The cost of growing sturgeon in knots. What species to choose for cultivation? Sturgeon breeding as a business

Demand for meat and caviar sturgeon fish consistently high. Most of the species are listed in the Red Book, are under state protection - their fishing in natural sources is prohibited.

It will not be possible to breed a valuable species in ordinary reservoirs, because it breeds only in clean running water enriched with oxygen, at the appropriate temperature of water and air. The modern technology of growing sturgeons in RAS solves this problem, making it possible to grow fry practically in home pools.


RAS is an installation recirculating water supply, created specifically for breeding sturgeon, sterlet, trout, beluga and other varieties in artificial conditions.

Installation includes:

  1. Round or rectangular pools. There are models with mobile polypropylene, stationary and combined pools. Depth and diameter vary depending on the size.
  2. Oxygen generator and pressure sensor.
  3. Filters for water purification of different types.
  4. Ozonator and flotator.
  5. circulation pump.
  6. Air compressor.
  7. UV lamps for disinfection.
  8. Water heating and cooling systems.

Principle of operation

The units operate from a flowing water supply system. The water is pre-cleaned, enriched with oxygen and is supplied in streams to the pools. This is necessary in order to saturate the liquid with oxygen as much as possible.

After a while, the water from the tank is cleaned and saturated with oxygen again. After some time, part of the water drains into the sewer, and its place is taken by a new liquid pumped from the plumbing system. And so - in a circle.

Advantages of RAS

The main advantage of RAS technology for growing trout and other sturgeons is that the plant maintains optimal temperature conditions for fish growth regardless of the season.

The optimum water temperature is +20 degrees. In natural waters, when the water temperature drops, the growth of fish is inhibited. In artificial devices, breeding is possible all year round.

The value of sturgeon fish is caviar. In the natural environment, their puberty cycle lasts from 9 to 15 years, in installations it begins at 4-5 years of age. With the help of RAS, this process is accelerated - the first caviar can be obtained in 5-6 years.

It is no secret that fish are bred for profit from the sale. Restaurants buy from farms sturgeons weighing from 0.5 kg. Under artificial conditions, they can be grown in 8-9 months - for these purposes, the power of the simplest closed water supply systems is sufficient.

To grow a kilogram sturgeon, you need 100 liters of water. V natural conditions this figure is several times higher.

Modern RAS are suitable for operation in any climatic conditions, including the northern regions.


Like any business, it has its risks. One of the main ones is financial. An entrepreneur needs to purchase and connect a RAS, purchase fry. The minimum number is 10 thousand individuals, because the volume of cases is often 50-60% of total fry. And this is subject to full compliance with the recommendations of specialists, maintaining the climatic conditions necessary for normal growth and development.


Entrepreneurs use 3 technologies for growing sturgeon in RAS:

  • Kiselev's method;
  • Krasnoborodko method;
  • breeding for caviar.

When breeding fish according to the Kiselev method, it will be necessary to stock the pools with fish twice a year. "Catch" also meets twice a year. There will be more fish in quantity, but you should not count on large individuals. For 6 months, large trout cannot be grown.

The Krasnoborodko method has an advantage in this regard, because it provides for a one-time stocking of a reservoir and periodic catching of small batches of fish. RAS are equipped with disinfecting and filtering elements, so the method can be implemented without difficulty.

Breeding fish for caviar is a separate expensive technique. To implement the plan, the entrepreneur needs to install 2 RASs that work autonomously. The first setting is intended for the broodstock, the second - for producers.

The most unpretentious is the Aksai bester, a hybrid of sturgeons. It develops faster than relatives and gives a good harvest. For the first time, females provide caviar in a volume equal to 8% of their own weight, and for the second and subsequent times - up to 20% of their weight. This is twice as much as the cultivation of the classic sturgeon.


In the natural environment, fish independently find food - algae, mollusks, insects. When breeding in artificial conditions, fry and adult fish need special food. It is selected according to the age and size of the individual.

To ensure normal development and vital activity, food must be high in calories. Sometimes minced fish is added to it or fry are planted in the pool.


The units are fully automated, so they require a minimum of personnel to maintain them - at the rate of 2 operators per 10 tons of sturgeon.

Intensive growth in artificial conditions is explained by the immediate reaction of the system to a deviation from the given environmental parameters, the possibility of round-the-clock control of climatic conditions.

Practice shows that the farmer receives up to 100 kg of products from a cubic meter of water every year, and investments in the installation pay off in 3-4 years after starting the business.

It is impossible to design a competent RAS without knowing the exact schedule of fish growth by day. Only with a program, for example in Excel, can one calculate the number and size of pools, the total biomass of fish, and the amount of feed fed per day.

Our program uses a new original method for calculating daily rations for fish. Feed consumption when growing fish is one of the main tasks, therefore, it requires rigorous calculations so that feed costs are as low as possible. We have studied known calculation methods, understood their shortcomings and proposed ways to overcome them.

The most popular in the practice of fish farming are tabular methods for calculating daily feeding rates. Each of the feed tables is designed to a certain kind fish and for food, characterized by a certain composition and calorie content. The tables define ready-made optimal values daily feeding rates (in % of the body weight of the fish) depending on the water temperature. But all this is often not suitable for real work on USV.

The tables are compiled on the basis of empirical and calculated data obtained empirically.

Dewell's method. The most common and fairly well-tested in practice is the method of calculating the daily feeding rate using special Duel tables. The dose value is set depending on the water temperature and the mass of the fish grown.

The Duell method is very convenient in fish breeding practice, but it is not without drawbacks. First, Deuel's feed charts group fish into size-weight categories that have a very wide range. For example, at a water temperature of 10 °C for a trout weighing 2-5 g, a daily ration in the amount of 3.3% of the mass of fish is recommended, and for a trout weighing 5-12 g - 2.6%. Therefore, a fish weighing 4.9 g should receive 3.3% for a fish weighing 5.1 g - already 2.6%, i.e. with a small change in weight (only 0.2 g), the daily dose of feed is sharply reduced (by 1.1%). Secondly, Duel's tables are designed for feed containing at least 30-40% of crude protein and 2.5-3.0 thousand kcal / kg of metabolic energy. For feeds that do not meet these conditions, the tables are not suitable.

Pyle method. Pyle interpreted the Dewell method and improved the accuracy of the daily allowance. When calculating the daily feeding rate according to the Pyle method, the following formula is used:

Y = ([(X – X1) (Y1 - Y2)]/(X1 – X2)) + Y1,

where Y is the desired daily dose for fish weighing X; X is the average weight of the fish being fed; X1 - average weight of the previous size-weight group (according to Duel's tables); X2 - the average weight of the next size-weight group (according to the tables of Deuel); Y1 - daily dose of fed fish weighing X, Y2 - daily dose of feeding fish weighing X2.

Haskell method. In the conditions of fish farms with a constant water temperature, the Haskell calculation formula should be used to determine the daily norm. The amount of the daily ration is calculated as follows:

Y= feed ratio * W * dL * 100/L,

where Y is the desired daily dose of feeding, % of the body weight of the fish; Z is a constant value obtained from the equation of the relationship between the mass and length of the fish (P - KL, where P is the mass of the fish and K \u003d 0.0004055); L is the length of the fish, cm; dL - average daily increase in fish length, see

To use the Haskell equation, you need to establish the average monthly increase in fish length according to data from previous years, and the average daily increase is determined by dividing the average monthly increase by the number of days of the month. The value of the feed coefficient is set from previously obtained data or calculated theoretically based on the calorie content of the feed and protein concentration. The Haskell method does not depend on the quality of the diet, since the calorie content of the feed is determined by the value of the feed coefficient.

The Haskell method is applicable only under conditions of relatively constant water temperature, since under these conditions it is possible to know the average daily gain. For trout farms with variable water temperature, the average daily gain in trout length can be roughly calculated using the following formula: dL = t °С/350, where t °C is the average water temperature in the given farm, °С. This method of calculating average daily length gain is not accurate enough. For farms with variable water temperatures, the Booterbuff and Willoughby method should be used.

Butterbuff and Willoughby method. This method is based on Haskell's trout growth theory, according to which trout growth at temperatures below 3.7 °C is negligible and can be neglected. Thus, if the farm has an average monthly water temperature of 10°C, then the sum of temperature units in a given month (MTU) is 10°-3.7°=6.3°C. Temperature units are set separately for each month of fish feeding.

The next step in the calculation is to determine the number of temperature units (TE) to obtain a unit of length increment. To establish this value, the MTU of a given month is divided by the growth of fish in a given month, also known from farm practice. For example, the MTE for June is 9.5, and the growth of fish for this month is 1.1 cm. Hence, the required number of temperature units to obtain a unit of growth (1 cm) is 9.5 / 1.1 = 8.64.

A similar calculation is carried out for several months, which allows you to determine the average number of temperature units (TU) needed to grow trout per unit of growth. According to Haskell, this value should be constant for each species of trout in the temperature range from 3.7 to 15 ° C, provided that the feeding ration is constant. Thus, this value, once set, no longer needs to be recalculated.

To determine the average daily gain in fish length, the expected MTE in the current month is divided by the number of TEs observed for trout gain per unit of growth (per 1 cm) and per 30 days. The calculation formula is as follows:

dL=MTE expected in the current month/ (TE per growth unit * 30).

dL is calculated for each month.

The obtained values ​​of the average daily length gain in a given month are further substituted into the Haskell equation described above and thus the daily dose of feed is found.

With sufficient skill, the calculation of the daily feeding rate using the Buterbuff and Willoughby method gives a reliable result. This method, according to experts, is the most acceptable, since in most farms the water temperature is not constant and fluctuates within certain limits.

Method of A. N. Kanidiev and E. A. Gamygin. For the practical use of granular feed developed for complete feed, A. N. Kanidiev and E. A. Gamygin recommend special feed tables compiled on the basis of empirical data. Their tables are characterized by a decrease in daily feeding rates as the juveniles grow and an increase as the water temperature rises. However, these measurements have large differences associated with the species of fish.

Another important characteristic for growing fish is the growth rate. It varies from source to source. It often happens that there is no detailed data for each day, but there are sample values ​​after a certain period of time.

The program, using several data available, restores the entire growth graph and predicts future growth. Three types of approximation are used: linear, exponential and parabolic.

If you are approximating the growth rate from larvae to fry, then it is more convenient to use an exponential approximation, if you are interested in the growth rate of adults, then it is more convenient to use a linear one, etc.

The program counts days from 1 to 720. Only blue cells can be changed.

Calculation example

Let's take the article of my friend Dr.Sc. Kiseleva A.Yu. "Cultivation of commercial sturgeon in installations with a closed water supply cycle", 1995. It contains data on the growth of sturgeon obtained at VNIIPRKh.

Namely: from 3 grams, the fry grows to 500 grams in 180 days, and 500 g to 1500 g also in 180 days. Those. we have three reference points: day 0, 180, 360; weight 3, 500, 1500.

As for the growth rate. We underestimate the growth rate of sturgeon in our project in advance. The sturgeon will certainly grow faster. But it is better to prepare the client for a pessimistic sturgeon growth schedule than for an optimistic one. The higher the growth rate, the higher the yield, the lower the cost of fish.

As you can see, this data is entered in fields A23-B25 in blue.

Based on this, the program built a growth graph and calculated the mass of the sturgeon from the first day to 720.

But that's not all! If you specify what feed ratio you have for different weights of fish, then the program will be able to calculate how much food will need to be fed to fish so that there is such a growth rate and such a feed ratio. In the fields I30-K37 you see a plate. In it, you indicate the weight of fish and the feed ratio for this fish. Here we entered all the data from the same article. Namely, when growing from 3 g to 500 g, feed LK-5 was used, the feed coefficient was 2.0-2.5; when grown from 500 g to 1500 g, feed LK-5 (RGM) was used, feed coefficient 3.

Now let's look at the next plate, fields I39-K64. The first column is you yourself driving in a sample of fish for which you want to know the daily ration. The second is the result.

During the initial rearing process, you can see a large percentage of feed that needs to be fed per day. This means that the parabolic approximation does not predict the initial growth of fry well, but then everything is accurate after that!

We have three such pages, for each type of approximation. But we will not describe them, you better see for yourself.

The seafood market is not yet oversaturated with offers - there is room for growth. And given that valuable fish species supplied to stores from afar cost a lot, it is possible to offer consumers a quality product at a lower cost. This will become possible if you organize the breeding of sturgeon fish at home. Experts have long agreed that the most win-win business option is the production or sale of food products. Even in a crisis, people buy food, and therefore, with a competent approach, you can establish a stable business.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 200,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

In general, it is not difficult to open a business for breeding and growing sturgeons in Russia. But this business, of course, requires a special approach and knowledge of a clear technology. The "scale" of the fish farm will depend on the entrepreneur's start-up investments - you can start both a small family business and a large fish farm. What does a businessman have to think about, regardless of the size of the planned business?

Where to breed sturgeon?

Breeding and raising sturgeon at home as a business can be carried out either indoors or in an open pond. It will be difficult to say which option is better, because in the end, this will not affect the quality of the fish.

For breeding fish, you will need a fairly spacious room (≈30 m 2) to fit everything here necessary equipment. The entire area should be well lit and heated, since the conditions for breeding sturgeons are rather harsh in terms of water temperature:

  • In winter ≈17 ˚C.
  • In summer - 20-24 ˚C.

No free closed space? Many entrepreneurs often use indoor greenhouses for their own purposes.

The business plan for sturgeon breeding provides for the use of both an artificial reservoir on your own suburban area and the rental of a natural pond. If there is an open pond, the entrepreneur will not face the task of equipping the fish habitat. The only thing left to do here is to bring the pond into the condition required for the growth of the sturgeon - thoroughly clean it of debris, provide the fish with a suitable "atmosphere" (algae, reeds, worms, mollusks).

Sturgeon breeding technology

It cannot be said that sturgeons are whimsical fish, and therefore, even in artificially created conditions, they actively grow and multiply.

Sturgeon cultivation technology implies:

  • Providing fish with a regular balanced diet.
  • Regular cleaning of the reservoir.
  • Maintaining optimal conditions for fish growth in the reservoir - temperature, lighting.

Practice shows that growing sturgeon in conditions of recirculating water supply is somewhat more technologically difficult, since equipment failures sometimes occur here that provide the fish with proper temperature indicators, and in order to save “pets”, you will have to respond quickly to any system malfunctions. A mini farm in the open air will recreate the natural habitat of sturgeons.

What equipment is required for breeding sturgeon?

Mini farm for growing 6 tons of sturgeon per year

The next thing to take care of is to buy equipment for breeding sturgeon. What is included in the standard package of a closed water supply system?

  • frame pool,
  • cleaning pump,
  • air compressor,
  • automatic feeder.

The final price of equipment for growing sturgeon varies in a wide range depending on the volume of the pool, on the availability of additional tanks, on the degree of equipment of the artificial reservoir. If we take into account the minimum figures, then the purchase of equipment will cost the entrepreneur 10,000 rubles. But the package will include a pool of small volume, which means that there will be less profit. But to equip a full-fledged plant for breeding and growing sturgeons? will have to spend at least 500,000 rubles.

Many of those who decide to breed sturgeons in cages build small ponds on their own or install home-made pools with simple components. in this case, you do not need to buy any professional equipment at all.

When buying equipment, special attention will be required for sturgeon breeding filters and pumps. The quality of the fish depends on these components.

Acquisition of fry

To start your own business, you need to buy sturgeon fry. And the acquisition of "raw materials" must be approached very responsibly, since low-quality fry can grow very slowly and often get sick. The price of fry can be different - it all depends on the specific region. Minimum cost planting material - 800 rubles / kg.

In addition to buying fry, there is another option - to buy sturgeons for breeding already adults. But in this case, you need to have special knowledge to help determine how healthy the acquired fish is. There is a very high risk of buying sick individuals.

What feed is suitable for growing sturgeon?

In order for fish to grow actively, they need proper nutrition. With the purchase of feed, no feed should arise, since there are a lot of offers on the market.

It is possible to single out the main requirements for sturgeon feed:

  • The food must be bottom.
  • The food should have a strong smell.
  • The food should not dissolve quickly in water.
  • The food should swell in water.

Feeding rates depend on the age and size of the fish.

To home breeding sturgeon fish have begun to make a profit, they must grow. Active growth is noted in the presence of a balanced diet, which contains in its composition:

  • protein,
  • fiber,
  • fats,
  • lysine,
  • phosphorus.

How profitable is the sturgeon breeding business?

All investments in business, as practice shows, pay off literally in 1 season. And business here can be built in different ways:

  • sale of fish (fresh or processed),
  • sale of caviar,
  • sale of fry.

Growing for caviar and growing fresh fish meat for sale brings a big profit to a businessman. Fry are sold if there is an excess of planting material.

You can buy fish and caviar:

  • wholesale stores,
  • individuals,

Sturgeon breeding in the household can bring a decent profit, since the finished product on the domestic market is sold at a price of at least 400 rubles per kg. At the same time, the average cost of growing 1 kg of sturgeon is ≈250-300 rubles. And if the artificial breeding of sturgeon in the pools will require investments in the amount of 30,000-50,000 (equipment, feed, fry, IP registration), then if all the fish that have grown up to 500 g, all costs can be recouped in six months.

Installation for obtaining 2 tons of caviar per year

The project involves getting eggs without killing the females, with the help of "milking". The first caviar is obtained in the 4th year (if females of the Bester Aksai breed hybrid are grown from a fry of 10 grams, the option of buying adult females is possible), reaching the design capacity occurs in the 8th year.

In the installation, you can get up to 2 tons of black caviar without killing females, or 0.5 tons of black caviar by killing females. The productivity of the caviar plant is 2 tons/year of black caviar when growing sterlet or a hybrid of the Bester Aksai breed, because they spawn every year. When growing Siberian or Russian sturgeon in caviar, the productivity of the plant will decrease to 1 t/year, because they spawn once every two years. A combined method for obtaining caviar is also possible. At the first maturation of females, eggs are obtained by the "milking" method, without killing the female. On the next year caviar is obtained by slaughtering the female. In this case, the productivity will be about 1 ton of black caviar per year. Your sturgeon breeder should be in charge of planning and organization of fish breeding operations at RAS. It determines what kind of sturgeon is better to grow, from which species and what age to create a broodstock, etc. He can grow Siberian or Russian sturgeon, bester, sterlet, etc. in this RAS. - the choice for the owner of the farm.

The plant is designed for cultivation of sturgeon species and consists of 2 independent RAS.

The minimum design "margin of safety" for all its critical parameters is 20%. The margin of safety guarantees that the filtration system maintains the operating parameters of the water in case of excess feed consumption above the nominal value. We have developed our own automation system based on the Siemens controller to provide control over the operation of the installation, control over water parameters and the feeding process. The automation system allows to reduce the number of maintenance personnel, increase the reliability of the installation, reduce the consumption of feed, electricity and heat. Automation is automatic recording and archiving of data at any interval. There is a notification system in case of accidents by sending SMS messages to mobile phone. Particular attention is paid to the reliability of the system, instructions are given for the RAS operator, what should be done first of all in various emergency situations.

Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 382000 kW

Water consumption

in year:

≈ 12600 m 3

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

in the first 4 years:

≈ 66 t


35 0 000

Built from scratch, "in the field," the project is valued at around 1.5 million euros. This price includes the cost of the building with all communications, ventilation, heating and water cooling systems. We can fit the installation into existing premises, if it satisfies our conditions.

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 200 mm,
  • heating.

Presented in an Exel file: hk_sc3_1 web.xls 2014. A list of equipment with prices and characteristics, calculation of the cost of sturgeons is given. The calculation is based on the assumption that all equipment is supposed to be purchased in EU countries.

The technology project consists of two volumes.

The first volume is 121 pages, excluding drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 76 illustrations and diagrams. A3 format drawings - 12 pcs. In Russian.

The second volume is 61 pages, excluding drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 57 illustrations and diagrams. A3 format drawings - 12 pcs. In Russian.

Developed technical (working) projects buildings with all internal communications to accommodate a caviar farm with a capacity of 1-2 tons / year of black caviar and a RAS for growing sturgeon for meat with a capacity of 45 tons / year. Projects are made according to the norms and rules of the EU and the Russian Federation.

Applied in projects original idea RAS with an inexpensive construction cost, with calculations of sturgeon metabolisms (of different ages) and system capacity. To minimize the area of ​​the building in the RAS, large rectangular pools are used.

Photos of obtaining caviar from sturgeon fish

1. Female sturgeons during the winter, 05.02.2008.

2. Early sorting of sturgeon by sex into females and males. Sorting is performed by Vasily Krasnoborodko.

Installation for obtaining 5 tons of sturgeon meat per year

Building area

150 m2

Maximum room height in the building

≈ 3.5 m (in Riga it was implemented at a height of 2.2 meters, while the floors did not break, i.e. we used only a space 2.2 meters high. The biofilter is located on the second floor)

Electricity consumption

the average:

≈ 5.5 kW

in year:

≈ 47700 kW

Water consumption

in year:

≈ 2100 m 3

feed ratio

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

in year:

≈ 7 t

1.15 EUR/kg


≈ 52200

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 110 mm,
  • heating.

Many designers of sturgeon farms use the method of growing sturgeon, proposed by Kiselev in the 80s of the last century. In this technique, it is supposed to stock the pools with fish 2 times a year (every 6 months) and harvest, respectively, 2 times a year.

This technique has significant drawbacks. It is not so easy to get sturgeon fry 2 times a year with a delay of 6 months. It is much easier to get fry once a year. Another drawback is the harvest 2 times a year. I want to harvest continuously, because. consumers need fish all the time.

Vasil Krasnoborodko developed a new method of growing sturgeon, which eliminates these shortcomings. One-time stocking and continuous (daily) harvesting is proposed. This technology makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of pools required to grow the same amount of sturgeon. The technique has been tested in Riga on .

As you may have noticed, dear readers, our RAS is quite compact. This is achieved by using a new method of growing sturgeons. The installation is certified, all permits for growing fish have been received. Tested on the cultivation of sturgeon (Siberian and Bester hybrid), trout and eel.


The level of automation is negotiated with the customer.

in equipment and software(with upgrade subscription) includes: all sensors, Siemens controller, additional expansion modules, SMS modem module, Internet module, operator panel, precision feeders and electrics.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project presented in the Excel file: hk_st5 web.xls (53 Kb).

Technological project consists of one volume. 99 pages, excluding drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 75 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

You can see a fish farm with a capacity of 5 tons of fish per year in Riga. Send applications.

Installation for obtaining 10 tons of sturgeon meat

Particular attention was paid to the automation and miniaturization of production. Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 260 m2

Maximum room height in the building

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption

the average:

≈ 9.8 kW

in year:

≈ 86500 kW

Water consumption

in year:

≈ 4200 m 3

feed ratio

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

in year:

≈ 14 t

Cost of feed in the EU (2014)
1.5 euro/kg

The cost of fish-breeding equipment, without communications, electrics and automation


≈ 89 000

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 110 mm,
  • heating.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project presented in the Excel file: hk_st10_web.xls (53 Kb). The calculation of the cost of sturgeons and cash flow for 10 years.

Technological project consists of one volume. Page 97, excluding drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 74 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

Installation with a capacity of 45 tons of meat per year

Particular attention was paid to the automation and miniaturization of production. Description of RAS:

Building area

≈ 900 m2

Maximum room height in the building

≈ 3.5 m

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 416900 kW

Water consumption

in year:

≈ 18900 m 3

feed ratio

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

≈ *** kg

in year:

≈ 63 t

Cost of feed in the EU (2014)
1.15 EUR/kg

The cost of only fish-breeding equipment, without a building, communications, concrete work, electrics and automation.


≈ 253800

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewerage, Ømin = 200 mm,
  • heating.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project presented in the Excel file: hk_st45 web.xls (53 Kb). The calculation of the cost of sturgeon and cash flow for 10 years is given.

Technological project consists of one volume. 114 pages, excluding drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 76 illustrations and diagrams. In Russian.

Installation with a capacity of 90 tons of meat per year

Particular attention was paid to the issue of reducing the cost of sturgeon.

The RAS consists of two identical modules, each with a capacity of 45 tons of sturgeon per year. Only one module will be described below, with a capacity of 45 tons.

The plant is designed for cultivation of sturgeon species. The unit is universal, it can grow any kind of fish. When changing the type of fish grown in the RAS, nothing changes except for: the temperature regime, the planting material itself and feed.
Description base case RAS:

Building area

900 m2

Maximum building height

3.5 m

Pool area

*** m 2

Electricity consumption

in year:

≈ 416900 kWh

Water consumption


** m 3 /h

per day

** m 3

in year:

≈ 18900 m3

Feed intake

per day, maximum:

** kg

in year:

≈ 63 t

Max live weight

***** kg

Average feed ratio

≈ 1,4

Number of fry, 5 g

in year:

***** PC

Implementation weight:

from 90 0 to 2600 g

a). Less than 1000 grams

7 %

b). Over 1000 grams

93 %

Fish stocking density

maximum possible:

** kg/m2

Fish breeding cycles

in year:

The following communications must be connected to the building:

  • cold water,
  • electricity, 380 V,
  • sewer,
  • heating.

The technological project consists of 107 pages, not including drawings, photographs and other explanatory material. 65 illustrations and diagrams. A3 format drawings - 12 pcs.

An example of calculating the financial part of the sturgeon project 90 tonics are presented in the Excel file: hk_st100_web.xls (53 Kb) A list of equipment with prices and characteristics is given, the calculation of the cost of sturgeon, the calculation of financial flows for 10 years, working capital, stages of construction. The extremely low cost of sturgeon is about 4 euro/kg. At EU prices, the cost of fish farming equipment is 514,000 euros.

The Russian sturgeon is one of the most numerous representatives of the genus Acipenser. This fish can be successfully bred on your mini-farm using recirculating water supply systems - RAS (they allow not only to speed up the process, but also increase productivity) or in an artificial pond. With knowledge of breeding technology and maintaining optimal conditions, based on this idea, you can create a highly profitable business.

How to grow sturgeon at home?

The sturgeon inhabits the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, the rivers flowing into them, creating local fish stocks. The body of the individual has an elongated, spindle-shaped shape, the snout is short, blunt. Coloration can vary greatly, as a rule, it is grayish-black, grayish-brown.

Breeding sturgeon at home is possible only if optimal conditions are provided environment. You can create them in an artificial pond or by equipping a closed water supply installation. For the installation of the latter, you will need a land plot with a room or an insulated frameless hangar. The area must not be less than 30 m², the best way– 100 m². It is necessary to conduct electricity, water supply, sewerage to the building, provide heating (this can be done with your own hands).

But when creating a sturgeon reservoir, special attention should be paid to the layout of the soil bed, the provision of good water supply and the possibility of water discharge. It is good if the land plot will have a natural depression or the shape of a ravine with a gentle slope, a slight longitudinal slope. If in winter it will not be possible to maintain the optimal water temperature, then the sturgeon should be moved to the pool and returned to the pond only in the spring (a few days before this, it is necessary to increase the salinity of the water - up to 5%). In addition to these options, sturgeon can be bred in thermal sedimentation tanks near power plants. This makes it easier to maintain optimal temperature conditions. The growth rate of the fish stock is uneven, but on average they gain 500 g in 6-8 months.

To turn sturgeon breeding into profitable business and to do it legally, you need to legally formalize your activities. Owners of home fish farms work under the second group of taxation on a single tax. Species classifier economic activity(KVED) - freshwater fish farming, aquaculture. SES will not check the home farm, but for the veterinary service you need to prepare a Form No. 1 certificate for planting material, a certificate for feed and know that a water sample will be taken. In order to obtain the conclusion of the veterinary inspection, allowing the trade in sturgeon, you need to provide a few kilograms of products for analysis. will not be held, since from January 1, 2016 until the end of 2018 scheduled inspections organizations, individual entrepreneurs in the field of small business.

Commercial sturgeon breeding has begun to develop actively over the past 10-15 years. For the first time, this was done in countries where natural resources are limited (USA, Western Europe). Opening a fish farm is a profitable enterprise, because in many regions it is very limited, and the implementation is seasonal or spontaneous. There are many examples in Russia successful implementation this business idea.

Advice: to reduce the effect of stress factors - the use of feed that is not characteristic of fish, the impact of fish manipulations (weighing, sorting), - it is advisable to include probiotics in food.

Equipment for breeding sturgeon at home, price

The recirculating water supply installation consists of the following parts:

  1. Pools for sturgeon (one costs about 14 thousand per 3 m³, they will need 4-10 pieces). They look like containers made of fiberglass and other materials, sometimes with viewing windows. Pools should allow you to quickly clean the water, see the herd well and not create traumatic situations (uneven rough surface, sharp corners).
  2. Pipelines (about 5 thousand rubles).
  3. Filtration system and pumps (100-500 thousand). It includes oxygen generator, mechanical and biofilter, UV unit. Needed to remove excess feed, feces from the water.

Also, at home, an emergency sturgeon life support system, a water treatment unit (for disinfection, temperature regulation, water saturation with oxygen) can be installed. There are ready-made fish-breeding modules on sale. The price (depending on performance) varies from 200 to 750 thousand rubles. Electricity consumption averages 3.7-5.5 kWh. In addition to the basic components of the system, you will need containers for transportation, disinfection of equipment, tables, cages, trays for breeding fry and hatching larvae, fish barriers, and foam traps. An artificial pond for breeding sturgeon also needs to be equipped. Mandatory components: filters, pump, UV lamps.

Experienced fish farmers say that in order to create home farm it will take about 3 thousand dollars for the purchase of equipment and an average of 1000 dollars for the purchase of fry, feed.

Advice: it is quite possible to make some equipment for breeding sturgeon with your own hands (pool, biofilter, heating system). Manufacturing instructions can be found online at specialized forums, websites, and in specialized literature.

In order to minimize the risks and clearly understand the stages of development of a sturgeon farm at home, it is worthwhile, where all the nuances will be taken into account, necessary costs and calculated the expected profitability.

Do-it-yourself food for sturgeon fish

The speed and quality of fish growth directly depend on nutrition. Special equipment will help you accurately dose each meal at home, and special filters will purify water from food debris and waste products in time. All processes in recirculating water supply installations are automated, and sensors control the hydrochemical parameters of water. Most beginner fish farmers prefer to provide adults and young fish with dry granulated feed. But you can make them with your own hands.

Advice: the optimum temperature for breeding sturgeon is 20-22°C.

There is no consensus on what proportions and composition of feeds are the best. Every experienced fish farmer has his own opinion on this matter. But the optimal nutrition schedule has long been developed. Fry should eat up to 12 times a day, adults - 6, preferably at the same time, then the frequency of food intake is reduced. The daily rate is calculated according to special feed tables, for example, according to Ponomarev. Food is given in small portions, following the palatability. It is important to know that different foods have different particle or granule sizes:

  • starting (for larvae, young animals);
  • production (for commercial sturgeon).

They must contain a sufficient amount of protein, fat, fiber, lysine, phosphorus. With experience, nutrient mixtures can be made independently. Underyearlings (young growth) of sturgeons feed on brine shrimp, tubifex, oligochaetes, daphnia zooplankton. After gaining weight more than 35 g, they begin to give starter feed. On the initial stage it is better to use industrial products. Over time, adults can be fed nutrient mixtures made by oneself at home. They are prepared from minced fish, special flour, egg powder, yeast and premix (a mixture of dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals to enrich food). Also, different recipes often include wheat, peas, and soy sprat. The diet can be enriched with silkworms, brine shrimp, chlorella.

It is convenient to organize a fish farm in a country house or in a village where there is a territory of the required size and the necessary conditions. In addition to this option, there are other opportunities to start, for example, to do, vegetables, strawberries in a greenhouse,.

Is it profitable to breed sturgeon at home?

Before opening your fish farm, it is important to determine the target market. The sturgeon is considered an industrially valuable fish. It makes it possible to obtain products such as:

  • meat (raw, ice cream, salted, dried, smoked);
  • caviar;
  • glue (swimming bladders are used for manufacturing);
  • food product vyazigu (dorsal string).

As a rule, sturgeon is grown at home to a weight of 500-600 g and sold. This product is relevant for owners of restaurants, shops, supermarkets, wholesale organizations, it can also be successfully sold on the market. Due to the downward trend in sturgeon stocks, prices for fish farm products are growing every year. In America and European countries, the market price for 1 kg of sturgeon meat is $18-22. In the domestic market, the cost of sturgeon starts from 500 rubles. According to experts, a fish farm with a capacity of about 5 tons per year gives the owner a profit of up to 2.5 million rubles, and profitability can reach 50-60%. In addition to meat, fish farmers successfully sell caviar and fry.

If the owner is not in a hurry to return the invested funds, then it is more profitable to keep the sturgeon for caviar. According to fish farmers, for 1 kg it will be possible to gain $ 700-900. If necessary, the RNKB bank can issue "For business development" in the amount of 500,000 to 70,000,000 rubles. (maturity - 6-60 months).

It is possible to create a profitable sturgeon farm by installing a recirculating water supply. It makes it possible to provide optimal conditions for the rapid growth of sturgeon in artificial conditions. The cost of a ready-made technological project for breeding, for example, 5 tons per year (including consultations and visits of specialists for setting up, launching the system) is not cheap. But you can create it with your own hands at home. Breeding sturgeon in recirculating water supply systems can greatly accelerate the growth of fish, reduce mortality compared to natural conditions.

The main conditions are compliance with the technology of sturgeon breeding in a closed water supply cycle, optimization of the temperature regime. It is these parameters that provide favorable conditions for productive consumption, the use of feed, an increase in the rate of growth and development, and oxygen consumption. It is important to remember that significant temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of young animals. Also, for the intensity of production at home, the parameters of the stocking density of individuals and the saturation of water with oxygen, the stability of hydrochemical parameters are very important.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of artificial reproduction of sturgeon by changing the timing of obtaining reproductive products and breeding larvae and young. Therefore, mini-farms must be equipped with special modules with controlled temperature regime. It is desirable to keep the broodstock and breed young animals in water with high salinity.

In addition to meat, the farm owner will be able to sell caviar. But the process of its cultivation has its own characteristics. It is necessary at an early stage to determine the sex and allocate females to a separate herd. V RAS conditions(unlike natural ones) the process of their maturation is faster due to the year-round content in water with an optimal temperature.

Modern technologies allow you to create at home automated production sturgeon with minimal losses and good profit. A fish farm must be equipped with equipment that will create the most comfortable conditions for sturgeon breeding. Knowledge of technology and a preliminary search for a sales market will turn a business idea into a very profitable business.