Sturgeon breeding equipment. Breeding sturgeon at home as a business

Budgerigars reach sexual maturity as early as 3 months of age, but their optimal breeding age is 12 months. In order to organize breeding budgerigars at home, . It is advisable, of course, to give the feathered pet the right to choose marriage partner, because only the parrot himself knows with whom it is better for him to continue his race.

The device of the house for the female

In order for the parrots to develop the instinct of reproduction, it is necessary to put a special house in the opening of the cage, without which the breeding of birds is simply impossible. In this house, the female will incubate eggs.

The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made plywood house (always with an opening lid). This design seems to be convenient for monitoring the chicks, which should be done daily.

Sprinkle the bottom of the house with a layer of shavings, which you can buy at a pet store. Alternatively, ask for it at the carpentry workshop. Hook the house to the cage and put a drinker and a feeder there with. Change food and water every day, and keep the temperature in the room at 18 - 24 ° C.

bird breeding

Budgerigars, whose reproduction begins under favorable conditions, first move from the cage to the house, where the male begins to care for the female. Then she lays eggs (as a rule, there are no more than 8 of them) and begins to incubate them. The male feeds the female by regurgitating food. During this period, it is better not to disturb the couple.

After 16 - 20 days, the chicks are born, as evidenced by a quiet squeak. From now on, you need to regularly monitor the house (if possible, do this unnoticed by the female, so as not to cause her stress). If during the inspection you find a cracked egg, cover the crack with a non-toxic varnish. Sometimes the chick can be saved.

The birth of chicks will occur approximately every 2 days. They hatch blind, naked and completely helpless. The female feeds her offspring on her own, using a special mixture secreted from her special glands.

After 6 weeks, already strong chicks begin to leave the house. For some time they are still fed by their parents, but there should always be food at the bottom of the cage.

Almost every family has a pet: a cat or a dog, fish, rodents or parrots. Pets cheer up, and care and play with them bring incredible pleasure to both children and adults. But how do you look at turning a hobby into a full-fledged way of earning? Interesting? Then let's take a closer look at the idea of ​​​​breeding budgerigars at home as a business.

Parrots have been popular pets for a long time and most people adore these cute and funny talking birds. The demand for them is quite large, in pet stores they are sold out very quickly. Therefore, it makes sense to turn parrot breeding into a profitable home business.

Benefits of breeding parrots at home

High demand. The variety of species of parrots makes them popular. Each person can choose the breed he likes, choose the coloring of the parrot. Most often they are bought for children. Growing parrots, unlike, does not require living in countryside, chicks can be bred even in a city apartment.

The cost of the bird. Some types of parrots are very expensive, but the demand for such exclusive birds is small. The most popular and inexpensive are budgerigars. Therefore, on initial stage, I recommend that you start breeding this particular type of bird.

small financial expenses. Unlike, for which you need to equip a large area, you can breed budgerigars in the city in own house or apartment. All that is needed is to purchase a couple at an age ready for reproduction, equip cages for their maintenance, and provide the birds with good nutrition. You can start small, gradually turning this business into a full-fledged business.

Disadvantages of breeding parrots at home

  • Noisy birds. If you live in a one-room apartment, then it will be difficult to breed parrots at home. The fact is that they need freedom, they need to be let out of the cage to fly, and parrots are also quite noisy birds. Therefore, think about whether you are ready for the upcoming difficulties.
  • A lot of time. Birds require constant care: feeding, cleaning cages, training. Keep in mind that parrots cannot be left unattended for a week and leave to travel. Be prepared to devote almost all of your time to your pets.

Is it profitable to breed parrots?

Given all the pros and cons of breeding parrots at home, we can conclude that this business is suitable for people who have a lot of free time and are ready to devote it to caring and raising birds. In terms of financial gain, the business of breeding parrots may well become profitable business with a competent approach to the implementation of the idea.

How to breed budgerigars at home?

If you decide to grow parrots at home, then, first of all, you need to buy several pairs of birds for breeding.

You can buy birds in a pet store, in the market or in a nursery, directly from people who breed birds for sale. But before you go shopping, you should study in detail all the information about this type of bird, decide on the breed. You can try your hand at breeding budgerigars, lovebirds, cockatoos or grays. It all depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Budgerigars are less whimsical about the conditions of keeping and nutrition, so it is advisable for a novice poultry farmer to start his business by breeding this funny bird. As for large breeds, such as macaws, cockatoos, grays, their maintenance is financially more costly.

Breeding budgerigars at home: choose a pair

Budgerigars are flocking birds that in nature keep all together, breed offspring at about the same time. Therefore, if you want to start a parrot breeding business, it is recommended to purchase several pairs at once. You can start breeding different breeds of parrots or stop at one particular species.

When choosing pets, you need to make sure that the boy and girl are not related to each other. The offspring from such birds will be weak and most likely will not survive, so be sure to consider this nuance.

At about the age of one and a half to two years, parrots reach puberty and are ready to breed. You must be ready for this stage, properly equip the birdhouse, take care of the diet, because at the moment all this plays an important role.

How to breed budgerigars?

If the pairs are chosen successfully and all are created suitable conditions to breeding at home, the birds are ready to start breeding. After 8-10 days, the female will lay the first egg, then other eggs will appear at intervals of a day. Usually, the female lays about 5-6 eggs at a time, but maybe more up to 10-12. After 12-18 days, the firstborn will appear, a small cub, the next hatch at an interval of one day. After a week, the chicks begin to see, after two weeks of life they are covered with downy plumage. A month later, the birds are already completely covered with feathers and acquire color. After 35-40 days, young parrots are already free to fly, it's time to move them to their own spacious cage.

Bird feeding

Parrots eat mainly special food, which is enriched with vitamins necessary for their full growth. But in addition to dry food, their diet should contain vitamin vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, sprouted grains. During the breeding season, birds should be given young branches of linden, apple, birch, mountain ash, dandelions. A drop of fish oil and crushed egg husks should be added to the feed, this will provide the bird's body with calcium and phosphorus, they will not get sick.

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Costs and Profits of a Parrot Breeding Business

Business expenses

  1. Buying parrots. The price will depend directly on the breed and place of purchase. Budgerigars are considered the cheapest and most unpretentious, and you can start with breeding this breed. If funds allow, then you can start growing and breeding more exotic species: grays, macaws, cockatoos.
  2. Purchase of a cage and accessories. To keep birds, you need to buy spacious cages where they will live. You will also need drinkers, feeders, entertaining toys for birds.
  3. Feed costs. Depending on the breed, the cost of food will vary significantly. Naturally, a large cockatoo consumes much more food than a budgerigar, consider this nuance.


Breeding birds can bring you a steady, stable income. The main thing is to find a profitable sales channel. For this, it is necessary to develop a competent advertising campaign. Many people are looking for pets on thematic forums and classifieds sites. Therefore, be sure to place ads on these resources. If possible, create your own website, which will contain all the information about the breed of birds, the conditions for their maintenance, price and contact numbers for communication.

Sale of parrots in a pet store. An excellent distribution channel will be a pet store. To do this, you need to conclude relevant contracts and negotiate a price.

Sale of birds via the Internet. You can sell parrots through an online store. Believe me, in modern times, this option is the most acceptable and you will quickly find buyers.

Read in this article

Someone is breeding certain kind birds for sale, someone just wants to increase the number of feathered pets, and someone only dreams of making chirping friends. Therefore, many of us are wondering which feathered creatures are the easiest to breed? Nowadays, one of the most popular types of birds are budgerigars, breeding at home which even novice poultry farmers can do.

So, the owner of parrots who plans to breed them will have to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. I'll pick a couple.
  2. Cage and nesting equipment.
  3. The study of the behavior of birds.
  4. Enrichment of the diet with useful substances.
  5. Caring for parents and little parrots.

Pair selection

Individuals selected for the role of parents must be strong and mobile. Elderly or debilitated pets often lay unfertilized or non-viable eggs. In addition, the birds should be well-fed, but not excessively. Thin individuals usually do not want to constantly sit on eggs and fully feed their offspring.

The chicks will be healthy if the parents are purchased from different breeders (this will eliminate the possibility of incest). Females are considered sexually mature if their age has reached 1 year and males from 10 months, but the highest fecundity occurs in the 2-4th years of life. With the right content, parrots are able to breed up to 9-10 years of age, and sometimes longer.

The mating season of "waves" in nature falls on June, but the reproduction of budgerigars at home can also occur in other months, moreover, up to 2-3 times a year.

Cell preparation

The main requirements for housing for budgerigars are sufficient dimensions, cleanliness and access to light. The habitat parameters should be calculated taking into account future chicks (area - 65 × 55 cm or more with a height of 65 cm). Crowding can cause parents to start destroying their offspring.

The behavior of females at the breeding stage changes greatly - they become more mobile and gnaw at everything that is in their field of vision. The owner must provide them with everything they need: pieces of apples and carrots, small branches of various thicknesses. Otherwise, cage bars, ornaments, toys and even male plumage will be used.

It is important to take into account a very important nuance that such pets will require their owners to pay attention to: breeding these birds at home will be successful only when the daylight hours are at least 15 hours. The temperature in the room where the cage stands should be + 18 + 20 ° C. In summer, it will be enough just to open the curtains in the morning, and with the onset of cold weather, artificial lighting and heating cannot be dispensed with. With the advent of the first twilight, you will have to immediately turn on the overhead light. It is unacceptable to keep pets in a draft.

How does the existing couple behave?

The first meeting of birds should take place in a cage intended for them. If the feathered "newlyweds" get along with each other, do not arrange fights with pulling out feathers, then it means that replenishment can be expected very soon. During the courtship period, the groom flaunts in front of his girlfriend, chirps fervently, sorts out her feathers, feeds from her beak, spreads her wings, raises her crest. The female, showing reciprocity, keeps near her betrothed: she sits with narrowed eyes, responds to frequent kisses. This attachment lasts until the end of life.

- a very fast process, so it very often goes unnoticed by the owners. Sometimes one time is enough to fertilize a female, but sometimes spouses do not stop mating for several days and even weeks.

Best time to breed budgerigars- This is the period from June to September, when there is enough heat, light and fresh vitamin food.

If the pair did not work out, which is extremely rare, then the birds fight or simply ignore each other, while the female does not pay any attention to the nest. In this case, the calm potential parent should be left, and the “rebel” should be replaced with a more peaceful relative.

Budgerigar Diet

During the breeding season, the food of feathered wards, in addition to traditional grain mixtures, should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Also, future parents need to provide round-the-clock access to clean water. There should always be fresh plant food in the feeder. If the treats begin to fade or rot, then they should be changed immediately.

To improve the health of volnushki, you can periodically give special food: mix a finely chopped boiled egg with grated carrots and ground eggshell or calcium from a veterinary pharmacy. Sprouted grains are useful for birds throughout their lives, but during the breeding season they are simply irreplaceable. Their average daily portion before laying should be doubled. good additional sources calcium will become special pebbles and crayons. And thin branches of fruit trees will come in handy as food, as building material for the nest and as a “sharpener” for the beak.

Nesting and offspring

A day or two after mating budgerigars, the behavior of the female changes - she begins to look for a secluded corner in the cage. It was at this time that the owner should take care of the nesting arrangement. The bird house should be hung as high as possible. The parameters of the "maternity hospital" should be as follows: bottom area - 22 × 15 cm; height - 20 cm, diameter of the notch - 2.5 cm. Do not be afraid if the expectant mother will first bypass it. Gradually, she will get used to an unfamiliar structure, begin to explore it from the outside and from the inside, and then she will certainly take up the establishment of order.

The female's tummy gradually rounds off, appetite noticeably increases, feathers thin out on the chest and stomach (she tears them out to warm the nest). And the function of dad during this period is to sit for a long time near the nesting place, chirping loudly and feeding his half. These signs indicate that the bird is definitely pregnant, and the first egg will appear soon. At this time, do not disturb the couple, checking for masonry. It is better not to touch the house at all, so that the female does not give up her familiar place or die from an unlaid egg.

It should be borne in mind that from the moment when the bird has settled in and until the appearance of the first egg, a lot of time can pass - up to one month. Usually 2-4 eggs are incubated. After hatching the first parrot, sprouted grains should be gradually removed from the diet of pets, and the proportion of vegetables rich in carotene, on the contrary, should be increased.

After the chicks reach 2 weeks of age, the behavior of the mother changes: she becomes much calmer, leaves the house more often. At this time, you can clean the nest. After waiting for the moment when the bird leaves to eat, one must carefully take the nesting place, remove the juveniles from it (not with bare hands, but with gloves, otherwise the female may not recognize her children later). By removing the waste and replacing the litter with a clean one, you can return the offspring to their place.

When the grown parrots begin to leave the nest on their own, the house can be removed, and the babies themselves can be planted from their parents in another cage.

You can separate the offspring no earlier than a month after hatching. After the parrots reach 2 months of age, they are returned to the common cage, but only on condition that the juvenile plumage has become stronger.

Breeding budgerigars is not difficult. All that is required of a person is strict adherence to the rules of hygiene and providing pets with good nutrition. Most attention will have to be paid to the first clutch, and if the owner can study the habits of his feathered wards well, then strong offspring will not be long in coming.

Video on breeding budgerigars

Budgerigars can nest and breed at any time of the year. The incentive for reproduction is the abundance of food, clean water, and the hanging of a nesting house. The nest is made of tightly fitting and well-dried boards without cracks, roughness, or burrs. There should be three ventilation holes on the back of the house. The inner size of the bottom is 22x15 cm, height 20 cm, the notch is located 2.5 cm from the ceiling and wall, the perch at one end goes out 10 cm and 1.5-2 cm inside the house. An elevation 3 cm high and 10 cm wide is attached to the side wall from the inside. The nest must have a hinged top cover for ease of inspection, cleaning, and disinfection. Sprinkle some sawdust on the bottom. Cotton wool, fabric or threads cannot be used as bedding.

Before breeding, parrots are fed with mineral feed. The duration of lighting must be brought up to 17-18 hours, the ambient temperature is 20-22 degrees C.

The female rushes about every other day and lays 3 to 12 eggs. Having laid 1-2 eggs, the female proceeds to incubate, continuing to rush. The male does not take part in the incubation of eggs, he only intensively feeds the female. The female occasionally leaves the nest for quite a long time, and at this moment you can safely inspect and clean the nest. If it happens that there are unfertilized eggs in the clutch, they should be removed. Chicks hatch from the shell after 17-18 days. The first days the female feeds the chicks with the so-called milk, which is formed in the muscular stomach and in the goiter of adult birds. The female gives gradually softened grain to the grown chicks. At this time, sprouted grain should be included in the diet of birds, which contributes to the formation of milk. Later, both parents alternately feed the chicks. After the chicks leave the nest, they are usually fed only by the male. And the female is already preparing for another clutch.

Young chicks first look out of the nest at the age of 32-34 days. At the age of 40-45 days, they already fly around the cage like adult birds.

Some couples breed chicks continuously, until complete exhaustion and death, but purposeful breeding of budgerigars in order to obtain beautiful, healthy offspring requires one to three nests per year. After that, the nesting house is removed even with the next clutch.

Possible failures when breeding parrots


1. A pair of parrots constantly quarrel.

a) parrots of the same sex sit in a cage;
b) parrots have no sympathy for each other
c) parrots were kept alone for a long time

b) change male or female
c) seat the parrots in separate cages and put them side by side, after 2-3 weeks, put the female in the cage with the male

2. Parrots don't pay any attention to each other

a) parrots of the same sex sit in a cage
b) young birds are sitting in a cage

a) choose the right one outward signs male and female
b) only sexually mature birds should mate

3. A pair of parrots lives together, one feeds the other or sorts out feathers for him, but they do not lay eggs.

a) both individuals or one of the parrots is not sexually mature
b) one or two old birds
c) there are two males in a cage

a) replace an immature parrot
b) replace the old parrot
c) establish the exact gender of the parrot and replace one of them with a female

4. The female sits firmly on the eggs, but the chicks do not hatch.

a) all eggs in the clutch are not fertilized
b) too old male or female
c) female or male at normal age, but not capable of reproduction
d) two females are sitting in the garden

a) check all the eggs against the light. Unfertilized in the light will be light and half dried at the end of the incubation period. If they have a dead embryo (suffocation), then the eggs are defective
b) replace the old parrot with a sexually mature young bird
c) replace the barren parrot.
d) replace the female with the male

5. Eggs fertilized, but with dead embryos (suffocating)

a) there is not a deep enough hole at the bottom of the nest box
b) poor diet
c) the female restlessly sits on the eggs, often leaves the nest

a) make the hole deeper so that when the female quickly leaves the nest, she does not scatter eggs on the bottom of the nest box
b) increase the supply of feed containing a significant amount of vitamins and various minerals
c) eliminate the cause of the disturbance: carefully place the cage in a quiet place, exclude noise near the nest. Increase the rate of grain mixture and supplementary feed, find out if the male is feeding or not. If the male does not feed the female enough, then he needs to be replaced. The female is a bad brood hen and should be replaced

6. Chicks die before they leave the nest

a) parrots do not have enough food
b) too ardent male or female
c) the female feeds the chicks poorly, and then completely quits feeding them
d) the female feeds the chicks well, their goiters are densely filled with food, but she does not warm them from the first days of life, and they died from hypothermia
e) one of the parrots immediately after hatching or shortly before departure kills its chicks and throws them out of the nest

a) increase the amount of food
b) transplant parrots into a large cage, reduce the amount of oily feed and increase the rate of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits
c) if the goiters of the chicks are not filled with food, then they should be placed next to other parrots, and the female should not be allowed to breed next time
d) do not disturb the parrots: do not clean the nest box before the chicks leave the nest, do not make noise near the cage
e) find out which of the parrots kills the chicks (more often the female) and replace it. If the female began to lay eggs again when the chicks had not yet fledged, then the eggs should be transferred to other parrots or thrown away, otherwise she will stop feeding the chicks and throw them out of the nest, and sit down to incubate the eggs herself. If the chicks have already fledged and the female stopped feeding them shortly before leaving the nest, then you need to hang another nest to the cage and the female will begin to lay eggs there, and the male will feed the young.

7. Male or female plucks down

a) the feed ration is incorrect
b) parrots are preparing for the next hatching of chicks

a) improve the diet by introducing an additional amount of mineral feed, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. If it is noted that parrots do not eat mineral food, then it should be given in powder form and mixed with soft food.
b) hang an additional nest to the cage. If the parrots stop feeding the chicks, then they must be transplanted into a nest with other parrots or fed artificially. However, you need to put chicks only in the nest where there are less than 6 chicks in the brood

8. Parents after the departure of the chicks from the nest pounce on them and pursue

a) parrots prepare for a new laying of eggs

a) young animals should be separated from their parents and supplemented artificially until they are completely independent.

If you want to start breeding your own pair of wavy, you should know that this is a very complex and responsible process. It has a lot of nuances. To get started, take a closer look at your parrots and answer one very important question: do they love each other? In nature, parrots from many individuals of the opposite sex find their soul mate and stay with her until the end of their lives.

In apartment conditions, birds do not have such a choice, they sometimes have to endure for the rest of their lives next to someone who may not like it at all. From such pairs of offspring, you can not wait at all. Mutual love is immediately visible: the couple is constantly with each other, sorting out feathers, feeding a partner, and if they swear, it is very rare. Usually, if a nesting house is placed in such a pair, then the female will immediately climb into it and begin to equip it. It often happens that in a loving couple, the female tries to find a place to lay eggs and does not wait for the house to be hung. She can even lay eggs at the bottom of the cage. This should not be allowed, so watch your birds and be prepared for anything.
The next question you need to answer before you start breeding parrots is about the age of the birds. In nature, parrots are ready for breeding as early as 5-7 months, but at home it is absolutely impossible to breed them before 1-1.5 years. Otherwise, the female may die trying to lay the first egg. Wavy are able to breed up to 5-7 years, and with good care and up to 8-9 years.

Inbreeding is dangerous

A prerequisite is the absence of family ties in a pair of parrots. Inbreeding can result in the death of embryos in the egg or in chicks with stunting or birth defects. Often amateurs do not understand what is dangerous inbreeding, after all, unfertilized eggs are always possible in the clutch, and sometimes the chicks die. They raise chicks, sell them, and then the chick dies at the new owner for unknown reasons.

Preparing for nesting and incubating eggs

Budgerigars can breed all year round. However, it should be remembered that for successful breeding, parrots need a long daylight hours (up to 16 hours), in winter you will have to maintain it with artificial lighting. Also, in winter and spring, there is not that excess of vegetables, fruits and greens that is in summer and autumn, so you will definitely need to give liquid multivitamins that are added to the drinker or feed. by the most best time breeding is considered summer and early autumn.
The air temperature in the room with breeding parrots should be at least 20 ° C and not more than 30 ° C, otherwise the eggs may die.

In nature, wavy lay their eggs in the hollows of trees. At home, this is provided for, which are not much different from ordinary birdhouses. The house must necessarily be made of wooden boards. There are three types of nests: vertical, horizontal and compromise (see fig.).

Each type has its pros and cons. Vertical: a high-lying notch eliminates the early exit of chicks, takes up little space, however, due to the small size of the bottom, the female, jumping onto the clutch, can damage the eggs and chicks, and if the clutch is large, the chicks will be cramped. Horizontal houses exclude damage to the masonry by the female, because. it is more spacious. However, the low location of the notch can lead to the fall of the chicks, which are not yet ready for independent life. In an attempt to combine the advantages of vertical and horizontal houses into one, a compromise type of nesting was created: they are spacious, like a horizontal one, and the entrance is located high, like a vertical one. Their only drawback is their large size.
In the bottom of the house you need to make a recess for the eggs so that they do not roll. It should be 2 cm deep and 10 cm in diameter. You also need to provide fasteners with which you can hang the house. The nest cover must be removable in order to inspect the masonry and clean inside. Two weeks before hanging the nesting house, parrots should be transferred to enhanced nutrition and gradually lengthen daylight hours. Parrots need to start giving an egg mixture consisting of boiled eggs, carrots and semolina. Increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, greens. In addition to the mineral mixture and sepia (mineral stone), the cage must contain crushed eggshells and crushed chalk, which can be replaced with crushed calcium gluconate tablets.

Usually nesting places are placed outside the cage as high as possible. To do this, either the cage must have a second entrance, or you will have to remove several rods. Many females do not pay attention to the houses, standing at the bottom of the cage or suspended from the lower entrance to the cage, as unsafe. The size and shape of the cage is very important in breeding. It should be rectangular in shape and elongated in length, not height. The minimum length is 60 cm. In small cages, there is almost a 100% chance that the female will start beating the chicks that have left the house.

Inside the nest, it is imperative to pour dry hardwood sawdust with a layer of 2-3 cm; for disinfection, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of dry pharmaceutical chamomile.

Ideally, if all the conditions for parrots are created, then the female almost immediately begins to be interested in the house. At first, it just gnaws at the entrance, checks its strength, later it starts to climb inside and prepare a place for masonry, taking out sawdust in its beak. Usually the first egg appears 2-3 weeks after hanging the house. However, it often happens differently: the male and female are in no hurry to lay eggs. If even after a month the female's interest in nesting has not appeared, then it should be removed and wait another month so that the female does not perceive it simply as part of the interior.

Since in nature budgerigars sit on masonry with the whole flock at once, it is much easier to make several pairs at once breed. But this requires a large enclosure and there should be one more houses than breeding pairs. But even in this case, it is possible that two females will like one house and they will start fighting or destroying each other's clutches in this house because of it. So it's best to keep each breeding pair in a separate cage. If there is only one pair, then it is necessary to create a constant little noise in the room with parrots. It can be just the radio turned on, music, but it is best to record the voices of budgerigars. To do this, it is enough to record the singing of your own parrots.

Once you have set up a house, you need to keep communication with parrots to a minimum. Ideally, the cage should be in a quiet corner of the room where there are no people, since nothing should distract the couple from the masonry. For the same reason, they cannot be let out of the cage to fly. After the female prepares the nesting house, she becomes more favorable to the male. The act of mating can occur several times a day, but usually this happens in the early morning. Sometimes it only takes a few matings before the first egg is produced to successfully fertilize the entire clutch. But more often, mating continues for longer, until the female lays all the eggs.

A couple of days before the appearance of the egg, the female plucks the place around the cloaca, the amount and size of feces increases, and the tail begins to twitch in rhythm with breathing. The expectant mother becomes more cautious, she does not make sudden movements and spends more and more time in the house.

After the appearance of the first egg, all additional feeding should be removed from the cage and only the main food and the mineral mixture with eggshell should be left. Otherwise, the number of eggs will be large, but their quality will be greatly reduced.

The female immediately proceeds to incubate the egg. Although often, if the female has the first clutch, she begins to incubate eggs tightly only after laying the second, or even the third. Do not worry about this, since the development of the embryo in the egg will begin from the moment of incubation. The male during this period feeds the female, sits near the entrance to the nesting area, sings songs to her. The second and subsequent eggs appear every other day. There may be 4-8 eggs in a clutch, but sometimes it reaches 10-12. Young females usually have fewer eggs than older ones.

Chick care

The eggs hatch approximately 17-19 days after incubation begins. The chicks that have appeared are more like small worms than future birds.
They have an absurdly large head, long neck and legs. They are born blind and begin to see only after a week. By the 9-10th day of life, the first stumps of feathers appear on the back. At 2 weeks old, the chicks are already completely covered with fluff and feathers are already forming on the wings and tail. By the color of the fluff, one can judge the future plumage of the chick. If it is gray, then the parrot will be with a normal color, and with white fluff - with a light one. Every day the chick will have more and more feathers, and by the age of 3 weeks it will already look like an adult.

If, 21 days after the last egg was laid, there were still eggs in the house, then they were not fertilized or the embryo died. In this case, empty eggs should be thrown out. I would not advise beginners to check the fertility of eggs for beginners, because. the eggs are very fragile and any shaking can cause the egg to die. In addition, in order to be sure of fertility, you still have to wait until the hatching period has passed.

You need to check the masonry at least once every two or three days in order to provide timely assistance, if any. A week after the appearance of the first chick, it is necessary to clean the house. To do this, you need to catch the moment when the female leaves the nest and remove it. At the time of cleaning, the chicks must be carefully transferred to the box, remove the old sawdust and pour in new ones, and then return the chicks. It is better to clean the house with gloves, because if the female is wild, then she may not tolerate someone else's smell and will begin to pluck the chicks.

During cleaning, you need to carefully examine each chick, paying attention to the paws, as droppings often stick to them, which can interfere with the proper development of the fingers. To clean the paws, they need to be soaked in water and remove dirt.

Cleaning must be done quickly so as not to force the female for too long to be nervous and not to overcool the eggs. They should be handled with particular care, as the embryos are very fragile and any shaking can lead to their death.

The house should be cleaned about once a week. It is ideal to have a spare nesting place for this, in order to simply transplant the chicks into a new house. If the female is wild and, with any intervention (cleaning, touching the eggs and chicks), begins to pluck the chicks or even abandons the clutch, then it is better not to clean the house, but simply sprinkle clean sawdust with chamomile on top.

For the first two weeks of life, the mother feeds the chicks with goiter milk, which is formed in the muscular ventricle of the female, gradually transferring them to adult food softened in the goiter. If there are many chicks, the female feeds the older ones first, and then the younger ones, since in the goiter of the female there is grain on top, and goiter milk below. To help the female, it is necessary to give sprouted grain, which contributes to the formation of goiter milk.

Later, the male also joins in feeding the chicks. After the chicks leave the nesting house, only the father takes care of them, since the female is usually already engaged in the next clutch.
The chicks leave the nesting area 30-35 days after hatching. They differ from adult birds only in size. If the female is not aggressive towards the chicks that have left the house, they can be left in a cage with their parents. However, it is better to transfer the chicks to a separate cage as soon as they learn to eat on their own. Especially if the owner does not have a capacious cage in which the entire brood can fit.

If a couple is allowed to make as many clutches as they want, then the female can make 4-5 broods. But this should not be allowed, since more than 1-2 clutches in a row will greatly deplete the female, and the chicks appear weak and often die. Therefore, immediately after laying, you need to remove the house, even if the female has already laid eggs in it. Place the female in a separate cage, gradually reduce her daylight hours to 9 hours (10 minutes a day) and transfer her to grain feed, without additional feeding. This is necessary to stop laying. It is ideal to allow the female to make either one clutch every six months, or two clutches in a row, but once a year.

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