrov, Moscow Region.

Video on this topic:

The optimum water temperature for trout is 16-19 degrees Celsius. At water temperatures up to 24 degrees, the fish may die. We keep trout at a depth of 15 meters. At this depth, the temperature of the water will not rise.

Breeding carp is easier. It is important that the pond is not clogged with dirty drains, decaying organics and oil products. The optimum temperature of the pond is -24-25 degrees, the depth is up to 1.5-1.8 meters.

All fish farms in Russia are divided into zones. Moscow belongs to the first and second zones, and the southern regions, such as the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, the fifth, sixth. It is more profitable to breed fish in them, so we began to rent ponds in the Rostov region.

In order to produce 10 tons of carp, you need a pond with an area of ​​5 hectares. The larger the pond, the easier it is to breed fish in it. In a large reservoir, the temperature regime is more uniform.

It is desirable that the pond be drainable, this facilitates the process of catching fish. You can build a dam if the reservoir was formed by damming the river.

Enhanced nutrition

The main expense item is feed, they will account for 50 to 60% of all costs. From one hectare we get 22 centners of carp using a high-intensity method (high stocking density plus Reflex feeders with a protein content in the feed of at least 26-28%, fat -5-7%. The average price of feed for carp is 7-8 rubles per 1 kg.

Trout are harder to feed. For her, you need to buy German feed at 0.7-1 euros per 1 kg. In Sergiev Posad, food of this level is produced. If you buy cheap feed, then trout meat will be white.

When feeding fish, it is important to know the measure. Excess fish may stop growing. Daily carp require food in the amount of 1.5-3% of the weight of the fish, depending on the water temperature.

Trout spend their whole lives in cages measuring three by three meters from nylon mesh, its depth is 5 meters. We make these simple designs ourselves.

Fish diseases and their prevention

The disease and epidemic of fish is the main risk in business. The health of the entire population must be constantly monitored every 10 days. It is necessary to check the condition of internal organs, gills, fish growth. Medicated feed should be added to the diet to increase immunity.

Size matters

Big fish are in high demand. The optimal weight of carp is 1.2-1.7 kg, trout is 0.8-1 kg. To achieve this weight, carp grows for three years.

Trout is grown in 2.5 years. But it can be sold even after 1.5 years with a weight of 300 grams.

How much can you earn on this?

  • Trout planting material costs 250-400 rubles per 1 kg. 10% should be allowed for losses. It is profitable to buy fertilized caviar in Adler, where 100 thousand eggs cost 20 thousand rubles.
  • Planting material for carp costs 60-120 rubles per 1 kg, and the mass of fish is from 14 to 25-40 grams.
  • In winter, it is profitable to grow trout at the state district power station. There is an optimal temperature regime.
  • If you have connections with trade, cage lines, fish carts, you can buy fish for overexposure.
  • The budget can be replenished by organizing paid fishing. It gives 5-6% of turnover.

Sales problem

  • The market will not eat a lot of fish.
  • Very strong competition is a problem in marketing fish. In addition, the demand for fish has fallen somewhat. This product is not available to all customers.
  • At fish breeders complicated relationship with trade. Everyone asks for money to place goods on store shelves and not everyone wants to mess with live fish. All goods are transported by the fish farms themselves.
  • Wholesalers do not deal in live fish, and stores do not want to take on this burden.
  • Aquariums for fish in Moscow have only 10% of stores. In addition, all stores pay for fish upon its sale. Payments are received with a delay of 7 to 30 days.

We can conclude: it is risky to build a fish farming business if you count on a stable sale. It is better to start with the organization of paid fishing.

A large number of people in our country want to work and make a profit from their activities, do interesting things for themselves and be independent. There are more and more individual entrepreneurs (IP) and various LLCs, more attention is paid by the state, local authorities to businessmen. Banks reduce interest rates when issuing loans to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The type of activity - fish farming in artificial reservoirs, as a type of business, is becoming more and more popular.

Fish is a useful food product that can be used in various types: boil, fry, smoke, salt, dry, preserve. Mostly fresh frozen fish. The one who is engaged in the supply of food to the market is never a loser. Fish is in especially high demand, for this reason alone, the business should be profitable. There are several directions for the development of fish farming: pond, cage and pool - breeding fish in artificial reservoirs. We will consider it in detail in the review.

Fish farming in artificial reservoirs is a modern, progressive method of intensive development of fish farming. An artificial reservoir is also a dug pond. For its device, a pit is needed. The pond is profitable, but its creation process is very laborious. The main thing is that the bottom should be even. The presence of holes can cause waterlogging of the soil. As an insulating material at the bottom are used: clay, asbestos, concrete, sand. Large farms usually have several ponds with different purposes: spawning, for fry, for wintering, feeding.

Business organization

Fish farming as a business is practically independent of bad weather conditions, time of year. With the skillful organization of your activities, you can quickly begin to receive a stable income.

When organizing a business, you must first consider:

  • high-quality planting material is needed - growing fry;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, it is advisable to purchase, grow young animals, bring them to marketable weight;
  • it is useless to do it alone or with the whole family;
  • great success will not be ensured in the absence of qualified specialists.

Pros and cons of this business

The main advantage is profitability - the possibility of obtaining a stable income (up to 20% on average). Sometimes profitability reaches 40% in large farms.

Profit can be obtained in the following cases:

  • marketing of fish has been established;
  • the issue of transporting fresh fish has been resolved. Sufficiently high market price with the possibility of transporting it over long distances.
  • the possibility of breeding, selling sales on the spot with a small number of competitors is a particularly profitable business.

The advantages include:

  • low cost to start a business;
  • requirements for fish care are much lower than in other branches of agriculture;
  • rapid growth of fish when used best practices cultivation. Malek carp in a year can reach a marketable weight (one to two kilograms)

Main cons:

  • significant funds are spent in organizing their business;
  • not a quick return on investment (requires 2 - 2.5);
  • possible marketing difficulties. Not even all supermarkets have pools for keeping fish;
  • in summer it is difficult to store and transport fresh fish;
  • in hot weather, the fish grows well and feeds. In cold weather it feeds poorly and does not grow;
  • ecology and related fish diseases are important;
  • seasonality in the sale of fresh fish. A higher price for fish in summer, but at this time it is still scarce. In the autumn, mainly, the fish acquires marketable weight, its bulk is sold, and as a result, the price decreases.

Species of fish for expedient rearing

Among the variety of fish species, it is necessary to choose species that are not whimsical to feed, quickly gaining weight, resistant to diseases, and in stable demand. Many experts advise starting fish farming with carp and trout, which are in high demand.

Please note that it is more profitable to breed carp. Feed costs are somewhat less, care is easier. It is important to remember that carp do not tolerate shallow water.

Growing trout is a more time-consuming and complex process. However, its breeding attracts many businessmen. This is due to excellent taste, relatively lower habitat requirements compared to other salmon species, high prices. Many farmers breed silver carps. They quickly gain weight (up to 30 kilograms of weight and up to a meter in length).

Experts advise to pay attention to the little-mentioned fish - tench. Fish with excellent taste, not whimsical, requires minimal care, resistant to diseases. The main thing is that it perfectly tolerates the lack of oxygen, which is often insufficient in water in artificial small reservoirs.

Ways to breed fish for a profitable business

For a business to be profitable when using pools, you must:

  • have a large area of ​​land. At the same time, various approvals, certain conditions are not required;
  • apply new technology of closed water exchange (RAS). It does not require the lease of large areas of land. When using RAS, it is recommended to choose sturgeon or salmon for cultivation - delicacy fish varieties. Since expensive equipment for water purification and exchange increases the cost of cultivation by about 1.5 times.

Large fish farms have several hangars with pools at a very high density of fish (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). The process of automatic feeding with dry granular food is provided, which contributes to the rapid weight gain of fish. The applied purification system allows removing contaminants, saturating water with oxygen.

It is also important that it is possible to choose any volume, shape of the pool, material that does not require careful maintenance, is durable. The pools can be used all year round.

Modern technology has obvious advantages:

  • no wastewater discharge;
  • saving water resources;
  • ease of excretion of waste products of fish;
  • reduced care time;
  • management of the process of breeding fish - the ability to automatically adjust the temperature of the water and its saturation with oxygen, regulate the feed supply. The only, but significant, drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system;
  • the process of growing fish must be continuous.

When planning a business, the land in the country is clearly not enough. You may need to lease land.

Business plan

For profitable management economic activity You need to develop a business plan. It will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and many mistakes.

When investing heavily in organizing a business, everything must be well thought out, calculated, and then strictly carried out as planned. A business can only be profitable with proper planning. It is important to take into account the scale of the project, the region where the businessman operates, the fish for breeding, the technology used, and a number of other factors.

To reduce the payback period of your project, reduce costs, you need to contact specialists and pay for their services. When drawing up a business plan big company, it is necessary to involve specialized specialists.

Breeding fish in small pools will require practically no costs, usually does not require a business plan.

How to succeed in business?

You can increase your profitability in the following ways:

  • organize the cultivation of fish, sale in the area of ​​​​residence;
  • comply with the recommendations of business experts;
  • organize normal conditions for the existence of fish. It is important to monitor the condition of the pools, your own pond (clean it in a timely manner, monitor the water temperature);
  • organize your own processing if it is impossible to sell the fish in full (freeze, smoke, make canned food);

Please note that demand is not always stable, sales need to be debugged. It takes some time to acquire a reputation as a reliable supplier to shops, restaurants, bars.

  • Don't forget to pay special attention to quality advertising. Buyers, customers should inquire about the availability of fresh fish sold at a bargain price. It is necessary to place advertisements on the Internet, at fish shops, supermarkets, on city websites, in local newspapers, in flyers and magazines about fishing. The method is effective, relevant, will allow you to quickly start making big profits;
  • in the presence of a large artificial reservoir, it is also possible to allow fishing for a small fee.

Business registration

To start any activity, business registration is required. At the same time, the estimated volume of fish breeding and its sale (how and where to sell) is important. When creating an artificial reservoir, it is much easier to register your activity than in a natural reservoir. This requires an epidemiological conclusion of the fishery and does not require permits. It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code "Fish farming" in the classifier "Types of economic activity".

When making wholesale deliveries, it is necessary to register as an LLC - legal entity. Intermediaries, fish shops, supermarkets are interested in wholesale deliveries. They prefer to do business with LLC. This is the most profitable, fastest, easiest way to sell products. It is also possible to organize self-delivery.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not have legal address, independently have to take care of the marketing of their products, without the possibility of supplying in bulk. They can open outlet, rent a place in the market. This entails additional costs associated with organizing transportation, paying for a trading place, and arranging a place to store fish that were not sold on the same day.

LLC registrations

For registration you need:

  • submit a package of documents to the tax office;
  • choose a name for the company. It should convey to the consumer information about the products;
  • choose a taxation system for calculating taxes and fees;
  • register in the Unified State Register (EGRLE) and obtain a Certificate of LLC registration;
  • the enterprise is registered in the pension, medical, social funds.

IP registration is also carried out tax service. For taxation, a simplified tax payment system is usually chosen or a patent is issued.

Initial capital

"Starting" capital can be purchased:

  • in a banking institution. However, despite the constant reduction in interest rates on loans for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, experience shows that this is not the best option for acquiring capital.
  • A businessman will start receiving income from his activities no earlier than 2-3 years. At the same time, the minimum period for which a loan is required must be at least three years. In the form of interest for the use of bank funds, you will have to pay a significant amount of money;
  • it is much more profitable to organize a business on shares;
  • borrow money from friends or relatives.

Someone can borrow money at a certain percentage, which will be much lower than that of the lender bank. Or they can give money with the prospect of buying fresh fish in the future at a better price.

The most common misconceptions of young farmers

Most often, novice farmers do not consider the following:

  • it is impossible to start activities with a large volume of production. Despite quite simple technique growing fry requires experience and knowledge in the industry. Growing fry is the most difficult, important and responsible activity in breeding fish. Elementary mistakes can lead to the loss of all fry at once. Even with proper care for fry, sometimes up to 10% of them die.

First, you need to master the basics, get the necessary skills to care for fry, positive results, and then increase production volumes;

  • you can’t buy an unreliable, makeshift tank for growing fry. In case of failures in cleaning, enriching water with oxygen, pumping water, all the fry in the pool can not die - the loss of funds will be huge. Breeding fish is a profitable business, but the main thing is not to chase big profits and rush to get it;
  • in the absence of experience in the manufacture of the pool, its construction should be entrusted to professionals - masters of their craft. The cost will pay off if done right. And having spent significant funds on the independent construction of the pool and having lost the first failures, you can lose interest in your offspring, stop the almost unstarted commercial activity;
  • the need to conduct financial calculations of the costs incurred and the profits received, consultations with economists and experienced businessmen. With a large volume of production, they can help to make significant profits and avoid losses.


More and more businessmen are engaged in fish breeding, and for many it brings not only tangible benefits, but also pleasure from their activities. To start a business, not large investments are required, and income can be received regularly and significant with the skillful management of your household, using the advice of specialists.

Success guarantee - application modern technology closed water exchange, process automation. Important for successful business create normal conditions for growing fish, optimal conditions for the sale of fresh fish, try to sell products in bulk in your area. It is advisable to organize your own fish processing, pay more attention to advertising your products.

Fish is one of the most important products in human nutrition and its cultivation cannot, with proper business management, not be profitable and not bring a significant permanent income.

Related materials:

Fish processingFish tradeCrayfish farming

Business Relevance

Today, fish products are in demand in the city markets not only for large enterprises, but also for small private farms. Breeding fish makes it possible to save precious time - you only need to spend 3-5 hours a day caring for them. Having gained knowledge in the field of fish farming and organizing a reservoir, you can have a stable and high income.

Farming fish in artificial reservoirs as a business is practically not confirmed by the risk of bad weather conditions or seasonality. If you organize your business correctly, you can quickly recoup your investment and reach a stable income.

Related video:

Tips for beginner fish farmers

Development directions

On the present stage fish farming is developing in several directions:

  • Pond breeding is the use of a separate reservoir for growing fish (suitable for a variety of different types).
  • Cage breeding of fish is important for large fish. The essence lies in the use of a part of a river, lake, reservoir, dividing the water space with cage lines.
  • The basin method consists in growing fish in artificial reservoirs. Suitable for breeding pike, salmon, bream, perch, carp, etc. Some entrepreneurs create mini-reservoirs, which are low barrels or bathtubs.

Related video:

Basin growing method

Sturgeon breeding in the basement of a multi-storey building

What kind of fish is profitable to breed

Many experts advise beginners in the fishing business to start with carp and trout, as these species are developing well and are in stable demand.

Carps quickly adapt to new conditions, are unpretentious in food, resistant to various diseases. Despite the low cost, the income after the sale of fish is quite high. For example, the profitability of the well-known enterprise JSC "Biserovsky fish processing plant" is 9-10%.

A business plan for breeding trout is laborious and complex, as this fish is demanding and whimsical to the conditions of detention. For its cultivation, you can not do without an experienced highly qualified specialist. But such advantages as an affordable breeding system, high prices for products, excellent taste of the product, low maintenance requirements (compared to other salmon) attract many businessmen.

Many farms breed silver carps. The advantages of this fish are that they can peacefully exist with their "brothers" - grass carp and carp. The silver carp quickly gains mass, can reach up to a meter in height and 30 kilograms of weight.

Related video:

Food for fry. (Excellent food for fry of different types of fish.)

Artificial breeding of fish

The technology of growing fish in pools is a modern progressive option for the intensive development of aquaculture. Pools for keeping fish have been popular for many decades. Another way is to find the lowest place in the garden, dig a pit and build an artificial pond.

This option is beneficial, but very laborious.
The bottom of the pond in the country for breeding fish should be flat (pits can lead to waterlogging of the soil) and be isolated from groundwater.

Insulating material can be:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • asbestos;
  • concrete;
  • expanded clay. Large farms make several types of ponds:
  • spawning for removing larvae from eggs;
  • fry;
  • wintering;
  • outgrowth;
  • foraging.

Related video:

Artificial breeding of trout

Recirculating water installations

Over the past decade, the Russian market has new technology closed water exchange - RAS. There is no need to rent large areas of land. Modern fish farms consist of a hangar-type building, which contains several pools and equipment for water purification. The modular tank system allows you to keep fish at a high stocking density (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). The feeding process is automatic. The fish in the given proportions receives dry granulated food, which gives it the opportunity to gain weight and develop as quickly as possible. The water purification system sends it to all pools and removes pollution, saturating it with oxygen. This makes it possible to use water for a long time with small losses - up to 10%.

The advantages of RAS are obvious:

  • refusal to discharge contaminated wastewater;
  • economical use of water resources;
  • the ability to grow fish and vegetables in one system and create a waste-free technology;
  • ease of disposal of fish waste products;
  • saving time on caring for fish;
  • simple control of the dilution process - temperature, oxygen, light adjustment.

The only but significant drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system.

Related video:

Growing fish in RAS

Basic feeding rules

For rapid growth, it is important to carefully consider the acquisition of fish seed. Fry is better to choose in fish farms. Before buying feed, check the manufacturer's certification, veterinary certificate and quality certificate.
Successful fish processing plants use feed for industrial cultivation containing protein. Despite the high cost, the weight gain compared to conventional feed is doubled.
When feeding, you need to observe the measure. The fish eats everything that is poured, but the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir will be violated if the proportions are violated. This will slow down development. The rate and types of feeding depend on the type of fish, temperature and conditions of detention.

Related video:

How to Breed Artemia. (Artemia is used as fish food in aquaculture and aquaculture.)

Business registration

The disadvantage of raising fish at home for sale lies in the administrative barriers. Obtaining permission to lease a reservoir or part of it from local authorities is not easy, and registration is required. big package documents.
But the laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit the breeding of fish at the rate that are located on the territory of the land, which is private property. In other words, it is much easier to dig a pond, install a RAS or pour water into a quarry than to work in a natural reservoir.
In this case, no permits are required. But stocking requires a veterinary certificate (epidemiological report and fishery invoices). It is also necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code 05.02 "Fish farming".

Financial plan

It can be very profitable with proper planning and implementation of the idea. The cost of the project depends on its scale, development region, choice of fish species, technologies, etc.

If you open a mini-farm without hiring workers and saving on all aspects, the cost level will be distributed as follows:

1. purchase of fry - 300-500 rubles / kg. (when calculating, do not forget that 10% of them will not survive, and only 30-40% will be able to gain optimal weight);

2.equipment with an artificial pool - from 6 thousand rubles. per piece;

3. purchase of feed - from 15 thousand rubles. per ton;

4. purchase of equipment for fish farming - from 50 thousand rubles.

The information provided in the article is only a brief introduction to the essence of the business.

If you decide to go with the implementation then you need to download professional business plan fisheries with detailed calculations:

Starting investments range from 150 thousand rubles. To this figure, add unforeseen costs, for example, for medical treatment. In general, fish farming is a profitable business, the main thing is to find distribution channels. It can be a restaurant, cafe, and other catering establishments, as well as sales at small or wholesale outlets.

Commercial offers

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The page publishes only useful reviews for others, which indicate that the person had experience in this matter.

By approaching the formation of the pond correctly, studying the parameters of the water and preparing everything for the launch of the fry, the owner will be able to grow the fish to the optimal size. Careful maintenance and cleaning of the artificial reservoir will increase the number of fish for sale, which means increasing the amount of profit.

  • Home fish farming from scratch
  • Farming fish at home as a business
  • Pond equipment

At the moment, many experts in the field of fish farming consider the fish business to be quite a promising area. Therefore, by creating conditions for its development, it is possible to solve the problem of providing the state with fish and help fish farms in such a difficult task as growing various fish species.

Previously, it was popular to breed fish in artificial reservoirs, but in this case, poachers interfered with the growth and development of young and grown-up individuals, it is for this reason that fish farmers began to engage in organized reproduction and rearing of fish on mini-farms and at home. But in order for fish breeding to be successful, a novice fish farmer needs to study the breeding instructions and adhere to all prescribed rules. Without what home fish farming will not bring the desired results?

Home fish farming from scratch

The most important resource for growing any breed of fish is water. The growth, development and health of young animals will depend on its quality.

Step one. Creation of an artificial reservoir.

Before you start creating a pond, you need to take the time to fully analyze the water, having studied all the indicators and quality standards necessary to populate the reservoir with new residents.

For this purpose, it is best to contact the Epidemiological Surveillance and ask specialists to conduct the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and give advice on how to improve it, if necessary. If the quality of the water does not meet the standards, do not fall into despair. It is enough to aerate and clean the pond and everything will return to normal.

Step two. Determination of the quality of water resources.

The water in a fish pond must necessarily have the following characteristics:

  • The optimal ratio of salts;
  • Regular and irregular temperature conditions;
  • The total number of microorganisms living in it and PH;
  • General transparency;
  • The presence of minerals necessary for future fish;
  • color qualities;
  • The ratio of gases dissolved in water;

If all these characteristics correspond to the declared standards, then it will be possible to grow fish without any problems.

Step three. Baby launch.

Before you start the fry into the pond, you need to know what temperature regime is suitable for the breed of fish you have chosen. There are fish that are more suitable for cold water, and there are fish species that will only feel comfortable in warm water.

Cold-loving breeds include grass carp, carp, catfish, crucian carp, sterlet, silver carp, trout, peled and salmon. Heat-loving fish need to ensure the water temperature is not lower than twenty degrees, and for those who prefer cool waters from ten to twenty degrees. Wintering in the reservoir will also be determined by fish species.

Step four. Stages of growing fish.

In order to properly build your own mini fish farm, you need to know that when growing fish, the breeding stages are taken into account. First, the fish spawn, then the fry appear, then the wintering stage follows, the next growth stage, and experienced fish farmers consider the feeding stage to be the last step.

Taking them into account, it is possible to clearly distinguish between these periods and create the necessary scheme for the growth and development of young and reared individuals. For each of these stages, it is best to equip your own pond or use plastic pools.

In a pool or reservoir for spawning, fish farmers are engaged in breeding fry from eggs. The hatched fry are transplanted into a pond where they will grow. Upon reaching a certain age, they are placed in a nursery pond, where they will gain weight. When the generation gets stronger and it will no longer be possible to worry about its health, it is transferred to a feeding pond, but for wintering a special wintering pond with appropriate conditions for fish is used.

In order for the fish to grow and develop well, the water in the reservoir must be clean and enriched with oxygen. Also, it should not contain hydrogen sulfide and methane. To avoid their appearance, the pond must be created in the appropriate area, which can be determined using a geodetic map. Also in the pond there should be appropriate vegetation that will saturate the water with substances useful for fish.

Step five. Feeding.

Not only water plays an important role in fish farming, but also the use of appropriate feed additives. In order to grow healthy fish, it is necessary to use feed mixtures appropriate for each breed. They are made up of fats, fiber, legumes, grains, proteins, minerals and vitamins needed by fish. The secret of success is simple: in order for the fish to grow well, fish farmers fertilize the reservoirs and mineralize them.

For each age of the fish, it is necessary to use their own feed additives, as well as to increase immunity, they use therapeutic stress food that helps the fish cope with the disease and gain immunity to it. That, in principle, is all that fish farmers who decide to grow fish at home need to know.

Farming fish at home as a business

For growing fish, water is the most important thing; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build an artificial reservoir suitable for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but this idea is better left. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as many fish as possible in your reservoir. For this reason, about renting a pond from state structures best to forget. Moreover, the cost of a business on the basis of state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond in your suburban or suburban area. The creation of an artificial reservoir will also be expensive, but it will still require much less material and nervous costs from you, and you will also be 100% sure of the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It also needs to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost a lack of three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipping the reservoir. But before proceeding with its creation or purchase, you need to find out: what kind of equipment and materials you will need.

Pond equipment

Purification of water in the reservoir should be carried out using a gravity filter. Installing it is quite simple and it won't take you much time. It costs about five thousand rubles. It is used not only to purify water, but allows you to remove microorganisms that cause water blooms and the appearance of mud.

In order to saturate the water with oxygen, compressor equipment is used. Its cost can reach ten thousand rubles. In order to prevent the water in the reservoir from blooming, sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes are used. To pump water from a reservoir, you need to purchase a hydraulic pump (about five thousand rubles). You can also make it yourself by assembling it from tubes. In this case, the reservoir will be filled with water from underground sources and springs. Feeders can be purchased at stores that sell fishing tackle. Also, do not forget about the drain equipment.

Costs and fish farming technology

The benefits of fish farming are obvious. In the market, let's take, for example, sturgeon, a kilogram costs about two hundred rubles. Buying fry or breeding them yourself, you can get up to a ton of fish per year, which is about one and a half thousand kilograms, which means three hundred thousand rubles.

By spending one hundred and fifty thousand on your fish business, you can work off the costs for the year and still make a profit. The main thing is to find sales points and then you don’t have to worry about profits.

Of course, only those people who understand all the risks and are ready to take them can engage in fish breeding, because this type of business is quite competitive. And if you are not ready to fight and breed really high-quality and selected fish, it is better not to start it.

And now, finally, you have made a firm decision to create your own fish farm. What documents will you need? Since you will start entrepreneurial activity, you will need to register your business. This will also incur additional costs. You will also need a license to grow fish, which will need to be issued. And when you get the first "harvest", you will still have to go through product quality control and obtain special permission from the relevant structures.

What is the best fish to breed?

If the cost of creating an artificial reservoir is easy to calculate, then the cost of acquiring and growing fish is very difficult. It is for this reason that a clear business plan is essential.

The most unpretentious fish in food and maintenance is carp. It is also available at a cost. When buying a ton of carp fry, you will need to spend about a thousand dollars. Moreover, this fish breed will not begin to multiply immediately, but only after three years. In addition, in the cold season, carps grow twice as slowly.

In industrial terms, all varieties of sturgeon are considered the most profitable fish species. An adult sturgeon weighs an average of five hundred grams. Kilogram of sturgeon wholesale will cost about ten dollars. In your artificial pond, you can grow about a ton of such fish in six months. And this means that this business can really be called profitable.

Growing fish at home on a mini-farm: how to organize it correctly?

If you follow all the above tips, then growing fish in your pond or pool is not a problem. This is exactly what farmer Mikhail Atamanov does, growing sterlet and trout on his farm in Yaroslavl. For a year he grows and sells up to ten tons of fish and is not going to stop there. According to him, such a business brings him not only tangible profits, but also pleasure.

The business associated with the sale of food products has always been considered extremely profitable. Especially always valued ecologically clean products produced at home. One of the options for such a business is fish farming.

Fish is a universal product suitable for almost everyone, so the demand for it is very high. On the shelves of stores, in addition to the products of farm reservoirs, you can often find home-grown fish. This type of business is suitable for both residents of small settlements and entrepreneurs from large cities.

Breeding fish requires preliminary preparation and obtaining the necessary knowledge. It is not enough just to find a place to grow fish, buy fry for breeding and wait for them to gain mass.

In order for the business to be truly profitable, it is advisable at the very beginning to study the experience of colleagues, visit fish farms, and familiarize yourself with the conditions for breeding fish of different species.

Valuable advice and experience of colleagues can greatly help in initial stage.

In addition to knowledge, at the initial stage, financial investments will be required to equip the reservoir, purchase the necessary equipment, cover operating and other costs.

What is the best fish to breed

A feature of fish farming is the relatively quick payback of the business, since the fish is growing rapidly and gaining weight, which means that the return on investment is not long in coming. Many species of fish are fast-growing, and they are the most popular.

Most often, the following types of fish are grown at home:

  • carps;
  • fish of the salmon family;
  • sturgeon fish;
  • catfish;
  • tilapia, trout.

Carp breeding is widespread throughout the post-Soviet space. Carp are omnivorous, but they tend to consume aquatic insects, worms, mollusks and zooplankton. At proper diet they grow fast enough.

Catfish are famous for the fact that they easily get along in reservoirs with other types of fish. Tilapia is large and fast growing.

Salmon and sturgeon feed mainly on other fish. Their breeding can be a risky business, given the high cost of feed and little consumer demand associated with the high cost of these species of fish.

What is required to organize a business

To organize a fish farming business, you will need:

  • organized space for growing fish (artificial reservoir, pool or natural reservoir);
  • cleaning equipment, pumps and other devices (for example, used for automated feeding of fish);
  • feed and feed additives;
  • fry directly.

At the initial stage, there may be costs associated with the purchase or lease of land, premises, the arrangement of water bodies, the purchase or lease Vehicle, water supply devices and oxygen sensors.

In addition, funds will be needed to pay for electricity, fuel and chemical components. Expenses may also include taxes, payment wages employees involved, services mobile communications and much more.

All these costs should be accounted for in the business plan. In addition to costs, the document should contain indicative terms for reaching cost recovery and making a profit. Even before organizing all the work, it is necessary to clearly understand what will be the marketing channels for farmed fish or fish products.

Features of growing fish

Fish farming is a specific industry that requires knowledge in topics such as water quality control, disease control, proper nutrition, and others.

For fish farming prerequisite is the availability of a constant source of quality water.

The water temperature can be adjusted depending on what kind of fish is bred in the pond.

It is important to equip convenient shores of the reservoir so that there are no difficulties with feeding and catching fish. Artificial tanks for fish should be of a comfortable size. Most often, rounded plastic pools with a diameter of about two meters and a depth of more than a meter are used for breeding fish.

You can start with the arrangement of one or two containers, with the successful promotion of the case, their number can be increased.

Separate requirements are imposed on the premises in which artificial reservoirs are located. As a rule, they maintain a constant temperature in the range of 18-22 degrees. The room itself should also be comfortable - its area should be at least 30 square meters.

With self-breeding of fish, all work takes no more than three to four hours a day. Workers should be hired with an increase in the number of pools and with the expansion of production activities.

Sales and income

When organizing a business, it is important to consider all possible options for selling products. The sales market can be quite wide: you can sell fish in shops or markets. In addition, you can negotiate its sale with cafes, restaurants and enterprises specializing in conservation.

Cafes and restaurants are most often interested in fish weighing 500-600 grams. Such indicators can be achieved with good hands in just six months. You can also sell caviar, which is always highly appreciated by buyers. To do this, it is necessary to grow a more adult stock of fish (up to 4 years).

When breeding fish in natural reservoirs (ponds), you can offer clients paid fishing as an additional income.

It must be remembered that the field of fish farming is not rare, and competition among entrepreneurs can be high. In order to attract buyers, it is necessary to set prices a few percent lower than those of other sellers. This will allow you to get regular customers and establish the necessary business relationships.

Considering that the cost of fish starts from 100-120 rubles per kilogram, it is possible to recoup investments in one year, and sometimes in a shorter period. Business profitability can reach 50%.

When positive results are achieved, it will be possible to expand production and bring it to new stage and, accordingly, to a new level of income.

Fishing in our country is exactly the niche that makes sense to occupy, because this direction while not actively developing.

Meanwhile, more and more more people prefer fish over the meat of birds and mammals. Partly because fish meat is dietary, partly because of moral reasons - the number of vegetarians in the world is increasing every year.

The cost of fish in our country, in comparison with other countries, is quite expensive - this is due to the cold climate and the corresponding difficulties in breeding.

Someone does not want to accept live fish, someone pays for the goods only after the sale - these the nuances must be reflected in the resume when drawing up a business plan for growing fish.

How to organize a home fish farm?

It is worth noting that breeding fish is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. Some breeders admit that this is even more troublesome than raising pigs or poultry.

Unpretentious, at first glance, creatures, in fact, require constant care and attention, control of water temperature, proper feeding and monitoring of the ecosystem of the reservoir as a whole. It is necessary to regularly check the health status of individual fish, because a viral disease can quickly spread to the entire pond.

First of all, it is preferable for this business to have established points of sale. Practice shows that problems with buyers in the fishing business occur very often, especially when it comes to chain stores.

If you decide to seriously plunge into this area, you should be prepared for a large investment of time and effort. Neglect in relation to these small factors will lead to sad consequences.

Perhaps it makes sense to hire an assistant or run a business with the whole family.

Arrangement of a reservoir

  • To create a fish farm, many prefer rent a pond.
    This is really advantageous, since, in addition to direct breeding, it can be used as a paid fishing space. But at home, this is not always possible.
  • As a less costly alternative frequently used swimming pools.
    They are good because they are equipped with devices for adjusting water temperature, oxygen levels and other indicators. And in general, it is much more convenient to watch fish in them: you can track emerging diseases, protect the “baby” from attacks by predators.
  • The third option is creating your own small ponds in the garden.
    This path is attractive because it is easy to plant plants in such a reservoir, which will later serve as food for fish. In this case, there is no need to constantly take care of the feed and calculate its quantity. The arrangement of the pond, moreover, is more economical - after all, the cost of pools is quite noticeable.

The issue of feeding is of fundamental importance, since overfeeding fish is harmful not only for their development - the remains of rotting food in the reservoir do not contribute to a favorable microclimate of the entire ecosystem.

To equip a reservoir on the site, it is necessary to dig a pit and provide a bottom layer. To do this, alternate clay, asbestos, expanded clay and sand. You can also use concrete as a coating, and pour the soil on top.

The only inconvenience of an artificial pond: it is advisable to plant plants at least three months before the appearance of fish in it to form the desired ecosystem. Otherwise, with an earlier launch of the inhabitants, for some time you will have to feed them yourself. On the winter period it is better to clear the pond of vegetation.

The disadvantage of natural reservoirs is that the water there often does not warm up enough, and when the fish is cold, it stops gaining weight, and the food is wasted. Swimming pools can solve this problem almost completely.

Choice of direction

It depends on many factors: the region, climatic features, the interests of buyers, etc.

What kind of fish to choose for business is up to you:

  • Carp is considered one of the most profitable breeds for breeding - it is not too whimsical, and the meat of this fish has an unusual taste.
  • Trout on the market is valued three times higher, however, more effort will be required from you: this fish is unusually fastidious in care.
  • Other species are also bred - tench, sturgeon, pike, etc.

The demand is mainly for the first two varieties of fish. When choosing, you also need to remember - the larger the fish, the more it is in demand in the market, and the higher your future profit.

However, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to keep fish of different colors in the same reservoir: these creatures have their own hierarchy, and it is better to avoid collisions if possible.

Is it profitable to engage in this branch of animal husbandry?

While ensuring normal growth, well-established sales and active sales, fish farming business can be very profitable.

But to achieve such a result in the current conditions is not too easy for several reasons:

  • Compared to the 90s, the demand for fish in Russia has fallen markedly, many people cannot afford to buy it.
  • Another a significant minus - a fairly long payback.
    Fish grow extremely slowly, and some species even throughout their lives. In order to reach your maximum weight, carp takes three years, trout - two and a half. Not every breeder is willing to wait that long, so some buy "young animals", although this is much more expensive than buying fry, but here you have to choose.
  • The “capriciousness” of the fish is also important.
    For example, carp can be fed very well on special ready-made mixtures, but the taste of meat will leave much to be desired.

To make the fish tasty, it needs a lot of attention and a special diet.

Fish may lose its taste, including due to improper maintenance during transportation. In this case, the buyer has the right to return the entire batch, declaring it a "marriage".

On the other hand, the high fecundity of fish and excellent profitability with well-established channels can compensate for all shortcomings.

Farm Equipment

If you decide to breed fish in pools, for this you will need a room with an area of ​​​​50 sq.m. It should be well heated, be equipped with electricity and running water.

You can use containers of different depths: many small pools (about 1 m deep) or several deep ones. But it should be borne in mind that the larger the volume of "dwelling" for fish, the more power you need to operate the equipment.

To equip the pools you need the following:

  • Pumps for pumping water;
  • Filters that purify water from microbes and contaminants;
  • oxygen generators;
  • Thermometers and other devices for monitoring temperature, water level, etc.;
  • Incubator. If it is available, you will be able to buy not fry, but caviar, and breed offspring on your own, so you can save a lot.

At the very beginning of the activity, it is better to try to save on technology - for example, use not inflatable pools, but plastic containers, or even self-made ones.

Already in the future, after the project pays off, you can think about more expensive equipment: special pools, automatic systems feeding, etc.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, significantly increases business profitability using fish breeding modules. In this case, fry are grown in special containers equipped with tap systems for collecting and draining water, aeration, filtration and UV sterilization.

See the video about the experience of using production fish breeding modules for organizing a sturgeon breeding business:

Sample financial plan

Provided that you organize a small home farm, on which you do not use a third-party labor force and keep costs to a minimum, you might end up with the following business plan:

  • Fry - 300-500 rubles per kg.
    When deciding on the number of fry, keep in mind that approximately 10% will die, and only 30% will be able to gain full weight. Accordingly, if conditions permit, it is better to buy as much as possible.
  • Pool for growing fish - from 4 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Equipment for swimming pools - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Compound feed for fish - from 10 thousand rubles per ton.

With maximum savings at the initial stage, you can meet 100 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that trying to save on fry and, for example, catching them in a pond is not the most best idea. There is a high risk that the fish will be sick.

In the future, also possible unforeseen costs should be taken into account e.g. for treatment.

The average market value of a kilogram of fish is 200 rubles.

By purchasing fry for 15 thousand rubles, you can get a ton of meat from one cubic meter of water per year, thus reaching annual profit of 200 thousand rubles.

The business is profitable, but we should not forget about its long payback period. However, the wait is worth it in order to subsequently regularly receive stable profits.

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